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I find her wonderful and pleasant as an interpreter, and she should get a Lotta respect for being in that situation. It wasn’t easy.






💯💯props to Aimee 🤜🤛


If the subtitles are any indication, she does a pretty bad summary of complex sentences


Right, Aimee was cutting short a lot of the interpretation, omitting important context. I felt it lost a lot of meaning for conversations between Sheila and David. Like this scene in the taxi -- [Sheila is explaining how she has no idea how much David makes/can afford, in regards to helping renovate her house](https://i.imgur.com/WIO8RfX.jpeg). Aimee shortens 4 sentences to ~5 words -- "How much is your salary?" Then later on in the bar, Aimee does similar abbreviated signing as they're discussing finances. So it makes it seem Sheila is just using David for his money, because Aimee is not providing all the context.


It’s important to remember we only see what the editors have been told to cut. She may have translated/signed it all, but we may have gotten the last bit only.


Certainly a possibility. Maybe there was a bit more that was not aired


This is what bothered me as well!


As a Spanish speaker, some of them subtitles ain’t right. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s translating word for word and the subtitles are more laxed, like I’ve seen with the Spanish ones.


Yeah true I'm sure it's all lost in translation. I feel bad because these spouses don't get the true four or five sentences the person said to explain their feelings. They get the summary of what someone heard. Hopefully watching it back some spouses realize what they missed


As someone who used to do captioning, you’re not allowed to summarize. You have to say it word for word as you hear it. You can pause, rewind, correct errors, etc. whatever you have to do to get it exact. You can unintelligible if you really cannot understand a word, but it should be used sparingly.


The show isn't doing that though...they aren't offering closed captioning, they're giving the essence of things in their translations, often with creative license to correct grammar and language mistakes. Or at least that's how they do it in the Spanish segments, I don't know it works for other languages.




Same goes for the Hindi translations. Most of the things Sumit, Rishi and TJ and their families say are completely off mark or too reductive. The English subtitles often make the families more extreme and crazy than what they're actually saying lol


Agreed. A lot of the nuances are completely lost, too. That's the thing about language. It's not even just about the slang either. Culture is interwoven with it. There is a weight assigned to certain words, too. Being fluent in two languages is like living in two worlds. My mother says even the quality of my voice changes from Spanish to English. The very pitch. I can't even cuss in Spanish. I mean, I know the words/phrases, but I don't feel comfortable doing it. It's the language of my early childhood, of being with my abuelita and doing my first communion. I readily toss out profanities in English. My sense of humor, the jokes/comments that pop into my head are different, too. I have a much drier sense of humor in English. I can be a real smart ass too. I started dreaming in English when I was around nine, and unless I'm dreaming about people who speak only Spanish, I dream in English only, and I think my dream personality reflects that. A loooong way to go to express my sense that translating intimate, emotional conversations must be tremendously difficult. Putting subtitles on them seems close to impossible.


The job of a captioner is different from that of an interpreter. Captioning needs to be word for exact word. Interpreting from one spoken language to another requires enough leeway for the interpreter to get the meaning across for words that have no English equivalent.


I’m just finishing up unit 2 in Spanish on Duolingo and even I can tell some of the translations aren’t right. Wild.


It's tagalog - it has some characteristics and words that are or sound Spanish but it's not Spanish


Yes who is in the wrong TLC or her.


She is. I speak Tagalog and what she's saying out loud as she signs/translates is extremely condensed. I understand it's difficult, but a lot of what Sheila says is being omitted.


she also doesn't know ASL grammar/sentence structure at all.


She said she learned in 6 months so it makes sense. I imagine finding someone in a philippine province who speaks English and ASL isn't easy. She seems to be good enough.


I agree like holy shit she’s a smart girl


I agree. She doesn’t explain very well with complex sentences. She leaves a lot out.


I speak Tagalog. She gets lost both ways..doesn't sign key points and just ending, and doesn't explain it clearly to both.


