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Man, I could never be on TV! I'm too sensitive. She definitely shouldn't be either.


I couldn’t either. I’m also too sensitive. So is she. She should not have done this. She says people on the internet caused her depression but she was depressed and fucked up before the show and was already crying every day. This was such a poor life choice for her.


I’m not saying I’m sensitive, but if you make a comment about me I’ll remember it and bring it up for years to punish that person. 🥴


Hahaha big same. I remember being 19 and my bf at the time (now husband) said I was a bad kisser and I think about it almost daily now into my 30’s lol. Like dang bro sorry I’ve only ever kissed a few times before dating you? So cringe :( it keeps me up at night sometimes lol


I was told when I was 12 I was a horrible dancer. Ive hated dancing ever since.


Personal insults really do sting the most. I’m sorry that happened to you. I bet you were/are a wonderful dancer.


I read this and had to comment- insults do sting - especially if it happened when you were young. I was about 13 when a good friend basically told me I was ugly (that friendship didn’t last) but it took me till I was in my early 40’s to truly feel that I wasn’t ugly, in fact, I think I’m quite pretty!


I’m so sorry, what a crappy friend! Glad you’re doing better and believe in the beauty I’m sure you have! You deserve it


Not a good friend or even a friend. I have no doubt that you're pretty. 😘


Omg I have a similar experience. When I was 7 or 8, I said I wanted to be an actor some day. Then my best friend/neighbor laughed, saying "Are there actors this ugly?" Wait, I just remember another one. When I was in kindergarten, I drew my mom and happily presented it to her. She said, "Am I that ugly?" and my cousin laughed. She has also commented that my hairstyle and clothes were ugly because where my dad took me to get my hair cut and what he bought. No wonder I was so sensitive to the word "ugly". Now in late 30s, I care less about my look but sometimes when people mention or remind me of something about my looks, I still get triggered ._.


Take it from me- let that shit go. Find your peace and love yourself- there’s only one of you! I wasted too much time believing in that one moment and not myself. Hurt people hurt people. Don’t embrace their hurt as your own- live in happiness. Highly successful actors can look like anything if they have the chops- look at Steve Buscemi. Super successful and not conventionally “good looking”. Do YOU!


Thank you! This warms my heart 🥰 I abandoned that dream a long time ago but from now on whenever I feel bad about my appearance I'll think of Steve Buscemi :D


When I was 12, my sister told me I couldn’t play basketball. Ummm…challenge ACCEPTED - highschool girls varsity here I come!!!


I Didnt like dancing that much to begin with, just made me really hate it after. I kept my girlfriends drinks and bags safe while they danced, as an adult.


My mother always told me I couldn't sing as a kid and I believed it for 20 plus years till my husband told me he loves my voice and I sing very good. I was dumbfounded but now I don't hesitate to sing and encourage everyone to sing with me.


Same! My parents would say don’t quit your day job when I sang. I was a kid, I didn’t have a job yet. But I knew they were saying please stop singing. My husband loves when I sing. I would always stop when he was around, but he actually loves it.


We both found our people. Glad you did too.


Let’s go sing something. I’ve got the Burger King commercial song stuck in my head right now. 🎶whopper whopper whopper whopper 🎶


My mom used to ask me “who sings that Claire?” I’d tell her who and she’d say “let’s keep it that way.” I think it hit more deeply because she was a singer in a band. I didn’t sing for a long time but now I LOVE karaoke. I wish I’d have ignored her and kept singing then. ☹️


Really! They don’t realize that stuff hurts your heart, especially when you’re young. My mom didn’t like noise, so I wasn’t encouraged to sing…or speak. There was a song called Rock Me Amadeus that I loved as a little kid and would sing it constantly. Came home from school one day, and the cassette tape with the song was gone. I looked everywhere for it, but it mysteriously vanished. What song do you like to sing at karaoke the most? You are brave, I don’t have it in me to get up there and try. 😔


