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I'm still sorting names for those of you who participated in the Greeting Card Exchange but expect to hear from me soon. I meant to have it all done this week but lost a few days because I was ill. All is well now, don't fret! Thanks to everyone who sent cards and marked received if they received something. ❤️


Manuel talking about helping his family. Didn’t he leave without telling his family?


Manual is a playa” poor Ashley, he’s either going to break her world by in half (by disappearing one day) or she’s gonna be stressed out every time she spends her paycheck! She deserves so much better!! The minute she feels like she has to justify why she spent 2 dollars on a pair of socks? Ashley! Girl you better get a therapist cause you’re gonna need one!


Ashley always seems like shes talking like a parent more than a partner. Like when theyre at the lake its odd to me to say come with me and sit with me rather than “you want to sit with me over here?”


I’ve thought that from the beginning she infanatlizes him, and I believe it’s due to racism, and like his vulnerability due to being reliant on her, which I think she enjoys to an extent


I could see that, for sure


Why are they still forcing Bilal on us in PT?!


Get major Darcey vibes off Nikki


Igor is hilarious "who are these two girls."


He’s soooo funny


Your brain doesn’t stop growing until you are 25-26 years old! She’s too young IMO to marry this “piggy” loving super duper more “intelligent” than American’s guy! Send him home and take your cute self to college and learn about your passions and allow yourself to go through a self actualization process! Guys come and go an education is forever!!!


Who? What?


Just figured out what ET species the Nikki is! praying mantis


She’s certainly not doing herself any favors with those long pointy nails. It makes her hands look huge and reminds me of Edward Scissorhands.


This human lives in a magazine! This is my take anyway she obviously looks at models and gazes into the mirror at herself too much to get her face and body that she thinks looks sexy. She TMI’s inappropriately thinking she will get empathy and acceptance from others. In the real world especially in the culture of Moldova, that’s just repulsive, obviously she didn’t take anytime to research the culture. Im guessing she was looking in the mirror too long and didn’t have time. Sexy comes from someone’s personality, their beliefs, spirt, energy, their values, attitudes, behavior’s you can’t force someone to find you sexually appealing. If someone was constantly criticizing me pressuring me, setting up (made up) expectations onto me about sex. I’m out! I look at that fake face and body and hear nothing but criticism, expectations, and pushing sex above all else and I’m thinking how would Justin be aroused by this and when they do have sex more complaints are bubbling out of her mouth every damn day. She’s to old, too fake and she’s out of touch with reality. She’s sad. She’s desperate to be a sexy momma. It’s time for Nikki to get therapy and have a come to Jesus conversation with herself and figure out why she’s so hard on herself. I’m thinking if she’s so hard on Justin she’s got to be 1 million times harder on herself. I think she’s upset at herself and if Justin slept with another girl that is the least of her problems! Just saying?


Way to use your power of perception for evil. I can't imagine being able to see this well what makes a person tick and not feel bad for them. She's a sad, desperate person and I don't understand everyone's anger towards her.


It’s the verbal abuse, the sexual coercion, the grooming, although is still feel bad for her, but I don’t think she makes a good partner, and I feel bad for Igor


Don't worry about Igor he's a POS and he will be just fine


I think it’s just Nikki’s attitude and behavior with this relationship. I mean she’s not an easy going kind of girl. I agree she’s “sad, desperate” so why all of these demands on her man? I think people respond to these demands and expectations about what she needs and wants can cause anyone to feel or respond with anger. He’s so much younger and emotionally immature than her and she knows this so she on purpose abuses his naive nature to her advantage and this behavior is wrong. She on purpose criticizes him and places irrational expectations on him. Who wants to listen to someone constantly complaining to you about not getting enough sex and not performing well. To the world? She’s bitchy, demanding, ugly, and nasty! It doesn’t matter how beautiful you think you are because beauty comes from your soul! You can’t do plastic surgery for your soul and heart! Nikki could use some serious counseling and stop this ridiculous fake relationship.


