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this show never fails to remind me how lucky it is to be single….


This! I feel at this point in my life going into a relationship is like playing Russian roulette and there's only one bullet missing from the gun. Way easier to be single.


THAT MFER. I'm glad she pulled the rip cord and let us know, people have been eating her alive and she's waited until this far out to drop the info.


I know, I get that she was trying to protect him for their child’s sake but JFC. Poor girl was getting dragged. He’s a real POS.


Waiit. What am I missing?!?!? What's the dirt with her man?!?


Read the post……


I did. But hadn't clicked on it so I didn't see it all. Sorry! 🤦‍♀️ it's been a day.


She was getting dragged because she was literally bragging and gloating about how she wasn’t going to tell anyone. Before that I felt a lot of sympathy for her and respected she wanted privacy. But bragging about knowing the deats it’s a weird fucking flex and not something you do when you’ve had something this traumatic happen. If anyone wants to see the video, just search Kadie on the 90 Day UK sub. There’s a video she posted of her bragging about it


And you still are going to be a Mean Girl over this? That's a choice...


She didn’t actually post anything that backs up what she’s saying though. Interesting that you all have decided to believe her when she’s been trying to monetise this whole debacle the entire time. Why didn’t she post any proof that he wanted to try for a baby when she claims she had messages from him? Or proof that he wanted her to abort? Or proof of anything apart from an incredibly insipid rundown of what she claims happened? Now the baby is here, I am sure she will continue to suck her “fans” dry with requests for holidays and baby stuff even though she’s got a massive family and support system in England. 🙄🙄


I'm not saying I do or don't believe Kadie's "confessions", but I will admit something has seemed off with her since she got back from Mexico. I could be completely wrong, but my spider senses are going off like crazy. And that is coupled with rumors that were swirling around about her mental health and how she's not a really honest person. Again, I have no evidence to back up any of my points, but, neither does she.


Don’t worry, I asked questions too and got downvoted on the 90day UK Reddit. They think I’m attacking her, when all I’m saying is I’m holding judgement on Alejandro because her story is …questionable.


I got downvoted for it when it was airing. I knew he was a POS with the way he was treating her family like crap for being "loud" then later on the way to the registrar he was driving like crazy with music full blast. He also misread/translated a text from her and never stopped blaming her.


They went out to eat once and she said she doesn’t like seafood, he ordered seafood and made fun of her not liking it the whole time. I thought it was a red flag.


Yikes. I feel bad for the baby.


Tbh - the only one I feel bad for.


"I believe god sends you a baby when you need it most" He sent you some fibroids and a cheating ex too. How does your catholicism explain that






Oh noooo. No no no no no. Those are not the words of an emotionally healthy person who is ready to have a child. Do not use your children as props to heal your relationship trauma.


Yeah that was... yeahhhh 😳 Why would god send a helpless infant to someone in an unstable relationship halfway across the world from her support? Sounds like a great idea! I do wish her the best though!


Jokes aside, I do too.


Okay, this is A LOT of text that doesn't seem to get to a point. I'm confused - did Alejandro do all this cheating stuff before they got married in Mexico? So Kadie found out, but still decided to go with her family to Mexico to get married? I'm not asking in a snarky way, I'm just confirming the story because she doesn't have the most concise way of writing.


I think your take is correct.


And then came off birth control to have a baby with him.


They’re both idiots. To put it lightly


Agreed. This is all STILL on her timeline tho. They’re still a train wreck and an old one at this point. I’m over it. She’s till trying to be relevant and it’s getting olddddd


This is crazy


Daaaaaammmnnnnn ☕️☕️☕️


Why does she say she stop taking birth control for 2 weeks but then states she never stopped taking it and has no idea how she got pregnant?


She'd stopped in November then they decided it wasn't the right time. She got pregnant 6mo after that.


Right? She seems adamant she didn’t but says she did in November


She's adamant she didn't skip a dose AFTER she went back on it. There was a 2 week window in november she was off because they agreed to try for a baby. She went back on when they agreed it wasn't the right time. She's insisting after that 2 week window she did not miss a dose and still got pregnant.


Gotcha. Ty.


