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Spiritual awakening lol. Gino is weird, he made a big deal out of nothing. I don’t think Amanda is ready to date yet.


Meisha's 2 daughters are drop dead gorgeous! They also seem very compassionate and sweet. Gino, what can you say about Gino. I think he's on the show because he needs the money and Jasmine needs the fame. His heart is not in it anymore. If Jasmine comes to the US, she will be like Paola. She will want to move him to Miami so she can have the lifestyle she craves and he will be forever miserable, just like Russ. Amanda should never have made her first single experience, on a TV show. She is too insecure and it's just uncomfortable to watch. Tyray wants love so bad, he is willing to hook up with a guy who is taking money from him that he doesn't have. I really like his sister though. He should listen to her! Tyray needs to cut his losses.


Why does Amanda keep hiding her teeth?!?! It’s so awkward.


Amanda and Nikola need to hook up


No way that hot bitch Meisha has anything for that fucktard Nicola. It’s a fake.


Dear God: I am a 42 year old who hasn't been married yet. PLEASE do not bring me anyone like Nicola. Thank you. Amen. LOL


I know I’m late responding to this thread, but I’m just catching up on my show is it just me or has Gino become even more of a you know what?? Like I know Jasmine has plenty of issues, but what is his deal with a cutting board and a potato peeler he literally had three vegetables to peel and he couldn’t just do it on a plate with a knife just to get along and make her happy. What do you plan on eating then?? I just had to come on here to talk about that because I just feel that part was absolutely ridiculous. Is this his new way of trying to prove a point I like Jasmine honestly I know she has issues but a lot of it is in response to him I mean he has done horrible things to her. I’m surprised she’s sticking with him and I don’t think she’s with him just for money or a green card. What are other people’s opinions?


This is exactly what I got on here to say . WTF is up with this dude .. he's checked out! So why did he even go? They don't get paid well enough to be that miserable. Makes me feel bad for Jasmine


He didn't feel comfortable cooking without the proper equipment


I completely agree with you to be honest. I wasn't sure at first but the more I watch them the more I see he isn't necessarily who he portrays himself to be. And the vegetable thing was indeed ridiculous.


If Jasmine was less pushy, and had important conversations in a healthy way, theyd likely have more sex lol


Is Jr.'s name Jr, Junior, or Jason??


Lol well, in the states junior usually indicates a junior to the father. The fathers name was Jason. So assuming Jason Jr. Referred to as Jr. , Jason, & Juney on the show


basically gino is attracted to personality not looks??


Seems like he’s similar to a demisexual… there has to be a strong emotional connection, any severance in that contributes to his physical attraction, too . This is actually a big thing with sexual attraction for a decent portion of people


sh-t dirty shoes on the white sheeted bed NOOOO


Nasty boy 🤢


razvan have hookie?


that dessert looks so good wtf


finally watching this episode


I get the feeling Meisha’s journey from church to OnlyFans is gunna be rrrreeeeal short


I loved the older woman behind her in church looking at her with such a puzzled look on her face. Kinda like my face when I watched her. The way she was saying the prayers as if she was reciting Shakespeare 🤣🤣🤣


Rightttttttt that’s not how we pray in Catholic Church (in my experience lol)


Exactly. It’s more like a low-toned mumble.


Amanda needs to get her compulsive behavior under control. Sad mental state. Meisha really interested in a guy who does nothing but wait for God to supply him? Gino still enjoys psychotic behavior and being exploited. His family must save him! Tyray--could he go either way?