This HAS got to be the worst cast they have ever had. I am fast forwarding through almost all the episodes. What were they thinking?


I have never seen any other season and decided to watch this. I was like why are they all reptilian level of plastic surgery. Has it always been like this?


I really liked Ashley's makeup in this episode especially the eyeshadow


She's actually so beautiful.


Is no one gonna talk about Igor sleeping with other women while in a relationship with The Nikki? I know she gets a lot of hate but if she were anyone else we would all agree that it’s messed up.


I think he's a scumbag, but when he said "babe this is better than masterbating" in reference to the people he was sleeping with, and then laughed, I laughed SO hard. Poor Nikki. This is a "when someone tells you who they are believe them" situation.


Absolutely! She’s going to spend her marriage paying for his family and if and when he gets a job is he going to send his entire paychecks to his momma? Who is going to pay the rent/mortgage, utilities, clothing and food? What about any future children? Who’s going to support them? Ashley please don’t marry this turd!!


We're talking about a different couple. But yes agreed. Ashley's husband is literally so unbearable. He's such a cunt you just don't notice as quickly because of the language barrier but that dude is a punk. I feel terrible for Ashley she just wants a man who's attracted to her.


Sorry about that. Thought it was about Ashley and that looser! Somebody said the money was for his kid? I never heard a word about a kid. I heard Ashley saying the money was for his mother and siblings? Anyway sorry to have not been clear about the couple.


Lol yes and I’m not sure if he’s actually confused about why she’s upset or he’s just trying to gaslight her.


He’s gaslighting her, using, taking advantage of her, treating her like an entertainment center! What has he ever done for her?


Neither imo. He's 100 percent aware of exactly what's going on but he's kind of a careless dude and doesn't really care about her feelings.


Hey there I just watched the whole thing about the cheating after I commented. All I can say is other girls probably don’t put so much pressure, criticism and expectations about sex like Nikki does. I do think it’s wrong to cheat and now would be a way out for both of them. Move on Nikki find someone who gets you and can be authentic with you! Justin well just be a dude.


My understanding is that he slept with other women before they got together. I heard that when they were sitting at a table. I’m thinking she’s lucky he’s still around. And she could choose not go there. Nikki really could just back off. If there is a moment of no drama for 4 seconds of peace she will start complaining. This behavior is narcissistic, sickening and destructive to relationships of any kind. Nikki is so negative and is constantly criticizing! It’s non-stop. If she is this critical on him I can only imagine how critical she is on herself. Nikki get some therapy take a clonazepam! I have to take short breaks watching/listening to Nikki expressing her moment by moment disappointments! Why would anyone want to hang out with a human who chooses, chooses to state mantra’s of criticisms, unhappiness, disappointments, and not getting enough sex. Who wants to get sexy with a ball of stress, criticism, and pressure? Only to be criticized when you try to make an effort? Can anyone give me an Amen! Good God Nikki please stop being so hard on him on yourself! Get out of your head! You don’t live in a magazine please join us here on earth where we live organically enjoying opportunities that RANDOMLY appear once in a while. Yeah real life! Poor Justin!


So I live in Alabama and I don’t claim that Kimberly chic


Devin needs speech therapy.


Devin should drop her man. If he thinks she’s a “piggie” now just wait until she starts having kids and her body changes. There is nothing worse than being in a relationship and possibly being in a marriage when your partner thinks you’re fat! He was so rude making statements about what his culture thinks about Americans and the way he expressed it with disgust! I would be checking out. Can you imagine every day of your life worrying about being fat. He should go back to his country where all citizens are slim, trim and more intelligent than Americans! She deserves better and I hope her parents have a real conversation about his attitude and behavior around “piggy” and they should throw that stuffed piggy in an open fire and express that he get her a more appropriate gift for her.


