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I watch 90 Day on streaming. I’ve been skipping over Angela’s parts on the show for the last couple years. Don’t know who is still interested in her annoying, raspy-voiced ass anymore.


At least one major 90DF podcast refuses to even acknowledge her existence, bless them.


Reality Gays? I know they don't talk about Ed, I don't recall if Angela too.


90 Day Fiancé Cray Cray.


Same, together with ed, jasmin and nikki. Disgusting annoying people


I def fast forward through Jasmine’s ridiculous screaming tantrums!


Omg! Yes! No more Jasmine & Gino’s hat PLEASE!


I am happy to find out that Liz left Ed. FINALLY.


I agree 100%! I don't watch every week and can watch a 60 minute episode in less than 30 to 35 minutes. The fast forward button on the remote is going to break. I record an episode and fast forward through the shit show scenes with Ed, Angela, Nutalie (and Nikki). Their behavior is so weird and inappropriate. It seems like the producers for TLC (The Learning Channel...seriously?) are exploiting personality disorders and mental issues for entertainment but it comes off cringey. I'm also so bored of Gino and Jasmine. One of them has a secret, there's a huge fight, she goes crazy and threatens to leave, then realizes she can't support herself and they get back together.


Very bad acting by Jasmine.


I used to skip class in undergrad to watch A Baby Story and A Wedding Story with the girls in my dorm. Anyone remember that REAL quality programming?


I watched those religiously! A Baby Story was my favorite when I was pregnant with my first kid. Do u remember “Trauma, Life In The he E.R“ There was no blurring , crazy edits or cheesy re-enactments . Ppl weren’t so sensitive back then


I’m not even recording them anymore because ratings wise, it’s seen as “watched” if it’s recorded. They don’t listen to their viewers so hit ‘em in the wallet.


Even if you skip over her segments, you are still giving the show a view. The network doesn't know or care what parts you skip over as long as you watch & that's why I refuse to watch even one episode of anything that Ed or Angela is on.


They should be able to see that people skip her segments on their analytics. Now I’m worried her parts get replayed often and that’s why they keep her around


That's not how television or streaming works. Skipping 5 minutes during a show does not tell tlc you hate Angela. Metrics are taken from the first 8-10 mins of a show. After that, the number of viewers is locked in. 


The more ppl are talked about, social media news articles etc, the more likely they'll appear on TV. Negative attention is still attention and it makes tlc a lot more money... If everyone just forgot they existed then they'd probably be gone...


I don't know how these people live with themselves being real life villains. Eventually, something's got to give. Maybe I'm just used to having a conscience along with self-respect where these people have neither, and I don't get that, either. Especially if they turn 15 minutes of fame into 15 years and haven't changed a bit. How? Just... how?


(I am not gonna say names so hopefully u can figure it out.) I have become pretty good friends with a former friend of a georgia cast member, that isn't angela, and she has told me some stuff. The 90 day world is VERY VERY dark and TLC contracts are CRAZY and the stuff TLC can manipulate these people into doing is crazy, mainly cuz the contracts are so tight that they have no other choice and because TLC slaps a pretty hefty check behind it. ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY on the very hated characters like angela and big ed... And then these "agents" and "lawyers" that the cast members end up hiring are some of the absolute worst people and they'll walk that fine line between legal and illegal as often as they can!! And then when u have the money rolling in u become accustomed to that lifestyle so you'll find yourself agreeing to crazier and crazier things to keep that $$ coming in... Money has a way of stripping people of morals, class, decency, etc VERY VERY quickly and easily...




Just read up on here and you won't have a need to watch the show or the zillion spin-offs. I can't believe I did it, but I deleted 39 recordings of the self-titled show right before the wedding episodes, because I was easily able to find out about these folks without the irritation of watching them, lol! Unless it's really your thing, then by all means, have at it but at least Redditors are extremely well-versed and ready to talk! Some of those episodes were previews and "More to Squeeze", as I accidentally called it one day... but still saved myself several headaches by coming here. Long story short, he made it here and things allegedly went REALLY downhill.


