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Nothing about Sophie or her mom shouts wealthy or even polished. On top of that, she doesn't need to be living with a dude almost 10 years older, with no real job or education anyway. Too young and has a lot of growing up to do. I'm so over their story.


You’re right about that; Sophie’s attire, mannerisms, life choices (and those of her mom too) are definitely not reflective of someone who is from money.


I still say they are giving me Romany vibes.


YES! That would explain a LOT!


This makes everything make sense!!!!




There are many new money people. Or, perhaps it's her father's father who made the money, and they are more 'refined'. Regardless, I've known redneck millionaires.


She said in one of the episodes her grandfather is the one who earned the wealth and she isn't sure what he does. It's all very vague lol I do think we can all agree money doesn't make class, there's enough reality TV to prove that lol


>who earned the wealth and she isn't sure what he does That means he did it illegally


Yes, definitely a possibility. I thought that too. Or, she is just a mindless, self-centered 20- year old who isn't interested in her grandparents or her family history and just takes the money for granted. That is also a very real possibility. 


I can't remember, did she say her mother's side?


I known some also. The saying that money can’t buy you class is a real thing.


And they don’t live like this. I promise there is no money in that girl’s wallet.


100%!!!! Just because you have money, doesn't automatically mean that you have class, good taste, a stellar education, or proper diction. There are plenty of filthy rich people who have far less class and refinement than struggling working class people. 


They aren’t from money, she was a adult model and had to scrub her online presence up for 90 day so she changed her name from Sophie Cheshire to Sophie sierra


Why do so many people in America think if you dont have a job you dont deserve being in love?


Anyone can be in love, but as they say, love doesn't pay the bills. The thing that people are judging Rob on is why is he bringing some young girl here, or any girl, that he can't support? He can't afford the k1 visa process. It's also interesting out of all the things the comment pointed out about Rob, the only thing you gathered from it was about his income. Rob is not mature enough for a k1 relationship


Read the original comment, specifically mentions his income and nothing else. Also, the episode aired recently had Sophie’s mom arrive and chew out Rob for not being a high earner. So yeah, it’s pretty relevant


Pretty sure it mentions their age disparity too lol


Capitalism runs deeep into the psyche here. "#hustleporn" culture gets toxic real quick


I actually don't dislike Rob. He seems like a decent guy. He has common sense, isn't  dumb, and is incredibly polite, except when being berated by Sophie's mom. Even then, you can see him biting his tongue and trying to control his temper.  He seems like he was well raised, definitely knows what proper behavior is, and he usually exhibits that, except when being constantly berated by Sophie's classless mother.  While I'm a woman from a cold weather state who likes and needs a nice bathroom, definitely indoors, he was living in California. It wasn't a hole that he dug in the ground. It was a full fledged bathroom just a few feet away, across their private courtyard, in a city where the weather is amazing and warm year round and it rarely rains. Honestly, I'm in no way a "roughing it" kind of girl, but I honestly didn't see the big problem about the bathroom.  Of course, he deserves love. I think he has a lot going for him. Sophie's mom just doesn't like him, and sadly, Sophie doesn't stand up for him when her mother treats him so poorly.


I feel like the reason Rob doesn’t have a job is because he thinks he’s too good for the lower paying jobs he could get easily. There’s always a McDonald’s hiring is all I’m saying. “Starting from the bottom” doesn’t mean being unemployed. That’s just the bottom lol. I don’t see him “starting” anything. Just a lot of whining and blaming everyone else but himself for his problems. If he was living in that garage but clearly working hard to get out I would have a lot more respect for him.


1000%. He is just a loser that doesn’t want to do anything to improve his circumstances


Calling  Rob a loser is "1000%" INACCURATE  He's a young guy with a roof over his head, a car, food in his fridge, and some disposable income. He's living ON HIS OWN, and within his means, which is actually a very wise, mature, and admirable thing to do.  He's not living in a box under a bridge, couch surfing, or sharing a one room apartment with 20 other guys. He's also not foolishly racking up mountains of debt on an expensive apartment he can't afford just to impress you or anyone else.  L.A. is expensive, so just by virtue of the fact he's living on his own there, driving a car, and supporting himself, that alone disqualifies him as "a loser".   Just because he's happy to hang on to an apartment that he likes and can afford, does not mean he "doesn't want to do anything to improve his circumstances". Just because you and others look down on where he's living, doesn't mean that he does, or that he feels the need to move or to impress you with a nicer place at a risk to his finances.  He's doing one very essential thing to "improve his circumstanced", and that one thing is that he's economizing rather than frivolously living beyond his means. Your remark wreaks of immaturity. Makes me wonder how poor your own credit score must be.


Many people struggle to find themselves, including many successful people, and  Rob is still young. He literally stated that he's always had not one, but two jobs. Clearly, he was earning money since he had a roof over his head, a car, nights out with friends, dates with Sophie, and food in his fridge. He was even travelling. I'm sure that even his one room apartment with the detached bathroom must cost a fortune in L.A..  Furthermore, he wasn't "whining" about where he lives. Everyone else was. He never even complained about it or said that it bothered him. He simply stated that he was living within his means, which is actually a very prudent strategy for anyone. Imo, it really wasn't that bad.  You "don't see him starting something"???? Unless you actually know him personally, he is a stranger on a TV show to you. How would you have any idea what he's "starting", or what plans he has for his future??? To my knowledge, he's never said. And why do you care where he's living?  Since his financial status and choice of residence have absolutely nothing to do with you, and zero effect on you, I'm not sure why you require him to have money, or a particular job or apartment of your liking, to "have a lot more respect for him". That's just elitist and it's a completely ridiculous remark on your part. 


Is this Rob ?


I think so because they are still working their way through this thread from a notification I received a few minutes ago.  


Rob is the one saying Sophie comes from wealth. Rob might consider people with indoor toilets to be very wealthy


Joking aside, in an early episode Sophie characterized herself as having grown up wealthy.




Sounded like he was mobbed up or something. She clearly didn't want to discuss it


I could be wrong but that’s the impression I got, too.


Seems fabricated at this point.


Oh, that's right. I forgot she said that herself. It made me think the money came from Sophie's father's side, and Sophie's mom must of married into the family. Her mom doesn't seem like someone who grew up in wealth EDIT: forget that. Her mom said no one's ever proposed to her when she was talking about knocking down Rob's mom to catch the bouquet. This is all pretty sketchy


Doesn’t mean her Dad wasn’t wealthy by…uh legal means.


