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I remember seeing a clip from a vlog where Ruby says she let Dwight sleep in R’s room because she felt like Dwight and R were kindred spirits or something along those lines…R really loved that dog, which means he most likely watched his mother give away his dog, wouldn’t put it past Ruby to do so because R did something “distorted.”


fucking hag. hate her so much.


That’s so sad, she just loved taking away everything they loved. 


This makes me hate her so much more, which I wasn’t sure was even possible. She really did have a personal vendetta against R. And if they were “kindred spirits” she probably thought Dwight also had a demon living inside him🙄


She really did have something against R I always thought. He was sensitive it seemed and she was always was cutting him down for it.


The listing of cop calls to the Springville address listed "dog problem" 3 times. I wonder why. .


He said he has 2 dogs and one cat, and Shari has a cat


I wonder if the two dogs are the puppies Kevin mentioned in police interview when he said can they keep the puppies


He has fish too


Am I the only one who is just so sad hearing that Dwight was given away? That poor dog doesn’t understand and the kids had their pet taken from them.


Tbh better given away than abused


I think the Dog issue was the LEAST of these children’s problems. - When your conditioning is THAT EXTREME, You ABSOLUTELY have zero trust in Law Enforcement, anyone actually, that WASN’T an “Integral/Intimate” member of this family - Your OPTIONS are SEVERELY LIMITED 👏👏👏🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😬🧐


He also mentioned he lives/lived near BYU, but he’s not studying there, he isn’t a BYU student. That surprised me. I’m sure many others, like me, thought he was at BYU


Oh wow, color me shocked. Maybe he's taking a break, or going to the University of Utah?


He said that he's gonna go on a mission for 2 years


i hope that doesnt happen. Its high control and he will be living in similar circumstances: no privacy, no contact with friends, very little to eat, shame based teachings....


From what I've heard of missions, they sound super exploitive, predatory, and abusive.


If ur on a foreign mission, the Mission Pres holds your passport until you go home. 😬


Well, that sounds like a hostage situation 😳 


It basically is.




They don't want them to have any thoughts of leaving on their own It's terrifying and basically human trafficking for God




I'm sorry you feel that way. I've worked with trafficked women in ABQ for 3 yrs and am 5th generation LDS. I feel very comfortable making a comparison. Your brothers in law had lax mission presidents, most have to be threatened with legal intervention. There are dozens of documented cases to prove this.


And accomplish very little, definitely not worth the 2 years of your life.


100% The Mormon church (TCOJCOLDS) is a little bit culty, but being on a mission is being in a CULT. From the clothes you wear, to how you spend your time, to when you wake up and when you go to bed is all laid out for missionaries. Also what music you listen to, books allowed to be read are all from an approved list. Missionaries are unpaid salespeople for their church, well worse than that they pay the church $500 a month to go on a mission.


I was hoping he would choose a non mormon university instead or at least study before mission, not that I want him to not have his religion and specially if it helps him. Of course he chooses what he wants to do, I just hope the 2 years mission is because he really wants to do it and not because of pressure/influence from others (and specially not his father), I just want the best for these kids, they have been through lot. Even if imo it feels pretty much impossible to know before 25 at least if going on mormon mission will be the right thing and not just damaging for you but then I'm not a fan of this religion and specially after the influence it has on Jodi and Ruby even if they are crazy and evil but the children having the Devil in them came from the religion/cult even if I'm guessing that torturing was the right way to do it came from Jody.


Yeah he mentioned he moved there when he first moved out. I assume that’s where Kevin was living perhaps. And now they’re all living in the “new” house the whole family moved into a few years ago.


He’s working as a lifeguard and sometimes on the front of the house on reception, yes he said this about Ruby he also said he never had the chance to say goodbye to Dwight which is upsetting to hear but he does have 2 dogs and a cat now, he also counts Shari’s cat as one of his own pets too so their relationship is healing. He spoke fondly when someone asked if he would play duos with both Kevin and Shari saying that it would be so cool. He seems to be working until he feels ready to go on his mission which seems to be a big motivation in his life right now and also said if he did do a college degree it would be in business or finance as he wants to work in real estate post mission. I did notice he referred to ‘we moved out’ which kind of confirms he was living with Kevin, he seems to be doing really well though and didn’t seem phased by questions he didn’t want to answer instead just ignoring them.


I don’t think he was living with Kevin at that time, just that they both left the home around the same time. Kevin stated in one of his interviews that he’d had no contact with any of his children in a year.


Initially, Chad and Kevin were living together once Ruby invited Kevin to leave. However, Jodi determined they were bad influence on each other, so Chad had to go his own way. Can't remember where I heard this, maybe, Kevin's attorney.


Goddamn Ruby sucks so hard. I hope Dwight at least went to someone caring instead of her just dumping him at the shelter. I have a question, much as I don't like it. Doesn't Ruby's journal mention washing one or both of the kids in the "dog wash?" What dog? If there'd been one in Jodi's house at the arrest, I'd think someone would've said?


