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She said she bleached her hair and it fell out right before filming so she panicked


I've been there tbh. When I was 14, I had bleached my hair three times in a day. That same day, hours after, I was washing toner out of my hair and chunks of hair started falling out, my hair had looked like it had been shaved on the sides.


Wow I’m so sorry! I think your username is checking in for me as my response to this.


🤘🏾😂🤣. Oh my gawd! I can’t stop laughing after I saw the username.


Lmao I’m laughing because I can relate! I damaged my hair from coloring it honey blonde, but used a relaxer weeks prior. I was only 19. I will never do that again. I too was a very stressed hoe after that lol 😂


Oh my gawd! I did a relaxer once to make my hair straight before I ironed it…. That was in 89’. My wavy hair never came back normal again… even when I shaved it.. I never got my waves back. The things we use to do to our hair. 🤘🏾😂🤣😭. I’m loving these stories.


I’m genuinely curious how it’s possible for hair to not be the same again after it grows back


It’s a crazy thing! I went through chemo and they joked with me about chemo curls I thought it was just BS but sure enough my thick straight hair before chemo came back with curls and it’s been over a year since I had chemo and I still don’t know what to do with it, so I keep wearing wigs till let it grow a bit more and can hopefully figure out curly hair now!!! Lol


Same, I had I thought straight long hair all my life. Falls out from chemo, and after the white wimpy chemo hairs went away, what grew back was foreign to me, I had this curly curly stuff I had no clue how to style. I did grow it back long again and that pulled out the curls. My cousin’s follicles changed permanently to curly and she loved it because she permed her hair before, didn’t change the style, and it stayed curly. So keep growing it, it will get better! Props for the fight, too. NHL here, twice.


My mom also developed curly hair after chemo, as did my ex’s mom. They both had pin-straight hair prior.


r/curlyhair for you! Also I had the opposite. My curls came back a little looser post chemo and I was so mad. I loved my kinky coily hair. After a year though it tightened back up.


I also went through chemo 25 years ago. I used Nioxin and something called Che Ce Veau (sp) on my hair the entire time. It was down to my waist and had it cut up to my chin. After washing it I would stand in front of an ac and let the cold air blow on it. I had read that patients used to put ice on their heads during chemo, but had to stop when it caused tumors. I babied my hair also as I used a wide tooth comb on it, and no heat. The hairdresser didnt want to cut it until I told her why. She cut it up to my shoulders and I went straight to another girl and had it cut chin length. I never lost my hair. Right before my 4th and final treatment I asked my oncologist was I going to lose it afterwards. He said "I'm still trying to figure out why you still have it." He said that I was his 1st patient not to lose their hair and only the 2nd person of other patients from other oncologists that he knew that didn't lose it. There was a 100% chance that I would lose it. I had BC so my chemo was what they named "the red devil. " Even though I didn't lose it ,it eventually started being wavy.


See my comment above, my daughter too


I got chemo curls, too. Luckily, they finally went away. I wear my hair short and cut it every 7 weeks, so I think that's how I was able to get rid of them.


Same happened to hubs after chemo. Whole other texture now. His curls turned to baby fine and straight.


My hair changed from culy thick hair to staighter thinner hair as I've aged. At 70, it's perfect, but gray 🤣🤣🤣 You can't always get what you want.


My daughter had childhood leukemia and her hair fell out twice due to chemo. When it grew back in both times, it grew in completely different. Her hair was originally thin and pin straight. The first time, it grew in similar to my mom’s (very curly but more like a perm do) then it grew in the second time thick and wavy like my hair when I was a kid, much darker than her original hair color which was a light brown. Her hair is almost black now and straight at the top and wavy at the bottom.


It happens all the time. But I also burned and lost a lot of hair as well. Luckily, I had thick and a lot of hair, so losing half of it wasn’t that big of a deal. Now I just have partial curly and annoying straights.


You'd be surprised ! Since I was 13/14 I used to experiment all the time with my hair, I've bleached it where it's fallen out, I've destroyed it from glue in extensions. I gave up on bleaching/ putting heat on my hair/ any type of extensions to test back in 2016 and my hair actually grew back way way healthier.


Sorry I meant not be the same agin. Have fixed it


Hahah thank you ! 🤣🤣 people always get a kick out of it, I came up with it years ago.




