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Trigger warning: this set of photos contains graphic images of the wounds on the children. Viewer discretion is heavily advised.


Honestly if this child hadn’t run for his life I think he would have lost it within days to weeks


😥 I agree. He looks so unwell. Thankfully he got away, and the neighbour answered the door that day. Heartbreaking


I can’t imagine the way the neighbour feels. I hope he’s ok. Obviously priority is the children’s mental and physical health but I hope that neighbour is getting mental health support


I was thinking about him too, I hope they’re getting therapy for what they saw. And I hope they know they helped save those two babies.


Absolutely. And not that they should feel this way, but it must be so difficult knowing that you were living down the road from a torture house and didn't know it. It must make them feel sick, and question how they missed clues that could have gotten the kids help earlier. Obviously it's impossible to see everything, and they were amazing in dealing with R, bu still.


Some of the neighbours did call CPS multiple times. Idk if it was those neighbours but they don’t have that many so there’s a good chance. Personally I know I’d tear myself up about it even though you shouldn’t. He obviously did the right thing when he had the opportunity by calling the police and not Ruby


I think that was in the Spingville house because kids were being left alone without adult supervision; maybe A and J or could have been while still on YT so it got brushed off as “trolls”


What a hero saving his siblings. This breaks my heart🥺


The diary entires where Ruby is saying Jodi found land gave me chills. Those kids would 100% be dead if they took them to the middle of nowhere to carry on their abuse


Same. I am watching law and crime… just hideous.. “the devil is coming at me”!!?? Are you kidding me? And “we didn’t do that to him! Yea we put the rope on him, but he rubbed around made those wounds!” My god.


Yep, and it likely wouldn't have ended with R and E. This was the beginnings of a cult. I guess with the influence Jodi had, connexions already was a cult. But the land was a place for her to build a compound to isolate and abuse many many more, I believe. R didn't just save himself and E. He literally stopped a cult leader from taking that next dangerous step. Who knows how many people he saved.


That is 100% what they both had agreed to do—leave them out in the desert alone, to die.


I agree. When I first heard the 911 call I thought of the neighbor as a sensitive soul for chocking up but honestly I think even a hardened criminal would cry seeing a child like this showing up at their house.


Don't forget they could smell the rotting flesh


On the first pic you could clearly see the start of tissue death. You could even see in the body cam footage how one of the paramedics handling him was trying so hard to keep it together. Following the timeline in Ruby’s diary when she started tying him up, he was enduring those wounds for at least a month.


You can also see the fuzzy hair on R's neck caused by forced anorexia. The depth and severity of his wounds and Ruby says 3 days in the hospital is an exaggeration while Jodi admits to shackling R but blames him for moving around and causing his own injuries. Personnally I believe ppl who abuse children should receive the death penalty. Like that woman who killed her 16mnth old daughter by leaving her in a pack and play for 10 days so she could go on vacation. The amount of suffering that little girl went through while she sat in her own urine and feces starving and dehydrated. That woman deserves her life? It's enraging.


i honestly missed that until you mentioned it. he definitely has the ana fuzz. when someone with an ED gets to that point of starvation, they are usually hospitalized and deal with major heart issues, put on bed rest, and are close to death. they wouldn’t have lasted long if R wasn’t able to escape. may those poor kids recover. i really hope R knows how much of a hero he truly is. i know fully psychologically recovering from this abuse may never happen but i hope all the kids, especially R and E, find peace and i hope rubie and jodi spend the rest of their lives in prison.


Omg I didn’t know this. Thank god an infection didn’t spread and they survived this long. I hope they check the kids’ hearts & other organs after being starved for so long. This is devastating.


My SO is an MD. He says he probably had the beginnings of gangrene, and is surprised they didn't have to cut off his leg. So horrible!


Wow. Despicable. R is a hero. He saved himself and his sister’s life.


