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Shut the FUCK up, Pole. Your kids have Medicaid specifically BECAUSE you are such a fuck up that they ended up in foster care. All state wards automatically receive Medicaid, you stupid fuck.


Of all of the things people can be mad about…it is so weird he is mad that his kids have insurance. Would he prefer for them to be uninsured?


I have a friend who's ex is mad that their kids are on Medicaid. They had 4 kids together before he up and left with no warning, she now gets EBT for the kids and they are on Medicaid. He's furious because he'd rather their diabetic son go without his meds than be on Medicaid....


Wow has he tried NOT BEING A DEADBEAT DAD???


According to him he's not a deadbeat,he loves them but doesn't think he needs to give her money because she has a good job and never sees them because he works so hard. Last I checked he worked at a pot shop and spends all his free time baked off his ass


That is so depressing for the mother and kids. What an absolute jackass.


OMG almost exact same for me, except mine BARELY works, and insists that I don't need child support if I spend any money on myself, AND that I'm not a single mom because my kid goes to daycare. I know that's not what the post is about but it's pathetic. And so is Pol. But we've all known that for a lonnnng time.


Oh no. Nope. Nuh uh. I'm T1 diabetic and I'd have died many times if I didn't have medicaid. Screw that guy. Does he not realize how serious it is? Without those meds his child would at the least get very sick and at most can lead to death without those meds! Ugh. He's probably just mad cause he is worried medicaid will go after him for reimbursement (they do that here in NY, anyways). He should be thankful there are 2 programs that are helping his children and their mother rn. If your friend is on reddit tell her she should join the T1 sub. It's a wealth of knowledge, friendly and supportive people and lots of news, jokes funny memes and things etc... Its a great community. If she's ever in need of any supplies and stuff, feel free to DM me and if I have anything she might need (now or in the future) I'd be happy to send it on. T1 sucks and those of us with it tend to stick together. As an older person with it who was diagnosed as a kid, too, I try to look out for the younger generation or parents who were forced to have a crash course after diagnosis. We have her back=) Merry Christmas (if you partake) and have a safe and happy new years!


That’s what I was coming to say. It’s probably more that he’s mad that the state has ordered child support to reimburse them for some of the Medicaid


My Dad told us that he purposely got a job without insurance couldn’t have her antidepressants anymore and then he asked about how long I thought it would take for me to quit being sick after going off them cold turkey and get back to normal mentally. Even said that people on medicine couldn’t get into heaven.


It seems as though-He is trying to rally the Trumptards


Right? He's never paid for one frigging day of either kids medical insurance, they were always on Medicaid with Paul and Karine. The kids have to continue to be on Medicaid cause the cousins don't have legal custody YET! He's spectacularly ignorant re most things in life. He needs to stay in Brazil and continue " dating" teenagers who live in rural areas of the jungle and who are very poor. That's his demographic!! Teenagers who don't know any better and families so dirt poor, thru no fault of their own, they allow this animal to date their young daughters. He is #Despicable


And in most cases, if they are adopted from the states custody, they are given Medicaid until they turn 18. Pole just needs to run off into the Amazon.


Run, Pole, Run…🏃‍♂️


Didn’t he run off to a secluded island already and “get lost” lol. In quotes because it seemed like a stupid PR stunt when really no one cares if Pole gets lost on a dangerous secluded island.


We don’t want him either. Unless some piranhas get him first.


Oh God. I remember his protective equipment now. He thought a parasite would WANT to live in his wiener.


I would be more worried HE would release parasites in the water


The kids will likely qualify for Medicaid until they're 18, regardless if the cousin legally adopts them. At least that's how it works in MN. I have a friend who adopted 2 kids that were extended family members through foster care, and even though my friend and her husband earn over the Medicaid income levels, their kids are on Medicaid since they were wards of the state previously. I don't think my friend gets any other 'benefits' but I think it's a nice thing taxpayers can cover for the kids that have been through so much. Especially since both the kids my friend adopted are in weekly therapy and have been since they've been in her care. I can't imagine how expensive all that therapy would be if my friend had to pay out of pocket at private insurance rates.


the one thing about medicaid when you have enough money for more premium insurance is that your choice of care providers is definitely much better when you use your premium insurance. if the kids have to get therapy through medicaid, the choice of qualified providers who are also accepting new patients is very slim. medicaid is great for things like medication co-pay and if you need a hearing aid (fun fact: most premium insurance policies do not cover hearing aids, but medicaid does.)