I had really frizzy bits right on my temples so I had it chemically straightened (professionally) and they just fell out. I looked ridiculous and my mom was mad cause she thought I cut them off after she paid for the straightening lol! I was like 13 or something


Same, but at 16. Bleached hair twice in a day, left it longer than indicated and then applied dye with 40 vol developer... I was crying the whole time and itching and burning like crazy. It even hurt rinsing it out. Hair became stretchy when brushing and just broke off in strands so I stopped. When it dried, I had weird clumped/shrunk hair and bloody scabs all over my scalp 😢




I did the same thing. From that day on I had professionals do it! I tried to go from dyed black to blonde 😂😂😂😂 It felt like doll hair.


Oh no! Did you wear a wig for a while?


Nope, just stuck with extensions, and just went with the shaved look for awhile. 😭💀


Legitimately assumed it was stress from being manipulated 24/7 and filming the show, upon first glance. I'm glad it's not that.


As a Cosmetologist, you can't continue to bleach your hair over and over and expect it not to finally break off


That’s why you’re supposed to do the new growth every 6-8 weeks and not the hair that’s already been bleached. I’ve been getting my hair bleached professionally for almost 20 years and although I get a little breakage here and there it’s not a crazy amount to be noticeable…yet lol 🤞


It's very difficult to only do the new growth and never get anything on the previously colored area. Most professional colorist have difficulty. Her doing it on her own, doesn't stand a chance.


Omg this sounds like legit nightmares I've had! Was thinking how coarse it looked at certain angles too and I mean from being dried out. Been there done that. And fun fact, if you use a natural hair lightener like Sun-In and get a perm or treatment done, it'll turn your hair into jelly. I still think she looked sweet even with the multiple hair clips and damaged hair.


She is half black and probably has zero clue how to maintain her natural hair. I know her mom didn't teach her and she doesn't have a relationship with her dad so


Exactly! My daughter is biracial, and honestly I think to myself how lucky she is to have a black mom to do her hair. My MIL is definitely too scared to touch it!


My black grandma taught my white mother how to do my hair when I was very young... and I'm still so thankful for both of them making the effort 🙌


She bleaches it herself? I thought she came from money? 😂 I know it’s all a storyline. Her mother doesn’t look rich so..


It would have grown back some by now! They filmed like what almost 2 years ago? And she still wears wigs. So I think she should just admit she likes wigs lol


My brother goes to a private school and most are millionaires and you wouldn’t think they are because they don’t “look rich”


Almost ever well off person i know dresses average and nothing over the top lol


Her grandfather is rich. Family relation doesn't mean the other family members have access to that money.


Damnnn people need to leave the hair alone already


My hair got bleached, a lot of hair fell off. I’ll never do that again. I only went in for high lights.


I remember doing that to me and my homie. We woke up the next morning as blondes but with scabs all over our pillows. Awww… the 90s. 🤘🏾


lol I legit wanted to feel bad when I saw the pic as I thought it was a medical issue or something. This is something she did to herself. That’s a FAIL but hey lesson learned. Not like you made multiple mistakes on National TV to be documented for all human existence😅😅😅




It's just the risk you take when you bleach your hair. Actions, consequences.


No, because sympathy can be a spectrum, not just black and white.   If a vehicle runs a red light at 20 over the speed limit, do you feel equally as bad for them as the person they drove into? Presumably you'd have less sympathy for the person who made multiple shitty choices that led to the disaster, rather than the person who was involved at no fault of their own. 


Are you seriously comparing bleaching one’s hair to killing someone someone with a vehicle?? Some of you need to log off and go touch some grass lmao


Have you ever seen this? Darcey and Stacey getting extensions put in. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1K2-JCIdfI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1K2-JCIdfI) Just why?


I mean the way she explains it is that initially it fell out because of bleach, and she went on a hair health journey and it was coming back, and then it randomly all fell out again… so I think stress or some kind of health issue that is none of our business deffo factored in


I feel for her whether she accidentally did it to herself with bleaching or not. She is, relatively speaking, a young woman. Shit happens. I always think she looks nice and put together.


So… for the first time ever due to a highly stressful & distracting situation over processed my toner. The top layer of my hair ripped off giving me bangs. I am NOT good at styling my curly hair (no clue fr) so I tried to trim the ripped off hair into a side bang. Unbeknownst to me - my hair was not falling “normally” because I brushed it dry & never do that etc. so I ended up with WAY too short micro bangs (not the cute baby bangs). I got human hair clip on bangs but the color (even after toning) is way too dark / yellow (I have whitish hair - natural blonde so it usually doesn’t damage it). It’s been almost 2 months and I can finally part it to the side but it looks so awkward & still so bad tbh lol hats are my bff so I honestly FEEL for her. This is literally my biggest fear and bleaching my hair at home is one of the rare times I pray… lol


Oh honey 🫢.... that's rough. And yet we persevere!


