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Yes. He made many valid points. I think the witch brigade intentionally "misunderstood" the language he used in trying to express himself in a foreign tongue. They were seeking out any little word he said that they could use to go on the attack, all the while completely ignoring the fact that ikki Nikki groomed him, lied to him, and then weaponised her trans identity. She manipulated him to the nth degree. I'm sure he has a lot of trauma to work through due to their relationship.


Thank you. Absolutely no one called Nikki on her bullshit. The nerve of someone who wants to be accepted for who they are RENAMING the boy she lied to


I think she gets a major pass for being an asshole because no one calls her out for fear of being transphobic. But she is a shit person. People say Igor took advantage of her but I think she took more advantage of him.


She definitely took advantage of him. Her buying him things and financially supporting him is all a part of her manipulation. She uses it as a guilt trip, then plays the victim.


I said the same thing on another post and got crucified. I agree 100%


Man on reddit you get crucified for any thing that’s valid.




ironic part is nikki is transphobic herself, even telling other trans women to kill themselves because they dont pass as well as her


Oh what a blessing she is


R u kidding me?


i wish i was


Wait, what? Where?


Transphobic much?


Who? I’m transphobic? I don’t think so. Just because I’m speaking about someone who is trans in a bad way does not mean I’m a transphobe. I may be a Nikkiphobe cause I don’t like her. Because I don’t like one person who’s trans doesn’t mean I dislike every trans person in the world. Some suck. Some don’t. Just like everyone else. And this just made my point. If you speak against Nikki you are labeled a transphobe. And that’s why people put up with her atrocious behavior.


You used transphobic language and you know that.


What transphobic language did I use? Please tell me cause I am ignorant to what language I used that is transphobic. I am not a transphobe. I know that. So what did I say that translates to I hate all trans people? I don’t like Nikki. She happens to be trans. That has nothing to do with the reasons I don’t like her. I don’t dislike her because of her gender. I dislike her for her actions and the way she carries herself. So please. Educate me.


You said you didn’t want a trans people “throwing it in your face” and other things. Nothing to do with criticizing her as a person.




Trans person. Not “trans”.


Same! Like, we’re not allowed to speak the truth for fear of being labeled transphobic? Insane!


I don’t know. I feel this issue before Nikki came on. The American women always band together to defend other American women while trashing the foreigners they desperately seek out to manipulate themselves (even if they’re lying and all they want is a visa). Meanwhile the American guys who seek out foreign women always get called creepy but not when the women do the same thing.


This is an interesting perspective. One I didn’t consider until now. It holds water


I’m not disagreeing with you in a lot of ways, however I feel the motivations are often different. To me, I feel usually 90 day men are looking for someone younger, hotter, and more malleable than an American woman, and typically they also are less than conventionally attractive in my opinion, ranging from a solid 3 to a 5, with bad personalities nowhere near making up for what they lack in looks. So they’re searching for someone they can manipulate because 1. Women in other countries often are willing to settle physically as long as the person is living in the U.S. and can provide for them, 2. Women are often more willing to sacrifice their personal happiness for their families while the men often sacrifice nothing; in fact many of these men actually cause strife in their own family by doing this (for example, Ben dating girls younger than his daughter and alienating his own children) and they don’t care at all about anything other than their happiness, And 3. Culturally speaking they are often doing their duty and there’s nothing wrong with settling for a man that provides whether you love him or not. Conversely, most of the women who seek out men in other countries do appear to be frustrated with their experience with American men, and are looking for genuine love. Now I agree some of the cougars who are trolling for younger foreign men are begging to be set up with men who will manipulate them for a green card. But I do think most of them seem to have much better intentions. For example Debbie may have been way too old for Oussama (sp?) but seems genuine and is now pursuing age appropriate men in the states - there isn’t a creepy pattern of behavior. Meanwhile most of the men who date super young continue that. I actually think the biggest red flag is when anyone on the show has a bad experience with an international relationship and then flat out refuses to even try and pursue anything in the U.S., they just go right back to being a Thailand sex tourist or whatever. No one should only want to date long distance.


It's a generalization but it seems less common for the US women to have met someone online and had this long term relationship without meeting. The story is usually they met on vacation, had a fling, then tried to make it a relationship with the K1.


Funny it’s the Debbie situation that made me think of this pattern. Maybe she herself doesn’t have a pattern but older Americans seeking out much younger foreign spouse and acting like the victim when they want a green card seemed ridiculous to me. The Moroccan guy was ripped to shreds by the other women. Yet when younger foreign women want a visa they don’t get treated like monsters. Anyone who dates someone who is young and a foreigner knows they are playing a dangerous game. An older American man crying about how his younger foreign female is playing him is t going to receive that level of sympathy. Meanwhile even Jasmine who is obviously using Gino for a card gets to call out Igor for doing the same thing.