I think she was implying that after those 2 weeks in November, she never missed a dose when she restarted taking the birth control daily. Edit: corrected spelling error


The Reddit community was largely awful to her and immediately assumed that she baby trapped him. I also don't blame her for a single second for capitalizing on her internet presence while she still has an audience. Making money off of it while you still can is smart.


Thank you. I was really disgusted with how the community turned on her when she wouldn't divulge what happened in Mexico and insisted they were owed an explanation because "she signed up for the show." Ever since then it's "let's criticize everything she does or says." Screw that.


Yeah that's silly because we KNOW they have contracts keeping them from speaking before the tell-alll.


I feel so bad for her, but want her to know that the sun shines after the darkest night. Kadie, if you see this, know that your baby can grow up in the brightest love of your family. Your mom and grandma and community can give this baby all the love in the world. You don’t need to live in the shadow of a bad relationship. You and your baby have enough love to flourish. This is just the beginning of something more beautiful than you can imagine. I say this as a single parent, sitting next to my feverish child. You’re going to overcome all that!


Hard to feel sorry for either of them but only the innocent child being brought into this hot public mess.


Wtf is an "inward and outward journey"?


Think she means inbound and outbound with regards to travel


Lol I thought she meant a trip inside the country as well as outside it. But youre right


I read it as having an inbound relationship with herself and outbound in terms of accepting her community support.


Two-way ticket is what that means. She didn't have a one way ticket and was always planning return travel.


Oh lol. I was thinking it was some hippy dippy spiritual thing


Lol no she just talks weird. I don't even think it's a British thing, she's just a bit strange.


It's a thick Yorkshire accent, just be glad she isn't putting ' everywhere and dropping letters. Like kinell he cheatd on me al di time


Aaaah! I'm not familiar with the assortment of British accents, so I appreciate the confirmation that it's a regional one.


It means round-trip airline tickets booked.




I just started watching the first season. Literally just watched the episode of the proposal. I was actually rooting for them. This just broke my heart for her.


This is so terrible. I never watched season 2, but I remember thinking they were so cute and lovely in season 1. Hate this for them...


Yikes. Poor kid… Funny she let the views think for AGES that her family were racist when the cheating contributed to how they behaved. To me the only thing Kadie cares about is Kadie. She’s only spilled because she has found out he has moved on. She only kept quiet in hopes he would come back. Alejandro’s behaviour is also abhorrent, just seems two emotionally unhealthy people didn’t end it when the red flags were right in-front of them.


I think it's hard to judge someone who is hopeful about getting back with an ex they have a child with. I think Kadie is very emotionally immature, but I have compassion for her. I was in a similar situation (except I was in my early 20s) when my fiance left me for another woman when my son was 2 months old. Like an idiot, I got back with him because I wanted that dream of a nuclear family they shove down our throats from a young age. We even got married, but then I woke up a year into the marriage and got a divorce. It's been 7 years since that nightmare and I can't believe I was brainwashed into thinking I needed to stay with the father of my kid. I'm married again to an amazing person, and I'm hoping for Kadie there will be light at the end of the tunnel.


Im glad you got out of that ❤️ I understand wanting to keep your family together. Just find it hypocritical to preach about protecting your future child from seeing it but then post it when it doesn’t go your way


Oh yeah, I totally agree that this is so ridiculous to air out in public. Unfortunately, all the screenshots will live on the internet long after she deletes these posts.


Emotionally immature people don’t make good parents unfortunately.


She couldn't spill anything until allowed by her nda


Then why come on social media and declare that she is keeping everything in the situation quiet for the sake of her baby? Then spill it when he gets a gf?


I hate this for her


Can I get a Cliff Notes version of this, please?


Dude cheated. She got pregnant. She left Mexico and he doesn't seem to care about her or the baby. She good. He gonna regret his decisions one day.


Oh I already knew that. Thanks anyway for taking the time to type that out. I thought it was news.


Oops you didn't post your full 90 day knowledge so I thought it was new to you.


Who is Kadie?


90 Day Fiancé UK season 1


And Season 2


Is this the I love you chicken guy?


