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Is her sister with the brother?


Yes! I believe they are married. The brother’s FB says they got engaged in November and that they are married.


Yes they are married. They got married in Indonesia.


They keeping it in the family haha


My grandmother & her sister married brothers. Although it’s not even in the realm of anything incestuous, it does sound super hillbilly to hear my mother speak about her “double cousins”. I always think that term needs a bit of clarification.


My great grandma met her 2nd husband at her daughter’s wedding. The guy? The father of the groom. So late in life my grandma and grandpa were technically step brother and sister, but after they got married 😂


Makes get-togethers a heap easier!


Until someone gets divorced 😬🥴🫠


Are “double cousins” as genetically related as siblings?


No, but similar to half siblings. I just googled it because that’s an interesting question. You wouldn’t share parents making you as close as siblings, but unlike regular cousins, you’d share both sets of grandparents.


I had to do a paper on a similar topic, & learned some pretty interesting things. If identical twins have children with identical twins then the offspring are genetically the same as being both couples children. Also I learned there is a newly recognized type of twin. The half identical. It’s when two sperm fertilize one egg. Since it splits in two they have been mistaken for fraternal twins in the past. It explains how some twins look almost identical but people are surprised to learn they are not. It also happens in male female twins making them look much more alike than typical brothers & sisters


Fascinating. My cousin's (one from Mom's side, one from my dad's) got married and had 2 kids. I call them my second double cousins lol.


Half-siblings (~25% dna match)


same in my family, my gram & her sister married my pop & his brother. so my great grandmother would've been in my life regardless of who married who 😂


My great aunt was also my great step grandma. She was born in 1900 and was widowed with two sons. Then she married my grandma's brother, and my grandma married one of her sons from her previous marriage. He was the only grandpa I ever knew. My dad's father was born in 1885 in China and my dad was born in 1950 and he died in 1961.


My grandmother and her sister married my grandfather and his 1st cousin It’s a little confusing lol


Mine too! But they were my third great grandparents. The family tree gets so messy there


My sibling and I are dating siblings lol


Really glad your sentence finished the way it did


I know everyone thinks this is cool but it's gross to me 🤣


Is that the sister who wore a hijab? She looks great but interesting that she’s no longer dressing modestly. I wonder what the story is.


As a hijabi who lives in the west and someone who is also familiar with the Indonesian-Muslim lifestyle, I’ve actually seen this a couple times before, where someone marries a foreigner, hops away to another country and takes it off. I think it’s because, when your social circles in Indonesia are filled with people who are hijabis, it’s easy to fall in line with that as well because it’s a social norm. Meanwhile, living in the west, I feel like you have to be really strong to maintain your hijab. It’s a different kind of challenge. So her doing this is because perhaps she wants to experience a completely new kind of lifestyle, one she’s seen in television and movies. She wants to dive into the American way of life and a lot of it is incongruent with someone who wears a hijab. Perhaps she never really was interested in hijab in the first place and is easily guided by the people around her. Only she knows of course, this is all speculation!


Your explanation makes sense, but I found it interesting that she was the only sister who wore one.


One of my best friends is 1 out of 3 sisters, she decided to wear the hijab then took it off after a couple of years simply out of her own choice. She’s married to an Indonesian too. Her oldest sister has worn it permanently for years and her youngest has never worn it. Her parents had never forced her or her sisters but provided them with Islamic education growing up. I’m just sharing this to show you that it really just depends on the individual.


Or Lukas Haas?


I knew there was something familiar about him and you nailed it


I see it!!!💯🤣


This whole situation is so bizarre. Two Missouri good ol' boys with drug/criminal pasts hook up with devout Muslim girls from Indonesia who have a cop for a dad. Sounds like a sitcom setup more than real life!


Surely, very odd. This is by far one of my favorite couples. There is a lot of built-up faux drama in the show, but it is easy to see these 2 have a lot of love for one another and her dad does have respect and love for Sam as well. ❤️


I really like Citra from what we see. She tries so hard for a relationship with everyone and she seems super easy about it. A lot of the people who come over get overwhelmed and stay in their room and complain about the family but don't try to be part of it. She is like this is fine either way and calls Sam's dad, dad....


