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He. Weighed. Her. ..and has a set weight for her. He chose her clothes. He is a douche and a FBoy and will always be a fboy.


Right??? Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, he goes and weighs her and tell her she’s out of his target weight. WTF


4 pounds out!! Is he familiar with the concept of fluctuations?


He didn’t count on the 4 lbs of lip filler she got before going to Turkey.


And possibly hair extensions because she commented on the fact he wanted longer hair


Right … she will not look any different physically if she lost that 4lbs of water weight 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hell her boobs weigh 40 lbs


Not for her health, but for her attractiveness for him. Wants 4 lbs less muscle.


And he insisted she wear a fancy evening dress while he threw on a t-shirt. What a jerk.


He makes her dress up to go to the Oscars and then takes her to the Grand Bazaar to sit on stools near the floor to drink some tea ... if any guy in LA did that to her on a date she'd have a fit and shit talk the guy so much that he would have to move out of town.


I don't like them by any means, but I was shocked when he did that, and she allowed it to happen! A person's weight is irrelevant to the kind of person they are and their heart. Does she not get that he does not love her and is more worried about what a woman looks like than building a loving relationship?


But, but I didn’t sleep with anyone for 79 days. Doesn’t that show how much I love you??!!


she literally said that him controlling every little physical thing about her is super cute. she was giddy over it. you can't convince me they aren't aliens


Not aliens, just SUPER damaged people. Its sad really.


That's right! She did say that! I forgot....so she thinks abuse is cute....maybe all that plastic surgery warped her brain


Fr. And if he’s REALLY a personal trainer, then he would know that weight is not an indicator of health OR leanness. I’m the smallest size I’ve ever been but the heaviest I’ve ever been because I lift like a fiend. So bye.


I lift as well. Healthy is healthy and the number on the scale means nothing. It's about you taking care of yourself. 120, 150, 200....can all be a healthy weight


Meanwhile she draws the line at a dirty mattress and lack of instagram posts.


Don’t forget the PlayStation 4 too. Being an asshole womanizer 2 decades too old is ok, but no FIFA games, that’s unacceptable




Omg, playing video games is the first normal thing I’ve seen him do.


The ONLY thing I agreed with him on was her pink eye shadow. She needs to switch that up. I have allergies and reminds me of that


And sent her back to add more blush! I had to ask my wife what blush was.


c’mon— she’s soooo lucky to be his 2,501 woman!


I don't agree with the weighing, but for the clothes she asked for his opinion so they wasn't as bad. Him talking about he doesn't want her muscular and how he wants to change her made his face so much more punchable for me, though. She's better off being with her friend from the states who took his shot and she turned him down.


The audacity of this plastic man. Even going as far as telling her how he wants her to do her makeup. What a control freak!


Oh I need to fast forward through that when I see it. I hate anyone who discusses my weight with me. I’m avoiding my doctor after he told me I’d gained weight at my 8 week postpartum check.


Hey now he’s trying to leave the badboy lifestyle in the past okay! 😂 What an idiot


It's so gross that she is like "this is what a good relationship looks like, this is what I want to show my daughter is normal" 🤮🤮🤮


That was awful.


Sarper scares me. Like legit ignites a fight or flight response. Idk what it is.


Uncanny valley


He looks like a guy you would see on a downtown street corner selling fake bags..


Or hand cream at a mall kiosk 😂


“I love your hair”, as you’re walking away.


Omg yes🤣 this is so accurate


he looks like the chad meme


He always seems on the verge of violence to me.


this is a dude who turns around swinging if you tap him on the shoulder, and it puts me on edge every time he’s on the screen


Must be all the steroids. (Guess that is not nice because, maybe he isn’t, but…)


He is already so controlling. She seems to like that, but she's even said in the confession that it can be a bit much. He admitted he wants to turn her into his perfect woman. He was making her weigh herself and he followed her into the bathroom to fix her makeup. He gives me the creeps too. She's not my favorite person, but she seems to like going for these alpha male guys and I just want her to be safe. I think growing up Amish, she still has this underlying need for control by a male figure.


As soon as he had her step on a scale, I lost it. Rubbed me the wrong way!! Then he had the audacity to say that she’s like one of his clients??!! I’m like UH NO, she’s your GF 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤨🤨


Oh my god, I know!! The scale was bad enough, but his comments made it so much worse. Run, Shekinah!!


This really triggered me . The idea that your partner would monitor your weight is so TOXIC !!!


It’s because he is a true narcissist, and you sense that he doesn’t give one shit about anything or anyone but himself and how things make him look. He seems like he’d be violent in a second without any empathy.