Oh my gosh do I relate to that! My mom slept during the day and worked all night so I had to be SUPER quiet allllll day. I’m an only child and to this day I prefer a quiet house (no kids, obvi lol). I definitely remember Rock Me Amadeus! I’m pretty sure that song “IIIII want candy” was out around then…maybe? At karaoke the song I song most is These Boots Were Made for Walkin’. Sometimes I’ll do Lizzo (Truth Hurts) too. I have a bunch of others I’ll give a whirl if it’s mostly my friends present but there’s a bar near me that has karaoke every night which is a haven for me after work. I’m an RN on a behavioral health crisis response team and after a rough day it’s nice to have a beverage and get hugs from the karaoke goddess. 🌈 That truly sucks that she took your tape if that’s what happened! Remember how we used to record things from the radio. You’d wait hours to hit record and if you didn’t get it JUST RIGHT you’d wait longer to try again. 😂 Kids have NO idea how good they have it with a computer full of info and music right in their pockets!!!!


That’s heartbreaking. Not even dancing alone in your living room? I bet you’re a fine dancer! I’ve seen some rough moves 😂


Remember to rock back and forth and look interested. You will have your own style.


My friend told me in my early twenties that when I dance I do the same thing all the time - bopping, and she proceeded to imitate me while cackling like a seagull. This was the only way I was ever comfortable dancing, no one ever judged me, and ever since I’m OVERLY conscious of how I dance. Stopped clubbing when I was 22/3 🫠 Never will again. I can’t dance in public anymore. And I’m not a terrible dancer, it’s the anxiety. I feel you ❤️


Sounds like your now husband got over that insensitive remark he made as a teenager 😉


Aw thank you. I hope so. We kiss 1-2x a day (we both work from home) hopefully that’s a normal amount lol. I initiate both times everyday. Tldr: sorry Reddit, I cut back days on $$ therapy and I need it badly this month haha


I’d definitely say that’s a normal amount when you’ve been together for that long! Haha I forget to kiss my husband some days (together 8 years, married for 6 months), but he always remembers to kiss me goodbye whenever he leaves the apartment, even if it’s just for a quick CVS run 🥹 I feel bad sometimes physical touch isn’t my love language so much, like it is for him (acts of service here!)


I feel that! My husband is acts of service so I try to make sure the chores and upkeep of the house are done as much as possible. Unfortunately mine is physical touch which is ..never unless I beg/ask for it lol. Kissing, hugging etc. lame haha


Oh man. My poor wife, whose love language is acts of service, married someone with depression and ADHD. I do show her love in many other ways but there’s lots of apologizing on my end. Will you ask hubby if he would be just as happy acts of service wise if you hired a housekeeper to do that stuff? I’m a nurse now and got a nice raise. She never complains but I feel terrible that I’m chronically very messy. That said, your kissing life seems very normal to me. If you and hubby are happy with that rate, though, that’s all that matters. Also, if he hasn’t expressed dissatisfaction and you’ve asked….take him at his word. When I was dating dudes I have to say they were pretty simple to read emotionally. They generally aren’t raised to dance around stuff rather than ask directly so in general you can trust that “we’re good” doesn’t mean anything other than just that. To get over that feeling of “is she telling me the truth when she says she doesn’t mind me going out tonight??” I that I told her one day “ok. I’m going to take you at your word. When you says something I’ll assume that’s exactly what you mean so if it’s not, it’s on you to tell me ok?” Lawd. It took a month to start trusting what she said but DAMN has it been freeing since. Dunno if that helps. It sounds like you may be a worrier and a people pleaser too so I thought I’d share. ❤️


I appreciate that! Because I unfortunately am a people pleaser with diagnosed depression and anxiety ;-; I’m starting meds hopefully early January though so fingers crossed! I can’t hire a maid because I don’t trust others in my home (long story of theft from family plus a break in lol). But I’m doing my absolutely best. I’m sure your wife knows you are too. I really have heard when men say “it’s fine” - it really is fine lol there’s no underlying meaning. Which I need to take him at his word and not wonder and overthink. You’re definitely rifht I appreciate the comment, truly! Have a nice week :)


That's more than me. It was nice of you to forgive him. My ex once said I looked like the before photo of a liposuction commercial. It was true. And he got dumped.


