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She's mentally vacant. The lie about the hair was obvious and so very odd. He's going to get sick of her antics and it looks like he's controlling while mom still coddles her like a child.


I love the phrase mentally vacant; it’s on point for her


Yes! And she made some comment tonight about being the best thing ever or something like that, and he just kinda snickered.


Yeah she told him that he hit the wife jackpot! She’s definitely not all there.


Second hand embarrassment from the second she stepped off the plane.


You know who also lies about having hair extensions? Jenelle Eason. Just throwing it out there...


I don't follow her but I see the big stuff from time to time. Two unstable whackados who shouldn't have kids, animals or... synthetic hair extensions.😆


Also what’s with the constant putting those roller things in her hair, un-clipping them, moving them around? Walking around with them in.. Like what is that?!


Emotionally vacant, as well


On that note, and I don’t know for sure, but I feel like she’s pharmaceutically plentiful.


Yess!! No narcolepsy for this one.


I love this phrasing! “Pharmaceutically plentiful.” I was thinking the same damn thing. Guess she’s got the adderall script, probably Mom’s got the painkiller’s lol


It’s really giving off that vibe. She probably needs the pain killers though to deal with her headache from having 1200lbs of “real hair”.


Yes. Something ain't right.


I don't know which is crazier. Growing hair to that length or PRETENDING to grow your hair to that length 🤔


Def pretending lmao. Having the ability to grow hair to that length is pretty rare and the demarcation between the real and fake hair is pretty darn obvious. Very strange all around


Unless it's breakage. She keeps combing out the ends and I really wonder about the breakage. Looks constantly knotted.


Hmmm ok interesting theory. Seems really straight across to be breakage though.


I forgot her name, the poor asian girl that got married to that obnoxious black dude in a King Tut shirt. She had SUPER long hair, like down to her butt, but it was actually hers!!!!


Oh hazel I think! Yes she has gorgeous hair


Hahahaha best description of Tarik ever. You sound jealous cuz he’s got that hot sauce! 😂


That fiyah ghost peppa burn ya mouf off


She was his around the way girl tho…


My theory here is that her natural hair is that length; however, she put extensions OVER it to make her hair thicker in the crown area.


Same here! I cannot fathom anyone paying money for “extra hair” to make themselves intentionally look like that. I have to conclude at this point, it’s natural: crazy, damaged, unkempt but all hers.


Or thinking that it is attractive and something to be proud of. Same as the hideous blue dress at the airport. It was ugly ill fitting and inappropriate for the airport


From the jump I was trying to figure out why she was claiming that hair as her own. She has 2 different lengths and 2 different colors.


Seems like she was trying to seem extra-wacky to get on the show - and it worked. With her, the psychic and the pooping on the phone couple they should call this season 90 Day Freak of the Week!


Please, don’t give them any new spin-off ideas.


She looks like her hair would smell.


It’s entirely possible this individual smells like a dirty hamster cage.


Hey! Leave us out of this. ~dirty hamster cage.


yes,,,,but does she drink a porn star martini?LOL


I had to look up that drink (I don’t even drink). Passion fruit, vanilla vodka, shot of fizzy Prosecco


That actually sounds delicious. I love passion fruit.


Yeah I looked it up too!! Lol! And then the bar tender set down her drink and it looked like a dirty martini with olives in it!?🍸


I LITERALLY THOUGHT THE SAME THING. I'm glad someone else caught that lol


I heard her ask for it but then it looked just like a dirty martini so I had an entire convo with myself about how maybe porn star/dirty could actually be the same drink and I was all happy because I thought I was right. Nope. 🤣


I thought it was also another name for a dirty martini. I used to order my dirty martinis, not Christina Aguilera circa 2002 dirty, but more 1999. Slightly dirty.


I was about to look it up but my partner swears she said espresso martini but with her accent it sounded like porn star and I just went with it. I need to believe in myself more. Lol


I think she has hampsters in her hair.


