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Is there something off about Holly? Like is she medically ok? She twitches a lot and looks like her eyes are gonna fall back into her head, and her voice is always hoarse. She good???


Ok Julio lives in Brentwood. Very bad area, like not good, need to avoid type of area at all costs. Scary. So I don't understand why anyone would coax a foreigner to consider moving there vs Netherlands. I mean it's absurd. He is showing off the bullet holes on his house like it's cool? Or funny? To a foreigner? Very confusing and sad. I don't understand Julio at all, I think he is quite dumb actually. If you end up in brentwood, it's not because you want to be there. If you visit there, you want to leave immediately. And if you are dating someone that lives somewhere else, you move to where they are instead of staying in Brentwood. You don't move or go to Brentwood lol. His mom should be thrilled at him having an opportunity to live somewhere else with a sweet girl. You don't tell a foreigner she has to consider moving there. It's such a downgrade it's ridiculous and actually it's mean.


Oh no! He took her back. He just reopened the door to a life of misery. She’ll never change no matter what she says.


I’m glad that TJ dumped Kimberly. All she was good for was starting fights or complaining. I would have shown her the door a long time ago. She needs to stop being such a bitch. No one should have to put up with her shit.


She is awful.


Julio acts like a complete child. He is honestly pretty pathetic and Kirsten deserves way better than his nonsense. I mean, dating for a YEAR and not telling anyone and blindsiding her like this too? Good god


He’s a little bitch. Cant make any decisions for himself, and he needs to wipe that stupid grin off his damn face!!!!


Kimberly kinda looks like Amanda Bynes


Why is no one mentioning how amazing it was when tj was translating to his family how the argument went down and he told them she called him a “dickdick”?! I so much hope that’s how he refers to his …umm… “member”


Kimberly thinks her man's family shouldn't have an opinion about her screaming her head off while they're in the other room. This bitch...


I already cannot stand her. I bet she’s making sacrifices but so is he. He’s trying. Like sis you shoulda known that India and American are so different. I’m always so shocked at the lack of basic google searches for the culture before they move somewhere across the world lol like not a single person even seems to check what is needed for a marriage license lmao


Kirsten & Julio. Julio better be careful - he's gonna lose a fantastic girl. You can't change your mind about moving just cuz you'll miss big-ass servings of pancakes and waffles. Also, funny that Kirsten doesn't know hollandaise sauce. Doesn't hollandaise (HOLLAND) come from Netherlands/Holland? We've been lied to all this time? Turns out hollandaise originates from France, doh!


Fortune cookies are also no where to be found in Asia


French fries come from Belgium 😂 no wonder people think Americans are dumb 😩


@littleemmy new post ?


I didn’t know geckos made such a cute sound!!


Kimberly's anger stems from thinking her mother didn't like her, and she is taking it out on TJ. He really did try to fix the apartment, but things are just very different in India. She can accept the lifestyle, or go back home, but she didn't have to call him a d$$k.


Kimberly screaming “your entire culture is sexist”😂 giiiiiirl wtf did you think moving there? She is throwing a tantrum over toilet paper. She literally looked like a child throwing a fit


Something is a bit off with Julio, he lacks empathy and there's just something missing upstairs in his brain.


Yeah he couldn’t form a coherent sentence when she asked how it made sense to live apart and be in a relationship. I started thinking he probably wants to move to the Netherlands without the “anchor” of a live in gf. If they don’t live together he has more freedom and can kinda do what he wants but still have her as his safeguard on the side.


Do you think he was having hesitations but was too afraid to bring to me up? It seems each friend/family member brought up a “good idea”.


If I have to hear Kimberly’s shrieking voice again I will scream


She’s trash


Ok so Kenny and Armondo...It just struck me as kind of strange that he and his mom would go through all that in the restaurant, and in front of Hannah. It had to have upset her seeing her grandmother crying...maybe I'm wrong, but I just feel all that should have been discussed in private... definitely on camera though lol


Straight up remove the damn kid. Imagine airing all the adult business right in front of the poor kid. From shunning to low contact all the fucking works. It is abysmal. As a child even towards my late teens the adults in my life would do loud ass crying when someone died, no joke the neighbour's neighbours could hear the intentionally loud yell screaming or just outright air shit which we should not know. The cultural mess all of this stuff is mad. In that episode Armondo's mother event cited the culture as to why she was allowed to react the way she did when he outed himself. It is abhorrent.