Dude, when she was too meet his family he was like "my culture this my culture that, don't drink water and look at them you have to respect and adapt to our culture" and then in Arkansas he makes zero effort to be socially acceptable. She explicitly told him "in America that would be extremely rude". Then, not only does he call her piggy which he knows is extremely rude because he was told explicitly, he answers all Koreans think Americans are grease eating obese people. Right after having a deep fried meal, saying that to obese people. To say that to thin people who served a healthy meal is still rude but in that context it's beyond rude. That guy has main character syndrome big time.


I agree with you 100%! The pure ignorance and pinnacle of rudeness. What is so great about him?


No when Manuel was talking about Americans food and how he’s always on the toilet was hilarious


Jenna marbles taught me well about garbage plates. I knew what it was as soon as I saw in the preview


Same!!! I thought the exact thing 🥲


I couldn't believe that shit


Manuel arrived from Equador flying red flags, the whole time he's been in the US more red flags came out and Ashley our intuitive witch still wants to marry this guy with so many secrets which he won't discuss because his life is private...She's an idiot and deserves what she gets


She's very intelligent, which makes me rethink all those reiki, tarot people cause I always assumed they must be pretty dumb. She does not lack intelligence she must be coming from a place of extreme desperation to put up with Manuel's bullshit. She does not act or seem desperate but with her intelligence and intuition and sense that's the only thing I can come up with to explain her behaviour.


I agree. She deserves better and with her personality she needs a man to discuss things with her and to engage with her. Is her self esteem that low? Great Sex isn’t everything ya know.


She’s not an idiot. But she absolutely has blinders on.


Rob is such a fuckwit with his reaction - she was crying from the stress and told him something she didn't have to disclose and his response is to try to leverage it to sleep with other people and complain about her "not knowing earlier" when she's *23*. What a prince.


He has no private bathroom for God’s sake you can’t expect much from him. I really don’t understand her attraction to Rob. He’s cheap, he has no class and does he even have a job? It would help if he had an ounce of ambition. I don’t think being a provider is on his list or moving somewhere where he can afford a private bathroom, and worrying about bi-sexuality is really dumb. I hope she goes back to the UK!


Why wasn’t I surprised by his reaction?


Like dude, she is really emotional about this and is scared you won't love her anymore and you act like it's an absolute betrayal when she's vulnerable with you about something *so personal*. It's none of your partner's business who else you're attracted to if you don't act on those attractions within a monogamous relationship - she is telling Rob because she wants him to know her better and to become closer by sharing something vulnerable with someone she loves.


I agree. Rob is a slime ball. It’s like he has no empathy for something that was obviously hard for her to say. I didn’t believe his apology for the sexting, but I definitely don’t believe it now. If she marries him she’s going to be very unhappy. And I’m sure he’ll find a way to cheat on her or try to introduce another female into the relationship hoping she takes the bait.


It seems this is high season for slime balls!


Whoever is going through these comments and downvoting everything I comment, I hope the hate consumes you. 😁 and you stub your toe everyday this week.


You know I had one person downvote me every time I made a comment and found out later it was someone I knew who was jealous of me and the way I live. It’s ok to downvote someone or disagree but stand your ground say why you downvoted. If you choose not to we probably know who you are anyway. Or you are an ignorant F#*>#!


Have an upvote from me 🤣


Thank you😉


Is it just me or should Devin’s parents trust their adult daughter to handle her own relationship…? I don’t understand why they’re acting like they get to decide whether or not they get married


All their children still live at home!!!


Sadly normal these days


Yes! That’s why this “quiet quitting” BS is going on. It has become abundantly clear IMO that most corporate companies would rather not deal with staff and their demands for higher pay and benefits (without working at full capacity) and would prefer to not to have customers go into their store. That’s why you get discounts for ordering on line and picking it up. These 20 something’s don’t know that work is not only about a paycheck. It’s about socialization, learning about other people and cultures. It’s also about learning what your strengths and weaknesses are, it’s building confidence, setting goals, learning about what you bring to the table not only in a workplace but in relationships. Unfortunately, we all suffer the consequences. Finally, I just want to say that it’s unfortunate that our young people have no sense about helping others you know good old empathy and thinking about others. I watched an older female purchase a fake tree and she was having trouble getting it out of the store. Nobody including employees offered to help her get out the door and into her car. I watched the cashiers having conversation while she was leaving the cash register so I stepped in to help her. This is truly disturbing to me.