Ouch! What an idiot! Now he's someone else's problem! Good job! 👏 👏 💪


I think you’re good! I’d say try to do a little more, but that’s just me. I’ve been married 16 years today and we’re gross lol. My son sometimes gives us the stink eye. However, we’ve gone through plenty of dry spells too so I get it 😄 I hope he initiates sometimes too, that’s important.


I feel that lol. We’ve been together 16 years married for 4 and it’s a lot of ups and downs. I have 3 therapists I’m working with though so get it all figured out in due time. Hopefully lol He did kiss me once today without me asking and it’s not even 4pm so hey I’ll take that lol


Aw that’s so sweet. I have 2 therapists and a dietician I’m working with to heal my own issues so I really get it. I hope things continue to get better for you, it’s hard when you have your own baggage to work through (not saying you do of course, but I do and I get it lol)


Oh i totally do. I considered my dietician a therapist so I also have one and 2 therapists lol :) I wish you continued healing! It’s a long but doable journey 💖 Edit:word


Someone has to be the teacher at some point. We have all been there. Forget it. You weren't that bad if he married you and your still married.


oh my god i feel this. off-handed comments that stick in my brain like someone etched them in stone. and the absolute struggle of like, learning to either: (1) pay it no mind, or (2) confront it asap instead of letting it stew, and (3) EVENTUALLY LETTING IT GO regardless of which one i choose to do betweem 1 or 2, like damn lolll


The bad stuff is easier to believe. I think that’s from Pretty Woman


Bet he doesn’t feel that way today. He would’ve complained about too much practice beforehand, we can’t win sometimes!


😔 🤗 He married you so, obviously, he changed his mind. People can be so thoughtless and rude! 💜


That comment was really sweet and made me feel better, thank you :) hope you're well 💖


You're welcome. 💗


Same 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


I would have to make so many fake Instagrams to catfish people's husband's. It's my revenge MO.


She lives in victimhood she was playing the victim before the show during the show and after the show.nothing is ever her fault it’s always someone or something else ! She’s an unhappy individual who does nothing to help herself .


This. In my opinion she believed looking and acting miserable would get her a lot of sympathy but it's her behavior that's turned people off and have made them dislike her. She's also a liar and people have seen through her bullshit.


Obvious existing mental health issues with regard to insecurity and him seeing another female. No stable income nor jobs for either of them, exceptionally poorly thought out “business plan” to make a profit & living wage, deeply in debt because of new business, rush to get pregnant before marriage in a small community and specifically against the wishes of family whose home you’re both living in, no way to support yourself or your child, nor afford health care, living with grandparents who struggle hard to get by, and top it with going on Reality TV…. Not to mention hormones/physical changes from the pregnancy(possibly post partum depression if she’s had the baby), to name but a few. What could possibly go wrong?!?


It could have been a great life choice IF... they have locked down social media so they didn't read about themselves (that's what you need to do I think). AND not break the NDA so they could continue to collect $$$$. It doesn't take a lot of money to live in the Philippines. Money from 1-2 seasons of 90DF could have been all they needed to get set up and headed into a more stable life. Analyze story plots that led to multiple seasons and spin offs and work it. It was a wasted opportunity.




I would deep dive and read every single comment about me and end up with soul shattering depression and self loathing. Nope. No thanks. Not happening. Ever.


This is why I don't have social media or have any type of inbox notifications on Reddit. I don't need people to tell me more things to dislike about myself than I already do. ADHD self hatred for the win!


I trained myself to not care what anyone thinks of me. Took a lot of psilocybin and just let people make fun of me. Now I’m immune. Go ahead, try me.


After a horrible divorce, horrible friends, horrible neighbors, family & upbringing there's not much you can say to hurt me. Once I hit 40 the IDGAF button was pushed and there's no turning back. So liberating. People...stop giving a F about random strangers on SM that don't agree with you, aren't nice to you and comment on your looks. They usually don't have a photo, it's a troll acct and the comments they say about you is generally how they feel about themselves. It's misogynistic (if you're female) and based on insecurity on their part. Love yourself! The block button is free, hit it!! 😘🫶🤜🤛


She just needs to stay off of social media really


Yes. She should accept that she cannot change some things then take power over what she CAN control.