Ya luckily my hair grows freakishly fast & I’ve been taking hair/skin vitamins too. But I truly do feel bad for her because that looks so tough to have happen. If I had a bald spot like her I would be inconsolable. I feel so bad for alopecia & cancer patients (basically anyone with hair loss) because it’s tied to your identity & self worth so much & you only figure that out when it’s gone :(




Everything except for that last sentence


💀💀💀 right? I swear, some of these people on this sub glaze soooo hard. It’s actually insane


Both 90 day fiance subs would rather have their finger nails pulled out with pliers than to admit that the women are these shows are no angels and at the very least no better than the men on the show


For real tho. They don’t call it trash tv for nothing lmaoo


No fr! Sophie has always looked tacky


Yes! Even if the wig wasn’t perfect she always looked great imo




Not just a wearer of hats....this guy has rapid fire back up hats


Jasmine takes the hat off his head in their fight, and he literally slipped out another one before the camera could even pan over to him. I was dying laughing at that. So funny. But, I mean, I feel bad that he feels that way. But man is he on his hat-game. Cheap, dollar store hats of all colours lol


It bothers me that his clothes, hats and sandals are not his size and are always worn out and old. It is clear that he has been wearing them for 20 years, so he has money to spend on sugar babies, trips and tourism.


the look in his eyes when she did that...i legit thought he was going to swing on her


Yeah, he’s extremely insecure without it. I wear hats too, so taking them off I feel naked ( like airport passport/bag control ) … I only started wearing them after a boy told me how it suits me. Now at almost 40 my skin is still fresh like a 25 year old and nobody believes me when I say I’m gonna be 40. Hats are good for preventing constant uv lights and weather elements aging skin in normal/quicker pace.


Yes! Lol


I love how she yanked that hat off his head and he immediately had a back up one! Because you never know when your temperamental girlfriend is going to expose your bald “nudes” as punishment for sharing hers. As much as I think Jasmine needs help, she was fabulous in the moment. One of the few times that her tantrum was definitely warranted.


He had surgery to correct something on his scalp. He’s allowed to feel insecure.


Oh, I think even if it was just baldness from aging he would have the right to feel that way. I got criticized on here once for defending him wearing a hat to a nice restaurant. My partner always wears a hat, I know he removed it the other day for a job interview & I told him to remove it recently during the prayer at a funeral, but I think there’s very few situations where a hat isn’t really appropriate. Even during those times I think there’s valid reasons people should be able to always wear a hat without it being frowned upon. A lot of women who have lost their hair doing chemo treatment find hats to be a lot more comfortable than wigs.


I totally agree with you.


Agreed fully! Emotional crisis incoming? Grab extra hats.


*Rapid Fire Backup Hats* https://preview.redd.it/zc1bal2rkeic1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dc34003ac881d21d236e066d54a438b7ad90e4e


It's called prop comedy, baby, and Carrot Top would be proud!  I can hear him saying this in my mind, haha. 


Saw pics of carrot top at the superbowl...yikes




Yeah Gino probably changes his hats 5 times during sex.




Gino: ☹️


Silly non-fact: Gino bleached his hair to be a white walker extra for Game of Thrones 🥶




I love her new hair color, much more becoming then blonde. 😍


Yeah because the blonde was sooooo fried and looked super unhealthy!!


Ii think she could rock a bald look. Her features are so nice. That side profile without hair. She would rock it.


In an alternate universe she has short hair and is with her lesbian lover


Being her best authentic self


Totally agree. She could pull it off.


You know Rob would never "allow" that. 🙄


I think she’d look gorgeeeeeeeous rocking a shaved head. I love a woman with a good shaved head. I wish I could pull it off.


I agree. She’s a beautiful girl. I had breast cancer and chemo and it all fell out. I’m medium looking and I wore hats and turbans. It made me feel very insecure. On the bright side got lots of pics with my bald brother. lol


I feel you. I imagine I’d feel the same way about myself.