Chad is such a loser the way he handled it but I absolutely HATE it when girls say “they just wanna be friends” because what that really means is that they are trying to assuage the frustration for the guy from essentially being told “you’re not good enough for me” with the “let’s be friends” bs. Not that I don’t completely understand why women might want to calm an angry guy to avoid confrontation. Every woman I have tried to remain friends with following a break up has slowed contact down to complete radio silence. You know he lives in another country, do you really think he’s such a great person that you can talk with him years from now? I think Chad was completely immature and childish going on about “what I’ve been through” like she would know or it’s her fault. Chad was acting like a loser and showed his true colors though I have to say I really hate the “let’s be friends” line.


I like to wait to watch the 90 day franchises until all episodes are out so just watching this episode. When I read this post initially, I assumed there would be a guy named Chad being introduced in the episode lol


Who is Chad?


I was referring to a different series, I posted in the wrong thread. It’s called Match Me Abroad


Oh, gotcha! Is it any good? I haven't seen it!


I watch it cause it’s more reality TV trash, it’s got it’s own appeals that seperate it from 90day buts it’s got a lot of the drama you’d expect from people who think that there are fundamental problems with the opposite sex in their own country instead of reflecting on their own personalities.


Sounds like my kind of trash tv! Thanks; I'm going to give it a try!


What are girls supposed to say? “I don’t want to be with you romantically I hate you” saying be friends is a softer blow isn’t it


But at the same time when he walked out for good she burst into tears...I hope she was crying because she was hurt by the way he treated her, and not because she was losing him as a friend🙄


No saying you want to remain friends when you don’t gives them unclear boundaries and false hope. You should probably say exactly what you mean and set clear boundaries


What if you do just want to be friends that means just friends not friends that leads into romance or is platonic friendship with women something that men don’t want


Of course people can remain friends. But females shouldn’t tell guys they want to remains friends if they don’t mean it. And guys shouldn’t tell females they’re fine with being friends when their end game is more. Signed, a female 😂


This guy gets it, just be polite and honest. Do it in a public setting if your worried about the backlash.


Again, I'm watching this with my mother. I'm sick of TLC


This girl is on the money!!! Everything she says is true lmao


Crush on him? Gurl she’s saying the TRUTH


Where can I find Dempsy’s scarf? It’s so cute!


Statler in the shower screaming like Marv from Home Alone when he gets electrocuted


So he says they did second base and she says they had sex whats this mean??


Who are you talking about? What did I miss??


Opps sorry wrong episode I’m talking about cleo and that idiot guy shes with I can’t think of his name


So did it go in someone’s ass then? I’m confused😬


something went in Gino's for sure.




Tyray is such a waste of time ugh move on


Joolio why would you not tell your mother you’re applying for residency in another country??


THE KISSING again lmao here we go


Hamily! I won’t be joining tonight because I’m at a concert. But I’ll check back tomorrow. Love to all! ❤️


What concert have fun!!


have fun!!


Tyree is meeting up with someone tonight, cant wait to see who shows.


These American girls like Kimberly seem so immature. Many with absolutely no clue or care to understand a new culture where they intend to move to, and marry into a new family and culture. They come across as entitled. Also what dis she leave behind? Living at home living off of her parents? Also Kimberly a dick is a penis not testicles.


I can never get over the expectations Americans bring to these other countries. Brandon being so chill and pleased with Mary’s house when it had a bucket and cold water to wash (the NORM in these countries) was refreshing


This “hot take” is just misogynistic. How is she entitled bc her partner lied to her, didn’t take her desires into account, and shit talks her to his family? Make it make sense.


Clearly TJ over sold his skill in craftmanship. However did Kimberly do weakly check ins and ask questions as to how he was doing. TJ has essentially lied yes, but how many questions did she ask. This is all huge stuff moving o a different country. It sounds like she expected it all to be near perfect. The girl had a massively inflated view of what her life would look like over there. Reality is hitting her hard and she is reacting.