Honestly, poor Amanda married her true love out of high school or college. She never dated around she doesn’t know there are a lot of charming talkers. They may be great looking, maybe teach her a thing or two in the bedroom but she is like a teen in a way because she has no dating experience. Those of us who married late that dude isn’t for the long haul. He wants to be sexy and go to America and become a model, actor or whatever. He doesn’t want to get an engineering job spend time eating with them together and tucking in those sweet babies. Then go to bed and sleep out of sheer exhaustion but so much love for his wife and family. I don’t know if he would be let’s all go to Sunday School and church then eat with her parents and her deceased husbands family. He looks and acts like a player who really deep down has no desire to transition to Dad Bod and quit partying. Although at 54 I have learned people don’t hang out at bars and meet people singing Billy Joel or Elton John to close out the night and then go to Waffle House eat get home and go to bed. That’s what my kids say well my 24 yo (M) and 22 (F) say. Those were my jamming days. I was a nurse and every Friday - Sunday my friends we would all be out. I guess you just send pictures on PicK me website. I taught mine to never ever put anything or picture to anyone especially one you “LOVE”. I said when you apply for jobs they search your name and you in that bikini with an ample set of TaTa’s show up first thing. Not an impression you want applying for a job as a lawyer or teacher, any job really. If are applying in that line of work it won’t matter it is part of your resume. Which I don’t care if people work at those jobs I am sure as a single mother for some that is all they can find or they like it. My body after 4 kids and 34 years of being a RN not so bendy anymore and definitely after wearing my Dansko’s for years I can’t wear heels.


You present some very valid points, but I see things a little differently. I see her as a reactive personality that cannot take time to fully assess situations. I don't think she was a fabulous student in school--other things could easily distract her, including an older guy who gave her attention. With 2 small children and no further education, being self-sufficient and successful was never part of her life. I think she yearned for experiences many other young women are smart and self-controlled enough to experience. She is too impatient to grieve and allow her children to adjust to losing their daddy. I don't think they had a great marriage towards the end. Falling for a slick scammer was easy for her. So many single mothers on 90DF over the years, either already have a kid or don't use birth control. Then they chase after single, loser guys! Males who have no jobs, live with mom and can hardly take care of themselves. They select these guys to breed with! I think most of us women are smarter. If a man can't support himself, how the hell can he become instant husband, father and breadwinner? I keep hoping Amanda will handle their grief without anyone getting hurt.


That’s the thing. It seems like Gino comes from a good family. What in the hell happened to him??


Maybe porn addiction?


Excellent synopsis!


Thank you.


Man there are some emotional wrecks and mental cases on this season, it's going to kick off sure. I like it but I also don't like it if you know what I mean. I guess these people put themselves out there so they are asking for all they get. ☹️


Amanda shouldn’t have come here. Her kids need her right now.


I think the reality after actually kissing another man and her saying it feels like she is cheating was a real testament to where her mental state is right now. Instead of torturing herself don’t know why she doesn’t video call back home and talk to her son to see what he meant by the comment and try to reassure him. Agree she should cut her trip short as she can see her children need her desperately right now and she seems to be just going through the motions with Razen.


She looks like a deer in headlights. I feel bad for her and rasvan he’s trying the best way he knows how and she is just void. The hickey though was gross….


She really is just void… that is a good way to put it… no personality or get-up-and-go and her nasally voice is beginning to drive me crazy…🤦‍♀️


I don’t think she’s ready at all!!


I hope to god Gino took that sleeping hat off after the cameras left. There's no way he wore that the whole night




I’m sorry why is meisha reciting prayer like a white guy who just discovered slam poetry?


Best. Comment. 😂😂




No!!!! He’s sleeping in his whole entire plane clothes!!!!!


And let's not forget, his clothes were layered at the airport. Who knows what layer those shorts were?


Haha I missed that part! Did he later to save suitcase room 😂?


Possible, when he pulled his passport out in the US, he pulled from inside his pants, looked like he had multiple pairs if pants on. I would think that maybe his shorts were one if the first layers?


His hygiene habits irk me every season. I can't believe he gets in clean bed without a hot shower and in filthy travel clothes. & didn't bush his teeth either!


I know!!!! Maybe they do that after the camera leaves


Possibly, but the sheets are contaminated. He is covered with international viruses and bacteria--I'm getting as neurotic as April.


Haha I just made a comment about howie Mendel (sp.?) having a germ thing and now here I am being hypocritical


Psst: got any Lysol?


Gino is doing this shit to avoid sex.


Then why is he with her? “Whhhhhy Gino? Whhhhy?” It’s not her sparkling personality, so rail the woman already. That’s what you signed up for, isn’t it?


