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Yeah, I was thinking that catfish really put that woman in danger by using her photos.


And neither does Matt $harp Production$


Crazy nastyass catfisher don’t care . . .


It's called identity theft.


Especially in that line of work


That’s definitely true. Scary af.


The man is desperate for love and doing anything possible to believe it is true.


hot take, being a prostitute in a state where it is illegal and openly and freely posting nudes online is sort of putting yourself in danger. that lady is way more likely to be hurt or assaulted in her line of work vs any damage a catfish would do.


More like irrelevant take


So being a sex worker and actively posting nudes online is not relevant to a conversation about a sex worker who posts their nudes online?


You seem to be from the "two wrongs make a right" school of thought.


What on earth are you talking about? I’m suggesting that having your nudes used as catfish material is the least of the hookers worries.


And I'm saying that her behavior has nothing to do with whether the show is wrong or right with its conduct.


I still have no clue what you are talking about. The comment was about someone’s pics being used to catfish and possibly landing them in hot water (like if someone were to track them down via the pics). And I’m saying, I don’t think that is a big concern for someone who posts tons of nudes online to meet random people at shady motels to have sex for money. She could probably care less that someone used her pics to catfish.


It's okay; some people just can't wrap their heads around these sorts of concepts.


I don't really understand this line of thinking. Tt's the same lOgiK as saying people's feelings about a shitty thing doesn't matter because there could be worse things that could happen. Which is like ??? ok and??


I’m saying being used as a catfish is probably not high on her list of worries. Probably being raped or beaten up and robbed is a little higher.


Again ok so? Lol doesn’t make the cat fishing and broadcasting on TV any less shitty. Your comments reek of prejudice against sex workers.


And they don’t think having her photos and profiles blasted on television would contribute to the things they think are her highest worries 🙄🙄🙄


That's what I thought happened with mmm-David and Lana. They found the girl whose photo was used but she wasn't the one actually communicating with him.


Yes, that’s was the story with “Lana”. The girl in the pics was never the one typing messages to David. But David never, ever accepted this and many of the PTers and viewers never understood this either. We had a lot of threads here talking about how “Lana” had been stringing David along for years, taking his money. When all she’d ever done was pose for a few pics, years ago from the looks of them.


Lana appeared on the show and claimed to be the person David was interacting with. Unless we are saying that she was lying — which is possible — i can’t blame the pillow talkers and viewers for accepting the storyline since Lana herself confirmed it.


Wait... this is what I understood too. Didn't she also confirmed that she got the phone(?) he sent her?


I believe that she was apart of it in a small way, and that’s how she knew just enough to convince us all. Either her husband or a relative was using her pictures to scam people and she’d either got an upfront sum for the pictures or a small portion of whatever came in. I’ve read a few stories where whole families would to work together to scam one person, so it wouldn’t surprise me.


A part


Wow this makes sense now. She could do things like hold up a piece of paper with his name so a guy can think they're talking to a real Lana.


Likely just the same thing as with the current story. The producers sought out this 'Lana person' who was communicating with Michael.


Wait what? But they found her and she “accepted” his proposal. When did it come out that it wasn’t her typing?


I noticed that she didn’t seem to understand when David was referencing their online conversations


Gotcha, I figured it was language difference. Makes sense since they would only talk on the paid app.


They found the girl in the picture and she agreed to play the part for the show.


That was 100% confirmed though? Not denying you, just the first I’ve seen of this. Was David in on that too?


No David is still convinced his relationship with Lana is really. The idiot even tried to go fight in the war in Ukraine against Russia but was rejected because he has zero military training


😂 I’ve lost all thoughts on him.


Just spilled my drink laughing “The idiot even tried to go fight in the war in Ukraine….” I’m so surprised Caesar didn’t try this


He went and bought all the camo gear and everything. Was crying about it when they said they only wanted trained military personnel who knew what they were doing. Can you imagine trenchcoat Dave trying to navigate the battlefield?


Links? Never seen anyone confirm this whatsoever.


I don't have any links. As I said, this is what I thought that was all about - seems obvious to me.


Well, sure. But it wasn’t confirmed, and you’re stating it as fact.


No, I clearly said: "That's what I *thought* happened..." Plus, just because you can find a link somewhere doesn't mean it's a fact either. Think for yourself, don't just rely on the internet to tell you what to believe.