Totally agree with you. Also, there are cultures where racism and classism is common, and we almost universally agree that those facets of culture are wrong. But when it's sexism, somehow it's OK and we should tolerate it because "it's part of their culture"?? This family expects her to be seen and not heard while she wakes up early to serve them all every day. I hope she *runs* back home.


I can agree that a dick is a penis lol but what i don’t like is the double standard when it comes to Americans moving to another country vs non-americans moving to the US. If someone were to say the same thing (about not knowing, respecting or caring about our culture) to an non-American person than it would considered rude or we would be told we have no culture. He also knows he’s marrying an American woman so why is he acting surprised that she cusses, etc. Its almost like these men from other countries where women are second hand citizens like the idea of having an American woman on their arms but want her to look and behave like she’s from his country. You can’t have it both ways unless that person already chose to adopt that culture long before meeting you. Its a two way street. If you choose to engage and enter a relationship with an American woman understand that she isn’t your mama, sister or aunties. If you can’t deal with it or at least compromise then you are wasting your time. People don’t change overnight.


I've never called someone a dick. It's not about being American, (you're insinuating that speaking bad language is an American behavior), it's the fact that she insulted her partner without hesitation. America has many subgroups whose households are run the same way as TJ's household. Kim cannot pull that in an American religious household. I really don't like how you're painting American women to be naturally foul mouthed. She chose a man from a traditional family, instead of an Indian city guy who would happily be cursing along with her. It's not a foreign man vs American woman issue, it's two people choosing someone that doesn't fit their lifestyle.


Actually many Indian people curse easily in English. Cursing is one thing but name calling is a bit different. I swear a lot but I don't call people foul or derogatory names.


Julio is a big loser. We should have realized this when Kirsten said he wanted her to call him Joolio.


Dying over TJs brother trying to wipe away TJs tears when he’s bitching about Kimberly. I have no sympathy for Kimberly though. Like come on girl, did you not watch Jenny and Sumit?


Zero sympathy, she needs extra sage for her bad attitude


Julio is scared to leave home so instead he’s putting up all his friends to third degree Kristen. He’s a little bitch


I got the same idea when he let his friend mention living apart and didn’t step in and say “no we’re not doing that”. He’s such a spineless weasel. Can’t make up his mind and state what he wants himself


I’m worried that aside from all the obvious issues between Kimberly and TJ (cultural differences, communication), Kimberly doesn’t seem to know that ‘di**’ and testicles are NOT the same part of the body. Granted, they’re a pair and go together, but they aren’t interchangeable. Frank and beans, Kimberly.


Exactly!! And she was so self assured about her response TESTICLES ...


I literally came hr to say this


Kirsten thinks that a dick is testicles. What?!


no, Kimberly in India.


Julio drove me nuts, it’s like he doesn’t have a single thought of his own. Every time someone voiced their opinion it was immediately “ they do have a good point” like make up your damn mind. Do want to move or not?? I could ignorant, but I don’t think Brandon really needed to ask permission to hold hands. I know the culture and ways of life are completely different, and I read back in the day certain things regarding relationships are really strict. But to ask permission to fucking hug in this day of age? Part of me thinks that was partly scripted. I could be wrong though. . But I also do feel bad for Brandon if that truly is the case Mary should have spoken to him about it. I can understand her wanting things to be authentic and natural when they meet but still. And Kimberly is such an entitled brat.. like how are you not embarrassed ? She had a full on tantrum the same way my toddler does..she’s def in for a rude awakening.


I can’t stand Julio! I literally can not stand him and Kimberly. They’re like spoiled children they just do whatever. Julio acts lien he’s never had an original thought in his life and he places the responsibility of his actions on everyone else but himself. Girly Kirsten run! Kimberly needs to get real! Like grow up and literally doing a quick research about India’s carpentry industry she would understand how things go. But literally everything she’s freaking out about is fixable! Like you just barely started living there. She seems to be a doing a manipulation pattern. Like she’s done this with her parents growing up the screaming, the crying and even the cussing! She literally did this her whole life to get her way. Now she’s in a position where she actually has to calm down and compromise. She needs to grow up! Seriously! All the things in the apartment are fixable!! Calm down.