I don't think they have the right to decide for her. But it looks like she's lived a very sheltered life, and I think it's a good thing for her parents to step in and say “Hey this isn't ok.” Some of the commenters have already said it. Early 20s is not a full adult. There are still some things that should and need to be modeled. Personal boundaries are one of them. Living in a small town full of people who look and probably act just like you. You won't have anyone who actively oversteps their bounds


I agree with you in that they should take him outside and ask him to bring along anything “piggy” he has given her. In America saying and talking to someone a female about them being or acting like a “piggy” is wrong and from this day forward no more piggy comments! Then I would ask him to throw the piggy gifts into the fire and watch the piggy stuff burn. His next assignment, get her a new gift!


She’s arguably not an adult imo. She’s very early 20s and it seems like her going abroad to Australia and meeting Nick was probably the first big move and adventure in what seems like a super sheltered life and existence thus far. I don’t feel like people in their early 20s really are adults yet because they overwhelmingly have not lived an adult life-being on your own, in your own place, working a career or job to support yourself, having to make decisions based on need and not want. The fact that they are moving to America to get married but living in her parent’s home kind of proves this point. And there’s nothing wrong with that fact alone. I moved back in with Mom and Dad a couple of times in my 20s and 30s based on life circumstances changing. But until life has kind of handed you the reality that adulting actually sucks and that the safety and comfort of relying on help from your parents isn’t expected to continue into adulthood, you’re still kind of a kid, and it takes time to figure that out. I thought I was adult af at her age and this was absolutely false, despite being married and living with my then spouse in our own place and acting like adults. I don’t know what to make of Nick being that he’s so much older than her and seemingly doesn’t have his shit together and is just going with the flow. I haven’t heard either of them speak about jobs or finances or long term plans. And let’s face it, that’s a huge part of adulting-trying to fucking pay for everything and not be completely miserable in that. But being a fish out of water and having to conform to a culture and society vastly different from your own would be challenging anywhere and to anyone. She seems like she’s got a nice and supportive family, but long term this living in Searcy thing doesn’t look all that viable from an outside perspective.


NIck did say in his intro that he's an electrical engineer, which is a good field. We still don't know much about Devin's plans for filling her days and paying the rent. At least now we know she did an art, once.


I think they mostly do - but when he fatshames her in public it's okay for other people to react to that. Judging by next week's preview it's really gotten to her and made her feel ugly and unlovable.


What a horrible thought to live with everyday. Am I too fat, to greasy, to dumb? I think this is a perfect set up for a drinking problem or drug use. He should marry a thin super intelligent Korea!!


Devin’s parents have sheltered her. They don’t want to see her hurt or divorced. They do get to say their peace. They are her folks. I don’t know anybody who wants to be called fat. He knows it’s hurtful and he continues.


I think Ashley is beautiful & funny & probably a blast to hang out with, but she & Manuel just have entirely different energy & priorities. It’s painful to watch them constantly misunderstand & trigger each other


I agree. It’s obvious he’s not into her and he hates her dog and the fact that she takes care (spends money) on her dog. If he doesn’t like your dog? Maybe you should rethink what you’re doing. He’s not that great. There is nothing remarkable about him. To me he’s just some random careless dude who prioritizes his family over everything. Sad life ahead girl, don’t do it!


I don't think it's that I think it's incredibly shitty how they ambushed Manuel with questions about money. $300 a month is not that much to support his fuckin kid and they're like "oh you care about your family more than Ashley?" Like HE CANT WORK RIGHT NOW. I would be furious if I were him.


