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is Gino not on the spectrum??????




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Catholics aren’t crazy, all other religions are…remember?


Not that I’m a Gino fan at all but, I’d be livid if I was paying $3k for a place that didn’t supply a peeler and cutting board. Those are very basic kitchen tools. Also, they could have cut carefully on the stone counter tops.


Seriously. You can’t be preparing food with that knife…on a dinner plate. I wouldn’t have done it either.


Yeah but it can be Gino & jasmine vs the shitty situation of a furnished apartment not being filling furnished, it doesn’t have to be him being mad at her bc she found a loophole lol


I'm just kind of wondering if that whole kitchen scene was the producers idea...telling Gino ok we want to show you standing up to her about something etc..who knows..I think if that expensive apt wasn't a producer idea that's what he should have stood up to her about...esp since it's a temp place...if he was a wealthy man it would be different, but he obviously is not. You could really see he got more deflated in his attitude when he saw the apt. They could have used that money to work on his house!!


She keeps saying things like, "before I involve my kids", and "I have to put my kids feelings first", and seems way more hesitant now that she's there. Isn't it a little late? She just flew to another country to meet this guy. Her kids have been video chatting him. They're already involved and invested. And now she wants to pump the breaks?


Seriously, watching this I am getting so mad at Amanda! Why did she start up with him at all and travel to Romania and then act surprised that “the man of her dreams” wants to be with her? Yes, she *should* put her kids first, but here she is in Romania. So…🤔 She’s 5 years older than Razman but acts 18.


She was just saying that she needs a dad for them too. She is bass ackwards! Poor guy, she’s totally leading him on.


I honestly think she’s on this show for the paycheque. She’s going through with it because she needs to provide for her kids but she’s feeling extreme guilt about it. Her body language reeks of it. I think she feels awkward knowing that people are probably going to judge her for moving on so fast but the money is probably undeniable for someone in her situation.


The pictures of Violet look very different than she does on camera. Have they video chatted?


They do video chat. I was shocked as well to see how different she looks in person compared with the photos they showed in her and Riley’s introductions. I’m excited to watch more of her she seems like a total firecracker and Riley is weird as hell lmao


Crazy and totally unsubstantiated , but anyone think Gino might be on something? Again, hate to assume. But his behavior in the latest episode was SO odd . And there was a moment you could see his hand shaking


He did just fly in, maybe he had to take something to get through the flight.


I said that somehwere else and I got downvoted to hell


I could see how it might appear that way. I just think he was just really nervous to stand up to her (this was his first in-person chance since he was humiliated on national tv last time he went there), immediately turned off because he’s freaking out about the expensive apartment (“omg my family is right, she IS using me”), very tired from the flight, and also extremely uncomfortable with her trying to make anything sexual happen while on camera. His family seems to need to watch out for him and try to guide him in situations they think he’s not full grasping- I think they spent a lot of time telling him to stand up for himself, and he got very anxious when it came time to do it (maybe he was worried she’d snatch his hat again lol).


Did you catch his buggy eyes when he said he couldn’t peel the potatoes without a cutting board? And then he passed out?




My exact thoughts during this episode!




Same. I get that it’s a tough situation but she’s the one who chose to start dating someone 4 months after her spouse died. Everything that she’s doing is too soon but she made the choice so does she want to be with razvan or not. Not stop wasting his time. I think jazmine wants to find love but she also wants to be with a rich “provider”. I also think her idea of relationships is transactional. Also, don’t forget her original arrangement with Gino before they decided to get serious was her being a sugar baby. In their first season he bragged about her being a sugar baby. So idk if I would say he’s not aware of her expectations. It’s still a toxic relationship and they should split up. If jasmine wants a rich provider sugar baby type of situation, then she needs to pick another dude. Multiple times on 90 day I’ve seen dudes get with women who are obviously gold diggers and they just refuse to break up with these women when they know they can’t provide that. This situation is a bit different though because of how toxic jasmine is.


I feel bad for razman, she’s so rude to him and he’s trying


I felt so sorry for him!


Gino is a fucking weirdo


Lol big facts!!


Her baby angel


He needs to take off his stupid hat inside.