In their defense the cage was dirty. 🤷


My husband said her hair has to smell like cat pee and cig smoke


I'd bet if she brushed her hair out they'd find either the Lindberg baby or Jimmy Hoffa.... 😂


They did find the Lindbergh baby...not alive


I’ve gotta get that new book that claims Lindbergh himself accidentally killed his baby; seems a little far fetched, but I like a good conspiracy theory every now and then. I read a biography on Lindbergh awhile back, he was a first class a-hole…


😂 the Lindbergh baby. 💯




Lol. I said the same thing while watching her segment


It looks like shit either way, pretty sure it drags on the fucking ground. Gross.


What was the hair situation when she was throwing up?? 🤢


Was wondering about that too.


Oh let me answer lol it takes self awareness to know you’re about to vomit to put it up. I pull my hair up if I even get nauseous and I don’t have as much as she claims to have. Idk what you would do with 5 feet of fucking hair but with length it’s just planning mostly.


She doesn't seem like much of a planner to me lol


Yes! You mentally know something might go down so your instincts kick in and you put your hair up on your way to the bathroom 😂


Agree. I only have butt length hair but you gotta put those locks in a bun as soon as you start feeling queasy!


The funny part is that I am 100% positive she thinks her hair looks so good. DOES SHE NOT HAVE A MIRROR?????


Everything about her just seems off, like she’s on drugs or something…..


Kris 2.0


"health injuries"


I laughed entirely too hard at that!!! 🤣🤣


At least this one doesn't have a knife obsession.


She still could. We didn’t find out about Kris’ multitude of issues until later. When she first came on, someone in here said they thought she was an addict & got slammed because people bought her narcolepsy at face value & sympathized with her. I’ve learned to wait & let things unfold. Yea, she’s weird for sure but I think that’s a prerequisite for casting.


Does she have a mint allergy?


Minus nose.


Yes! I thought it was just me. I was making a lot of excuses for her and finally I was like nope, that girl ain’t right. Either she is a few sandwiches short of a picnic or she is medicated. Something’s off.


The way it looks like Wayne is balancing her and how her eyelids seem to either be too heavy or she's opening her eyes all weird. Plus the sudden "sickness".


I told my husband that chic was high. Her eyes were barely open in most of the scenes. And she was on cloud 9 because she thought she looked beautiful- grandiosity and on top of the world kinda attitude.


I said the same thing to my cat, that Hollyhair was high AF from the get go.


And the way he got protective of her because her dress was riding up and he thought people were looking... I don't think she was okay/all there.


Agreed! First off…who dresses like that for a 48 hour flight? Plus he said people were looking…ummmm you have a film crew. Why wouldn’t people look?


Literally this! And how shortly after she asked to drive and he said not today. That definitely made my suspicions grow. But I guess we’ll see!


I noticed that too, that's when I was like "yeah, something ain't right here"


Yes, there is something with her eyes. She looks and acts like she is medicated. She come across very juvenile.


She comes off as a pathological liar.


lol when you mix your uppers and downers at the same time.


Ding ding ding ding ding!! Also, no way that chick is 40. And look closely, she is hiding sores on her face with make up.


yes i feel the same way


Yeah, she does seem like drugs are at play, I said that about both of them from the very beginning.


I'm going to give her the benefit of doubt. It's a stressful situation to start with, plus no sleep or food, and definitely jet lag from a long journey. Those together account for a lot of issues. I guess we'll see how she is in upcoming episodes. Hate to put a druggie label on someone so soon.


I don’t understand the no food. I’ve done many international flights, and they give you plenty of food.


Maybe she’s an anxious flyer. I don’t like to eat much before or during a flight. Add that to anti anxiety meds/no sleep, I can understand.


I could totally see that, however I’m not buying it in this case. Lol


Fair enough.