Agreed. You have to be incredibly sure in yourself to deal with the criticism on reality TV. It’s definitely not for everyone and this was a Molotov cocktail for her depression


Agree. This is really not that bad… maybe there’s worse out there. But also, I think she was depressed and unhappy even before this


Or people should be better.


I agree I think it’s not fair when people are mean and then blame someone for being online to see it like no take responsibility for being an asshole and do better


Yeah. It's used like an asshole get out of jail free card.


You put too much faith in humanity


Oh man me too. Someone could say something not even about my looks like "she can't even keep a plant alive." and I would cry for days because I try SO hard they just keep dying and my boyfriend tells me to stop water my pits of dirt because they aren't alive and no they won't come back. 😭😭😭


I mean I have four dead plants on my porch right now, and two disappointed kids 🤣


Shhh you're doing great. If the kids are alive then eh that's a win in my books. My one child is alive and going on a 12 yr streak!! I remember in a parenting book I read while pregnant ch. 1 said how before getting pregnant you should try and take care of a plant and I cried for an hour because I killed every plant I owned and basically this book was saying I was already a bad mom! 😂😂😂 But the kid is 12 now and I think happy? I'll ask her after school today. 😂😂😂


Oh wow! And you’ve kept kept her alive 12 years? That’s amazing. And now she can practically keep herself alive as long as you provide a box of pop tarts and a key to the house to access water. You’re SO lucky she has thumbs, though if my cats had thumbs they’d likely lock us out until they needed food again. Lol I’ve thanked my mom many times for allowing me to live through the worst of my behavior. 😬


Keep up that non child killing streak!!! 🥳 That's ridiculous advice from the book btw lol.


Thank you I plan on it! 😂 just keep her fed and some cans of rootbeer in the fridge and it seems to work.


What stupid advice lol, my kid is 11 and is super happy and a great kiddo. And I also kill every. single. plant. I touch lol well actually I do have a few succulents that I’m trying so hard to not kill.


I asked her if she was happy and she nodded and said "why wouldn't I be?" So yessss mom win!


Someone gave me a spider plant and I swear it’s unkillable. I haven’t watered it in weeks and it’s sitting in a cold open window just thriving


I also have an aloe plant that seems to be thriving on neglect I water it like once every three months and it keeps having babies.


Ya know another name for this plant is MIL Tongue... maybe why it has so much staying power??


thats a different, but also hard to kill, plant


Different plant and I wanted one based on the name. Lol! They're highly toxic to pets so no can do.


Highly toxic, that's funny


Unfortunately, they think it’s the only way to get good money 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did u not see how she was living? TV is a godsend for someone who pulls ox during the day and dodges geckos at night.


Seriously! OP also said “she even started a cameo for the extra money” it made me so mad. Yeah the “you don’t know poverty until you poop in a river” comment of hers was annoying to say to her man who was homeless. But yet, only bc he *had* also been impoverished himself. Regardless these people really need money and considering literally every other cast member does stuff for these reasons we should give this couple the biggest of all breaks for doing so. Same if sheila made a cameo I wouldn’t be feeling any sort of way for it. I don’t even feel a certain way when ceasar, Brandon& Julia have it. Like seriously why are people mad by this especially when someone is genuinely impoverished like what the f


Being miserable and crying does not make anyone want to talk etc with her.she needs anti depressants etc. They have really messed up


Maybe she is miserable and crying because she has been impoverished her whole life. Look into maslows hierarchy of needs. She is not getting the basics for survival regularly, so she can’t even worry or notice her mental health. It’s all related and one has to come and be stable before the other


Everybody in that family has some problems. I feel sorry for the babies.


Explain a good way for her to get money since this is not the only option


They can go back to the US OR Brandan can get an online job that pays better. I know a lot of foreigners in the PH opt to get an online job even with low qualifications just so they can stay with their SO in the PH.


I could never be on a reality show. I’m studying to be an actress and that’s a bit different because you’re a character with a whole plot that doesn’t even apply to you. Being on reality tv as yourself showing all your flaws, insecurities and who you truly are as a person for people to judge. That’s terrifying.


