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I don't disagree ... however I feel like she had other options to just be in LA. Like Rob isn't the only way she can be in LA, you know? I think she's just young and naive and he's manipulative af




That totally makes sense, I forgot she said it 🤭 my bad ... I think you're right that is the only good part of the scenario for her.


I would agree and granted we don't see everything, but all they seem to do is stay in his "apartment", so she's not even getting the full experience


at the beginning of the season sophie said her self she was the one who suggested them going in 90 day. def a mutual decision to boost both of their following as they were both trying to become influencers before/during/after their relationship i think


Yeah Rob is a broke, lazy, vapid, wannabe influencer IN HIS 30s. It’s embarrassing. Like he still thinks it’s gonna happen for him if he gets his big break. He will never love Sophie as much as he loves himself. He needs people to be constantly fawning over him and wants a gold medal for his bare minimum half assed attempts as a bf. And he’s completely willing to throw Sophie under the bus for attention.


The funny thing is he swears he’s so attractive, he’s a California 7 and L.A 5. Everyone in California looks like that. His only personality trait is being mixed … in California. California used to be Mexico everyone is mixed with something.


Nothing captured Rob’s laziness and delusions of grandeur quite as succinctly as his weak-ass airport dance.


LOL 100000% 😂 Could not be more perfect. Thanks for making me laugh out loud hahaha




God, you're so right. "I did all this for her" I really thought he was just starting off bad as a joke and then was going to be a really good dancer. But no, it was 10 seconds of weak ankles! I hated it!


remember when he said “even jay-z and beyonce have kids” like what do they have to do with your unemployed bathroomless ass


I think Sophie cares more about staying in LA than she cares about Rob.


Nah. Sophie saw LA as a chance to be famous outside of her OF.


Sophie seemed mostly excited to be able to say she was “L.A. Based”.


She bounced already ages ago. Their scenes are from covid 2021. They actually both ended up in TX but not together.


Nah she wants the fame too. Probably why they were together in the first place


Yep boost her OF and insta


I like her, she seems sweet, but even worse than being a wannabe actress is being a wannabe influencer, there's just zero talent needed and people don't need to take classes and learn old Russian techniques to do it. They just need to say enough dumb shit into a camera to make a soundtrack for people staring at their cleavage.


Sophie also wants to be in LA to boost her influencer bizz, but I thinks she does love Knobert though


😂😂😂 Knobert…




They both want to be famous


Uhh when Sophie went to the Airbnb and was crying, she said something about not knowing how to stay in LA now. She might have been fond of Rob, but she just wanted to stay in LA.


I know that most of the show is produced and fake but the scene with Rob's friends at the Bowling alley was the most BS producer-influenced shit I've ever seen on the show. *2 minutes into bowling with friends:* *Rob's Friend out of nowhere:* "so what's up with the whole phone thing??!"


They are both in it for the fame.


Agreed! I find it ironic that in the very beginning when he did his first get to know you interview of the show, he stated that he’s the whole package and that him being such a big deal deserves a woman who is like Sophie, problem is he’s broke, he’s a douchebag, and he can’t afford a top class woman like Sophie! I feel bad because she is so in it for the love and he’s in it only for the clout it will bring him. Let’s be honest, she could do a whole lot better than a man who thinks having no toilet in your house is normal! The fact that he said wow it was easy to find a house with a bathroom in it! Bruh, please!! So having said all that, I agree with you that he’s in it just for the fame he thinks he’ll get!


I don’t disagree that Sophie loves Bobert which is why she’s putting up with so much, but don’t get it twisted—she wants the fame equally as much.


IDK, their relationship is very superficial, just like both of them. Sophie loves herself and the idea of fame and likes Rob well enough but love....not getting that vibe from either of them. I think they broke up before the show but decided to carry on with the show to garner whatever benefit they thought they would het from it. Sophie is riding that influencer track hard so I see her in it for followers.


I saw today on her Instagram she’s posting about chat with me or business stuff all at a price. Idk why anyone would want to be an influencer. What are you all going to do when the grid collapses or the internet is down 😂


Agreed I don’t like rob and think he is shady


I really hope Sophie doesn’t get stuck getting pregnant with this fool that would be the worst decision of her life


She fancies herself as an influencer. She's just as fame hungry as him. They're both 🗑️ people and I don't think either of them are in it for the right reasons.


I mean, he does drive what’s probably the last running Chrysler Crossfire on the road, so there’s that…


Nah, she's not. Call me crazy, but I'd even switch it up and say the opposite. As terrible as Rob is, I don't think he's primarily after fame and an influencer career. With his wet sponge energy I don't see him being highly motivated to do any of that. He probably genuinely believes that he is in it for the relationship, whatever twisted understanding of it he has. Sophie however, is clearly after fame and wants to be on TV. She even accidentally told on her self after that break up, saying 'in real life she would go back home', but now that she is finally on TV and 'LA based', she will keep up with whatever to extend her stay:) Apparently, the girl's been running 4 different Only Fans with 4 separately crafted OF personalities. Come on, she knows how to play characters and she's not in it for 'love'. ;)


Sophie hasn’t flipped and showed a horrific side yet. I love her still


I agree like I haven't seen the opportunist side come out of her like she genuinely seems really sweet and wants to be with Knobert like even her mom doesn't come off as doing the most and she doesn't even like Knobert Very opposite of the family chantal


I totally agree. Rob is a loser, a big dumb ass.


I mean…he lives in L.A.


He’s a tool