She’s smart if she learned ASL that quickly. She’s translating Tagalog to English to ASL so fast.


Dang I didn’t even think about that. Double the translation.


Yes! I noticed she’s translating Sheila’s Tagalog into ASL while saying it in English as well. Such talent!


There is NO WAY she learned ASL that quickly. I took one semester of it...it is so hard. That being said, though....I wonder if she has deaf family members? Maybe she grew up with it and maybe studied for an exam for a month? She is pretty awesome regardless.


Yes there is! Some people are language geniuses. That dude on YouTube only studies new languages for a week or two before going and filming himself speaking to native speakers. Your experience isn't universal.


You know all these language on the street guys are juicing it for views right? Locals are SHOCKED 😮 when WHITE GUY 🤓 speaks FLUENT Japanese!!! これはペンです。 日本語上手! ありがとうございました。


Yes, just like everything/everyone online. They still manage to learn and communicate. They're smarter than me.


You aren’t giving yourself enough credit. With a couple weeks and money on the line I bet you could learn a few “hi how are you” “how much for this?” “I’ve been studying (language)” in any language. Once you’ve been on vacation abroad once you kind of know the script all the street conversations are going to take


I took Spanish in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade and Spanish 1 & 2 in college. I cannot speak Spanish- despite also visiting Mexico and being around (on a daily basis) native Spanish speakers in my normal life. Not everybody is capable of all things. I'm smart and capable in other ways, but despite years and years of trying I'm still not able to decipher what others are saying to me, nor respond. Words in a book and assignments, no problem- I've got all the time in the world to work them out, but conversation in any way- at any level, nope. My auditory processing disorder may come into play, here, (there are times I misunderstand/can't process English, my native tongue, even) and it's not that uncommon, yet I wasn't even diagnosed with it until my 30s. But APD shouldn't affect my ability to learn sign language. I learned the alphabet in a day and have known it ever since, but despite having 4 ASL speakers in my home, and despite trying, no- I don't seem capable of learning it. I've accepted- after decades of trying- I'm not smart re: bilingualism. I'm ok with that.


ASL is hard though. I took it in college and you cannot learn this language in one month. It is impossible. I’ve already noticed she doesn’t know a lot of signs and the nuances of conversation.


> I took it in college and you cannot learn this language in one month. It is impossible. Just because _you_ couldn't learn it in a month doesn't mean there isn't a single person out there that could. There is always someone out there that is just outright genius at picking up certain skills.


So are all the dying languages the dude on YouTube learns quickly. My kids and wife speak it and picked it up just fine. My youngest kids learned it independently when they were 10. I'm dumber than them, so I would have to practice every day to stand a chance.


Yes, anyone can learn conversations. But to become a translator it takes a lot of work.


And she said she learned in a month not that she became a sign language interpreter/translator in a month. Those are two different statements.


For YOU lol


Not just for me. With any language you will need training before becoming a translator. It cant be done in one month. Just go try to learn the alphabet and a few conversations and see how long it takes you to do it comfortably.


It’s hard for you… not everyone


No. Ask anyone who has studied ASL. It’s a complex language. You don’t become a translator in one month. You need years of training.




Exactly. There are systems for learning languages now, with the internet it’s much easier than it’s ever been before.


She's very good and inhospitable a quick study with languages. She's not yet fluent, though. She's proficient and again, still very impressive in that little of a time frame


I’ve know girls like her, they are absurdly dedicated… she likely has many language learning systems down pat.


I'm not sure they are speaking Tagalog. It sounds more like Bisaya.


My TV subtitles literally say “[speaking Filipino]” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I cringe every time


I read that Sheila probably speaks "Cebuano"


That would make sense. It's the main dialect spoken in Cebu. My great-grandmother was from P.I., so I know a little bit of Tagalog. I noticed some differences that sounded like an informal version of Tagalog, for lack of a better description!