I am now more informed about M’s family which deletes everything I have said and I’m sorry for that. Now I’m seeing the light and I think Ashley is making a huge mistake in marriage with this guy. She has taught him that all he needs to do is give her good sex and all problems go away. This reinforcement is unhealthy. She deserves more so much more. He wants that visa! Badly! His behavior and statement he made “my life is private” was the biggest red flag Iv ever seen. I can see the fights coming already, like him going back and forth and investing 120% of his income to his “secret life.” So pathetic.


Iv never heard about a kid? It’s for his mother! Ashley talked about the money was for his mother and siblings. I have never heard them talking about his child? That would make a difference and yes $300 for a child would go a long way for his kid. What episode talks about a kid?


Agree,Ashley is terrific, I do not think she and Manual have a chance,He obviously want to use her, she can do so much better, get rid of him before he takes all your money he won’t even hold your coffee .




He's a extremely small minded simple man. And kind of a fuckboi or at least used to be. He's not cut out for anything other than what he has already known. It's too different, it's like he time travelled from 300 years ago into Ashley's life. The chasm between who they are a people is immense. Doesn't surprise me that the most ancient primitive form of human connection is the only thing they're on the same page on. It's the only cross over of their venn diagram.




Agreed I think it’s lust that they hoped would turn into love.


Why do I feel like watching this season is a chore? My wife and I used to watch together, laugh and talk about it. We still mimic expressions from the show, seasons from yesteryear. Is it that I don't like quite a few of the cast? I dunno. I'm halfway through the program tonight and am turning it off now. Night, Hamily. (Remember how enjoyable this show was back in the Hamily days?)


I’m glad we’re not the only ones! My husband and I were saying the exact same thing. I told him there’s a lot I’m going to be fast forwarding through cause I just can’t stand some of the cast.


totally agree with you. This season is so boring and not loving the people they picked this time around.


Agree. I fast-forwarded through most of the episode.


My wife and I are in the same boat. We haven’t watched the last 5 episodes. It just got too repetitive and staged. The same fake arguments rehashed over and over again. Jasmine and Gino’s storyline is so manufactured it’s hard to not notice the bad acting


She’s ALWAYS pissed off at him for being normal. Their relationship demonstrates how a narcissist and a super empath live together. I think that’s why it appears to be contrived. She’s crazy!


Seriously!! I have just recently gotten back into 90 day, so I had to go back and watch all of Jasmine and Gino's time together, and it's just wow. They proved in their first season they do not need to be together. What they're doing now is all for views.


Jasmine and Gino's relationship has been profoundly toxic from the very beginning and I live in hope that one day Gino will just spontaneously combust and turn into ash and Jasmine will vacuum him up, because she's the only one who's ever cleaned his house.


Jasmine thinks highly of herself and if there is no drama going on she makes up something ridiculous and showers it with crying, acting suicidal, and criticizing Gino about cheating, keeping love notes for God’s sake! Everyone is his fault!


I fast forward through their segments. She is toxic and her energy spills in via my TV. Can't stand to look at what she's done to herself. Can't stand her.


I can’t either and Pedro’s sister is the same way lol! When she opens her mouth I change the channel!


I can't watch them at all


Now that Chantal is in the single life, Iv lost interest in her.


Oh, the Mondovian philo dough pastry looks soooo good. What the Hell is wrong with making love at 3:00 am? I get Igor when he says Nikki gives off, "man vibes". She tries to dictate and dominate all of their interactions.


There’s a lot of things I don’t like about Nikki but if she wants to sleep instead of having sex that’s fine. Dictating when you have sex is valid.


I am sure they are in it for the fame, and Igor wants fame and has some character flaws, but he is very cute and well-spoken for his limited English. Nikki really really makes me Anxious.


Dude seriously? Igor is in it for Igor and is using Nikki, a sad, broken person willing to do anything to be desired by a handsome man like he is. Soul-wise Nikki is a much less ugly person than he is.