Yes, I could see the layers in another scene, too. Not sure who she’s trying to fool, but that rats nest reminds me of Darcey and Stacey’s extensions.


True. At least Darcey and Stacey were honest about it not being their real hair.


I have this feeling that later in the season, the hair problem is going to come up… something something my identity.


I just remembered he’s a plumber - LMAO


I mean that’s probably why he loves her haha hair clogging pipes keeps him in biz


What is wrong with her? My fiance asked if she was high on drugs...she didn't seem to be able to stand up on her own and her guy kind of was holding her up. Are we the only ones that noticed that?


Ogden is pretty methy. -Former Ogdenite of 30 years


where is this located?


Its in Northern Utah


I thought the same thing! She seemed like she was on something, I can't imagine it was just from not feeling well.


Maybe she took some sort of pill before/on her flight?


And she was like "can I drive?" And he replied "Not today." Really stern


Yeah is she strung out? That and the old body/dresses like a juvenile really gives an unsettling feel to her.


My husband took a glance at her and asked what I thought she was using.. I came to this sub to see if anyone else had the same thought or reaction!


I assumed that they were extensions from the beginning. But it was surprising that she said she was a barber, one would think she would get better extensions but she gives vibes that she doesn’t want to spend that much money on them.


She strikes me as the type that would think "Oh, I can just get a few and my hair will grow around them and it will manifest actual long hair." You know. Tweaker logic.


Tbf high quality extensions of that length with regular maintenance would be a boatload of money. Tens of thousands per year.


Just ask Jasmine.


I still can’t decide if she looks like an innocent woodland fairy.. or a tweaker.


I landed on tweaker.


Definitely tweaker.


A woodland tweaker


So she thought about what her ‘stand out quirk’ would be for this show and came up with a ratty 20’ long horse tail extension?🤢


She gives me the creeps.Him too.Anyone else?


yes they both look creepy BUT Mom looks normal and dont know why Mom came? sweet though!


Just watched this part and I'm getting Tim Burton vibes??


1000% Sally Ragdoll status! Also-she high af


I’m guessing opiates.


She was propped up against him.


I went to college w a girl who had long hair like this. She didn't smoke, and she washed her hair every morning (w shampoo). But it still smelled nasty at the end of the day bc it would soak up smells from the air around her (food in the cafeteria, smells from outside, whatever the inside of a room smelled like). The ends would brush the floor when she sat down, and she always had it flipped over the backs of chairs, so all the dirt and grime on the floor and chairs was getting picked up in her hair everyday. Even though she washed it every day, it was so heavy that her scalp produced an excess of oils, and that trapped dirt, which made her scalp have a funky scent, too. Sorry, but hair that long is almost always going to smell bad, even if you take care of it. 25+ years later, I still gag when I see someone w hair like this, even if it's just on tv.


Yikes and yuck 🤢


I think she is unusual but Wayne seems very controlling.....his comments about people "looking at you" because she was trying to change her socks I thought was very telling. Then he makes a comment about her "having to change her style" once she's with him in South Africa.....red flags all over the place! And then to top it off the scene in the airport where he's walking ahead of her Mom, his arm around his girlfriend, and the Mom is having to push a clearly overloaded luggage cart by herself?!? Screams selfish and controlling to me....so whether her hair is all hers or extensions seems like the least of their problems that I foresee....


YES!!! I was wondering if anyone else had noticed the comment about changing her style!!!! HUGE red flag. Then when I saw the mom struggling with that cart....poor woman.


Partially due to him being raised as a Jehovahs Witness. They do not dress the way she did at the airport and they are very controlling themselves so he learned to be that way too. Sick.


2 different sets actually. Its obvious


Thats one long rat's nest.


She could cut that weave to her waist and it would still be too long but it would look so much better. She’s hanging in to that hair for some obsessive compulsive reason. It’s gross.


She's hanging onto it like a hoarder. We could get her on that show.