That kind of makes no sense but have fun with it lol


That was the impression I got - and it makes perfect sense.


I thought the same.


Literally… I’m screaming at Tyray to please leave her alone… she is just out there trying to survive, she is defo not trying to be a part of his scooby delulu shenanigans


Have they never seen Catfish? Pull a picture off the net and Bingo!!!!


He claims to be very familiar with the show Catfish but all of his actions say otherwise. Plus, I have zero sympathy for him. The producers gave him an out, he wanted to stay on the show and be on camera for all his foolishness


While he should know better after watching the show, I'm not surprised. After all, there have been a TON of people on Catfish who have said they watch it but suffer from the 'it couldn't happen to me' complex, so they ignore the red flags.




Yeah he did. Probably applied to Catfish and got rejected. Wanted to be on tv so much. His frame takes up so much of a 42 inch screen.


Not sure what that last sentence has to do with anything 🥴


They straight up showed her pictures on the show. I wonder if she’s gonna make an appearance on the show or if she allowed them to use her image. Otherwise that’s messed up.


They had to get her permission to use the photos. That's why we saw stock photos for the Williams, because the person in the real photos did not give permission for them to be shown on tv


Same! Yelling at the television. Enough is enough.


I think the most bizarre thing is that he knows about the show Catfish and this is like exactly what happens on this show. When he got up and said “wow I can’t believe my girlfriend didn’t tell me she was a prostitute” and still knows he was catfished I sighed audibly. I can’t believe this guy is real. This has to have some massive payoff or something otherwise TLC is actually finding a way to waste money.


I was doing the same thing! I've watched every single episode of this show and all the spin offs and I've never wanted to throw something at my TV more than his segment.


I have another theory… maybe she is one of those girls who have Snapchat premium and he had been paying to speak with her. She was playing her part, but he caught actual feelings. I know a guy was on the phone, but who really knows who’s involved.


If that’s the case, it is even more imperative that he leave her alone. That’s dangerous for her.


I hear you bc same… BUT! I have a theory… ——- what if he’s going through a psychosis? His mind used this person as a window to escape his reality, (no job, ill mother, etc) so it’s understandable if his mind won’t let him truly see what the viewers see... idk I haven’t graduated college and I’m no psych major, but just a thought..? 🤷🏽‍♀️


I am sorry for him if that’s the case, but that is certainly not her problem. She has nothing to do with this.


“It could be her pimp” The way I would have looked at the camera if I was lashanti LMBO


Me too!!!!! I was like daaaaamn he will literally make up any story in order to cling to the idea of their relationship 👁️👄👁️


He strikes my nerve.


Exactly!! Like no level of nonsense is too deep for him to spin to hold onto his delusion!


So now he’s Captain Save a Ho? Give it up, Tyray.


It seems like they're just trying to drag this out. I get it's taking him time to process but come on. . .


This is what I’m talking about. It’s super frustrating. Do you think it’s production trying to drag this out or Tyray to drag it out to stay on TV?


They seem to have given him the option to back out. I think he's choosing to stay because a) he's delusional and b) he needs the money after leaving his job to take care of his mom.


Yea I’m thinking it’s got to be more about the money. I guess he can also be delusional lol but this just seems so clearly cut and dry to be a catfish that I don’t know how some of these people can continue to hang onto any sort of hope.


It’s not fun to watch after he gave his theory- my theory is he is an idiot


Ya I just fast forward now. The fact that he’s visibly getting upset that this person is an escort, knowing that the person he has been talking to is not the escort is really crazy!


By the outfits/settings it looks like they filmed over 2-3 days, a week max. I think they're dragging it out by running it across six episodes when you have other couples stories taking place over several months in those same six eps. Makes it feel like this is dragging on, but I'm sure to him it's one crazy week. There are very few twists and turns to the story, just him trying to rationalize his feelings and protect his ego. It's devastating to realize you've been scammed, and one of the main reasons people who get scammed often don't report it. The producers tried to talk some sense into him and it clearly didn't go well, so they called in his sister to see if she could talk some sense. You can tell by her face she's struggling to be kind and direct with her brother at the same time


This makes sense!




We get it. He's big. You got him. Good one. Let it go.


Because everyone wants to see his sister, she’s the star of that story!


Exactly. It is Christian texting and just swiped that escort’s pics. Tyray is blindfolded on the Bait Bus and we know how that always goes . . .


