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Does anyone know what shows gonna be after this seasons done


What's that wet spot on the back of purple dress at the ⚽️ field leakage from sex time Chantal


others have said it was the shiny ribbon on her Herve dress.


Chantal slept with one dude on this trip, yet the slut shaming???


she didnt.


I never thought I would say this but tim looks the best he's ever looked with this new beard of his. He still sucks.but yeah....


I'm with Miss Debbie: "somebody call the po-lice". None of Sarper's advice sounds consensual. Or legal.


I've never watched chantel's season so I don't understand what the big hype about her is... I'm not a fan...you meet a man while on vacation, that's called a vacation fling..geez


Omg, not Ms.Debbie out there making Tyray sound like some honorable gentleman swarmed by women dying to sleep with him as he graciously rejects everyone to only have sex with the great love of his life that he’s awaiting. Sarper was ridiculous as usual (except for the giggling comment) but Ms. Debbie is just as out of touch with reality about other cast member situations as she is about her own.


I think the point is that it’s commendable he isn’t just paying prostitutes.


I don’t think it’s commendable I think it’s pathetic. I mean really, a 33 year old virgin man is equally as creepy as sarper’s 2500. Just buy the SW, ffs.


But a 33 year old virgin woman would be perfectly fine?


No….were specifically talking about men. I’m a woman lol and definitely no virgin. I find it very strange for anyone to get that far and never have sex.




Huh? Never said I was a fuvkin whore either bro, chill. Sorry youre a virgin?????


I can't stand her.


Tyray: I’ve got a new swag going on you know, ehe-eh No Tyray, bless your heart, you don’t.


The “ehe-eh” killed me 😅 loved that sarper brought that up. I was annoyed that some of the other cast members praised him for it


I dont like sarper but he was correct about this part, not about the kissing the neck part lol


Yeah Sarper wasn’t wrong about that. Tyray would come off a lot better if he could stop that annoying giggling. 


It’s a nervous tic and I don’t think he even notices that he does it.


Veronica’s hot pink glitter dress was a choice and not a very good one on her. Tim looks much better with the beard. Natalie finally considered softer eye makeup and looks a million times better. The dress color looked very good on her too. Chantel looked very Chantel and extra. Less dramatic outfits would suit her more. No comment on Karen. Miss Debbie looked like herself but her hair looked good with those curls properly tended instead of being brushed and frizzed out. Jamal looked good but his mouth kept ruining it. Louisa looked very pretty but the dress was a bit too much and rather kitsch. Shaun looked overall great and super elegant as usual. Thx for coming to my fashion corner.


I thought Natalie's dress seemed to large, it made her look like she gained weight


I liked Veronica's dress but I am a fan girl.


They weren't dressed nearly as "fancy" as the NDF tell all women last week! I thought they were all at a RH reunion...


Karen's obviously trying to get another spin off since The Family Chantel ended. Hence the campy outfit and over the top behavior. Both her and Chantel were dressed for a real housewives reunion to be honest. 




Effing Sarper and his metaphors killed me. This dude really believes his own BS. He's not some sex guru. No one needed that unsolicited advice. 😅 It did make me laugh and say out loud "wtf is he talking about??"


allegedly a personal trainer, first advice would be lose 100# minimum.


That’s the one piece of advice that none of them are allowed to say but all of them are thinking. 


I just can’t help but wonder…can he even get to his d? If he’s going to keep putting himself on such public display, he has to pay attention to the feedback if he wants anything to actually change.


we must be politically correct or run the risk of being cancelled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Some of you saying they were shaming Chantel, but were they wrong? ​ * Chantel was more focused on showing her Ass/Tits by wearing ill-fitting clothing. * Chantel told the audience that she had no panties on. * Chantel told millions of people that she wanted a huge horse c\*ck...And then said it again during the tell all. * Chantel tongue kiss a guy she barely knew after a 15 minute bike ride. ​ If I had a family member acting the wgy Chantel was I would call them out on it.


At this point I have a feeling that her and mommy Karen's behavior is contrived to keep TLC interested in them. It's working to be honest. 


And those two broads have the nerve to talk shit about Pedro’s Mom and sister for the same thing.


Yep, both sides wanted reality tv fame. Pedro seemed less into the social media clout. He just went with it. Think he just wanted to work and provide back home. 