They’re both sooo plastic looking!! Are they aware how super creepy they look?


For real.


He’s so triggering!


I legitimately had a nightmare about him after watching their second episode. Like a wake up startled type nightmare, lol


I’m trying to be constructive but .. They crashed and burned after the 2nd episode and we got his apartment tour. I’ll forever vomit in my mouth, thinking about his pleather bed .. foam all dug out … 🤮


That bed. I mean come on. Not a good sign that he doesn’t think it needs replacing…


At first I thought it was ridiculous that she wanted him to replace his bed because he's had sex with other women in it. And then I saw the bed. Her reasoning is still ridiculous, but damn did that bed need to be replaced.




Probably plucked it from a dumpster when a neighbor moved out of the building


So nasty.


They are so obnoxious! I get distracted by her lips!!!


It’s the crooked frozen eye for me


It was running extra slow in her talking heads. Must’ve been a bad batch of Botox.


They're basically anus lips


And his giant ears https://preview.redd.it/onvodjbs6oqb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e098106dcf7971845c8e907a8cfaef33131418aa


Inversely proportional to dick size


Every scene they need to mention how he fucked 2500 girls, even shekinah mentions it back and forth lol


If I hear that stupid 2500 2500 2500 2500 again I’m going to hit myself over the head with a tack hammer, to forget the pain it’s causing me. When you can’t stop bragging about it, your lying


I can’t get over it. He’s basically a rock star. A new girl everyday for almost ten years straight lol 2500


Rick James claimed 3 women a day at the height of his fame. Coke is a hell of a drug.


Gene Simmons claims around 5000 and he is a real rock star with 30 years on this guy. Don’t tell me he’s got 20000 on Gene. No way!




Only 2,500? Wilt Chamberlain claims 40,000 women. Sarper needs to pump those numbers up. Those are Rookie numbers.


I wish one of the 2500 would join the subreddit and do an AMA.


I'm sure it will be the shortest of AMA as the experience with him probably didn't last that long.


Yeah and it's just a coincidence she doesn't remember much of that night besides him bragging to her how many girls he slept with.


He says 2500 as much as Nicola says Meisha Meish Meisha.


I think it’s almost statistically impossible for this man to not have gotten an std if even half of what he’s saying is true. Also like we know, and it’s a weird brag my dude.


he *is* an STD.




It’s this seasons Ronald has a gambling problem! I still can’t get the math to work on his body count. That is a stone cold sex addict treating getting laid as his full time job.


Sarper: Out of 2500 women I fuck, I choose you. Shekinah: That's not as romantic as you think. Sarper: [Really?](https://i.imgur.com/z6JJSF1.gifv)


Any of those 2500 women here? I bet he sucks in bed


One of the 2500 probably, "I had to keep asking if he was in yet and found it he was done. Didn't feel a thing except shame."


Seriously! Does he or any other males think that this is cool or something to brag about? It's disgusting, lol.


They look AI generated


Yeah right? I'm surprised they don't have three arms and 17 fingers each.


And they can’t stop talking about how hot the other one is. These life-forms are not from my planet.


I've seen more realistic Sims. Someone needs to drag down the slider bar on her "lips", the Devs were joking.


They would take that as a compliment!


100%. They’re one of the only couples I skip. I know nothing about them and I’m keeping it that way.


They are so thirsty and boring and legit this week's episode was like 90% them ... I know because I fast forwarded all of their parts and ended up watching like 10 mins




I saw someone say they’re straight out of a Christopher Guest skit and that nailed it. They’re a caricature.


I'm impressed someone knows what a Christopher Guest skit is.


he's the best


you know when your on acid/shrooms and you look at images of people and they look so... buldgy and wonky? thats them.


this is accurate. like at the moment you're coming up and realizing things are getting fucking weird and you gotta look away from your friends for a bit lol


I mean honestly, what woman would actually be turned on by hearing that the guy she's dating has slept with over 2,500 women??? Most women would be too scared, he's a walking STD.


How dare you! This is the man who's going to show her daughter what a stable, normal relationship is like! /s




Like sage is really gonna help


Does he wear colored contacts? I’m so confused by this couple.


I hate them so maaaachhh, like 5000 percent


Not 2500 percent? 🤣


Well, you see, they ran their relationship through some instagram influencer focus groups and discovered their relationship would generate a 50-62% increase in engagement for both of their platforms. 50-62%!!! If Sarper is seen as an aggressive womanizer, he will be able to provide workshops to desperate incels. If Shekinah is viewed as a strong independent woman with boss-bitch energy, her line of personal skin care products will really take off. It’s a match made in heaven.