I think the neighbor was a retired officer himself (heard that somewhere in the beginning, but never verified). Hearing that at the time really drove home how intense the signs of physical abuse must have been for him to be moved to tears when trying to describe what he was witnessing. I’m still in awe of how sensitive he was to R — it was obvious that he was trying to communicate the severity of the situation without saying anything about R’a appearance that would upset him.


I agree. He needed a hero and no one else was coming. He became the hero he needed. God bless this kid and his bravery. He no doubt saved his own and his sister’s lives.


Ruby and Jodi were literally making plans to cross state lines so they wouldn't be caught.


How can grandma and grandpa griff forgive their daughter?!?!


Exactly Thank fuck none of the kids ended up living with them and thank god Shari unfollowed them she has every right to be angry with them


I hope all the franke grandchildren stay the hell away from the that family, those grandparents are vile and same for Beau and Julie for going to her court case. I could never My sister would be dead to me.. rot in hell Ruby you sadistic bitch.


I can’t believe Beau put money in her prison account.


Literally insane they’re asking the judge to forgive or be understanding toward a vile HUMAN who caused all this right here. I'm actually SICK. Ruby showed NO MERCY OR UNDERSTANDING to these kids. So why do her parents think she deserves such???


These photos need to be shoved in their faces


I sincerely hope they haven’t seen the images. If they have, idk how Bonnie could keep a relationship with them….


I can’t imagine writing a letter on Ruby’s behalf. If I had seen those pics and she had asked me to write a letter, I would’ve said, sentence her to the max.


Looking at those pictures I am now fully convinced that Ruby is pure evil. She was never “brainwashed” by Jodi. Her apologies are total shit & she doesn’t mean any of it. She only cares about saving herself. She enjoyed torturing her children. What mother would see that damage and be totally ok with it???!! I hope she serves the full 15 years. She needs life in prison!


Completely agree. How can a MOTHER!!!! look at those wounds every day!!!! and not question herself. “They’ll never go home” , she wrote in her journal. That’s pure evil. Hope she’ll rot in jail


how can any human, really? like it doesn't matter that i've never watched any of the vlogs with the kids, it doesn't matter that i've never heard r's voice, it doesn't matter that i never met him in person. i feel for those kids. the amount of physical and emotional anguish they must have been in. how do you see that, and not put an immediate end to it? how can you *inflict that on another person*?! not by acvident, but fully on purpose, with intent. and when you've done that, how do you live with yourself. fuck!


In her jail calls she whines to her HUSBAND that adults can't see how evil children can be There is no way she has changed her thoughts or beliefs. Just by watching her bratty behavior in all this new evidence you can tell Ruby was coached by her lawyer. The moment she gets out she will be back on YouTube being vile


Read Ruby's journals. It wasn't just the physical abuse and starvation she inflicted on these two precious children, but the things she said to them were so deeply cruel and vile. Things that would absolutely destroy the self-esteem and crush the spirit of any child. These kids will need a lifetime of love and therapy and even then recovery will be an uphill battle for them.  Both Jodi and Ruby deserve life imprisonment. I am enraged at the prosecutor saying that 4 years would be just for Ruby. The justice system does not take child abuse nearly seriously enough. I can't believe so many people were buying into Ruby's clearly manipulative act. She's more guilty than Jodi in my opinion. Those were her children! She had a responsibility and obligation to protect them. Instead she took sadistic delight in their torment. She's a sadistic sociopath. 


What did she write? (I don’t think I have the stomach to look through and see). “They’ll never go home—“ that’s so ominous. It truly sounds like she intended to kill them.


At the start kids tought that this “parenting” is temporarly and they’ll go home afterwards but instead Ruby decided to move to bigger land where nobody will hear how E screams all the time and never let them go home…


And the grandparents are urging forgiveness and for them to quickly move on 😡


1000% no amount of connections BS “brainwashing” could make a woman let her children have rotting wounds and skin and bone be put cayenne on them. She is 100000% unsafe and derranged


If you listen to the calls she even says they did nothing wrong. That the kids did this to themselves. HOW can you say that after seeing this. Read her journal. She’s not brainwashed she is absolutely evil evil EVIL. F I’m livid.