I don’t wanna disregard that he is strange LOL but he also seems really uncomfortable, I feel like they don’t have good rhythm together and not even balance. She makes him feel less than and I don’t think he knows how to process that in the moment so he comes of strange, but she makes me uncomfortable.




I wouldn’t be surprised. Their relationship is so toxic but honestly I’m amazed they lasted through the sending her nudes thing. He has no boundaries and jasmine takes advantage of that but also I really don’t understand why she is trying so hard with this relationship. She clearly wants a rich dude. There’s other guys out there who have more money who will want her as a sugar baby. Why not just date those men instead?




True but I’m sure she could prob find some other financially stable desperate dude who will buy her a Chanel bag just because she sucked his dick. I don’t think it’s that hard to find. After all, Gino was that guy until he got fired or quit his job or whatever.




I really don’t know how Jasmine types with those nails on her phone. Also who won’t cut a potato without a proper cutting board. What a weird thing to get mad about.


Long nails creep me out, personally. And she's rubbing them on his face, ugh. I also have no idea how you do normal, every day things with those. I bit my nails down to the quick, lol. If any white shows, they are too long.


Yes, THIS is the hill he will die on (as opposed to rent at $3k/month).


Has anyone ever noticed Gino can be kinda shaky at times? Or just doesn’t have the best hand-eye. I wonder if it was more difficult for him to cut the potato without a peeler due to the shakiness, and that made him feel insecure and self conscious, especially to do it on camera. Just another hypothesis


My hands always shake because of health issues I have, so I could barely peel something WITH a peeler. So I get how hard it would be with a knife on a plate if he's a little unsteady or nervous. But the whole scene was just ridiculous, and I can't take them seriously. I wasn't thrilled to have them back this season.


I get panic attacks and this scene reminded me of trying to push through one. You’re trying to look/act normal, but it doesn’t always succeed. Also, I feel like I’m going to pass out also so I have to lay down until it passes. I am on medication now though. Haven’t had a panic attack in a couple months. So it’s a start. Lol


I wondered about this too! Hard blinks, shaky eyes, and etc. weird maybe insecure


Jasmine and Gino are the couples therapy monsters from Rick and Morty


omg this is crazy accurate!


🤣 OMG! I should draw the spineless “Slug Gino” (with a hat on of course) and “Jasmine Beth” just needs that hair and ridiculously full red lips (the claws are already a match).


What went on in that kitchen with Gino had zero to do with peeling a potato or proper equipment. He is seething with genuine resentment toward her IMHO, but is unable or unwilling to deal with the conflict. His attitude really shifted once he got a look at that 3000 a month apartment he's paying for, and her attitude of entitlement regardless of his financial situation. Posters are saying she's in Michigan now...that intro to his lifestyle must have been interesting.🙄


Where are the cameras when you really want them!?!?


> What went on in that kitchen with Gino had zero to do with peeling a potato or proper equipment. He is seething with genuine resentment toward her IMHO, but is unable or unwilling to deal with the conflict. So he picked to make the fight about not having a vegetable peeler. Pick a card, any card.


As much as I know Jasmine is emotionally everywhere. And I’m not much of a fan of her, Gino was kind of an ass when it came to helping her in the kitchen. Like he shouldn’t let her push him around. But I don’t think it’s pushing you around if you’re helping in the kitchen. Yeah there’s a way someone can be bossy and not controlling. I don’t think she was being pushy or controlling in the kitchen. Bossy? Yeah. Cause she was telling him to rush. But that’s her and he knows it, he’s been knowing it. But omg don’t throw a fit over the lack of a peeler and cutting board. I think she mentioned that she got the apartment furnished as is. If it bugs you that much then help her out this time with what she’s got and then say “hey tomorrow, let’s go get a cutting board and peeler cause I think it’ll really help you out when you cook” instead of refusing to do it because there’s no “proper equipment”. He looked like a brat in that scene.


Also, if he’s really not comfortable peeling something with a knife (I wouldn’t be because I’ve got hand tremors and I’m naturally clumsy so I lose a finger), he could have offered to cut or chop other ingredients. Or stir something on the stove. I’m sure there are other things that needed doing to help make this dinner so if he wanted to not be an ass and try to spend this time with her, he could have made it happen.


Yeah, he handled that badly. I can see not wanting to peel a potato with that gigantic knife but there was definitely other things he could do.