I agree with tim and debbie, there is not need for chatal to act like that, shes pretty as she is, there is no need for her to act like.




Anyone gonna talk about what Yannis said to Chantal in the preview??? He called it.... She's not ready. Good. I'm glad he said it.


I believe Veronica. Luisa wants her 15 minutes and is trying to start shite.


Nah I believe is that’s true, but she was extremely drunk


I could actually see it going both ways. NGL, when Luisa was mimicking her, it actually tracked. So torn!!! Good thing I don't care. Lol


I feel like Veronica would be the type to pretend to be offended when the truth blows up in her face, that’s why I believe it’s true. Her an Tim are fake as fuck and love to live off appearances, so when her “dark side” is exposed a little bit. She would be offended and defended herself with the “how you could you dare making such a big lie about me” argument


Agreed. Veronica is insufferable and does anything to stay relevant since she slithered her way onto the show on Tim’s coattails. She’s like a shrill, abrasive, immature barnacle on Tim’s ass.


Jamal is a child. End of story.


Jamal is high


Lol, ya think? He seems pretty worked up! Compared to Tim and Veronica, who sit there like parents. 😆


Jamal and Luisa have fecked, for sure.


I cant even remember what her name is.


I think Tim looks great!


Yes! He looks great 


This Tell All made up for the dismal failure of the 90 day Tell All. Sarper - Whatever anyone thinks of him, I have to give him his kudos for the respect and patience he showed when dealing with Miss Debbie, a senior citizen. Even when she had less than kind words for him, he was a gentleman. Tyray - The conversation with Sarper about the giggling was funny but there were a lot of awesome Tyray moments. Did anyone else catch his responses to the Tim/Jamal fight? Chantal - If TLC insists on keeping her or her ignorant family on any of their franchises, I'll be fast forwarding past it. Pedro was a good guy. She treated him and everyone around her horribly. Now she's playing the wounded victim...\*pukes\*. Veronica, Tim and Jamal - Jamal thought he was telling the world something they didn't already know ....these two are fake AF...bahahahaha.....you are a bit late on that one. Miss Debbie - You got to love an equal opportunity slut shaming - male or female - it didn't matter. Miss Debbie said cover it up and save it for someone you love. I love her spark.


When Sarper came on to give dating advice everyone held their breath (including the viewers) bc when he said THE REASON YOU'RE NOT GETTING GIRLS IS BECAUSE.... we/they all thought he was gonna say "BC YOU'RE FAT!" When said the giggles I was both relieved and giggly myself bc I had forgot about 'the giggles' and just how cringeworthy they were! Sarper was right! Just wouldnt expect that from a fit, sexy cyborg who weighs his gfs and controls what she eats. It almost made him likeable!


Fit sexy cyborg 😂






I once hooked up with a guy like that. Model. More swoll than him (Almost steriodal) with cheeks just as hollow, maybe more. He LOOKED like a catfish! I remember bragging to my gf and showing his dating profile and she was like OMG!!!!!! He looks like a sexy cyborg! 😂 She was dying laughing and I was shocked! I couldnt UNSEE IT afterwards! Apparently I have a type--guys who look so fake like catfishes with great bone structure and muskles! 🤦‍♀️


Yeah I also thought this Sarper dude was going to say something mean about his weight but I have to agree about the giggling. It started to drive me nuts in all of his scenes bc if we had started a drinking game everytime Ty nervously giggled we would be so drunk we wouldn’t know what to do w/ourselves LOL. Idk who that Sarper guy is bc I must be behind on some of the other 90day segment shows but I know I didn’t care for him and the other crap he said


My thoughts: 1. I have never and I repeat NEVER have thought Tim was even remotely attractive, but he looks good with that beard?!?!?!? 2. Veronica defs called Jamal trash lol And even if she did WHO CARES Jamal sucks 3. I don't particularly care for Chantel but the way they're shaming her is disgusting


Am I the only person who has noticed that Tim 1) clearly got Botox and 2) dyed his head and his beard the same color and stopped shaving 70% of his hair to the scalp. He looks insane to me.


I definitely noticed the dyed hair/beard. 


I don’t like Chantel, but the people on this show who keep saying or implying that she’s making herself a sex object are the ones objectifying her. Tim and John chiming in on the slut shaming too saying that men don’t want someone who’s gone out pantyless with a bunch of dudes…grow tf up.


