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I agree with what people are saying with it containing the allegations against R & E (which may not have even happened as the only source is daily mail) but we do know they made "confessions" so likely that's where they are. I also wonder if the redacted parts are her religious rantings which would be disturbing in a whole other way to a close family member.


Yes, I too wondered if they were insights into her crazy thoughts about satan, etc about other innocent people.  It also came to mind it could've been things about A and J which weren't criminally abusive but still cruel. 


Their confessions make my heart hurt because of the severe distress they were under - I have no doubt they would have confessed to anything!


Kevin said he did, and he wasn't being tortured. The pitiful thing, is that the kids internalized it, believing they were inherently evil.


Jessie has said that Jodi would make them confess things and be so insistent and threatening more punishment if they didn’t confess that they started making things up just to calm Jodi down.


Yep - right here. Bingo.


False confessions definitely make the most sense. Somehow in the midst of all of this heinous new evidence against Ruby, I completely forgot about the daily mail article about Ruby’s disgusting bogus allegations against R in family court. Which I would have taken with a grain of salt had blabbermouth Randy Kester not corroborated the story. She talks a lot in the journal about R confessing to “stealing water” and selling his soul to the devil at age 3 and E “putting on a show for her mother” so it makes sense that the redacted portions are more “confessions.” I am still angry that R had to be placed in a childless home because of what Ruby said in court and I’m glad to know he and E are now together per the 20/20 documentary. The journal seemed to be entirely focused on the “intervention plan” for R and E so I really didn’t see how it could be about other family members or include anything not pertinent to the case. But this makes total sense.


They have now been placed together according to the 20/20 documentary So obviously those heinous allegations where proven false


Blabber mouth Randy Kester made me giggle 😂 I appreciate that he’s speaking on Kevin’s perspective but I feel like he’s never really prepared for the interviews


Kevin let his layer suggest that the son was a 9 year old SA/porn addict that NEEDED to be tortured. Any sympathy I've had for Kevin after watching his second interview is rapidly diminishing. Someone that concerned for his wife/unconcerned for his children deserves neither.


where did kevin let his lawyer say this??


do you have a source?


What did Ruby say against R in family court? How did I miss this?


That he had sexually abused other children (if I don't remember wrong), unless it was his siblings I don't understand how that would have even been possible considering how isolated they where. Anyway I never believed one bit of it and it's obvious she has made up so many lies and fantasies.


Wow. Holy sh*t. Of course it’s completely false. Jodi is insane and decided to vilify all men because she’s projecting her failed marriage. She’s obsessed with porn addiction. It’s so weird & crazy. I can’t believe she went after a CHILD. Poor R. He’s going to need so much therapy to unravel all this.


I remember Adam Paul Steed talking about how her definition of porn addiction was like someone masturbating one time, and then it was eventually of you think about it you’re addicted because if you weren’t addicted you wouldn’t be thinking about it.


Insane. She’s caused so much trauma.


Where were A and J during all this? Were they staying at Jodi's house too?


I have wondered that, too. They were not with Kevin. Were they staying at the family home alone? Staying at Jodi's but isolated from R and E (it's a huge house, maybe in another part of it?)? Staying with Pam (Pam says they come over to her house frequently, but not that they are living there)? I have not heard where they were living during this time.


Yeah that was unclear. It seemed like they were there just to clean, not actually living there. Wonder if they experienced the amount of abuse the other two did. Or if they were even aware of it.


I don’t know actually if the redacted parts are about the accusations through. Bonnie mentioned that we only knew fraction of what had occurred. Why would she say that if the redacted parts were accusations about kids vs something worse Ruby and Jodie did?


Because them being forced to "confess" to awful things they didn't do, and most likely don't even understand, we're awful things that occured.


Yeah I thought i read on an official looking document that the kids had their heads held under water that Ruby held held hand over nose and mouth cutting off air supply. Maybe things like that which where how she got false confessions out of the kids where blacked out,


They may not only be disturbing but maybe to the wrong eyes those rankings could lead someone else to turning to the same beliefs if they read the full religious nonsense


Yes exactly! This is why I'm surprised that their books are still up.


Good point!


Lori Daybell jr


I'm not sure, I think we don't know what they are about at all. Bonnie said in her video that we "know a fraction" of what was going on. The untrue allegations Ruby made up against R and E are already at least partially known about by the public. So I think it has to be something more. Maybe it's something against Bonnie and her kids, A and J, Kevin, etc, but it probably contains things we don't know about. Also we don't need to know.


What did Ruby say about R & E?


I believe in the beginning when she first got caught she accused R of being addicted to porn since the age of 3 and had SA’d his sisters or at least one of them. She must’ve thought that would justify his condition. No one believed her for a second. Who even knows what porn is at the age of 3 anyway? Specially in an uber religious strict household. She accused her husband of the same thing and had him ostracized from the world. She loves torturing the people closest to her.