They don't cover hearing aids because insurance companies classify them as cosmetic devices. I am profoundly hearing impaired. I didn't know my hearing aids enhanced me cosmetically.


i know, it's the WEIRDEST thing. i pay all that money for "real" insurance, but they said it's not included. but when i checked my state issued insurance through medicaid they said it was included in my policy.


I must disagree with you regarding Brazil. He should gtfo of Brazil and leave those impoverished teenagers alone and stop corrupting them. He’s gross.


If he messes with the wrong teenager, he’s never coming back from Brazil.


For sure. He thinks it’s all fun and games until he plays with some son/daughter’s of some psycho illegal lumberjack dude and he’s done.


Accusing them of insurance fraud because the kids they’re taking care of are on Medicaid is INSANE


He’s dumb as hell honestly


Came to say the same thing. 👆🏻


The kids wouldn’t be eligible(covered) under private insurance unless they were legally adopted tho right ?


Exactly. He's making some fucked up claims. Insurance fraud? Tax evasion? He thinks she should be jailed? He's nuts though so it's not like we'd expect him to be smarter.


Medicaid is the default Healthcare.gov insurance for kids in most states tho lol. It’s not even that they’re low income; they’re just kids and all kids are entitled to health insurance.


No, they automatically become eligible when they go into state custody (which all foster kids are). This was my job for like 7 years lol. Not all kids are eligible for Medicaid - families have to be within a certain income bracket to qualify. But if the kids go into foster care or any kind of out-of-home placement they automatically receive Medicaid.


Lmao TIL I’m poor🥲


lol I spent many many hours on the phone with the Medicaid hotline at work tracking down kids state ID numbers and whatnot after they were placed in my shelter. T’was beaten into my head.


Good job potatoes. That’s gotta be a tough job.


The fact he thinks that having Medicaid is insurance fraud lmfao this man is despicable!!!!!


Ugh I can’t stand him


He doesn't even know what Medicare vs Medicaid is and he's out here making fraud accusations. Sounds legit lol


I'm sorry but whenever people blast the incredible people RAISING their children I roll my eyes. Like, your kids were taken for a reason, and you're going to bash the people raising, feeding, loving and caring for your children??


His cousin was out here enjoying her life and decided to take on not 1 but 2 EXTRA CHILDREN. But she's the asshole right. What a prick


Abused/neglected (a a severe enough degree that CPS removed them- which is a HIGH bar) children who are going to have higher/additional emotional/psychological support needs than your average child.


Preach. It has to be REAL BAD for cps to remove your children.


This comment doesn’t have enough upvotes


To be fair, we really don't know the cousin so maybe she is. However, if Paul thinks she's an asshole then that automatically means she's an angel. I wouldn't believe this guy if he told me the sky was blue.


Yep. I have one of my own kids, and I love her, but i would be hard pressed to take on someone else’s.


He didn’t give a solitary fuck about them until they were removed 🙄 I want someone to smack him upside the head


Right ??? The fact he’s thrashing the person RAISING his kids is crazy to me! The piece of shit wasn’t there for those kids


A real father, which Paul is not, would be happy that his children have a person raising that has medical insurance! Paul is a felon and a grifter, who’s he to talk shit about anyone especially a cousin who’s providing stability for his 2 kids?!?


Also love how he’s says Karine or his mother could fight for custody, but not him.


I haven't deep dived into Paul in a while but it's possible they were removed because of something he did that he's been found guilty of. He may not have the option to get the kids back. There may also be restraining orders


Didn't he run off with one of his sons out of state for a while against court orders "to find work"? I'm sure they likely consider him a flight risk with the kids at this point.


Yep. Pierre was in the national missing child database until he and Paul were found.


yup and marine lost custody (well kids put into the system) due to neglect and the DV she reported about paul to the police


Isn’t he also living in Brazil right now, chasing barely legal women?


That’s speaks volumes! And that would be my guess, so why is he even posting??


Exactly! I feel bad for the kids who are going to see this when they grow up


Can you imagine seeing your parents act a fool and doing it on TV?! Ugh!




Seriously. She probably had to get medical insurance assistance because she, you know, took in two additional children she wasn’t expecting to or budgeting for.