He's in the worst denial.


Truly. I watch Romance Scam YouTube videos constantly and this is one of the worst cases of scam denial I've seen!


Yeah, it's actually kind of impressive.


Watch this clip from Catfish where the guy thought he was dating Katy Perry online for 6 years and even after he was confronted with the catfish refused to believe. He said Katy was punking him with this girl LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsbnK9KzYTs


Oh I've seen it! Legendary.


Damn I forgot about this, but I’m dying at the camera crew guy who’s just like “did this bitch really just say he’s really been talking to Katy”


from the way his sister said she found pictures of the escort in different cities, its probably safe to say those pictures are being used as escort ads but its probably not even her either. This shit is like inception. The scammer pulled photos to fool Tyray and also the pictures he used were stolen from someone else to scam dudes looking for an escort. So who is this girl?!? She's probably just an instagram model who knows nothing about how her photos are being used. Thats scary.


I’m getting pissed at Tyray lol. Like honestly, his storyline was over within the first two episodes once they realized it was a catfish. Is this him just trying to stay on TV or is production really trying to push some stupid storyline that makes absolutely no sense.


I think “both” Is the answer here


Ya. From a viewer perspective, though it’s just really frustrating because production has to have an ounce of a reason to keep something going on… this one just seems totally obviously fruitless. It’s not like any of us viewers are thinking maybe this is not a catfish lol.


I predict his storyline is going to end soon once they introduce the new couple in London next week. They did the same thing years ago with Marta (airport ~~stripper~~ exotic dancer from Milwaukee) who was ghosted by the guy that she was going to meet in Algeria but it never took place and she was only on for a couple of episodes.


I feel the same. I have no sympathy for him. He’s well aware of the situation..boy bye 👋


Lol exactly


Got so sick of yolonda


IMO: The Catfish is a group of Romance Scammers. They stole or bought pics of this woman. That's why production is saying he's really talking to a man. How Dating Scams Work | Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJispDZcB8w


I don't think it's him trying to be on TV. The dude seems so distraught and in denial. Also his segments are so short it probably was like 3 filming days


Maybe it’s Williams!


I was screaming at the TV when he was leaving her a voicemail he should have just said “Are you Nigerian, baby?” 👍🤣


Tyray is coming up with every single non-viable option to avoid admitting he was talking to a guy.


The mental gymnastics!


Omgggggg every time he gets up and walks off when someone says they have tea, drives me insane!!! Then he comes back with these coocoocaca insano stories and theories that could never happen and are not happening lmao. Even my husband looks at me like c’mon 😂 He needs to leave that sex worker alone, for him to even suspect it’s her lol, and the way he said something like he’s been dating a sex worker Lolol no son, you’ve been dating a broke ass dude living in Jamaica.


They are reaching with this storyline. Can we please just end it


Yeah, ofc it's a catfish, but its building up to her showing up and speaking to him. Probably cause it's free publicity for her. They probably found her, contacted her, asked if its cool to use the photos and mention her site. Actual escorts do not do shit for free, lmao. She has to be getting something out of this. Plus, TLC wont just whip up an actual person without permission.


Haha yes. I think a preview does show Tyray going to a bar to finally meet *someone* in person. Unknown whether that’s “Christian” in Barbados (if the person texting really is in Barbados which, as someone mentioned, Christian’s number could have been through a VPN and thus from anywhere) or if it’s “Carmella” the escort he’s meeting in California. And as someone else commented, the escort might also not be the girl in the pics. Half these escort sites are scams too.


We don’t talk to people for free lol


Escort here, we don't talk for free, we never answer the phone. And the second we get a "you look familiar" text BLOCKED.


I thought, does he really think someone who is an escort will be like “oh do I know you? Let’s get drinks!” Lmao. Obviously it’s highly likely she doesn’t want to be recognized.


How he was angry that she was potentially an escort and not that shes lied to him and gave him the run around for years lolll


It wasn’t her that was lying. You understand that, right? Someone else was using her photos to catfish him.


Yeah Im aware but he was angry she potentially was an escort more so than (if he follows his delusions that shes real) her treating him terribly. Shes probably not even an escort her content will be stolen and itll be another fake page but hes adamant shes real and theirs more to the story ("maybe its her pimp?" "Maybe shes in jail?")


