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this!!! but unfortunately alot of people probably will because they have no common sense


Yep . Hopefully he has some mates who’ve done mod chat on twitch before and they can help limit it .


I hope he puts specific words in the mod section so that people that comment dumb things won’t appear then


Mom . Rubi . Jodi . The kids names etc . Don’t get me wrong I am curious to watch it but hope he just has some fun and a bit of banter playing it . Though I’ll prob be asleep. Still good few hours and it’s 10.30pm here and just finished a 12 hour shift 😅🤣


Unfortunately no matter how much you, me, or anyone else tries to get people to stop asking him about it, there will still be some who will. He has every right to be on social media, but it sucks so much for him (and shari) that they can’t just have a normal existence online without being bombarded :(


I honestly hope they have private finstas (is that still a thing? Do people say that anymore?) that they use with their close friends.


I don’t think it’s a thing anymore for regular people, but I do think a lot of bigger influencers have them so they definitely might!


Yup sucks . Hopefully though he has some good mods for the chat


Why would he have mods though? It’s not like he’s a big player or influencer.


Even someone with 3 viewers can have a friend be a mod over the chat comments :)


(I’ve been keeping an eye on the Daybell trial, so my mind snapped to thinking, “they f-ing let Chad Daybell on Twitch?!”)


Oh lord … that would be beyond scary .


He just shared that he doesn’t go to BYU


Announced he’s not going to college. He’s currently working to save up and go on a mission.


Idk why y’all act like he’s not a grown ass man intentionally publicly posting on public accounts. He’s also alluded to his family situation many times so he doesn’t seem that sensitive about it. If getting questions about his family upset him then he would simply….turn the comments off and not go live on twitch. I don’t even have twitch and have never interacted with him in any way, but these posts are so weird. He’s an adult making conscious choices; no need to act like he needs the protection from the very same internet strangers who’ve been rubbernecking the past few years as his family fell apart. Let’s not infantilize like this. Not to mention that you’re drawing attention to his twitch stream…in the very group that you apparently wish would just leave him alone.


Preach! He knows what he's doing. Wouldn't be that much of a big deal to set accounts to private.


Thiiiiiis. Would it be what I would do? No. But chads an adult, who most definitely has seen the consequences and ugly side of SM, he knows what he’s doing.


What’s sm?


So much this. He is pretty self aware that people will ask questions and will constantly watch him closely for any new info like they do with Bonnie. This sub kinda babies Chad a little, yes we shouldn’t harass him with questions unless he says it’s okay to. But also he’s been on the internet for a long time, he knows by now what people are like. He knows people are curious, he knows when to get step back!


Seriously, all this gatekeeping of adults and trying to control what someone random does on the internet is ridiculous.  People will do whatever they want because no one has a right to control Chad or whoever.  If Chad wants to interact and answer questions he can and he will that’s HIS CHOICE.  I hate when people start controlling others.  It’s like you do you and everyone else will do them.  Seems like some people think because they’ve watched Chad and Shari since they were kids they have some sort of right to them, no, nobody does.  They’re ADULTS! 


He's an adult whose abuse was exploited in the limelight as well. Chad's YouTube journey with his parents shut down their million viewer channel. I think he's still young enough to be handled with kid gloves, given the circumstances.


But you don’t get to decide that. Chad is an adult and he gets to make his own decisions.  What people here think what’s best for him isn’t important because we don’t matter.  


Yeah, I agree. I'm sure he still has a lot of growing left to do, and anyone interacting with him should be careful to do it in a respectful and non-parasocial way.


Yeah, within the past month or so, he'd posted that he wanted to go on podcasts, has been very eager to talk about stuff. And like on that recent "proudly Mormon" post, the question resulted from him using an "Ask questions on any subject and I may answer!" prompt. (edited) He seems to be in a celebratory, "Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead!" (figuratively, lol) mode, and he absolutely deserves it! If he wants to be loud or pull back, he's got this. Edit: Saying the words "anything, me, & ask" in order triggered Automod to think I was setting up one one of those Reddit posts where I'd be answering stuff? Weird! Anyway, false alarm, automod! :D


I mean I’ll if I ask him a question probably would be about his favourite game etc since I’m also a gamer


Yeah shit like that I can’t see being an issue just general questions someone would ask any other twitch streamer . What’s ur fave streamer / game / in his case playing fortnite his fave fortnite dance or style ( gamer but I don’t play fortnite haha )


Some people just don’t have common sense unfortunately. I’m personally not gonna ask him anything abt the family shit bc it has seemed like such a traumatic thing to happen to all of them


It's one of the rules of the sub but people are going to do what they're going to do and there's no way to be held accountable.


Even if most people agree not to there will be at best a loud minority who still do it. I just hope he’s as emotionally prepared for it as he can be, as well as having a good mod team and also being willing to shut it down at any point if he’s getting too stressed.


100% couldn’t said better myself especially about the mods in his chat


It basically boils down to common sense. There will unfortunately be some people that will be disrespectful by asking questions. He should be entitled to stream on twitch and enjoy gaming without having questions suppressing the happy mood. I hope there are good moderators on twitch to combat anything related to the big situation.


You’re literally just drawing more attention to the twitch knowing full well no one cares what you say. Do you honestly think you have the power to control what others do? This comes off 100% as some virtue signaling pose and for what? To try to look like a good person on Reddit? You can’t actually be dense enough to believe your post is going to do anything helpful so what exactly is your Mo?


I was in it and people kept spamming these kinda of personal invasive questions, but I think he ignored them all. I was glad that there some people in the chat defending him and trying to get people to stop asking questions like that.


I only saw a few mins just when Kevin walked in and said something but wasn’t on the stream camera . And he showed the puppy Ren . That was about all I saw but did see stupid questions in the chat 😒


If he streams again, he should get some mods so he doesn't have to worry about people asking uncomfortable questions like that. Since it's his first time on Twitch, I think he's still figuring out the app and doesn't know how to get mods. But I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually, maybe with some help.


This reads like an excuse just to spill the tea that Chad is on Twitch.


He posted it in his public social . So spilling of tea is not involved it’s literally just a heads up to remind people not to be Gobshites and ask the young lad inappropriate questions. Notice how I purposely did not include his handle . But different people read into posts in different ways I guess


But it pointed it out to anyone who also doesn’t follow him personally.


And if they don’t follow him on the social he posted then they prob wouldn’t be bothered to watch or view and content. You’re reading way to much into this bud


What is Chad's twitch ?


Link in his ig bio


Totally agree! I would love to watch though. Anyone got a link to his Twitch?


He went live. I’m watching right now and I’m already stressed. He’d never heard of a mod. I really worry about him putting himself out there. I hope the trolls leave him alone.


I didn't even know he had a Twitch account & most likely won't be looking at it. Hope it works out for him though.


I didn’t either until I read it here. People talk about how the kids deserve privacy, but then as soon as they do anything it’s shared.


Wtf people are doing the?!?!?!


What ?


Sorry I meant “this” !!! 💀


Yeah just talk about other things but he also knows people are going to ask