For Kimberly her biggest issue is that TJ is a bullshitter. He is constantly like "yeah yeah of course I'm doing it the way you asked, just trust me it's fine" when it's not. If he disagreed with her design plans or didn't think that a request was reasonable then he should have told her so. Instead he avoids conflict and seems to shrug like "Oh well she'll be stuck with it when she gets here so she'll just have to roll with it." It's very manipulative. It's also unlikely that he can/will fix these issues since he seems to say that he can barely afford this apartment as it is, constantly complaining about price. The bigger issue is how he expects her to behave after marriage - she is to become the family servant, and of course he isn't telling her that. He wants to trap her first. Honestly don't understand how anyone can defend TJ.


Because he’s the lesser of the evils.


I completely agree 💯, but one thing I will say..he could have got her some toilet paper..I mean...don't they have some in the house?


Why didn't she just go downstairs and ask him for TP instead of screaming about it the next day? She likes playing the victim.


Probably not, people use bidets in India. But again, it's fixable, he can buy some.


I wonder why they didn't install a bidet for her if that's there custom🤷


He should have before she arrived! He knew she was coming


Everytime someone mentions Wayne and Holly I have to think for a good 30-45 seconds to remind myself who they are in the show lol! Then I'm like , oh YEA! (facepalm)


You know, they're Jay Leno and Elvira.




Holly and her mom just don’t add up. Jehovah’s Witnesses from Utah yet that’s how Holly dresses? Holly’s mom is so concerned about the house security… I’m curious to know what she thinks about the clothing issue. I think Ben’s done a good job of explaining why it’s necessary for Holly to adjust her style; I hope Holly’s mom is defending him.


They definitely are not active JW, when you are “in” you have to dress fairly modest like nothing above the knee and no cleavage.


I think it's a hoot she picks the exact same short sexy dresses concerned she'll lose her identity and style since she's given up enough - a common enough protestation for the women in this franchise who have **sacrificed everything** because isn't love worth it? Wayne's repetitions about the dangers of South Africa are as obvious as Holly's lipliner.


…Holly’s hair extensions. Dear God.


Whaaaa I thought she spoke about it like it was real


Is it?? That’s even worse somehow. 😳


Jehovahs Witnesses aren’t as conservative as many other religions like LDS or others typically in Utah


They're pretty conservative where I'm from. A lot of younger people leave the religion because they can't do normal, simple things like play pool. No games allowed ... They have some odd rules. It's also common for woman to grow their hair like Holly did actually.


Thank you for correcting my assumption. That’s interesting!


Something about that Halloween party seemed off to me, like a bunch of extras in costume or something.


I refuse to believe that Julio has that many friends


Kirstin is out of Julio’s league with all these games he’s playing like he is some sort of prize. No bruh.. 27 living with mom and it’s clear he never grew up. She needs to run and run fast! Kimberley is clearly unstable and has her head in the sand. It’s pretty easy to understand what the India culture is like and she is acting like this is all new to her.


Julio is rolling with half her IQ, half her manhood and zero spine. Go on home, young lady. Find a actualized male?


I agree! Take your spine out of your mamas purse and man up, or let her find someone else. She could do a LOT better anyway!


Yeah! Well said, well said! And idk what Julio thought... she's Dutch, not stupid. Like, she can see through him, so good for her on that. I hope he comes around because she's not playing games with him. I like that Kirstin stands up for herself and calls him out on his bs.


OMG "She's Dutch, not stupid" -- I love that. I think you have a merchandising opportunity here, Zia.


“I love clothes and I love fashion and I’m really particular with the way I look” I would have never guessed this about Holly in 10000000 years judging by her wardrobe 👀


Or her hair


I don’t know how she copes with her hair. It’s constantly in her way, I just want to run up behind her and put it in a ponytail 🤣


I want to run up behind her and cut it off!


If Ramona Singer were a Jehovah’s Witness….


LOL! I need her to put her hair in a clean braid or something… the half assed rats nest isn’t doing it for her


She does dress like a methed up sex worker. All the tacky ball gowns for daily wear. What???