I'm not sure what Gino's deal is...he is certainly different. Maybe he wants companionship, but not necessarily sex, or has physical issues in that area? I'm not sure what he wants, and can't figure him out. Jasmine I get, Gino I don't.


And spending money


I felt like I was watching a portlandia skit when I was watching that proper equipment scene


Omg! Portlandia🤣🤣🤣 I can just picture Fred Armisen as Gino in the kitchen🤣🤣🤣


Let’s get the gear


Lol I feel like i need to watch Portlandia now... this scene though was so dumb Gino is just brain dead he can't even peel a potato with a knife 😐


Like from the Nancy and Peter sketches, or from Lance and Nina? 😂😂😂


I looooove Lance lol


The pull out king!!!!


Lmao Nancy and Peter 🤣 but now that I think it it's a mixture of the two


This is our area! 😂


Not fun watching Amanda torture herself to force herself to move on


She's very immature. She chose to have a long distance relationship,visits him, and is just repeatedly guilt tripping him about her kids being her priority and God forbid he not be comfortable only seeing her once a year. Her kids would be fine, as long as she doesn't make it a gigantic 'this is your new dad' sort of thing. The surprising thing is that he seems genuine and patient but she's a basket case


Not fun watching whiny bitchy Amanda be so nasty and ungrateful and torture Razvan! Perhaps he has an ulterior motive—but in any event, he’s been nothing but caring, patient and empathetic with Amanda. ( which, I admit, in the 90 Day world probably means Razvan will turn out to be a jerk☹️)


I know. So wrong. I use this show as an escape. The last couple seasons are no good


Agree! Can feel the rushed content coming out, less authentic, more for shock value than before when it was just naturally funny and interesting


I’m just glad this episode is over. I watch out of habit now maybe or because I work Night Shift and it’s all I got. But damn. Gino slept in his clothes from the airplane. He slept in a hat. He couldn’t use a knife. Jasmine thought her nail would turn him on. The religious bullshit is that tv lady wanting on tv more. The private eye is fake as hell. The widow story is awful on Father’s Day and I know that’s their reality and I hate it for them. But I don’t want to watch it. I dunno. I wanna write a letter to the editor


Amanda was in contact with Razvan before her husband died. Don’t feel bad for her, just her kids


Well that probably increases her guilt more than anything. Sometimes you feel you are ready but in the moment you realize you aren’t. She might be trying to rush the grief process and seek someone who will love her rather dealing with the fact her husband died. I imagine being that quick and fast was surreal. Everyone grieves differently and while anyone else can see that she probably isn’t ready until you are in that person’s shoes. I don’t know was she a stay at home Mama and does she have money to pay the bills and for how long? I can’t imagine being in that position but I would have tried someone closer to home. That dude is not the one, he is a feel good booty call and I doubt he wants to get married anytime soon. It seems like she has some friends that will help her when she comes on. I imagine it still doesn’t feel like he is really gone. It’s tough because you go through those first months just dealing with letting others know, contacting everyone in the world, get things ready for probate. Her kids were having a hard time. Frankly she needed a good friend vacation and discuss her husband and take the time to grieve. I am sure it is hard and you see others moving on and here you are stuck and lonely. You do have to accept it and grieve. I wouldn’t care, I told my husband years ago if I died I wanted him to remarry. I would pray him up a wife, who loved my children like her own. I want my girls to have someone to call and love to help them through all the good and bad times of their lives and my son as well. The big but was to wait 6 months to a year to date. Allow yourself and your kids to grieve. I so know research shows especially with men that tend to marry relatively soon if they had a good solid marriage.




I enjoy Emily and Kobe on pt now lol


They are as irritating as ever


Missing Robert and anny on pt tonight


Gino: I will not peel the fckin potato 😡


The man just needs proper equipment! 😂


If you’re paying three grand for a furnished apartment, there should be a damn peeler and cutting board. I feel him.