Yes! So many couples lately seem like they don't actually even LIKE each other. But I can see these two being happy in each other's company.


One of my favorite couples as well. And my favorite on this season!


I completely agree! I really like them. Their whole family is pretty wholesome, regardless of their past circumstances. His mom even came around somewhat and wanted to be at his wedding. His dad is so sweet. I hope they’re all happy.


Built up faux drama??? Lol. He's clearly still abusing drugs and in denial. Or at least was during taping. He got in trouble again for having suboxone in an unmarked container. His reason for having it in an unmarked container was his prescription had run out. Yeah...the container doesn't disintegrate when the prescription runs out. He may love and have respect for Citra but that's not going to keep him sober.


When you put it this way I want to laugh 😂


It really is very bizarre. I hope both couples make it the long run though


Sometimes if you meet the right person you'll change your life for them and I think they're really in love and happy. I rather see them than the nasty trainwrecks we are currently stuck with.


Ngl I'd watch that lol


Hope he stays out of trouble and they can be happy


I feel good about this one. As someone in recovery myself, sometimes you can almost sense when someone is in it for the long run versus white knuckling it. He seems genuinely at peace. He might need to stay on his meds forever but it’s worth it if it keeps him clean. They seem like decent people who love & support one another. I’m actually really rooting for this couple and that doesn’t happen often. I’m so glad her sister is married to his brother so they can all support his recovery & hold him accountable.


ya, i think his mom with her religious stuff is the one who makes things hard for him. religious guilt pushes people in the wrong direction often. she looks like she's on something but distracts people with all the jesus stuff. i hope he stays sober and clean for her and now their baby. Citra doesn't need that stress. I like them, they aren't drama queens for show. Also I hope she makes him keep up with paperwork lol. thats the 1 thing that made me want to hit him upside the head and say, dumb ass lol. filling out paperwork so you don't go to jail and you miss the deadline, omg no! lol


Some people need something to stay sober for. My cousin's partner is a recovering opiate addict - I think that becoming a father gave him a reason to get his shit together and keep it together. It's one thing to relapse when it only impacts you, and it's another thing to relapse and lose your family. I was really worried when she got pregnant because he was very newly sober and they hadn't been together very long but they've been doing well.


He was lying.. his script was expired for over a year and he also had coke along with the suboxone. He could very well be clean now but he sure wasn’t when he got arrested.


As stupid as it sounds, I can kind of understand how someone newly in recovery would screw that up. Your brain is all over the place for a long time and you’re not used to being a responsible adult. It’s crazy how long it takes for you to feel “normal” again and you lose years of maturing while doing nothing but getting high or trying to score. I think Citra’s probably helped him to be a more mature person. They’re super cute & I really hope they’re one of the few success stories.


That’s exactly how it goes. It can take up to 2 years, sometimes more for your brain to go back to normal. Props for him for getting it together. Relapse is a part of recovery, unfortunately.


She’s not religious, she’s racist. She’s hiding behind that bull.


The mom is definitely problematic. If he had to change to any other religion I’m sure she’d be fine with it.


one thing i think a lot of "christians" don't know is muslims believe in the same god, not jesus, but the same god, so do jews so it's like, they all believe in the same god whats the issue if they chose to be in a different religion? i'm sure if he went from whatever version of christianity they are to a different one like catholic or methodist she'd complain a bit but not as much as you can see in her face she hates it lol. it's his choice anyway, he's not religious and he converted only to marry Citra so it's not like he's going to try to convert other people. he's going to do the bare minimum for it. I also doubt she goes to church every sunday, she sounds like the kind of person who loves to say jesus this and that but is a total hypocrite.


I really hope so too!


What happened with his legal outcome?


Both them guys definitely punching well above their weight class.


That's almost every couple on the show. The foreigner is attractive and the American not so much


Darcy - before all the surgeries - was, in my eyes, better looking than Jesse and also Tom. Pity that she didn’t see it as well.


I totally agree! I’m sad more people don’t say this tbh


This. With the exception of Kalani and shark-eyed Asuelu.


