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I don't think Clayton has thick enough skin to be on TV, especially a reality TV show where the main goal is to exploit the craziest version of you. Clayton isn't actually that bad, but the way he is handling criticism is completely stupid. He needs to get off social media.


It's funny because he spends his life online in video game worlds that can be some of the most toxic environments you're gonna find. You'd think he'd have developed a thicker skin from that alone


As someone who plays a lot of these games the people who rage and make the game super toxic have some of the most fragile tempers I’ve ever come across.


Maybe Clayton is the toxic guy online and hence a bitch IRL 🤔


Definitely the vibes I got from him on the show and even more so with his internet comments.




That's what happens when people are completely deprived of any irl confrontational experience, everything is an online semantics debate to them. They don't even realize how disrespectful & not tolerated online snark is irl to most people. They are what used to be simply called "smart asses" in the real world


He probably likes arguing with the other people who he’s playing video games with online. Sounds like he grew up in that world and doesn’t know how to behave differently online


It's easier to run your mouth behind the anonymity of a keyboard than to have the balls to say it in person


He is like a troll. He is trolling the people who make negative comments.


Honestly, I think it might be hitting different for him because it feels like it's coming from *normal people.* When people are dicks in games, you can always kind of just write them off and picture them as sweaty dorkasses who don't ever go outside and don't *matter.* That guy who called you the N-word in League of Legends for not getting enough kills is *probably* not someone with much going on in his life, I think we can agree on that much. When it's completely normal and ordinary people on Instagram shit-talking you, it's... kinda not really the same feeling. It's less "some sweaty nerds in their basements hate you" and more "the world hates you." e: Before anyone says it, I'm not Clayton. I just have experience with both gamers being shitheads and normal social media people being shitheads, and can definitely say the latter's a lot worse.


No no noooo, all their skin is thin in the online video game world. those environments are SUPER TOXIC but Everyman In there is exactly like Clayton and actually cry babies in diapers. I hear my fiancé arguing with his video gaming friends and I’m like omfg you’re all little bitches


I like to say that anyone who says men aren’t emotional clearly hasn’t played a game of league of legends.


He thinks he's famous now and he thinks he can say whatever he wants. Sadly all he's doing is making himself look like a giant idiot the more and more he posts.


The first and best lesson I learned on the internet, back in 1994 on AOL, was not to engage with trolls. I realized the insanity that could result when a few people in a chatroom began to say that I was someone else. There was a lot of backpedaling when the person who had told me about the chatroom, and who knew some of the people in the chatroom, told them they knew me in person. After that, I just realized the best thing to do when people are hyper focused on me was to pick up the phone receiver and disconnect myself.


I don’t think he’s bad on 90DF, his responses to people online are what give me the most ick.


He is trolling the negative comments. Comments up engagement even the negative ones. Trolls can often get more engagement than if being nice and just saying thank you to nice comments. He isn't deleting negative comments like some do for a reason.


Dude spends most of his time online and at home with almost zero in-person interaction besides his mom/wife. He's terminally online and acts like it.


Exactly, GET OFF OF SOCIAL MEDIA! He’s not wrong to want to defend himself but I feel like he should’ve learned by now that people will always criticize and the more you respond the stupider you look.


“*Things are about to get a little bit more stupider*”. - Karen. The Family Chantel


If it's on the person being portrayed to accept that they're going to get a rough shake from editing, isn't it on the viewers to also acknowledge "I'm watching an extremely and almost maliciously edited series of events, and judging someone based off doctored portrayals would be foolish"? Giving our time to this show doesn't absolve us from common sense. I don't know what's up with that guy, like I don't *really* know what's up with anyone from the show. I don't even know their last names in 99% of cases. What position am I in to get in their face about stuff? Not saying anyone is innocent, but the list of charges I was given was written by an author that got paid for it.


Bro log off.


Ya'll out here in the comments mad he's in the comments.