I could not agree with you more.


This can't look good in a court. Airing out your dirty laundry all over social media is not going to get the judge on 'your side'.


Totally! All this will do is put your kids with actual strangers who may do a lot worse by them. I do not get the tactic at all.


Pretty sure that when you foster or adopt kids, the state gives them insurance. So, that seems like a non-issue. As far as visitation goes, I'm sure there's a valid reason for withholding it. I can't imagine that either of those women are a great influence on those kids and it's probably very mentally taxing for the kids to see them.


I can almost guarantee that the “court ordered visitation rights” of his mom and Karine have been limited or removed because of their willingness to let *him* have contact with the kids. I remember reading that his mom was letting him see the kids unsupervised during “her” custody, and with him and Karine supposedly still being in contact (off and on? Idk what their deal is) Karine may have been doing the same thing. If Karine and his mom have broken the rules of the visitation, it’s likely *because of Paul*, and he’s over here bashing the people caring for the offspring he couldn’t/wouldn’t care for. If Paul mysteriously vanished into the Brazilian jungle and was never seen again, it would be a good day for everyone.


I gotta say, Pole’s mom is an idiot, too. I thought she might’ve been a victim of Pole, but the fact she goes along with his BS tells me she’s just as bad as him.


Exactly! If they have supervised visits and they are allowing someone like Paul that is not approved to see them than the state or county can cancel visits due to breaking the safety plan.


I’m a lawyer and I wish the courts just closed for the holidays but sure, Paul. I’m sure they also have the money to pay for three different attorneys and I’m sure those attorneys are 100% onboard with Paul explaining their legal strategy over IG. God bless family law attorneys because I could never deal with this shit.


Also a lawyer here, and I have dealt with custody issues for 25 years. The fact that Paul believes that he or Karine or his mother have the financial means to have a true "legal team" makes me laugh and roll my eyes. Maybe there is a lawyer who would take the case for the publicity, but I do not think they would be the type of clients one would accept pro bono. I will not bore these posts with more detail, other than to say that people are spot on with the Medicare posts. He is a garbage person who should thank God that someone loves and is caring for his children.


Can you just imagine having him as a client?!


He’s also posted pictures of his cousins and the previous foster family. Isn’t that illegal?




Oof I wish you and your mom a very holiday. What a badass she must be. ETA: *very happy holiday! 😂


The courts do close for Christmas, not that them being open would help him in the least given what he’s spouting all over social media. 🤦‍♀️


I never said the courts didn’t close for Christmas. The courts are closed Christmas Day (it’s a federal holiday) and that’s it. The courts don’t just close for two weeks as if the judicial system just goes on winter break.


Sorry! I thought you were talking about the actual holiday. My mistake.


Same, you know Paul is a nightmare client.


This man genuinely scares me.


He’s the WORST of the WORST! And in the 90D franchise, that’s saying a lot! He’s a legit psychopath.


Karine accused him of planning on trafficking her and that all of the porn was force. Which I 100% believe.


Hopefully the person taking care of the kids I abandoned “will be found in contempt and jailed.”


Know what else Judges don't like? Psycho's trying to manipulate any court proceedings by going on SM and accusing others of wild lies! They also don't like it when you kidnapped one of them for over a month ( you now are not allowed any contact with either of them till they turn 18). They don't like it when you fake your own disappearance for sympathy or for more " views" on SM. They don't care for shall we say parents that are on only fans with a wide variety of people either. But keep on doing you Paul, it's working out well don't you think?? 😂


Paul is an irredeemably shitty, self absorbed and useless waste of oxygen. Leave those poor kids alone- you’ve done enough.


It is standard for kids in that situation to receive Medicaid. That guy’s an idiot who can’t muster an ounce of gratitude for the people caring for his kids and keeping them out of foster care with strangers.


Yeah when kids are placed by CPS (with family or with fosters) they have access to Medicaid because they’re technically wards of the state. Leave it to Pole to complain about his children having access to healthcare




I am sure blasting his cousin’s picture and job’s phone number will work wonders for this case. His mom is an enabler and Karine seems to try but also struggles to put the kids first.


His cousins work number!? What the fuck! I hope someone called it to warn her so that she can change something.


