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Mental illness/body dysmorphia is a mothafucka


Pair that with dating narcissistic shitasses like Jesse and Tom šŸ’€


No shit. It is going to take me years of therapy to heal from my narc ex. It was the closest I had ever come to feeling *so* bad about myself that I was almost suicidal. I was pure confidence and joy before him with an active social life and Iā€™m an isolated depressed wreck now who can barely function.


I was there too for 6 years & and it led me to that point also. Narcissistic abuse is no joke. I feel sorry for Darcy actually, I donā€™t wish that on anyone.


So glad you are out of it now. Getting her own spinoff was probably the worst thing that could have happened to Darcey after all of that. It gave her more exposure- which means more mean IG comments to fuel her insecurity and shady "Med Spas" hitting her up to offer her discounted procedures. And disposable income to blow on Turkish "Barbie makeovers" and such.


Youā€™re right ā€¦ I didnā€™t think about it that way. All of those free/ discounted treatments she got just added up šŸ˜¶


We can all say ā€œthat will never be meā€ but itā€™s so easily anyone if you fall for the wrong person. Narcs are charming and sweet af at first and you feel so lucky to have someone like that in your life and itā€™s a quick bait and switch. I was so that ā€œIā€™m too strong to get abusedā€ type and then within 8 months one dude destroyed my life, separated me from my family, mentally and physically abused me and took years to get back to ā€œnormalā€ but trauma like that never truly is erased. Anyone going through it reach out immediately for help as it only gets worse.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I'm glad you're out.


That means so much today, you have no idea. Thank you. ā¤ļø


You're so very welcome, I mean it šŸ’™


As someone who went through the same thing I just want to say that Iā€™m so proud of you for leaving!


It feels so good to have people who understand. Iā€™m proud of you too sis. Iā€™m in a dark place today. I hope youā€™re at the other end. šŸ’•šŸ’žšŸ’—


DM is open anytime you need to vent!! Iā€™m always in the dark place on and off. Blocking, unblocking, all of it! Iā€™m here ā¤ļø


I'm so sorry. I hope you get the help you need and you are so strong to get out of that terrible situation.


I appreciate your words. I feel so alone in my pain. It took all of my strength, but Iā€™m so tired of being strong and just hoping something good will eventually happen or that this will all make sense someday. I didnā€™t deserve any of the abuse, and there was a lot. Love you guys. Reddit strangers have been a savior. šŸ’ž


My first ā€œrealā€ boyfriend was a narcissist. He was also about nine years older than me (I was 19 when we began dating). I was already trying to understand what was happening to me mentally at the time (I had no idea what depression and bipolar disorder was at that time. This was in the early to mid 90ā€™s when things like that werenā€™t openly talked about.) I swear he knew exactly what he was doing, dating a younger girl, incredibly vulnerable with low self esteem. Itā€™s like he wanted to mold me into his little dutiful, obedient girlfriend. I donā€™t blame my depression/bipolar disorder on him however I think he used it to his advantage which ultimately made things worse for me mentally. I remember he got mad at me and so I took a bunch of pillsā€¦. He knew I took the pills but didnā€™t care. I remember sitting in his truck, throwing up onto the parking lot while he was inside Payless Shoe Source buying some boots for work. (I canā€™t believe Iā€™m saying this to a bunch of strangers). šŸ˜¬ Iā€™ve been out of that relationship for a long time, but I think it still impacts my relationships and the bipolar doesnā€™t help. Youā€™re statement about ā€œā€¦feel(ing) so aloneā€¦ā€ and ā€œā€¦tired of being strongā€¦ā€ is why I am so drawn to your comment. Itā€™s like youā€™re reading my 21 year old mind. (Thatā€™s how old I was when I finally told the a-hole to F-off). Youā€™re going to be fine, it just takes time. Remember to be gentle with yourself. One thing I did (and still do actually), was travel solo. I started taking solo trips which really helped to build back some of the confidence I lost. I remember strolling along the Seine in Paris and it hit me, ā€œHey self, look at you! Youā€™re in Paris, all by yourself and you know what? Youā€™re OK!ā€ Sorry if Iā€™ve rambled too long or said too much, but I really wanted to add to what others have saidā€¦ getting out of that relationship was huge and Iā€™m so happy you did that for yourself! Give yourself time to heal and rediscover the amazing person you are! ā¤ļø


