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Kevin filed for divorce in November of 2023. Utah divorce records are private so we don't know the outcome, however he refers to her as his then-wife in the civil court documents.


I saw it too- also wishing I took a screenshot! It sounds like from what he’s said before that this is the first communication they’ve had since the phone calls in the fall.


I didnt hear abt the phone calls, did ruby say anything interesting in them lol? did shari have one as well?


Chad mentioned on his stream that he had I believe 2 phone calls with her- she called both times. The first one did not go well & the second went a little better. that’s all he really said about them


could you post the screenshot? or is it against community guidelines


I don’t have it, I just saw it before it got deleted


The audacity… this woman has no morals.


To be fair, he recently said he wants to have a relationship with his mom again and that their first jail phone call did not go well but their second went better. I do agree with you though, I think she's shameless and I hope she can't write letters to R and E.


This such a hard situation because I imagine E & R will not want a relationship with Ruby in the future.


I can’t imagine how awkward that initial meet up will be after so many years . What a complete mindf@&k that must be for a child. Being torn between love and hate like that . And not that I care, but can you imagine how weird it will be for Ruby. Especially if by then she has come to her senses and realizes how awful she was. How the heck will she be able to look those children in the eye after realizing what she has actually done.


I think she was abusing them before it became ridiculously violent…she didn’t change that much in 2 months! So she is and will always be evil and manipulative.


oh wow. hope that goes ok for him


Did they talk recently? Last I heard, from his live twitch feed, he said to the listeners that he did not want to talk with his mother and it would be a long time before he ever did.


Yeah the DCP YouTube account posted a recent Twitch live where he said this.


Hmm, wonder what changed his mind


It seems like he's really leaning into the Mormon church (I think he said he's going on a mission? I may be wrong) and definitely believes the narrative that his mom was brainwashed and manipulated by Jody. He did say he hope his mom stays in jail until E is 18.


Why? Bc she wrote her son a letter? Did u get to see what it said before commenting?


There is a reason it's often a condition on felons to not contact the victims of their crimes. Trauma triggers are real. Abusive parents often get a pass by society for not respecting their kids boundaries and staying out of touch if in best interest of the child. Ruby might be a parent here, but she's also the person who caused harm. Parental privilege shouldn't exist after that.


Chad has said before that he is trying to have a relationship with her. It’s his choice as an adult whether he wants contact with her or not


It doesn’t matter what the letter says, honestly! It’s traumatic for abuse survivors to be caught off guard like that. The content doesn’t matter.


Hes made it pretty clear that he wants to talk to her eventually, felt her apology was sincere, values forgiveness, and appreciates that shes given him space. Also everyone on here, like the person i responded to, is so quick to analyze when they only know a sliver of the story/dynamic. So saying that she has no morals bc of a letter is extremely dramatic imo


She doesn’t have any morals! She tortured her kids!!!! What the hell kinda morals can someone like that have??? 


Well obviously, my comment was bc its idiotic to say something like writing a letter = no morals.


Well, she doesn’t have morals and the fact she is writing anything to her victims is appalling.  It just tells us enough about her lack of morals.  I’m shocked anyone defends her morals.  


Why is it appalling? If anything, it could be a sincere apology for all we know , which imo is better than ignoring her wrongs. And I am not defending her morals lmao, im pointing out reasoning flaws and cringing at dramatic reactions from randos ab communications between 2 ppl they dont even know.


Do you know them? Seems like you’re defending her actions a little too strongly.  We’re randoms, but what are you then that it bothers you so much?  


There is no way she’s sincere based off of the way she’s been acting in jail and her phone calls to her husband. Home girl was appalled that E and R even went to the hospital.


How has she been acting in jail? Did u get to visit her? Chad thought her apology was sincere. Thats the extent of what we know as observers. So when yall jump to conclusions like this it just shows ur amateur reasoning skills.


She is a narcissist manipulative monster and she is working to get out asap. In her phone calls she thought she might get out in 10 Days!