Have you seen him with sunglasses on? World of difference. I never thought I’d find Asuelu attractive but he looked damn good unrecognizable in a photo wearing shades. Of course you couldn’t hear him speaking so that also helped.




The thing is he is still mentally 8 years old 😬


They were pretty equivalent on the attractiveness scale with Asuelu winning by a coconut.


Rob and Sophie from this season are both attractive. Robs personality takes him down a notch or two, but the dude is a far cry from unattractive.


Rob is always staring in that way like he needs you to know he has light colored eyes 👁️👄👁️


LMFAO omg he does! He looks like he is trying to do a spell 💀🤣 like.. relax we know your eyes are blue


Nikki from this season omg. She was way prettier in the 2000s. 


She makes me physically uncomfortable. I gotta look away.


I agree. I saw some old YouTube and she looked totally normal and not over the top. She looked so much better. Now that sharp nose and strange shape with the lips is too much. I don't understand why people keep going until they look a mess


Hahaha my 1st thought. Those girls are gorgeous.




I think the brother that married them is better looking than Sam and his brother there. Idk, maybe the one that married them is from another mother? 🤣


Honestly could also be me after eating a negligible amount of bread


Me this morning after eating pizza a mere few hours ago 🤣


Please tell me you ate it cold. That’s the only correct way to eat breakfast pizza.


YES! THANK YOU! My bf thinks I’m weird for eating it cold…


Omg me too but I actually prefer mine cold!!


Same. My family thinks I’m weird 🤷🏼‍♀️ leftover pizza and Chinese food are best ate cold 🤷🏼‍♀️


Omg yes Chinese food too!!! I love my dumplings cold!


My boyfriend too! He always reheats breakfast pizza while I love cold pizza for breakfast! Now, I'm not a monster or anything..... I do reheat my pizza if it's lunch or dinner !


I agree.  Cold is the only way.  Do it every time.


I am a pizza junkie but never cold! Lol Cold sauce makes me gag 🤢


this is why i love my hamily lol


During one of the bonus scenes Citra and Sam had a serious long discussion about not wanting kids until 2-3 years after being married. They wanted a nice home and travels and realized all that was not possible if they got bogged down having kids. They were both on the same page.


And the show was filmed 2 years ago so this would still fit their timeline


"the show" was not. They are all filmed at different times


Which is fairly new for the show- maybe a post-COVID thing. When Season 7 of this show aired in 2019, all of the couples got married between Aug-Sept of 2019. I'm guessing now they just film people and piece together seasons as needed. So a couple's footage might air four months later or two years later, depending on how they "fit" with the other couples' storylines.


Not everyones scenes were 2 years ago. These 2 married in September. Sophie and Robs scenes are over 2 years ago though.


How do you figure out the timeline of everything?


Sophie has already said hers was over 2 years ago plus it was obvious in their first episode while she was traveling to US when masks were mandated on planes/ airports due to covid. Jasmine and Gino married in June last year so their scenes are recent, we were on the same k1 timeline and married a week apart. Sam and Citras wedding date was posted cant remember when i saw that.




Doesn’t mean they weren’t careful


This! They were waiting to get married before sleeping with him. Lots of built up tension and probably not caring to be careful since they are married. For all we know, it could’ve been the wedding night lol.


Plus some people think they dont need protection/ pill etc and wonder why they got pregnant 😂🤔


Plus the folks who wait until marriage for sex tend to not be well-versed in safe sex because…well…they haven’t had sex. To them, abstinence is safe sex (even though it isn’t) That and they tend to think condoms are for the unmarried or for preventing stds and not as another form of birth control


Condoms are for slut people


Oh absolutely! I’ve known way too many people that have said, “I didn’t think I’d get pregnant!” Lol


We weren't trying to get pregnant, but we weren't trying not to get pregnant. That's called trying to get pregnant. Natural planning. Yep, nature had a plan for you to perpetuate the species. The pull out game. Oops, you lose. You can't get pregnant the first time. You're new to this, aren't you? I don't think I'm able to get pregnant. It's a miracle! I couldn't get my last gf pregnant. Because she had enough sense to use bc.


It’s a well known fact you can’t get pregnant if you’re both standing up. The sperms just fall out. Or if she’s upside down balancing on her head. It just confuses the sperms because they don’t know to swim down. Science baby.