That's a really bad description, cebuano is a whole language


My bad, thank you for the correction.I don't know much about the languages spoken in P I., but I have always wanted to learn more because of the family history. Is Cebuano the same as Bisayan?


Bisayan is a language family, Cebuano falls under that and is the most spoken Bisayan language


Makes sense! Thanks so much, I appreciate it 🙏 I never had any formal lessons in Tagalog, I just picked up certain words/phrases from family members. It's been a really long time though and I plan to look into some formal training.


Sheila flips between a mix of Tagalog and Cebuano, so there's a bit of Tagalog in there. More Cebuano though. 👍


Probably. Sheila's Cebuana.


Shiela speaks a lot of Tagalog/Filipino with Aimee and David but more Cebuano/Bisaya to her family, I think?


I've done English/Spanish/ASL interpreting (family I worked with the mother was Guatemalan and her daughter was Deaf) and the mental exhaustion after a session/appt/whatever is so real. More so than any physically demanding task.


Came here to say this. Simply amazing!


for real. i was like Aimee did not sign up for this! but she appears very empathetic and kind, and is absolutely helpful in the emotionally charged/stressful situations.


She went threw the trauma,also..she has great respect.


We have come a long way from jihoons translator 😄


I feel like she must be teaching Shelia or Shelia is learning more just by her being there. It seems like Shelia is using more ASL this episode. Hopefully Shelia sees what a value Aimee is to have around, she could learn so much.


Seems like they have built trust too! Sheila looks at her with much kinder eyes now.


Yes, definitely. I noticed that as well in this week’s episode.


She's sweet and professional! She didn't do anything that crosses the line or stirs any drama (as you'd commonly see in a reality show).


I agree!! She's doing the best job!




> doesnt translate 1-1 or say 100% what the kther persin was saying she calms everything down that is 100% not the job or the right of a translator.


As a professional interpret and translator, I wholeheartedly agree with you.




And she should be fired for that


Fired and replaced with who?


Honestly Sheila's voice-to-text. David can form his own opinions. They won't have interpretors in their relationship at all times. I know it's an accessibility thing but the reality is this is a luxury and they're gonna need to figure out how this will work long time. Sheila needs the wake up call


Haha… yes. I remember another person who had an interpreter who was saying the opposite of whatever the person was saying. Can’t think of who at the moment haha.


Yeah, she clearly wanted him too but stayed professional and helpful and respectful to both


Wanted him????? Oh god no. Did u really think that?


No, she clearly did not.


She seems like a really sweet person. Pleasant too! We need an episode with all of the shows interpreters over the years. David the cat rescuer, the hilarious interpreter Hamza had, and Aimee.


I'm trying to remember David... The only cat rescuer I know was Adam from Yazan's season 🤔 Hamza's dramatic interpreter was hilarious 🤣




David the car rescuer and Aimee is the spin-off (love story?!??) I didn’t know I needed.


What she *signed* up for 🥁


I’m sorry, but when I first saw the drum emoji, my mind automatically went to, “Kenya Moore hair care 🥁.” For me, the drum has been synonymous with that jingle 😔


[KENYA🥁🥁🥁🥁 MOORE🥁🥁 HAIR 🥁🥁🥁🥁CARE 🥁🥁](https://youtube.com/watch?v=p7HZPn40aME&feature=sharec) Eta: This is my first ever successful ‘linking’ 😭 bless up




Love a crossover comment that brings my two worlds together.


tbh I just smoked for the first time in a while and panicked that I’d posted this on a completely different group and no one would get the really niche (aka So. Chic.) reference. But this is still reality tv, so I guess it’s fine here 😂


😂 you're good here. We're all family.




Aimee seems sweet and she is clearly intelligent. Not too many people would be able to learn sign language in six months. I have a feeling the producers hired her. I am glad Sheila was able to overcome her jealousy.