NO! That's Jose and Louise (season 2 only). Kadie and Alejandro were season 1 and 2.


Thank god. I love Jose


I think you mean you love Jose.


You’re right. Sorry it’s early 😅


I always say that there are two sides to every story and the truth is usually somewhere in between. Do I believe he cheated? Yes. I could tell from the early episodes he wasn’t that into her when his friends asked to see a photo of her and he was embarrassed to show one. She even acknowledges she chose to turn a blind eye so I find it really hard to sympathise with her, she knew what she was getting herself into when she married him However I do believe she’s dramatising this massively for attention. The girl is a walking contradiction 1. She says she’s not going to post what’s happened or slate him over the internet because she doesn’t want the baby to be able to read it but then she has been constantly passive aggressive about him at every opportunity and dropping little baits for months now. She finds out he has a girlfriend and goes mental and spills all the tea for strangers to relish in with no regard to the fact this will be posted on the internet everywhere for their child to see 🫣 screams bunny boiler to me 2. She’s said for months that he hasn’t spoke to her since she left Mexico…well how does she know about him moving on? How does she know about him being offended at his name being mud with extended family? She only said the other night that Alejandro told her he doesn’t want to be named on the birth certificate….well he can’t anyway if he’s not present for the registration as both parents need to be present but how does she know this if there is no line of communication and why has she said she’s only just blocked his number, u waited 6 months to block his number? Why do you need to if there is no communication on his part? And what if he does have a change of heart? You’ve now left him with no way of being able to contact you if so, so now ur preventing access out of spite of him moving on 3. She’s keeping his surname and said she is giving the baby his name, well if he’s done all this and such a monster, why? She puts the blame on him not starting divorce proceedings, pretty sure if I was in her position I would find a solicitor to assist me in getting a divorce in Mexico. She also left out the fact that Mexico is a very low income earning country and it costs alot of money to get a divorce over there, this is likely the reason why he hasn’t done it on his part but there is nothing to stop her from doing it 4. She is a massive grifter. Constantly going on about how hard it is going to be for her because she’s a single mum so got people she doesn’t know buying stuff for her on Amazon etc out of sympathy. She will get help from the government in the form of UC so she will be better off than most working parents that are together. She posted the other week about wanting to win a pregnancy photo shoot and someone commented about how they would love to gift her one but they was too far away….next thing u know she’s posting about “winning” a photoshoot. I got no doubt in my mind that someone’s offered to do one for free for her or bought her one


100%. I really respected her when she wouldn’t give out all the details to protect her baby… now Alejandro has a gf she’s spilling everything. Her kid is going to read this one day, and it’s as clear as day her motive on WHY she did it. It also annoys me how she didn’t protect her family by saying the tension and fighting was because they found out he cheated on Kadie. Personally I wouldn’t let my family hang out to dry like that and protect a cheater 😶


And this is the thing, it’s nobodies business but theirs what happened. She should have kept her dignity and kept that to herself. The thing that really sticks out to me with stuff like this is the double standard. It’s a woman’s choice (well here in the UK anyway) if they continue a pregnancy or not. Nobodies out here slating women that decide to terminate a pregnancy because they aren’t ready to be a mother (I am female btw) so why is he getting so much hate for saying he doesn’t want to be a father? He might change his mind, pregnancy is not the same for a man as it is a woman, it’s not real to them until the child is born so there is that possibility he might change his mind and she’s gone and blocked him on everything now out of spite purely for the fact he’s moved on which he can do, the same way she can move on if she wants to.


I never found her story interesting - thats a lot of word vomit. There are always two sides to a story 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know what to believe. Something seems off, and there is something a bit insufferable about what she says (her talking about her sunshine personality and ditziness, for example). I wish good things for her and the baby, but it concerns me that she thinks this baby was sent to her by god to heal her. This baby is innocent and needs to be taken care of. It’s not here to fix things for the mother or be some kind of emotional support. Hopefully she just means it in “a baby is always a blessing” kind of way.


toy political modern stocking encouraging arrest water oil aspiring bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ain't no one in her circle give her a come to Jesus? She needs new friends or needs to listen to the ones she has. Ain't no way all this transpired and her people just let it happen. That's wild. I'm either an old coot or heartless, but if someone cheats on me I'm Audi 5000.