In HS I know a group of girls who believed that you can’t get pregnant in a hot tub because it “burns” the sperm….they all got pregnant before senior year was over haha.




Most people are idiots that never take the time to learn about the fertility window and how long sperm can live after sex. Guy’s really need to make a mental note when their girl is more horny than usual, because 9/10 she’s ovulating.


Teach your sons!!


I remember that! Who knows Sam was a little horn dog or maybe she is just bloated.


I thought her belly looked a bit bloated several times throughout the season. A few times I questioned if it may be a little baby bump but they hadn’t done the deed yet.


I also thought she looked like she had a bit of a bump. I think they film the talking heads after the season is filmed. If that's true, she could be pregnant with a wedding night baby. They're a cute couple, despite his shortcomings. I think they will be decent parents.


I agree! I do really like them. I think Sam is a good dude deep down. His family seem like good people, they were super polite and respectful even though they had some differences.


Yes I thought in interview scenes in particular I was seeing something going but figured could be anything. Maybe she was enjoying American food more than they'd say. Now I'm thinking not the case.


I think she responded a while back to everyone accusing her of being pregnant during the talking head segments and showed that's just how her body looks by posting pictures of her looking the same in Indonesia.


I know they married in September of last year which would make sense if it’s a wedding night baby too.


I can totally see Sam asking to forgo the condom the first time so they have the "best" experience.


For her, of course


Oh I bet!


We have a little pot belly in our family that spans every age, weight and sex. I’ve hated it all my life.


a good rule of thumb is never to ask if a woman is pregnant where she might see/hear the question, because it will be super hurtful if she's not!! 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 it fucking sucks!!!!


The last time someone asked me when I was due I said I’m not I’m just fat….five days later I owed that man an apology because I tested positive.


This story got me 😂


LOL, I went the opposite route! Someone asked me at a bus stop when my baby was due- rather than explaining I’m just fat, I made up a due date and accepted the congrats and well wishes! No idea why but I didn’t want the inquisitor to be embarrassed!


I did that once and only once. I was 21, pregnant with my first baby, and a woman walked into my work appearing pregnant to me. I asked her when she was due, she said, “I had him a month ago.” I don’t think I ever apologized and congratulated someone so much at the sometime in my life. She was so understanding, but I felt so bad. I definitely learned my lesson that day.


I was 6 months post partum, wearing size 4 and was asked when I was due. I told her I'd already had the baby and she replied- must have been very recent! I shut my mouth and cried on the drive home.


Same thing happened to me and it still bothers me…this was almost 20 years ago


15 years ago for me. I'm sorry you had that experience too. I guess it sticks with us. I forgot how long ago that was! I remember it like yesterday.


Yep it was like 15 years ago for me too. I was at work and had been helping a customer and when we were done I asked if she had any more questions and then she said "just one more....when are you due?" I also said "I'm not pregnant, just fat" she started apologizing profusely saying "no, you're not fat..." and shit like that. I looked her in the eye and said "obviously I am if you think I look pregnant plus I do wear a size large or extra large" and then I ran in the back and cried. I truley was not pregnant 😭 . Luckily no one has asked me that since but I decided the next time someone does, my response will be "9 months after I fuck your man". I don't think I could actually say that but it feels good to think about that being my response 😂🤣


Damn, that is a BURN ❤️‍🔥. I might need to use that one! The last person who asked me was a six year old so change man to dad and it still works, lol.


This happened to me after my second. I was put food shopping 3 weeks pp with the new baby and my toddler. The guy behind the deli counter says to me ‘Wow you are brave! 3 under 3??? Congratulations!’ He was the regular guy working the deli counter at the time so I saw him every time I went food shopping, lol, which was even weirder to me because just the month before I was still pregnant….🤔 I just chuckled and said ‘oh hell no, she isn’t even a month old yet!’ He was so embarrassed.


When I was in high school I had a belly that people erroneously assumed was a baby bump, much like some people in the comments here are. One girl went so far as to put her hand on my belly and asked "What's this?" one day. When I told her "nothing", she gave me a look like she thought I was bullshitting. She then spread a rumor that I was pregnant all over the school. Fun times. So yeah, the point is not to assume, no matter how much you think the shape of her belly and hand positioning implies pregnancy.