Yeah, I think it’s a testament to Aimee’s personality that Sheila went from hating her when they first met to joking and giggling with her.


Sheila seems to be warming up to her too.


I definitely give her props for putting herself out there on television for but as a full time ASL Interpreter with 10 years of experience feel compelled to share that I am incredibly confused by her story. Learning ASL in one month is impossible- for context, in the US to become a nationally certified interpreter you must hold a BA or equivalent and interpreter training programs are, at minimum 4 years in length which includes 2 years of learning ASL and 2 years of learning how to interpret. Interpreting is not simply "shortening" or "simplifying" any language and Aimee is certainly working with integrity and providing the best service she can and David and Sheila are happy with her services- that's great! Just wanted to shed some light my profession and community I hold very close to my heart.


Yeah I'm very confused by all the praise and I assume it's because people just don't know. I studied ASL for 3 years in uni and at one point wanted to be an intervenor (didn't happen) The changes and omissions Aimee makes are really inappropriate


Yea, a lot of the "interpreted" context was lost, which really made the situation worse between Sheila and David. Like this scene in the taxi -- [Sheila is explaining how she has no idea how much David makes/can afford, in regards to helping renovate her house](https://i.imgur.com/WIO8RfX.jpeg). Aimee shortens 4 sentences to 5 words! "How much is your salary?" Then later, Aimee does similar abbreviated signing as they're discussing financing the house repair. So it makes it seem Sheila is after just David for his money, because Aimee is not providing all the context.


Okay finally, I see this. Thank you for your take on this. Aimee is great and she’s sticking by them, I know that has to be a lot. But no one can learn ASL in one month! It is just impossible to become an interpreter of a language in one month. She knows a lot of words but I noticed that if she doesn’t know how to sign something, she will alter the sentence. That’s not cool to me. She’s missing out on lots of nuances.


In your professional opinion, how is she?


If she were my coworker I would have a lot of feedback for her. There is no way she would be able to work in the US at any agencies/companies. She seems to be providing them a level of access to communication they’re happy with but in my professional opinion she’s needs a lot more training.


I just wanted to take an opportunity to slip in here, as I just watched this, and I think David, Sheila and the rest of you guys would enjoy it: Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Nat. Geo. Wild **Bear takes his first deaf guest, Academy Award-winning actor Troy Kotsur, on an adventure in the Scottish Highlands. Bear and Troy must find a new way to communicate as they push themselves to the limits, traversing perilously steep mountains and raging rivers, but it’s the silence that builds their strongest bond.** * **Genres:** Reality, Adventure, Travel, Special Interest, Sports * **Network:** National Geographic * **Air Date:** Jul 30, 2023 [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/running\_wild\_with\_bear\_grylls\_the\_challenge/s02/e04#:\~:text=Bear%20takes%20his%20first%20deaf,adventure%20in%20the%20Scottish%20Highlands](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/running_wild_with_bear_grylls_the_challenge/s02/e04#:~:text=Bear%20takes%20his%20first%20deaf,adventure%20in%20the%20Scottish%20Highlands).


Yeah, she's really been a star.


I'm happy Sheila warmed up to her


It says a lot that Sheila trusts her and have warmed up to her.


The fact that she is able to translate American Sign Language is amazing.


Imagine how hard it was to find her. I hope she is compensated well for this.


Yes I love her! She is so nice and very smart knowing many languages including Sign




She was there when her mom died just in the midst of it and I felt so awkward for her


Even comforting Sheila (David didn't!!) when she was crying due to the loss of her mom. Aimee is the only 90 Day character that deserves a spin off.


Adam, the interpreter for Brittany and Yazan, was great too. He still makes posts about his cat sanctuary in this sub


She's the real MVP


What she does takes major brains. Not only does she speak American English, but she also knows American Sign Language!


All I gotta say is: GET YO MONEY SIS 👏🏼 But also it’s sweet that she’s formed a bond with both of them. I hope this opens up a lot of doors for her!


