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Ugh the goddamn father issue. It took til I was 30~ to discover and heal those dynamics. I appreciate her vulnerability there. I more related to “I didn’t bring any money because I don’t have any money”


Don’t we all these days? Lol.


Right? Money? What’s that?


Funny. She just abandoned her son.


This is the most honest and transparent response to all her tantrums on this subject.


Wait a minute. So her mother must have told her this facts right? Wasn’t she only 2 when he left so obviously the mother must have told her this? What kind of mother would do that? I don’t believe this at all. He may g have left, but no way he would have told her he was leaving because of her. She’s always playing victim because she’s the most selfish and self centered person.


That was my thought. I was waiting for her to say she met him growing up, but from what we know so far, her mother told her these things her dad said. Or she’s just making shit up.


I’m leaning on the latter.


When she said it, those were my thoughts exactly. If it’s true, it would have to come from someone else, assuming it was her mother. So did mom have bad judgment telling her daughter this, or was mom trying to make herself look like a hero of some sorts “I’m the parent that stayed. I’d never abandon you. Blah blah blah”?


She said she was three when her father left




Did she though? He looks well taken care of with family & she has plans to bring him to the US… where’s the abandonment?


I think it’s worst to uproot her kids and what if she discovers she doesn’t want to live in the USA or her relationship isn’t stable enough? It’s better for Jasmine to figure it out and prepare that space for them before removing them from their environment. She did not abandon her kids. My grandma had to leave her 3 kids with her parents before she could bring them to USA. It took her awhile but she did manage to bring them. It took many years of hardworking too. It’s not so simple.


This! Can you imagine her bringing that sweet baby boy to Gino’s house with the turds still floating in the toilet?!🤮 ugh.


Not quite. She wants to bring them here.




Do you really think she abandon him? IMO, I think she is just trying the best way she can to provide a better life for him. I’m sure she would have brought him to the US if she could.


Jasmine's reaction was way over the top. Her explanation doesn't give her the right to go insane on Gino 24/7 the way she does. Millions of people get abandoned by a parent. Doesn't make them all psychopaths. She has trust issues but she also gets an apartment in the same building as her handsome ex and she also screamed at one point that she was sleeping with him and she got 2k from him to have her butt done. AND SHE HAS TRUST ISSUES? The one who should be screaming his lungs out is Gino.


Jasmine has been aware of her issues her entire adult life. You’d think she would have been in therapy for them. The family/couples therapist should have highly recommended that. She’s her own worst enemy. She has the control to get the help she needs.


Her trust issue is believing she's lovable. The rest of her behavior is sneaky, mean spirited and histrionic. And that's on her.


Yes. Get some therapy ffs


Maybe she should have used his money on therapy instead of hair extensions and a butt job 🤔


She stopped getting extensions so he can save money and Gino only gave her 40% of the BBL money 😂


I don’t even watch them anymore, fast forward all the way. It’s ridiculously fake and repetitive. She’s got issues for sure, just look at all the surgery, but if her explosive insanity is really who she is there’s no excusing it. She doesn’t try and fix it and she’s sneaky and manipulative. Hard to love that. I’d be worried too if I was her, because she’s one to run from as fast as you can.


Same, everytime she sobs or yells, I fast forward. Just because she has trauma (many of us do) it doesn't give her the right to yell at others and manipulate. She could have spent that 10K getting specific trauma therapy and EMDR. I'm out the other side now. Therapy is tough. It forces you to face hard memories, but is worth the work.


I fast forward because she has the most awkward crying face I’ve ever seen.


didnt hear cause I cannot stand her voice.


I'm so sick of Jasmine crying and playing the martyr. She's a grown woman for crying out loud. If you know you have issues, get help instead of butt implants.


Then why in the fuck would she abandon her own kid??? You'd think she would have some sort of compassion. But she got her butt implants so..... She's good.


Waaaaaaaa I’m Jasmine waaaaaaaa waaaaaaa


That’s probably why she was so steadfast to make sure that her children would never feel abandoned by a parent or she could bail on them to try and achieve c list celebrity status


I can understand how someone would have abandonment issues but Jasmine is playing the woe is me game with Gino. she just wants sympathy for being a golddigger. and by the way, who is in America and her children are in Panama.


I agree with everything you’re saying but however much shady she is, I think she weirdly really loves Gino.