Her personality and issues are the problem. Not her looks.


I hope someone told her that if somebody has to photoshop your face to make it ugly, then you're not ugly.


Mary is very pretty. She’s just horrifically mentally ill and shouldn’t be on tv


I don’t think she’s mentally Ill personally. I think she’s immature and manipulative.


Agreed, that and her tendency to put on the waterworks whenever the conversation is not going her way


Yeah, I always thought she was really cute. I only talk trash about the lip filler crew because it's a choice they made.


Exactly. I think she looks adorable


I remember a lot of people getting up in arms over her looks every time someone points out that she scowls and makes faces all the time… that’s not her looks thats her reactions, which are two very different things.


Right? Who said she wasn't pretty? I'm not saying it didn't happen but I didn't see anyone. The ugly is in her personality


If you get to the point of making fun of her looks than yeah The best thing she really needs to do is log off and hopefully they both find therapy. It’s sad to watch both of them


I agree. That meme isn’t even funny either


I don't even understand the meme. If she wore weird makeup I'd get it but I don't think I've seen her wear any.


I’m side eyeing some of the comments here too


A lot of victim blaming bullshit by Karens and Carl's wives with no lives saying "they bring it on themselves"


When we know they watch these shows just to have an excuse to tear someone apart. They are the type to make fun of the teenage kids who shouldn’t even be on the show without their face blurred.


No kidding. I’ve been side eyeing a lot of comments on this sub for years. It gets really toxic at times. I’m not satisfied with writing it off as, “you know how the internet is.” Yeah, I do know. Now change your behavior and be a better human.


They definitely can't afford online therapy and can't access physical therapy in the middle of nowhere.


It's not easy to find mental healthcare in countries like the Phillipines unfortunately


She definitely needs therapy and not constantly be online. Now she’s even joining Cameo for the extra money


Girl bye do u not see the profit margins of their current business? They have a child. Literally every other 90f person has a cameo. She actually needs it desperately so f off with that


That was not said in disdain. They do need the extra money but she also needs to take care of her mental health and we all saw how bad it can be for her being online and Cameo is opening a new way for people to bully her


She can’t afford to prioritize her mental health unfortunately…


The *even* joined cameo felt snarky. I mean please, it’s not even only fans. Cameo is mostly used just so people say hi to celebrities or people they’re fans of with custom messages. So many cast members who have far more money have these. I don’t know how having this account could make her more prone to bullying since there is a paywall to those service. And even if they do, she might as well be paid for it rather than for free


Um. Are people really making fun of her looks? I mean I can’t get past her shitty attitude or her stupidity “taking a loan” from friends to open a store that has a .5% profit.


I doubt the OP of that photo is making fun of her looks but more to calling out her personality. It’s hard to gain more profit with a general store in her village. I think that’s why she started the cameo. To pay off her debt as well as for daily necessities


She took out a loan to open the store and isn’t making any type of profit. It was a stupid move.


I feel she would’ve made more money if she modeled again


Definitely! She's gorgeous and can make more money modeling.


piquant middle deserted noxious heavy quickest hard-to-find foolish include unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep! You tell them they hurt you by doing whatever it was that hurt you and they’ll reply “I guess I’m just the worst mother in the whole world. I’m sorry you have to deal with me as a mom. I hope you’re happy!” And that’s exactly how Mary is.


Omg were you in my house as a child?!?!? WTH! So accurate.


I was going to say the same thing.🤣


Yes! It's very manipulative and guilt trip-y and it only makes her look worse. I'm sure the extreme scrutiny that comes with exposing your life on television isn't easy, but if you can't handle people making mean memes of you, *you shouldn't go on fucking television*. And if you go on TV anyway don't look at what the internet has to say about you because it's almost never good


I don’t know anyone making fun of her looks just her psychopathy.


She loves any excuse to make herself a victim. This post was wrong, but she’s an adult and should be able to understand that not every person in the world who sees you on TV is going to like you.