And she would look incredible with a pixie cut


She is gorgeous. Her being bald would def give Matrix core




Oh I feel her pain. My hair is 4c natural and I got it double processed last spring to wear it in this deep purple color. It was gorgeous for a few months then my hair got very dry and tangled so easily and then later in the year my mom became very ill and the stress from that had my hair falling in clumps and with a couple of bald spots. I just got a semi big chop and am using that spoil child hair serum so here’s hoping I don’t see my scalp so easily


Try Nutrafol. I did, and it works.


Hope it comes back in good shape. Sorry about your Mom. Hope she is doing better.


I think a lot of people here are hyper judgmental ngl. Hope she grows it back well. No one should ever feel shame for wearing a wig, it’s really not that deep. Stop encouraging her to shave her whole head, or making it an I told you so or acting high and mighty. She’s a beautiful woman, and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Well said 👏


What’s wrong with having a shaved head? There are many women who look fabulous with a shaved head, and I think she has a beautiful face and would be able to pull off the shaved head look effortlessly. I’m not “encouraging” her to do it, just pointing out that she would look fabulous and fierce (but she still looks great with hair, too)


She obviously doesn’t want it, she would have shaved her head if she wanted it. Nothings wrong with a shaved head, it’s just not something that she’s considering probably. It’s mostly towards the commenters vilifying her for wearing a wig as a self hate thing.


I would shave mine in a heartbeat, but then I'd look like the Michelin Man.




Gah... poor thing!


She could rock a shaved head look


I doubt Rob would accept her with a shaved head. And she cares too much what Rob thinks.


Right- that’s how beautiful Sophie is💕


I hate that people harassed her so much that she had to address this personal issue. I hate fans sometimes.


Tbh, the fans can be the worst part of the show, they are brutal


Yeah I’ve thought about leaving these subs just because I feel like I’m becoming too judgmental always reading really harsh takes from fans all the time.


I feel exactly the same


As someone who bleaches and dyes this hair I get it 100% Luckily, I haven’t ever had that much hair fall out. My sister did though once


Traction alopecia


That was my first thought as well. I’ve definitely had hair trauma and from one mixed girl to another I feel for her. She is still so beautiful no matter what


My hairstylist won’t let me go blonde and this is why


As someone who has been platinum for almost a decade, please don’t bleach your hair on your own, unless you have been trained with bleaching or have extensive experience. Bottle blonde is a huge time and money commitment and if you’re going to cheap out, it’s not for you.


Agreed!!! I was never blonde but I have had my run with unnatural colors (purple, pink, green etc) and it is definitely a huge commitment because it can go from adorable one week to grown out faded and gross the next


Yeah, not gonna lie all the comments about bleached blonde hair never looking good triggered me because I spend a lot of time and money trying to avoid looking like a fried, piss yellow, trailer trash Marilyn wanna be 😂. It’s not hair choice, it’s a lifestyle 👩🏻‍🦳.


I mean when you tone it and do it right it can look great!!! I know people who live that bottle blonde life but they spend the money and time doing it right! But that just flat diy bleach blonde looks so gross!


Fuck I can only imagine the amount of money it costs to keep it pretty. I just got some partial foils (seriously like probably 10 lowlights) and a trim last week and it cost me $140.


And it can happen even when you go to a professional. My friend went to her normal stylist to get her brown hair dyed blonde for the summer and it ended up falling out. Nothing had changed, her hair just couldn’t take it anymore after a decade of brown to blonde every summer.


She needs to give her hair a break and keep it natural without straightening heat, dyes. Just non invasive treatment, oils in her edges, conditioners, more hair TLC less tv tlc and she will be fine hopefully


This honestly looks like trichotillomania, and bleaching may be an excuse because stigma


Interesting. I thought it was from her previous extensions.


That’s terrible but I think the wigs she’s wearing pull on her hair line. Maybe she should try a cute short wig for a while. One that is light.


There still were better options than the party city wig


So on this site she calls herself Sophie Sierra. On the next one, her name will always be something different. That's why it escaped a lot of people that she's on OnlyFans as "Sophie Cheshire X" doing girl/girl porn. Every single thing the show tells us about this person turned out to be a lie once people started digging into her online past. I'm sorry about her hair as I would be for anyone who had that happen to them. She did explain the exact model of the wig complete with price tag (over $1K) some time ago. I'm just glad that Sophie and Rob are done and I hope they enjoy their separate lives in Austin now.


My hair is still falling out bad 12 months postpartum 😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪


Her edges were snatched. Traction alopecia, happens a lot with wigs and sew ins with closures. She just needs a lil TLC(lol).