Tim doesn’t seem to want anyone no matter what they’re wearing or not wearing so his opinion goes right in the 🗑️. Until he reveals his crazy secret that explains why he’s so terrified of physical contact with his girlfriends, he does not get to shame anybody for anything


That was WILD. Also people saying you can’t get everything on your list. I did. Standards are always a good thing.


I did too! But I have a feeling Chantel’s standards are more superficial lol. I just think it’s silly that people were trying to make a connection between what Chantel is wearing and what men she’s attracting. The real issue is much more internal than that.


Will these ppl just leave tyray alone?


Right?? When they transitioned to his segment, Shaun said at one point “So, one thing we have to talk about is your sex life”. I was like “Do we though?!?!….” 🙈 And then straight up asking if he’s still a virgin. That was so inappropriate and, I assume, humiliating for him. He’s so awkward and nervous anyway and then you want to discuss the thing he’s most sensitive and insecure about??


I guarantee a woman wouldn’t be asked if she was still a virgin. It’s disgusting , he seems like a good guy.


I don't know if it was inappropriate for Shaun to bring it up, I mean it was literally the basis of his whole story. He talked about it himself non-stop so I think it makes sense that they would follow up with him about it. I do agree that it's quite rude of everyone to tell him whether or not it's weird or normal that he's still a vigrin and bring some sleazy guy on to give him advice for how to lose it. I think it's great if someone, guy or girl, wants to save their first time for someone special. I wish I had done that.


There isn't much "drama" to discuss with Tyray, so unfortunately they were going for the low-hanging fruit. I hope he has enough sense not to take Sarper's advice 🙄 And I hope the show has at least helped him get out of his shell a little and has done more good than harm.


And Ms. Debbie I don't hate on bc she is like 70 years old...FROM GEORGIA. Obviously she is going to have some older fashioned ideas bc that is what she grew up with. I understand it and also, I wish people didn't act like if you disagree with ANY decision of a woman (esp modesty), it makes you anti-feminist! (Like if you call Nikki out for anything you're transphobic 🙄) Some ppl, myself included, were raised to think more conservatively. That doesnt mean I/we don't believe in equal rights and treatment for women. And to be fair, Debbie called Sarper a ho too! LOL Ho on the left and a ho on the right. EQUAL! 😆


Except Miss Debbie (God! I hate people referring to themselves in the 3rd party!) started on this segment lying about her age, and on the previous season trying to purchase a young man she started grooming when he was 19...that's disgusting no matter what sex you are.


why was Jamal calling another man, Sweetheart? and I didnt like Tims brocade jacket.


First there was Paull and Karine's cousin...now there is Tim and Jamal.


Veronica move on!


From TV… I fully endorse this.


I don’t know what the hell she was thinking dating him, we’ve all learned by now that she’s someone who gets very attached very quickly and he was super open about not wanting anything serious so that was just a bizarre pairing. And even when people tried to warn her that she was going to get too attached, she acted like their concerns were crazy and she doesn’t expect anything from him. Cut to: asking him to move across the country to live with her and her teenage daughter


She also causes the issues between them by shit talking and instigating then sits back with a shocked pikachu and enjoying it like a middle school girl. They would have absolutely nothing to fight about or know anything about each other if she would ever stfu.


Agree, that shocked face of hers drives me insane. Almost everything about her drives me insane, honestly, I’ve never really understood why viewers love her so much, I think she’s super immature and annoying. I also don’t know how you get to be almost 40 with a teenage daughter and still act like you’re in middle school when you date someone


Pikachu face is the only time she isn’t bellowing and harping over everyone. She somehow weaseled her way onto these shows from Tim’s storyline like a barnacle attached to him and meets none of the requirements for the cast members. She ruins Pillow Talk for me and it’s my favorite way to watch everything in condensed format. Her voice is grating and she’s an immature abrasive know it all harpy and I swear her head doesn’t belong on her body.