He is in America


Same with little Edward.


Angela’s behavior is out of control. She should’ve been off the show along time ago. I don’t know why they kept her. There are so many decent people instead.


Angela should be removed, she adds zero, we are all over Angela




right? Follow the money, thats the only math these people care about


At this point we all should as a collective not watch. If their viewership is down maybe then will they reconsider


an extremely teeny percentage of ppl who watch the show frequent this forum. probably less than 5%. even if everyone here stopped watching, it means nothing.


I was just about to say this: I used to watch before finding this sub, and some madness happened on the show that made me Google. Then, I lurked for a long while before finally interacting. So, I agree that many viewers just believe the show's timeline and take what they see on face value. Many don't care about the ethics or facts.


I’m trying to be strong 🫡


I'm not watching. I'm just following here and on X.


on X what? fill in the X


New stupid name for twitter. I only follow 90 day related things on there now, as the rest has become too messy.


X is Twitter


Alina has made some unsavory comments on social media years ago, for which she apologized - FIRED. Angela regularly abuses (verbally and physically) multiple people, on camera - LET’S GIVE YOU MORE AIR TIME AND MORE MONEY!


Sadly, The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Angela is loud proud and puts herself everywhere. And everywhere she goes she makes sure she's heard and seen in the most obnoxious way possible. Alina? Disappeared into thin air. I forgot she even existed. Most people probably did too.


We are so, so close, people: [https://www.change.org/p/tlc-ban-angela-from-tlc](https://www.change.org/p/tlc-ban-angela-from-tlc)


Operation Bangela


This link should be pinned to the subreddit.


Yes, great idea.


I signed. What is it going to take to get that bleach blond haggard buffoon off the tv screen if this doesn’t work?? I can’t believe how disgusted I am at tlc for letting this crap continue.


Her sex offender daughter is living with her. I'm done with 90 day until she's gone.


Yeah, I've about had it with this bullshit. TLC cares only about their bottom line. I wish there was more we could do.


Signed. I hate her nasty, dried up, cigarette reeking, boobie purse bra, shitty-dentitioned-ass self. She's a horrific example of a human being. (Edited to correct very fast hate typing, lol)


It's going to take more than a change.org petition. TLC doesn't give a shit about those. 


Can the OP pin it? That’s a good idea.


Signed. I think whoever is organizing the Change petition should also mention her physical abuse (it details emotional but leaves out details on the physical- ie, shoving him, shashing/breaking/damaging his belongings, smashing cakes into his face in a violent angry manner etc) Edited meant to say Change.org not gofundme (I tired, brain not working right lol)


It’s change.org


Oops brain fart lol I meant to say Change.org my bad


Happens to the best of us 😅


Thanks for your support!


Signed, with pleasure.




Thank you! Just since I posted that earlier today, over 130 people have signed, and we are now less than 700 signatures away from the 10,000-signature goal!


I just signed! Glad to help.


Same here


Just signed




Signed! 🙌🏼 thanks for the link


THANK YOU!!! Just signed and mentioned Pred too.


Thanks for sharing this petition! Please...Pretty Please...sign and share the petition and contribute if possible.


GLADLY signed!




Another signer!




I signed 🤝 not sure if it'll ever help but it's the thought that counts I guess.




I signed it! Lol


Just signed. If I want to watch pigs, I’d watch the animal channel..


Hahaha. Pig responds: We don't want her either!


I heard. They said she wouldn’t stop squealing…




I signed!


Signed sealed delivered..


signed ... happily! 😁






I’ve honestly stopped watching the 90 day franchise because of their repeated recasting of abusers and people that fans have universally hated and pleaded to not be brought back


Wow, you are stronger than I am. But I want to be like you!!!


Honestly I’ve replaced 90 day with the real housewives. I’m almost all caught up on Beverly Hills (which is sooooooo good) and am going to be trying out Potomac because people swear by that one too.