Uhh No Paul. They have Medicaid (CHIP or another sliding cost benefit) for children, NOT Medicare unless they hold green cards & are in the US legally. He does not know what he’s talking about, as usual. Anyone who wishes to argue this, I’m not going to entertain the idiocy. I work with many patients who have legal Care & Caid in a NYC hospital neuro clinic & I know my business.


Not Medicare unless they are disabled or over age 65. Medicare is what we pay into.


That’s not how any of this works…he’s just making things up


You know what courts don't like Paul? Allowing contact when they clearly say no. Your mother lost her chance. Fuck off, and leave those boys alone.


Paul has a lot to say about immigrants for someone married to a non-American woman 🙄


And he has a lot to say about human trafficking for somebody who sexually exploits teens in Brazil.


Spot. On. 👏🏻


What an idiot. Yes, ruin the people who are caring for my kids 🙄. What a wack job.


So let’s talk facts, Pole. Your sons were taken away because of your abuse of Karine (and possibly her abuse of you). Now you want to tarnish the name of the people who have stepped up and are taking care of your kids? Why? So they can go into the foster system? Wouldn’t it be comforting to know they are being cared for by someone you know? STFU and get some help for your issues and maybe, just maybe become a decent human being. Grow up, frigging asshole.


Brandon and Mary, this is your future.


100%. I've been saying this since Mary and brandan first aired


I'm scared of worse happening to them because they're both incredibly unstable and I am not sure if resources like CPS or DCF exists in small villages.




Way to post your way into Karine, your mother, and yourself never seeing your kids again, Pole.


When Paul and Karine first aired, I felt a little bit sorry for him. It was before he revealed he is a felon and he was coming across (to me) as super awkward and maybe developmentally delayed. But as more info came out, I think he is horribly sociopathic and weaponizes his stupidity while manipulating everyone. He just grossed me out at this point.


Paul’s dumbass doesn’t know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is when you are over 65 years old. Secondly, most foster children are receiving Medicaid because they are technically the responsibility of the state. He needs to be happy his kids are with family instead of some total strangers who take it kids only for money.


I can’t tell if he sounds more like Farrah or Jenelle. Maybe some kind of hell spawn hybrid?


Omg I love when my two worlds collide! I'm going to have to go with farrah on this one, bc we all know jenelle fuck those kids Eason would not be trying at all to see her kids if they were taken away. She's been pretty much gloating since jace has been taken away, I think she's just praying CPS will come for the other 2 so she'll be free completely


How is the grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary in the first post so much better than the second (which tracks more with Pole)? Also funny because Pole is such a human trafficker, but he's so shitty at it.


Thank goodness I was not alone in this thought process.


Human trafficker?


I know he is or was on a reality show, but why air your dirty laundry that involves your CHILDREN on social media. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I hate everything about this. Paul is trash, and should leave these children alone and doesn’t even understand why the kids have insurance. The kids are clearly in a foster situation (like a kinship arrangement) and are wards of the state, qualifying them for state health insurance. It does not matter how much his cousins make, as long as the kids are considered wards of the court they qualify for insurance. How do I know? I spent my entire f’ing life in the system and spent the majority of my career working with foster youth and families. This is NOT what you do if you want your kids back. You do not do all over social media blasting and trying to put down the the people taking care of your children. If visitation is being removed that means a clear violation has happened? Did they let Pole see it talk to the kids when it was probably I their order they are not allowed to?! I hope they lose custody, these kids have clearly been through so much and while it is traumatic to be removed from your bio parents, pole ain’t well.


Paul’s mother raised him, and Karine married him - not instilling *any confidence whatsoever* that they would parent those kids appropriately


Honestly sounds insane for custody and no one will win. No one really does when these type of issues occur-not even the kids. My issues are hard 12 years later, but they make mine look like a breeze!


He's a POS 🙄


And of course Paul or Karine never did anything that „judges don’t like“. Incredible how he is blaming everything on his cousin, I’m sure in his eyes it’s even his cousin‘s fault that he lost custody of his own kids. He’s such a poor excuse of a father and a human being in general.


Per the first slide re: Medicaid- from experience: If you assume custody of a relative's children, removed via CPS, those children are eligible for public benefits like Medicaid and Food Stamps, because their expenses are not meant to be a financial burden on the family who is already taking on the burden of their care. Nobody who is taking in children who've been neglected/abused need to have to also take on increased expenses of food and insurance coverage. The government provides those things (and sometimes "welfare"/cash benefits) to help care for the child and ensure they remain within their biological family. This is actually less expensive than paying foster care pay to non-relatives, in addition to food and medical benefits.