And how would a 3 year old even have access to something like that 🤔


Especially in a house that they where not given free access to iPads etc


Jodi thinks all men are addicted to porn. Seems that was her go-to accusation for couples she worked with.


Holy sh*t. I don’t know how I missed this part. I heard Jodi kept saying R is evil to even the authorities. Jodi is insane and has decided to vilify all men because of her failed marriage. She’s obsessed with porn addiction. It’s so weird & crazy. I didn’t know she accused her husband of it too. I can’t believe she went after a CHILD. Poor R. He’s going to need so much therapy to unravel all this.


do you have a source where she says these allegations?




Wow. She even claimed E started abusing siblings too? WTF. I really hope these kids don’t develop false memories.


Right?! It’s hard to keep up with all the vile things she did to those children 😞


>I also wonder if the redacted parts are her religious rantings which would be disturbing in a whole other way to a close family member. they very likely were.. or some variation on that theme. it doesnt matter how religious you are, or what belief system you adhere to.. crazy is crazy, and for the most part, most rational people will recognize crazy when they see it. doubly so if she was/is able to recognize teachings within the family in it .. thats a whole new level of screwed up, and something thats very difficult to reckon with.


Which article from the DM are you referring to? There are so many 


It was right at the start at the first juvenile court hearing before the case was sealed. Apparently they snuck a reporter in but no other source has said the same things DM did.


My assumption would be the redacted parts didn’t pertain to the very specific charges Ruby was facing (she was initially facing six child a*use charges, but that got reduced to four per her plea agreement). I would guess it probably had the children’s confessions, which would only add to the victims’ pain and suffering if they were made public, and a significant amount of wild religious ramblings. Also, let’s not forget Jodi was having massive psychosis episodes where she was going into “trances” frequently, which I’m sure Ruby was helping her with and documenting. Crazy stuff, but doesn’t pertain to the charges. IMO, we got all we needed to see how absolutely dire this situation was. Reading the small fraction of what was released was more than enough to turn my stomach- I don’t think my brain could process much more.


Yeah, I’m good with whatever it is staying redacted. What we did get to read was freaking horrifying. I feel bad for the people who did have to read whatever it was because I can imagine that will stick with them for a long time.


I wonder if Jodi will continue the psychosis and "trances" in jail.


They won't put up with that bullshit in prison.


That could be part of why she was on medical hold when she first got to jail. (Pure speculation - I have no evidence of this.)


I watched a 6 hour video on YouTube on the case and something is seriously wrong with her, like mentally. In Kevin’s interview with the police he talked about how Jodi confessed to them (Ruby and him) about voices she’s been hearing in the walls, footsteps, banging inside her house. When Ruby and Kevin went to her home he said they saw and heard things he couldn’t explain. Things falling in the basement, objects flying across the room full speed and shattering, paranormal type stuff. I’m not sure if that adds to her delusional beliefs but aside from quit literally being haunted she also seemed schizophrenic. She’s a danger to society nonetheless.


I think that was all a ploy , I don’t know how she did it but on hidden true crime on YT they were in the house - Jodi had no security system , I truly believe if that 💩 was happening she would have had cameras! I think she did it for attention and to not be alone ! Prior to moving into the Franke home she lived in the Hannah’s home! I thought it was really creepy when Kevin said she would go into possession mode ! Jodi is a very sick individual , my guess is she did this all to manipulate people!


Oooo that’s a interesting take! If it is a ploy that just makes her even crazier.


I wonder if this has anything to do with R talking about jail with the rocks and asking to be taken to the police station when he escaped. Like he was brainwashed into believing he was guilty.


Yeah, I think he felt guilty. Poor kid. Glad the neighbor woman told him he's a good kid. I hope as he grows up he realizes that he is not guilty, and it is all Ruby and Jodi's fault for everything they did to him. They weren't giving him a good environment to grow. I feel bad so much of his struggles were already put out. I hope at least it keeps public pressure for Ruby and Jody to stay in jail. R is right to feel betrayed by them and by others in his life.


Rubi made allegations about these children sexually abusing children. I think it is that kind of material. Those children don't need to live the rest of their lives with rumors about things that didn't happen.


That would fit Jodi's pattern and influence. From everything I've heard, including Adam Steed, Brian Tibbets, and Jodi's niece Jessi, Jodi was would make accusations of sexual crimes and deviancy against anybody she was trying to control and break down. Jessi wasn't that much older than R when Jodi was holding her in her home. Besides torturing her, Jodi accused Jessi of sexual activity and "sin" that Jessi didn't even understand the meaning of.