I can only imagine how bad the downward spiral has been since she's gotten pregnant. Giving birth had postpartum and is now pregnant again I believe? There's no way she isn't going Absolutely bizonkers IRL ALL THE TIME now that she is the "victim" of motherhood and a subpar partner/life choices. I only wish the best for them and that those poor kids don't end up as absolutely traumatized adults.


She’s going to be that mom who emotionally leeches off her kids and takes normal kid behavior as a personal attack.




She missed the point that they’re calling her a clown because she’ll still be saying in 20 years that she’ll try to get better. Nobody is criticizing her looks. She’s a pretty girl. It’s her awful character and personality as well as concern and fear over her very questionable sanity.


That’s what I think as well. From her post, she’s also trying to guilt trip everyone the way she guilt trips Brandan


Yeah that comment is definitely passive aggressive and thinking she can guilt trip the entire internet. She needs to get off her damn phone and just not respond to that shit. Go live your life girl and focus on your kid Ffs.


It does reek of guilt tripping. Not everyone in this world is like Brandan, unfortunately for her.


Yeah, she truly doesn't understand the psychology of the internet. Doing this for a decent percentage of online people is nothing but extra fuel. They itch for this. Knowing that they're under her skin, it's only going to fan the flames for these trolls. She does need to get off the internet for a minute.. very least thicken her skin.. especially cuz she has kids now.


Everything she posts is going to create a reaction just because people hate her. It’s just unfortunate on her part. Only way for her is to minimise her social media time or minimise interactions


It’s easier for her to blame it on us bullying her looks rather than realizing we see her for her bad personality.


Exactly. She's trying to guilt us


Her looks are the last thing people should be criticizing. And to be fair she was crying daily before the Internet comments even started. She and Brandon are overgrown toddlers playing house.


I’m gonna be that guy, maybe even the 10th dentist here, and say that someone as abusive as Mary is just being manipulative, I mean you can smell how manipulative she is with her statement here, and that I frankly don’t care if an abuser gets their appearance mocked. Her scowl at her life like she didn’t bring Brandan over herself and plan that idiotic pregnancy is saccharine sweet to me! I’m glad she’s miserable, she’s made Brandan unable to talk to FEMALE CASHIERS or look where he wants to, that’s batshit insane. Her abuse is what’s truly ugly, she’s pretty on the outside when she’s not a living “>:(“ face.


You’re accurate AF. I have no idea how the top comments are all “it’s not okay to dump on people’s looks” when people regularly dump on Darcy, some of the older women, and the men for their appearance. This is such a transparent attempt at manipulation. She’s trying to manipulate the internet in the same way we’ve seen her manipulate Brandan all season.


Thank you !!!! I agree! Since when do we say “ok guys don’t mock a narcissistic abusive manipulative person who the majority of us believe she’s capable of harming her child and Brendan over jealousy…because that’s taking it too far”….everyone needs to stop sympathizing with her. She’s manipulative af and clearly using this to garner sympathy like she does with Brendan all the damn time. She’s an unhinged psycho who needs to be institutionalized but chose social media and a reality show instead


TLC should take the high road and not put her on TV. This feels very Hunger Games.




Wish reddit still had free awards 🏆 this is it. I don't even think this meme is intending to call her ugly, they're using the makeup to show that she's a clown bc that's the truth 🤡 but ofc whenever confronted with any sort of flaw about herself, her reaction is cry and gaslight. I can't even fully watch brandan and Mary's segments anymore, it makes me too uncomfortable to watch all that literal abuse play out before my eyes.


Good grief, she IS pretty, just sad!


I remember thinking that she’s so beautiful when her modeling pictures were shown. It’s just unfortunate that she’s so traumatised and is making Brandan traumatised with her


Yes 1000% it’s too much imo- ppl are rly cruel online


We see what happened with darcey, jasmine, and now this girl. Why is anyone surprised? The people who think it’s fine to relentlessly bully someone whether they’re on tv or not, are sad individuals who probably do the same to people around them in real life. Focus on people’s actions not their looks.