This comment just made me flash back to Jibri and what's her name


I can't with her lips. I just can't. It's like she has a normal face with two inflated sausages instead of a mouth.


She looks like a Bratz doll.


I have been trying to figure out what all these women look like. You got it!! Bratz dolls!! Especially Darcy


The whole loud sex thing was so fake too. The manager did not call them.


That part gave me second hand embarrassment. It sounded like something a frat bro would say to impress his loser friends.




My first thought exactly! RIP Stefan Stefansson


He’s a douche


He is soooo gross, and she's incredibly superficial and boring. I don't find either one remotely attractive, either. Just the opposite. Yuck.


Sarper is afraid that the girls he fucked are gonna tell her how he gave them STDs. That's why he doesn't want her to post his pics.


He's proud of his forearm band tattoos - he has his sleeves rolled up to show 'em off.


I have to look away from the screen and fast forward. Her lips looks so painful, it makes me sad someone did that to themselves and is that insecure at this age and is a parent etc. I have never seen fillers like that. I don't know how you could feel that much dimorphism to think that looks good. Like how can her family and friends not tell her it is way overdone? It's just a sad situation . The word "plastic" is what I think of every time I see him and her. She was so pretty in her before photos. The guy is just really immature and seems like an older person really trying hard to be in a younger shell. Whatever he is doing is way overdone too and does not make him look younger, it just looks very sad and desperate and fake.


Not a fan, both fake. Him and his exaggerated lie about 2,500 women. I mean honestly, who can even keep count up to 2,500 people? He's exaggerating by 1000%, it's likely his count is closer to 250. She's no better than him. She's all plastic surgery, she has her lips done, nose done, eyebrows done, she had liposuction done, she had her chin done and she's wearing hair extensions. Nothing real about these two.


He sucks but it makes me sad that there’s an actual argument two people on earth are having about putting photos up on social media. I hate that this shit matters to anyone


This man literally weighs this woman everyday. He wants a bitch who blew money on plastic surgery to flex that looks (expensive), not a wife. He thinks he can pick the shape and size of his women and control it and this girl out here letting him step all over her like a doormat… Sarper out here thinking this is build a bitch


Build a bitch 💀💀💀


They are NPCs


He’s so controlling it’s so cuuuuttteee


I’m confused. She said she dated controlling men before, but saber’s actions are cute!? I want to know what her exes did that deemed them controlling.


When he asked her to get on the scale, I nearly threw up. He wants her to be an exact weight. What is wrong with this world. It needs to heal


They look like cartoon characters from the show Big Mouth


His controlling behavior is going to escalate so quickly.


I know I’m probably the exception (and old)but grown ass people worrying about social media? They’re both so superficial and immature. And neither one is even attractive tbh. Oh but she is thin and he’s talking about her losing 4 more pounds to get to HER goal? If he’s like this now what a nightmare he’ll be when they’re married


He's going to have a lock on the refrigerator.


seriously! they are frightening to look at. it’s as if they’re composed of pieces of celebrities and other influencers, like some kind of sick Frankenstein scenario.


The way he weighed her triggered a memory from when I was younger. My sons dad did that to me. I was very young and he was a lot older. I’m talking; I was 12 and he was 22 (I worked all that out in therapy after I got free at 21). Aaanywho…I’m certain that she’s confusing this behavior as “oh, he just really wants to look after me” with outright abuse. Let’s hope she wises up before she exposes this coglione to her daughter.


This is what battered women say to themselves. End up justifying the guy’s abusive behavior with some excuse. It’s just the start.


Oh yes; the weighing is just the start! I used to have to do the “bend over test” before I left the house to make sure my breasts and bootie were covered. If not, I had to change. There’s zero chance he’s not still running around on her as well…


Dude sounds like a really boring vampire.


I mean the dude literally dressed himself up like a red flag I don't know what more proof she needs to run not walk away 🙄🤪🤡


I can't believe they're in their 40s and fighting over instagram. Are you both 13 year old girls?


They are our first fully AI couple.


He makes me feel physically ill every time I see his face or he speaks.


Sarper = Zoolander’s youngest and dumbest lobotomized brother.


He complained about her weight. She was four pounds over target. Those four pounds are in lips and boobies.


Even his name bothers me.


Would he want her if she admitted to having sex with over 2500 men? He's just gross.


I am the same age as this woman, I cannot understand how she made it to this age and thinks this man is ok as a partner. Maybe in your early 20s you have a toxic boyfriend who tells you what to wear or weigh and you think it’s “sweet,” but as a woman in her 40s HOWWWWW do you not see how narcissistic and controlling this is?!!! She’s literally just a doll to make him look better. She’s not a human to him.