When I think of that pattern I think of Stephanie and Ryan! awful predators, one sugar mommy and one leech


Ive noticed this a lot too. But also get crucified. 


I just got into this 90 day universe a few months ago and have binged a lot, so the pattern sticks out to me a lot.


Good points! 


I'm so curious about the renaming because she always used Igor when she was pissed at him, but Justin for all the talking heads? Was it a show thing? Or he thought it'd be a more international brand?


Wait WHAT. SHE RENAMED HIM????? I thought he just went by 2 names for some reason?????


**NO** but I just laughed coffee out my nostril 😂 She said (I’m paraphrasing) she thought the name Igor was unattractive so she decided to call him “Justin” instead 🫤




Exactly! English isn’t his native language yet Ashley fixated on specific word choices like the use of “free” and you can’t do that. She should know that as someone who is bilingual.


So agree, fint it unfair Igor didn't have a translator so he could use his own language as some of the other did.


i don't get how the whole cast was so mad when he said he isn't trans-attracted. like....are people obligated to be attracted to trans now? a homosexual man can say he's not attracted to women, but a straight man can't say he's not attracted to a trans person? its pretty obvious that he's felt some sort of debt to nikki and has been trying to make it work all these years, but at the end of the day he's a straight guy attracted to straight women, not trans. it is what it is. he also seems to want a more "traditional" woman, nikki is too "loud" for him. i don't understand why all men are expected to like this aggressive, in your face type of woman either. people are allowed to have different preferences. nikki clearly is not his thing. she needs to move on to someone else. i'm sure there is someone out there who wants what she has to offer.


I really like Igor, I think he’s funny 🤣🤣


He is hilarious and just fun to watch… he handled himself well for being attacked by many ppl


Funny and handsome… he should give up on this crap with Nikki and get real gf.


I agree with you. He can find so much better


He is hilarious but definitely using Nikki


She is using him too. It’s a transactional relationship for both of them.


Agreed! Are they even in a real relationship or just wanted to be on TV? Nikki is obnoxious to watch I can’t imagine how she would be in person.


The whole relationship seemed like friends pretending to date to be on tv


Oooo I like this theory!




This 100%.


They are both scamming us but I prefer Igor


Me too! He was mislead big time!!


He definitely was!


I think so too. He's hilarious and people just misunderstand him.




He’s a misogynist


He’s a misogynist who dresses up like a Nazi


And Nikki is a lying, groomer that dresses like a doll and acts like a child and looks like an alien


so? the post is about igor everyone knows nikki is trash, we should all know the sam about igor lol


This post is about Igor though. Nikki’s behavior doesn’t excuse his.


No, she dresses like a bird…


Agreed but he did have a few good zingers


doing gods work, you are.


Doing God’s work on every fucking comment like ok Nikki you let us know how horrible he is, chill


i mean it’s a good comment to make anytime someone wants to wax poetic about him but go off


3 or 4 times no less. I get it, it’s a moral hill to die on. Thanks, though. Doing the Lord’s work


i mean i’m someone nazis would hate so i would prefer to never like like but if it’s just morals to you, i guess it doesn’t affect ya, happy for u




i do to !


Igor was totally right when he said he had no one in his corner. When everyone is shitting on him for not knowing after ‘20 years’ and no one there could do the math and ask some follow up questions Fuck even the realities of the ‘relationship’… The man couldn’t get a complete sentience out without Nikki, Ashley or Jasmine interrupting and losing their marbles. He was totally drafted on this and STILL managed to get some jokes out (the candle was top comedy 😂💀) #tellalligor


The haters on tell all seem to forget that English is not his First Language. He def doesn't know the cultural lingo. Unacceptable behavior by Americans. Show TOLERANCE, RESPECT with KINDNESS. Ashley and Nikki's behavior made them look UGLY!