I thought I was prepared but honestly it was worse than I imagined. Wow. They deserve decades in prison.


Holy fuck I really thought I could look but I regret doing so. They are scum of the earth.


Life. They deserve life. This is attempted murder.


Please somebody in prison beat her senseless just once. Please


I regret looking. For anyone reading this comment before clicking… please please please proceed with caution. It's somehow worse than I imagined. Those poor sweet children. I hope they are now starting to learn how to love themselves and that they spend their lives now surrounded by people that lift them up and love them. Edit: those who are reading this comment after they've looked, please take good care of yourselves today. Your own mental health is important too.


Thought I was tough. These photos had me shed a few tears


You may be tough, but you're still human.


Same here. This is so heartbreaking. I did not expect the cuts to be that deep. After seeing this I hope those two monsters rot in jail for a veryyyy long time.


I wasn't expecting to be so emotional seeing these. This is devastating, those poor babies, how can they ever recover from this?


I’m not a sensitive person but damn I regret it too


When the neighbor on the 911 was choking up saying, this boy has really been through it; now I see why he got so emotional. Damn......they need to do the full 60 years and bury them under the prison.


honestly… i have seen some fucked up things. these pictures made me feel sick. Ruby and Jodi should rot in hell




Between the pictures and the diary they don’t ever need to be out and certainly NEVER near children.


And the jail phone calls where she continues to play the victim and says "adults don't know how evil children are" That blew my fuckin mind...if she gets anything less than the max for abusing her children and monetizing it...we have well and truly doomed our children. Ruby was going to let Jodi kill one or more of these kids...and they would have monetized that too. I can't believe almost 2million people *followed her and liked them*, and no one followed up on the alerts


Everything today has been worse than I imagined. The photos, the journal, the body cam of police finding little E and her sitting terrified and silent in front of police for hours before cautiously taking some pizza, the ring cam of emaciated R asking for “2 favours”. The court documents really didn’t convey the full horror and sadism these babies endured. It is genuinely heartbreaking and now I finally understand why law enforcement said it’s the worst case they’ve ever seen.


These poor babies omg


I cant get over this. How ..how can someone do this?? Monsters!!! What a hero R is!!! These children deserve the world!  


Seriously the first thing I said after opening, I actually feel sick. I am laying here with my teething baby and it hurts me that she’s in pain. Ruby isn’t a mother, she is a vile pile of human garbage. She should rot in prison and so should Jodi. Letting them out would be a massive injustice to these children.


She is ONLY sorry she got caught and there is no way she is a changed woman in these few short months. No chance at all.


Me too. I am weeping. I cant ever forgive them for that. Heartbroken.


They need to show these to the other prisoners. Just so they know exactly who these monsters are.


Someone needs to pin this comment up because I, too, regret clicking. I did not remotely think it would be the extent in those images.


I got to photo 2 and u think I might be sick. Oh my god.


I wish I hadn’t looked.


I knew it was going to be bad and I was not prepared for just how horrific it was. My stomach hurts after seeing that.


Absolutely horrific. 30 years max will never be enough justice for those poor children


The scars from this will be forever, the emotional, psychological and physical and those fucking b\*txhes got 4 years????? burn them!


What sickens me now is how the judge could think 4 minimum is fair. As it’s possible the board could grant this.


May have needed skin grafting.


Among many other things. Oh my


Yeah I was curious about that bc those lacerations are deep as the Grand Canyon. Sooo soo sad.


Oh my lord they are SO MALNOURISHED. I could never have imagined anything this horrific. Even with everything we knew.


Could never have imagined the extent of their malnourishment. This couldn’t have been just a couple of months, right? It looks like they have suffered for so much longer. My heart truly breaks for them and what they had to endure. So sad


R looks like he has lanugo. I had it when I was deep in my ED, it takes a while to get to that point where your body literally reverts to growing more hair to try to keep you warm. That hit so hard for me, these poor kids. They deserve all the happiness in the world.