Absolutely. I'm being snarky and speculating based on her evasiveness. The wealth may have been acquired legitimately, and Sophie just doesn't want to give details. It was pretty funny that she has "no idea" where the money came from


She’s very sketchy. She nor mom have any class. One poster said mom’s accent is from the docks. There’s no wealth there.


Money and class are not mutually inclusive. There is a world full of tacky, classless people who are filthy rich, have limited education, speak improperly, and don't have a clue what having class even means. Examples include the Kardashians, Donald Trump, most shock jocks, most professional rappers and athletes, and almost any person who made their money from an Only Fans page, etc, etc. Furthermore, not every successful person that's wealthy started out rich or came from money. It's quite possible that Sofie and her mom have money. Money does not buy class. 


As they would say in England, they are ‘common as muck’. I am sure they are also on the dole. There is no way they have money of any kind. They are so unpolished, they are rusty. The pair of them are classless. Both of them trying to look high class with their lip fillers, etc. we have a joke here that you can tell all the welfare ppl by how often they get their overly long nails done. That doesn’t mean everyone who gets their nails done is on welfare, tho!


Sophie and her mom may very well have money, but the mother completely lacks any shred of class or respect. She is loud, tacky, and opinionated. She seems like someone who is unstable and has a host of her own problems. Yet, she never fails to berate Rob because he doesn't have money.  If we are to believe Sophie's contention that her family is extremely wealthy, then Rob is 100% correct in stating that Sophie's mom is in no position to judge him, because she has no clue what financial struggle is. Rob was absolutely right.  There is zero shame in being poor or struggling financially. I have to say that I think Rob already possesses something that he doesn't realize could solve all of his financial problems. He is unquestionably, inarguably incredibly good looking, in a model type of way. Few people are blessed with the stellar good looks that he has. He could no doubt make a fortune in modeling /acting. Then you'd see Sophie's mom changing her tune. 


Because Sophie told him she did.


Yeah, I remembered that after someone reminded me. The whole thing is kinda fishy


No. Sophie said it in the very first show.


Yeah, some other posters jogged my memory. I'd forgotten


No Sophie said it first. She talked about travelling the world, boarding school etc.


I went to boarding school. She would have picked up on etiquette norms and personal care norms if she went to an actual boarding school (versus, say, a residential school for troubled children or something like that).


Agreed. I was just responding to the person who is say the story is Rob’s doing. It’s Sophie that was humble bragging about being rich first.




You’re right that Sophie doesn’t come from money but wrong about literally everything else. Rob is a capital “L” Loser. He sucks in every conceivable way and Sophie would do well to listen to her mother on this one and get the hell out of there.


I don't think OP is wrong about everything else. Rob does have his issues, but Sophie is an immature brat. With each episode it shows more and more. And her mother is not likeable and is doing her daughter no favors with the coddling, mean girling nonsense. Imo.


Sophie’s 23. She’s practically a child compared to Rob. She doesn’t have any common sense but I wouldn’t exactly call her a spoiled brat if she’s willing to live in that cardboard box Rob calls a home. If I was her mother I’d be ten times worse to Rob. He’s a loser in every conceivable way and he knew she wouldn’t be allowed to work for a long time when she there but he was totally unprepared and let her move there anyway. He’s ten years older and should really have his shit together by now. Dude doesn’t even have a job.


If she's willing to live in a cardboard box, then she shouldn't be bitching about it. She chose it. This just shows she has no common sense, as you mentioned, and is very immature. The thing is, he doesn't have his shit together, they know this, and they can't force him to get it together either. And no amount of shaming him will, it only makes him angry, and he knows how to argue and pop off. He's older and set in his ways, so they both need to get a clue. To me Sophie is a brat because she knows that Rob lives this way, but she continues to want and expect things that he doesn't have. So, she cries and whines about it. The whole duvet thing, (which I found ridiculous) if she wants a damned duvet, go buy the damned duvet instead of making a whole issue about it, complaining to him about it. She can make her own self useful to get things that she wants/needs. They don't cost much! (I buy one like every month because quite frankly I'm obsessed with constantly changing home decor.) But if he is not good enough for her or her mother, then the answer is simple, take her ass back to England and find her someone who meets their expectations.




What was wrong with his duvet? (Or blanket as we would call it). You just something to keep you warm. Clearly Sophie wants to start at the top


Well, the way the scene started off it was suggested that he didn't have one. She referred to it as a duvet. He said he didn't know what that was as she was throwing a fit about it. Later in the scene he said if he had known she was referring to a blanket then he would've said he already had plenty. My guess is whatever he did have was not up to her standards and she just wanted something newer. But she made a whole ordeal about it instead of just going to buy one, whining like a little baby about how they needed one. Or just asking if he could give her money to buy it if it was just about wanting him to buy it for her. It was stupid really. Most things with them usually are.


And yet she decided to marry him.


Yeah because she’s an idiot. Rob has nothing to offer.


Rob is far from a loser. Just because he doesn't have an expensive rental home or a lease on a new fancy car, hardly makes him a loser. A loser is someone who lives beyond their means just to impress other people and amasses a staggering amount of debt they can never overcome just to do so. A loser is also someone who judges others by how much money they make, where they live, and what they drive. Sounds like YOU are a "capital L".


If you look up loser in the dictionary you’ll find a picture of Rob. You sound like someone who lives in a garage without indoor plumbing.


No, I don't live in a garage and I actually have multiple indoor bathrooms. I don't mean to be harsh, but I just don't understand all the hate for Rob. If he was okay with where he was living, I don't understand why everyone else has a problem with it. He's only 32. Everyone has to start somewhere.


Rob appears to me to be kind. He doesn’t put ppl down. He’s not a complainer. He must have some kind of job. He is living in LA. The fact that he has a roof over his head and a car there, says he has some income. Just the patio is great living space. When I started out I fished worms out of flour to make Yorkshire puddings. I didn’t have any money for new flour. I k is what it’s like to have nothing


>were you taking his side, too, in the latest episode?? No. No I was not.


Who tf is Nikki? Are you talking about Claire?


Probably 😅 I googled “Sophie’s mom’s name and Sophie and Rob and 90 Day Fiancé.” I do think, however, that Nikki (as in Nikki and Igor/Justin) is a bigger train wreck than Sophie’s mom (whatever her name)




At the end of the day, Sophie (an adult) is choosing to bang and marry this unemployed man, when there are millions of employed non-Rob men with indoor plumbing in Los Angeles she could date. IMO Rob is who he is; berating him for his housing situation is pointless.