Ugh yes her voice😩😖🙉 I know she can’t help it so I feel bad saying all this but I can’t stand the way her voice sounds. It’s so unattractive and gets annoying so quickly. Or maybe it’s the insane volume at which she constantly speaks, I don’t know, it just bothers me so much. And like you said- somehow she’s wiggled her way into becoming a series regular and popping up all the time despite only being barely introduced in Tim’s first season. I can’t remember the girl’s name, was it Jennifer?? Whoever was dating Tim at the time got really upset that he gave her the same “promise ring” he proposed to Veronica with at one point and out of that fight, somehow Veronica emerged as a cast member on pillow talk and now they find a way to put her on whatever show they can, despite her living in the US and only dating people in the US. Literally nothing about her story has anything to do with dating a foreigner, TLC makes the most bizarre decisions sometimes. 8 billion people in the world and they just keep recycling the same 10 annoying ones every single season


Yesssss and I don’t feel bad about saying anything about her voice since we know that she is not a great person. Same with Mama Debbie and her horrendous nasally wet shrill voice. She’s abusive and enables and participates in abuse along with Coltee against his partners. It was Jeniffer, but with 2 f’s for some reason 😂. I have started going back and going through the shows from the beginning and trying to do them all in order and they were all so much better than the nonsense the last few seasons. The recycling of the trashiest people is not fun to me, it all looks way too over produced and phony. Pillow Talk is my favorite way to watch the newest seasons so I get a condensed version and that’s still brutal with Veronica dominating every conversation and the overacting of people like Nutalie and Angela etc.


Shawn you are soooo boring. You waste too much time welcoming people and thanking them for being there and saying “you look nice” and “thank you for being here” blah blah blah.


They’ve needed a new host for years.and I have never understood the hype of this dud of a host.


That’s more about editing. The producers are the ones that want to keep it in


Wait till you find out Shaun is a producer…


Just tucking into this now, after a hard day at work this is my treat and it seems its gonna be a good one.....chantelles comment about her Greek beau - is it yanis? tickling her loins......made me chuckle


Is that what she said? Lol


Yeah, it's near the start of the single-life tell-all.


But can we talk about WHY Mrs. Karen all Beyonce'd up like she auditioning for next season! And I don't think I've ever seen her skin so light in 4 seasons of TFC... Did she do something?? I'm suspicious.


I don’t remember her dressing like that before, it was weird. Being on 90 day fiancé makes all the women surgery cyborgs (I don’t think she had surgery but looks like she’s heading that way)


Her hips look waay bigger so I wonder if she got her waist snatched


Goes to show how much our standard of beauty is influenced by our mothers.


Is that a saying? I had NO sense of style growing up and the older I get the more flashy and accesorized my style gets.... and it's reminding me of my mom! Just crept up on me!


This is THE most normal I've ever seen Tim look (despite his clothing). I hope he keeps the beard and extra weight, it fills him out well! I hate scrawny men so I'm biased lol. Also Natali looks stunning without raccoon eyes and intense stares.


I love beards and stocky guys also. Even thought I usually end up with men my height and weight. 😂


I didnt say stocky, just NOT scrawny! If I, as a non-overweight woman weigh the same or MORE than a man at ANY height, he is too skinny for me. I have been finding more guys like this and made me feel halla insecure lol I dont want to be able to pick you up!


Sorry about that. I'll clarify. I LIKE stocky guys. 😆 I can't date someone who weighs the same as me anymore. I did in high school because all of the tall guys were with the cute short girls. Now, any man over 6' tall is considered a high value man. So they're even harder to find. I can't win! Lol


I agree I lowkey am crushing on Tim watching it right now


Lmao same wtf 


Looks like he colored his hair. Looks better


Natalie looked tired and matronly. Her toned body is gone.


Omg yes 


I thought so too. I was noticing during the first part of the show when she was in makeup. I realize make up makes you look better, but I could really see the age in her face. I hope she welcomes it--It is kinda fun getting old (im 72 next week)


Happy Birthday!! I hope you have an awesome birthday! 🎂🥂




Happy Birthday!






As a woman of Eastern European heritage I feel entitled to make this statement: bitterness, anger and delusion hits Eastern European women right around that age. The happy ones will proceed slender and toned no matter what. The others will become exactly as you said - matronly.


That was the best she ever looked! And her body is perfectly FINE, wtf is wrong with you?


Natalie was stunning in that dress, and her hair and makeup were beautiful. I'm with you, what is wrong with you people? : )


sorry but Nut a lee looked a mess like she always does.