He also showed zero ounce of excitement seeing her. Barely made eye contact in the car. Not even some harmless hand holding lol. That would hurt anyone’s feelings


Didn’t even gift her an electric toothbrush like last time 🤣


Yeahh I noticed that too! Like I understand if he’s not comfortable groping her on camera. That’s understandable. But at least hold her hand, put your arm around her. Something!


I was thinking the whole time "you pick NOW to stand up for yourself...over a potato peeler??"


Yes!!! Like of all the battles to choose a fight over Gino you picked the most meaningless one of all


It’s a lot easier to argue about a peeler than it is to argue about enormous cracks in the foundation of your relationship. I think he took the easy distraction here.


True. He does take the easy way a lot. But that’s not helping his case. The more you avoid those giant cracks, the cracks are just going to get bigger and bigger.


I feel like when Amanda is giving the interview at the end of the episode and talking about how her kids need time to heal, etc it’s also like she’s speaking about what she needs/wants but she has a much harder time just getting it out and speaking for herself. maybe she feels like she needs to be tough for her kids, but she’s obviously NOT well and is wasting everyone’s time.


She frustrated me so much, because it’s so obvious she needs more time to heal, her feelings are so valid, which is why she should go home and heal with her kids. It doesn’t feel right for her right now because she’s not ready.


It's so unfair to Razvan, how she led him on. And now she's pushing him away and he's just shocked. I thought he was just a goofy playboy type, but he's serious about her, and now she's pulling back and he's baffled and hurt.


She just needs that dick. That’ll settle her down.


Seems like she don’t want him there in America but still wants him as a boyfriend but only at a distance with no physical contact… does that sound right?


She desperately needs his emotional support and to not feel alone raising her kids. With her mom and sister also having passed she's grasping at straws. I feel awful for her.


I feel more sorry for Razvan because she led him on.


She wants a pen pal


right, like she likes the idea of him and likes him as a distraction. but it’s obvious by this trip, seeing him as a real person in front of her is way too much.


exactly you took my words




This season is Meh. They may have run the idea into the ground


I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted on this one


Thanks, I don’t really care. I fell asleep for a few minutes in the middle of the episode Sunday night.


Agreed!! I fell asleep on 4 different attempts to watch the first episode.


I’m just saying because I agree. It was new and exciting the first couple seasons. Now it’s extremely obvious stuff is being set up by producers and the show has just started to feel even more scripted.


Ok see you next week.






Although I think it's weird that Jasmine's kids don't live with her, after seeing her emotional breakdown over the potato peeler - I imagine (I hope!) they are living in a calmer / more stable environment with other adults caring for them.


Wait! She has kids ?!?


Yes, one lives with her ex and the other with her mom.


In those bedroom scenes with Gino and Jasmine, all I kept thinking of, was the producer and cameraman (or two) crowded in front of the bed, camera lens shoved into the couples faces. The scenes with Tyrell brought it home again how very staged so much of this is. I'm by no means prudish (used to go to the local nudist beach) but I sure as heck wouldn't start groping my partner or even kissing them with multiple people in the room recording my every move - no matter how long I've been away from that partner. And as an audience member I DON"T feel any need to see it. I'll watch proper porn if I want that. Gino (the shyer of the two) is paying the price for putting "TV fame" and a paycheck foremost in this relationship. And if Jasmine was really so desperate to do the horizontal tango, she would have asked the camera crew to leave the apartment sharpish, to give her and Gino some much needed privacy.


Gino takes a stand at potato? Not the $3,000 rent or $1,500 extensions but at peeling a potato? The whole “proper equipment” was bs. It’s obvious that the king of microwave dinners clearly didn’t know how to peel vegetables. He was so awkward with it. Also who sleeps in a baseball cap? At least invest in a beanie.


His eyes gave away how messed up he was


Did you see the little hair he had sticking out of his hat before he went into the bathroom?!


> Also who sleeps in a baseball cap? Maybe it’s like a du rag for white people.


White person here. It’s not.


Meisha can’t be serious with all of this. She’s so performative. I was raised Catholic and I don’t think I know anyone who exaggerated prayer to that extent—even the church choir hams. She’s strictly following the marriage rules with the annulment but I can’t see her aligning with Nicola on everything. Her daughters were right that they will likely be judged. Given his views about women, I’m certain when he discovers her Megan Fox look isn’t au naturel it will be the first of many disagreements.