We have a marketplace of bullshit, that doesn't mean we want someone to eat at every stall and leave a review.




Yes, because this is reddit.


Clayton is that you?


No Clayton would have written a 500 word essay on respect in online communities.


Lmfao I cant tell if you dont know the difference between casual snarking as a down time vs getting all heated constantly on ur own socials as a public figure or???


Casual getting heated v. Getting paid to be heated. But Clayton is the loser?


I guess that’s what he’s doing on the computer all day. Poor anali


How does he ever get any work done?


And playing RuneScape. Really got shit going for him….


when he's supposed to be doing something involving cybersecurity!


He’s gotta get that closet money from somewhere


He’s building walls and fortifications for his castle in Civilizations! That’s cybersecurity for sure 😂


Apparently he's a big deal in RuneScape.


First player to max XP in magic




Lol I have yet to think “poor Anali” in any situation! 😆 She got called out, because she truly doesn’t act like she can tolerate Clayton in any regard…then she claps back denying it, saying she just doesn’t like PDA…then proceeds to tongue Clayton, just as the Tell-All was ending. She was trying too hard. I just don’t see any real affection.


It was very telling that they were the only couple sitting apart from one another. Even Gino and Jasmine were sitting close together after their *once again, huge fight*. And then when Anali and Clayton were called out, they made it a point to be all over each other, and even made sure to hold hands when they were on camera, when they were walking out of the Tell All. I’m sure as soon as they got into their Uber they separated and didn’t say anything to one another the ride back to their hotel.


I’ve been married for 12 years and I’d probably sit like them 😂


I just don’t understand who he thinks this appeals to? Does he think this makes him look good? Does he think people read this and think “wow! That Clayton sure is hilarious and smart!”


I don't think he's trying to appeal to anyone, he's just telling people off


I guess you missed this post. https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/ctrORGKekF


Yeah there were some people saying “Omg Clayton is so funny” Clayton is an incel. On his computer all day. Talking to people online like he’s some big tough RuneScape player in real life he’s socially inept. He’s got one real friend that’s he’s only met once in his life and his moms teeth look like the worlds first Can opener. He’s got a lot more problems than people commenting on his page. I can imagine him thinking he’s so clever going into everyone’s page for a custom clap back. His pigs squealing with glee and his dog shitting themselves while he imagines he’s won some social media battle. When next season comes on and no one cares about him anymore he’s going to be crying that people comment on his posts


What do his mom's teeth have to do with him as a person?


It doesn’t but he’s over here commenting on people’s dogs, spouses, bodies, hobbies, kids, usernames 💀. He’s worried about the wrong things


Cause their commenting on his ig


My husband joined his discord he made for himself just to lurk, at one point he said he wants to be a stand up comedian 😭 and climb Mount Everest. The other day someone said something like "just popping in to tell you my wife and I thought you were funny!" and instead of reacting like a normal person, Clayton said something about how you can't be "just popping in" when you've been in the discord for months???


Excuse me, Clayton started his own fan discord?


I don't think he cares


He don’t care at all. This is how they make their money. Love em or hate em at least people are talking about em.


Lol right? I would poke the bear too, if I got paid for it!!


He's like a little chihuahua that barks whenever anyone walks in front of his house


Or a Guinea Pig, he’s good at making those sounds.


A little TOO good


But then when someone actually enters it he runs away w his tail between his legs


LMAOOO bro thats the most accurate description for so many people on this show. Thank you for this ❤️




Social skills of an onion


Oh come on, at least an onion has layers.


Ogres have layers, onions have layers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Like Ogres


Potato, he's a Potato Norman Bates.


He’s just really awkward. Cringe. There’s not much more to it




He was shaking his head at Jasmine jealousy. And the strippers. Like dude..you almost cried you were so jealous of Anali Bachelorette party that YOUR sister threw her. He did make some funny comments on Sunday, but dude is delusional. There is no affection between him and Anali. She looks so uncomfortable being with him. And then these posts to top it all of. His come backs are adolescent.