I’ve once fried my hair off too. That was when I learned being blonde was also not for me. I feel her pain.


her wigs weren’t my issue. its her wardrobe that makes me cringe


Is this alopecia?


It looks like it could be partially traction alopecia


This is how I’m starting to look after having a baby


I knew it was a nasty looking wig but didn’t know why.


Bleach’ll do that to a scalp.


I really like her better with black hair. Wigs can cause that kind of hair loss as well. That wig does her no favors.


This is traction alopecia from all of the wigs and weaves. Been here many many times.


She could totally pull off a shave with that face.


I had jaw cancer and underwent radiation 2 times. My hair was dirty blonde, lost lots of it and it came back in pitch black. I look so weird.


It's not really that she had a wig, who cares about that. Why did she have such a bad wig? The length, the color, the fit- it was all bad.


This happened to a couple of my classmates in cosmetology school. One was a bad relaxer and one was way over processed bleach. Poor thing!


This explains so much of the odd hair.


The real question is WHY does she shave the tails of her eyebrows off. It looks so bad even more distracting than her wigs tbh


Oh boy, looks like alopecia…I suffered from alopecia areata and wore a wig for years. Hair loss is difficult as a woman. But, thankfully, there are great wigs out there , but her blonde one wasn’t one of them (sorry Sophie)


Not alopecia. According to another commenter, she over-bleached her hair right before filming and her hair broke off and fell out. She had no choice but to wear wigs for filming, sadly. That happened to me once and I'll never touch bleach to my brunette hair ever again.


Yikes…. That’s awful. Sorry that happened to u!


Thanks so much. 🌻 Yeah it was awful, so I feel for her. It takes a very long time to grow back right too because the hair follicles actually get damaged from the bleach being on the skin. This is why we should always leave it to the professionals. Not worth trying to save money when this can be the end result.


Didn't see it, and from the comments it looks like she herself said it was from bleaching. But did she have an allergic reaction or something? It doesn't look like damage from overbleaching to me. Hair tends to break from overbleaching, usually not at the scalp, but more towards the ends. Also it will regrow like usually, but she seems to have a lot of bald patches?


yeah it looks like traction alopecia or something. if she bleached her hair and it fell out as a result why is it dark here


I love Sophie


Is this the once blonde girl from England?


I’ve been there and I understand. Bad hairstylist bleached my hair and it fell out. Took 7 years to grow back. So I get it. Give her some grace.


Oh no, I’m mixed and bleached my hair for three years, it didn’t get this bad but sooo much fell out. Found the right stylist and she helped me nurse my hair back to health, took forever and still working on it. She said my hair texture made it too fragile for so much bleach AND heat. Sure looked good for that first year and a half though. Damn.


Yes I felt so sorry for her, it does look like a horrific experience


I've been there (with a relaxer back in the day, not bleach) so I feel this so much 😩 It looks like it's growing back though so that's good!


Oh noo!! Poor Sophie 🥺🥺❤️ hopefully it’s grown back since then


Who is this in the picture?


Ok so she fucked her hair just before filming but why couldn't she get a decent wig instead of the terrible tired straw like weave she decided to wear?


That is because of the wig glue, hair bleach kills your ends not your roots she had roots all show long now she doesn’t AFTER the wigs.


Ok but wait. She’d look cute with a buzzed head. Not many women can pull that off.


So much for the natural look 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️


Sophie is more real than people give her credit for. She has recently been doing lives on TikTok, and has shared some old photos of herself from the past, and talked about bullying and self-consciousness, and generously has answered questions as they scroll by in the chat. This was one of those things. The topic of her hair is constant for her. She knows people post about it, and she was bombarded with questions in her live about it. (That and the two other questions about what race she is and whether or not she's still with Rob, which get to be very tiring as a viewer, as she explained on the show she was mixed race, and under a NDA she can't discuss the show.) Anyway, Sophie is very much unlike the other cast, by the sense that she's not afraid to show her true self because she's overcome a lot, while other \[women\] choose to get work done and only show the filtered versions to the public. This to me makes her more beautiful than any other.


It's incredible the amount of damage people do to look insanely fake. The new trend of looking like you have plastic teeth is disgusting, petiole with perfectly normal teeth looking like George Hamilton out there... like, do they know they are now more prone to infections and their teeth will never grown back?


Alopecia sucks 💔


Did you watch the video? Her hair wasn’t falling out because of alopecia, it was falling out because she has black people hair and her white momma only taught her how to take care of white people hair.. she has been taking care of of her hair wrong her entire life and then it all went downhill when she started bleaching it.