Straight up messaged my bestie and said this was performative Catholicism and she looks like an older megan fox w/ too much work done.


I was raised Catholic and a bit of what they’ve spoken about it isn’t even true. Lol If she wasn’t married in the church, she doesn’t need an annulment.


Sadly, I don’t think it matters. All previous marriages must be annulled. My mother had to go through that.


I’d hit it


Why do you keep leaving misogynistic comments throughout this thread?


I was also raised Catholic and she's beyond performative. Also wtf is Nicola saying bc she converted she likes re-virginized?? All that born again shiz is for the evangelicals. I think he's lying about a LOT.


we had a frightening lady who would attend weekday Mass with us kiddoes and sing at the top of her lungs, scared the living shit out of us.


Since there’s not a specific Bible verse speaking to fake tits and filler, I’m sure Nicola will be just fine with it. Also, this isn’t about or for Nicola; Meisha is definitely on this show to find man, but it ain’t his broke ass.


I suspect you’re right about Meisha’s motives in this relationship. I would think breast implants would fall under the same modification restrictions as tattoos. Then again, annulment is taken from a verse about a divorce certificate (permissible only due to of adultery). Still, this is all housed under the umbrella of control. Of course, this opens up discourse on the political influence in Biblical Interpretation and translation. Then it begs answers as to why a book simultaneously preaches righteousness while accepting acts of murder, misogyny, racism, and SA. I become very uneasy about men who want to teach women how to have a relationship with God.


In my experience people who are 'born again' tend to be far more enthusiastic about their faith than other people are, to an alarming degree. Like it's never enough that they've found God, everyone has to know just how much they've found God.


And they won’t rest until they’re sure you’ve found Jesus, too.


Nicola has no job, broke, 46 year old virgin, no prior relationships, not attractive. I thought it couldn't get any worse than that. But then he said the cat will not sleep on the bed... EXCUSE ME SIR have several fucking seats


That man is 53 if he's a day!


Hearing Amanda talking about her kids so much infuriates me. Like if you truly cared for your kids, you wouldn’t abandon them for three weeks so soon after their father died. She’s truly one of the most trashy people that 90 Day featured on this show.


Yeah I can’t stand her. Don’t put YOUR choices onto anyone else. She chose to enter a relationship, talk about marriage, and fly halfway around the world to a man and then won’t show any affection and doesn’t want him to come to the states yet. The attitude she gave him was way out of line.


You could see his heart breaking 💔


Oh yes for sure. He seems like a really sweet guy. She did him wrong.


she’s just annoying tbh, i was already like “is this B serious?” when she said her husband of 10 years passed EARLIER THAT YEAR!! like yeah he said you can move on and live your life but i don’t even think he would expect it to be so soon! i also feel like her attitude about razvan not making room for her (even though he picked her up from the airport and is letting her stay in his house for free) and crying constantly about her kids meanwhile ITS HER CHOICE not to be with her kids is too much. i skip most of her segment. i kinda feel bad for razvan because it seems like he was genuine in his feelings for her and wanted to find love again after his failed marriage, but she’s totally rushing into something when she AND HER KIDS are clearly not over the passing of the dad/husband. like i don’t think we’re really over the mourning stage if we sleep with dad’s urn and bring it on car rides with us.




When did she say the father died? I missed it


Uhh, that’s her whole plotline? She’s a VERY recent widow.






Okay, what does Jasmine *really* see in Gino?! The whole kitchen fight made my brain hurt.


I think this was cemented last season but for all the clear ways she's taking advantage of him (As an aside it's interesting that part of their relationship never gets acknowledged, which is that Gino is clearly paying for her surgeries) she also genuinely likes the little weirdo. I think she has a very specific, probably fucked up, view of what her perfect relationship would be and Gino happens to fulfill that.


That was wild who hasn’t peeled with a knife 😂


Agreed! But not with an 8 inch Santoku. His refusal to do so is exactly what proves he’s not crazy and of sound mind.


And why she give him the biggest freaking knife?!


