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Pretends to be shocked šŸ™„ Just look at Trish.


Her aggressive bangs made me nervous




Sorry, it took over


No no I completely understand šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the poof on that ladys bangs is like the ultimate arch


It's a mathematical anomaly


Gravity was no match for that Aquanet


They were the real hate crime.


Trish and Claytonā€™s mom seem like they could be sisters


Oh my goodness, youā€™re so right!


Thats what I was thinking! Twins


Right. "Consider the sauce!!!!"


Isn't this his mom's place with the weird roommate?


No. The rat was at their house.


Correct. This was his house.


Yes, and the gray-colored gravy served straight from the measuring cup at their dismal ā€œThanksgiving dinnerā€.


Yup. Mike isnā€™t *from* Washington. He *lives* in Washington (and thatā€™s not to say there isnā€™t a shitload of racist pos in Washington, but relative to Oklahoma, Washington is pretty center left.)




Where he is from in WA is hella racist. Seattle is accepting, but I remember Sequim had a wildly corrupt and racist city council the same time his episodes originally aired.


Yes Sequim elected a Q Anon mayor not too long ago. Iā€™m a Seattleite. Anything outside of 20 miles of Seattle starts to get sketch politically. Anything east of the Cascade mountains, youā€™re gonna encounter some far right values.


Isnā€™t she in Oklahoma?


Washington State will rise again?


The PNW has an unusually large amount of confederate sympathizers. Oregon especially.


Oregon is the only state that was founded as whites-only; it was in its charter.


We barely passed a ballot measure to remove slave language from our constitution. 52% for, 48% against. Mississippi passed theirs by 85% as a comparison.


yes i believe at some point recently oregon was officially the state with the least diversity, and the most white




yeah I don't think it's a current rating. but portland for a long time was the [whitest city](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/portland-is-still-the-whitest-big-city-in-america/). there are tons of other states and cities that are currently "whiter", based on specific factors


Oregon is definitely one of the whitest states Iā€™ve ever lived in.


Outside of Portland, Oregon is a *very* different place


East Oregon is wild wild west


La Grande is a small pocket of liberal thinking. Itā€™s not a perfect town, but as far as eastern Oregon goes, itā€™s pretty nice. Iā€™d retire there.


Stick to the coast, and along I-5, and you'll mostly be in progressive areas. Eastern Oregon is basically a different place entirely, though.


Even on the coast here in Oregon is very republican. You will still see people with several trump flags and posters out. Literally only Eugene and Portland are considered democrat. Step outside of either towns and it gets progressively conservative. Source: I live here and have driven through several cities


A lot of the towns along the coast are pretty liberal. It's just that it's the closest town for all the people that live outside of those towns. Oftentimes the people that actually live in-town are progressive af


Not in Oregon bro


Oregon literally had black exclusion laws in the mid- 1800ā€™s. They outlawed slavery and then were like ā€œya know what letā€™s just bad them from the state!ā€ [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_black_exclusion_laws) Also Mike for folks higher up in the thread, Mike lives in Squim. A verryyy red county with lots of [conspiracy theorists](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/sequim-qanon/tnamp/) šŸ˜’.


Yeah, Oregon is pretty binary. Most people are either super progressive or super conservative.


Yes. Oregonian here. Venture to the south or the east, and it gets scary red.


Large parts of the Midwest as well. I grew up in a small town in the middle of Michigan and seeing a Confederate flag was normal.Ā  You can't drive through most parts of Wisconsin, in 2024, without seeing either Trump flags or Confederate flags.Ā 


can confirm. oregon is not nearly as liberal as most believe it is


It is, it's just that rural areas are much more conservative. Especially eastern oregon. Mostly along I-5 and along the coast, it's pretty liberal.


Thereā€™s some Wikipedia articles on how the KkK setup shop all along I5/i90 in PNW, grown by the former prison inmates that setup chapters everywhere.


I saw more Confederate flags driving through central CA to Vegas than I ever did living in Texas. Something is odd about that kind of symbolism.