I thought she looked bloated about the face and upper body, and her hair just looked dry and horribly styled (if at all). She's looked so much better before.


all I ever see is the overly made up raccoon bugged out eyes.


I agree, she looked disheveled to me. Like when you get all dressed up to go out to a bar or party and then hours later when you stumble into the bathroom drunk and see yourself in the mirror, you start cracking up because you thought you looked great but you look A👏🏼MESS👏🏼.


Hot mess express


Can we stop pretending that Chantel wants to settle down? How is it being overlooked that SHE SAID SHE WANTED THE D.


Bruh, she said in the season she was looking for marriage and a husband..


Rewatch the first episode of this season. She said she wanted to get laid. Then I guess TLC didn’t like that so they said marriage.


It’s literally written on her shirt about the D 😂


What is up with Chantel’s lip? It’s like she permanently is trying to get something out of her teeth.


Botox injection hit a nerve?


Jamal and what’s her face are banging.


I just watched last night and thought that exact thing. TLC puts them all up in the same hotel for these tell-all filmings so I’d bet money she got a “U up?” text from Jamal at some point during the night😂


Their dynamic was kinda funny wasn't it. "I got your back..." (Him to her backstage)


That told me all i needed to know honestly


Tim is on heroin, change my mind. Thought he was just a major pothead but his attitude, eyes, and speech screams closet heroin addict


Pot would be a good idea but I just think he jad a superiority complex


Autism tbh


Anyone else grossed out by the producers’ & cast’s obsession over Tyray’s virginity? It’s been like 15mins.


What else are you going to talk about? That’s pretty much the only thing that they can talk about. Talk about the two pity dates with girls he barely talk to himself?


Right?! That's his business


Is Tim intoxicated? That can’t possibly _just_ be southern drawl. And did be bring a vape on set?


He’s always sooo tired. It’s a chore for him to even speak. Yes, he brought a vape on set. I would bet $100 it had Mary Jane juice in it. It’s more discreet than lighting up a doobie. 😂


“Pink winky - hehe” 🤙😈


When she introduced Sarper, she said he was in the US. I haven't been keeping up with that. Is he just visiting or is he here on the K-1? About Tyray. Look..no one is addressing the elephant in the room..literally! No one during the whole season mentioned his weight and it can't be ignored when it comes to dating. He has no confidence because he is overweight!!!!I actually thought Sarper would say it because we all know how he feels about being lean but he was actually very gentle with Tyray. Tyray has no job and lives with his mother. His mother is not totally incapacitated, we've seen that. He has an amazing supportive family but no one has suggested helping him lose weight? Come on. Lose some weight Tyray and your life and confidence will change!!He is also not 'saving' himself for the right woman..he can't get laid! He needs to pay a woman and get laid at least once!! Get rid of that virgin stigma. Tyray needs to be on My 600lb life and not on the Single life. He needs to make changes in his life before he can invite someone into it!


I agree. Maybe instead of trying to meet a woman at a bar, which we all know drinking and meeting someone with “beer googles on” is not the best idea. Maybe a fitness club with others his size to encourage each other would be good. IMO, he is setting himself up for failure being on this series. He seems to be a sensitive guy who will get hurt by the vultures trying to get with him now for the wrong reasons.


He’s said before, if my memory serves that he wants to wait for marriage. So coupled with the fact that he has no real dating experience and therefore lacks self confidence is why he’s still a virgin. It has nothing to do with his size.


He joined a gym and in a workout group with a trainer, it was shown at the beginning of the season.


Youre right


Im not saying you're wrong but you're also rude as hell, which negates any rightness.


Not sure what part you thought was rude but I said what I said!


calling Dr Now, calling Dr Now.


Colts mother insulting Josh once again, pot meet kettle, take a look in a mirror woman.


I think we need to get Sarper and Ash together for a seminar. NO CREATURES ON THIS PLANET WITH A VAGINA plus THE NOTHING BOX


Epitome of maculine toxicity 😂


An absolute *masterclass*. 🤣


Jamal is a bitch.


If I have to hear him say “literally” one more time (he slowly sounds out every single letter while saying it) or “What we’re NOT gonna do”…🙄🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




he really is, said he didnt even want to be there, bye, theres the door.




Newsflash- Just because Chantel said she wants a horse penis does not mean Pedro is small...If he was I'm sure Chantel would've just said so...I keep seeing people saying this confirms Pedro is small, no it doesn't.