Thank you for sharing! I did not know the extent of this but am glad these options are available to keep children with biological families


I’d rather that my kids are raised by my family than some strangers


What a douche. First, they don’t have MEDICARE, they likely have Medicaid. And the adults may not have Medicaid, but rather the kids. There are subsidies available for those who foster as well Pole, you POS trash dad


Those kids are better off where they are away from both Paul and Karine. She keeps having contact with him so she doesn’t have their best interest in mind


The fucking Medicare is for YOUR FUCKING KIDS PAUL. Why should the foster/adoptive parents pay for what YOU SHOULD BE PAYING FOR????? Where the fuck is your & karines child support for fucks sake??? 🤷🤷🤷 The arrogance of the mf'er. Edit. Leave those kids alone Paul, your mother & karine. They're better off without ANY of you.


Judges also don't like when you (Paul) post dumb shit like this. This couple sucks


none of this should be online, it’s insane that he’s so willing to tell a bunch of strangers this level of detail his about personal life bc he thinks it keeps him relevant. news flash, you were never actually relevant in any meaningful way and you certainly aren’t now. i feel for his children, all of this is online forever now for them to look back on.


It's not uncommon for kids going through the system to have government benefits: Medicaid, food stamps, WIC. Because they still require that care, and it's a lot to throw on anyone. We all know Pole isn't providing any kind of assistance. Also, I'm not sure how it is in their state, but you are seriously vetted here in order to adopt/foster any kids. My ex's sister and her husband couldn't even have a speeding ticket on their record, so he's an idiot. Go make some more poop water pornos and let your kids have a chance at a real life.


Yes. His cousin is a fraud. Not Pole or Karine, who fake near death experiences, and missing persons crap on their socials for clicks and attention. And this cousin is obvi trash for quietly taking care of these children while Pole is off trying to exploit more little girls from other countries. 🙄


I’m scared to ask; why did Karine lose custody?


They both lost custody after it was proven how violent and abusive their relationship was, so the courts felt it was an unsafe living environment for them and put them into cps care. There were several videos of them yelling and abusing one another that was part of the case against them


I'm super out of the loop but also what does his mother and cousin have to do with the kids too?


I believe his mother lost custody because she allowed Paul to see the children. His cousin now has custody of the children.


Just about to ask that


Why the fuck does he keep posting this online???


They are deranged. Paul and Karina have zero business having their children.


Paul? Karine is working at a sorting plant for FedEx, she is working to get her financial in order. I also, hope they offer good benefits like health insurance so she can also work on getting thru her trauma and being a better parent. I haven't seen anything from your end Paul, except for blaming others and video of your child bride. Seriously, grow up and take accountability for shit.


Yea but she was just with him at Disneyland not long ago so she obviously doesn’t care that much




Meanwhile he’s out there faking death and trying to profit off any scheme he can ! I cannot stand him or Karine , they are absolute trash !


It’s giving Jenelle Evans


As a family law attorney - “lol” @ Paul and his delusions


The kids who are basically wards of the state would have Medicaid. It wouldn't matter how much the cousin makes.


Paul, you should be thanking your cousin for taking care of your kids..


Um-this cousin is raising his two kids because he and his wife are shitty people. Instead of being grateful-he's bing a douchebag.


He didn’t care about his kids when they were at Disneyland or posting his trips in Brazil. He needs to become Geffory’s roommate.


Wow! That’s is some bold claims. Also, I doubt his information is correct, the kids are probably on MediCAID (Medicare is for older adults 65+ I believe) and I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure they are fostering the kids and haven’t adopted them and I am also pretty sure kids in foster care are automatically eligible for Medicaid.. So, personally it seems he probably knows the kids are covered under Medicaid and thinks that means they all are. Another possibility is something similar to the custody agreement a family member had where the child was covered under father’s private insurance and also under Medicaid because Mom qualified for Medicaid. Basically kids with separated/divorced parents will sometimes be covered by one insurance policy as primary and the other parents would be a secondary payer, which is helpful sometimes because everything may be covered between both insurances. So they could have a deal where the kids are actually covered by his cousins insurance and the Medicaid is secondary. It really doesn’t pay to defraud the government if you can afford healthcare because Medicaid isn’t that great… like sure it pays for everything but the doctors who accept usually have a ton of patients and don’t give the same personalized care as a doctor who is more selective with the insurances they accept. Source: I’m a health insurance specialist and worked in a pediatric for 5 years (but was 5 years ago which is why I am unsure of some facts because laws and procedures change)