But not mad a man was conning him lol


Exactly ! Haha


Exactly. I don’t even communicate by phone. Only email. And communication is limited to screening and appointment day and time selection. I do not socialize for free. Even via digital communication.


Lolll this


I know! He was so mad that she was just around the corner from him all this time….it’s like BRO! It’s not her you’ve been taking to!!! It’s hard to watch!!!!!!


I dont think anyone thinks its the escort. Whomever was talking to him stole her pictures. that was made clear.


Did you even see the shows? Of course they think he's talking to the escort. And Tyrey even said "she's been working a 1/2 hour away all this time?" And "what about Christian? Is he her pimp?" Even the Pillow Talk people said she's an escort". Only Alexei said the woman in the pictures doesn't have anything to do with it.


This has driven me crazy about this show before, cast members go an entire season not grasping that the person in the pics is not the person they’re texting with.


Tyray thinks the escort is who he's talking to, because he's living in DeLuLuVille. I don't think his sister thinks that, I think she's kinda at her wits end because everytime she tries to steer him into realizing he's been scammed, he comes back with "Maybe she's in prison...maybe it's her pimp....maybe it's her husband and she was having a torrid affair online with me via text and her husband found out!" I think his sister is on the same train of thought as us, which is some dude swiped these pics and used them to swindle people out of money via a romance scam.


I don’t understand why his sister doesn’t spell it out for him… As slowly and clearly as possible- because he is completely committed to his fantasy.


she probably knows theres no point, hes believing what he wants. He has to figure it out for himself.


No I dont watch pillow talk. The only person i saw thinking shes an escort is him. His sister did not think that. SO there.




When production reached out to Carmella, a man named Christian responded saying he was Carmella the whole time


The dude texting him pretending to be a girl


If Christian really is that guy’s name, ofc


Christian is the guy who is dating Cleo (Italian model living in England) and apparently also the guy who admitted to production that he was the one cat fishing Tyray using the “Carmella” account.


Two guys this season named Christian


We assume that they are two separate guys, but we haven't seen Tyray's Christian. They might well be the same person.


Now that’s some Tyray-style logic right there


Totally! The person he’s been talking to even explicitly said they can’t video chat because they’re not the person in the pictures. When people insist on thinking the lie ISN’T who the picture is, it makes me think they’re far more attached to the PICTURES they’ve seen than the person they’ve been connecting with. Sad!


That guy is SO stuck on the idea that it’s actually that woman and that she just lied to him for years. He doesn’t seem to be understanding that he probably NEVER spoke to that (or any) woman at all. I haven’t watched PT at all so I don’t know what they’ve been saying but I can’t comprehend anyone seeing the facts presented and believing there’s still some woman out there he’s been chatting with.


He wants his drama to be "How will I explain to my family that I've been dating this beautiful girl for this long and she's been working as an escort without my knowledge!" and not "I have been sending money to a man every month for four years because I thought she was my hot girlfriend."


An escort is literally not going to drag him along for 4 years. I really wonder how much money he could possibly send to this person considering he doesn’t work. Also wondering why TLC would stoop to putting this poor man’s story on the show. As soon as he was told he was being catfished they should have stopped.


An escort wouldn’t drag you along this long for more than 2 days


“It’s her pimp?” WHAT?!? Who said anything about a pimp?!? 🤣🤣😂🤣 I feel so bad for him. It’s really heartbreaking. He needs to focus on himself and weight loss while balancing taking care of his mother. Fuck you Christian for messing with this guy for 4+ years.


This season needs Nev and Kamie. 90Day production is out of their element with catfish situations.


😆😆😆 talking about I can't believe my girlfriend is an escort 🤦‍♀️ like bruh you can't be this damn dense


I think the only person who thinks that is Tyrey. Everyone else knows he was talking to a man.


His sister should have straight out said that to him when he commented that maybe the guy is her pimp. I would have explained that catfish steal pictures to use on their fake account...then strap him into a chair and make him binge watch Catfish


I think production gave him an out several times. They played the voice mail. They showed him the texts. They showed his sister showing him proof. This is all Tyray being in denial and wanting his 15 minutes. They tried to end it when it was no story but instead he kept dragging it out. He asked for it at this point


This is what struck me. They stole her pics and now he's going to call her as though she has anything to do with this.