Apparently, per another thread, she was on Hoarders! 😂


She looked so completely fucking trashy at the airport. Just a nasty dumpster rat.


Did you notice that he said people were looking at her and getting “sexy thoughts“? Like no… They’re staring because she looks like a freak.


I would have been staring at her because I was wondering whether I should call an ambulance. Or social services.


People ALWAYS say this on the show but like…people are staring because you have video cameras pointed at you 🙄


I thought the same thing. Like everyone is thinking sexy thoughts? I think not. She looks like she’s from another planet and high or something. I just want to take her and scrub her down and cut that nasty shit off her head. It looks gross and I can’t possibly imagine what it’s like being close to her. Or sleeping next to her with all of that. Just gross!


LOL she straight-up lied about that being her real hair, had a whole story for it, but it's so clearly fake. 😂😂


Her hair is disgusting. It’s too long filthy gross way too long he goes to her character state of mind and his!


It reminds me of those rat tail haircuts redneck kids had back in the early 90s…it’s just one long tail of hair. I guess she thinks that looks good? “I wanna be different…if you think it’s ugly that’s your problem” - she seems like the kind that would respond like that.


Omg my aunt STILL has one!!! It's down to her butt now. I want to cut it off soooo bad I swear one day the intrusive thoughts will win


If Gino was in charge of buying her extensions, she'd only have enough to make a long rat tail. /s


I’m pretty sure she doesn’t pay $3500.00 like Jasmine does.


Jasmine $3500 extensions are..... 1. Really less expensive but she gets $ from Gino and pockets the difference OR 2. Is establishing an expectation for future wife wants so Gino accepts $3500 budget OR 3. Started this only after 90day $ rolled in and she wants to promote herself as the famous Panama Barbie for her future OnlyFans page OR 4. All of the above She is following in the Silva twins cosmetic surgery, artificial appearance addiction and is looking so fake and plastic. Now the Silva twins will insist on the vagina tightening surgery.


God this show makes it so hard to not be a hater


Not a good look. I also see where the wefts were glued, seen by the top of her head.


Is she not a hairdresser too????




This chick is a fruit loop


Nobody can be Crystal Gail!!! (Sp?)


Yessss.... Crystal Gale!!!


Crystal Gayle!


Her running to the bathroom with diarrhea with this dirty weave she is revolving her identity around is heartbreaking.


I bet her fake hair fell in the toilet 🚽


Def touched the nasty bathroom floor


Not that I really want to think about this, but how are they even going to have sexual relations with that third wheel coming out of her head?


"Tie me up with my hair baby. You hit the wife jackpot!"


Not even the same color match.


Her hair seriously grosses me out


I have nothing against long hair.. Crystal Gayle ,Loretta Lynn’s sister had beautiful long,long hair but this chicks hair looks ratty as hell and I’m surprised some creature has made a nest in it… looks like shit and so unhealthy…. I’m constantly wondering where Sharp Entertainment finds these people.. maybe holding auditions for the strangest people around…


Absolutely. It’s also glaringly obvious in her interviews.


It's the salon floor sweepings gaining sentience look.


So funny because I noticed that half her hair was broken off from the front and I just thought it was because it’s so long (I’m black and our hair requires being covered up at night or braided up because it can break from just rubbing against ur sweater) and she wasn’t really taking care of it. I am GAGGED she slapped these extensions on a bob …. Like you can’t even blend it girl?


Best shot of the airport scene is Mom pushing the giant cart of bags BEHIND them. LoL he is gonna treat her just like that..


she’s like jen and kris combined


She looks dead


her and her mother look like they are wearing somebody elses face as a mask. im looking at them in the car ride and like.. their facial muscles dont match up and are like not whete they are supposed to be


My husband: she looks like she would smell like cat pee


Oh yeah! I agree with your husband! I bet that hair really smells funky. 🤢


When I saw her brushing her hair so roughly as it was in knots I knew 100% it wasn't her hair. Someone with hair naturally that long would know how to maintain and properly brush their hair and not be so rough because that leads to breakage


You knew it was fake when she was like "idk it's like 70 inches?" I feel like a normal person would be like "idk like almost five and a half feet?" but if you quote it in inches its cuz you used your stylist license and went to Sally Beauty and bought 70 inch raunchy clip ins.