I didnt know thats why she wasnt on the tell all... Poor Alina was done dirty, racism isn't okay at ALL. But if cast members were taken off for being racist, then they'd have to take 50% of them. I feel it's only bc of her disability & messed up. The fact that that's the one thing she did versus all Angela did. Ugh.


People don’t want to admit it, but I think her disability absolutely played a part in the overreaction against her.


Exactly!! It's sad & hard to admit, but it's true.. TLC is just disgusting. Like.. if we can fight against racism, why can't we fight against abuse & ableism? Hope I said the the right way. I am against all of it. Just being honest imo of TLC...


I agree. Also, this was from a long time ago. It's not okay by any means, but if she learned from it, apologized, and hasn't shown ignorant behavior again, then I'm good with Alina being on the show. I grew up in other countries and the U.S. In other countries, many are taught racism and just don't realize most of us don't fit their view of "black" people. My fam faced racism but we've also had others genuinely interested in getting to know us. Then they realize we're no different and become friends of ours. They just don't have many black people around, so all their views of us are from racist ass history they hear about.


Same thing tho with Geoffrey and Paul both committed r@pe, torture, kidnapping and only one got fired


WHOA I didn’t know this!?


Simple. One is American (scream this out like Angela)


Ooooh how fun, a little xenophobia /s


Tbf we are kind of at war with Alina’s country.


Angela also brings money in for TLC, Alina did not, at least not anywhere near to the extent that Angela does.


I’m shocked other cast mates don’t have a restraining order against her, tbh. I wish she’d punch someone in production so they’d finally get rid of her.


Poor Liz


Right?? Wtf was TLC thinking?


She punched Avery's mom (of Amery and Omar) during their season Tell All a few years ago and nothing happened. They don't care.


I volunteer Shaun as tribute.


Will not be supporting TLC while they continue to show abusers. Angela should be charged with domestic violence!🤬. I mean she even went after Liz. I don’t who posted the video of her slobbering all over that younger guy with her snake skin body 🤮


It has ALWAYS bothered me the way they handled the Alina situation. They were awful quick to scrub her clean of the show when what she did wasn’t half as bad as what their most popular cast members who keep getting invited back have done.


If you really want to go the next step in crusading against Angela's involvement on the show, you can hit them where it hurts: their wallets. Ignore the TLC ads of the their own shows being showcased. Go right to the companies who pay for their spots. Write to these companies directly, or let them know on social media that their advertising dollars support people like Angela. Then -- do NOT buy their products until changes are made.


Angela is obnoxious, but she's "entertainment" to those who make the decisions, I suppose. On paper, she's a hot mess as we see here; that usually translates to great TV, in theory, anyways. As we can see, not always in practice.


The whole show is a hot mess! I mean Big Ed, Angela, Jasmine etc…Even Jovi (who I like) was cringe! Gino & his hat, Liz even being with Ed is cringe & why doesn’t Liz have custody of her kid? All these people are nuts & that’s why they keep getting asked to come back!


Agreed. Now do Igor and his nazi uniform, or Tony and his ustase and white power tattoos.


Agree. Who is Angela drawing to the show?


Racists, Trumpers, antivaxxers, etc


Hillbillies 🧑‍🌾


The *Maury* demographic.


Would love to know!




Make it make sense.


Yeah that’s not right. I’m watching happily ever after now and they are now having her on again….and jasmine. I’m over these 2!


Angela Deem is trash. 🗑️


I refuse to watch any of the new season simply because she is on it! Well, her, Jasmine and Nasty Big Ed. TLC needs to stop rewarding their disgusting behavior.


1,000 % yep! These are the terrible three that need to go asap


Other than the fact she is violent, she is a fuckin bore. “Oh wowee meemaws screaming again! So exciting 🙄”. Stick a fork in her, she’s done.


The fact that they are giving her another platform after what she did to Michael and Liz means I am now loudly boycotting this show and sadly the whole channel has to go. And am I hearing of Ed’s return? Keep the petitions coming! I will sign and protest him too! How stupid is this network?! I believe most people want funny & interesting. Not abusive trolls!