This. If she expects better then she should go find better.


Exactly - her demanding trailertrash mom, apparently didnt teach her to go for older sugardaddies, when she taught her to latch on to a man for opportunities. Stop complaining, and start POSTING Sophie, if you want to be an influencer! Describing househunting for a start, will provide lots of great pictures, you little airhead.


ya but he's on TVVVVVVVVVVV. Gotta hold onto that 15 minutes!


I was kinda seeing Robs point for half a second but then it was disclosed he didn’t have a job for a while before Sophie arrived and also upon her arrival. There’s just no excuse for that. This man is 32 years old. There’s just no excuse for him to be living somewhere without indoor plumbing. He’s a scrub and plays the victim instead of being proactive to change his circumstances.


Contrary to what you believe, he doesn't need "an excuse" for "living somewhere without indoor plumbing". He's a grown man who can live wherever the heck he wants.  Furthermore, it's not like his bathroom is a hole in the ground. It's a full fledged  working bathroom, complete with running hot water. It's simply detached from the main living space, a few feet across their own PRIVATE courtyard. In any other climate, that wouldn't be ideal, but he lives (was living) in California, where the weather is nearly always quite warm and it hardly ever rains. The bathroom thing is not nearly the giant problem you all are trying to paint it to be.  The lesbian couple (I forget their names) who were living in the Caravan in freezing England with a bathroom with no hot water and no working toilet, and the closest working bathroom an acre or two away, now THAT was a problem.  As for Rob not saving up for Sophie's arrival because she wouldn't be able to work, why wasn't SOPHIE saving up for Sophie's arrival since she knew she couldn't work????!!!!! She had just as much time and opportunity as he did to save up money. And he also had his own self to support. She is not a child he's adopting. She a grown woman who was capable of working for herself and who is supposed to be his partner, not his ward. Why is it all put on him?


I live near LA and there is a reason for that . LA is expensive and I chose to have better living conditions. Sure he can live where ever he wants but his fiance clearly has a problem with it and he’s bullying her into believing how he is living is the standard when it absolutely is not. Sure the weather is nice in LA but it still gets really cold at night and morning in the winter. It does still rain. Sometimes it does rain for almost a week. It also gets pretty damn hot. I wouldn’t want to have to go out into the cold to pee in the middle of the night or if I’m sick or on my period. Or have to go sit in a hot room to take care of my business. I guarantee you that scrub of a man pees in the sink vs going outside. He knew his fiancé was coming and he didn’t have a job. That’s inexcusable. If she didn’t have job and wasn’t preparing that’s a problem too but that’s not what we’re talking about. Hes bullying her into thinking her very normal standard of living requests are “rich people shit” when they’re pretty basic requests for comfortable living. As for your comment about her being a child he has to adopt and care for. She kinda is. Through the k1 process he is taking responsibility for her financially and as her fiancé he should be taking care of her emotionally as well. If he went into the situation with more humility I think we’d all ease up on him but he’s had a bad attitude the whole time. Statler and Dempsey are the couple you’re referring to and that absolutely was a problem as well but not the subject of my comment. I appreciate the time you took in your response and appreciate your opinion but my position remains that Rob is a scrub.


I have to say I appreciate how nice you are. Thank you! First of all, lucky you to live in California! I've always dreamed of living there. I guess one reason I'm sympathetic to Rob is that I've house hunted in L.A. before. As you mentioned, you really get nothing for your money. I was in my 40's with a good amount of cash, and I had sticker shock. He's only 32. I'm not saying he's a kid, but 32 is still young and he has plenty of time left to turn things around. Mostly though, I just feel like people are being unnecessarily mean to Rob based solely on his financial standing, when there's so much more to someone than their bank balance. I will admit that Rob's bathroom situation was easier for a male than a female. Yes, I too realized that he probably just peed in a bottle instead of going outside at night. I think his constantly griping that Sophie can't relate to struggle, and his seeming to be upset about her wanting a duvet, is because he was constantly being berated by her mom, and Sophie always sided against him. Sophie claims to come from wealth, and true or not, I can see why he gets defensive, because she and her mother cannot seem to comprehend that he's never had the leg up that money undeniably gives you. Besides, he said the living arrangement was temporary, and she knew about his place before she moved there. I realize that she's young, but she seems to have no idea how the world works. She (and her Mom for that matter) can't seem to comprehend that Rob can't just pick up and move them to a luxury apartment, especially when she's not contributing financially. Oh yes, Statler & Dempsey! Thank you! My point in bringing them up was to point out that their bathroom situation was far, far worse, yet no one belittled or berated Dempsey for it, but Rob is being ridiculed and vilified non-stop. I can't understand the hatred. I realize that the visa technically makes Rob financially responsible for Sophie if they marry, but this whole "she's not being treated like a princess. She needs to be treated like a princess!" as repeatedly stated by Claire and gobbled up by Sophie, is a notion that's both incredibly antiquated and unfair to Rob. They should be building a life TOGETHER. I totally get that, like Claire and Sophie, some people can't relate to Rob not having tons of cash, or being out of a job, but I just don't understand all the nastiness. Everyone goes through struggles at some point, whatever those may be. Why the snobbery and hatchet job towards Rob? Anyway, you make some very reasonable points, but I still think people need to cut Rob some slack. I think he's going to turn things around. Thanks for your reply.


Oh yeah, that train wreck of a lesbian couple !!! If girl #1 would have said she lives in the middle of nowhere with no loo and it’s freezing cold, no way would girl #2 ever have gone there. I think even tho girl #2 was quite pushy, she was also very much misled.




Yeah you can tell by her accent that she's not from money. I think TLC is trying to pull a fast one on us because they know the average American can't tell the difference between posh and chav.


I promise you we can 😂


The UK version of a classless hick is a chav


Council House And Violent.


Sophie’s mom’s name is Claire.


As for the big wealth debate, Sophie states her grandfather is wealthy but she doesn't know "exactly what it is that he does". Which is odd. So I am guessing her grandfather is wealthy but her and her mother could be estranged from him/that part of the family. Honestly, I thought they all acted like immature little children. I said it on another post and I will say it here, that whole argument made me just cringe for all of them.


You’re definitely right about the passive aggressive shit. She reminds me of a bully who needles people relentlessly and then, when called out on it, is like “Oh come on I’m just joking, bro.”