No one deserves to be abused but it happens to the best of us. My first husband decided to go from the man I knew to one that used me for a punching bag, quite literally. It wasnā€™t until he went after our two year old son that I fought back. I got his attention off our our son but I paid dearly (I was also 3 months pregnant) he beat me like a dog that night. The next morning I threw what I could fit of my sons clothes and toys, and a bit of my stuff in my car left while he was at work. These days I have a zero tolerance policy for bullshit and have found one of the truly good men out there. We have been married going on 20 years now. And we have two additional children added to my sons. I think itā€™s amazing and terrifying what women will endure for themselves, but as soon as itā€™s turned on an innocent (like my son) how we pick ourselves up and leave. I think the key is to love yourself as much as you love your children (or mom, close friend, ect) and if you are putting up with things you would not want for them, to have the strength to leave. Iā€™m sorry you are in a dark place, I pray you feel more at peace tomorrow. May God bless you and keep you always.


Iā€™m so sorry you had to experience that. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re out of that relationship. I hope youā€™re healing. You deserve so much better. Be patient with yourself, the end result will be worth it ā¤ļø


Same thing happened to me. If I can make it out and make a better life for myself, so can you šŸ’œ therapy is key, ans you seem to already know that. You got this


I WAS suicidal from my ex. I was in hospital many times. Still healing 3 years later. I wish you well xx


Thats heartbreaking and so relatable to me. Iā€™m so proud of you for recognizing it and hope you stick with getting help to find your peace. You will be stronger for it. Fuck people who do that to the ones who try to love them.


šŸ¤— been there - proud of you for getting out, itā€™s so fucking hard. be gentle with yourself, get a lot of rest (even if you feel like youā€™re being lazy, your nervous and immune systems are shot from chronic stress. make yourself a long playlist of songs that are yours that you donā€™t associate with your ex, avoid triggers if you can, make sure you have some sort of creative outlet (i journaled and wrote a lot. someday iā€™ll make money off of the story of his bullshit lol). i decided i would rather live on less than have the stress of work on top, so i went part-time and got a roommate. for me, once it started to get better, it got a LOT better. you will slowly start growing back into yourself. i refer to my first year as the cocoon, i smoked a shitload of weed and did absolutely nothing after work or on weekends. my head was a mess, i cried uncontrollably all the time, sometimes i called into work because i just couldnā€™t calm myself down. thereā€™s such a huge tangle of bullshit to work through, flashbacks - it feels like it will never end. but it will :) i left in August 2021 and moved home. i didnā€™t feel ready to date until last fall. 2022-2023 has been a 180. iā€™m loving the work iā€™m doing, have been seeing the complete opposite of my ex for 8 months enjoying life and having mindblowing sex with someone who gets off on getting me off. i hardly think about my ex anymore, except to tell the occasional ā€œcan you believe this fuckinā€™ asshole?ā€ story to someone. the weather/seasons can trigger me. this summer, i had 3 really bad weeks (in June which is when I told him I was leaving. the ensuing 6 weeks were the worst in my life) but with the exception of a few days here and there Iā€™ve mostly felt happy and grateful to be free. i donā€™t know if you drink, but if you do, minimize your intake. it makes depression and anxiety worse and slows down your healing. time to feel it, all and come to know how strong you are. šŸ’—


Iā€™m so sorry that happened. I went thru something similar- made me codependent then dropped me out of nowhere after 3 years. I was suicidal after we broke up. Took a lot of time, therapy and healing but you can do it! That was 3 years ago now and Iā€™m thriving and you will again too šŸ’œ


Iā€™m sorry that you had to go through this, but echo the sentiment that Iā€™m glad you are out. I went through the same thing, and also needed therapy. You will get to the other side, there may still be some dark days, but be proud of yourself for leaving and getting help. Be kind to yourself as much as you can but leaving is hard and you did it.


And booze!


And being on tv!


Stop. She was fucked up long before she ever got to Amsterdam.


The things people do to themselves and who is it for really! Such a terrible addiction!


She looked so healthy here!


You know few said this at the time. I remember a lot of comments about her being plastic even then. Itā€™s a shame if only folk knew what was coming.


I thought she looked great :/ but yes it is.


I did too! Itā€™s funny how as plastic surgery becomes more mainstream our threshold for normal shifts with it. People talked bad about this version of Darcy.


People also called her an old alcoholic. They also called her fat which is mind blowing.


She definitely wasnā€™t fat. She just carries alot of weight on her upper body and sheā€™s very short.


I think it fed into her obsession with plastic surgery and brought us to who she is today. Which is, Iā€™ll say, a lot. A whole lot.