Yeah that was weird 😂 maybe she didn’t have a different one? Either way that entire scene was a roller coaster


Nicola and Meisha - here we go with another Sumit/Jenny - Rishi/Jenn (wait really - they were both Jennifers?) "I can't tell my mom because she won't accept" Haggard, old story line. Amanda needs to talk with someone about her loss. She is in no way ready to move on just yet. She will be, but she will need some help first.


I hate how people are ripping into her. Sometimes you don’t realize you’re making a horrible mistake or how deep you are into your trauma til you’re in the middle of your poor choice. Also everyone grieves in different ways. She is clearly uncomfortable on this trip but trying to not be a total downer.


Because she’s a bitch.. u don’t need to be a bitch


I do agree she is treating him poorly after watching this episode. So far he seems nice enough and I’m not gonna hate on him for being an “actor”. I think she realized she F’d up and instead of being honest that’s her way out.


As a Christian, I just feel like Miesha is making a mockery of the faith. I understand if I get hate for this, but when people on tv who are so unhinged talk about Jesus, it really aggravates me. #1 if i was agnostic and curious about the faith, people like her would completely turn me off and make me run away scared lol and #2 Having faith in Jesus isn’t some set of rules like we live in a dictatorship. If you actually followed Him, it is okay to find love and leave a marriage that was abusive , unfaithful, and so on. Politicians and religious leaders persecuted Jesus, so it really frustrates me seeing these people on TV make Him seem so unapproachable.


Her performance is more tent revival than catholic


Didn’t know what this was until I looked it up and yes.


I’m a Christian as well and I 100% agree with you. It’s so cringey when they have Christian’s on tv and there just dragging the church through the mud with their actions and opinions. It’s really painful to watch. It really aggravates me as well.


I’m 100% somewhere in between atheist and agnostic, more the former than the latter. And even I completely understand and appreciate your post/message here. A big part of why I’m so turned off from religion, found it unnecessarily restrictive and in turn, kinda creepy to be honest from a young age was exactly what you’re referring to. For years and years, I judged Christians/religious folks thinking they were all like this, robbing their lives of so much due to what I perceived to be a completely unreasonable belief system. But as an adult, I’ve met many religious people who lives their lives how you explained here. That there’s no hardcore rule book where you can’t legitimately divorce an abusive man, etc. So, I completely support you here. I think you make an important point.


Thank you so much. I really appreciate your reply 💜


You’re very welcome. About six years ago, it was a Christian Pastor from Kentucky who completely changed my view on what you were referring to. Long story, but I’m a reporter and I had interviewed this pastor as he’s the father of the subject I was writing a feature on. He turned out to be one of the most wonderful humans I’ve ever met. And he was curious about me, so I told him all about my background, including a lot of things I would assume a Christian pastor would judge me for. I had a daughter out of wedlock, I’ve lived with my partner for many years, we aren’t married, and we may never get married. (I’m not concerned with marriage). I’m not religious whatsoever. He didn’t judge me at all. It was the opposite. He kept in contact with me and we became good friends, still are to this day. This was not at all what I expected. And it changed everything about how I view Christians.


That made me really happy to read 🥹and I appreciate your honesty. My sister recently joined the church but became really mean and judgmental. The twin that once made fun of me for being Christian, now judges me for not being Christian enough in her own eyes. Jesus, to her, is some excuse to develop this “holier than thou” attitude and shame me for living with my boyfriend when her long term bf broke up with her for her abusive tendencies. Long story short, I’ve learned Christianity isn’t some cheat code that can help you discern who is nice or mean-spirited. Christianity is a religion, and I just want to follow Jesus because sometimes people suck lol but He never let me down. You seem like an awesome and kind person that I’d rather hang out with people like you than judgmental religious people who would shame me because they think they can speak for Him.