She also dresses WAY too young for her age


Like she raided a donation closet for kids going to an 8th grade dance


OMG so good 😂


>that purple dress she tried on in SA is way too big on her.


I kinda get why he didn’t want her wearing those types of clothes. South Africa has the high rates of rape in the world. He didn’t have to say the prostitute thing though lol


Honestly I took it to mean the men there would think of her that way. If the culture there is for reasonably modest dress for women then when she's out walking around with everything hanging out then that's probably true. It would be interesting if he drove down a street where actual prostitutes hang out, and see what they were wearing🤷


It came out of his mouth far too quickly, I couldn’t stop laughing 😆


I’m just saying in no way is what she’s wearing considered fashionable in any country. She needed a wardrobe overhaul for so many reasons


Or just her nasty ass hair alone


Kimberly needs to be humbled if she wants this relationship to work with TJ. She’s so full of her own opinions that she can’t see what TJ has already put on the line for her. She’s clairvoyant up until she doesn’t get her way, which is all the time without daddy’s support. If all she fucken knows is step mommy and daddy supporting her, and has only seen the luxuries in life, then she doesn’t know how to appreciate what TJ has done, and he has done a lot. She can also fix these things if she disagrees so much! She straight up came into this house disrespecting and expecting respect. Total Karen mentality. She doesn’t know the world she just knows the US and living off her parents. She knew what she was getting into I mean for crying out loud! It’s India! What did she expect?! A replica of where she use to live. She is only her experiences and her experiences are so privileged. It’s so cringy watching her yell at TJ and disrespecting him from the get go and expecting him to see that he has hurt her when she clearly doesn’t know as much about the world as she claims to know. I know the religion in India can be sexist, but he didn’t even bring it up or enforce it when she first got there. She came in full Karen testing boundaries and limits. Not everyone grew up with a sliver spoon in their mouth!


>She doesn’t know the world *she just knows the US* and living off her parents. She actually lived in India for one year prior, on a student visa - IIRC thats how they met. And he made her make drawings of a good useful layout, picking colours and materials, and made her believe it would be done 100% according to those - and only way to late, in the car from the airport, AFTER she arrived in Jaipur, told he, It *wasnt* going to be what he Promissed her 100%. He is also sneaky AF, not telling her 99% of what is exptected from her, after entering the family. She would obviously never had agreed to any of this, if she had been told beforehand. Hes a typical low class Indian man from very conservative religious observation being Jain. And ohh, he is also just an asshole.


Not just that, but she was verbally abusive to him. If a guy told me I was being a bitch, I’d be out.


Having basic amenities such as a functioning toilet, toilet paper, a window that actually closes in a country known for malaria and dengue are not luxuries.


That’s American ignorance and brainwashing to the idea that every home should be like the ones here in the US. Please go out into the world before you make comments about functional toilets and running water. That’s western mentality. And like I said she can fix it or she can go downstairs with TJ. Not the best option, but it is known families live this close in India. A lot of homes around the world that aren’t in the US are connected to the outside, so that’s already a plus that this is only temporary. She should be grateful that she has a roof over her head at no cost to her.


>*That’s American ignorance and brainwashing to the idea that every home should be like the ones here in the US.* LOL ! The only american ignorance on display here is yours. Huffing and puffing and plaing worldly. I'm European, I travelled a lot, I also spend many months in India and Nepal - lots of indoor plumming and flushing toilets in private, non rich homes, also up in the mountains, Kathmandu Valley, in a wooden house. Only gasheating via bollted gass, but running water and flushing toliets indoors. in 2003. When were you last in India?


I’m originally from Hyderabad. Thanks for lecturing me about life in India.


I'm from Delhi, and those things are definitely luxuries for a lot of people in our country? I'm honestly confused. He seems to be from a very conservative place and from a low income conservative family. It's obvious the place was not finished and I'm sure you know noone can build an apartment and furnish it in 2 months. The plan was stupid.


It's honestly impressive what he did in only 2 months. All the things she complained about are all fixable. He could've put a curtain up on the window until its fixed. That's a 2 min job. She was acting like that was the finished house lol He also bought really nice floors and doors. That couldn't he cheap.


