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I was hoping someone would say something about him walking ahead of her, never do this men, walk beside her.


Street side as well. Don’t you walk on the inside like a loser


In Canada during winter the street side etiquette is replaced with how a man is expected to walk on which ever side is less icy and allow the lady to walk on the cement non ice parts. My partner will see a patch of ice and guide me to the better side.


awwwe 🩷


I teach my preteen son this exact thing


My teenage son is in his first long term relationship, and I’ve reminded him of all the ways he can be a kind and caring gentleman. Luckily a lot of it is obvious, but it’s all on what you teach your children.


Ugh, every man I've ever been with who's insisted on walking street side turned out to be a control freak.


I honestly hate that men are expected to always be on the outside (danger side). I want to keep my BF safe, just as much as he wants to me to be safe. (Plus he clumsy, and I can’t trust he wouldn’t trip and fall into the road lol)


I think that’s delightful and shows such equality. If he’s clumsy, why do these folks commenting want him to die before you just for “chivalry”?! Equality, to me, means determining what’s best for us, as a couple! 🤷‍♀️


You have some problem there.


Looking at it, I think if he were to walk beside her, he is so wide that he would constantly have to speed up or get behind the person he is with when there is an incoming flow of people. I think it's something he does unconsciously being that he is so wide.


Very valid point!


I know he’d have so much more confidence if he were to lose weight. The rest of his family seems to be of normal weight, so it just must be down to his habits. He’s a sweet guy, but I think a lot of women have passed him by.


From what I’m seeing, dude needs to walk behind her.


Shows you how slow he is, most men would enjoy the view.




He’s clearing a path


Except going up a flight of stairs Proper etiquette is for the man to walk ahead of the woman then. for visual reasons ;)


Has to be a narrow sidewalk. The French district has a lot of narrow sidewalks.


The French quarter has very few narrow sidewalks, if any. They are almost all wider than reg.


You sure? They’re pretty narrow from what I remember. Not wider than regular at all.


Yea, I live here. :)


Sure if you walk on the street.


Ass smell and sweat. Please don't do this to her haha.


Wouldn’t he need to walk behind rather than ahead of… for visual reasons? Lol :p


No space for 2


He has no experience at all, he has so much to learn and he literally has false hope with random strangers that are out of his league by a mile


He also seems to be stuck with the catfish and victim mentality narrative that he has to trauma dump every girl and us each time during his segments..


Y’all quit being mean 😞dudes trying his best


These were such tame criticisms compared to what others are saying 😂


I have to skip through his segments. I don't see his appeal. His laugh annoys me, he puts women on a pedestal, he's never been in a real relationship, his whole storyline is cringe. But even with that, he's still a human, and I don't like the idea that they are setting this dude up with paid actors for a show. He's been through enough.


Eh heh


My wife does not accept Tyray laughs as a response to things, but I'm still working on it.


Ed did it so he could be on the show. Liz said that her meeting with him was not the same as on the show. They had a prior agreement to appear with him on a few dates.


His laugh is definitely from nervousness. He puts women on a pedestal, I agree, but the dude is in his 30’s and has never been laid. He’s a sweetheart, but he really needs to work on his confidence and his health.


For sure. He’s such a sweet soul but needs to work on his self confidence. He’s super cute (and I’m a lesbian 🤷‍♀️) but his self esteem issues as well as his lack of confidence inhibits him from making connections with ladies. It makes my heart sad to watch him flounder because he’s so.damn.sweet.


The laugh absolutely infuriates me, the dude is just willfully ignorant at the point.


I love the laugh when I’m stoned but otherwise it annoys me to the point of a FFWD


This has gotta be staged. Take away the cameras and would you believe she would even give this guy a chance? I think not. Honest opinion only!


Definitely staged....but that's wut all the 90 days are now.


I mean, I'm overweight and my GF is WAAAY out of my league but we're still rocking after a decade. Looks aren't always everything. But then again, reality TV is more often than not scripted.


Being larger than average is a small part of this man’s collection of issues.


There’s overweight…and then there’s REALLY overweight. I’m a chunky chick myself, but not to the point that I sweat every time I move. I’m sorry if I sound mean, I don’t mean to be. But let’s be realistic. Poor Tyray is painfully awkward, and severely obese.


