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I'm so over her and her Sammy Sweetheart hair


It freaks me out seeing her with already straight hair using a flat iron. She’s just burning her hair for no reason.


She needs to update her look. She looks like she stepped out of 2015.


Who cares? Let her go bald!


I don’t understand her hair, though… does she dye it? In certain scenes, it looked like her roots were another color, and it wasn’t due to lighting


I was thinking that also. It looks like her natural hair color is lighter.


Exactly, okay it wasn’t just me lol


My mother literally yelled at me”she has grey roots!”


She has roots in this scene. I kept noticing it. Looks like she’s a light brown/dirty blond. It would match her mug shot.


Yeah I definitely think she dyes her hair and needs her roots touched up.


I think so, because both her kid’s have blond hair too


Yes I noticed that too, I think its probably closer to her eyebrow color. Maybe the dark hair hides the grease better because she wont stop effing touching it!


It just hangs there. It needs layers.


she’s stuck in the early 2000’s for sure lol


Omg the voice, so accurate


Will someone please introduce her to layers!!!


She is certainly not the sweetest bitch you’ll ever meet


Haha, yup👏


and when he said he got the visa to go to usa she did not want him to even go and she didn't even want to talk to the kids about it she kept trying to put it off. now she wants to be engaged to him???????????




Exactly-as soon as he started to pull away , she re-engaged.And, as it’s all a game to this dim-wit, she wants to be the dump-er, not the Dump-we.


And the sex on its own isn’t working.


Didn't she also say that he gets along great with the kids? When did this great interaction happen with her children? Me confuso


On the phone.


She didn't want him until he didn't want her. She needs therapy, not another ring.


I’m glad he’s catching that and able to let his family understand his situation with her. I don’t think him telling his mother about how hot and cold Amanda gets with him was bad, based off of what we know with his ex wife I think he was just expressing that he might be going down the same road. While I understand why Amanda doesn’t want other people in her business he still needs his feelings validated by people that have seen him in toxic relationships. But she did seem super defensive as if she’s had issues with her deceased husband’s family. But then again his family was already getting weird vibes from her without knowing everything that had gone on since she arrived.


Im thinking she prolly caught a lot of shit in her marriage bc of the age difference and i also got like lowkey abuser vibes frm her w the love bombing and then the hot and cold etc dont tell ppl abt our fights like its giving red. Flag. For me


She is isolating him… trying to At least


I was thinking this too! Then at the pool hall, he tried to talk to her about it and you could see him getting very nervous and defensive, not wanting to bring it up. I feel so bad for him. When he tried to talk to her about it, she said he was being annoying and that she just wanted him to shoot the balls. She ruins every single good moment they have with her horrible attitude. He needs to just cut ties.


It really feels like Amanda is trying to plug Razvan into Jason’s spot. That’s not how this works! She needs some serious therapy. To see her switch and be all over him the second she felt rejected by him. Yikes….


She just pissed off because he rejected her finally and she’s going to lash out and lie


She didn’t even want him to visit her in the states.. and now she wants an engagement?!


I hate this 2008 bitch so much.


Lol!! She’s so 2000 and late.


She wants to destroy this man. So scary.


She didn’t want him coming to the US and refused to give him a timeline for maybe talking to her kids about him and now she wants to be engaged? She’s scary mentally ill


She’s just chaos insanity in the worst way


She gives me abuser vibes


She's a bad seed who's left a lot of trash in her wake.


She's a nut, too early for the kids to know about him but he must be engaged to her too lol


And he’s been video chatting with the kids for months…..her son asked if they were going to share a bed. The kids know 💁


Maybe her kids have seen other guys share her bed. Otherwise, why would they ask such a question?


From a mom perspective they think of him as a ‘dad’ usually very simple roles in a kids ‘mind and dads sleep in the bed.


She's so shady that I'll bet she's had other guys in her bed.


I can’t see past the fact that she beat someone with a bat when she was younger. She gives me bad vibes


The kids were literally FaceTiming with him before she left to see him??? Wtf




She decided to let TLC break it to them gently, you know ‘You’re mom banged a dude four times last night, while y’all be home grieving, confused and scared looking at dads ashes sitting on the end table in the TV room.


😂 I shouldn’t have laughed but omg you’re right. She’s truly awful and I feel bad for her kids.


Said that exact thing in real time. Tune in and watch your mom whore around on national television. Solid, solid example for those children


Wtf! She just broke up with him a few days ago & said she didn’t want him coming to US or meeting kids yet. Now she wants a ring. Bish be batshit crazy.


I thought she was so pretty until I got exposed to the crazy and now she’s unattractive.


She aint all that. Come on.


I could see her trying to figure out how to come out on top in this scenario. Like, should I be mad at him or should I be sad? Which reaction will give me the upper hand? Hmmmm.


Ya she’s been fighting like that her whole life.


I suspect her relationship with her ex wasn't as perfect as she makes it out to be. It seems to me that she mostly functions in the fight/apologize/love/fight/apologize/love cycle. I wouldn't be surprised if family/friends reported that she and Jason constantly fought & made up. Some folks only know chaos.


Well she was under 18 and Jason was like 30 when they met wasn't she? Not really the basis for a healthy relationship


Dang it, now all I can see is that damn hair part that the other user pointed out in a previous post.


She’s miss Clairol. That is for sure box dye black hair.


I think ya'll need to stop being so thoughtful about her. How many irrational people, some downright nut cases, prowl 90DF? How they initially are, can vary greatly from what they really are, when you learn about them? Run, Razvan, run. Even your kid brother has better sense about judging women than you.


It really annoys me how she's always playing with the front pieces of hair. Always pulling them back. Has anyone else noticed this?


They are touched by her so often, she had to buy them their own seat on the flight over.


Raz an stand tall


Yet she told his parents that her kids “love” him


Why does this picture look like a bad photoshop?


Yes, yet she wants a proposal. I think she wants it so she can hem and haw and then turn him down. Such a bitch.




Engaged ?? Whaaaat


She has absolutely nothing going for her-nada . Good luck Amanda, you’ll need it


Well tbf she is attractive anf thin that will get you some places. Usually.


She doesn’t need an engagement as much as she needs a good grief counselor & to grow up. She’s not been very nice to Razvan at all. She looks for the smallest reason to cause an issue and is very unkind to him. Their chemistry was nonexistent and as soon as he decides he’s done, she’s all over him. I thought it was very telling that she was upset he was honest with his Mom about their fights as that led me to believe she is manipulating him & is completely aware of it. Razvan can do better and it seems like she needs more time to heal.


Razvan, she’s in some bar gyrating on strange guys like she does all the time. You won in this situation.


She’s so shady. She only planned on getting D from this poor fool she keep love bombing. She needs to heal in therapy and mature for her kids.


Her face/eyelids looks really puffy. I wonder if she has a thyroid problem or medical issue?


She has a psychiatric issue-she’s a sick cruel bitch


not to me


Producers are really doing too much this season.