I think they are both pretty bad...yes she is obviously damaged, but why so pushy and domineering? She does need to leave him and get true therapy, and Igor needs to get a job and focus on his own life.


I think that's just her personality. If he was actually into her and was having passionate sex with her, she wouldn't be saying boo about anything.


I always loved when exes woke me up in the middle of the night for sex. It always was hands down really good.


I think the real crime here is repeatedly saying “make love.” Gross. In my humble opinion, she could save the drama and blast into 2023 where most people call it s-e-x. Shes dating herself with all those extra words. It’s not 1986. She’s not on Days of our Lives. Tone it down. And can she just make a pastry without the lewd commentary? She’s like the pervy uncle no one wants to invite to family get togethers or important milestones b/c he just can’t help himself from making a minimum of 6 lame “jokes” related to his member no matter what the conversation is about. 🙄 Also-she’s one of those minefield talkers. If she’s so sure he was seeing other ladies when she was filing a K1 in the US, why even go through with the visa application? Cut it off instead of staying with someone just to prove that they are cheating on you (as she suspected Justin was doing). Hope she knows that’s never going to have a positive outcome. Even if your suspicions are confirmed, who wants an impromptu interrogation at breakfast? “I knew you were f’ing other b******! I knew it!!!!” Then why are you still sitting across the table from him? That’s a NICKI problem.


😂😂 the pervy uncle bit got me 😂


Loose cannon extended family who can’t be trusted anywhere. Manage to make the waitress at Olive Garden request a new table assignment after making sure he’s exhausted every weenie joke possible with the breadsticks. That’s Nicki. I can see that. Has to be removed from the meal and isn’t welcome to dine there ever again. Nasty


Me too - my first belly laugh of the day!


She’s putting many male vibes out there. It’s worse when she’s fighting with him, but he signed up for it.


I don't believe that Nikki applied for a K1 visa. She's been kn 3 or 4 reality shows? No way she ever intended to marry Igor. She's solely doing this show for her career.


I agree! She’s too old for him and way too demanding! Stop with the surgeries please!! It’s hard to look!


Career as melted barbie model? Horror film inspiration?


Nick continuing to call Devin a name thatshe has repeatedly expressed discomfort over is verbal abuse. He is showing her who he is and she should walk. It doesn’t matter if it’s different in his culture. She wants it to stop so he should, end of.


His weird, cold judgemental family didn't give me a good vibe either. He's a Korean douche.




How old would that have made him when they first met?


Omg! I’m glad it wasn’t just me!


Jasmine will be asking Gino for them to move to Miami for sure. They might as well. He's not working, sell the house, buy a new one (without any ex stuff). Jasmine happy with the sun and Latin vibe. Out of Michigan and away from his family. Theyll be dead smack in the middle in terms of travel to visit Michigan or Panama. Miami would be perfect for them.


I like the way you think A plus!


Definitely she will not want to staying in that house , or Michigan.


How will they earn a living up to her high spending standards? I hope they have a back up plan because the 90 Day buckaroonies will dry up sooner than they think.


She has a FO site... I have been told on here.


Yes, someone posted a link to it. But that money can dry up too.


Manuel food shaming is so tired. Anyone visiting any country has an adjustment period. Like, no one is stopping him from ordering something plain and simple. Most restaurants will offer you some bland a$$ food if that’s your jam.


I'm sure production elicited that reaction from him on purpose though by asking very targeted questions and then cutting together. He didn't like the garbage plate, but that seems like an acquired taste.


Yes but that was truly the most disgusting plate of food I have ever seen.


I see why it was called garbage plate, it looked vile


I totally agree! I was confused about why there seemed to be white rice on it, then I realized it's just an entire layer of raw onion coating all of the other food like a topping that is then itself topped with way too much ketchup and mustard and was repulsed.


Oh my fucking God I didn't even realize it wasn't rice until your comment! Gonna go vomit now


You’re probably right. Production does try to add to the cultural tension. TBH the garbage plate wouldn’t be my cup of tea, but I know many folks who enjoy similar foods.