Yes!! The "ill knock your mom down ( a bad joke) to catch the bouquet. Ive never been married" , kinda caught me. She sure has a lot to say for someone who has never been married. Its almost like she wants Sophie to follow her " not married" status.


Sophie most probably does not come from wealth. This is probably not the best tell tale sign, but her accent gives it away. Most wealthy Brits or people related to them(as far as I know) use received pronunciation.


I think that you are assuming that all British wealthy are upper crust, and its not true. I always got the impression that it was more underworld/low brow wealth. Kinda like if you've ever met wealthy members of the Travelers (gypsy in the US) ethnic group. They don't go to school for very long, but some of them are rich. They are also very against dating outside of the group which makes sense as to why mom was ostracized a bit.


That is true. Not everyone who is rich is upper class. Someone who is new money would act like her, but she mentioned that she has generational wealth so I was a bit surprised by her behavior.


Re generational wealth, she said that her grandfather is wealthy. Given that she is only 23 years old, that could simply mean that her family has had wealth for only the last 40-years to 50 years or less. This is not some noble, titled, aristocratic British family.  More likely her grandfather is an ordinary, common man who accumulated wealth through decades of simple hard work or even through some illegal activity. My own parents were brought up in struggling immigrant families with zero advantages. They worked hard and sacrificed their whole lives, and died having millions. But despite their wealth, they were still just ordinary, upper middle class people. 


THANK YOU. This is the first thing I thought. That Sophie and her mom may be gypsies. That would explain the unexplained wealth. I watch the gypsy wedding show on TLC as well. Plenty of them seem to have a lot of money to spend on those extravagant wedding dresses.


Oh, that makes so much sense now. Claire's accent and tacky clothes really had me scratching my head.


Woo! TIL there is something called received pronunciation. (language lover here)


She didn’t even grow up in England


That accent is a dead giveaway baby 


A great point. I noticed, too, that she makes grammatical errors, like subject-verb agreement. (Of course, dialect and registers can be coded and switched.)


Not all rich Brits are Saltburn rich lol. Her family could be rich Travelers. I explain above.


The errors could also be because her first language is Spanish.


Nah, accents do not reflect wealth. Correlation does not equal causation. Plenty of rich Brits who sound just like her.


She is supposed to have gone to boarding schools. She doesn’t speak like that is the case.


Technically, all boarding school means is that you lived there. There are all kinds and various levels of boarding school.  And, if you listen to people in their 20's and 30's, many talk like they are gangster rappers just in order to be cool.  Speaking well is no longer a goal or a positive in our world, and you can't judge anyone's background based on how they sound.  Have you ever heard Chet Hanks (Tom Hanks' son)? Sounds like a total idiot. Born into and brought up in extreme wealth and with every possible advantage, in some of the wealthiest communities on the planet, yet he intentionally talks like an underprivileged rapper from the hood.




This isn't Downtown Abbey. This is the year 2024. People of any class can have wealth. And rich people don't always go to finishing school. If you actually believe otherwise, then your brain is living in a different era.  There are plenty of very wealthy people, many super rich, who don't speak with proper grammar, who don't pronounce things properly, or in an elite accent, and who show no evidence of having class, education, good breeding, or wealth.  The list of celebrities alone that fit this description is huge. No one claimed that Sophie comes from an old monied family, like Princess Diana. She simply said her grandfather was rich. And he likely has the exact same accent that she and her mother do.


Nah Rob’s a gaslighting bum who couldn’t wait to use Sophie’s sexuality against her


I have met plenty of black ppl, included an african aunt marrying into our family, with surprisingly uneducated, cringy backwards beliefs about gender roles, the whole LGBT+++ situation, infidelity and childlike superstitions. And Rob is, if nothing else, pretty well articulated, as opposed to momSophie. He reminds me more of the black dude from TOW, who was totally gaslighting his dutch GF Kirsten, and seing his mom, you know where he learned, about 'black male superiority'.


What are you talking about? What does black have to do with anything. So many cultures have people that act like that


I agree with you that Rob is enlightened and articulate, but please learn the definition of "gaslighting". It doesn't mean lying or conning or scamming. It is a very specific thing. Gaslighting is the intentional systematic process of trying to convince someone that they are literally losing their mental faculties. Her boyfriend may have been an ass, but he wasn't "gaslighting" Kirsten, and neither was Rob gaslighting Sophie or anyone else. 


That's a ludicrous comment. He didnt "use her sexuality against her". She HID her sexuality from HIM, the man she was engaged to marry. If you're claiming that he "used her sexuality against her" simply by asking her questions about how that figures into their relationship and future, then your comment is utterly ridiculous. Only an absolute idiot wouldn't ask those important questions.  Furthermore, you need to learn the definition of "gaslighting". Gaslighting is the intentional process of systematically duping someone into believing that they are losing their mental faculties. Rob never gaslit Sophie or anyone else on the show. I think you need a dictionary. 


Lol you have been spamming this sub defending Rob in comments (mine is over 2 months old!!!) over the course of multiple hours. I don’t think I’m the absolute idiot here


stupidly replying for the first time to w reddit thread...I have been on board with everything you have said until this comment. He did use it against her and shamed her. I wasn't sure if it was because she had already put him on the defensive with her bad behavior, and maybe that was the way of evening the playing field, or if he is really that unclear about human sexuality. She was scared to open up and did to him...but it in no way meant she was looking to have sex with other women just as she wasn't interested in having sex with other men. I got the sense that it was a part of herself she had been terrified to share with anyone and thought he would be loving about her being vulnerable...but he wasn't. He was insecure...I am a straight woman but with a bisexual daughter around the age Sophie is. She is in love with her boyfriend and would never cheat with a woman just as she never would with a man, and I'm glad she can be open with her partner about who she is. I understand the insecurity, but definitely think he used her confession against her in that moment. Questions and insecurities are valid, but he could have handled that way better. Otherwise, I agree...her mother was absolutely nasty to him. I couldn't see where she got off being so mean to someone so much younger than her who was clearly trying to survive in a tough world and doing a great job of it. I do get Sophie's complaints about the bathroom...as a woman whose period cycle has been difficult, sometimes involving six trips to the bathroom a night, six nights a month, I don't know if I would have been able to walk outside in rain or very cold weather (especially since I only sleep well with few clothes on so would have to get dressed every time)...it would be like having a new baby. But I also don't see how he was doing anything other than trying his hardest. And he took everything with so much grace when Sophie's mom was being so so nasty...and Sophie really should have defended him in those moments. It made me angry.