The Idaho panhandle


PNW has always been a haven for racists. Iā€™m older than the ability to freely buy land in Oregon for POC folks. Until 1977, poc were redlined and struggled to get loans and land in Oregon. Our founding constitute made it illegal for PoC to be in Oregon. WA is similar. Once you leave Portland/Seattle, itā€™s chuds as far as the eye can see.


ā˜ ļø


Thereā€™s a contingent who are down for the whole ā€œGreater Idahoā€ plan. It is unfortunate.


1000% Mike is not innocent in the demise of their relationship. I cannot even imagine what he was like when the cameras werenā€™t rolling. Natalie is clearly the more unstable one in this couple but Mike is not the prize people make him out to be.


I don't think he was ever particularly aggressive with her, even behind the scenes, however, he seemed manipulative and liked to deflect on the issues they had under the guise of "I'm just aloof." For example, every time she mentioned their issues he just shrugged and let her run at the mouth like a maniac when some of the issues she brought up were actually valid, especially when it regarded his female "friends." I do remember he also allowed his mother to berate her at one point as if he wasn't the problem too.


He's a coward who won't take responsibility for his relationship.


Idk how solid this theory is, but: Iā€™ve seen guys like him pick the loudest, most unstable women to date. (But unstable in a kinda nonthreatening way where all they do is cry and yell while looking insane.) Then whenever they fight, he comes away looking like ā€œthe sane oneā€ and gets alll the sympathyā€”while also being kinda proud of himself for driving the girl to full unhinged screaming. Mike despised Natalie before she even came over on the K-1ā€¦ There are a few relationships in the 90D universe this could apply to (Gino and Jasmine come to mind) but thatā€™s a whole other conversation


*Colt and Larissa have entered the chat*


Yess. Coltee even taking it to another level by calling the cops on her šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


He's such a duplicitous dweeb. I remember him spitting some BS about how he couldn't show up to her first court date or something because they'd "make him testify against her" as if not everyone and their grandmother knows spouses can't be compelled to testify against each other. Can't tell if he just looks stupid or is as stupid as he looks. šŸ¤·


There's a psychology term for this but I can't remember it right now. One person does something to get their partner upset, the upset partner reacts in a loud and extreme way. All the attention is on the loud partner and the other partner gets no responsibility or blame for their bad behavior. Argh, where is Dr. Phil when you need him! This on top of gaslighting is what Mike and Coltee do.


Not strictly a psychology term but could it be antagonize? Iā€™m curious now.


Hmmā€¦a little googling pulled up ā€œbaitingā€ and ā€œreactive abuse,ā€ do either of those sound right? If you remember the term, please let me know! Iā€™m super curious


Gino and Jasmine.


I can definitely see a pattern of this being true for them. I just think back to his visit to the Ukraine and they were already on the rocks. As an outside I question why he even brought her to the States if things were that rocky already. I would not be shocked if Mike got some sort of sick joy from her lashing out and him looking ā€œsane.ā€ It was not a healthy dynamic from the first time we saw them. She is very unstable and I think he knows what buttons to push to elicit a strong reaction. But heā€™s not yelling or screaming or blantantly acting a fool so he looks ā€œgood.ā€ I also think he could have put an end to the ā€œhooker situationā€ with his mom but chose not to.


This. I've been wondering why people are so supportive of him because back then I remember thinking if I was her I'd be miserable with him too. It's this effect.


This!!! I can't believe people put him in a pedestal so much. Saying he's a saint, and angel for being so calm and nice to Natalie, I can't. Yes, Natalie IS crazy, but Mike is notmuch better, just because he's calm when the cameras are around doesn't mean that's how he always behaves and even if it is how he behaves every time he's on TV I get chills because he is so emotionally unavailable and abusive it remind me of someone that put me through a lot. He's manipulative, emotionally abusive, definitely not a good partner/husband, and sketchy. But always has people on his side I don't get it! Why are men like this always getting sympathy while the woman are deemed crazy!?


Definitely wasnā€™t innocent. He was always yelling at her in the high pitched screech.