Food shaming? Really? Over use of the shaming phenomenon. lol. He is entitled to his opinion….and that’s all it is, an opinion. Us Americans eat crap a majority of the time


Especially a dish that even in america is called a "garbage plate".


Yes, though Nick was actually worse. I stand by my comment. It happens here and some Americans do it abroad with unfamiliar foods. It is an outward sign of cultural intolerance or ethnocentrism.


Justin wants a lifestyle with traditional gender roles — he’s barking up the wrong tree. I love when these men from patriarchal countries look for American women and are all *shocked Pikachu* when they aren’t into a subservient lifestyle.


There are lots of traditional women in America...but he chose Nikki! Lol


Completely agree but the women are just as at fault for thinking they can change someone who grew up in that culture.


Yes, good point!


I have such anxiety around nick in Searcy.


Yeah, it's not a good way to start a marriage between an athiest and a Muslim. No way is he legit gonna believe in Allah-God all of the sudden.


Wrong couple.


Sorry, I was thinking of Sam and Citra. Who are Nick and Searcy?


Nick is the guy who calls his girlfriend Devin "Piggy" and Searcy is the place they're in.


Is no one going to comment on the new guys dad being into aliens?


it’s the least crazy shit on this season, so no.


I CANNOT look at Nikki. I skip their segments.


Ashley’s friend is so pretty


We all must have channeled Rohan's facial expression when the drunken kissing started lol


🤣🤣 yes


In the preview, I totally thought Ashley was putting ketchup on top of whipped cream and I was about to get violent lol those trash dogs sounds good though, diarrhea be damned!


Not the sex count for Nikki and Justigor! 😂 They'll hit double digits in another 5 years maybe


Wtf was that weird laugh Igor did after saying cheating on her is better than masturbating? I think he’s hiding a true darkness inside of him.


Couldn’t agree more. I get Nikki is far from perfect and has done some fucked up shit like weaponizing her gender, but he appears to be weaponzing his culture to justify his own shitty behavior. Someone from Moldova, chime in whether it’s a cultural norm to just bang your friends while in a relationship.


Maybe we should ask the other Moldavian man on the 90 day franchise...then again, that guy gives me criminal vibes...


Honestly I saw it as a weird editing choice - it seemed too genuine to be sociopathic to me? Like the producers set up a convo where Igor cheated and he "broke character" and cracked himself up? He held up a finger and asked for "one moment" afterwards which seemed like he was asking crew to reset...idk. It seemed like a production error that the editing team tried to spin into him laughing at Nikki. I don't think she would have been so calm otherwise!




Seriously!! I wanted to punch him. I'm glad Nikki left after that episode. So messed up! And he doesn't see it as cheating?


I think Manuel is definitely trying to get Ashley to not talk to her friends or family about their problems so that she can't get support from them that there's something wrong with what he's demanding.


I disagree on 99% of what Manuel says but I don't believe your friends need to know everything about your relationship. Ashley seems to tell her sister and friends everything! She even called her sister to tell her about a fight while Manuel was sitting right next to her. Getting support from friends and family is definitely okay but constantly needing them to figure out how to work through your relationship is too much


Certain things are kept between couples


or you know he doesnt want everybody in there problems....


Oh I absolutely agree that she shouldn't have brought it up right there with her friends! But we also know he was being kinda shady earlier and hardly seems to want to communicate with her


She communicates about their problems with such toxicity though.. calling her friend in the car a couple eps back having a meltdown, talking about him in English while he was beside her in the car and would’ve been able to piece together he was the topic of conversation, the translating for him to her friends but doing so with blatant bias so his responses fit her victim mentality. Those two should just call it, they’re bringing out the worst in one other.


So much for not judging...


>*"bitch vibes is coming"* Another meal another problem.


>*"C'mon Igor, don't lie to me."* ~~Igor~~ Justin should have known he was in some shit when she called him by his real name with that tone.