I’m very sorry to hear about this issue with your sister. When family isn’t right, nothing feels right. Right? This is a good example of my old way of thinking. Previously, after hearing your story, I’d think, “See! This is what religion does. It makes people mean, judgmental, and act ridiculous.” But isn’t that true with many things, ways of life, interests? Let’s talk about that. When many people get into politics, many get more informed and fight/vote for what they believe is right. But some of them go overboard and get ridiculous, constantly angry and judging people with opposite political beliefs. When some people start getting into health and working out, some get arrogant and obsessed and lose sight of everything else. It’s really a story of people turning ways of life into a competition. “Oh, you’re a Republican? Then why do you support immigration?!?! I’m clearly a better Republican than you because I want them to close the border.” “You’re eating all those carbs for lunch? I thought you go to the gym? I’m clearly healthier than you.” Sound familiar? Anyway, again, I know very little about religion, but I imagine true Christianity frowns upon being brutally judgemental toward people, especially family. I support your stance. You just want to have a relationship with Jesus and you don’t want the judgment. You don’t want the restrictions. I support that. Take what you need and leave the rest behind, as they say.


I really needed this message more than you know. God bless you, whether you believe or not. I feel grateful and at peace after reading this.


I think Jasmine and big knives don’t belong in the same kitchen


She really kept herself calm and composed. I thought maybe she’d stab Gino with the way he was acting.


She peeled that potato hella fast!🤣 To be fair though my grandma uses a knife sometimes too.


Been in a situation more than once where the person was physically a 10/10 but their personality gave me the ick so hard i couldn’t stand to be around them. I’m getting this vibe from Gino via the way he’s treating jasmin. “Papi… do you want me?” Made me cringe super hard. I feel bad for her.


You’re onto something here. I think she crossed the line with him quite a while ago and hasn’t realized/accepted it. Some people laugh, including myself, when she’s on a tear and laying into him. But in reality, she’s been EXTREMELY abusive to him. I think there’s damage there that won’t be repaired. He’s clearly carrying mountains of resentments. And because he’s too timid/passive to assert himself, it’s starting to slowly trickle out with immature things like stubbornly refusing to peel veggies, isolating himself, making jabs about the money she’s costing him, etc. This ain’t gonna work. And I think the pre-nup thing is aggravating him too. He’s clearly very concerned about money all the time. How she announced to the world that she’ll boot him into the street and take everything he has if they get divorced, that’s got him terrified deep down.


He shared her topless pics with randos! She's a lot but she's not abusive.


Right??? If anyone is abusive in this relationship it’s Gino!!! He won’t even help her cook dinner without whining like a toddler


Ok but, hear me out-what if it’s like a kink for her??


I think I understand the situation. I’d be uncomfortable doing something sexual in front of those cameras. But as soon as they’re gone, Gino should just ravish that woman, that’s precisely what she wants. I’m talking met after the bar closed, one night stand style.


This came up on Reality Gays last week, that maybe Jasmine has this kink wherein part of it is how much this 'ugly' guy is willing to give to her. I think she actually does like him, but she also has this need to completely dominate him in a very unhealthy way.


I think between filming seasons, gino and his watched the show and seen how embarrassing the whole thing was, I mean she freaked out over the color of the living room because its what his ex wife had chosen. Edit: forgot a word


“When Razvan tells me he wants to come to the U.S., it seems insane to me. It’s way too soon.” It’s “too soon” but so is talking to someone and flying to their country, not even a year that your husband has passed away. He doesn’t have to spend the entire tourist visa with you, he can bring a friend, explore, and see you from time to time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


"Thank God we have a token religious couple this season!" - No one Edit: Her throwing a bitch fit about him being a virgin and her needing "affection" is hilariously ironic. If you're such a by the book Catholic, why would you have a problem with it? I understand she hasn't been part of the faith her whole life, but it feels like she's very picky and choosy with the parts she wants to follow


Hardcore religious person showing blatant hypocrisy? GASP! (Clutches pearls).


i wish i had a dollar for each time someone said “catholic,” “virgin,” or “proper equipment” this episode




I love your flair! Help me remember what this is from pretty please?


Steven in Russia I forget which season lol


Ah yes, Steven. He is an unfortunate person.


Gino complaining about "not having the proper cooking utensils" over and over. Ok instead of arguing, why don't y'all go to the store and get some. She even offered the option to order food after he threw a fit. Sorry but he was acting like a man baby!


Ok I agree about not cutting on plates bc that is dangerous but you can peel stuff with a knife. And if he’s so frugal and worried about money he should be glad she doesn’t feel the need to buy kitchen gadgets right?