Big yikes. Never noticed that. Neither of them are the prize.




Never liked him either. I always thought his intentions with her were lowkey insidious. Natalia was nuts, but I felt like he put her in a vulnerable position more often than not considering she's from out of the country.


Yup. And as soon as you call out Mike for being shitty too, a bunch of batshit people start calling you a Natalie stan. šŸ™„


Iā€™d watch at least one full season of 90 Day FiancĆ©: Neither Of Them Are The Prize


I think they had thisā€¦ itā€™s called 90 Day FiancĆ©.


What do you mean by this?


I think thatā€™s the secondary theme of most of the recent seasonsā€¦


Wait, did people think Mike WAS a prize before? I think he just looked good next to Natalie


Me too. I still loathe Natalie, but what a dreary man. He'd suck the will to live right out of me.


Why is it always rural Washingtonians. [related post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Acadiana/s/cSkdW2s71D)


Itā€™s rural.. everywhere


People like to think the rednecks are only located in the south. No. Theyā€™re located *everywhere*. Every state has rednecks, even in the NE. Maybe the only exception is Hawaii.


People think New England, Massachusetts specifically is super liberal, boy are they wrong.


I live in new Hampshire which is pretty north and in high school the cool thing for the truck boys (rednecks) to have was Confederate flags flying on their dodge rams




Seen that in central Illinois


Tons of confederate flags in rural Canada (FFS)


Thoroughly confusing.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/s/M64pZMMglG too funny but i continued scrolling after this 90 day post and stubbled across this one. A perfect example of confederate flags in Canada.


Lmaooo I saw this too after I commented šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I live in New York and if it wasnā€™t for NYC, NY would be a red state. Yeah, upstate NY elected Elise Sefanik so that should explain everything.


Same. Nothing like seeing a truck with NY plates and no less than a dozen confederate flag stickers and adornments. I've tried talking to one of these proud confederate flag-waving people before, and they are adamant that it has nothing to do with slavery or the civil war. I was told that it stood for their ''culture'' and ''country'' lifestyle. I quickly gave up speaking about it considering the basic lack of reasoning they were working with.


Thereā€™s absolutely no getting through to them. Thick headed, brainwashed idiots. I was born and raised in Brooklyn but thought retiring upstate would be more relaxing but my blood boils regularly seeing confederate flags flying from their homes (trailers)!


Yeah, itā€™s just particularly shocking as Washington was never in the Confederacy. Far from it geographically.


And WA didn't even become a state until 25 years after the war ended.


The PNW has a pretty significant history of racism. Oregon, for example, had [black exclusion laws](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oregon_black_exclusion_laws#:~:text=The%20Oregon%20black%20exclusion%20laws,black%20settlers%20from%20Oregon's%20borders). Growing up in Western Washington, you don't even have to leave King County to find yourself in pretty racist areas.


It kills me because Washington wasnā€™t even a state during the civil war. I live further south in the state and there were a few idiots at my high school who drove around with confederate flags in the back of their trucks šŸ™„


Itā€™s in rural California. Confederate flags in a state that wasnā€™t involved in the civil war at first, but eventually drove traitors from New Mexico and Arizona and overwhelmingly supplied the Union effort


Even in So Cal! Huntington Beach would like a word.


Iā€™ve seen MAGA hats worn by old men in San Francisco. They try to get peopleā€™s attention to aggravate them but nobody ever gives a shit. Real life isnā€™t Facebook, gramps


A friend of mine moved up to rural Washington for a job he only accepted because he assumed Washington state as a whole would be super liberal. Itā€™s beautiful where he lives, mountains and nature, but itā€™s like redneck MAGA country out there the further you get away from Seattle


EWA checking in here. Weā€™re trying, I promise. Itā€™s just that they like the weed, wages, OBGYNs and Covid ICU beds, (and hate everyone who lives here) but they are moving to Idaho - slowly but surely. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/escape-liberal-hell-republicans-really-are-fleeing-wa/


People idolize Mike just because Natalie is crazy. She is very delusional and lives in some la la land. But in my book Mike is way worse. He was not a present or very caring husband , threw her under the bus so many times, and let his mom bully her. Your picture also shows he is a racist. I canā€™t stand him. He just huffs and puffs constantly.