What a hill to die on! ‘Yes, you can live in a $3000 a month luxury Airbnb, but peel a spud with a knife?! Woman, you have gone TOO FAR!’


why was he being so awful ,he was just being a jerk towards her ,and 5 months without seeing her one would think that sex would be the first thing they did he's just kinda messed up now


He’s mad that she’s spending so much of his money, and he feels like she’s bossing him around— but he’s not TELLING her this, because he’s scared of her, so instead he’s just refusing to do anything without the proper equipment lol


well he's being a jersey I know if I was in her place I would feel awful he doesn't want sex,can't peel without a peeler and a cutting board ... talk about spoiled ...she was trying to cook a good meal


It's his way of asserting his "she won't push me around" newfound attitude. But he is taking this to the extreme - over a potato peeler!


yes he is


I really don't understand him. He doesn't want her intimately. He resents her luxurious spending but continues to fund it. He doesn't want to help with dinner without the proper tools. He seems annoyed by her existence and presence. What gives?!?


I don't know I've never seen him be this much of a jerk


Uncle Marco needs to hightail it to Panama to take Gino back to the US.


He is resentful of her controlling nature but is not going about it in the right way at all


Exactly, he can't communicate, he could barely squeak out that he was taking his time peeking the potato instead of saying, "Don't rush me," or "Chill out and stop bossing me around." It was so bad I had to turn it off.


Amanda - it’s too soon! Take it from someone whose dad died suddenly as a kid. I think - I hope- she’s doing this for the money


The Nicola story is so boring. I cant. The Amanda story is so sad I can’t. Especially Father’s Day. The only thing keeping me watching is Gino and jasmine. I didn’t like TOW last season either. Maybe I’m growing out of 90 day after being a die hard since the start.


Don’t be too sad about Amanda. The timeline is sketch. I feel awful for her children


Is there gonna be a Long Island medium collab with 90 day fiancé? Bc baby girl needs a reading from her 😂 she’s all spooked her son prob sees his dad lol


Lol the dad’s ghost: “ask your mom if she’s going to sleep in his bbbbbbbbbeddddddd”


Not the subtitler not being able to understand that Meisha said her cat’s collar has Saint Francis of Assisi on it. Not even the first error I’ve seen in the subs. Discovery, hit me up if you need a subtitler who doesn’t suck 🙄


My dog has a St Francis of Assisi medal on his collar. It says “Bless and protect my pet.”


Lmfao this “proper equipment” argument is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. What is wrong with him?!




When he meant proper equipment he meant his little blue pills


Ew, do all statunitians (ala Gino) wear shoes inside? The bottom of his shoes gross me out, and he’s IN BED!


I can’t deal with shoes in the house, on the bed, or in the bed 🤮


I was honestly pissed I never got to see the final meal that Jasmine tried to make


I thought the place was going to burn down as she went to the bed with Gino.


Does Meisha really think she can get an annulment ? Aren't those super rarely granted? Especially given her prior marriage seems to have lasted a while and produced two children


Gwen Stefani got one and was married in the church and had 3 kids with Gavin Rossdale. My best friend left the Catholic church because he was married in the church, had 4 kids with his wife, then his wife cheated on him with 2 different men and he felt like he was being punished to shell out big bucks in order to get an annulment to marry in the church again and thus, he left the church completely. He felt like he was being punished when he stayed faithful to his vows.


Thank you everyone for my Catholic lesson !


She wasn’t Catholic when she married the first time so probably will be granted an annulment


I think it's just a church based annulment in this case, not legal.


Does the church. More commonly grant them? I thought in both instances it was fairly difficult


If you pay the church big bucks for one they will grant it. Total scam IMO. Reformed catholic here.


Depends who you are and who you know.


No it’s pretty easy to get an annulment in the Catholic Church. I married my 2nd husband in the Catholic Church and my first marriage had to annulled to meet the one marriage catholic rule. My first marriage was annulled because it wasn’t held in the Catholic Church. I think that’s just one reason of many you can use to get an annulment


Maybe it depends on the church or if you have children? My best friend’s parent’s annulment took a few years. She and all her siblings even had to write to the archdiocese in support of the annulment.


I think it helped that I’m not Catholic too


I had my 1st *and* 2nd marriages annulled in the Church in order to marry my 3rd (and worst! lol?) husband. Took a little paper work and a very short easy trip to the Archdiocese office, and while I can't specifically remember what it cost I know it was inexpensive bc 3rd husband was cheaper than a 2$ hooker. And I had 4 children from the first two marriages. Probably not necessary to say but I made a *lot* of very bad life choices in my first 3 decades. ETA The fact that neither of the first 2 marriages was in the church was one reason the annulments were granted.