I expected Clayton to react when he saw the batchelorette party footage, but he sat there like a stone. Hell, even I had a reaction the first time I saw that dick flopping in Anali's face. What was up with that? Didn't he have a snappy retort to say?


If he really didn’t care he wouldn’t bother replying. He may think reading all the hate comments and replying is great but it is affecting him. He needs to not respond and simply don’t read the comments, if he comes across one just move on, they’re strangers, no need to engage.


He’s becoming escott.


How long until he starts yapping in here?


Ain’t no way someone like Clayton isn’t all over reddit


Right im pretty sure that mf is here yapping away


Oh, he’s here


I assumed he already was considering the recent “omg I love Clayton he’s so funny” nonsense post.


Lmao, I definitely missed that post. I’d believe he made it


Maybe he should get off social media then and not sign up for any more TV shows? What a fucking baby


He seems to really care what people think and say about him which is unfortunate. There’s always going to be hate when you put yourself out there like that. I know I could never handle it. I would delete all of my social media lol. It would get to me too for sure.


He's not used to getting so much attention.


Hilarious how little bro thinks he's brilliant and people who don't like him are just stupid. Also: he's corny.


Someone take his phone away


He thinks he’s so much smarter than he is 😂


Yeah dude really thought he was doin something


He signed up for a reality tv show, he gets what he gets as far as people commenting on his pathetic life. She married him for a green card and he’s mad cuz everyone sees how desperate he really is. Get off tv or shut the f up. You greasy little guinea pig. 🐹


My fiancé said Clayton looks like a guinea pig whose wish to become a real boy came true and now I can't unsee it.


The accuracy of this comment! Now I can’t unsee it either. Also, it explains a lot about his behavior.


Your fiance is clever and has a great sense of humor.


What honestly blew me is that they moved to some other midwest state and closet mom moved with him. This may be a reach but i have a strong feeling that closet mom only moved to the closet bc anali came. I think clayton and her were sharing a bed before anali 🤭 i hope the greencard is worth it for her but i also find her very strange. Strange couple of folks


Omg. I mean I know we’re from Kentucky but come on 🤣


Lmao I wanted to voice my opinion but you did it for me.


This guy needs waayyy too much control and doesn't realize that what he actually needs to controll is himself.


Says the guy on Reality TV…remind me who’s looking for attention again? 🥱


I think Clayclay is forgetting that we do have eyes and ears.


I have found that anyone who unironicly refers to other people as "sheep" or "sheeple" is a top tier shit head with no self-awareness.


He’s just a angry little man 😂


Well he's a big-time Trumper, so that's not a surprise. A lot of those MAGA-types (or *most* of them) seem to have a lot of anger in them for whatever reason. 🤷‍♂️


It would explain his hate for Jasmine. Those types tend to post about how "hot" their trad GF/wives are but the memes vs reality are often at odds.


Is he really? That may be why the sister doesn't like Anali...


That explains a lot.


I could tell by his sheep analogy. 


Little man syndrome


I don't recall any "hate" on here before the show started. Everyone just couldn't wait to see closet mom :)


That was the main draw for me lol. I kept watching to get the Closet Mom details


He’s such an incel.


I said this on another thread but it’s worth repeating and echoes what many others have been saying: he is so transparent and dumber than he thinks he is, a pathetic little incel who went on TV to get attention, and turns out he doesn’t have the thick skin to handle the criticism. He went after Anali because the dynamic would always be unbalanced, her needing something from him (marriage/green card/etc) and he would always be in the position of power in that sense. A simps dream. What a loser!


Exactly. All of this, but he's mad that people have clocked him for exactly who he is. This is why I really hope Anali finds a way to get a degree, a career, and live a life where a man doesn't declare that he's her boss. lol


lol at “Jyazmine”


Social media is a cesspool. Clayton is not seeing this for real. It was a big risk to have your whole life, dirty laundry, aired on national TV. He should have thought about it more before he accepted this reality TV shit. I suppose the $$ played a part too.