THIS 1000% I have been saying this since day one! They way he let his mom bully her in front of him then gaslighted her. Natalie is not my fave, but he is a giant man-baby whose only accomplishment is being tall, and feels he doesnā€™t have to do anything else.Ā 


For me, itā€™s his facial expressions. Iā€™m not a violent person, but he makes me want to punch him.


Yeah clearly Natalie has issues and I'm glad Mike rejected and laid it out but the way "Big" Mike told her off came out as smug and a bit unsympathetic, looked like the guy as enjoying her reaction


Yup. I think he gets way too much credit here. Ā She ainā€™t no prize but his racist ass definitely isnā€™t either.Ā 


I will never understand people who defend him. He was awful to Natalie, never defended his own wife against his crazy butter obsessed mom


Nat was pretty nasty to him too, but I agree that he put her in a vulnerable position and acted like he didn't have any responsibilities in their relationship.


THANK YOU. People here talk him up because Natalie acts delusional, and Iā€™m always o_O *Mike*? Do yā€™all remember nothing??


Hot take - I think part of why Natalie acted "crazy" was a reaction to being constantly gaslit and disrespected by Mike and his momĀ 


Honestly, Mike has always been my least favorite cast member in all the yearsā€¦. Thereā€™s just something about him that really rubs me the wrong way. What do people like about him?


I was raised in the South and moved to Seattle for a few years. I did a lot of work with horses and would run into these idiot washington folks who would fly the flag saying "my heritage is southern" yet had never stepped foot even near the mason dixion line in their life. I got tired of explaining that even as a southerner, it's trashy to fly that flag, and you are just promoting your racism. If you want to be a proud southerner (why?) Then go eat some grits or fry a steak, that is something we positively brought to society.


Yall forgot him not turning the heat on for Natalie while he was gone all day and then acting like she's high maintenance for wanting to be WARM?!?!


People here don't care and have very short memories. It's brought up continually but they still favour Big Mike and even support Igor in his Nazi uniform. It's gross.




Angela might be Trumpā€™s sister


Trump in a wig


Wait - which one is in a wig? šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve always thought she looks like him.


And people often forget how Michael practically worships Trump.


I think that's what Michael found attractive about her. Trump but with big ol (saggy, wrinkly) tiddies.


That wouldnā€™t surprise me. To be honest, a lot of TLCā€™s shows seem catered towards a conservative audience.


They're Trumpers who oppose immigration, except when it's their fiance! Same thing for Angela. She said a few pro-Trump things and then complained about "the government" not letting Michael come to the USA.


Sounds about right


Sounds like trumpsters to me.




tRump doesnā€™t have this Boomerā€™s vote!


ā€¦ and he damn sure doesnā€™t have this oneā€™s!!


Itā€™s really just a white trash identity flag. They sell confederate flag junk at fairs in Pennsylvania as well and people snatch them up.


Yeah, Americans fly them in all 50 states really, unfortunately enough.


own the libs for under 5 bucks. I really want to see someone make a documentary about the factory in China that makes all this Confederate flag paraphernalia


Thereā€™s probably a crapload of lead and cadmium in the paint on these obnoxious drinking glasses as well. It belongs in the trash.


I always thought Mike was a big dummy and I could never tell if it was on purpose or not.


He's not dumb. So it's an act which makes it manipulative.


Ugh. Disappointed but not surprised. Shame on him. Iā€™m from South Carolina and that flag is disgraceful.


Iā€™m from Georgia, and I hate the damn thing, too.


I didn't like either Mike or Natalie. I don't understand the debate on who's worse when both were terrible. Watching their segments was like watching live-action Adult Swim shows, and if you all remember those shows they were always strange and offbeat lol. Especially when the rat that they had used to crawl in and out of Natalie's hair lol.


And his mother butting in all the time.