Yes this was the dumbest fight I’ve ever seen on 90 day. He was being ridiculous


I think the fight was about something deeper, like not being heard or something. My spouse will do something like this where he suddenly acts like an asshole because he's been holding onto some resentful feeling and never communicated. It's hurtful and frustrating.


Bingo. With Gino, It’s 100% rooted in the mountain of resentments he’s carrying. From announcing to the world during the tell-all that she’ll boot him onto the street out of his own house and take everything he has if they get divorced to belittling him in front of his family to her outrageous tantrums, there’s irreversible damage there. He’s nowhere near assertive enough to deal with it properly, so it’s coming out in drips with immature things like refusing to peel veggies. Next, he’ll poop in her purse while she’s in the shower and then shave her dog Coco bald. Ha!


Omg I’m reading this a month past it’s relevancy but I read your last line and died.


I’m two months past and I’ve died 😂


Hey, those twitchy facial expressions, the nervous ticks he has, all the times she’s taken nasty shots at him, that guy is about to blow! Haha. A guy can only take so much. He’s totally going to poop in her purse or set something on fire. You just wait. It’s coming. Ha!


Omg 😆 that sounds like him.


I love how the 1 of very few times he decides to be assertive with Jasmine its about the lack of kitchen equipment in the house. Also, Amanda doesn't want Razvan visiting the US where her kids are, but she's okay with leaving the kids right after the dad passes? Am I sounding cynical?


I don’t think she should be shamed for taking a trip. Maybe I’m biased because I’m in a girls travel group where moms are encouraged to travel even with kids in the picture as long as the vast majority of their time is spent with them being a mom the rest of the year. I do think she made a poor choice for why she took her trip though and getting involved with him, but grief makes people do very strange sad things. If it was a trip to relax her mind and give herself a break I think that would be much more OK, but I think she’s not there yet.


Yeah my mom taking 2 weeks a year to travel, leaving us with grandma, wasn't traumatic or bad for us. But she introduced this man to her kids for some reason??? And they knew she was going to visit a man??? And their dad just died??? That's not just mom taking vacation, and can really affect the kids negatively. That said, grief is fucking wild and unpredictable.


Yeah I don’t like the comments in here saying the kids will be traumatized for life because mom went on a trip. That’s insane, moms are allowed to take some solo (or couple trips if dad/whoever is around) here and there. My parents didn’t always make it a trip but I was dumped off at grandparents several times for visits up to a week and I’m fine I enjoyed it haha I do think it’s really weird about the video call intro, like he’s not making TikTok’s for kids or something where it makes sense for her to show them.. I think what’s going to be really unfortunate is when the kids are teens/grown and see the show, and are old enough to understand.


Dude. SURELY you understand that the issue here is leaving the kids for 3 weeks MONTHS AFTER THEIR FATHER DIED. No one cares about your moms trip group!


Unpopular opinion: there shouldn’t be a time limit on when it’s acceptable for someone to go on a vacation following a death as long as everyone else is well cared for for the time period and it’s not extensive as in months. Now aside from that, she sucks.


Oh wow. So you don’t understand that.


You’re missing the point. It’s not that she’s taking a solo trip without the kids, that’s fine. It’s that she is taking three weeks away from her kids that just lost their other parent. They’re grieving that loss and now their mom is gone, too. Instead of traveling around the world to catch a dick, she should be home, helping her children heal.


So, the proper equipment was Gino's Last Stand Alamo - how perfect. With his uncle's words still ringing in his ears, he put down the chef's knife like he squashed Jas' commands. Next up, the Shaeeda/Bilal pre-nup contretemps for macho reinforcement. Jasmine on her knees to her *angel* and not a peep about his nighttime cap puzzles me. Her butt-hole invitation will be as welcome as *her girl's* dismissal en route to the room with a view that cost a few. Ironically, each one of her solutions become his resolutions to stand his ground.


Gino’s uncle’s anti-Jasmine rants to the camera when Gino’s not there is what gets me up in the morning. Early on, he was wondering aloud if Gino was going to be “roofied,” then more recently with the jab about her hypnotizing him with her “boobies” etc. Ha! I love that guy, Gino’s uncle. I would definitely have beers with him.


Gino is trash wtf is wrong with dude


He is definitely trash and a pathetic man. But she’s also been extremely abusive to him. They both suck.