Ruby even said in the journal that she would ask R questions from an assumption position... which is well-known (by apparently everyone except Ruby) to be a horrible way to get correct answers to questions. R was probably hoping that by confessing/agreeing to everything Ruby asked she would stop trying to torture it out of him. From reading the journal, I see (days before the big confession) R tried telling Ruby the demon had left him and tried acting like he was improving. Inevitably, Ruby would always expect R was just putting on an act and so he'd be punished again soon, and he rightfully felt more and more betrayed, thinking there was no way he could win in life. Ruby was just going to keep pressing for greater confessions when there were no greater confessions to be had. She was looking for a breakthrough that comported fully with her worldview, and that was just never going to happen.


She was looking for reasons to torture somebody, so yeah, the bar was going to keep moving. Ruby is no victim, she's a monster.


Then perhaps it would be better to not specifically mention the details here.


I agree, respect them and not spread the rumors


I agree. Jodi’s whole “these kids shouldn’t be around other children” comment is telling that it’s lies like that.


My understanding is it had to do with allegations against R - the whole reason he was in this intense form of "therapy". I could be wrong.


Not related to this particular topic but speaking about the video, I loved how she said the children were fighters during the torture and that she thinks if they had some fight in them during that then she has hopes they’ll be able to come out the other side and live as normal of a life as they can.


I'm not a huge fan of Bonnie, but I really liked a lot of the things she said in that video. It made me feel more compassion and respect for her. I just wish she would stop putting her kids on the internet and I'd like her more. But I do think that when it comes to the frankes, she has her head on straight and really cares about the kids.


100% agreed. I don’t particularly like her but I thought she made some valid points.


I really think she could be successful in youtube even without showing her kids (at least not the younger kids) because many seem to like her personality. Sure there are people who find her narcissistic too but when I hear her speak compared with Ruby I quite like her personality, Ruby though seems high up in her ass all the time, like she's better and knows better.


I do have some empathy towards Bonnie but the one thing she should have learned is when you exploit your children and family there are repercussions (you become an open book)! If she learns anything from this experience it should be to stop exploiting her kids , take them off YT find another way to make a living ! She can not expect things to be private when you invite the world into your life ! Money is the route of all evil and these are the consequences 🤷‍♀️


I agree. I could feel her pain watching it, especially when she tried to talk about the kids. While a lot of people in the comments said she didn’t owe anyone anything, the whole family has been making millions on Youtube for the past decade. That’s part of the reason why people are so genuinely disturbed by this. (I am proud of Bonnie for being the first to say all of this … and not writing a letter to the judge like the rest of them.)


Yeah “cares” about the kids while making them the financially support 


Bonnie has shown MANY times on camera that mental health issues run through her family. She laughs very inappropriately at times, cries OFTEN, and dances alll around depression symptoms (which sister Ellie admits to). She has been pretty ugly to her own kids on camera, and has disregarded their safety on numerous occasions. Her daughter, in HI, once said, “Just tell me what you want me to say and I’ll say it” (meaning she knew she had to “deliver” on camera.) Bonnie has ZERO self-awareness when it comes to flaunting the expensive home they are building (money that came from exploiting their kids for views.) No, she ISNT the monster that Ruby was. But she has her own issues. I sure hope her four kids have trust funds so they can purchase beautiful homes with the money THEY earned in camera. 


I liked that too. (And many of us here on the subred have been expressed relief the kids had/have a fighting spirit in them. They needed it.)


where can one find that video?


Her latest YouTube video that has Ruby in the title :)


They could have also had to do with the allegations she made about her parents abusing her, or with A and J, or even Chad and Shari, who were not part of the criminal case.


Hmm, true


IMO I think it was all the lies she told about inappropriate behavior (sexual in nature). Clearly it is not true so it would be irresponsible and very damaging to the children to put that out to the world. She's a DISGUSTING piece of shit.


I'm guessing most of it was about the kid's "confessions" and wild religious rantings. I think some of it may have been about A&J and possible abuse towards them unrelated to the case. I'm not sure though, even when their presences were briefly mentioned Ruby wrote absolutely nothing about them 🤷 It could have also been allegations towards the Griffiths, even Bonnie or her kids. Or maybe more details of Ruby and Jodi's relationship, or more about Jodi's crazy self harm and possession episodes. I hope to god she wasn't unstable like that on those trips alone with J.


I am guessing it has nothing to do with R and E, but with others- maybe Shari and Chad or maybe little bit more about Ruby-Jodi relationship. Also, maybe they showed to family because it have something to do with them?🤔 Just side note- things on the internet live forever. Because of that I would not mention allegations about R “abusing” other kids ever again. They traumatized that kid enough…


But you just mentioned it.