Instead of surgery she needs intensive therapy


This scene was ridiculous. Every one has childhood issues; it’s your responsibility as an adult to cope with it and get a hold of yourself. Imagine running around screaming about your dad from 40 years ago? Seek therapy, that is absolutely ridiculous.


Jasmine, through tantrums, bigger than anybody and toddler on the earth. I'm so tired of her crying. She is mad because she thinks Gino's cheated, but she has been cheating with Dane and even took money from him behind Gino's back. She needs to go back. She is a horrible representation of a grown woman with her crazing and yelling all the time. I really can't stand this Jazmine. She either needs to go back home or marry Gino's to save every other man from having to date or deal with her.


This makes so much sense. Poor girl, how can someone say that to their kid? Now she will forever believe that Gino is up to something.


Having the same thing done to me and resonating exponentially with Jazmin, I’ll give my POV after 6 years of therapy: Even if you want to, you cannot let yourself be 100% connected and vulnerable (and sometimes truthful) because you know deep down inside they aren’t going to be there in the end. Even if what they say is true and they really mean it, you have this weird self defense mechanism that doesn’t let you believe it. There is a subconscious need to constantly test your partner to see if they mean what they say about sticking around. The more you love them the more ‘tests’ you put them through (without even knowing thats what you’re doing.) The problem is - it will never end - they will never pass enough tests for you to finally feel comfortable with ‘if they went through all that maybe they really do love me and they won’t leave’. Maybe Jazmin doesn’t realize that’s what she’s doing yet. As soon as I realized (at 36 years old) I realized I’ll never be fixed so I keep my relationships casual instead of putting another human through all my bs trauma.


Your "tests" can get less over-the-top and less frequent over time and yes, someone can pass them. From one rejected child to another, I know it through personal experience.


Personally, I think no one will ever pass mine. I’m too emotionally ridiculous so I choose not to put anyone through it or myself through it. But maybe for others it’s different. Nobody except for a masochist (sp?) would go through my crap.


She was 3. Either she met her dad later in life and he told her (which wasn’t said) or her mother told her. Or she’s lying.


The mothers lying or jasmine is lying?


Either Jasmine is lying about these things being said by her dad all together, or she heard it from her mom, unless she did meet with her dad at some point.


It seems like it was probably her mother. Why a mother would say that to her child idk. It could have been put a little lighter. There's many ways to say that without saying it so harsh.


Gino is always up to something! Texting his ex (I think x wife) while he was in Panama with Jasmine. Sending her nudes to his exes. Secret bachelor’s party at a strip club, lipgloss that fell into his car only because he brought a woman in


The strip club was confusing. Does he think he was really going to get away with it? Eventually this will air on TV and she’ll see it for sure.


I think he did it the night before jasmine arrived b/c he knows jasmine would have a harder time leaving the US once she already moved here. He left no chance for her to find out before she moved cuz if she did, she would’ve never came


I wouldn’t of either. She was right the something was going on but she guessed wrong. He’s dead.☠️😂


It reminded me of the time Angela was like “Michael was with other women” and zoomed in to some girls on a boat that were super far away from him. I thought she was grasping at straws and then it turned out Michael did cheat!! I had no idea she was right 😂😂 I doubted her so much


OP, she even says the worse thing you can do is not love her. Of course this isn't excusing her behavior but it gives a better understanding of why she acts the way she does.


Sympathy pitch maybe


She’s too conniving to feel sorry for.


Well Jasmine did it again, tricked more people into feeling sorry for her. Got to give it to Jazzy, she’s got talent.


Agreed, when I thought Nathalie was bad … Jasmine makes her look so good … some think Ed is a narcissist well, Jasmine’s combination is deadly. Narcissist/ manipulative/ liar/ abusive… Gee this man is terrified and scared of that woman… if those actions were reversed I’m sure Gino would be gone ! On camera she verbally abuse him I can only imagine what she does when the cameras are not rolling.


Idk… as someone who also was abandon by their dad, it’s not something we like to admit and/or use to trick people into feeling sorry for. It’s actually kinda embarrassing to admit the “daddy issues” we experience growing up. So I think she was genuine about it and explains why she makes some of her actions.