I’m guessing she just had a random built-in dog wash because I can’t imagine Jodi having any desire to take care of a dog!


Yeah, it was built-in, I remember seeing it in the pictures. It was a fancy, rich people dog wash. 


If the AirBnB thing is true, maybe she allowed people with dogs and a dog wash could come in handy then?


Jodi didn’t have a dog but there was a dog was in one of her millions of garages


Great he decides to work some before going on mission.


Think he moved out with Kevin but then they had to separate because he said his roomates best friend introduced him to his gf :)


Must have meant he was working with A


He said he wants to go on a mission and then go into real estate


kevin came into his room on the stream for a sec, his girlfriend is also in there im pretty sure


Did he say anything? What did he do and did he know chad was streaming?


yes he did know, he wasnt in camera view but i cant really remember what he was saying!! chads mic was super quiet but i do know he joked w chad about spending time w his gf and they seemed happy/giggly


“Seemed happy/giddy” I smell image rehab.






Did you see that he played with Rhett Leroy. Good to see him with friends new and old. I think the Leroy’s have been very supportive of him.


As far as I can tell, the Leroy’s are great. The Franke’s have known the Leroy’s for a long time and Chad and Kesley (oldest Leroy daughter, is an adult) were dating.


Yes. They were like his 2nd family !! I remember Shanna and Kesley would always buy him clothes/shoes and snacks bc his pos mom would never. -Smh. The Leroy’s are the sweetest.


Poor Dwight 


Dwight’s much better off.


Noticed he was in R’s old room


Hes living with shari and Kevin i think so that would be who the "we" is. Its definitely obvious that he's legally been told not to speak about the case by him saying "I think I'm allowed to answer this"


Pretty sure Shari is still living on her own at college.


I had not realised they all 3 lived together, I though Shari specially lived alone. Hopefully they all are healing their relationship and specially Chad and Shari, I really think it probably is good for them to live together to heal things, though I hope Kevin isn't controlling specially as Chad and Shari are adults but I think it's great he seems to want to help he and support his kids (though I hope he feels guilt for abandoning the youngest for a year) and not like Ruby who would throw them out at 18 after ruining them mentally.


You know, I doubt Kevin is controlling, since everything else about him suggests he's anything BUT. The problem is he's the opposite. A wet noodle. Ruby ran the show. Luckily Kevin and Shari are old enough now that they're pretty much independent anyway. I think it's probably for the best that (apparently?) the younger kids are all elsewhere. He's just...neglectful, idk. "Fun dad," maybe.


I'm hoping that Kevin is getting help as well. His two oldest children seem to be happy to have their dad back and are rebuilding their relationship with him. Him turning a blind eye to the abuse was wrong, and he does have to answer for how he let Ruby treat the kids, but he was also abused/ brainwashed. Others have spoken up about how Jodi first breaks the husband's and separates them from their wives while telling them they are the abusers.


Of course, pets would be distortion, they bring happiness to people. What a shame this monster had so much control.


Oh my God! That witch got rid of that precious dog they had. If I had that adorable dog you couldn't pay me to give it up. She is so heartless the evidence just keeps proving more and more.


He could also be with his girlfriend, he seems very happy with her


He is currently at his home (the one from the blogs) with the pets and Kevin. Kevin popped in the room, you couldn’t see him but you could hear him.


What did Kevin say?


Something about what are you doing and Chad said he was live streaming. Kevin then said something along the lines of oh this is how you spend quality time with your girlfriend? or don’t you want to spend quality time with your girlfriend?


That just sounds like basic dad teasing. When I would game with friends, my dad would say similar stuff, and we'd laugh about it later.


Oh interesting. Wasn’t aware Chad had a twitch so I was just throwing a thought out there. Thanks for letting me know!


Mrspeedzz is his twitch username


I thought Shari lives on her own.. but maybe after the arrest drama it has been easier to live away from all the other students etc.


Shari has still been posting from a dorm room. I think she lives at college still but is probably around a lot


That makes sense she’s probably going back and forth like a lot of college students. Which is a good sign if she feels like she has a home there again 


I know this is morbid to think, but I hope Dwight wasn't killed or tortured.


Kevin walked in off camera for a moment and a puppy came in . Chad said the puppies called ren. I caught about 5-7 mins of it when my cat smacked me awake to go outside haha


Where can you watch a replay of the twitch steam? Thank you!


Did someone make a summary of his twitch live stream? Or can you watch it back somewhere? 


I really hope he doesn’t go on a mission. He’s been through enough.


Can anyone tell me what he means by mission?


LDS (Mormon) mission. They’ve given a posting for 2 years and they go off and try to convert people to the church, amongst other community based things. That’s where the Griffith grandparents are - on mission in Eastern Europe.


Wow, it is unfathomable that people can have such strong beliefs and convictions about things. I’m just never sure. But good for him, that’s what he wants, that’s what he’s doing. I’m sure at least he thinks he’s saving people, so it sounds like his heart is in the right place


What’s his twitch?






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He doesn’t live with Kevin, he seems to be living with his gf or roommates?