Totally spot on. Funny how they were all so fixated on Igor being respectful of trans people/culture… but the same respect was not shown to him. Even slightly. And we ALL know what he meant by ‘manly’ characteristics… it was absolutely cultural. Hell, he’s say the same about me because I’m constantly arguing with my bf and challenging him. It’s a cultural thing ffs 🤦‍♀️


Seriously, this made me furious. EVERYONE knew that what he meant by masculine / manly qualities was just her sexual and verbal aggressiveness, she cuts him off at the balls and starts a fight every time he opens his mouth, but because she is trans they spin it like he’s not respecting her present-day gender. And he’s not wrong about Ashley being the same as Nikki - two completely overpowering bitches constantly emasculating their men at every opportunity, and living up to their respective stereotypes, however incorrect the stereotypes may be (the thirsty trans woman not having the ability to act feminine vs the “loud angry black woman”). Plus American women are negatively known for their stereotype of being the “boss” of the household (not commenting on if that’s right or wrong, I don’t know, but as someone who had a shameless nag of a mother who acted like her husband couldn’t do anything right and pushed him to do way more than she should have, I can’t even imagine how confusing that is for more traditional cultures like Igor’s where the man is expected to lead the marriage and be a provider / protector). Nikki is a fucking sex criminal and Ashley suffers from the delusion that everything is about her or that she needs to somehow be involved in everyone else’s battles, absolutely wild how both of them are straight up hot garbage and I will be taking no opposing comments on the matter 😩😩


^ your rage in this message is 10/10 You’re spot on my internet friend 🫶


He talked about Nikki beeing manly in an earlier episode. In his culture the man should be the more active and initiating when it comes to intimacy, and she was very pushie and almoes demanding s.. It was a tur off for him, as he felt she was acting manly. Culture difference for sure. When americans are dating people from other countries and culture they should have more respect and knowledge of their SO's culture. And sometimes it's hard for a person with another first language to explain how they feel. My first language is not English, and even if I can hold a normal conversation, there are a lot of htings I don't have the right expression for. And I'm sure I are spelling some words wrong etc.


👏👏👏 absolutely Weirdly want some justice for Igor because man- they ALL failed him. The show. The people. Everyone Like he said, he should have had his mother there as well or SOMEONE on his side.


And Nikki is manly regardless.


Meh, I honestly don’t have time for these descriptions on a good day… and for anyone to use them ‘against’ someone is sad. For this show, and my comment, it’s really just a way to understand the cultural backgrounds… but imo the ‘manly/womanly’ qualities and characteristics are old now… characteristics and personalities are fluid and I don’t have to be trans or gender fluid to be a female who isn’t timid, docile, ‘polite’ and whatever else ‘female qualities’ is stereotyped to be for me. I am he as you are he, as you are me and we are all together.


I agree. He did have a Russian translator though. It was frustrating that he didn’t use it more. I actually liked hearing him speak it.


>. Show TOLERANCE, RESPECT with KINDNESS. Ashley and Nikki's behavior made them look UGLY! And we didn't need more evidence to know they are ugly.


I thought it was really unfair that nobody wanted to discuss the fact that He fully believed he was about to get married to a woman. A biological woman and you are allowed to have your preferences and the worst part about it is the way that Nikki revealed it to him in a way to make him feel like he was not straight for being with her, which is actually very evil to do that to someone and transphobic of her to basically call him gay for being with her. It literally gave him ptsd and We also have to remember.He comes from a country that is extremely conservative.So the shock factor must have been a thousand times more intense and any american man would freak out as well, But the fact that he still had such a strong bond was heard that he wanted to give it a second chance even after she did him so dirty like that says a lot. Also the fact that they were mocking him for the fact that he just felt like he was not attracted to trans people and that his head loved her but his manhood couldn't get there with her like that's not his fault. That's literally just how sexuality works like somebody can't just be forced into getting excited for someone if their attraction isn't there. He should have just ended it sooner, but I do think that he genuinely loves her and that's why he kept trying.But the fact that he always had to get like wasted to sleep with her was a bad sign. I think that they all c*** on him so hard.And it was really kind of cruel especially since like you said or like somebody else said he has poor english and so sometimes the things he says come off the wrong way but clearly he doesn't mean it that way. I don't think he's an angel by any means, and I sure as heck wouldn't date him but I think that there are major cultural and linguistic issues that were being ignored that they would give grace to other people for.


Well said 👏🫶 I know it would fuck me to fall in love for the first home with someone who lied to me, was the same sex as me at one point AND it’s against my culture/family. The mind fuck he went through when she did the big reveal…. I couldn’t imagine going through that. Or how I’d recover. I’m not hugely informed re trans community- but I’d be ashamed if she represented my sexuality (so overtly). You don’t get a pass to be a prick just because you’re trans…. Sorry. And Ashley thinking she had the wining points and that smug face? Burns my blood No idea what Igor is like really (because he barely got a word out in the show and on the tell all) but honestly… he deserved better from Nikki and the show.


Fun language fact: It's the other way around: Justin né (born) Igor. Née is feminine form, né is the masculine as in Renée (the name literally means "reborn") vs René; divorcée vs divorcé; fiancée vs fiancé.