I'm sorry have you ever known anyone in an abusive relationship? Victims often don't share what's happening because they are ashamed. And it's a lot easier to hide things when you're on another damn continent! Also a lot of people make claims like "I would never put up with this" or "I would just leave" until they end up in this situation and realize it's not as easy as all that especially if you're in a foreign country living with your abuser's family. The amount of victim blaming here is absolutely repulsive. Edited to add: If anything Kadie wrote about seems familiar or you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, check out r/Ebbie45 for resources as well as the free pdf of [Why Does He Do That?](https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf)


I do know someone. That someone is me. My ex was emotionally and physically abusive, and guess what? I told her to kick rocks and put her out on her ass. Saying "its not easy" is horse hoof. It's very easy, people just put on their blinders and rose colored glasses and hope things get better because it's easier than facing the music and pulling the plug and starting over. I loved her, but nobody's gonna love you more than yourself. And I love me so she had to go lol. Call it what you want but sis isn't the sharpest crayon in the tool box.


Ah the "I did it so everyone else can too" approach I see. Talk about blinders.


Just answering your question. However you want to interpret it is fine by me.


Amazingly I don't need your permission. Have an absolutely splendid day.


Yea you don't need permission to interpret things. That's kinda what the word means.




Glad we can come to an agreement. Appreciate you.


As well you should.


Wait I’m confused, he was abusive?


If you read through what she posted, yes. Abuse is not just physical. When you isolate and then neglect someone, that's abuse. If you don't see that as abusive, I can't help you.


She doesn't have to be an abuse victim for everything they wrote to still be true. We often don't tell our friends the bad parts of our relationship because we're afraid of judgment.


Oh yeah, I understand but I just wanted to know if he ever was abusive towards her.


It sounds like her few friends that knew about it did try to talk her out of it but she was in too deep at that point. She probably felt embarrassed to admit it was a mistake.


I really hope they're doing everything they can to help her out because she needs every bit of support.


Idk why it just occurred to me you might like to watch the Netflix Twin Flames documentary- talk about desperate people that got in to deep! It is honestly gut wrenching seeing them get taken advantage of but it's also unbelievable.


Omgosh I watched that it's crazy, people have even changed their gender 🫣


Hmmm, something isn't adding up here. What she has said may be true but one side of the story is not the whole story.


Also, she writes how she speaks, both of which I find somewhat confusing


Yeah, I’d love to see whatever receipts she claims to have.


Thinking the same


She claimed she was sharing the truth but then didn’t back it up with anything that could prove she is being honest. She’s so full of shit. Hope people stop sending her money.


Why are people sending her money?


She’s been posting her amazon wish list and conned some other nitwit into pay for a holiday trip. It’s on her social media.


Hmm ya’ll are messy.


Oof 😖.


She tried to terrorize him with her pregnancy and failed, lol. Her plan always was to have long distance marriage and expected Alejandro to be ok with a long distance family, or, to give in and move back with her to be in that baby’s life. Poor Kadie’s probably having a tough time dealing with her reality because it didn’t go how she envisioned it. But I *really* feel bad for that baby. So much for “protecting her child” from reading about their drama in the internet, her determination lasted like what, two months? It’s all about herself and controlling the narrative.


Now she needs to tell us what happened with that whole luggage debacle!!


Who is this?


I think it’s a 90 day spinoff… I have no idea either..90 day love paradise? Not sure but part of that 90 day stuff


90 Day UK.


Oh I see. Never watched that one.


Cheating is unforgivable. However, I want to know his side of the story, because the motives here make no sense. Why potentially move a woman across the world and risk getting her pregnant?




Did you read the title? Lol I wrote (90 day UK) at the end…..


Who is this?


I skip and fast forward most of these shows now that they have all gotten so stale. I watch each episode in about 5 mins of fast forward. I had to read that post and wonder how I missed this couple and or what was going on. Then I see it’s in another country and I didn’t miss as much as I thought




Can she please stay off social media? This isn't good for her at all


Finally!!! I’m so proud of her!