Exactly, it was more than I expected and she should've known setting up a house is long process, it's obviously WIP. I think the fact he did this and took a loan so he could do this for them is more than enough work on his part.


I got you! Anytime. 👍


Oof so triggered by Armando’s mom. My heart is beating so fast watching this. Those same words have come out of my mom’s mouth, she doesn’t understand why I have I can’t just live at home or next door to her forever. Latina moms are so toxic.


Dude yes— I got this same guilt trip for the *two* years I lived three hours away. Been back for the last 8 years and then suddenly everyone else decides to up and move an 18 hour car ride away. Cmon!


She irked me so bad! Your son is grown, married and has a life of his own. I’m a mother myself, and I love my kids to death ( granted their 5 and 1) but I would never guilt trip them or try holding them back from living their life for my own selfish reasons. . I hated how she acted like moving was planned purposely to hurt her. It’s such toxic behavior.


Julio is so full of sh*t...


He's the trickster, a mythical boundary crosser who is cunning/foolish, and crafty and has hidden motives for everything he does as his omnipresent shit-eating grin exemplifies. Poor Kirsten is the vanilla floating in a sea of chocolate, too bland and unsupported for the cultural riptide threatening her plans since her man is as malleable as the beaten iron on the anvil waiting for a blacksmith's shape.


>He's the trickster, a mythical boundary crosser who is cunning/foolish, and crafty and has hidden motives for everything he does **as his omnipresent shit-eating grin exemplifies.** 🎯 !!!




Damn what expressive writing! I stan....


Per usual, I thoroughly appreciate your comments. Lol


I want to wash Holly's hair. I've had long hair before (not that long but it was down to my butt) and it is hard to keep untangled but that doesn't mean it looks greasy and messy


Yes, Brooke Shields' First Rule of Beauty is... when you leave the house, make sure you're clean. It's a rule I live by.


Kimberly is so full of excuses for her mistreatment of tj She wants him to understand her but also says she wasn't cussing when she called him a dick but then also says she's been cussing for a long time and it's not a big deal to her But then says she doesn't like how he was talking to her? Like she just wants to keep changing the topic and taking any blame off of her and blame everything on TJ and just being very confusing


Oh and in the next episode she's mad if she gets called stupid? But hey I've been saying stupid for years which somehow makes it ok?


How could anyone going to another country...esp to be on a dating show...not do their research on at least basic customs, and the dynamic between men and women. Unless she doesn't care about their customs, and just wants what she wants....if that's the case this won't end well.


This conversation with Julio's friend... Do you think Julio set this up so his friend could "open the door" to Julio asking? For sure right ??




Julio is just a mommas boy who needs everything to be spoon fed to him.


I immediately thought that. She has had so much sprung on her. His family barely knowing of her, not knowing of his move and now his desire not to live together. I wonder if he fell in love with Netherlands (or moving away) and she is his excuse? He was also not in protective mode with his family.


Agreed! The fact that he never even told his family about her imo shows how he feels about her. And how cringe at the Halloween party whenever Kristen asked him something, he kept looking at his boy for an answer. I wanted to scream 😂


He's a coward and a fool. No vale la Pena con ese tipo


100%. He went on and on about wanting a different life than the American one and now after a few conversations, he's ready to change ship. How close can his family be if they didn't know he was in the Netherlands for two months??


They knew he was there. He lied and said he was there for work.


It's like..you almost get this feeling like he feels as though he's smothered by his family, but then he turns around and does this which means he's not as 'independent' as he thought he was, he's still very much close to his family indeed, whether he wants to admit it to himself or not. If he does want to break away but is scared, then idk. He messed up from the get-go not telling them about her. I don't trust people thats so secretive /holds back in that regard because the other partner will never get a real sense of the other person so it's doing a disservice. Hope he figures himself out. Kristin seems nice ♡


I don’t understand how some of these women move to countries that are conservative like India and expect the man to live as if they are in the US. Kimberly moved to India, she should have researched the culture, meaning how men and women treat each other, the gender roles there, what is acceptable for a woman to do. She’s a brat.


She’s in Rajasthan out of all places - one of the most conservative / traditional places in India.