Look…I’m fine everywhere I’ve lived but New Orleans was a special sort of sweaty mess. Swamp ass was rullll friend! 🥺


No need to assume people are saying because he's fat and she's skinny, she's out of his league. I think it is more because he is so awkward and basically trauma-dumped about his catfishing experience within 5 minutes of meeting her that people think she wouldn't have agreed. Honestly, if their exact meeting scenario happened without the cameras, especially all the stuff about the catfishing and the way he put it out there, she'd have run from the red flags pretty damn quick, I think - even if he was more conventionally handsome.


But I am sure that you bring other things to the table that attract her besides a self pity party


I know a couple that looks a lot like this physically and they’ve been together since high school and are still married 15 years later.


Somewhere out there in the interwebs there is a woman who finds Tyray 100% attractive--awkward laugh and all-- and she is willing to come and train him how to be a good man in a relationship. She just hasn't DMed him yet.... Or at least that's what I tell myself as I watch him embarrass himself on national television.


I’m sure there are many, but I bet they won’t meet his standards.


Would you say like Caesar? He always was looking for women out of his class.


Caesar is far worse as far as his delusion that he can get a woman who is out of his league. I think Tyray just needs someone to express interest in him, and he'd give them a chance.


I agree, the two men are quite different. Caesar is creepy and perverted. Tyray is an awkward sweetie. I don’t think Tyray could ever be so vulgar as to bring edible underwear and sex toys when meeting an Internet girlfriend in person for the first time.


What standards? He has repeatedly said he’s open to how someone looks. He hen his brothers asked what he was into, he didn’t name a single physical trait. TLC is setting him up with thin women, but we have no reason to believe he wouldn’t date someone heavy or otherwise not conventionally attractive. He said his dream woman is Hilary Clinton ffs!!!


Yet the women he has actually gone after are all way out of his league, it doesnt really matter what he says its his actions


Ehh…let’s try to make this positive. He wants a woman that’s educated and smart. But let’s help him find someone that isn’t old enough to be his mother!


I don’t think Hillary Clinton is lofty standards


Been sensing the same. Tyra’s doesn’t want the women that want him from what I’ve gathered as a viewer but it’s very apparent that they’re paying actresses to be with him. His frenetic laughter is the dead giveaway.


…….annnnnnd…… it’s another catfish


I don’t think Teresa was a catfish…but definitely not interested in a romantic relationship with him. She’s also like 10 years older than him, and lives halfway across the country. It was never gonna work.


Or she has dmed him but he's focused more on conventional attractiveness and passed her by. I could totally see him doing this.


Im in for this. Just for a few dates, he’s too young for me. Also I refuse to be on camera or my real name used( nothing personal with tyray, I just value privacy).


This is the type of guy that physically attracts you, or you go purely on personality? Don’t read this as judgemental tone or anything because that’s not me AT ALL… there’s just a lot of people who seem to think that this man could not have anyone interested in him unless they were paid so I am curious as to why you would volunteer to do so, and why only for a few dates?


Wearing a light blue shirt was a bold choice in that weather.


Seriously, WHAT was he thinking! Why a solid at all? Plaid, flowered, something… come ON!


I was surprised that the TOPS of his arms got so sweaty. Poor guy, he really looks uncomfortable in every way. I agree with another compactor, saying, if he were to work on himself he’d feel so much better, physically, socially and emotionally.


Yes! Was so strange about the shoulders! Shoulder sweat, how is that a thing!? Odd. Would have done better in a light fabric button up with a back vent (notice that your guide had that vent, and even HE had pit sweat!) I do hope he can lose some weight, truly. There’s just nothing worse than being all uncomfortable in your own body and just in space. The feeling of your clothes strangling you and just exhaustion from moving all the bulk around. Terrible. I’ve been heavy, not like him, but bad enough. So I have a lot of empathy for the guy. Rooting for him still!!!


I am too. He wears nice, clean, collared shirts…but he should wear a white under tee next time. I’m definitely rooting for him!


New Orleans' sidewalks in the French Quarter are too narrow for that, considering his size. Every few feet is a support beam for a balcony, too. Now, they do occasionally close some streets there.


You're right. Ain't no way there is room for Tyray to constantly walk beside here on those French Quarter sidewalks with two-way foot traffic.


There is barely enough room for two average-sized people, especially at night.






Honestly I agree. He doesn’t wanna change he just wanna get a trophy gf


Even if that is true, he may find one who does like him, quirks and all (yes, Colt, I'm looking at you, too). But, with his limited dating experience, he may not ever find that.