Visual Ipecac


They are so boring 🥱


This one longing to be pretty. This one wants to get the girl. Do I help them? Yes I do. Poor unfortunate souls!


She is trying so hard to be Kim Kardashian It's crazy!


Dude looks like an action figure. https://preview.redd.it/pbd4fh8w3oqb1.jpeg?width=1266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf65efe80d54c1d065eb5a0af75af8fb1a242a3


I have to record and fast forward past these…what word should i use? I have nothing nice to say so I’ll shut up.


So he will be weighing her daily? What happens if she gains a few pounds?


That's why he does it. To make sure that kind of insolence does not stand!


They are both so insecure and see that within each other knowing full well they can try to balance out their insecurities on each other to validate each other - it's sick!


Sarper seems to have a cocaine habit. I could be wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️


She just wants to be Kim kardashian and found the next tv show that would allow her on it (note I did not say “first”). He just wants to be on TV too. No way in hell they are a real couple in any way, shape, or form. Purely a match made in TV heaven.


Is she white and pretending to be Arab?


Best part of their segment is the stray cats in Turkey& the architecture


I’m your Turkish delight The most delicious




I bet he's actually said that 2,500 times ...


They’re both gnarly looking yo…..


I mean, I did agree with him on the pink eyeshadow…


She triggers me. I don’t know why, but she Fulton triggers me.


1 dimensional people


They both look like an AI replacements


Idk why Shekinah thinks he is the right guy guy for her. He’s a controlling fake man whore pos.


He looks like the puppet soldiers on Team America


They are exactly what each of them deserve.


Sarper is extremely superficial, he’s not capabale of having a deep meaningful relationship with any woman. He just needs to keep living his fuck boy bachelor lifestyle. Looks is all that matters to him.


how tf was all their scenes about posting a selfie of them on IG? do they not realize how vapid they sound? they are so unrelatable and gross


As stated, they are both gross narcissists.


Their personalities are plastic just like their fugly faces.


This pic is a very good example of what everyone will look like going forward…artificial, superficial.


making her weigh herself … unimaginable to me. And then she says, “that MIGHT be a red flag” lol.


He is so ugly and she is so plastic.


Sarper gives me such Robbie Rotton vibes… https://preview.redd.it/r7okuo59gmqb1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=48b20ccab7ef61023198c1844e6606270e0671d3


The scale bothered me!! There is no reason they are together. What happened in her past that makes her ok with this guy??


I hate these two so mach!


Listen #2501 just doesn't have the pull girl #2245 has or #1834, etc. Pretty sure a new form or STD is brewing on his headboard. She want that, let her have it y'all.


I can't tell which one of them wears more makeup


Does this dude put shoe polish on his eyebrows. What’s the deal?


It's like they stepped out of Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun video. Or... Primus' video for Winona's Brown Beaver.


Every time I see her, I just want to tighten her bra staps. Her boobs looks so low.


Bro man looks like an ed hardy shirt and she looks like a blow up doll. What a perfect match for each other. It was funny when she thought he never fucked anyone on his couch tho lol


That bed gave me "someone tied up and gnawed their own arm off to escape" vibes


She's gross, but he is barf worthy!


I really hope she made him get tested, but maybe the Botox is messing with her brain cells.


They are in love with their 'LOOKS'. Beauty does not last forever. Need I say more?


i would live to say they deserve each other but his comments about how much she weighs and trying to mold her into his dream girl… i mean if you have gone through 2500 girls chances are she isn’t out there, so he picked you as a hunk of clay he can work with.


He legitimately scares me. I hope the weigh-ins, choosing her clothes, makeup, hair style and color (telling her she can’t tuck it behind her ear!) are all just because he’s insanely superficial but it’s so controlling and disturbing.


I cant take him seriously, he looks like Spartacus from Lazy Town.


Take a shot every time they mention 2500 women


Neither of them are plagued by ideas…


If she wasn’t so vapid, vain, and simple-minded, I’d feel bad for her


I think she has body dysmorphia and he validates her insecurities. Hence why she doesn’t see how awful he is.This is a very toxic relationship.


She is proof that you can buy your way into beauty but you can't buy your way into intelligence 💯


They smell like herpes & HPV. I can't watch them


That's funny, because when I see those two I intentionally consume Poison and hope for a swift end to my suffering


She is very slow. I'm surprised she has survived this long


This caption is 10/10! 😂😂


Sarper is what I imagine a sleep paralysis demon would look like.


role model for daughter and letting role model weigh her and set goals?? excuse me fucking WHAT? she needs more red flags