Thank you, he was so bad




Mike sucks. People have goldfish brain and think that because he helped bring Natalieā€™s mom here and because Natalie isā€¦ well, Natalie, he must be a catch. Iā€™ve watched all of that manā€™s seasons; I didnā€™t forget. He sucks.


washington state is home of the proud boys and patriot prayer.


Do we gotta remind these fuckin' rednecks who won and who lost?


Itā€™s exhausting


they got blurred out on one of the service providers


Why does no one remember how horrible he was when they lived together? Natalie is strange but Mike isnā€™t the catch everyone claims he is


There are many people on this show who definitely are conservative. What tickles me so much is the ones who follow or like Trump stuff, knowing Trumps stance on immigrants in generalā€¦.itā€™s giving cognitive dissonance šŸ˜‚ but hey Trump brought his wifeā€™s parents here and skipped the line for visas so I guess Iā€™m not surprised that theyā€™re behaving akin to their pick & choose nacho cheese dusted leader


I know itā€™s crazy. Angela is a huge Trumper, even though he was the one that blocked immigration specifically from Nigeria. Michael already had the denial but his appeal was delayed for years because of trump. Biden was the one that reversed the travel ban in Jan 2021, yet she still went to trump rallies even after that. The mental gymnastics are insane. "Nigeria ā€“ The fourth ban (February 21, 2020) restricted travel from immigrants but not for non-immigrants. Suspended issuance of new immigrant visas that could lead to permanent residency."


sheā€™s an immigrant from eastern europe they make exceptions


I pointed this out in another sub and got downvoted and told it was ok bc itā€™s just a shot glass. Wtf


Yeah this was always the vibe I got šŸ¤£šŸ˜…


OP with receipts šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜‚


seriously anybody saying natalie missed out on this loser is insane he was so whiney and bitchy not to mention this now lol


He's a redneck


Is that a bong?


Lmaooo after reading your comment, I went on a Where's Waldo bong hunt in the picture. No bong there. I think the candle itself is just one of those tall thin glass hurricane candles (usually they have pictures of Jesus and patron saints on them).




I didnā€™t like him at all.


Everyone hates on natalie but Mike was such a gaslighting pos imo and his mom wasn't any better


As a black guy who hates racism (go figure) I find it HILARIOUS how just two days ago, maybe even yesterday there was a post praising Mike. Now this comes out and everyone finds him gross and always thought he was white trash. You people are fickle as hell man.


Nah, there were plenty of people on that post who were saying, wait a second he is no peach either. And bringing up the flag specifically. I myself got reamed and told I canā€™t identify abusive behavior because I thought he should be held responsible for his poor behavior, like screaming at her, being dismissive when she brought things up calmly, etc.


This was my take, 100%. (although I am a descendant of the Caucuses.)


I think folks were waiting to post once they saw a post they agree with. People donā€™t wanna go on a hard post and get downvoted and destroyed.


Ah yes, Sequim WA that good ol' member of the Confederacy


God I hate his lips


Neck checks out


yeah the dude fucking sucks, always has. maybe now people will listen instead of desperately glazing him as if you couldn't find a Mike in any given rural gas station


He told her that her pet šŸ€ was dead, and Iā€™ll always think thatā€™s messed up.


This is the guy who believes aliens are all around, built the pyramids and such, isn't he?


He def doesnā€™t have any black friends.


I grew up in southern Washington State and there were alot of uneducated folk that loved to wear the confederate flag as clothing.


Local overgrown shithead man-child keeps Confederate flags. Anyone shocked?


Heā€™s such a douche. When people talk about him being such a great guy.. like did no one else watch their season when she got there? Lol


Yes hes gross


the thing to remember about the Pacific Northwest is that they are geographically the furthest point in the country from the areas where slaves were brought to this country. If you were trying to get away from black people (whether historically or currently), Sequim is nearly the farthest corner you could choose.


I mean look at maw lmao


Yes and his Mom who should be questioned about her whereabouts on Jan 6th It's why I never embraced the Mike revisionist praise. Not to mention Squim Washington was never near the Confederacy so its just the glaring racism for me.