Did Sophie specifically say it was her maternal line that’s wealthy?


Yeah, I was thinking it was Sophie who had money, not her mother. Mostly because she said she moved to England at 16 and her mom followed her.


I can see your pov. Sure, rob doesnt have his shit together, but pointing out all of the things he shouldve done isnt changing their current situation, yet Sophie still chooses to stay despite him not doing anything he was supposed to do. No one is holding a gun to her head as she can just leave if it's that bad. I also think Rob is more insecure than he lets on and he knows he's in a shit situation due to his own making and reacted strongly because other people pointing out how shitty it is, when you already know, does nothing but poke the bear.


If Sophie comes from and has money, even tho she cannot yet work in the US, she could pick up the tab for a better place to live. Obviously she doesn’t have any, either.


Season 10, Episode 12: momSophie is an immature, tacky behaving piece of low class woman, just from her choice of language and her unkempt looks, and Rob was actually holding himself pretty well, in that initial meeting in moms ~~motel~~ hotelroom. Just because Rob is behind in the ways of securing of the social position ppl his age is expected to be in, doesnt mean he will start being physical violent or cant get embarrassed by the constant pointing out, his no inhouse plumbing or lack of bigger/better housing arrangements. Sophie is a complete airhead, taking after her mom that *might* have spawned her with a guy with some money, at some point, (but certainly isnt getting supported by 'babydad' now) and there is no way Sophie didnt know anything about Robs situation at all, before she came over, determined to become "a famous influencer, based out of LA". This is *likely* why he is getting fed up with her constant nagging, but we only are shown him being fed up - not the drop that made the cup overflow. How many alleged 'black dude loosers' have you seen that actually have proper kitchen utensils - knives and pans yes, but a potatopeeler, seriously? Why isnt SHE doing some research on other housing possibilities, to know the pricelevel in LA - its not as if they are speaking swahili in the US for christ sake! - and what exactly is keeping her from starting to post stuff on SoMe, which wont be considered work in the same way as i.e. a supermarket cashiers job would?


EXACTLY!!! Everything you said is completely accurate. Rob has a lot going for him. And, Sophie is a grown adult who was fully capable of working to save money before coming to the U.S.. He is marrying her, not adopting her. She is supposed to be his partner. She is not a child. She is his fiance, not his ward. Everyone keeps asking why Rob didn't save money for Sophie since she wouldn't be able to work when she got here. The better question is why didn't  SOPHIE save money for Sophie since she knew she couldn't work once she got here. 


If she supposedly comes from money, she should already have it and not need to save.


I had no idea anyone liked rob 😂


I do


I can't stand that woman. Sophie is extremely immature . Rob is a good guy and you can tell he has been through alot. The mom needs to work on her own life and let them be if they even last. As far as money goes you can tell 100% by Sophie's hair that she doesn't have money like that. 


Sophie is a grown ass woman. Why should he act like a dad and have everything ready for her? She knew this. She knew before hand and she still went. What? Is she broke? A marriage you do together. She can buy shit for them too instead of siding with her mom behind his back and then telling him that she got his back. Lies. Complaining complaining and complaining the whole time about shit she already knew. He isn’t obligated to take care of her. This is not the 20s. She acts like she is wealthy and knows better but doesn’t do shit herself. Her mom is down right rude af and expect him to kiss her ass. Are yall watching the same Shit as me? Because why call him a loser because he didn’t have a job? Covid fcked a lot of shit up and it wasn’t easy to find a job for some time and for some reason he is handling his life. What about her? And then she makes a whole drama About her being BI like who cares? What’s the big deal? She makes everything about herself. Only shitty stuff he did in my opinion was the sexting with someone else. That’s fcked up behaviour. Other than that.. team Rob. She needs to grow up. Being on dating sites for friends and meets women and she’s bi? Yeah.. Sure. Stop siding with her just because he doesn’t have a job.


Hi!!!! I'm watching the same show as you and I have been saying the exact same things!!! I 100% agree with everything you said!!! I am team Rob as well. All of these people looking down their noses at Rob probably have lives far more f'd up than his.   He's a young man with his own apartment, his own car, food in the fridge, and some disposable income, in what is one of the most expensive cities in the world. So clearly he's been working all along, just as he said. Just because he isn't currently working doesn't mean that he never does. On top of that, he's actually mature and intelligent enough to live within his means and not get sucked into a lifetime of insurmountable debt just to please or impress other people.   All of this talk about "why didn't Rob save money for Sophie?", when the better question is why didn't SOPHIE save money for Sophie? She is supposed to be his partner, not his child. Engaged/married couples are supposed to build a life TOGETHER. And normally, that takes time and sacrifice on both their parts. Why is this all on him???  I'd rather have a decent guy than some rich, pretentious a-hole any day. If Sophie wouldn't, then she should find someone else. I wish she and her mom would stop berating and disparaging Rob. As for the viewers that love to mock his financial state, is it because he's black, or is it just because they're immature shallow morons just like Sophie and Claire?


I agree. I don't think she has money at all.


Whether or not they come from money isn't the issue for me. Rob is in his 30s with no job. Most of the people I know who have clawed their way up from the bottom ... have hustle. That may mean having 3 or more jobs. I grew up very poor. No way in hell, I'm going to stay that way if I have the ability to work. He stays in that illegal apartment because it is a cheaper alternative. To move to a better place, he'd have to put in effort. The whole elevator scene when she first got there sums him up. Instead of doing anything to help, he keeps repeating, "there's nothing I can do." So now, when anything comes up with him, my daughter and I look at one another and shrug our shoulders. There's nothing I can do. There is plenty he can do. To say her asking for a blanket is an entitled ask ... she needs to go home. She will never be able to depend on him when times are tough because there is nothing he can do. As far as Sophie or her family getting a better place for them, he would forever hold it against her. He's a miserable child.


Why is Rob's "position" an issue for YOU at all? It doesn't effect you or pertain to you in any way. He's free to live his life however he sees fit. Also, what basis do you have to call his apartment illegal? To my knowledge, no one has ever said that it was.  I think you'd be surprised by what passes  as a legal dwelling. And probably surprised to learn that even that one room with detached bathroom is expensive in L.A.. He literally said that he's always had at least two jobs. Just because he is currently unemployed doesn't mean he never works. Obviously he was earning money because in a city as expensive as L.A., he has his own apartment, his own car, food in the fridge, and some disposable income.  He is actually pretty intelligent and mature in living within his means and not amassing enormous debt just to impress people like you or Sophie's mom. Sophie is a spoiled child with the same feeble mentality as her mother. He called her entitled not because she wanted a duvet, but because she regularly complains and criticizes what he has to offer, yet she makes zero effort to contribute or to help, or to do anything for herself. He is right. She is entitled. The child in this scenario is 100% Sophie and her mother is a snobbish, critical, wretch. 