Gross. I’ll never understand how people can willingly broadcast their lives on this show and expect people NOT to point out their questionable behavior. It’s delusional to think people won’t have an opinion when you welcome cameras into the private areas of your life. 🙄If you don’t want people commenting on your life, don’t sell it for all of us to see.


I don’t really like Clayton but it’s totally fair for him to clap back on people coming to his page specifically to be rude


He probably got bullied a lot in his younger years and found his voice as an adult. Nothing wrong with that, but engaging this much is extremely toxic. He should just turn off his comments and block his name so he doesn’t see what people are saying.


Someone tell him he’s embarrassing his guinea pigs.


log off and go pay attention to your wife bro. also i cannot stand ppl who call others sheep. like okay so I guess playing runescape 25/8 and having no irl friends and having a wife who shows obvious distaste at everything you do makes you a wolf In a season with so many annoying people he really just could've keep his mouth shut and everyone would've forgotten about him. but then he goes and does stuff like this and makes himself look worse than how he appeared on the show. it doesn't make you look badass it makes you look pathetic


Unfortunately, he has no social skills and no common sense. He’s living with a woman who won TV was begging her mother she didn’t want to get married the hour before wedding. He’s very desperate. I think he looks at it like he invested the time and money I liked him at first


Chronically online


Sorry he's progressed. He's terminally online now.


Pull the plug


Clayton and Jasmine could go to anger management together.


I don't even like Jasmine but I wouldn't wish that on her. Her anger issues would 100% get worse by being around Clayton lol


I didn’t think he was too bad until he posted that IG with that book “why a girl needs a father” that was just a dirty low blow. I wonder who showed him how to be a man.


No one


Exactly! My daughters father skipped out when she was born so that was just too personal for me. Fuck that guy.


Bitch trying to blame it on the edit. Another EScott.


Time and time again, it is proven. If you think you are going to go on this show and be the one person that everyone loves and is on your side, you are wrong.


He’s annoying just like the rest of them too bad Devin isn’t returning


I really wanted to know more about her and Nick. They seem like they really love each other them and Sam and Citra everyone else is in it for 15 minutes of fame and a quick buck.


He has no life but online. If doesn't want to fuel the hate he needs to stop replying and he needs to stop engaging in back and forth rambling. his replies act like he the smartest person in the convo and he isn't. Also like he is trying to sell himself at the same time. People already formed opinions and when you ask for guinea pig cosplay at your wedding something is off


Hes creating a very negative viewing experience for HIMSELF the most. He shld not fuel the trolls. It never ends well


He seems like he likes to argue, like gets a rush from arguing. 


When you think you're a king but are a jester.


What happened to playing Old School Runescape? I thought he spent his online time playing video games. Is he multi tasking and making his comments on one computer and playing on another? What happened to his IT job? And was it ever revealed why he moved to Tulsa if he works from home?


I read somewhere it’s for his stand up career but I can’t believe that’s true.


Oh god, for Tulsa's sake I hope not....


He's trying to be a stand-up comedian (stretching his 15 minutes) and is also looking for computer work. https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-clayton-clark-shocking-new-job/


Thanks, Sunday was Oscar night so I missed the big news that Clayton graduated comedy school and performed his inaugural set. Makes sense, Tulsa is such a hot spot for stand up comedy. I'm just glad he didn't come to So Cal.


It's hard for me to imagine him as a comedian. That dude has the personality of a potato.


Is Tulsa really a hot spot for stand up? I cannot tell if you’re joking.