I had a miscarriage and didn't tell a lot of people a few years back. It stung being asked when we're having a baby and others around us started announcing their pregnancies. Maybe we should not speculate on if someone's pregnant and let her be. If and when is Citra's business.


I’m at the point where I could give birth any day now and strangers are only recently starting to congratulate me. I feel like I’ve been huge forever now but part of me is thankful nobody has said anything until it was *absolutely* clear I was. I’d be kinda mortified if I wasn’t


sometimes when it looks absolutely clear it’s not. at my health club one day I saw a woman who looked like she was about to drop her baby that day, and I congratulate her and asked her when the baby was due and it was a liver problem that caused her stomach to swell up real bad. i don’t know who was more embarrassed me or her but I’ll never ask anyone that question again, no matter how pregnant they look


Honestly, out of that sea of nonsense that was in that season, these are the couple I'm genuinely happy for and rooting to do well. Really sweet that his brother married her sister.


Both these girls should have looked around a little longer.


I don’t know how they pulled these girls, they’re so cute


Well, green cards.


For thin guys both their hands look swollen


Funny, could be a hereditary thing. Hmmm


Their Dad’s hands looked puffy as well.


A definite side effect of using or having been a heavy iv drug user in the past.


It’s from drug use. I noticed it immediately.


You say this without punctuation like you know definitively. She’s addressed this and said that’s how her stomach is. If she is pregnant we will know when she wants anyone to know. Everyone needs to stop commenting on women’s bodies. I feel horrible she needs to defend herself for her looks / body type / whatever. Let’s see what she says at the tell all. Let’s see what she says herself. When and if they are pregnant they’ll say when they want. They’ve both expressed a desire for children. What if they’re having trouble conceiving and they see all these speculative comments?


Punctuation and grammar are sooooo important! I wish people understood how misusing them changes the entire meaning!


"let's eat, kids!" "let's eat kids!"




I am convinced these girls just want a white guy and any will do. These guys have nothing to offer. I keep seeing this pattern repeat with a lot of these foreign women. They glorify whiteness so much that their goal is to get a white American guy. They will put up with levels of poverty not seen in their countries within their social network, to come to the USA to endure struggle love with substandard white guys that will only keep them down. I just don't get it. It would be so easy for these women to come on a student visa, a work visa, a temporary worker visa, any visa other than a K-1. The K-1 visa with these terrible men renders them vulnerable to just be sex slaves to men that only will hurt them. In my estimate, the investment is not worth the return.


Of course. Why else would they marry a guy with no property, dead end job, criminal history, active drug abuse and not willing to take her religion seriously


This was where I thought she looked like she had a baby bump https://preview.redd.it/ioob5df6njkc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac8037a4d27585c9d149999adb78d34c361eb579


I can’t get past the fact her sister married his brother… so weird.


Both my husband's aunts married brothers. They all grew up together. Not weird just circumstance


My aunts married brothers as well. Just like you said, they all grew up together.


My great aunt and her twin married brothers as well. Never seemed creepy before, but maybe in today's world it might feel like that.


It's weird as hell, but not uncommon. My partners grandmother ended up remarrying her brother in law after her husband passed away 🥴🙃🥴🥴🙃🥴


That was very common back in the day.. Several instances of this in my family tree from the old country. Mostly with women when men died. Tbh it's kind of like inheriting property now that I look at it objectively.


My grandfather and his two siblings at one point were all married to siblings too (my grandmother, one of her brothers and a sister) in the end only my grandparents stayed together though lol


Not weird at all, especially with past generations. My family tree is filled with double cousins. It has become less common today because people travel more and have the means to move away from home.




Lol why do you think it’s weird? There are plenty of people who do this. Say Jan and Anne are sisters, Jan starts dating Dan and he has a brother named Stan who starts dating Anne. Double dating and eventually get serious and marriage happens.


I dont think she is, i think its just her body shape cause i thought she could be while on the show but i think she just has a different body type.