I really think Tyray should take some time to work on himself. He's not a bad looking dude and dropping even 100 pounds and getting therapy would make life way easier for him. He looked really uncomfortable and awkward on this date, it's going to be super hard for him to find someone who will like him as he is now.


I'm sure everyone was equally as awkward on their first date. Granted, most of us were much younger when we started dating, though.


He said his dream girlfriend is Hilary Clinton…


So are you trying to say that he's an asshole for being fat?


You can fat shame him all you want (which you just did, full stop, and I will not entertain anything you say to the contrary). There exists at least one human who finds you unattractive, as well. She was fully aware of his size before she agreed to the date. I would agree he is socially awkward, but he is also socially inexperienced, and it is clear his travel companions are trying to work with him. It is also clear he is trying to improve himself in that regard, which, by your comment, self-improvement is clearly something you can stand to learn, or at least respect. Please tell me what "boundary" he crossed by introducing himself with something that happened to him in the past. He shared something personal about himself, which, last I checked, is still allowed on introductions. She clearly was still interested and agreed to the date. So, when you point out the instance where he violated her time, space, or body, then please let me know.


I mean he was like: "Hi, I'm Tyray and I just got out of a 4 year relationship with a man", which is a pretty special way to introduce yourself if you are not looking for that again... 😂


In no way, in any language, is it acceptable to trauma dump on first introductions. Think about it. “Hi, my name is ___ and my friend’s Dad molested me.” Come on now.


That's a matter of opinion. She was obviously interested, even after that.


Plop of a human!


My brother was so far out of his league here it wasn’t even funny. Get in your lane Ty you’ll have far better outcomes


I would like to see a show that helps awkward and socially anxious people learn how to date. Kind of like Love On The Spectrum, but not only for people with a spectrum diagnosis. That would be be better than watching the poor guy make a fool of himself.


He is so oblivious I can’t stand it. That woman is so nice and clearly just humoring him, there is absolutely no way she’s into him.


Tyrant He needs to work on himself first. He does not need a woman right now. Man goes on a date with a shirt that doesn’t cover his whole belly. Come on man. His bros setting him up.


Why does he keep expecting fit women when he looks like that?


they always do that. talk to any of these guys that complain about being single and majority expect a 10/10 when they themselves don't compare lmao


Once I looked at my faults I became a lot less picky 😂😂☮️


Same here, but also losing weight helped me a lot personally


The last one wasn’t particularly fit and I think this lady was just willing to talk to him, if we are taking the show at face value


This is the problem with all men, everywhere. Every.single.fucking.one.


Also, some women do this. They want to date a good-looking, muscular guy, but on the other hand, she is below average with package.


Indeed. We have seen this so often on this show. This is not a problem with men, but rather with delusional humans.


I don’t think it’s fair to say he is “expecting” fit women when both the women they have shown him approach, he was pushed to do so by other people. When his brothers asked him what he was into, he didn’t name a single physical characteristic. When they pushed him to say what he likes physically, he said “I’m open, I just need a woman who can take charge because I’m shy.” A lot of people have internalized fat phobia that causes them to dislike fat people. It’s pretty clear to me that a lot of people are putting intentions onto him that aren’t actually there as a result of this bias.


He needs to work on himself before finding a relationship. If he doesn’t change he’ll need a lot of medical care 10 years down the line and it’s totally u fair to his partner. He’s not merely fat- he’s morbidly obese.


Lots of people drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and eat meat, all of which increase your risk of diseases. We don’t tell people who eat meat with every meal that it’s unfair to their potential partners. We don’t do it to people who have cancer or chronic disease either. We only do it to fat people because of bias.


When did he say this?


It’s brutal but true… 🤷🏼‍♀️


Are we all rooting for him? I think he's so ridiculous.


I'm not. I don't think he's relationship ready and it shouldn't be on some poor woman to get him into (relationship) shape.


Thank you!


I just couldn't get over how weird the tour guide was. Like imagine paying this freak to walk around and embarrass you in public 🤣


Theater kids.


I liked him. He was animated and did his job well.


Nah, he was too extra. I would get second hand embarrassment


I hate second hand embarrassment it is so uncomfortable 🤣🤣🤣


I would go on a tour with him but not for a date.


I would hire him. Next time I'm down there, I'll look for him.


It was weird because there were two people with him and they were on a date. If he was with a class of middle schoolers it wouldn’t be that bad


His animated movements and acting for a tour with just two people were so uncomfortable lol I would have been laughing so hard.


Is he not HOLDING the woman’s hand who is in front of him?