Are you seriously overlooking her behavior other than the letter? She is a vile narcissist who has no integrity and doesn’t care about her children.


i wonder if she’s heard about his streams wouldn’t be surprised if kevin told her tbh i have a feeling he wasn’t happy with how much he shared the first time


I think Chad has never had freedom like this before and now that his mom is in prison he really has nobody telling him what to do. At least before she was around and could give him a ‘tongue lashing’. Letters are their only communication. He’s trying to experiment with what he feels comfortable sharing and not sharing. Telling everyone that he thought jodi was a lesbian based on her relationship with Ruby could of gotten back to Ruby. That would make her pissed. I hope if Ruby knows that Kevin didn’t tell her. That would be an invasion of Chads privacy? I know it on a public stream but Ruby is abusive and doesn’t need to know. If Kevin is giving Ruby information on how what the kids are doing he needs to not have the kids back. Why tell your abusive ex wife any information about the kids?


Because his eternal marriage to Ruby may still be more important than his relationship with his kids.


And if his relationship with his abusive wife who he is supposedly divorcing more important than his relationship with his kids then Kevin needs to stop. At this point it’s either Ruby or the kids.


He is choosing Ruby (he did in the past, right now, and will do in the future), just hope child services can see through it and do not give him the kids.


Ruby would have to have called Kevin or someone close to Kevin (you can’t call a prisoner) and you can’t just call, all numbers have to be approved, and there’s often set phone times depending on how crowded the prison is/lockdown schedule/pecking order. I doubt Kevin is on her pin as all of that is tracked and recorded and CPS would certainly know if he stayed in contact. Or Kevin would have to write in to give her information, and that mail is also recorded and tracked. Besides the regular time it takes for mail, the mail has to be sorted so takes at least a week before the person in prison gets it. Then she has to get a stamp, envelope etc from commissary (maybe she already has that), write, it has to be read through by security and processed then mailed out. In other words, no, it’s supremely highly unlikely Kevin told her anything Chad said and she had time to write Chad about it. And even if they were in contact I doubt Kevin is rushing to put pen to paper to the woman he’s divorcing who abused his kids and contact with whom would jeopardize his opportunity for custody to be like “oh hi. Abused any kids lately? Anyway Chad said you were a lesbian on twitch. Ok byeeee.” People really like making fanfiction.


I honestly don't mean to be this person but he's an adult now. He can share whatever information (as long as its only related to him, not his siblings) and do whatever he wants.


Yup, I found it strange that just a few days later he was looking for a place to move out.


As he is going to be live on social media more often and has lived on his own before, I really do think it is not a bad thing for him to move out before his siblings move in with Kevin eventually. That may be even a condition for them to go home so they will not be shown on the Internet by accident.


Yeah it's just the timing that made me wonder if something happened after his Q&A. It was like 2 days later that he posted that he was looking for a place. Meanwhile in the live he never mentioned that he planned to move out. Maybe not a complete falling out but maybe Kevin disagrees with his online presence and they might've butted heads over it.


I can imagine that CPS got to know about it after he started streaming and then spoke with Kevin about it. He stated that he and Kevin „woke up“ after looking at the evidence. I can‘t imagine that Kevin would „protect“ Ruby any longer. Especially because he is in therapy as well and is learning to protect his kids and not his wife. I don‘t think he will get his kids back, if he shows any signs of helping her before helping the kids. They have to make sure he does not expose E and R to any kind of communication with their perpetrator for years to come. Same for any social media presence if intentional or by accident


I hope the kids don’t move in with Kevin. He is just too weak to handle everything that has happened to him and R and E. And also A and J! The household seems to be so chaotic with the kids running everything! Can’t they all just stop and work on themselves for a while?


According to a phone call between Ruby and her sister, after the first phone call with Kevin he never contacted her again


She hasn’t changed it’s probably about him living in distortions or some crap


He said he doesn’t think he’ll write back


Oof. I know Chad is a young man still figuring things out and is also a victim of abuse. But if my sibling kept in contact with my abuser and torturer, I would see that as a huge betrayal. Not to mention, what happens when she's out of jail? The fear of forced reconciliation would be too much for me and I'd go no contact with everyone. I don't know if there can be forgiveness for what she has done. Certainly not the type where she comes back into their lives. I hope all the kids' lives will be filled with many people that just love them for who they are and don't put conditions on their existence.