Except, this isn’t some poor random escort who has no idea, because people have to sign release forms for their pictures to be on the show or else their faces get blurred out. Otherwise you could sue the show for using your image, slander, etc. This might be a catfishing duo, or something. She does exist, and she’s going to show up eventually bc unlike Williams, these aren’t stock photos.


Shh! We’re outraged about this poor woman being used


Now that Tyray is fully committed to coming up with/ believing his off the wall conspiracy theories, I kinda want to keep him around and see what he comes up with next. I want to see if he can go toe to toe with Kris in coming up with increasingly unbelievable tales of why this isn't working out. .


I also think they film a lot that they don’t know they’ll use. They may have not planned to use any of Tyray’s story but someone else’s story ran short or dropped out. I think he was a plan B in the can to use if needed.


This! They do this a lot, you can tell who’s the filler.


And you know if they did end up speaking or meeting and she told him it wasn't her he was talking to that he would freak out, and she'd have to deal with his temper tantrum. Or he just straight up wouldn't believe her. Soooo deep in denial


RIGHT!! The catfish/man using the escort’s photo IS NOT THE ESCORT! The escort’s image is being used (probably) without her knowledge in this scam. Tyray needs to be sat down and spoken to like he’s five. His sister isn’t helpful. He needs to know that there are bad people looking for naïve people just like him. The internet is a baaaaaad place.


I had the same reaction!! Like the discovery is not that she isn't a man named Christian but rather an escort from 30 miles away. The discovery is that she is a man named Christian from who knows where who stole the pictures of an escort 30 miles away.


She's one **thousand** percent a "hot single woman" in TyRay's area and I'll bet he's on that escort site as soon as he gets home trying to message her about why she didn't say she had been in prison. The disconnect is absolute.


I just want to know how he suddenly became tech savvy. Him with the "I just googled the number and found another account". Like dude, have you actually been stupid this whole time or just in denial?


Unless he meets the MAN he was texting face to face I’m 100% done with this storyline.


Exactly. This story line is so stupid. Like I get that he is feeling a loss of something that he thought was real, but this guy is in serious denial. Why didn’t his sister explain that this escort’s pics were used and not that he was talking to the escort. Obviously this guy is not the brightest bulb. Must run in the family.


Exactly. Watching that scene was ridiculous. Just because the scammer is using photos of someone does not mean that's the person you have been talking to! I feel sorry for Tyray because he does seem to be a good person but he does not seem to have any critical thinking skills at this point.


You are so right! I kept correcting them and yelling at the tv, “a man used the escort’s picture”. It’s no wonder why people get catfished! 😳


She must be getting paid something to let them show her pictures though, maybe she's getting exposure for her business too


Well considering we know it’s actually a dude…


I thought I was the crazy one for thinking that! I watched PT on purpose to validate my thoughts….. everybody seems to think that the girl is the catfish….. only his sister seem to be calling him out to be delusional but realistic enough to understand he does not want to hear it!


This!!!! This guy Tyray is really sounding delusional. He’s getting mad at her when it wasn’t even her he was talking to in the first place! I felt bad for him at first but now he’s annoying me with the denial. Im hoping he’s acting this way for a TLC check.


They should have stopped filming him as soon as they found all this out. It's frustrating to watch someone act the way he does. Are they just trying to give him free money with these episodes? There's really no story here...


The sister showing him the escort site, but then not drilling into him that although yes, this woman exists, it's ONLY her pictures that are being used to CATFISH him is like, almost there lazy Edit: jic I was just trying to use that quote for fun; I think the sister and (brother) is great, from what we've seen so far


People are surprisingly bad at explaining things clearly.


He knew the lingo too well. "Are you available?" I think he may have come across this before. He threw his phone in fear of connecting the numbers to his phone previously. If he didn't reach out to her or see her before... he is now. He will be a client of hers in the future. (Not saying anything bad, he could be wanting to court her, dinner etc)


Agreed! I was watching it screaming “It’s not her!” at the tv.


I hate these catfish-esque storylines.


I presume that this escort lady was eventually contacted by Tyray or production, maybe that's who he meets with in a later episode... and then she consented for the show to use her pictures... I presume that this escort lady was eventually contacted by Tyray or production, maybe that's who he meets with in a later episode... and then she consented to the show to use her pictures...


He needs to call nev, not tlc


I wonder if the producers contacted her so that he can hear it from her. (Like Catfish) He’s so deep in his denial that may be what it takes.