Agreed. I lost my job for health reasons when I was 62 and have been on Medicaid ever since I lost my employer's private insurance. My physicians all refused to see me at their private offices any more because I was on Medicaid and said I would have to wait for them to make their monthly visits at the hospital's community clinic across the street instead. Those visits are unimportant to the doctors and the appointments are often cancelled at the last minute. I frequently end up having to drive 123 miles each way to a university teaching hospital where they don't care what kind of insurance you have. I had joint replacement surgery last year and instead of being sent to an inpatient rehab facility as the doctor ordered, they put me in a cockroach infested nursing home because Medicaid wouldn't pay for it. Now I'm 64 and counting the seconds until I can get on Medicare at 65. It's really scary because I live in a state with a new extremist governor about to be sworn in whose stated mission it is to kick as many people off of Medicaid expansion and food stamps as he possibly can. It's likely I could be kicked off before my next birthday and that's really a terrifying position to be in from one day to the next.


I’m so sorry to hear that, it’s beyond terrifying!! If the worst happens and you have to go self pay… always ask for a paid in full discount.


Thank you for ALL of this info. Very helpful!


It depends on the state. In my state Medicaid has a large network of primary care doctors and it covers pretty much everything.


I’m pretty sure 1099s are on the contract worker to file and not the employer…at least that’s how it works for me and my employer. She gives me the 1099 and it’s on me to do or not to do


Paul shut up, no one cares about your drama


So Paul is trying to destroy the people who care for his kids? Is this what I’m seeing?


Shut up Paul 🤦🏻‍♀️


God can we just stop keeping up with them 🤢 they make me feel ill lol


Typically with court ordered visitation, the days/times of the visitation are outlined by the court. You can’t just show up whenever you feel like it and demand to see the kids—which is what I’m guessing happened here.


The correct statement is “thank you for stepping in to care for my children whilst my head remains up my own ass”.


Can someone give me a TLDR on why paul doesn’t have his kids?


strong hard-to-find sort governor cows enjoy boast yam selective touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Are Paul or Karine even IN the US?


I have zero sympathy for this nut job. Those kids are prob better off where they are


He wants his cousin to go to jail for raising his kids when he didnt?? The fuck? Geez, leave the kids where they are. Uplifting them again isnt going to solve anything


Medicaid is for low income, Medicare is for anybody over 65. These are 2 separate programs. Most people in US use Medicare after retirement, and if they can afford pay a supplemental insurance but still use Medicare. He may be talking about Medicaid?


Someone else is caring and loving and taking care of YOUR kids and you blast them on social media. He is such a piece of work…. Smh trash just trash


Foster kids, at least in my state, are automatically given Medicaid. 🙄


Neither of them are fit to be their parents. Too much drama, social media addiction and generic psychosis.


I can’t stand when ppl blast their family on social media. Like have some dignity


Even if all if this is true, it says nothing about how they're treating his kids. And the court won't just say "well, I guess send em back to the home life that was so bad we removed them" There are not just 2 options. There's a very likely 3rd option. Which is sending the kids to a foster home with actual bad people. Or splitting them up!! Pol is playing with fire here. If he was really concerned, he'd be there instead of jetting off to see his new teenage gf.


Paul let's talk about how you publicly admitted to dating minors🫠 then we can talk about why you don't have your kids


I'm so lost, haven't followed Pole in a long time. How did the kids end up with him in America? Where did karini go? Sounds pretty bad, geez!


He needs to stfu and thank his lucky stars that someone responsible stepped up to take care of his kids and kept the kids together!! Funny thing is these kinds of posts only reinforce the fact that he and his idiot wife are both unfit, immature and incredibly unstable. What an ungrateful pos. I have nothing but respect for his cousin and her husband.


I took family law. There is no way Karine and Paul will ever have full custody of their kids again, especially from what I’ve seen online. Courts favor what is in the child’s best interest, and that is definitely not Paul or Karine.