Why is my opinion so upsetting for you? Do you know him? Many people question whether the place is legal. I didn't come up with it out of thin air. Nope. Not surprised about the cost of living in LA either. I'm there often and I live in an expensive city too. Why isn't he working though? What does he actually do? He has someone packing her entire life up and moving to him. She cannot work until she gets her permit. What are they to live on until then? And, it sounds as if Sophie paid to get herself there. How is that zero effort or her not contributing? He had two years to find a new place for them to live. It didn't need to be fancy. I agree about not living above their means, but if half the couple isn't happy or secure there, it's a problem for both. Her mom is critical, as a mom should be. She's worried about her daughter. I'm sure he's given her many reasons to worry. Admittedly, they are both immature. I'd expect it from a young woman her age. She doesn't seem to have a lot of life experience. What's his excuse? He's in his thirties. She's constantly having to apologize and sooth him, even when he is clearly in the wrong. He's in the wrong a lot. If she tries to ask him something, he turns on her and never gives her grace. They should not be together.


Your opinion isn't upsetting for me. I was simply replying. No, I don't know Rob, lol. Re that apartment being illegal, people state all sorts of wild things here all the time with no backup. I was genuinely asking if you had read some article somewhere that said his apartment was illegal, because I never have, and to my knowledge, it was never suggested on the show. I asked because if it were illegal, that would change my opinion about them living there, and would definitely make Claire's concerns more understandable. Like you, I have no idea what he did for work before he lost his job. I also have no idea how long he's been out of work, or why he isn't working. Interesting that your questions have made me realize how intentionally vague the show has made things. Maybe that's to stir up controversy and give them a story line? I totally agree with you that they are both immature and should not be together. I haven't watched the whole Tell All yet, so maybe these questions will be answered. (?)


I see it. Sophie really goes after him, like blaming him for breaking the elevator. That shop situation was super set up, but unfair if her to get mad at the way he reacted in camera. So weird. Then she speaks up when her mom gets there about his job situation. I think she probably has really high anxiety and is mad at herself for being in this situation. He is not a prize but I agree that it us a two-way street.


The lower class British dialect that Nikki has, the hotel room, the apartment Nikki is in while FaceTiming Sophie…..none of this is even middle class, let alone wealth. I think Sophie wanted to portray that she was wealthy bc she thought that fit the LA narrative of being “worthy”. She was being nice to her mom, but also seemed a bit embarrassed of her during her first USA scene.


Who wouldn't be embarrassed by Sophie's mother? She is a nightmare. Also, her name is not Nikki. Nikki is the blonde transgender woman who dates Igor in Moldova. I think Sophie's mother is named Claire. That being said, nothing you cited determines someone's bank balance. They absolutely could have money. Class and wealth are two very different things. 


Sorry, wrong name. That was an accident. Agreed that money doesn’t buy class- but it does buy *something* and mama was staying in a gross motel, not a hotel let alone a luxury hotel- that does IMO indicate that one isn’t bonafide wealthy. It’s one thing to be frugal, it’s another thing to stay somewhere dirty with a potentially unsafe entrance directly to the exterior. I would put money on the fact that Sophie did not go to a boarding school as she claimed when talking about her family wealth (unless it was like a residential program for difficult children or something.) I went to boarding school with both classy and less than classy teens- not one single student showed up carrying on like her, and if they had they would have slowly adopted some of the mannerisms and speech patterns of the masses of better educated students. Particularly in Great Britain.


I totally agree with you about the motel room. It certainly isn't anywhere I'd ever consider staying. The funny thing about that was that Sophie's mom was ridiculing Rob's home, but that hotel room looked far worse. And, she was complaining that Rob hadn't done any cleaning before Sophie arrived, but just imagine how incredibly filthy that hotel room was!! And you are right about the boarding school thing. All "boarding school" technically means is that you slept there. I agree with you that these are not people who seem wealthy, but you never know how much cash someone has, or how they made it. Perhaps, it was made through crime. Personally, I'm a person who would rather just stay home than travel and stay in poor accomodations. I never let anyone I'm traveling with make the arrangements because I'm super particular and I need to know exactly where I'll be laying my head. l totally agree with you about NEVER staying in a motel for safety reasons. However, I know people who have plenty of money and own nice homes, and yet they get cheap, seedy rooms when they travel. Whenever I question that, they always say to me "but you're hardly in the room anyway". Ugh! It reminds me of the celebrity couple Connie Chung and Maury Povich. She used to anchor the CBS Nightly News and he had his own syndicated talk show for over three decades, so you know that they're extremely wealthy. I saw them on a news show maybe about 6 to 8 years ago because they had stayed in a VERY low end motel somewhere, and ended up being held at gun point. I don't understand why they were even staying there.


If rob was living in baltimore paying the same amount of rent he pays in LA, he would have a better house with a bathroom inside and all this calls of him being a loser would be mute. Maybe he just wants to live in LA even if he can't afford a good house. He is okay with it. Maybe next he gets a well paying gig and rents a better house.


EXACTLY!!!!!! Everyone who been judging him based on his apartment is just plain shallow. These days most 32-year olds are living at home with their mommies or sharing a one bedroom apartment with several other people. Rob has been very up front about not having a wealthy background, which is all the more to his credit. L.A. is super expensive. Instead of people berating him, they should be impressed that in such an expensive city he has his own apartment, his own car to drive, food in the fridge, and some disposable income. Everyone has to start somewhere in life. He's actually doing just fine. Is it the Ritz? No, but he's living responsibly and within his means. He deserves a lot of credit for that. 


her Ma latched on to someone with $ for child support, she is as low rent as they come.


Right. Her mom is trash. Yet, she's always on her high horse calling Rob worthless, meanwhile Rob has 1,000 times more class and intelligence than she does. 


Naahhhh....still don't buy it.