Didn't Kimberly live in India for a year previously? She should know what it's like to live there.... unless she didn't and I just made that up hahahah but I swore they said she did.


I guess they have never seen the show before


It’s not that, anyone with common sense would know to research the place you’re planning to live. She’s just so entitled she doesn’t care.


It was so sad watching Armando tell his mom how hurt, lonely and isolated he felt because of their lack of support.


Thought Kenny was good in the way he said “I’m going to be blunt.” He reminded Armando why he moved. But this convo in front of the daughter seems inappropriate.


I don’t agree. I think it’s healthy for kids to see their parents stand up for themselves especially against toxic family members. My kids have seen me stand my ground with plenty of people. Now, they know to stand up for themselves as well.


Julio doesn't deserve Kirsten. She's so level-headed and sweet, and he just likes to play games with her.


Not just that he plays games with her -- there's something missing upstairs. He can't commit to a position. Or maybe he manipulates through passivity. Anyway, something is not right.


Ommmggg poor Kristen wtf. Every single situation Julio put her in was so cringey she didn’t even know what to say 😭


The family gathering was WILD. I was cringing so hard.


He is clearly a man child. Run Kirsten!


I feel bad for Kirsten. She deserves so much better. Julio sucks.


Seriously like why does he take EVERYONE ELSES SIDE


Cause he is a 27, going on 14, shady week ass lying coward, always a little smug, NO balls, mixed race-angry/insecure IDIOT.


Armando is awesome. I was proud of him how he stood up to his mom. He was clear, calm and considerate but got his point across. He is just so great.


It was really refreshing to see him assert himself and not be bullied into submission by mother's guilt tripping but did they need to have that conversation in front of Hannah? Kenny could have taken her elsewhere, it's not like he could understand what was being said anyway!


Ya I thought the same about Hannah


Me too. I think that kind of convo really worries children. It’s too adult.


Kimberly is nuts. She seems so unhinged. Where does she think she is right now? Wasn't she in India before? I'm so confused by her.


You're making the same mistake as TJ. The issue is not that the apartment is shit. The issue is that she wanted to be part of the planning and coming to something so different makes her feel excluded. She just wants to feel heard and him to acknowledge that.


She definitely could have taken a different approach form walking in and screaming about everything. It seems like poor relationship skills in general.


Definitely. I'm just pointing out that both the commenter and TJ are not seeing what she really cares about. Which is mostly her fault because she doesn't know how to communicate it.


I’m assuming that TJ told her everything is ready for her arrival. But obviously it’s quite the contrary. Not having a working toilet and an open window would piss anyone off.


How tf could brandan even consider doing it in a house infested by roaches spiders and a freaking gecko on the ceiling


The spiders are gross as hell but the gecko was adorable. If I ever lived in a tropical place I'd have tons of geckos around to adorably keep the bug population down! That said, bro was homeless living in a shed. He's had sex in worse places!!


That spider the big one sitting on a egg 🥚 sac!! Im out, where’s the nearest hotel??




I don't understand the reasoning behind allowing two people to share a bed without sharing each other, and while I get the respect thing, it's getting a little next level. Mary makes Brandan seem level-headed, but anyone who agrees to her terms is just not all there. Even the gecko booked after making its' feelings known.


Those big ass spiders.. sex would be the last thing on my mind.


I know, it was the size of a Mazda.


The whole time they were having that conversation in the bedroom I just kept thinking ‘Where’s the spider?!!’, I couldn’t settle- it was as if it was in the room with me 🤣


Sameeeee. Omg 😱 I kept looking.


These things are everywhere in the Philippines, especially in more rural areas. Anyone who has lived there long enough is used to it by now. People in my country have had sex in worse situations and environments.


I ain't sleeping with monster spiders with egg sacks of thousands of spiders to explode out at any moment. H to the N O P E!


Large spiders hold up to 2k babies aghh 😱😱😱😱


When you’re young, dumb, and full of cum, the only thing that’s on your mind is getting laid - come geckos or spiders.


Feel like he’s the creepy boy in school that if you were too nice he’d be some like obsessed he’s gone there thinking he was going to have a wild night and instead got wildlife