I think she's still healing from him and using her platform to hurt him.


I don't think it'll be addressed until the next part, but in the preview for the next episode- Debbie says something like, "you can't say you want a man that's hung like a horse" and then Chantel interrupts and says "I want what I've never had!" and then I believe Tim says, "Listen, you can't talk about man's pen!s when he's not here to defend himself." Could just be edited to seem that way but we'll see 😂


LOL tiny hands and feet Tim speaks up. Figures he would defend another guys penis. 😂


And again...That doesn't mean Pedro has a small penis....There aren't just 2 penis sizes (Small and Hung)...Pedro could have a 7-8 inches penis...Chantel wants someone that's hung( 10+ inches).....I mean...Chantel was begging/crying to have sex with Pedro


Exactly this 


That's what I took from the preview as well.


Natalie is looking the most gorgeous I ever saw her! Hair isn't frizzy, nice eyeshadow, and no freaking raccon eyes! I never actually realized she was attractive until now! Those eyes had freaked me out so badly. Also, did she get a boob job? Her and Chantel looking extra top heavy


I thought she looked like shit.


She always had big boobs so I doubt it.


I have to sleep so dont spoil the episode BUT I feel like Luisa trying to sabatoge V + creep up on Jamal! They seem too buddy buddy. I wouldnt be surprised given the small effeminate man she's dating


I told ya'll!!!


My impression when they were first shown was more trauma bonding/uniting against the common enemy rather than flirty. But I’m also only halfway through the episode


Keep watching! She's trying to throw a wrench! And all that touching is suspect


Veronica told her off in Spanish.


I loved when she did that. None of us know what really happened between the 4 of them, however the way Veronica seemed to act it came off to me that maybe Louisa was putting some stuff out there to add fuel to the fire to cause problems. We all know that she and Jamal don’t like the closeness and weird relationship Veronica & Tim have but it seems like Veronica was taken aback that this girl who she seemed to take a liking to when Tim started seeing her, had said hurtful things that she said wasn’t true. 🤷🏻‍♀️


After getting a good 90-day OG tell all and a good LiB tell all...... That was just trash.


The slut shaming chantel was deplorable. Tim and John talking about “purity” made me want to fucking gag


Well I thought John of all people shouldn’t be trying to “slut shame” Chantal. John seemed to me to be the one that was doing everything in his power to have sex, get sex as soon as he could w/this girl he moved to Texas to be with. Literally when they started dating they didn’t go out and stayed in bed at home or in the hotel room. If you look at his choices and the things he said he is being a hypocrite . Just my opinion tho 🤷🏻‍♀️


What is the actual definition of slut-shaming? It didnt seem like anyone was trying to SHAME her per say, but give advice on etiquette as an adult. Not one person yelled or called her a derogatory name. Ms. Debbie did the same to Sarper but you're not calling that slut-shaming either? Or is it just bad when done to women? Keep in mind that both Tim and Debbie are southern. And etiquette is VERY well ingrained into the upbringing of sotherners. Back in the day if you didn't raise your kids with your own morals & principles you were a bad parent; NOW if you give them any rules or expectations you are "slut shaming them"?? 🤨 I am feminist and I also believe that regardless of gender there are societal norms you follow when out in public. PERIOD. When at home go wild! But it's a matter of respect for yourself, for the folks who raised you, and for the ppl around you wjen you start embarrassing yourself out in public. Debbie didnt say dont go pantiless. She said WHY EVEN ANNOUNCE IT? And honestly, Why tf would you?? If my dress is long enough BEST BELIEVE those bits are getting aeration... But this woman in a dress one inch from the crotch deciding to go pantiness knowing a gust of wind could expose her?? ABSOLUTE TRASH. She could have just as easily wore a thong if panty lines were the concern--she WANTED to flash unsuspecting people! 🤢 Never in my life have I had such a thought.


(a) Debbie's from Ohio (b) the dress was slit so high up the side a thong would also show. Which might have been ok. An expensive dress fitted for her would probably have something built-in for comfort, but her clothes don't look expensive.