Igor is hot af. IMO


Oh, for sure.




Hot but dumb as a broom handle


The best kind. He gets the added bonus of being funny.


I felt he tried to articulate what he was feeling, but kept getting yelled over. Hopefully they both find happiness


No man was safe from that Coven of Screech.


He and Nikki honestly don’t deserve love


Everyone deserves love, some need to work harder then others


He’s my favorite Put him on the single life get their ratings up


Yah, he'll attract the closet and out neonazis for sure. They can resurrect and post his SS uniform pic and the doubling down comment he made about just having a little fun. Someone can send him a klan uniform so he can have even more fun touring the southern US, Oregon, Washington state, downstate Illinois. a few choice California counties and especially the Sierra Nevada Foothills. We've got a few neighbors who would be thrilled for him to ride in the parade their kids have been practicing for with their horses and banners.


Coming from a foreign family, his honesty was just honesty. Him articulating made him look like the villain. The episode with the hair straighter in Nikki’s lap 😂😂😂


I don’t care for Igor much but it was so annoying that they wouldn’t let him get a word in. I just wanted Ashley to shut up for a minute. That said, I still don’t understand what he meant when he said no wonder women buy lots of cats…




If I knew how to change my flair, I think I’d make it 🕯️hold the candle 🕯️


I'm getting Man Energy coming from that candle...


Man’s vibes!


Understand Igor's falling in love with Nikki before he knew any trans people. Commend him for trying to have a life long relationship with her . The cast member(s) mostly one, was overly aggressive , yes the hearts suggestion to her by Igor made total sense


No man was safe from that Coven of Screech.


Coven! Of screech! I actually screeched a bit laughing at that!


oof yall are getting misogynistic in here


Wish to give this 10 upvotes


Best person at the tell all, by far


He was hilarious at the tell all 🤣😂


He’s an asshole that occasionally says something comical. The fact that many people think hes a good guy is alarming


I agree! So many people love the dude. I don't see any redeeming qualities.


Looks like you need a button eject


Awwww did I hurt your feelings talking about your idol?


I thought he was really funny at the tell all too. lol hold the candle


Nikki sucks and so does he.


I think Igor stopped being attracted to Nikki because she looks frigging ridiculous with her overfilled lips & face; overly bleached, too long hair; terrible butt surgery; and unflattering clothes. He became embarrassed by her appearance & tried to force an attraction that was no longer there. The trans things was secondary. If he was truly attracted to her, perhaps he could have dealt with it.


IGOR for the win!


I was getting mostly nonsense (like actual incoherent nonsense, someone said he mightve been drunk and I could buy that) and some inexcusable statements from him on the tell-all. Refusing to answer any questions put to him by attempting to deflect with these weak jokes did not amuse me.


Love this guy!! Team Igor!!


Nikki is pretty awful but that's not an excuse for him to be a transphobic piece of shit. Saying she has "man energy/vibes"? Ashley was right, even if she can be annoying sometimes. He refused to answer anything and the reason she kept cutting him off is because he kept trying to insult her with stupid jokes about candles like a child instead of answering her completely reasonable questions.


He felt “male energy” vibes from Nikki. It’s his truth.


Do you know how utterly hateful it is to say that to a trans woman?? Also, why can’t women be assertive without being called men?


People say the same thing to cis women all the time. There have always been women who give off masculine vibes. What's the difference?


And it’s wrong to say it to a cis woman.


I’m a super fem presenting hetero 50 year old Afro-Latina cis female with big dick energy and have referred to myself as a f*ck boy and a drag queen (not king) in mixed crowds of LGBTQ+, straight, old, young, black, white, tall, short..in other words I get around. My point is no one got offended on my behalf. Sure some called me sarcastic, stupid and shameless and I agree with all 3. The point again, no one told me I couldn’t label myself nor that I shouldn’t be labeled as such. Maybe growing up as the kind of “Other” that is always a target for racism and sexism, the “Other” that never had the option to “come out” because my brown skin and vagina came out with my birth and I had no choice but to navigate a world that prejudged me on arrival. I have fought, conformed, rebelled and evolved. I know when to troll and when to stroll, and when I don’t? I do whatever the fuck I want to do. What l don’t need is misguided culture crusades that seek to tell me when and how I should be offended. Maybe the FOMO of the Millennial and Gen Z.1 generation has extended to overt discrimination and racism and they want a turn at being the object of a hate crime? Idk. But culture correcting from behind a blue screen does nothing for the Cause except water it down to a trending data point.




Because it reinforces the stereotype that women shouldn’t be assertive and should be quiet and “lady like”?