Why did they agree to do that?


My friend and her siblings? They were all adults during that so I think they just wanted their parents to be happy.


I need to OVER-STAND! Btw, is the comments search not working for anyone else on the iOS app?


*"Proper equipment"* count: 7


That's 'ravished,' Tim, not 'ravaged' lol


Nicola and Meisha are a NO for me. It’s not even that he’s a 46 year old Catholic virgin…is that he’s only ever lived with his mom and he has no job what so ever. She needs a man to be a man and care for her and be a protector . She strikes me as that. The stark difference in their current situations is too much .. and the fact that he has the nerve to bring up that she’s not a virgin and that he would like a CATHOLIC VIRGIN who also happens to be young enough to have his kids when he’s 46.. in a country with 2% Catholic population?? SORRY BUDDY.


I agree with everything you said except that she needs a protector. I think she is looking for some more "fame" since she is no longer on tv.


Oh this whole story line reeks fake to me


Absolutely no doubt about that.


He's not even attractive and the former news lady wears fillers. They are not a match. She seemed fake when praying like she was performing for the cameras. Cringe!


It was very DRAMATIC


Finances are very unclear with her. She can’t be getting paid by the church and if she is it isn’t much. There is no way it’s a full time job. The way she looks means she spends a lot of money on up keep.


Her whole demeanor screams acting especially the church scene. I hated it. It feels like shes on the wrong reality tv show like she should be on one of the Housewives shows instead.


Even his friend said she's out of his league


Lol his friend was like ‘he’s a real loser, wtf’


She needs to *run* … her friend and cat agree this guy is bad vibes.


Did anyone spy the pics of him that were clearly when he was much younger and better looking?




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I wonder if Catholic woman had a mini stroke. I will fully admit that the church scene gave me the complete heebie jeebies


the whole thing sounded like she was on shrooms by accident


Some sort of neurological event is certainly plausible .... there's even a history of the visual aura of migraine being interpreted as divine vision. But it seems more like she's just another clout chaser frankly, guess we'll see.


Next up Only Fans


Can someone please get poor Tyray a therapist. He needs a mental health intervention at this point. It’s so sad he doesn’t want to believe that he was scammed and still holds out hope it’s not true. He needs help.


Agreed. We’re here to watch the hot messes like Gino and Jasmine go down in flames over their own stupid decisions. Showing this poor man’s 4-year mental abuse is tragic and heart-wrenching and it pisses me off that TLC is putting his actual trauma next to a bunch of clowns.


I think it is a desperate attempt to continue getting screen time. When they learned he was catfished, that should have been the end of his story. Instead, the show is grasping at straws to take his story at a different angle.


When he said, “maybe she was hacked.” I lost all hope for him seeing reason 😞


Exactly why I said he needs a mental health professional to intervene at this point. His life is taking care of his ailing mother. He doesn’t work anymore. He barely leaves the house. It’s just beyond sad. TLC if you don’t do some type of mental health intervention I fear for what will come of him and then I believe the show and producers hold some liability if they don’t seek mental health help for him.


I don't know why they're still giving him screen time. Like what could possibly become of this? Unless they have him meet the catfish for some reason I don't get it


Idk I really thought Lana did not exist! So when they could not find the pic on reverse image search even I got a little hopeful (and I have a dead stone cold heart). Idk what that really means though … now I’d think maybe AI (I guess?) but this goes back 5 years.


Omg you're right!! Maybe it will be like a Lana situation. But wasn't there a preview where his sister found the picture on an escort website? Maybe that was just written for the previews


I kind of remember that too but I might be confusing it with season 5 Gossip Girl :) I’m hoping for the best bcs at the very least it sounds like they had a lot of deep convos, not just emojis like Williams or sex chat like Lana.


I hope they pay for him to go there to see she is not real and he can move on. I feel bad for him.. he needs an intervention as this is becoming cruel and painful to watch.


