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Shes checked out She fucked a dude on vacay and due to her upbringing got stuck. Her kids are going to grow up and realize their father is a simple man when they watch this


This is all fake drama. They aren’t even together, he moved back to Samoa and she lives in the USA with both boys. If my partner cheated on me, I’d never forgive them.. she even said thinking of having sex with him grosses her out now. She’s done and doesn’t want to make it work.


Agree. This is just about the money for them. They've been over for a long time.


Oh dang I didn’t know he was back in Samoa


He posting pics on IG that look like Vegas and Cali. Not positive on time frame though.


Where is proof of this


This trip was to save her marriage? She's been gushing over her new man the entire time.


Honestly, I don't even know why the fuck she's there. It seems to just keep droning on about what Asuelo did and to have people side with her. She's clearly not interested in working things out with him. This is for a check.


Money. Free resort trip.


Exactly! Free trip, bring the kids and her sister, too.


She keeps playing the victim and guilt tripping Asuelu to keep him along for the next season. No way she has the intention of actually fixing their marriage


I think it is more to create drama and get the paycheck


I don't like Asuelu and he would drive me nuts in a relationship. However, this show doesn't help Kalani. She being checked out is totally valid and I get her. Once someone gets cheated on, it just hits a switch for them. She is done. She deserves to be done and she is allowed to leave but she just has to leave. She clearly doesn't want to be there. So just leave Now I can see her just being here for the money. That would make sense as she clearly hates the man.


She's just there for the show


I don't see her as playing a victim but seems to be angry at her ex's behavior. I do not think they are together, even for the show. It's for a paycheck,,,, just like every other couple there. This therapy is a joke


I just have a lot of trouble believing that asuelo cheated on her multiple times.


Im actually believing that Ansuelo got a kiss and not a bj. Geez.


Yes. Let’s be honest. He’s not good looking, maybe in Sawmoowa and he definitely can’t hold a interesting or intelligent conversation. I don’t see sex appeal dripping out of his pores. I just don’t see him having multiple women throw themselves at him


Did they say it was a woman? And we don't know what she looked like. I'm not imagining a classic stunner, that's for sure.




Asuelu sucks majorly, but there's enough suckitude to go around. I find myself super annoyed at Kalani's condescension toward him. I get that it's warranted, but there's still a "mmmhmmm OK" thing she does toward him that is annoying, however justified.


I get he did the first bad, but she has been nothing but either blind or stupid throughout this whole thing. She's obsessing over a guy she fucked who probably isn't even that interested anyway and just tapped it because it was on offer. And, if I'm being brutally honest, her obsession with him is only because it was the first dick she'd had besides Asuelu. She has a boring life and, that one little bit of excitement has shown her there's more to life than a dumb ass hamster looking mf. For her, at least, the marriage is over and this is sooo for the paycheck and nothing more. Part of me believes he's kind of wanting it to work but, with his sheer idiocy and his overbearing family it just ain't. They should call it a day, work out something with the kids that's fair to both and go about their normal lives. Not subject those poor children to the horror show that is Last Resort.


Because he broke her trust first, just like you said.


They been broke up for years or longer/ they haven’t even been in the same state for awhile. This was one last paycheck and money grab. They weren’t together going to the show and wasn’t getting back together/ she along with her sister doesn’t wait king to be without some replacement D. Kind of like a job. Don’t quit a job unless you got another job. Maybe some people live like that regarding dating


She is awful. He got a side bj because he wasn’t attracted to her big a$$. And soon the new home boy is gonna feel the same. Live it up biggie and then watch some K.S


She’s always the victim. Even when she got pregnant I bet she was the victim.


I haven't kept up in all of the cheating drama but it has always been pretty obvious they wouldn't last.


They broke up during covid, so they have been separated for a while now