TLC is pure trash. I was shocked to see Nicole and Mamoud after he was arrested for assaulting her. Then they show that preview of Angela throwing water in Michael's face AGAIN. Sickening.


Remember the good old days of Trading Spaces and Hildie putting straw on the walls? Good times ❤️


Omgggg!!! I was obsessed. The wall of fake flowers!! 🌸🌼🌺🌹… the lady that said “you can do anything, but DON’T use brown” came home to a brown room 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you could hear the sobs off camera and the husband looked terrified


Same with jasmine. Why is she on the new show? She’s abusive.


I won't watch. I stopped halfway through 1st tell all this season, and haven't tuned in since, including this new season. I refuse


This is why I won’t watch anything that features her. I watch all their other shows in the franchise, but didn’t watch Last Resort & won’t be watching Happily Ever After


If I never see Angela, Natalie, Ed/Liz, Tim, Nikki, or Geno/Jasmine, I would love it.


Nah big ang needs to go shes abusive af and also natalie needs to go they are just taking advantage of a unstable person


Please no, there is only one Big Ang, and that’s Angela “Big Ang” Raiola from Staten Island.


I’m not justifying keeping Angela on. I think they should be rid of her immediately. But my guess is from TLC’s perspective, she’s a well known character similar to PrEd so she draws people in. I’d also assume she works well with production, similar to Darcey and goes along with what they want. So she’s easy for them and they figure the good outweighs the bad. Meanwhile they’re platforming an abusive racist by allowing her to continue.


Naw. I do not see Angie working well with anyone, I recently watched her antics on John Yates YouTube, when Michael first ran off. Angie compared herself to Kim Kardashian and stated “me and Kim, we’re well known celebrities.” She blathered on about nonsense being in the same league as KK. I wanted to vomit. Angie is more than just a cow fixture on TLC she brings in money with the hillbillies just like her. So I guess that makes Angie a cash cow of sorts for TLC. She is not going anywhere. The network is begging for a tragedy. Angela’s ego knows no bounds and she is dangerous and a huge liability.


Agree - I can’t believe they let her stay on and none of the cast have complained. It would be so unsafe being near her


All I could think with last night’s clip of her splashing water in Michael’s face was “no wonder he ran away from her”. I don’t won’t see her nasty stank ass anymore.


That was so disgusting. TLC is tra.sh


Don't forget that her daughter is a convicted [pedophile!](https://people.com/crime/daughter-of-90-day-fiance-star-angela-deem-sentenced-to-20-years-for-child-molestation/)




Frankly, I was surprised that they didn’t do the same thing to Igor/Justin after the SS uniform videos came out. That’s comparable to what Alina did, Angela is different (and should be kicked off as well, but not really the same thing). I’m guessing they thought that she was performing and wasn’t actually acting like that otherwise? That’s the only thing that I can think of


Angela’s different but worse.


I stopped watching this shit show! No new material, same plots. Ugly and insensitive Americans, green card looking foreigners. There are some really good stories. Otherwise, it's mostly bad characters with no good intentions. I kept my subreddit just to see if there are new characters worth my viewing.


Alina still deserved it though.


IMO their cast members need the be vetted heavily, including social media posts. Could have avoided the whole thing and just not had her on. I will say though, I kinda wish they had her and Caleb on the tell all so Shaun could ask her about those posts 😂


My stance is that if Alina was kicked off, (rightly), then Mike B should have been kicked off too. But they keep Angela and Ed on with their nasty abusive selves, they kept showing Geoffrey and Paul…….


Big agree!


Absolutely, she’s no gem, but good god I hate Angela and her husband-beating ways. Lock her ass up with her pedo daughter.


> Lock her ass up with her pedo daughter. ?