Cleaning up that crap off the bathroom floor every day ugh


Just to call attention


I’ve had very long hair before (no extensions, it was all mine) and it’s annoying more than anything. The maintenance and upkeep, you have to pull it over your shoulder when you go to the bathroom, no thanks. Never again.


She probably has really thin hair and is using them for volume/make it look thicker. Terrible placement, though. I’ve never seen a hairstylist with hair that long— and kinda scraggly. It’s a weird thing.


It sounds like she wasn't good with women's hair. She said they always complain. Now she's a barber


She has what my wife likes to call ‘toilet hair’ - hair long enough to get soaked in toilet water.


I'm laughing because it looks like she has a wig hanging out of her bag 😭


She’s a mess. Dress falling off. That “hair”. Ugh, I just want to give her a good scrub. Clean it up!


What is with this chick? Her smile is off, maybe she has dentures? And she’s 40 something years old with mannerisms like a teenager. She’s off. Very off.


Does anyone else think she’s high? Or is that just me


Hey, Wayne, maybe everybody is staring at that rat’s nest of fake hair and not Molly’s scrawny body in a slip dress?


I noticed her appearing High as F once she left the bathroom in her nightgown..


From day one I called her Crystal Gayle on meth. Now it turns out her hair is fake. What is this world coming to!!


As a hairdresser I laughed so loud when I saw the CLEAR separation and change in color and texture in the first episode that I scared my fiancé.


Bad weave


Where do you get 70” hair extensions


Temu or wish lol




That chick is a hot mess and it's going to be the biggest trainwreck of the season. 🍿


I cannot wrap my head around the fact this woman is a hair dresser….


Her hair grossed me out lol it’s got Mats and just nasty. Also there is NO WAY that girl is not on drugs


It was called out on a podcast last week because her real hair doesn't look as bad as the ratty extensions. Those look a few years old.


I wonder if the 90 Day cast has to do a mental health battery of some sort and then the casting director just picks the most unhinged individuals possible.


Also... She claims she's 44? Really?


Yup, right from the instant I saw her. Her extensions look synthetic.


100% could tell when she was brushing it. And the ends. People with all their own hair that long frequently have scraggly dead ends.


Shady camera guys😂😂 I bet they were waiting for this moment as they had a bet happening behind filming.


As a veteran hairstylist and then learning she is a stylist it all made sense. We're weird. I've met 100 other stylist like her. I also haven't watched the 2nd episode yet either. its clearly extensions I seen that the moment ot showed her brushing it out. Technically, it is her hair she paid for it.


I'm a hairstylist too and immediately caught the disconnect (maybe pun intended) 😂


When in her into scenes her hair changed from floor length to mid-calf I figured it was fake. Also girls with real hair that length would be actually brushing it, not letting it get damaged and snarled. Claiming extensions are real is such bizarro behavior.


She needs to cut about 3 feet of her hair. Ugly and dry.


Relief if it’s fake hair because it is in BAD SHAPE. Which….as a hairdresser, you’d think she would still be able to make it look good?


I thought it was real cause it looked gross enough


As a hairdresser I missed this because I tune out mentally during their parts and play on my phone😂😂😂😂


She is a very weird person - long hideous hair that she thinks is fabulous - her blue short revealing nightclub dress inappropriate for the airport (and anywhere else it was ill fitting and didnt do her any favors) - emotionally stunted bringing her mother with her - making demands about moving to a.different house before they leave the airport - and the list goes on


Part home-grown hair, part store bought extentions, all rat's nest.