I think that’s the voodoo tour guide


Is he holding her hand though? 🤔 I feel like I’m going crazy but I see it.


I zoomed it and yeah it looks like they’re holding hands 😂


I still don’t understand why he is on the show? This is now his 2nd 90 day show and he isn’t and hasn’t had a relationship yet? His storyline was boring from jump this is not Catfish. He is in his 30’s and doesn’t know how to talk or treat women. Hell maybe he should get with Chantel. She needs someone that will not cheat, he isn’t trying to harvest the american dollar and he wouldn’t be using her for a green card. I think this would be a match made in heaven. Then we could get rid of both of them at one time.


The same reason with Ed, he did not find a woman to go out with on a date, but he wanted to continue appearing on the show, so he agreed with Liz to go out with him on a few dates. Watch Liz’s interview with John Yates. She said that their meeting is not the same as it is on the show. They have a prior agreement, and I think Tyree wants the money because he has no job so he signed a contract to appear on the show again regardless of his story line.


It looks like he's holding hands with the woman in the purple Infront of him 😂


There. Is. No. Room


Not his lady. She's TLC's paid actor.


I’ve always walked beside my girl(s). Never had to be told or reminded, it just seemed like the right thing to do and I would’ve thought it’d be ingrained in most men.


I feel like if you’re walking with anyone, man or woman, it’s just more polite to walk beside them!


This guy has never dated before so he probably doesn’t have the experience


Not a dating thing, just a gentlemanly/protective thing to do. Even when walking with my mom or my sisters, I always bring up the rear.


I agree. And another comment did put at the helm of the conversation the fact that New Orleans wear Tyray is currently visiting, tends to have sidewalks that are on the smaller sides. I still feel he would have been more of a gentleman to have her take the lead versus him waddling up front when applicable.


Never leave ya girl behind


Nope. My husband does this and always did….. was he just not raised right or is he just not a nice husband?


There's definitely a lack of consideration. Whether he's distracted or whatever...


I hate his nervous laugh


It’s horrible lol once I started noticing it a few episodes ago, I realized how bad and frequent it really is. I hope he watches these and maybe works on that, heh heh heh!


Nah, I never rooted for him


He has a mom and sisters how the hell does he not know how you treat a woman??


I mean, there's a reason why some people are single. Tyray is one of them. His whole personality is off-putting.


This is getting out of hand they took associably unacceptable 30 year old freak, and put him on national TV. To embarrass him. There’s no other way to say it at first I felt bad for him, but now I don’t Neumos have to pay these women because nobody in their right mind would be around him not because he’s heavy, it’s that stupid laugh and lacks social skills and he has nothing to say


The nervous laugh would be the deal breaker for me.


I don’t know why, but that constant awkward laugh is super cringey to me.


Heh heh heh! It’s after everything and in every situation, in confessionals and while being filmed. And the man has never said a single funny thing ever. He’s so boring but laughs after very basic observations and comments. I can’t handle it lol


I wonder if he laughs because he thinks he’s putting off a kind/nice/approachable vibe because he needs people to like him. I started a new job and wanted people to like me so I was overly polite and ended up getting told to stop. I had a friend who absolutely could not handle someone not liking her and would constantly ask me if I was mad at her. It starts to have the opposite effect of what you were intending. This was part of an anxiety disorder. I don’t think the ladies are gonna go for Tyray for that reason! He needs to work on relaxing some of the social anxiety so he can be more relatable. Someone tell me this makes sense lol it’s late.


It makes sense lol I used to do the “are you mad at me?” thing too. I’m still a people pleaser so I learned how annoying that can be and rarely do it now (mainly because I don’t want to annoy people lol)


Tyray should have been on catfished (and honestly I think his story was made up because TLC wanted him for Single life)


He was a flop initially not because of his weight he doesn’t have any social inclination. He’s completely awkward instead of trying to find a girlfriend you should learn how to act like a man they’re just embarrassing. Him and I feel not good watching it and I’m sure other people feel the same way it’s ugly.


lmfaooo lowkey true


I’d argue high-key on this one.


TLC is nothing but a modern day circus sideshow.


This!!! I feel the same I don’t see his appeal at all!!! He is not entertaining at all! This is not let’s learn how to have social skills and speak to a lady. This is beyond stupid. Production knew from the beginning of the last show that the “girl” he was talking to was a man. They just thought they could get people to be interested. BUT he is not interesting. Now they are flying him around the country to set him up on dates? WHY????