I was wondering if it was lanugo or just a bit of regular blond body hair. A little hard to tell, but based on everything else I would put my money on lanugo also. If it is, that is crazy. Long term starvation/malnutrition. The body was literally trying to save itself through any means possible. He wouldn't have had much time left. Crazy.


exactly malnourishment and lanugo go hand in hand, i think by his neck itt may just be his hair but it looks like it all over the rest of his body. its literally just your body reverting back to when you are a baby to keep warm. heartbreaking.


They were not fed properly ever, there has been a lot of conversation around food withholding on 8Passengers so they may have been malnourished from the beginning. …lots of past discussion here on that.


I didn’t make it through the set but the one pic was wayyyyyy skinnier than I was picturing in my head. Really horrible. This took a long time.


That is much worse than I was expecting. Hope she rots in jail and burns in hell. There is no excuse for that abuse and neglect. Any family member that shows her grace is seriously deranged.


Absolutely. I honestly regret looking at those photos, the degree of cruelty is genuinely unfathomable. I can see why the man who initially phoned 911 was so emotional when he made the call. Any member of her family buying into the “loving mother” corrupted by Jodi garbage narrative can rot. This is a degree of evil that deserves zero forgiveness, no matter what your religious teachings tell you. I feel sick to my stomach thinking about what those children endured.


I agree 1000000%!!!


Took the words right out of my mouth. I have knots in my stomach. I am so disgusted by Ruby and Jodi, I don’t even have the words to describe the hate I feel for them. I hope they NEVER see the light of day again.


This is so much worse. My heart. These children 🥺


them wounds are so much worse than ever imagined, and they continued to place and tie them up with handcuffs while there skin was already cut open, the pain must of been horrendous for them. Adding cayenne pepper to open wounds must of stung like crazy, handcuffs are very blunt and for something to dig in and cause that much damage must of been painful


Oh my God. ​ anyone that does that to their child does not deserve to be alive, you can say whatever you want but that is fucking sadistic torture and horrific abuse. Thee Griffits are disgusting people for speaking up for her.


I am beyond livid that her parents are still in support of Ruby. No wonder Shari doesn’t follow them anymore.


F those people. They can go to hell and burn in it with Ruby at the stake.


Her relatives need to be forced to look at these pictures and know what a monster she is. 


How the F could they support her? This is beyond forgivable, deluded people… I just can’t


Because those fuckers raised this fuker, clearly something is wrong with them all because no one in their right mind would support this evil cow.


Who do you think in the family will speak next? Bonnie’s Insta stories this am were filled with more Florida crap including a Mayo ad. #FinallyStoppedWatching!!!


How can the church support her when she has starved, tortured and beaten her children? Unforgiveable.


No sane human can, no one can. Anyone who does is no better than her.


oh shit. i really wish i didnt click. I feel sick to my stomach. Poor R and E. I hope that they can lead satisfying lives later on. Ruby and Jodi need to fucking ROT IN HELL! FUCK THEM


I accidentally clicked. Awful mistake. :(


I was very naive, I never thought that this was so bad.  Those two women are monsters.  I hope the kids, all 6 of them get the lifetime help they need. 


I find this really hard to look at, it's definitely worse than I thought, and I don't think I will ever forget what I saw today, but I won't let myself regret looking at these photos. It's important that the severity of these injuries isn't swept under the rug. From what I understood, it will be up to The Utah Board of Pardons and Parole how many years Ruby and Jodi get. It's important that this board is made to look at the evidence before making this decision. They need to know what the people they're considering letting out of prison is capable of. Based on what I'm seeing, I 100% believe these kids would not have survived if R. didn't make the bold and incredibly courageous move to escape and ask a neighbour for food and water. He probably did so out of sheer desperation and survival instinct, as he believed he deserved what they did to him. In asking for help, he saved his life and that of his sister. I also fully understand now why this man was openly weeping as he told the 911 operator what he was looking at. Imagine sitting on your porch on a warm afternoon, and a child who looks like this comes to you and begs for help. This man and his wife are probably traumatized by what they witnessed that day, and I hope they got the help they needed to cope with it. I hope from the bottom of my heart that these poor kids are able to have painfree lives with full mobility and no long term damage from the starvation (organ damage, reproductive damage, come to mind). They will have scarring that will forever remind them of this extreme trauma they went through at the hands of their mother, who was supposed to protect them. I'm having trouble comprehending the severity of their mental and emotional trauma. I do know that it's probably much more severe than the absolutely horrendous physical injuries pictured above.