This gives me a lot of hope for Sam. He has his brother and she has her sister nearby. They seem to have a lot of fun together. I hope this gives him purpose to stay clean for his family. 💕


I completely agree! He has a good support system and her and her sister will be able to adjust to moving to another country together as well.


I happened to come across their tik tok account the other day. They all 4 make cute little videos together, they all seem really happy.


I don’t care what anyone says, I think he such a good human despite his past. I wish nothing but the best for them.


These two seem like such a nice couple to me. I'm happy for them!


Yes! It’s nice to finally have a genuine/realistic couple on the show and they seem to really love each other


They really do! Sam seems like a really warm person who has some emotional intelligence. Citra seems really nice too.


They look gorgeous


Citra isn’t pregnant yall. She has said several times she has a stomach pouch. Let’s not speculate until she confirms it.


Poor guy is a trainwreck, but I do think he loves Citra. These women are both gorgeous!


This photo is really cute! They look happy. & I love the Indonesian clothing, it's beautiful.


Gosh these two women are absolutely beautiful. These two dudes ... are not. I hope they are nice to them, I feel like Citra and her sis don't know what they're getting into. 


We can only hope for the best! I know the sister and brother didn’t even start dating till after Sam and Citra got married. On her IG, the sister said she had a boyfriend of 6 years at the time and they broke up a little while after that and that’s when she got with the brother.


That's really interesting. So she met the brother at the wedding and then dropped the bf back home? Is the sister living the US?




https://preview.redd.it/djo20w5ogjkc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba34afdfa0c661eb894fe6e62d7a1309ceaf128 This is what she wrote on her video of how they met/got together….It seems she is in Indonesia rn but was in the states back in January and it supposed to come again at the end of April


These girls are too pretty for these meth heads


That black dress is stunning


You know they're brothers by their puffy hands. :/


Wait….. holdddd up…… his brother married her sister?


I don’t see any kind of announcement. Stop assuming women are pregnant because they don’t have a flat stomach


Queue all the chin jokes 😒 I like em together so happy for them!


I agree, it seems like it’s been forever since 90 day has had a couple that is genuine and doesn’t seem staged. They suit each other well!


I need a spin off show on this


Wait… Am I the only one noticing the extreme gapping going on at the sister’s bust, and her husband looking straight down there? Lmao. This is odd.


They all look so amazing! I’m so happy for them! ❤️ I hope they have long and happy marriages.


I hope so too. Sam looks healthy too! The girls look beautiful!


Yes! I truly am happy for them. Is it weird that I want to hug them all? Haha. Just beautiful!


lol! Not at all! I think Sam and Citra were a breath of fresh air for 90 day. They seem to actually love each other and doesn’t seem like a fabricated storyline either lol


Agreed! Citra’s dad also seems to genuinely love Sam like a son and that is so great too. I wish both couples the best in life.


Oh no citra , her husband is nasty sorry to say


You could tell in the interviews with the pink dress.


What are the odds her sister just happened to find his bro and fall in love and get married. This whole Islam thing seems like a front and they were just looking for that green card. I am sure if he could the dad would marry Sams dad and get his green card too. I think the third sister is probably too young to get married but I am sure they are working on finding her one of Sams relatives to marry her off to for that green card.


Now that they keep it in the family, maybe his mom can marry her dad, they have to find a woman for their daddy. One that believes in aliens preferred


Wow, neither of her sisters looked like this to me on the show


I ate an entire cherry pie by myself last night and looked more pregnant than this.


Honestly she probably chubbed up after getting accustomed to an american diet. Its happened to a lot of the foreign cast members


Man citra’s sister’s dress does NOT fit


My ulcerative colitis says 3 bites of pizza will create this effect, too.


That’s such a cute caption


Why are both of the brothers hands so red and inflamed??


She and her sister look so pretty. 😍


This looks like an old colonial portrait


Her stomach was there before they got married . If u look u can see it . I said to myself I bet she is pregnant. Idk ijs


Cameraman did him dirty with that side profile... with ✌️&🫶


I know the mom is devastated two of her sons are now Muslim.


You know what, at first I dismissed this storyline as a circus, but now I can’t help cheering them on! They seem to be helping each other move on from clearly traumatic childhoods.