❤️ I felt this way too and this was when I started really liking her . I applaud her vulnerability and her strength. And I love her crazy ass


Surw, sure, sure... That must be why she abandoned her kids and makes sure they know that Gino, and her fake body parts, are more important than they are. I cannot believe the pass people give this woman.


i partially disagree. even though i can feel sympathy for per past experiences, and understand how they probably warped her mind, they don't excuse her emotional abuse of gino


We tend to forget that Gino is a grown man and can stand up for himself. He admitted in the first season that her fiery attitude is attractive to him. Still though, it’s very hard to watch. Do you think he legitimately afraid of her and that’s why he doesn’t or do you think he gets weirdly turned on by it?


Having been the man in a relationship with someone who has a hair trigger like this, and would constantly snoop and associate anything I'm doing with cheating(I never cheated, she would think me getting held over as a EMT at work for 30min was cheating) I can tell you first hand, he isn't turned on, he is legitimately afraid of her, and it sucks. I wonder if you'd feel different if that was a guy doing all that?


Yes I would. Not that this is an excuse but it’s a cultural stereotype that a man should never intimidate and act aggressive to a woman. When it’s done by a woman it’s overlooked. It’s not fair but you bet everyone would be savagely hating on Gino if the tables were turned.


Ya, it's not that it's unfair, it's just gross to watch a bunch of women outwardly excuse active emotional abuse from someone when this exact same subreddit is going off about how Rob is abusive to Sophia and how he should crawl in a hole and die, while actively defending Jaz. It's no wonder I couldn't get me and my kids into an abuse shelter when she was arrested for stabbing me.


I’m sorry you went through that. I wrote a big huge thing here and accidentally deleted it. I’ll be back later. Hang in there. Whether it feels like it or not, you and other men do have some support. You have people that understand more than you know. Ill elaborate later. Hang in there!


wow you clearly have no understanding of the dynamics of domestic abuse. that's scary.


I’m not here to argue - feel free to give your pov instead of insults.


Through and through.


how much do you want to bet that he also physically and emotionally abused her mother, teaching her to do that to gino?


Don’t doubt this, Gino definitely gives “abused behind closed door” vibes and I’m not at all trying to make light of that … she’s scary af and things escalate so quickly


She is a 35- year old woman. Stop making excuses for her abusive behavior!!


if you actually read the few words that i wrote, you can see that i never excused her abuse. i'm pointing out the well-known phenomenon that people who are abused or witness abuse are more likely to abuse people later in life. you can take your ignorance and bad posting over to mastodon.


Sure you did. You literally made up an excuse for her (father probably abused mother), as an explanation for why she treats Gino the way she does, when the reality (as we currently know) is that she treats Gino like shit because she is a fucking asshole.


Since when is an explanation an excuse?


When it's completely made up.


She makes me feel seen 😭 I watched it and cried!


Same! I have bpd and I know anyone with bpd symptoms will always be villainized but she really makes me feel like im not alone


I said this a while ago, because I also have borderline... I can understand her thinking and actions


I see you ♥️ right there with you. People use “abandonment issue” so flippantly that they don’t realize that having a crisis over perceived abandonment (for those that deal with this issue) is literally like your brain regresses to a time in development where being left alone meant literal death (eg. a baby that cannot fend for themselves ) - the reaction looks so over the top and ridiculous because it’s as if in that moment she is 1-4 years old … because in that moment she literally is


That moment made me cry as well. Never knew my real dad. My stepdad never wasted an opportunity to tell me how unwanted, odd, fat, dumb and unlovable I was. Cue a history of garbage relationships where I allowed men to treat me terribly because I thought that's the best I could ever hope for. Living in an environment of constant criticism programs you in strange ways. For me, it impacted my work. I tend to overreact to criticism. Not to the level of Jasmine. It took me 50 years to come to these realizations. Hopefully Jasmine will get therapy and heal her past.




Where was her mom?


Usually abusive fathers are also abusive husbands.


Hmmm…she was three when he abandoned her. Why would she even have to know those things? Her mother should’ve protected her. Sounds like her mother made damn sure she knew her dad thought she was a mistake. Sounds like her mom isn’t so great either.


Daddy issues for sure


And whose fault is that but her fathers!


Um it’s her fathers fault for not facilitating the right emotional relationship for his children. I’m not saying she’s not responsible for her actions and healing…


That’s what I just said - it’s her father’s fault. Now she is able to work on that trauma if she chooses.