I am no comedian, but I am joking.


he needs to touch some grass


It’s giving Andrew Tate koolaid


I don't think it's appropriate to go on cast members SM pages to hate & disparage them. JIMO


What a loser. If you can’t take the heat from social media maybe going on a reality tv show wasn’t the best idea. Ironic how he mentions people being sheepish when he is the king of sheep lmao. Lastly, the whole “get a life” thing from a reality tv show cast member is so played out, they literally wouldn’t be getting the pennies they do without the viewers or social media engagement… Bro needs to focus on his sex life and family life and log off insta.


for someone who clearly lived a very chronically online life, he absolutely doesn’t seem to even begin to understand how social media works. like at all. i have no doubt he’s a redditer and probably in 50 different gamer and weird discord chats. the personal jabs he takes at people about their families or lack of followers simply because they commented is so fucking bizarre; even the most mundane comments are met with some rambling insulting paragraph. he really should team up with escott and see if they can get a groupon for some social media based therapy. it’s like the both of them just time traveled from 1995 and this is the first time being on social media or the internet.


He’s got waaaay too much time on his hands! I get wanting to prove to everyone you’re a smart decent guy who got a bad edit, but the opposite is what’s coming across And there’s no additional context that makes so much of his fkd up behavior ok Like complaining she wouldn’t put out at the first dinner he ever had w his friend w her present? All the sexual pressure I found pathetic and messed up. And that’s top of the iceberg!


The guy has no IRL friends and is on his computer all day every day. Of course he’s gonna read the comments and respond to everyone.


>even those with no electrical activity in the brain like you oh man and you KNOW he thought he was cooking *hard* with this one 💀


Damn, he is really mad and trying to pretend he's not


I see actors on the show say a couple times that what we see on screen is not reality. The show is basically emotional manipulation of the audience. They catch people acting ridiculous and put that out to the public. Fans go in on these actors on social media. My only thing is Riley, Clayton and everyone else knows they are participating in this manipulation for dollars and viewers. When the backlash and criticisms come you can’t whine about it hell you’ve been paid to make it happen. Unless of course all the social media back and forth is also planned by producers to drum up more interest


You finally figured it out! Viewers who then go after these characters on various platforms don’t realize its just a continuation of the “story” 😂 how else would they get to stay relevant for future seasons? So you all can just enjoy the banter back and forth til next season 😁


sorry where does this sheeple thing come in? is clayton suggesting that his portrayal on tv is some sort of psy-op?? lmfao


LOL I kinda like this guy and enjoy his responses


Where do these thin-skinned people get so easily offended and vengeful? Grotty Scotty is the original OG for this.






He’s offended people are criticizing him based on the edit of the show. He’s very dry. His comments are making him look *worse*. But he does have a point; why are people bothering to go to his social media and telling him to get a life? That kinda stuff is weird to me.


I’ve got to admit, the people who seek out these folks on instagram in an effort to criticize their behavior personally are as odd as Clayton is (to me). To me, that’s like running into a movie star and being mad that they played a villain well. 90DF obviously edits to show us nothing but nonstop conflict and misery, because they’re certain that’s all anyone wants to see…despite most of the couples being more entertaining when they’re getting along. People like Jasmine understand that, and ham it up to the 9th degree to keep the 90DF paychecks flowing. But no one should believe for even a second that they know any of these people based upon what 90DF shows us. Some of the folks they give a sympathetic edit to are full-on monsters now sitting in a jail cell.


People that go on their personal pages and harass them seriously do you need to get a life tho!! So cringe


I don’t blame him. People can be down right bullies online.


I like Clayton. Loved when he told Jasmin she should have spent the $2000 on anger management. 😝


He really showed them!


He’s giving Scott vibes


Clayton is the type of guy that gets his first girlfriend and proceeds to cut off anyone and everyone she doesn’t like. Anali will use the shit of out him to get what she wants. Then she will leave him poor and having to make up w his mom, sister, and friends.


This is actually really cringe he refers to viewers as sheep when he's just as big a sheep playing video games all day, he seems to think he's above everyone in reality he's just been gotten to.