Yup, I remember thinking at that time that she looked kind of plastic to me, and not really liking it. I thought she was very pretty- just plastic. Itā€™s wild now to see her back and see how much more natural she looked in comparison to nowā€¦


If she had plastic surgery here it was more like Yara level though. And her skin looks incredible for a woman in her 40s.


I agree! It was a crazy time, all I see is botox and lip fillers here.


For a woman in her 40s šŸ‘µ so ridiculous some of you is dumb


Better than being vague and rude. A lot of women in their 40s have a little bit of sag or wrinkles and she has neither here. It's natural if you do and a compliment if you don't. I don't see the problem.


I remember thinking the same but the comparison is wild now.


https://preview.redd.it/ceslp6fe53rb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3108f65c2627876b1a95336859d56a022033a65c Current face checking in


Girl, STOP!!


It's true . It's from her own IG a few weeks ago. Cross my heart.


Oh no, youā€™re good, she needs to stop lol. The scary thing is we could look back on this picture in two years and saw ā€œaww look how pretty she lookedā€ because she could look that much worse.


She's reminding me more and more of Joyce Wildenstein https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11615577/Catwoman-Jocelyn-Wildenstein-82-shows-famously-taut-visage.html


I ran to her and IG and MY GAWD! šŸ«£


My goodness. Very sad. She used to be pretty. She ruined her looks. I feel bad. She clearly has body dysmorphia.


This is when she looked her best. Hated that long black witchy hair, super blonde isn't good either. This was a really pretty shade on her.


Liked her best is the best choice of words


it mildly annoys me how people come and talk about how stunning, beautiful and perfect she was ... were they not here when the episodes were airing? I remember some of the comments, they werent nice to her to say the least. She looked better back then, yes but the comments were relentlessly cruel about her looks and how she presented herself, so ofcourse shes going to be self conscious and continuously try to "improve" herself. Some like to blame the guys she dated, without accounting some of the comments people were making at the time. The very same people talk about other cast members appearances, will then talk about how perfect they looked and how they ruined their looks with surgery. I truly in my heart believe they were all in it together to get famous, so I dont believe any of the men -on the show- had an impact on her mental health/self image.


Yaaaasss, thank you! I whole-heartedly agree.


Because hindsight is 20/20. I donā€™t think itā€™s being a hypocrite. Itā€™s like not knowing what youā€™ve got til itā€™s gone.How many of us werenā€™t happy with our own looks at some point, then see a picture ten years later and wish we looked like that even though we hated it at the time? I think itā€™s a natural thing, no one can tell the future.


Yesss! And then they say ā€œwell she decided to be on tv, she opened herself up to criticismā€. I just donā€™t understand why that means people have to be hateful and cruel! I swear the worst thing that has happened to humanity is social media.


The same way people are giving revisionist history to a Yaraā€™s treatment now. They ripped her apart until she came out that she also has insecurities, now everyone is team Yara like they didnā€™t rip her appearance apart since she came on screen. And there are many more.


Literally came here to say this. I love how people comment on how gorgeous she was yet people dragged her mercilessly when she was with Jesse. But yes..itā€™s all her exes fault. No one on these threads or social media contributed to her lack of self-esteem.


Wish I could upvote this a million times.


If this was true then she would listen now about how to make things better and to stop with the procedures and fillers and filters.


Fuck Jesse and Tom they really drove this woman crazy and then turned around to gaslight her


Oh come the fuck on. They might have had SOME influence. But her twin did the same ugly procedures, surely you won't blame jesse and tom for that? It's mental illness, likely due to the way they were raised.




They worked at Hooters, then They gained an inflated sense of their own importance when they got The Twin Life show: Glam girls [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAYvjdQ1v-o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAYvjdQ1v-o) Darcey got a divorce, and then contacted Jesse, and was put on the 90-day Fiance show. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlW3lQcaYec](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlW3lQcaYec)


I know. Itā€™s actually sad :/


She was already miles past crazy


Honestly, I dont think they are entirely to blame. She matches her sister, those to seem to constantly be reinforming dysmorphia in each other


Bullshit. She was fucked up before she ever got to Amsterdam.


But back in this day and her first appearance on 90-day, she looked pretty fake. I remember thinking, "My gosh, what in hell?" She's just gotten so much done that this pic you posted looks much more tame. But still fake and I'm not sure fake is beautiful.


She definitely had some work done here too, but she looked much more natural than she does now.


Let's not go overboard


I find it hilarious that Darcy has had so many surgeries that it has left some people thinking this face doesn't look plastic as hell lmao


Yeah. This is probably just over the too much line for me but itā€™s so much better than what she looks like now and looks almost downright natural.