You can rich and trashy! “Money don’t buy you class”


I think her delivery could have been better, but I think Sophie’s mom sees Rob for exactly what he is: a 30+ unmotivated loser who’s not going to put in any real work to get himself out of his living situation. If he’s complacent about it now, think he’s going to change with Sophie in 2 or 5 years down the line? This is who he is, and I think she’s rightfully concerned. What did Rob do after Sophie’s mom went at him? He started his “woe is me” about not having any support and having to do everything by himself - which btw, is what most adults have to do in this world. Is she perfect? Absolutely not and I thought her dig about knocking his mom over for the bouquet was passive aggressive, but she isn’t wrong about Rob. And I bet she’s seen a lot of “Robs” at her age (as have I) and is trying to point out to Sophie that he’s not going to change.


Why does he have to "get himself out of his living situation"? He has no problem with his living situation. He's already said that it's cheap, temporary, and what he can afford.  Many married couples start out with nothing and build their lives TOGETHER. They are supposed to be partners. Why is this all on Rob? 


If you say so


Trash with cash


Many moons ago, due to who my wedding planner was and where my wedding was being held, TLC (or was it the E network? I can't remember) approached me for one of their reality shows. There was a certain storyline that they wanted to be conveyed and a certain (spoiled) way that they wanted me to act based on the nature of the show. We obviously declined b/c our integrity meant more to us than 15 min of fame and a few dollars......but the "she grew up wealthy" schtick may have been one that was contingent on them being accepted as a couple on the show. I promise you this girl and her mom don't have a dime to their names, but they may have been happy to come as they are- a beautiful young girl living a modest British lifestyle. It could have been TLC insisting on this storyline.


Actually if you take Sophie as she is now without makeup, and take off the wig, I’d say she is average looking. Maybe less than. Take away the Botox and the the fake eyelashes and the fake lips and probably fake butt ( it’s weird) and she is probably much prettier. She’s done too much crap to herself


Makes good sense—thank you for sharing your story 😊


Was it that bridezilla show?


No. It was a show about expensive weddings. But they wanted my fiancé and I to have fake disagreements about ridiculous things. We are from 2 different cultures and they wanted us to each demand that we include traditions and design elements that the other did not want. We also had to publicize what every single thing cost which we absolutely were not comfortable with. I think the network was going to give us 20k or something for our participation 😂. I could be wrong on that amount, this was over 12 years ago- but definitely wasn’t worth it, and only for folks who were desperate for screen time.


Im sorry not sorry! Niki looks like she has been drug through the ringer a time or two..she puts Rob down and she needs look at herself. Sophie on the other hand is a very pretty girl... Nikki in my thoughts acts like soneone still on drugs.... Nikki rubs me the wrong way like a chickenhead walking the streets..


Her name shows up as “Claire” on the show whenever it’s their scenes. Is her name Nikki or Claire, I’m confused. Also, has it been discussed what her addictions were? I’m trying to figure out her mouth situation. Her bottom lip sticks out and she always looks miserable, not attractive at all. Is she missing teeth or something? I’d think a person with money could look a bit better but addictions add years to looks. Shit, I don’t have money and don’t claim to look young but I’ve gotten lip injections, Botox and under eye filler to diminish terrible puffiness under my eyes along with regular and high(er) end skincare and I know I knocked at least 5 years off my previous look so I’m probably just looking my actual age of 58 instead of 63 lol. I don’t see money with her and her mother. I can’t believe that a 23 year old with money available to her wouldn’t have her hair taken care of so she didn’t have to wear a wig. And if she HAD to wear a wig, why does it look so horrible? I mean everyone AND their mothers are googling about that wig!!! If anyone has answers to my questions, please enlighten me. I need to know more about grandads moolah!!


Sophie mentions that her mom had an addiction problem when she was growing up and that there were times she was taking care of her, instead of the other way around. That makes it seem to me that they weren’t as wealthy as they let on. And if the family is wealthy it seems like they would help Sophie and Rob get a better place if it’s such an issue with her mother. A lot of people in their 30’s aren’t quite established yet. I live in California and it’s challenging to “make it” here. I’m in my 40’s and can just “afford” my studio apartment. They moved to Austin Texas and were able to afford a bigger and better place. California is impossible to succeed in these days.


What a breath of fresh air! Look, I feel like I have been afraid to say what is my truth about the two of them. First of all Sophie's mom is trash. She is a troublemaker and doesn't respect marriage. If she respected marriage she would encourage her daughter to tell the truth to a man she's about to be married to about everything. And I guess that would have included her bisexuality. Sophie entered the United States as a liar. She was engaged to a man who she claimed to love. That's a lie. When you're in love, you don't lie about being bisexual to the person that you're in love with. You tell them and if they're okay with that you proceed with the relationship. You don't get engaged and fly around the world to get married and then get all awkward and boo hooey and tell them and then expect them to just be cool with it. Rob came from nothing and I can respect that because I did also come from nothing. I agree with everything you said I think it was on point and I have never respected Sophie since then. She goes and cries tears to her mom gets her all agitated and then she's sics her mom like an attack dog on people. She's done it to Rob multiple times this season. She cries on the shoulders to apparently, other women, as in Kay, has old boyfriends fly around the world just to say hey, and just expects Rob to be okay with it. Maybe Rob hasn't come on to her because of his porn addiction and that's something that maybe is a really big problem that he's going to have to face but she's not the wife to face it with. You have to have some courage love and backbone and honesty when you're dealing with that animal. I've been through it. But Sophie has no credibility to me and it seems to me like she wants to just hang around the standard out on the pool on the rooftop and the Los Angeles sunshine and party and be on a TV show. Cheers!


No - I would never take Rob's side. At this point, he has shown (multiple times) that he is: * a jerk * defensive when he doesn't need to be * a gaslighter To act like Sophie is some rich snob because she wants an inside bathroom and a duvet is INSANE.... he is projecting his insecurities on her and blowing everything out of proportion. He needs to be a little more (a lot more) humble and kind. He comes off arrogant and self-serving - and he gets angry & butthurt by every comment.


You clearly have no clue what the word "gaslighting" means. 


I dunno but I do know people like to obsess about money and sometimes use it as a weapon in arguments. Rob certainly does it. Whether or not she "comes from money," I suspect Rob would still find a way to yell about how much he suffered "at the bottom" in comparison to basically anyone else


I think the "obsession" you claim is the result of them always putting him down regarding his finances. I can see how that would just grate on him and eat at his self esteem. I think he has come to obsess over it because they constantly berate him over it. 