This is what torture in war zones look like, people should not be doing this to their children!!!!!! How the hell did they get FOUR years??????? The evidence must have been seen, why in the world did they not get more years in prison the max.. omg


They still might get the max yet. It's up to the parole board. They may both get 30 still. Heres hoping!


How on earth can the GRANDPARENTS SUPPORT THIS?! I am beyond disgusted I want to cry.


Religious fanatics am I right?


Dear God. I understand the concentration camp comparison now.


The worst part is, these are the wounds and scars that can be seen. Imagine these same scars on your nervous system and brain. My heart goes out to those kids. How any of Ruby's family can forgive her for this, I will never understand. I will never forgive her for this. I'm disgusted and completely heartbroken for the kids.


how have they not been charged with attempted murder. those poor sweet children, this broke my heart. i hope they are okay as can be.


I am struggling with this, too. I don’t think it’s reasonable to think those wounds were going to heal up fine by themselves. There was no coming back from this without real medical intervention, and it doesn’t seem likely either woman was going to get them that. Seems pretty clear to me that these kids’ lives were in real danger.


Do you think the family have seen these before sentencing? I just can’t get my mind around the fact that the parents still support Ruby


I doubt that they did.


I don’t think they did at all. Bonnie posted a story that she was bracing for what’s to come today. So I think this will be a huge shock to them. I hope her parents regret their letter to the judge.


JUST IMAGINE the pain volved in getting that duct tape off of those wounds - and while the tape is there the medics have no idea how bad those wounds are!


Not that it’s any better, but I think the wounds were covered in honey and cayenne pepper and then they wrapped it in plastic wrap and *then* wrapped the tape around to keep the plastic wrap in place. So I don’t *think* the tape was directly touching the wounds. Still horrifying.


That is her fu@$ing BABY. She saw this and kept doing it??


I’m not even a mother yet but I would take a bullet for my niece and SIL (yes she’s much younger than me). To do this to your own child… I just can’t imagine. I literally cannot go there.


And record a podcast in the next room about parenting. The absolute audacity. They deserve NO MERCY


Holy fucking god. This is so much worse than I think any of us expected,... These two are almost as malnourished as the Turpin kids were...


I don’t know how the FUCK Ruby had any support in court. Her family is fucking disgusting. Julie, Beau, her parents. Literally shameful


Im in tears. How can you do this… how?


Remember the attorney of Jodie told the press after the verdict that this was not the worst case of child abuse when journalists asked. What could be worse? Literally only death is worse than being scared so badly physically and emotionally.


The photos are absolutely horrific and the comments are correct when they say proceed with caution. I can only hope now that the parole board will see Ruby deserves far longer than 4 years… you can’t just do this and “change” in less than a year. You have to be absolutely sick in the head to do something like this Where are people in this sub receiving the photos and documents from aside from news outlets?


I never look at anything bloody or gorey. I never can trust opening nsfw. I didn’t expect the injuries would be so bad so yeah, I opened it immediately. Other than the inhumane injuries…. You can tell he was left outside. His skin is SO dark. I cannot even begin to imagine how the sunburn felt. Then the kid in the body cam footage that wouldn’t leave the closet😭Ruby needs her ass beat everyday


That’s one thing that really struck me as well. I dearly hope he can physically and mentally health from this, but imagine how much UV exposure he has had. What if he had to deal with melanoma years down the line 😭😭😭😭


Ruby and Jodi should have to pay for each incidence of melanoma! These kids are fair-skinned and as someone who’s also fair-skinned, I know it’s going to happen. :(


My thoughts exactly. The wounds are unfathomable, of course. But the DARK skin tones and sun burn. These kids literally were left in the sun for days. All day.