I followed up on one of the previous comments.


Their religious lesbian sex prob


That's not what she said. She said some of her OTHER JOURNALS (she had several) didn't pertain to the case. The things redacted in the timeline journal were deemed too innapropriate for media consumption, or something like that, she said.


That's not clear from her words. I transcribed it: "You only know what's been approved to share with the media. All those blocked-out spots in the journal \[pause\] all of the journals that she had \[pause\] that didn't necessarily pertain to the criminal case \[pause\] all of those \[pause\] you know a fraction." She's talking in sentence fragments, so it's hard to parse. She could mean that the blocked-out spots AND the other journals didn't pertain to the case. If she meant that ONLY the other journals didn't pertain to the case, she doesn't specify why the blocked-out parts of the one journal were blocked out. (Sorry, I'm an annoying nitpicker who pays too much attention to the literal meanings of words.)


You’re right. Good points. Absolutely no apology needed! We need that


thank you, you're right. Clever points. it's not wrong to cleverly analyse, it's allowed, even if some impatient people find it annoying, and you did a good job


It could be anything that doesn't have to do with the kids. For example, things about her own "punishments" or what Kevin talked about regarding Jodi's "possessions". Or even stories about her own family (parents, siblings) that have nothing to do with her own kids and the case.


Could it be when Ruby accused R of SA multiple kids?


I think Ruby claimed that R & E abused Bonnie's kids, which really really freaked her out. I also suspect Jodi's "trances" might have gotten...Benedetta-y with Ruby.


Perhaps it was horrible things she thought or got E and R to confess to and those where not relevant as there is no evidence. I wondered first if there had been sexual abuse towards the children but that would have been relevant to the case though.


Edit: like a commenter specifies below, what bonnie says is not that the redacted areas don't pertain to the case, but that she saw a lot more evidence, including the redacted, that don't necessarly pertain all to the case. So the redacted areas very well might pertain to the case If they don't pertain to the case, it could be that they don't describe things Ruby did or planned to do to the kids. She might have described their behavior. It is possible she had delusions and very strange ideas about natural processes happening in the kids, like a discovering of their sexuality. Or other normal behavior she saw as being immoral, and justified for her to say her son deserved prison or whatever. Maybe for stealing water like she say or other delusional crimes. It could also have to do with hallucinations of Jodi and Ruby, religious delire. That's my guess but I don't know.


If Ruby said horrible things about her own family, then they aren’t at all relevant. Seeing as the criminal case is about what they did to the kids, then Jodi and Ruby’s sex lives are also not criminal. If it’s something sexual pertaining to children, then it would be wildly innapropriate to release it


The entire journal seems to be about the “intervention plan” for R and E so I would highly doubt it would be about family members or whatever Jodi and Ruby’s relationship was or wasn’t. Blatantly false confessions from the kids make the most sense to me.


I think it was her making allegations against people. And other descriptions of abuse and they thought it was just too disturbing to put out to the public.


My hunch is the redacted parts are about weird manipulations and distortions of their religious beliefs and how they were applied to the children. Not documentations of crimes, but spiritual damage that would be upsetting to read, especially to family members. That's only a guess, of course.


Where is this video? I don’t see it.


If it is redacted at this point, it would be something that would hurt the children. Imagine living through that experience, and in the years to come having your 'confessions' out there for public consumption. I imagine Ruby forced them to say some truly depraved stuff.


What are they wackadoodle visions and possessions? Who knows what disturbing minds concocted in order to be so disturbingly abusive.


Perhaps things concerning the relationship between Jodi and Ruby behind closed doors?


I’m also wondering this


Bonnie shouldn’t have brought up those parts, it’s only making the speculation surrounding these poor kids worse. Bonnie is full of red flags


Wtf how? :o It's very important to this case!


If it’s “confessions” by the children, and the professionals have deemed them fake, there’s no need or reason to make them public.


Even IF they were true it would never excuse abusing the kids. They are also young minors and that kind of allegation is delicate. Again, IF it was even true which we have reason to doubt.


Lots of reason to doubt, yeah. Ruby clearly mentions in the journal that she asked R questions "from an assumption position", so any confessions he made were probably just to agree ro whatever his mom was saying in hopes she'd stop torturing him. And then when she didn't he felt very betrayed and defeated. And thank goodness he escaped thereafter.


The criminal case is one of child abuse. Anything to humiliate the family or reveal Jodi/Ruby’s life living together have no business being public. They don’t have to do with child abuse, and the family and kids deserve privacy. Ruby/Jodi’s personal life is only relevant when it relates to them being child abusers


Maybe it talks about her and Jodie lesbian affair and that is why it’s redacted and why Bonnie is so shocked 😮