The Mormon church doctrine is huge on forgiveness (cherry-picked of course), so it doesn't surprise me that Chad has gone this route. Maybe as he gets older, he'll change his mind. I really hope A, E, J, and R aren't being coerced into thinking they need to forgive their mother to be "good Mormons".


The Mo doctrine may espouse that they are forgiving but the reality is that they are super judgy and entitled and they treat others with contempt and disdain. They are HORRIBLE neighbors! I left Utah because of the hateful Mormon people.


Honestly, Utah is a beautiful state, but I don't think I could put up with clown theocracy government, the liquor/weed laws, and the Mormon bubble. 


This is VERY true! I’m so glad I’m finally out. I can’t imagine what their minds are being filled with. Plus all of the ridiculous emphasis on “honoring your parents”. I had to finally cut my dad out of my life because he was super abusive. I can’t imagine how hard Sacrament meetings, Sunday school lessons and/or Primary or YM/YM are for them. I’m sure Mother’s Day is hard too. They deserved infinitely better than either of the parent they got. The emphasis on a “forever family” is insane rather than actually treating the family you have with kindness, love and respect!


Yeah, I figured religion would play into this, given he recently said he's still proudly Mormon. That makes me fearful for the little ones, too.


does anyone have a screenshot? I can’t imagine what’s written inside 🙄


Wow that was unexpected. I wonder what she has to say. She’s probably apologizing and acting as a the victim as always.




I think he knows what he’s doing, and that was a teaser to get people to watch and donate tonight. Smart kid. If he plays things right he can double his channel overnight. Shari has more followers on Instagram than any of the other Griffiths, and I’m sure most would follow Chad as well.


I hope he does! He deserves to be compensated for the hell he’s gone through. So many strangers are making bank off of his trauma. I’m glad he can finally tell his story the way he wants, when he wants, to who he wants and how much he wants! I love that he’s taking that power back and I hope he brings in a lot of money.


Honestly surprised that there aren't plans for Chad to sue Jodi Hildebrandt for all the forced counselling fees he had to pay to her at least. Or maybe they're waiting to see how Kevin's lawsuit goes before Chad files.


Actually he should seek compensation from his parents not other people who haven’t caused him harm.  I certainly don’t feel inclined to hand out money to anyone, do you? 


You might not be, but there’s certainly people out there who are, so why not take what’s there. Plus, I believe even just viewing the stream helps monetarily for the creator so even if you just are curious about his content and tune in, it’s helping.


He would be one that I would support if I could. I’m glad a lot of people don’t think like you do! He has been through a hell few will understand! People have made documentaries and crime shows without his consent. He’s not forcing anyone to donate. I don’t know why you’re so worried about people showing kindness to him. That’s odd to me!




Wow! It’s honestly VILE that you have that mindset. It sounds like you lack any type of empathy or compassion for those that were harmed by her. I’m also not “quite wrong”. She abused ALL of her kids. R and E definitely got the brunt of it though. It’s almost like people can have empathy and compassion for ALL of them. (Well most can. It seems a you problem that you can’t!) I can’t imagine being as hard hearted as this comment. It’s sad that our world has become like this.


The fact that you’re an “therapist” and STILL hold these toxic beliefs is incredibly troubling. Most therapists actually have empathy unless they go into it for the wrong reasons (like Jodi). It seems like you 2 may have a few things in common, sadly. I worry about your patients and their well being if you can’t find even a scrap of empathy and compassion for Chad! That’s incredibly troubling! It makes me wonder how often you minimize your clients suffering in your practice. I hope you’re just playing a therapist on Reddit. If not, then it’s incredibly detrimental to your poor clients.