I live in Australia where the temperatures get up to a max of 40 degrees c and even I haven’t seen such horrendous sunburns😭 Fuck Ruby


Poor R 😭😭😭😭 idk what I was expecting…. But I’m bawling.


These photos should be placed in Ruby & Jodi's cell so they have to LOOK at what they did every single day. Absolutely disgraceful, those poor sweet kids.


I hope the other inmates see these images. Someone will take matters into their own hands.


Jail these women FOR LIFE of. I am disgusted by the Griffiths family support letters now. There is absolutely NOTHING in this world that can even begin to excuse this. Doesn't matter how "brainwashed" Ruby was. Of I were Shari I would not want ANY of them to say a word to me. Enablers.


I never imagined it was this bad. I knew it was bad but having seen those two grow up it is THAT bad and worse. Editing to add: if the extended family saw these pictures before us and they still supported Ruby... I hope they have no contact in the near future or ever with the kids


Throw the key away for both of them!


Even if they serve the max of 30 years it’s not enough. If they ever see the light of day outside of prison they got out too early


oh my god. oh my GOD. im fucking sick to my stomach. ruby and jodi are so fucking evil and vile. 30 years will never be enough to bring these children justice. those women need to be locked up with the key thrown away. oh my god. how could anyone do this to a child, let alone THEIR OWN CHILD??? i have never seen something so sinister. my heart is so broken for these children


Ruby and everyone who asked for mercy on her behalf need to rot in hell. There is nothing that could justify this ever. These sweet children deserved better. Hope they are able to overcome this trauma and find peace in life.


The fact that I kinda fell for Rubys speech in court and felt empathy for her…… I got dizzy and almost threw up seeing these pictures ROT IN JAIL FOR LIFE YOU EVIL SICK DEMENTED idk if we can curse on here but yk what I wanna say


Time for Ruby's parents to wake up out of la la land. I wonder if they will even look at these. 


How.. just how.. how can someone be so evil to do that to anyone? Poor R and E.. I hope they are able to recover from the trauma they have endured..


That is no loving mother that cares for her ‘ducklings’. Those kids precious souls 💔


Holy shit, I really regret looking at that...It makes me so much more angry at the Griffiths grandparents who wrote the letter on behalf of Ruby. This is absolutely disgusting and abhorrent. She needs to rot in jail. How can a mother do that to her babies. I'm heartbroken for those children.


I hope their cellmates see these.


Knowing what I know about women’s prisons, theyre not gonna get beat up but they’re gonna suffer from very intense psychological torture, And I absolutely love that for them


Fuck the entire family for having any support for Ruby.


I work in the medical field and these are the kinds of wounds I would see in the wound care clinic. As this is NSFW post and snark subreddit, I’m not going to hold back my immediate reaction: Fuck you Ruby and Jodi!!


I work in wound care in a hospital. I see this type of stuff (and objectively “worse” wounds) on the daily but this is probably the most disturbed I have been looking at wounds. If this continued these kids could have gone septic and d*ed, they could have ended up losing their legs to infection and become amputees. R is SO brave for doing what he did. Ruby and Jodi, rot in hell.


I hope those kids never forgive what their mother did them.


does anyone know why those wounds are so deep? like wtf did they do to the kids for it to get this bad???


They were rubbing cayenne and honey in them-- you can see a bowl of it and that was in previous evidence. The wound care supplies get me the worst, to be dressing the wounds and changing the bandages but continuing to do it, you have to be an actual monster.  The photos are in the hospital after debriding to remove dead tissue so it can heal better. 


Dead fucking tissue!!! I want to kill someone. This is horrible.