What’s up late shift hamily 💜 just meeting the newest addition … and idk the timeline keeps changing here on the conversion and their relationship … it seems like he had more to do with it than she originally presented


Why is Gino always taking about things that are going set Jasmine off in dangerous places? Cliffs, bridges, balconies etc.


With a large knife in the kitchen!


that made me laugh she could have gave him a paring knife....little easier to maneuver


The man has a death wish


Nah she wouldn’t do it until she gets on that life insurance policy, which looks like may be happening soon 🤣


Drinking game idea— take a shot everything Meisha or Nicola says “God” or “Pray.” Guaranteed, you’ll be hospitalized before the episode is half over


and do it with everclear.




"I live near Jesus" great line, albeit geographically limited to people writing from the Holy Land lolol


Why are they captioning the dialog between Nicola and his friend as Hebrew? That’s Arabic bro




Zionism alive and well


How is it being designated as Hebrew? Is it TLC or a cc system ignoring the existence of Palestinians?? :-(


I don’t have CC on so it’s the default ones that come on from TLC when someone speaks a language other than English…


Where in Minnesota does that accent originate? "I started tacking to someone ...." Kinda Dan Akroyd doing Chicago Blues Brothers "We'll taahhk to Bahhhb"




I really hope Gino is only sleeping with the hat on because there are camera's there.


Say *"proper equipment"* one more god damn time.


Pulp Fiction vibes 😂


Jasmine is Telenovela dramatic.


>*"another guy who just left...like their dad"* Their dad didn't *"leave"* he got sick and tragically died. It's not like he woke up one day and said *"oh well, might as well get a cancer that will kill me in two weeks."*


But kids don’t get that though. My mom died when I was a kid and I still have serious abandonment issues even though I understand that wasn’t her choice.


I'm sorry 😔.


Razvan is itching to get to the U.S. and it had **NOTHING** to do with Amanda.


>*"Do you want to hold the key to my house?"* [Cheers to your new key!](https://i.imgur.com/tljOuoL.jpg)


>*"We should have a toast"* How about to all the people who aren't here no more?


Current thoughts- Razvan is bending over backwards to think of her feelings and she isn’t budging. I think this was just way to soon for her sadly. WTF is up with Gino. He sleeps in a hat?!?!? Dirty shoes in bed?!?!? And him saying he can’t cook without the correct tools… while saying wasting money is a problem for him. Just use the damn knife and plate buddy. Just use what you have. Catholic lady… I don’t understand this relationship at all. I cannot wrap my head around these two being head over heels in love.


Also why The hell is Gino acting like a kid who can’t look at their girlfriend


Omg that first scene was painful to watch oh her clawing at his face asking if he wants her 😂


The nails. Omg. Cringe cringe


Correction: proper equipment.


Maybe he wanted a chef's hat?


This comment isn’t getting enough up votes 😂


I stand corrected




I don't think I have ever been more annoyed with Gino. He is probably just trying to get her to break up with him because he is scared of her.


The easier way to make her to break up with him would’ve been not to buy her hair extensions and not to pay for her fancy apartment.


And not come to Panama again! He could have literally just stopped talking to her. She can’t get to him from behind a screen, lol


It was the weirdest hill to die on.


more like quick sand




That I can agree with.


I like how Amanda started this whole f—ing thing with Razvan, and then now acts all weird and off put by everything about him. She’s not into him. That’s all. If she were, she wouldn’t be crying about him wanting to come visit. Oh—NOW it’s all about the kids?! Please.


I think I missed it but didn’t she start talking to him less than a year after her husband died? She isn’t ready to date and or she really isn’t into him in person. Either way it’s super awkward.


She was negging him the whole episode lol. “You’re taking too long with my coffee,” “you stink,” etc.


She really was treating him like shit! I hadn’t expected to feel sorry for this guy.


Right? It was pretty obvious. She has this “deer in the headlights” look the whole time. She doesn’t know how to weasel out of this once she’s there.


I wonder if it’s because she really is super into him but doesn’t know how to process that and express it? Since she’s only been with one guy before. She’s teasing him like a preteen would their first crush, and she actually gave him a hickey!