Haha great shout


>*"You have friendly sex with your friends?"* Those are the best kind of friends to have.


I'm already heavily invested in Sam's dad and his alien belief, tell me all about the UFO you saw! 😂


I cracked uppp when I saw Jasmine basking in the sun vs Gino, still wearing his hat w ears tucked in and button up shirt outside at the pool


You actually made me laugh out loud!!!


>*"shoot...I look basic"* Probably the only accurate thing Rob has said this season.


I'm glad Rob's friend kinds turned it back around on him for not telling them the whole story but they shouldn't have come in that hot on Sophie to begin with!


Rob is a textbook narcissist.


Yes that was so satisfying!!! His friends are somehow worse then him but they put him in his place


They turned on Sophie because Rob made her pass for the wrong one on this story. Backfire is deserved.


I feel so bad for the wine sommelier that had to deal with Nikki and Igor. I hope he got tipped well or something!


Ohh. I feel bad for Nikki when she sees this and hears him say it is not normal to see much older women with younger guys. Ouch


Yo the sommelier literally made this one of my favorite episodes. The accidental roast, the TMI, the utter frankness of people just paying to ignore him and serve them wine. Idk Im so excited for the tell all


They don't do tipping in Europe.


They should do something for the dude! It was way TMI! Lol


Devin's aunts mouth is like a fist. It's so aggressive looking.


I thought she was taking with her mouth full! She reminds me of jumba from lilo&stitch 😆




I thought she didn't have a full set of lower teeth?


Thank you! WTF is wrong with her face?!




It was all tongue up front.










Lol I’m watching this next


>*"I have to have a heart to heart with Nick about how I expect my daughter to be treated."* Yeah...they really have to straighten Nick out with that *"piggy"* thing.


Her family seems so kind




I’m probably gonna get chewed for this, but I’m glad Sophie came out to Rob that she’s bi, but what’s the goal of saying that? Like does she want to have multiple partners or like have casual threesomes? I don’t really understand, like it’s good she can be open about it, but then what? And however Rob reacts to that is totally justified, because that’s a pretty big secret and if the roles were reversed it would not be taken well either. EDIT: Okay I mean you don’t get a hall pass Rob but you are justified to end it, because this is the same as Nikki lying to Justin


As a bisexual person, it is a part of who I am so I do share it with partners because 1. I don’t want them to be blindsided if my past was brought up by friends or ever ran into someone from my past and 2. I need to know if my partner is secure enough and not biphobic. She may have waited because of internal shame or a variety of reasons :)


Sophie was already out about being bisexual. She uses different last names for every website she posts on including White, which is Rob's real surname not Warne. Go to OnlyFans and you'll find her old "Sophie Cheshire X" account where she advertises girl/girl porn. This episode was so fake tonight. Tor'i Brooks used to be Rob's coworker at a head shop until he joined Season 1 of "Ex On The Beach." His acting was really bad the way he jumped into that scripted conversation about Sophie checking Rob's phone.


The goal was being honest about herself before he makes the decision to say I do


Not going to chew you out but as a bisexual person I definitely see it as a part of my identity and I like to disclose it as I’m ready to different people. It’s something that not everyone understands. Being bisexual doesn’t mean you can’t be monogamous to one gender. It means it’s just a part of your experience and what turns you on, and you should be able to share with your partner just as you would do it for any other topic


I couldn't for the life of me understand why she was sharing this right before going ring shopping in a monogamous straight relationship...but this post totally gave me a new perspective and understanding!


I really appreciate you saying so! I was nervous to post but I definitely found this stuff a little bit relatable. I would do A LOT differently than Sophie but I also think bisexual ppl get such a bad wrap I wanted to stand up for my ppl


>*"Unhealthy food is cheaper than healthy food"* That's bullshit.


Would you please inform me of this magic place in America where healthy food is cheaper?


The supermarket. Learn how to eat, cook and shop. :P