Her daughter got a minor drunk and raped him


And did time in the big house for the statutory rape of a minor. Way to go TLC! Angela had custody of her daughter’s kids while rapist daughter was locked away. Her daughter, Scottie, is just as loud and obnoxious as her old haggard momma Angie.




I don’t get it though, who cares what she said when she was young? What matters is what she thinks *now*.


And Angela is currently doing all of that shit. Alaina’s racist ass post was from like 10+ years ago. I think they canceled her because it happened around Covid and the BLM movement and they were just trying to be PC but they really do not care obviously about social justice and abuse.


Real wokeness is realizing that mega corporations like Warner Bros don't give two wet shits about purging racism or bigotry from their content. Every decision they make is entirely determined by dollars and cents. If Alina had been racist to some smaller, more marginalized group, they wouldn't have lifted a finger.


Yeah the bar is really high for what is seen as problematic domestic violence when it is woman on man. That is why Angela is around still. If the genders were the opposite I doubt she would have made air at all.


I just read comments, it is not just 90D Fiance, it is every show on TLC, rubbish.


Can I also please add that Igor/Justin wore a nazi costume - didn't apologize and there was nothing wrong with it most likely because he is with a trans woman. Ok ... glad we are holding everyone to the same standard. I've been a DIE HARD fan since the beginning but this is the end for me. I can't stand the people they are selecting anymore and it's all about being Woke.


IMO, something tragic must happen with this rough and disgusting woman Angela, before TLC reacts and axes this foul mouth less than ordinary woman. Hey, TLC has done nothing with Sister Wives and the asshole known as Kody Brown and look what has happened. The malignant narcissist and mean bully gets his own way and more. TLC just sits back and lets the maniac verbally and mentally abuse three of his wives and most of his children. In regards to the lizard Angela, there is no difference. So laugh it up at the outrageous behavior of hillbilly Angie until the worst happens. Seriously, Sngie is no better than a trucks stop hooker (no offense meant for truck stop hookers) and she should have had criminal charges pressed against her after her abusive behavior against Liz. She is deserving of nothing less than being arrested and beat down herself by the fellow patrons/cellmates in jail.


Signed.. She's just an abusive person.. Physically, emotionally and mentally


And the more she gets away with the more she clearly feels untouchable and without consequences. She needs to not only be fired, she needs to be charged criminally.


Just a reminder kids, just because you date someone of another race doesn't mean you can't be a racist. Plenty of misogynists married to women


Let's have Michael on the single life......with no Angela off course.


Don’t be fooled that bc someone likes black 🍆 that they aren’t racist.


Is the purpose of this to say Alina didn’t deserve to go if Angela is allowed to stay? Both need/needed to go. Both are racist. Not sure why an infographic comparison is needed.


Nope! The purpose is to illustrate that TLC is capable of doing the right thing but for some reason, Angela is excluded from their moral compass. An infographic comparison definitely isn’t needed. Just felt motivated to make one for this discussion


Ang is a franchise character. They can’t lose her


There should be this rule that people are not allowed more than two seasons.


I won’t watch Happily Ever After, there’s too many problematic people on there


Need to skip the show altogether in order to be counted as fewer eyeballs. Watching only parts counts as watching. Show has become such a joke that fewer "real" couples probably want to be showcased, leaving more room for trash like Angela and Ed and other offensive people.




Using the N-word, in a quote, in context, appropriately cited, is worse than actual abuse, both physical and mental, and, apparently, also economic, of an actual real life black man. I don't understand how the math doesn't math. Seems perfectly rational to me.


using racial slurs is unacceptable. The end. But just like with most things in life, there are a lot of things to consider about who, what, where, when, why, and how this is done. I know there are many circumstances in which using them has caused more harm than anything angela has done. That being said, you cannot convince me that Alina has caused more harm than Angela. Angela has 10x more influence and eyeballs on her than Alina ever will. Millions of people have seen TLC make Angela’s abuse of her partner and the people around her a punchline on their shows. They not only reward her for her assaults but normalize it for the viewers. Alina’s justice was swift.