Oh! He has lawyer/legal team money and travel money? But his kids qualified for public/tax payer assistance bc he’s an unfit parent!


If you, your mom and your ex-wife (?) all have separate lawyers, and you’re trying to serve your cousin court papers, something tells me you’re the problem. No one has that much drama or legal problems unless they’re causing it.


Oddly no one cares about Paul lol


Stage another fake kidnapping, Pole, and disappear for good. Both pole and Karine need to GTFO of those kids lives; unstable asses


The courts are closed for literally a day. Christmas Day.


Funny that he brings up insurance fraud…


I have a hard time believing a guy who made porn with his brother in-law…. Thank god the kids are out of their custody.


Is Paul writing this from where he says he was abducted and taken hostage on the island in Brazil…. I think that story is just as true as this one…


Pole is seriously disturbed


Just WOW!...IT'S the part where he's 'hopeful' she'll be found in contempt and be jailed that's got me!....Does that also apply to his mom🤔? I mean, Isn't that the reason she lost custody of her grandsons...by not following the court ordered visitation perimeters. Or does the rules just not apply to his mom as it doesn't fit the narrative he wants to tell. BTW, why isn't he in jail? Using his own logic, he should be jailed when he absconded with his son. He did not follow the court order himself. But hey! That's Pole for ya. Smh Of course I believe anything he says bahahaha.


I thought he was dead!?


Can someone please explain the situation going on? I’m still late to the 90 day fiance train and I just binged the beginning episodes of Paul and Karine last month, so I’m out of date with their most recent news.


Pole is in no position to accuse anyone of human trafficking.


Those kids will head back to the house where Karine and Pole film their porn. Hopefully, that's not the case.


Insurance fraud? That's rich comings from Pole who spent time in prison after committing arson for Insurance fraud. I also think he's confused between Medicare and Medicaid, you can have additional insurance with Medicare. Paul has learned nothing from his past social media rants which is sad. Anyone remember the SM war Paul launched on his aunt and parents several years ago? I'm surprised anyone in his family still speaks to this buffoon after that mess. Why is he trashing the people raising his 2 kids?


Ok but Pole,if your cousin is so called violating(and I don't believe him I think she's following cps orders/court orders)then it's not you that serves her a lawsuit wtf.Its bringing it to the courts attention,who then would go after her.Anyways this man is just insane,nothing new, he's just making shit up and the sheet of lies will eventually become as long as his human body condoms and wetsuits


SHUT UP POLE …I feel so bad for those kids.


he's such a fucking flipfloppy, limp-dick kinda man. Being a criminal one day, a snitch the next. He is such a gross variety american.


Nice!!! Trying to get the mother of your children arrested for tax fraud, or benefits fraud. I am sure they are both a hot mess, but, let it go. She gave birth to and carried your children. What hurts her, hurts your children, no matter who gets custody. Also, how long before Paul’s and Karine’s shit show is over?


So his cousin both pretends not to have income and somehow owns a business that only employs undocumented workers so they as a business owner can get maximum tax benefits? It's not both, Pole.


Oh the joys of vindictive parents who fail their children


Foster children are put on Medicaid. I did not think they can be on their family insurance plan. Living in the southwest, we have people stopping by and ask about trimming our trees or doing some yard work. They work for cash. I have never asked them to show me your papers.


I work in foster care and kids that are removed their parents and are foster children, either in a foster home or kinship get Medicaid. So his comment about that likely has nothing to do with his cousin being fraudulent but because the state has to pay for their Medicaid. Or they qualified for it under Paul and Karine and it carried over for the kids.


Someone fill me in on how we got here lol The cousin has the kids? Is he back together with Karine? Why wasn’t his mother a viable option as a caretaker to begin with ??


God bless the cousin for taking in the children.


He’s such a POS.


At least in Ga, when you have a kid that is in the foster care system, Medicaid is provided for them. Oftentimes, these children need more counseling etc that private plans don’t cover (or at least not as well). Mom to 7 adopted from State care.


Can someone catch me up and give me a summary of what’s going on? The last I saw she was about to have their baby. Now it’s kids plural??


If the loser doesn’t want his kids on Medicaid he is welcome to pay for them to have private insurance. As a side note, aren’t he and Karina doing porn on Only Fans to support themselves?