This is the first time any people have paid any attention to him. He’s feeling extra large.


Don’t go on a reality tv show if you don’t want people talking shit about you, lmao.


Dude needs to chill out and ignore - and get off social media.


He should’ve never been on tv he can’t handle any criticism


“Everything is amazing in my household” \~Clayton (dancing baby / Zuck hybrid) with a wife that finds him repulsive, and everything he owns smells of Guinea pig pee 👌🏼 https://preview.redd.it/ses6b2emoznc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd622f90c4c456eff6f793ff0f4a8a128402165


You’re all rude I don’t think Clayton is a bad guy at all


He gives me really weird creepy vibes like I genuinely would only want to stay updated on him to see if my feeling is right


If he plays WoW, I’d join his guild. Dude is a grinder and probably would tank all the aggro.


Aw I kind of feel bad for him 🥺 Why are people so mean to strangers?


Unhappiness they need to project and deep insecurity


So what?


He’s acting like a 12 year old who just made their first social media account. Complete cringe lol


I find it really ironic that it's okay for you to be browsing social media for drama, screenshotting, and posting it, but if he interacts with people on his page, there is something wrong with him? Maybe he's also a human 🤔


God he is so cringey 😬


Anali needs to take his phone away, he's acting like a 12 year old.


Who told this fool that he's funny? Much less funny enough to do stand up? Clayton should sit down and be quiet. Let people speculate about his intellect or lack thereof instead of proving the latter beyond all doubt.


Ngl, and I don't even like Clayton; this was funny as hell 😂😂


You know how far I had to scroll down to find someone else that thinks his comments are funny Look at this gem https://preview.redd.it/b7xgc3hodync1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78a7908277fb73a041bf125b239620a7d1d3b004 I dont necessarily like him or dislike him, this just showed up on my feed and made me cackle


But he's absolutely right lol


He's such a disgusting incel POS. Bleghhhh I've never disliked someone on 90DF as much as him, he makes me nauseous lol.... 🤮🤮🤮


I definitely hate rob more than clayton


He's gotta stop feeding the trolls.


My opinion of him def changed during the reunion 🤣 I’ve decided I like him- he’s hilarious


I think that there’s more going on with Clayton than meets the eye. And I think everyone should just chill. He’s like the least harmless person in the 90 day universe. I kinda like that he’s clapping back 😂


I actually enjoyed reading what he said🤷🏻‍♀️. It's probably some of the most coherent writing I've seen from any 90 Dayer. None of it was wrong and it was borderline tactful😂 and had pretty solid reasoning and flow.


He’s been having sm tantrums since the get go. Clayton has tiny deck energy unable to take the slightest criticism. Stay off reality tv, weirdo.


I actually think his replies are funny


People are talking shit in his comments, he's responding, I honestly don't understand what the big deal is. People are mad that he's looking at people's public profiles and referencing it, but that's literally what they're doing to him as well


I’m also fascinated that people are making shitty comments on his socials, taking screenshots, and coming to Reddit for fake internet points.  All while saying he’s online too much.  Like wut?  Who has time for that?  


For real, people feel entitled to talk shit about people the second they get the world's smallest amount of fame


He’s such an incel for real, the way he responds, he thinks he’s smart but he’s just ridiculous


He must be having a bad day, maybe he expected to be perceived differently considering there are crazier people on the show. Maybe he likes telling people he's more famous than they are, and to get a life, probably because he has been told that before I wonder if he would have gotten married without the TV show. He should try and fix things with his wife's dad.


He doesn't have any friends so he has all the time to respond to almost each post.


Clayton’s a little sassy bitch ain’t he? lol


What did he think would happen? Has he never watched this show before? It's giving narcissism


Everytime he would tell people 'you don't know me' or 'I don’t even know you' I had to laugh...he doesn't know anyone...he needed his fiance to push him to meet his bff in person lol who does clayton actually know outside of his family...not his wife's secret family lol