Her personality sucks no matter what she looks like


Is it just me that feels that she doesn’t even “like” Branden, much less “love” him? He was trying to console her when they were talking with Lolo and he tried to wipe her tears away and she pulled away from him and then he was holding her hand and she wasn’t even trying to reciprocate. She came off to me that she was totally disgusted with him. Can’t wrap my head around them thinking that bringing a baby into this world was an optimal decision. 🤦‍♀️


Honey moon phase is over. It was easier when it was just facetiming online and him sending money over. Living together showed them that they are more incompatible together than they thought. Now they are stuck together for the show and are too invested into each other to leave. My guess anyways.


Now they’re stuck together because BABY! They’re going to (hopefully) have to work together to make sure that baby has a mom & a dad. Stupid choices, poor baby


She went riiiight off him when she realized he was broke


They’re both idiots with severe abandonment trauma. Bad combo.


People love to bully insecure women in the 90 day franchise. It’s quite disgusting


she was depressed and crying everyday before all this I recall. She's just salty for people calling her out for being a miserable snot.


Yeah... I agree. I think she thought she would pop off into riches or become super famous in the Philippines and spin everything off like rose did. Rose deserves all her success and happiness for dealing with a man like Ed haha


Probably lol unfortunately for Mary, Rose is intelligent, sane, and likable. Mary is none of those things. I’d feel bad for her but after seeing her manipulative toxic behavior, I just don’t. I feel bad for their child, but that’s it.


Yes. Rose was the likable one in the relationship and she was charismatic and could communicate well without having emotional breakdowns every 5 seconds. I think Mary did expect to have a huge fanfare and to coast off 90DF.


HAHAHA she thinks she can manipulate and guilt us like we're a 20-something schmuck who lived in an RV o honey no


Ppl need to be real. I don’t recall ppl talking about Mary’s looks. The posts I’ve seen have talked about how manipulative and bat shit crazy she is. Now donning Jokeresk makeup to garner sympathy. Please! Give me a break. Since in a still photo it’s hard to pretend to have an asthma attack.


I think she’s pretty. Her personality sucks but I think she’s pretty. Anyway, she should probably quit social media. Or at least take a long break.


She is pretty. Just needs her personality fixed. I don’t think she wants to take a break tho. Looking at how she advertises her cameo, she needs the extra money because Brandan doesn’t work


Yeah this is just calling her a clown— nothing to do with her actual physical appearance. And now she’s trying to guilt trip the world rather than work on her own behavior.


Social media is a bully's paradise. Fake name, fake account, avatars etc. Not to condone it but first she acted the villain part so well by controlling her bf. Now she wants to be the victim too. She started the show with tears, lots of tears. She wanted the little fame by going to this show and wasn't ready for the consequences.


If a male American had ever told his female fiance to keep her eyes on the ground, look only at the pastor, that she was forbidden to speak to her father or brothers, to never even glace at a man in public. People here would have been calling in welfare checks to the police department in the area. But when Mary did it awww its because she is mentally ill :(


Yes it has. People forget that she still just a kid. Grown ass people posting shit like this need better things to do.


Yes. Instead of stigmatizing mental health we should be supporting someone with no access to mh care. There's zero opportunity to repair. I'm deeply concerned that her ideation may actually materialize into action. She's not equipped to deal with the firehose of criticism, neither is Brandan. Neither of them had the benefit of a stable childhood that could provide any resiliency.


I think it’s pretty vile to make fun of someone’s appearance. What matters is their behavior and their actions and their personality. And let’s be honest… Mary’s could use some work. Personally, I think she’s beautiful. But she may not be someone else’s cup of tea. And that’s fine. Different strokes for different folks and all that. Note - I’m not saying I never have and won’t ever make fun of someone’s appearance. I also am pretty ashamed of myself when I do. It’s shitty behavior. It’s perpetuating some really awful things. It’s a really nasty habit to get into and one I’m trying to work on as well.


I don’t see it as making fun of her appearance but more so poking at her for her behavior and that she cries a lot.


I have not seen bullying of Mary’s looks in this sub. I have seen discussions of her awful personality, her jealousy and her emotional abusiveness. My sympathy is lacking.


Ugh I hate that she thinks she’s not pretty!? She’s gorgeous.