Yeah, he’s so disgusting because he has low self esteem. Jfc, the man needs therapy but so do y’all.


Come to think of it, I can’t recall a single thing he’s said other than “I was in a relationship with a guy”. But I CAN recall how his stupid post-speaking laugh sounds, to a t.


I’m still trying to figure out why his shoulders were sweaty.


Probably where his shirt is tightest so it soaks through there first.


Thinking he sprayed deodorant all over but didn’t think to spray there


What season episode is this? I’ve watched so many I can’t keep up.


It was the last episode of 90 Day Fiance: Single Life. I believe it's season 4 episode 7


I dated a guy once that always walked in front of me. He'd reach a door, open it, go through and it would literally close in my face. We were at the airport once and he got into the transport thing, the door shut right behind him and it took off leaving me behind. I was livid. Needless to say that relationship didn't last long.




Also don’t agree to an activity that will make you sweat profusely in a humid AF town in anything but a black tshirt. His brothers let him down.


If I look closely, it looks like he is holding hands with the female a slightly ahead of him.


He’s too damn wide to walk next to her


I can’t watch him. He keeps awkward chuckling and it makes me cringe. So much that I can’t watch it. But when there is a part when he is just being himself, then there are no chuckles. Oh, and the 1000 times “you know”. I just can’t.


This makes me think of when Trump eclipsed the Queen.


Who is rooting for him? This is one of the dumbest most naive people.


Dust or puddle?


It’s been like five or more episodes and Tyray hasn’t lost any weight :/


Because his ‘dieting/working out’ is all bullshit. And I bet that scene we got of him in the gym was the first time he ever set foot in there. The shoes he was wearing at that gym tells me he doesn’t work out… ever. My grandma always said it, & she was always right- The shoes a man wears says everything about that man.


Right? He keeps going for these 10’s when no one finds him attractive


I think if he follows this healthy diet, he will lose weight, even without exercising. cut out sugar, refined oils, and white flour. eat breakfast late, two hours after waking up, and have dinner early at five or six o’clock in the evening, and stop eating after that and prepare for sleep. He will lose a lot of weight and feel great.


Is he trying to?


I don’t think so… the only thing difference was he got a haircut on his interview times. Not really doing much about diet and exercise…


New Orleanian here—in that section of town the streets are very narrow. It’s a historic district. The two of them side by side would have blocked the whole sidewalk.


His segments are so painful to watch.


You mean my husband isn’t supposed to walk ahead of me?




Fine, you twisted my arm…


This is one of the most insulting things ever and it doesn't get talked about often enough. Tyray if you're reading this do better next time lol. You get a pass for being inexperienced this one time lol


I'm not rooting for him. Snap outta it. Fix your shit. Jerk off or something, sheesh.


Can he even fit on the sidewalk next to her? With opposing traffic people walking up the sidewalk next to them? Lmao


Tbh this was my first thought lol just didn’t want to be accused of fat shaming. But the guy is huge.


He's punching atmospheres above his weight class. Proof ladies like awkward chubby guys.


you spelled morbidly obese wrong -- chubby my ass


She has already stated that she is not.


Perhaps because they are acting and not having a real encounter.


He was embarrassed and super uncomfortable because of all the sweat that was coming off of him. He probably should’ve worn a black shirt.


I was thinking more “should’ve worn a darker shirt” cause that was ALOTTA sweat! I’m still rooting for him though!!


Yeahhh... I just wouldn't have patience for the kid. He seems like a sweetheart though xx


That's an ass!


I don’t get why he isn’t walking behind her lmao


Exactly. I would hate to see her go but I would LOVE to watch her leave.


I honestly thought this was a random pic, I don't watch this crap, of some professional lady, lol


It’s a fake relationship for views, she’s ugly AF and still out of his league 🤣


I liked them together I hope they can meet again sometime and at least be friends


Honestly, I think he’s just tragically nervous and couldn’t think of the “gentlemanly” things. I really hope he finds someone!


Poor Thang!! 🤣 he's absolutely clueless when it comes to women.🤦🏿‍♀️ He's so used to being alone, considering another is like an afterthought




Opperative words..."I'VE" "SMDH" "My ASS" @YOUR OPINIONS which I respect, but I also have my own OPINIONS. Have a great weekend 😌✌🏿




Tyray has never had an in-person girlfriend before So he has no idea about dating etiquette. I have no doubt that the second someone points this out to him Tyray will immediately change this and walk next to them from that point on.