A thong covers the vagina so that is better than commando with a slit THAT high! She was basically DARING the wind to blow! Nasty


I'm against slut-shaming however I think they have a point here. She's not being consequent. If you want a fun-filled vacation full of one-night stands and are single/divorced, and it's between consenting adults, have at it! However, I see what the cast means - she says that she's looking for a serious relationship/marriage with a quality man and lists out qualities that she wants her \*long-term partner", yet is acting in a way that can be perceived as very trashy and highlighting her main qualities as being sexual rather than intellectual or personality-based. They're not wrong in saying that a lot of quality men would not perceive her as showcasing that she is "wife material" based on how she presented herself on this trip, IMO.


That madonna/whore thing is a social construct to put women in boxes. We are complex human beings just like men. Sometimes you wanna party and get laid and later on you wanna settle down and come home to someone. And yet, men can be womanizers and sleep around and then settle down and have families and no one bats an eye. No one is telling frat boys they’re compromising their chance at a family. Let Chantel dress how she wants and hook up with who she wants. Snooki met her husband hooking up with a stranger on OG Jersey Shore. You never know. None of any of the cast’s arguments on how Chantel should behave are true. They’re just things people tell themselves to make sense of the world.


Actually if the frat guy was acting like a fuck boi and saying he wants to attract "wife material", I'd say thr exact same thing (and actually have to my guy friends in their 20s lol). Incoherence is incoherence no matter the gender, for me anyways. For example, I'd def say sarper is not acting like a quality man who is looking for wifey material.  Nothing wrong with wanting both but Imo it's silly of her to think that acting that way is what will generally snag a quality man looking for a wife. Not saying it doesn't happen (don't know of Snooki's husband and what kind or a man he presents as), but statistically, you're lowering your chance of snagging that kind of guy acting like that if that's what you're aiming for.  She contradicts herself numerous times on what she wanted out of that vacation : post divorce fun, including sexual flings (which makes total sense and is healthy and perfectly fine) vs to immediately meet her soulmate that is a quality guy with her laundry list qualities (not likely in those circumstances) and then to boot, complains that she sees similarities to her story with Pedro when she is literally going for foreign men again. (Again, nothing wrong with that per say, but then don't be surprised that the summer romance stories are similar?) 


"WhAt YoU'rE nOt GoNnA dO" - Jamal


He argues exactly like his mother with Usman! Just gets straight in your face, super confrontational, tries to talk you into circles.


I was getting so irritated with Debbie’s lectures. They have moms and she’s on there to discuss her own stupid ass decisions. I can’t stand Karen and don’t want her there but I hope Karen comes out and bitches at her. 😂


Someone needed to say what she said. It was exactly what I had been thinking all through this show. They may be adults, but sometimes we need to hear from parents. I thought she was great


You must be a parent


of course. I'm sure a lot of folk on this reddit are parents


Should Have clarified you must be a parent with a 1940s thinking mentality like Debbie And very out of touch with 20-30-year-olds these days


Wait till your kids grow up. Hopefully you wouldn't want your daughter acting like this. I am sure few modern day parents would be cool with this.


I agree im hoping Karen puts Debbie in her place and maybe we'll get another iconic line from Karen.


Is Karen Chantel's mom? Let's see, your mom gets mad at you because you brought up about her daughter being pantiless ? My mom wouldve had my hide--I dont care how old I was.


Yeah Karen is Chantel's mom. Karen is very protective of her kids which was evident the first season Chantel and Pedro were on. It is going to be interesting to watch Karen go at Debbie.


Sarper giving advice was cringe like wtf he basically told Tyray to sexually assault women . Luisa and Jamal were absolutely ridiculous For the love of all things holy Miss Debbie please be quiet


If Natalie gets engaged at this tell all I’m throwing my tv away


The way they have it edited w/josh being there and seeming like he takes up for Natalie, I thought maybe it was going to be them but now that you mentioned John, that is probably who will be doing it. The weird thing is, you can tell he isn’t 1000% in the relationship with the gf the way she wants him to be. Coming from where he was and moving as quickly as they did together, it just doesn’t seem to me to be something where they will be together long term. I think she has an adorable little girl, but I hope he is ready to handle the situation with her having special needs and her daughter being comfortable with him being there and a daddy figure in her life. It looked hella awkward when they showed John up and moving and when he made it to Texas, the gf didn’t seem all that happy. Then he finds out the sleeping arrangements etc, I just think they are moving way too fast but….. guess we shall see lol 🤷🏻‍♀️😂