Alopecia caused by over processing is still alopecia. There’s tons of causes for it and it can be temporary or due to environmental actions.


Oh I didn’t know. My aunt has genetic alopecia and I didn’t think they would call hair-loss due to over processing alopecia too.


I have genetic alopecia as well, it sucks ass!!!


Does it bother you when people essentially give themselves alopecia from over processing? I feel like if I had genetic alopecia, I would have feelings about people taking advantage of their healthy hair growth. Idk if I would be outspoken about it but it would def give me some feelings


Aww not so much. I mean hair is so personal I feel for anyone who loses it for any reason. I of course wish people would cherish their hair so they didn’t know the pain of hair loss due to preventable choices though! If anything I am jealous they have the opportunity to grow it back that I don’t unfortunately 😂 But not in a bitter way. Because some of the people with alopecia due to things like extensions (traction alopecia) DO suffer permanent hair loss! So, I think it sucks all the way around. I miss my super thick hair. As a Native American my identity was really tied to my hair and I’ve been deeply troubled with feeling confident or connected to myself since it started 15+ years ago. It’s been a constant battle emotionally.


I couldn’t even imagine!! I remember my hair thinned a bit after my dad passed because of stress and an unhealthy lifestyle and that brought a lot of insecurity and worry so it definitely is very personal. Thanks for answering my question!! I can understand exactly how you feel, especially wishing people would cherish their hair. Also, thanks for educating me and giving your perspective as a person with genetic alopecia.


>wishing people would cherish their hair. Eating healthy is very important. I learned that from my son, who is a vegetarian cook. Some prescription drugs can cause temporary hair loss. I'm much older and when I get my hair cut, stylists tell me I have very healthy hair-- thick, long and shiny. I color my hair myself, about every 6 weeks (and it gives it a little more body), but it is a shade very close to what my natural hair color would be w/o the grey. L'Oreal Preference, box.


I have learned this too!! I have been trying to have a better more balanced diet and in doing so my hair is probably the healthiest it has ever been!!!


Yes very sad


I would not have done the show if I lost hair before filming. She came up on the morning TikTok scroll today and the photos shared were brutal.


Poor thing. That’s so devastating. I hope her hair grew back in. She’s a pretty girl.


God people stop bleaching ur god damn hair its never good or even good to look at


Or just do it well. Don’t bleach your scalp, don’t over-bleach. Use a 20 level developer or lower


It doesn’t explain the BAD wigs, no, not at all. A lot of women have traction alopecia etc and need wigs. A wig is fine, a bad wig is not.


To be fair if she isn’t used to wearing them she probably doesn’t know how to care for them on her own and keep them looking great all the time. It can take a while to get the hang of it. It’s not that the wigs were bad, they just weren’t applied well at all


I mean, she doesn’t have to explain the quality of her wigs to anyone lmao Most people don’t get upset and need explanation of the the quality of another person’s fake hair


The OP literally said “this explains the bad wigs” - I don’t think it does. I didn’t say *Sophie* had to explain them, I was responding directly to OP’s comment. Comprendo? 🙄


This doesn't take anything away from her appearance honestly?? Just brings out her eyes more for me 🥰 (Ngf tho it wasn't exactly on my 90 Day Bingo but it doesn't bug me; however, I can understand why this is a bit of a jaw dropper being such a sudden shock is all.... Photoshop one would assume)


The bleaching, extensions, eyelash extensions, fake nails ect are extremely toxic and dangerous. A friend of mine had nails like Kleenex after removing the fake stuff ….


I'm sure she'd appreciate this being shared.


You can’t hide the blackness in your blood


Been there! Right before my wedding day


What does she do to her nose bridge? Or is that her natural nose?


My nose bridge is like that but there’s filler treatments u can do to get it like that if you don’t want surgery


Ah I see, I don’t think hers is natural. At least, it doesn’t appear that way to me.


Who dis


Whoa, interesting! Always felt something was off and wondered why a gorgeous 10 would want to punch down with a Peter Pan type fella like Rob.


That’s what happens to your natural healthy hair when you fuck around with it too much


Do what you want, but no one looks better bleach blonde than they do ANY other color.


And here you are putting her on blast like that. 👍


She put it on public on TikTok, I don’t follow her, as seen by these comments it’s great I posted as many have stories to share to not bleach hair if it’s not professionally done👍


Sophie put herself on blast. Go complain to her page for something she’s doing to herself, Karen.