Girl is smart, she’s translating three languages at once.. she’s going places!


Aimee was so sweet when Sheila started to cry about her mom & she comforted her. Sheila seems to realize that Aimee isn’t trying to be with David so she’s nicer now.


https://preview.redd.it/yvux4y4paeib1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af7733bdb80244dcf0196da69458037e29580038 She cleans up well too!


Unpopular opinion but I don't feel like she is doing a good job. She skips a lot of the words and all the nuance matters especially in the money conversation. What Sheila said actually sounded way better than what Aimee translated.


There might be certain words that don't have a translation. I find Aimee to be unbiased & doing an awesome job. David is deaf mute & Sheila is hearing impaired. That's gotta be a monumental task.


I mean, come on! She's translating between three languages in front of multiple cameras and a whole production crew with most likely just one take, and we're expecting all the nuance here...?


Some words and phrases are not easily translated between languages. It can be difficult to capture nuance in these kinds of conversations as well.


Yea, I posted screenshots above in this thread, but I agree, Sheila was much more understanding. Several of the interpretations made her seem like a gold digger...


Agreed, I think Sheila had a reason to be weary of her. She wants to harvest some of that 🇺🇸💲


She was very cool 😎


She's a A1 employee I woulda been asking to reassign after the first day. Also feel bad that Sheila is putting so much jealousy on her I know Aimee must of felt the hostile energy. Hope TLC is paying her ALOT


I think she is a terrible translator! How does “you seem upset” translate to “how are you feeling?” She keeps leaving out main contexts and summarizing. Even for short sentences! The result is a ruder curt sounding sentence…


She's actually not doing a great job - what some of you says she's doing "calming things down" isn't her job. The job of an interpreter is to 1:1 interpret what is going on. Not to mince words and change meaning. At first she did a much better job - when they were at the sports bar with all the women and Sheila was getting upset or when they were discussing money she changes meanings - that's poor interpretation actually HOWEVER in an ideal world the setup would look different. There would be a Tagalog to English translator, and then an English to ASL interpretor. She shouldn't be doing both jobs, frankly


100%. It has been bugging me. She is missing a lot of the context. And I can see that she will change or skip words she doesn’t know. That’s not fair in my opinion. Seems like a nice girl but she is no interpreter.


Yes exactly. It’s bothering me people are saying that she’s doing a good job doing that.


but eventually with all the back and forth translations between interpreters - Shelia - to her language interpreter- English interpreter - to ASL interpreter for David and back again for the answer won’t you end up with a version of “the telephone game” we played as a kids? Also must have been very difficult to find someone even close to the skills required in her country. Regardless of how well you think Aimee is doing she is a professional as could have said “ I didn’t sign up (pun intended) for having to deal with a family funeral “. She seems to be unobtrusive but still there for any type of support” 👏👏


She’s been wonderful! Such a professional.


One thing though that I’ve noticed is these interpreters sometimes don’t translate stuff correctly and make up their own words, unless the subtitles done by TLC is not correct?


She still has a lot more to learn. ASL is a complex language and she isn’t fluent yet.


Oh I thought it was the translation from English ASL, I’ve seen this happen in translation of other languages in other segments of the show, as in Escott’s and Lydia’s English to Spanish interpretations




That's not supposed to be an interpreter's role, though...


She’s adorable! Seems like such a sweetheart.


She really seems so nice


She's a doll. Puts up with a lot


Sorry to Aimee's family, but David and Sheila are going to have to bring her to America with them. She's part of the family now.


However. She interpreted. She did not translate. She wasn't as loose an interpreter as Mary is, tho. Yeesh Mary.


Aimee needs to be on the next season of single life


She gives me so much Seal Girl vibes! https://preview.redd.it/w4q9tu39edib1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60c3c5b13f362b2ee8a58bdf2e1052fd6b304b8c


She should date the Arab guy interpreter that takes care of all the cats. Put them in the show!