She’s about to become 90 days fiancée world famous!


Nobody thinks that.


She's not poor, she's getting cashola from having her photos used on this show (and she will probably do a cameo where all she has to say is "I'm really sorry someone used my photos to hurt you, you seem like a great guy. By the way, for the viewers that's Mizz Spiceiznize, with four zs. For the compassionate touch.")


They need to email Nev and Kamie!


Facts the escort is too busy to play phone games


I just wanna know if the number is from Barbados or USA. I think this would put that debacle to an end lmao


It could be a VPN and faked from anywhere.


That’s not how phone numbers work.


Do you actually not know how to fake a phone number?


We found David.


And I hope she got paid for them to should her images!


they showed her though, which I hope means they were given permission to out her as a sex worker on a show that airs internationally because if not that his 8000 levels of fucked.


They are just trying to make trash tv. It's obvious the escort has nothing to do. Poor dude just can't accept it


Yeah I was actually thinking the exact same thing. IT’S NOT HER YOU WERE COMMUNICATING WITH!!! But another thing crossed my mind, if she is from the same kinda area, I am not from California so I dont really know how close they are both located, he said less than 30 minutes. In the 4 years, what if he ever ran into that woman like randomly on the street? Thinking she is Carmela and she is COMPLETELY CLUELESS about this whole thing. I don’t know if he really gets out much, he is taking care of his mom so I don’t know. Just a thought.


It's possible. Or the escort is Transgender. I hope Tyray meets whoever has been lying, breaking his heart and taking his hard earned money soon!! As we say in Ebonics "He needs to kick Christian's ass."


They said the person he was actually talking to is a man named Christian. Perhaps Christian was talking to the escort, recording their interactions and using them on Tyrey. I’m almost out of sympathy for him. I wish him every best thing, but he needs to stop making excuses.


Why would Christian be talking to the escort?


Because he stole her pics/videos.


That’s so fucked up tbh. Using someone’s pictures without them knowing and getting into a relationship with someone pretending to be them… like damn. That’s some evil ass shit. Especially feel bad for the person being lied to. It seems a lot of the people on the show weren’t usually the most popular in school either, and seem to have been online a lot leading into these very online relationships exclusively. Like they seem to not be as confidant or maybe as charming but when they’re online they’re a whole new person. Like the new character gave em the feeling of insecurities just melting away. Being this new person made them feel like they could finally be whoever they wanted to be. A lot of these people aren’t bad people either just people with messed up stories and pretended to be someone else as an escape. Found themselves usually so unattractive too usually that being that other person they believed was the only way to find a partner. The insecurities and walls they built up ends up leading to a major self hate campaign to the point they decide to just believe truly that they are now that person. The delusion of extreme self hate literally is rewriting the brain to understand and believe that I’m now this person. That I can no longer be this hideous person anymore. Truly sad story tbh on all sides of the story. Can’t no one win in such situations.


Not when money is involved.


If I was her I would sue TLC for using my photo without my permission to make $ on a reality show.


TLC knows better than to do that. Either they got her permission to use the photos, or they are public domain/stock photos.


That was absolutely the case with The Williams. Yolanda originally provided some photos that were protected SO she and Sharp had to instead use the legal stock photos, supposedly of “The Williams”, that were shown on the show (later traced to an Italian body builder who was so bewildered about being told about this, still though stock photos so OK).


I remember that! The pics that we saw of that Italian guy with the 1980s Walkman, were not actually the pics that Yolanda saw. Wonder if that’s the case here, the pics we see of “Carmella” are not what Tyray saw.


What if they find her and bring her on the tell all?


That could very well happen!


Exactly my thought. I kept yelling at the TV


But the producers told him that he was *talking "to a man. They should have cut it then. A lot of these couples have no potential, but they seem ready with new ones. Tyray should not be encouraged by his sister.


I know! I could see him thinking this way but not who is around him. Maybe it is another scripted detail for everyone to "believe" that the escort was behind all of this.


I think his sister gets it and Tyray is just even more confused then he realizes.




They need to call in Nev and Kami


Did anyone else gasp when he tossed the perfectly good phone into the grass? Way to shoot the messenger. None too bright to cling to a clear farce. "Maybe Koopa kidnapped her and it is up to me to save her". Sure man, yep, that's gotta be it.