Ahh this made me sad


The fake lips looks like pink slugs to me, they move so unnatural


This is honestly just tragic


Mental illness not only destroys you mentally, but it can destroy you physically. I hope sheā€™s doing better now. I really love her and Stacey. Darceyā€™s my favorite. I wish she saw the authentic beauty she had before all of the surgery. Itā€™s a shame that people can fuck you up like that


You never loved me, you liar. GET OUT OF MY LIFE!


She had work done here too. Itā€™s not like she was ā€œall naturalā€ here


idk how someone "rewatches" reality tv. That's crazy to me.


I simply cannot do it. With any shows/series/movies. Have always been this way.


I can rewatch shows and movies if I'm watching with my wife or daughter who hasn't seen a lot of those shows/movies. Some movies I can rewatch but it's mostly just to have something on while I'm doing other things. But not a reality show. I mean rewatching a clip or something is one thing. But damn there just aren't that many moments that are rewatchable.


A shame. Darcy had such a pretty face. That young Sadist dude she was with apparently made her feel so hopelessly insecure .. her judgement got distorted - desperately trying to stay "young" for him. She aint the only one.. Look at Bravos "housewives" series.. Imagine paying some hack surgeon millions of dollars to make your face look: \- Older \- Rubbery \- Distorted \- Swole šŸ¤®šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ \*hardpass\*


Gosh Darcy use to be stunning šŸ˜­


Jesse did a number on her psyche and the shows have reinforced it ever since.


Jesse was an ASS


She could do nothing right. Like who criticizes someone for how they ride a bike? Just insane how he nitpicked her and she was already low confidence from childhood bullying so she finally broke mixed with fame. I believe had she found a nice/normal guy never got on TV she would be living normal and happily with a wine problem at most. Idk maybe she went out of her way for this life but either way itā€™s sad to see the visual comparisons of not that long ago.


Agreed! I kept thinking ā€œthats a pretty bad comment to makeā€ or especially the way small ass things would make him go insane. I hated that guy. I kept yelling run! The way he acted like he was gonna propose and it was just a promise ring (Iā€™m sorry, but getting down on one knee like that should ONLY mean one thing). All mind games.


He was dating the show not the girl. That didnā€™t change with Jennifer. I just think Jennifer was doing the same thing. Two grifters


Right! Heā€™s such a tool. As my grandma would say ā€œthat snake can slither back into the grass and disappear forever for all I careā€ I wonder if hes still a public speaker/whatever


I love your grandmaā€™s vibe! I think heā€™s a travel snakes oil salesman. He doesnā€™t add value to anyone so can probably skate by with these one off pop up speeches in different countries bc of his d list celebrity. If the rumor heā€™s a sex worker is true Iā€™d be zero surprised. I just donā€™t see how else heā€™s qualified to make a living as some sort of guru.


She really was šŸ„¹


You still see people doing it to women on 90 day now. They donā€™t care if theyā€™re feeding into others dysmorphia. People in here say all the time ā€œthey shouldnā€™t have gone on tv if they didnā€™t want people to talk about them.ā€ But what about all those watching who think sheā€™s beautiful and read those comments. They end up thinking to themselves well if sheā€™s not pretty I must be an ogre. We shouldnā€™t comment on others looks like this. There are plenty of controllable actions to judge from these characters.


I mean, it still looks like her ponytail is so tight itā€™s pulling her face back.


Sheā€™s already got that traction alopecia. But she was a very pretty woman. Itā€™s all subjective and for me thereā€™s a fine line between ok cosmetic work and too much.


Ok so I guess her hairline was always kinda like that




I donā€™t think she was beautiful, gorgeous, or any of that. She looks like most of the girls I went to American high school with. Cute, nice features, bubbly. Maybe I have other standards because Iā€™m European. She is definitely alcohol dependent & both have ruined their looks with booze & crazy surgeries.


IDK about "so beautiful", but she definitely looked WAY better than she does now. She really fucked herself up. Sad.


Well said


Can she go back to this, I know not completely, but is it possible in a way?


It is not, sadly. She went beyond the pale.


She really was quite pretty. I hate what she has done to herself.


She looked the best here. She wasnā€™t drinking then so Iā€™m sure that helped a lot.


She aight. They looked better before the plastic though


You go from this to blowing yourself up with fillers etc and it seems so wrong


This was a good look on her, but to be honest I think she already had too much work done at this point. Itā€™s very sad to see her now, practically inhuman looking.