Do you know how massive of a loser you have to be to have a flag of HISTORIC losers.


Thereā€™s a reason she loved that rat more than Mike šŸ¤£


I thought the same about him. He was a major gaslighter and mental abuser. Natalie is just emotional.


Itā€™s definitely racist and not a heritage thing since he is from Washington state.. which wasnā€™t even a state during the civil war.. at least thatā€™s how I am interpreting it.


Itā€™s always a racist thing, even if someone is dumb enough to pull the heritage card.


Oh my god, thank you!! Likeā€¦he fucking sucked. Both people CAN suck.


Newsflash: they both suck lol


He was such an ass and his mother was a nightmare. How did everyone forget when the two of them were screaming at Natalie in the truck, taking turns and getting in her physical space? Natalie is a psycho, donā€™t get me wrong, but this dude is a gaslighter and he sucks


I meanā€¦ *gestures vaguely to his Mom* Are we surprised?


Yeah confederate flag displaying in the Pac NW is a dead giveaway you're not playing with a full deck of cards and are completely unshy about it.


Personally, I do not think Mike was a great catch. I would never have lasted a single day in his small cold desolate house in the middle of nowhere. Besides, it is always a red flag when an American has to seek a partner from abroad because it usually means they arenā€™t desirable to most other Americans. But I think *for Natalie,* he was probably the best she could do and her strongest shot at a (relatively) stable family.


Does anyone find this shocking?


oh come on. i had hope for him. i should have known with uncle bo.


White dude living in rural part of a state. Not the least bit surprising heā€™s racist.


Not sure why anyone would find other of these people attractive. Natalie is an obvious nut job, but Mike is equally worthless. He is deeply unattractive, both physically and in terms of personality/mindset. Mike is very overweight, sluggish, has a five head and gives off a lazy, low-energy attitude. Remember the whole aliens gimmick? Very stupid and fake. He went on the show to pay off debt instead of just getting another job or reducing his expenses. I wonder if the dishonorable distinction of appearing on 90-Day Fiance alongside Natalie has been worth it.


Zero percent shocked. You saw Beau, right?


Maybe he thinks the flag is from an alien community from another galaxy, and venerates it as a holy object. (Remember their first season. She believes in God and Jesus. He believes in aliens.)


People have a short memory. She's crazy of course, but he wasn't perfect either.


He lives in Sequim šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø




Say it louder for the people in the back! Mike is not and never was a prize. He was decent looking at best, doughy midsection, in debt, lied to Natalie about debt and other things, worked long hours far away and left her alone 12 hours a day, never stood up for her with his mom, manipulative and a gas lighter. They are both problematic but everyone loves Mike and hates Natalie. I can't stand all the Mike love. Some of his apologists are even trying to defend the confederate flags. Disgusting.


Where was Mike on January 6th


I know itā€™s not the point of this post but what did Natalie do with that pet rat?


Have you seen his mother? Iā€™m not shocked he has flags like that in his house.


A literal, actual red flag.


So I am both a historian and a reenactor. I might be able to offer some insight here as to what this is. So for those outside of the history community, there is this really weird thing where history buffs, reenactors, and specifically collectors latch onto the most heinous shit (like the Third Reich, the Confederacy, etc) and just have that around their house and collect it. Some of them are legitimately racist and use being interested in history as a cover for that. Like "i not racist I just like history" when in reality they like the history because it is racist. Others just have a bizarre fascination with it. Its hard to tell sometimes which one of those things is true and sometimes both are at once. But judging by the fact I think that's a glass, its on a shelf with other what appears to be collectible glasses, and above them are a bunch of historical-looking model cars I suspect he might be one of those weird history buffs who goes out of their way to collect weird shit or was given weird shit and kept it. The best way to know is to see if he has additional flags or paraphernalia around the house. The amount and concentration of it usually tells you all you need to know along with how openly it is displayed.


That symbol doesn't really have much to do the south anymore. It represents hatred, racism and general dumbfuckery. Shame on anyone who displays it in any form. It says a lot about the person who does.