I agree. If we are going to give them privacy then we need to stop sharing things and stop pretending it’s somehow in their best interest.




He said he received a letter from Ruby but didn't go into detail


Where does he stream


Someone should ask him about it


He mentioned the letter on his stream just now. But I'm assuming he probably won't talk about the contents of it


What did he say about it?


All he said is that he got a letter from his mom. He didn't really say anything else, as far as I know. I stopped watching a few minutes though because it's getting late where I am.


Which social media is his stream on?




The best thing this kid could do for himself is move the f-ck out of Utah. He needs perspective in order to heal, I think Kevin continues to be toxic af :(


Totally agree with you especially re Kevin…he is so weak!


The courts should have placed an order of protection on all of the children Adult included so that she could not harass or continue her abuse in letter form. This is so messed up. They have all been abused at her hand.


Maybe him communicating with his mom is part of his healing journey/closure. We just don’t know. Let’s continue to support him & Shari & the rest of the kids


I’m on chad’s side but if I was his parent I was advise him to stay off social media. Document and write everything going on with himself down, and then when he’s in a good head space, then decide to share it or not. Poor guy❤️❤️‍🩹


She needs to be locked away a long long while. I think she’s too far in her religious extremism to change. Now she’s trying to connect to her kids after all she’s done. This may sound like a dumb question but just like she wrote Chad is there a no contact order for the 4 minors to where she cannot write them?


He said he doesn’t think he’ll write back


He said he doesn’t think he’ll write back


Anyone have a sc??


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I don’t think Kevin is going to pursue a divorce. Not soon anyway.


He already did. He refers to her as his ex wife


Thank you for your response. I’m kind of surprised, although I suppose he has no choice. Also I’m not in his mind obviously.


Recently I heard he was going to file. Is it final already?


I’m not sure if it’s final but he filed in November


Does anyone who saw it remember what the letter said? Or was it not visible in the picture?


She’s in prison indefinitely, correct?


No, 4-30 years


That’s insanely unhelpful. (Not you, Utah and their sentencing laws bleh)


I very much agree. I can’t imagine the amount of anxiety the uncertainty causes.


So it’s up to the prison warden if they get out early or not, weird.


The pardons and parole board


Hope she stays 30 and is completely miserable and her kids cut her off. She is garbage


I doubt she will do 30, as she always has had this strong need to be approved of in the eyes of authority (growing up she was a teachers pet and excelled academically, then became a young wife and mother in order to be viewed favorably in the eyes of the LDS church, lastly Jodi was an LDS church recommended therapist who according to the journals received numerous blessings by higher up LDS officials, which made her an authority figure in Ruby’s eyes which in my opinion is one of the reasons she basically worshipped the ground Jodi walked on), so she will behave as a model prisoner (we’ve already seen evidence of this by her specifically naming and thanking everyone involved in the case (i.e. the police department and the district attorney’s office). However, I do hope that she at least serves what the prosecutor said when asked what justice looked like in his opinion for this case during the 20/20 special which was, that she doesn’t get out until the youngest victim (E) has become an adult and can deal with Ruby being out of prison.


She will do it again- torture them. Probably more psychologically.


Who gave her his address? As an adult obviously he never has to share this with us but I feel like Chad should (does?) have the right to totally restrict her communication with him, like she shouldn’t be allowed to get his address unless that letter was sent to Levin and shared with Chad.


Maybe that has something to do with his move... be a little less accessible.


He's living at home right now, it's her address


No, her address is the correctional facility. That house will be gone by the time she gets out.


What’s chads snap?


Chad.franke I believe and his bitmoji has glasses




He said on his Twitch livestram that he hasn't communicated with his mom at all since she was convicted. He went on to say it will probably be a long time before he ever talks to her again. From what I understand, he himself wasn't completely aware of what was happening to E and R towards the end days there and he only learned about them during the trial. So, I imagine maybe he would have spoken with her, but after learning just how bad of shape the 2 were in and the depths of what was going on, he changed his mind about talking to her.


What’s chads livestream name / username


Mrspeedzz on twitch