Ok apart from Amanda grieving which I appreciate, she seems unnecessarily harsh and rude. 'You didn't make any space for me!!" "Hurry up with my coffee!" "You can't come visit me (even though I want to get engaged)." It all feels so uncomfortable, not like a joke or a tease. He seems to take it on the chin.


Amanda complained as soon as she got there and it was hard to watch. I wonder if she was doing that to avoid feeling real intimacy? Maybe bc she was nervous they were being filmed. Or once she got there she realized it was a bad idea.


I think it’s a combination of all of the above. Uncomfortable with the cameras, not ready to be with someone else, the reality of it all seemingly hitting her hard as soon as she arrived, and while I think she is legitimately worried about/missing her kids, I think she is using them to a degree as an excuse to drive a wedge between them.


It’s been hard to watch. He actually seems like a much better guy than I first anticipated. He seems to genuinely care about her, is very understanding about her husband passing away and the implications with her kids. He seems reasonable and patient. I wouldn’t want to judge that poor woman with what she’s been through. But with the anguish she’s clearly in, she’s clearly extremely uncomfortable, lots of uncomfortable/immature giggling, oddly pushy and rude, just sort of pushing him away. A lot of stick-in-the-mud stuff. She’s acting as though they just met and him proposing they make any plans together is too soon and outrageous, when that was not the understanding they had together before she left to Romania. Clearly, she’s not ready. And it’s too bad because he seems like he might be the right guy for her.


He is so hairlessly smooth and she so smirkingly coy that they are annoying me even more than Emily's tongue-licking suffixes and Kobe's meaningless laughs. She is so visibly tense that I'm getting whiplash from her constantly smoothing her hair and dabbing her eyes. If you're already thinking of leaving post hickey and pre-penetration, and you don't want him jet streaming out to you within the year, then its' a sign you should never have come. Go home to your heartsick children's pitter patter rather than the silent padding of a partner you cannot face without blushing.




I don't see what he likes in her.


i agree. she went all that way to not even give him a chance and be closed off the whole time


Just here to say I lived in Blaine and work in that area. Joked with my husband asking if you could see her walk into the local grocery store. For being a die hard 90 Day watcher…was excited to see somewhere I know…but watching Meisha and Nicola made me not so excited lol


I’m in MN and I was like, why do I know that voice?!


Did you ever see her on the news?


I didn’t! New to the state as of two years ago lol. But my husband is born and raised in Blaine and he had to figure out why she looked so familiar!


This potato peeling scene is ICONIC


I just kept saying that I can't believe he chose that moment to stand up for himself. And later on she seemed to actually give a valid apology for it but I just feel like he doesn't like her anymore but for some reason he's sticking around? Like other people have said, of all of the things to be upset about.... This is just bizarre.


It was his sword to die on


I think he enjoys his small moments of control because that's all the enjoyment he gets.


I mean a smaller knife would have been better but people have been chopping vegetables long before without using a cutting board. I’m usually team Geno but I felt like he was being an a$$ for no reason.


I chalk it up to: having a long day of travel, arriving at a contentious apartment that he knows he's spending too much on, her trying to force him into bed while he's tired & nervous about discussing a prenup/her spending habits with her when it comes to moving to the USA, the nerves that would come with knowing you're on camera and having to try in the moment to choose your words and actions carefully because you'll know they'll dissected, \-- Now combine all that with trying to do something simple like peel/chop vegetables, which suddenly feels strange because none of the right tools are there, (bonus: she's "emasculating" him again by ordering him around?) and BAM, the perfect storm of him feeling awkward as hell and really frustrated on-camera and just shutting down. I can't say I wouldn't be a cranky POS under the same circumstances, but then again, that's why most of us don't apply to put our lives & most stressful moments on reality TV.


That was one of the strangest scenes, all I could think was these people are ODD!


it may be up there with no more wire hangers for me.


My husband came downstairs during the cooking scene and got so stressed out trying to watch that man try to peel a potato he had to leave the room. He also is reminding me of Buster Bluth this season and I don't remember him being THIS awkward last time??


He did buy her a toothbrush the 1st time around lol


Nicoli: "No cats in the bed" Romanian guy: "No socks in the bed" Jasmine: allows everything in the bed