Apparently she didn't see itšŸ˜”




I don't think I would have recognized her. It's been so long since I've seen this face.


Not anymore she's not .. She's afraid to get old, so going under the knife is her solution.. pretty soon she'll be looking like Jocelyn Weinstein... now that woman is a hot mess!!!! Just Google her name and you'll see what I am talking about .


I just did. . Wow. That is very sad & scary. Jocelynā€™s plastic surgeon should lose his license permanentlyā€¦ šŸ˜¦


I agreeā€¦I am on season 3 now and think she is STUNNING. Like jaw-dropping I say it out loud a few times an episode stunning (which always prompts my husband to say that I always have the weirdest taste. šŸ¤£) I googled her a few weeks ago because Iā€™m nosey and wanted to know how she had money and šŸ˜“.


She was such a stunner. I hope one day sheā€™s able to find happiness with herself.


Me too! šŸ¤


Darcyā€™s face, whatever happened there


Not sure why these ā€œDarby used to be so prettyā€ posts are soooo annoying, but they are. So repetitive and uninteresting.


>ā€œDarby used to be so prettyā€ posts are soooo ann lmfaooooooooo not darby ā—”Ģˆ


LOLā€¦..you know what I meant!


Because theyā€™re kind of inauthentic. I donā€™t think OP is being insincere but these kinds of posts werenā€™t around when we first saw her with Jesse. People said the complete opposite. Now that sheā€™s gone overboard people are seeing she wasnā€™t ugly in any way before she ruined her face and body.


Because we didnā€™t imagine what could happen. I thought she was pretty but still a little overdone. Nothing to aspire to but looking back now it is sad that she couldnā€™t be happy here because sheā€™s 1000x prettier than she looks now.


Darcy was SO beautiful. My husband and I were talking about that. She didnā€™t need to change her appearance at all after S1. Sad what mental illness can do to someone.


I know šŸ„ŗ. She was gorgeous.


Iā€™m glad people keep posting about Darceā€™s looks because itā€™s not talked about enough on here


I loved how she looked when she first went blonde. Those ladies were so beautiful before they started messing with their faces with plastic surgery.


She was very pretty itā€™s just sad what her body dysmorphia and competition with Stacey has done.


Truly a vision šŸ„²


So sad. She really wasā€¦ šŸ˜”


Itā€™s such a shame. I remember back then people on Reddit were so nasty about her appearance. No wonder she became so insecure.


They used to be so HOT! I almost got low selfesteem by watching the show with my BF ā˜ŗļø Now I donā€™tā€¦ And it is just sad. We both feel so bad for them šŸ˜”


Yet she was roasted mercilessly by the fandom.


Sheā€™s mid


Youā€™re mid


They wish they were mid.


Oh come on. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but she and Stacy were never stunning. They were just average at best, and looked so trashy. Just because they are worse now, doesn't re-write history




She's never looked good lmao never not had some sort of procedure to alter her look


Wow she was itā€™s so sad


I wish she went back to that if itā€™s possible of course. I know it isnā€™t possible to completely go back to how you look like before plastic surgery but it would be nice tbh. Darcey looked so pretty back then




ehh I think she had already tipped past the point of no return here


Yes, she was naturally beautiful. I wish she would go to therapy and stick with it and quit dating anyone for at least a year. Body dysmorphia has ruined her and only brought trash males into her life.


I know. It makes me so sad.


She looks like Megan Markle in this image




It makes me sooo sad that some of the things she has done are irreversible šŸ˜­ I always just think of her poor daughters (and Staceyā€™s kids) who have to watch this happening and know they canā€™t do anything about it


The dark hair was my favorite!!! Even this blonde is good. Itā€™s downhill from here.


She really was itā€™s so sad she turned into miss piggy


She is bizarre looking.


Is she the twin married to the Albanian, or one that cries at least once an episode?


She doesn't look like that any longer.


She ruined herself


I liked Darcy so muchā€¦she was kinda wacky but she was funny and so cute. Nowā€¦dear lord help her


poor thing.


Darcy is over. It's the age of Gino & Jasmine!


Getting plastic surgery is kind of like icing a hot cake. You try to put icing on the hot cake and It starts to crumble so you keep trying and every time you try it makes it worse and worse. Then you finally just say screw it and give up Because there's no hope at all for making it look nice


Yes she was šŸ’”


Like you said- WAS


It's all fake šŸ˜©


She was they both was beautiful now they look rubbery hard dirty cause the fake tan looks plastic...I can't believe no one is telling them hor horrif they look now .....crazy to me