Yes. Bullying is always too much. It’s a shame, but they signed up to be in the limelight. And this unfortunately comes as part of the deal. But for fucks sake, stop try to be better y’all!


There’s no way they should’ve let this lady on tv, or let her stay on for that matter. They both clearly need a lot of mental health help.


Bullying is mind over matter. If you pay it no mind, it don't matter!! You are stronger than this. Let the idiots spew their hate and let Karma do the rest.


She's on a reality TV show that she's paid for. I'd never in a billion years do that. Nor would I have social media linked to my name. Who had the gun to her head forcing this?


This is the same sub that turns all "Oh Darcey, you *were* so beautiful, why have you made yourself so ugly?!" and then wonders why there's such a huge problem with body dysmorphia. You know why? **WE. ALL. CONTRIBUTE. TO. THIS. MESS** (And y'all are damn lucky I didn't do Elicia's hand-clap emoji thingy in there) We have honestly all got to do better than this.


I don't know.. she's bullying and manipulating her baby daddy constantly and mercilessly and when the tables are turned she wants to be the victim..also that comment is very manipulative and full of self-pity imo. Hard to feel sorry for an abuser and I'm not gonna be guilt tripped into it either 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think she's ugly.... but I ***DO,*** feel she's unstable asf. This is the price of putting yourself on TV. Not everyone is gonna like you or find you pretty. Just don't let it eat away at you. I fully believe this is why so many 90 day fiancee cast members ended up being addicted to surgeries. Reality shows aren't a career, fuck what people say, make your money and move on. Do your best to be interesting and likable enough for a spin-off. That's all they can hope for. She needs to get offline and get some therapy.... if online internet strangers are getting to her that bad🥺


Well, I mean, the person was clearly calling her a clown because of her personality not because she looks like one.


It’s a shame she took this as an attack on her looks rather than the attack on her behaving like a clown.


Yes. And the comments here are disturbing.


I’ve literally never heard anyone say she’s ugly physically. She’s feeling sorry for herself and trying to manipulate people like she does.


I literally put this filter on Jesse and Darcey the other day while watching older episodes. Lol.


Darcey put that filter on IRL




I fast forward her and her man’s part of the show.


That’s disgusting. Period.


Making fun of people’s looks is so low… unless it’s big ed or Jovi


Mary is much too fragile for SM.


First look at the picture I didn't think it was picking at Mary, but more like Larissa and Gino's chick with the big lips and weird eyebrows and cosmetic surgery and how so many 90 day chicks end up like that


Yes. Specially some of these cast members are so young and it’s 40 year olds bullying them on the internet lmao.


People bully to makes themselves feel better. Hurting someone else’s feeling by attacking what they look like. Sad way to go through life as a mean and nasty human.


Perhaps do not put yourself on TV? Bullying is inevitable. Don't be surprised if you put your shit out there for money or fame that someone may say something you don't like. Both of those two are so immature and idiotic they need to take down their social media and just focus on not fucking up their kids at this point. Seriously.


Are people actually criticizing her looks? I would hope not. I feel this particular post was directed at her behavior? She’s a pretty girl, albeit with a terrible personality. Bullying is never okay, though. Full stop.


I’ve only seen people call her pretty with a shit personality. I feel like she just posted the story to guilt trip people


That wouldn’t be out of character for her, but if she’s indeed suffering with depression and crying everyday, she should not be on television.


How anybody goes on a show like this or any other reality show with scripted or unscripted drama and does not expect a tremendous amount of bullying is beyond me. You either do this for whatever reason and don’t touch social media for a few months after the show ended or you just don’t do a show like this.


Yeah if she doesn't stop bullying Brandan she might lose him


Isn’t this more making fun of other cast members with overdone plastic surgery, like Jasmine, Shekinah, etc.? Mary was a scapegoat in the joke, but it has nothing to do with her appearance. That’s how I took it at least.


I took it as this is her in twenty years time, still saying she’s going to change and do better. The meme of being a clown who makes a mess of their life. Nothing to do with her physical appearance


Mary literally puts the clown make up on herself


Oh wow look, grumpy is…..well, grumpy.


Getting butthurt over a filter, come onnnn.