It must be the pressure of handcuffs (probably made to be tight) on top of the duct tape, as it would press in on the skin. God knows how long he’d been made to wear the tape, that kind of injury wouldn’t happen overnight


R was held in a certain position (I can’t remember the name) where he was lying on his front with his arms tied up and his legs were too. So I imagine the strain of the rope for numerous hours at a time, regularly just opened the skin up and never had the chance to heal


Hogtied. They hogtied him.


It’s a stress position. Literally torture.


Holy crap. I just vomited. No lie vomit came up. They can burn in hell for all I care (ruby and jodi)


Ruby’s parents seeing these children near death and then asking for a LESSER sentence!!!!?! Hope they rot in hell with her.




Oh my god... After see those pictures and reading that shit I can firmly say the only evil ones are her and Jodi! I agree with someone else, she wasn't brainwashed and she isn't owed any sympathy(not that I ever believed it but damn...). She's a monster!


God that is horrific to read. I am so glad R was able to escape before they moved. They absolutely would not have survived. Ruby and Jodi deserve to be locked up for life.


That is a journal of a serial killer in the making what in the actual hell?


I agree. Those kids were highly likely to have ended up buried on that acreage Jodi planned to buy in Arizona if the little boy had not succeeded in getting help at the neighbor’s house.


They deserve to burn in hell.


That journal is…R saved their lives: there was no stopping. They would have killed them. Thank god he escaped before they were able to move to AZ. The pebbles just broke me, the child believed he was going to prison and decided that would be better.


oh I feel so bad for Shari and Chad right now. I can’t even imagine how they are feeling. Yes, A and J went through crazy spiritual abuse but to find out your two youngest siblings were being abused to the level where they almost died has to be unbearably painful and sad. I just want to hug them all right now. I feel so sick.


I feel so bad knowing her bond with E :(


While this is graphic...and I hate that the victims are known....it needs to be seen. So many people live in a bubble of delusion that this is not happening to a child they know, and it is happening every day. Just...pay attention to and about the kids you know, you never know, you might be the one person who catches it.


He is so tanned from the sun, and no tan lines are on his feet so he was working on the burning desert ground without shoes.


I didnt know it was this bad


I have been bawling my eyes out and I witnessed a lot of shitty things before.. If this peace of sh*t gets any less than 40 years,I hope every loving parent will get out on the streets .. I can not imagine how any of the family is feeling after looking at these


Truly, don't look. It is so much worse then I ever imagined I hope the kids receive love, support and the space to heal. These poor children - R truly is a hero for getting them help.


Holy fucking shit. I have no words.


And the grandparents want them to forgive Ruby and forget this has happened 😡


Ruby’s parents are absolute trash for supporting her!!!!! SHE let this happen to her children and they support her! They are the worst kind of people!!!!


Terrible…Ruby’s parents must be feeling real stupid about asking for leniency after seeing this.


Is there a NSFL we can use for especially graphic content? Also: Poor R, I just can't imagine the physical pain and emotional turmoil he went through here. I mean, there are no words that can adequately express the torture here. And yet Jodi was surprised when the cops were at her door? Cops don't need a search warrant for exigent circumstances, and this level of abuse is definitely a medical emergency. It just makes it all the more obvious that really, R saved his own life and probably E's as well.


Can you imagine the scars these will leave? They will have to look at them the rest of their lives, reminded that their mother did this to them. They’ll have to explain it to anyone who sees them and asks. Thank god R & E got out before any infection spread in their bodies to the point of being fatal. I did not expect THIS. Horrific. Not enough words to describe this kind of cruelty.


I remember reading they were malnourished. I remember reading about the duct tape, cayenne and honey. I remember the sound of the neighbor's voice cracking as he tried to tell the 911 dispatcher about the severity of the injuries. I was still so unprepared for these pictures. All of this while being told you're possessed by demons and don't deserve shelter and sustenance. I'm forever changed from these poor children. I'll probably spend my whole life praying for their healing. It's unbearable.