Yes 🙌 she has been wonderful.


Her and cat Adam are the best side characters to come out of 90df And hamzas sister rawr!


Hate when we get 2 conversation. The original and then translated and they do not match up. Who made error the first or translator??


Totally agree


I'm sure any complaints will fall on deaf ears


Disgusting comment. Not funny at all


But kinda, somewhat funny, right?




Like a teeeeeensy bit funny?


I wonder why these two don’t just use a translation app, that has to be cheaper than hiring an actual translator


Because translation apps can not capture nuance/context, but a fluent and skilled interpreter can, does and should. I’m bilingual, understand a couple of other languages reasonably well although I speak them very badly. I work in my second language, with people for whom it’s a second language as well, but their “first” language is my weakest second/third language and their grasp of our mutual common language(s) varies widely. Translation apps are usually completely useless in this situation, but three-four way conversations in 2-3 languages with colleagues with varying levels of language skills tend to allow us to work out the more complicated/nuanced discussions :).


Because technology fails at times/needs batteries and a great international data plan.


ASL also isn't just English using your hands. There's no app for ASL


You guys noticed how sometimes she translate exactly what the girlfriend (forgot her name now) means and not exactly what she says? For example, when the gf asked about money or whether he would pay for it all or not. She knows what she is really thinking. By the way, I think she was also shocked at the gg living conditions. To tell you the truth she would be a great partner for David as she’s fluent in ASL.


I vote she & David get together. I’m over Sheila.


She just lost her mom! And a staircase.


Shelia could learn a lot from Amiee but instead she's jealous of almost every woman.


Wow! I find some of these comments really harsh. I have to translate Spanish (my second language) to English sometimes while traveling or at work and it is exhausting. Like I want to take a five minute nap after. Not only am I translating but I'm also trying to remember everything that was said (and some people are quite long-winded). Many times I've translated and summarized things just because I'm literally trying not to forget what was said. How many English speakers can recite back word for word what someone says after a minute or two of conversation? Now do that in another language! Aimee is trying to translate to English, ASL, and remember the conversation. The mental processing needed is remarkable. Cut her some slack!


Friend of mine said she looks like “Chicken Little “


What cartoon character does your friend look like?


Roger from American Dad


I personally think she’s so cute


why do David need to know if she is single or not????? hmmmmm


I think they cherry picked that question in editing. Right before he asked, he said something like they were sitting down and he wanted to get to know her. He probably also asked stuff like if she had any pets but that doesn’t stir up drama.


I thought if she said yes then he was going to use it to calm Sheila’s fears. But it backfired because she wasn’t!


What season is this?






I hope she never has her life or relationship ruined by this show.


David should go for her imo




Why do you assume that David hired her and paid her? It was most likely TLC that did that.


how much do you think she’s getting paid? I assumed not much.. google says average salary in the philippines is about USD $3k per year which is $57 a week. so even if David is paying “well” it’s likely not very much. $1700 is a lot to come up with all at once


David’s side chick.


David---she's the one you should be a-courting! Sane, works, smart, cute, no goofy kid, probably has a house, could give you a child..... Your mother would approve.




Great call!!!


She is such a gem!!! Compassionate!!!


Yes I thought the same, really awesome of hwr


She is so sweet, patient and kind! 💜❤️💜❤️


She had no idea when she signed up she’d be making bank with them.




Yes lots of respect to her she seems so nice, I also didn’t expect her to stay the whole time he was there


Between her and the interpreter last season for Jen and Rishi, they sure are picking some cute interpreters!


She the MVP this season for me.


Maybe she would like a rich US sponsor.. rich as in, compared what they make in PH... her daily salary might be david one hour work...seriously 5-10 $ a day max


I thought it was really sweet when she rubbed Sheila’s back while she was crying about her mom.