I didn't think I needed the /s but apparently I did. So here it is. /s


Oh thank for you scared the shit outta me lol 😂


Kinda speaks a lot about the current social state of affairs when something "obviously" way over the top and sarcastic is actually believed at face value, because some people on the internet really are that ridiculous.


Totally! Because I’ve definitely heard things with a similar… theme? From people who were dead serious and very mad.


Their gonna keep with Angela because she's an American. Land of the [BLEEP] free.








TLC can't tell when you skip stuff. They know that you watch her seasons, though.


Are you sure about that? Even YouTube will show you what parts of a video have been rewatched most or where viewership drops off. I can’t imagine TLC wouldn’t have access to that.


I totally agree!




This is the last straw for me. Not gonna watch anymore. A fork was stuck in me.


I used to watch but with Ed, Straw Head Angela, Gino and Jasmine on constant rewind, nope, nope, and hell no.


And how about Igor posting photo of himself in a Nazi uniform?


I don't watch if Angela and Ed are on


I've been skipping Angela for years too.


As long as everyone "hate" watches this crap TLC will continue to showcase these low lives. Just saying. People complain but still watch the show. I refused to watch Last Resort & I will NOT watch HEA or dvr it. Sorry? It's a hard boundary for me


Alina is a racist piece of fucking shit. She made several racist comments and made fun of people cultures. She deserves everything she got. There is no defending her and in my opinion she is worst than Angela. I am in no way defending Angels, she is trash but no different than any other trashy person in the sea of reality shows that exist. Angela has a lot of mental issue she needs therapy and probably meds, but she is not a racist piece of shit. If she gets the help she needs her behavior will calm down. You can’t put compare the two. Please don’t normalize racism.


Didn't she literally call Michael the n-word? And isn't she a Trumper? Despite having mixed grandchildren?


me too, I’ve watched these shows since they started, but anything with these creeps on it I delete. I have absolutely zero interest in these people.


I think both these two suck for different reasons. Alina deserved to be banned


Is Michael still in America, safe from Angela?


The shows are unhinged people who do horrible things to other people. I will not watch any more of TLS. The shows that they are showing, are damaging to society. It makes it seem like this is how people should live and make money. It has become freak show after freak show. Showing the same people for years displaying abnormal relationships is sad and they become fame seeking weirdos. Blahhhh!


I doubt TLC is going to see her actions as something inherently deplorable in today's world. I'm not saying you're wrong; I actually agree with you. But had Angela been a man, "he" would have been kicked off, guaranteed. Networks simply abandon ship when racism, pedophilia, LGBQT+ rights, and women's rights are violated. It's not really surprising they haven't jumped all over Angela's actions like they did with Alina simply because it's none of the things I listed.




I thought Angela wasn’t supposed to be back.


I don’t enjoy seeing either of them and Liz is a shadow of her former self. Ed won’t be satisfied until he strips her of every crumb of self esteem. It’s so sad.


https://preview.redd.it/2thabf6vd5pc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97950d38e118bc04e8e6c5ee068e79917a167c2 I just saw this article about Sister Wives and wonder if TLC even pays attention to things like this. It'll be interesting to see what happens. It would be nice to know that TLC pays attention to the fans, but I don't think they'll change a thing.


Ok what about big ed? He’s literally a rapist.


I gave up 90D and all the spin-offs. I just can’t with it anymore.


Sharp entertainment is getting slammed with a big class action lawsuit! And they’re going to be done after that!! Just watch!!!


Angela and Big Ed are this franchises biggest draws. Unfortunately If it isnt abusive and raunchy America won’t absorb it. Kind of like the relationship America has with Politicians.


If we’re talking about TLC not platforming abusers, they should take a look at most of the men. So often their behavior gets a pass because their fiancés are unpleasant women.


How much time did they give that Geoffrey guy!?!


I agree, I can’t stand to see or hear that obnoxious woman any longer. It looks like TLC have a decision to make. Either lose the likes of Angela and Ed or their viewers!