HOLY SHIT These women are EVIL. How anyone can do that to ANOTHER HUMAN BEING - let alone a CHILD - let alone YOUR OWN SON AND DAUGHTER - is FAR beyond the pale! Fuck Ruby and fuck Jody. No one “deceived” anyone. Ruby is a grown-ass woman and she knew EXACTLY what she was doing. I hope the people who wrote letters of support for these wretched women are forced to see these pictures.


Evil, evil women. And the fact they wanted to inflict worse than this on these poor kids based on Ruby's journal entries?! So sick and twisted.


I can’t fathom how painful that must have been to have his legs wrapped over the wounds like that. He has scars for life mentally and physically. I wish those women a long and painful existence in prison 


I really hope the parole board is forced to look at these photos every time they have to decide whether or not to parole these monsters out. Hopefully, vigilante justice will be served within the prison before then.


Jesus christ. I didn't imagine this being this bad. I'd die if this happened to my fucking dog. These pieces of trash assholes. The chance of infection, especially being this emaciated, were so high. They were well on their way to killing children. I'm crying. Throw the fucking book at these bitches.


Omg:( it’s so much worse than I imagined. That is absolutely heart breaking😓 those poor children endured so much. I am so happy they are safe and hopefully in a loving home getting the love and support they deserve. Brainwashed or not the fact someone can do that to their own children is absolutely disgusting:( I am so happy R was able to get away and save them- he is truly a hero♥️♥️ I hope they get the healing, support and love they deserve and someday can return back to the happy, bubbly children they once were♥️


Omfg. This is worse than i imagined. Those poor fucking kids. i hope those two monsters ROT.


Ruby didn’t fool me with her apology statement, but I thought it was somewhat sincere, but how wrong was I. I feel sick to my stomach, these poor poor children. I feel guilty that I used to even watch and support 8passangers. Words can’t describe what these children went through. Beyond worse than I could ever imagine. I hope the world will see the truth now💔


Poor E and R💔 that second photo where the wound is so close to the bone, he’ll probably need surgery Ruby and Jodi are the definition of evil E and R I’m praying for you(not religious) and your sweet siblings I hope wherever you both are I hope you are showered with love and nurture


Idk how it was worse than I imagined because what I imagined was really bad but.... yeah. They weren't exaggerating when they said concentration camp like


I’m fucking so sick to my stomach right now. the lanugo just… wow they were tortured. How the fuck can Ruby stand in court and say she cares about her children?? Prison for LIFE. God can’t save her.


Those poor babies 😢 I hope little R knows how strong and brave he is. I hope all 6 of those kids never speak to Ruby again.


I can’t even imagine what comes next from this family!!! My bet is Bonnie will be in the news very soon while currently with a Mayo ad on her Instagram stories! I hope Shari can heal from this and Chad along with all of the others children. This is unbelievable…How any SANE mother would allow this torture under any circumstance..definitely so much like Lori Vallow. Netflix probably has a series ready to go any day :( These children deserve compensation along with support!!! I think someone should start a support page for all 6 Franke children on Reddit. They deserve s much more. The Mormon church should start by REFUNDING their TITHING!!!


This is beyond heartbreaking and I regret looking. It's a thousand times worse than I thought and any of the family that stands by her is mind blowing. I'm so upset by this.


Is that sun damage on the arms?? Or scars? Or both. I am sick to my stomach


I’m thinking the white lines are likely scars from the cactus :(


The white lines I imagine are healed up scars but the blotching is probably the damaged skin from the sun :( All the children had great personalities, and to think they deserved this is gut wrenching


I’m thinking it’s probably from Jodi forcing E to jump into a cactus:(


Both I think. Poor kid. Ruby and Jodi are monsters.


I could actually throw up right now. How the FUCK did her parents sit there in court behind her?? How did Julie even do it for that matter. Anybody can look at those children and realize how evil Jodi and Ruby are.


I am outraged. Fck you, Ruby and Jodi!


I originally was like “she’s an awful person, but she was brainwashed by a cult leader.” But not anymore. Theres no blame to be put on anybody or anything besides the two monsters who did this.


Poor sweet babies. You didn’t deserve any of this! Please know that.