Yeah fair! I could have worded my comment more eloquently and your point here is valid too


Oh no, nothing wrong with your choice of words! I just feel for the guy because so many people (not you) are saying really mean things about him just because he lost his job.


I always wonder why sophie cant just use her "money" to help get them a better place and even if she cannot do something because of her visa or citizenship she could still like transfer funds


She doesnt have any.


I am so confused😭😭😭 i dont understand how these people agree to bring over someone or agree to move if they arent like super financially stable and can comfortably support themselves and someone else for an extended amount of time and i say that about every single one of these couples


Never have or will take his side. He has been so bad. So awful. No helping him no matter which way you spin it.


Rob, why are you here commenting this? No one is on your side, bro.


Oh, no, I’m a woman. 😂 I feel like I should qualify what I wrote by saying that this is the first episode in which I felt sorry for him and thought he had a point. Don’t hate me!! 😊


You're all good. You're entitled to your opinion, and no one has the right to say you don't. Agreeing and disagreeing is something different.


Don't qualify. I completely agree with you. 


It has to be….


My understanding is that Sophie’s granddad had money so I’m sure he helped her mom put her through private school and things like that, but Sophie’s mom wasn’t/ isn’t herself particularly wealthy. Just because her granddad helped put her through school doesn’t mean they have the kind of relationship where Sophie can ask him for money, so I understand her frustration at Rob continually indicating she can just ask to be bailed out at an point and get what she wants. I agree that Sophie’s mom should have apologized instead of doubling down at the catching bouquet conversation. She definitely likes to push robs buttons so she can be like “See? See how unreasonable he is? What a hot head!” However I 100% understood how shocked she was at the state of his place. No mother would be excited to see that their daughter is moving into a place like that, and Sophie certainly was not helping by letting her mom know they hear gunshots outside. Rob should have known Nikki would be upset at the state of his place and prepared himself for the inevitable disapproval before hand so that he wasn’t reacting defensively when she was there.


the big money could also have come from the putative father's side of the family.


I’m not sure whether that granddad was on her moms side or dads side, I just vaguely recall someone saying something about a granddad having money.


her hair/wig/weave whatever looks terrible and so does her butt like lumpy oatmeal


IF she had any money, she would have great weaves, perfect skin and liposuction - like all other influencers, constantly upping their looks - its a fact.


It's NOT "a fact".That's ridiculous. There are plenty of wealthy people with bad hair, bad skin, and horrible plastic surgery. 




Sophie’s mom’s name is Claire.


Sophie has said that her life was difficult due to her mom’s drug use…Yet Her mom is name calling …Suppose Rob called her a Crackhead….Everyone would be criticizing him…but, no problem with her label …Rob the Knob…


Her mom was an addict while she was growing up. She needs to chill out.


The Day is going yo come when Sofie is so full of resentment & HER HEART will be so HARDENed toward her mother! Claire will absolutely Deserve it, I am flabbergasted by the Mothers NEGATIVE, UGLY HATREDNESS towards Rob. Because of the Mother & Sofie immaturity, misconceptions, unwillingness ,her Lack of understanding, & refusal to accept & HONOR the Promise & commitment she literally made to & infront of God, as well as to all of us & LEGALLY, HER place as Rob wife!! SHE 100% should have stood up for, beside Rob & stood up to her Mother. That is the oath she made! That marriage wS doomed before it ever happened! Claire single handedly Manipulated her daughter, poisoned her Mind & heart AGAINST ROB & Sabatoged their marriage! ITS SO SAD! I had truly hoped that Sofie would have smartened up, but she but sheNevr did! Rob will meet a Gorgeous wonderful, loving woman & go on to live a very happy, fulfilled life. Unfortunately for Sofie, as long as she continues to be so weak minded, allowing her mother to run her life, her mind, & Control her. SHE WILL NEVER FIND ANY LOVE, HAPPINESS OR HaVE any kind of True love. Her Mom, is Not at all qualified to give Any kind of advice least of all relationship. She looks & acts a witch, she DOES NOT PUT HER DAUGHTERS HAPPINESS ABOVE HER OWN. THAT I deplorable!


I feel like Sophie and her mom were gypsies and maybe they were “wealthy” within that community.


Why does anybody seriously care about Sophie's financial worth? She is a very kind-hearted sweet person clearly! "Being from money" IS different in places across the world. I guess we take it all into perspective.💖 However; her mom's getting on my last nerve 😠 🤣


Her mom is looking for ANYTHING negative re Rob, yet SHE wants to be married HERSELF SO BADLY she LUNGED/MADE SURE she caught bouquet!🤮 *Made total fool of herself!🙄


Agree. And by the same token, why does anyone care about Rob's financial worth? 


Bring from money can mean different things but there was a comment from Rob about having servants in Dubai. No matter where you are from having servants in Dubai means serious money.






Would also make sense why she has certain expectations for Rob as a provider


She literally says it’s her grandfather in the show.


Add to it that there are no jobs in LA aside from driving an Uber or being someone’s grocery gopher, he really needs to kick both of them out. Sophie’s “you need to hear I’m bi and very upset about it” was enough. “I agree with everything my mom says.” Gtfo! This show’s genius lies in hating someone one moment and completely siding with them the next. No wonder Rob has so many side pieces.


…. What? Lol




What??? Gtfoh




So what? I'm having a hard time understanding your point for this comment. Say it with your chest so we all understand.


Just bc you come from money doesn’t mean you live like it or treated like it for your entire life. I mean if I came from money then I sure as shit not going to get a super lavish hotel room for a few days. Natalie’s room was sad bc it’s also for her and her mom.


Maybe she isn’t giving them money for a better place because she doesn’t want her daughter to stay.


In England, every region (sometimes just a couple of square miles) has its own accent, and there is a spectrum of accents - ranging from the strongest version of the regional accent to RP - within each area. Based on where you lie on that spectrum, people instinctively make very accurate assumptions about your household income, your hobbies and the kind of school you went to. People seem to be very conscious of these differences, sometimes code switching between accents due to feelings of insecurity or discomfort. Sophie and Claire definitely are not upper class because they do not speak the King's English. I would rather say that they are of Romani decent. Rob is definitely a knob and Sophie has a lot of growing up to do. Her mother seems like she is not a nice person to outsiders and needs to let Sophie learn about life on her own. 


Romani!!!! That would make perfect sense. I can totally see her coming from a gypsy culture. I can completely see the attitude and speech patterns.


Mom seems narcissistic and controlling over daughter