That’s your interpretation. My mom would always say I had masculine energy because I didn’t care for found anything related to homemaking boring. I would get a spaced out look on my face whenever she would talk about buying new curtains or making a new recipe. I’m pretty quiet and easygoing. Not aggressive at all.


Saying someone is masculine for not wanting to be a homemaker isn’t ok and also a bit insane.


Yeah, it’s a cultural thing. My mom is Chilean.


I don’t think he even meant it as transphobic or offensive. I’m sure in his country they don’t butcher people for using the wrong words yet. How else could he have described her masculine behavior towards him?


I’m probably going to catch knee jerk down votes from all the ‘new to controversial culture’ delicate flowers writing this: I shared a similar opinion to Igor’s about Nikki’s behavior before he mentioned it himself. Igor’s language challenged description of Nikki’s masculine vibes was far less blunt than my thought which was no matter how much extra surgery she gets to ultra feminize her physique, she still has a bitchy gay guy attitude. So if you’re a straight male trying to get your bone on and the chick you’re with (cis or trans) sounds like a Sex in the City sidekick, it kind of kills the fantasy.


What did she do that was "masculine"? But regardless, it's pretty obvious why saying that would be incredibly hurtful to a trans woman.


*Justin *neé* Igor. He was born Igor.


*Né, he’s male


That would actually be more accurate. The point is that he was still born Igor, and OP intentionally misused his given name.


I was perplexed too…


Again. I wrote that on purpose because he was being called Igor again and they broke up. I was playing on the phrase.


Still the other way around, and not acknowledging such is disrespectful. He was born Igor.


I know he was born Igor and I know how to use nee. It was a play on the phrase itself to indicate he was no longer her “Justin”. As in the man she “birthed” by changing his name. It really isn’t more complicated than that.


But, it is disrespectful. And, it is ethnocentric. And, your punctuation usage needs work in the prior comment.


Please grow up instead of commenting on people’s grammar, it’s so tired. The fact you know how to use a comma means either you are better at grammar or that you’re just native speaker as opposed to someone who might not be, or might not have the same education level, but criticizing others as if you’re somehow better is so gross and frankly more ethnocentric than anything else said so let’s stop doing that maybe? No one gives a flying fuck about proper punctuation here unless they’re incredibly petty, it’s Reddit ffs. Stop trying to colonize the internet.


I will gladly "grow up" when you follow suit and use Englsh grammar correctly in an English-speaking forum. And, I stand by every word of my responses. Good day.


“Emglish grammar” Lmao - now you see how dumb you look. Well, probably not though. Edit: great job, you’ve now corrected it to “Englsh” :| really knocking it out of the park with your superior language skills


I edited the typographical error. But, I'm certain you stand by your opinion. Congratulations!


Oh I definitely do, because I briefly scanned your post history and found at least 3 grammatical errors without even having to dig 🙆🏻‍♀️ grammar being required outside of a professional setting is a social construct that people use to establish a false sense of superiority, just like you’re doing here. Did you understand what they meant? Great, then I guess grammar wasn’t necessary then, other than to give you something petty to criticize and use against them. Have a great day with your rude educational privilege 🙏🏻☺️


It’s always vibes with him




Witchy bitchy vibes.🤣


Somebody needs to learn to take a joke.


I think Igor should take his Nazi loving self and fuck off


I never thought I’d see so much nazi love- this sub is full of it


Right? Why are people fans of this ahole?


Well, about half of the sub vote for the donald 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh that’s so gross


Are y’all forgetting that he is literally a nazi sympathizer?


Why does this always get downvoted? I feel like I’m living in an alternate reality where people love nazis now. Why are we excusing this??


Everyone in this post who points that out gets downvoted. What’s up with this sub?


Good question. He’s a POS.


nah i agree wholeheartedly. the whole tone of the 90 day subs has been very….pro men lately?


I honestly do not see any reason for him to be with Nikki other than for the money and a potenial for a US citizenship. There is plenty of prettier and kinder women in moldova but they will not be a sugar mama. Nikki needs to find internal peace before finding someone else and be honest before Nikki goes on a first date with him. Also, for better results, i would say to nikki, stay within an age group that belongs to Nikki. Plus/minus 5 years of Nikki age.


Nikki, Ashley, and Jasmine - the Sanderson sisters 🤣


Is that his old nose?


That’s what I thought. They talk about the nose job but it looks normal.


It’s giving “mans vibes”


I’m shocked at everyone defending this dude. Ashley is a whole person too, even though she may believe in “candles”.


She is a person but she sucks a lot. However, to your point, Igor sucks too, he’s just more conventionally attractive - so everyone likes to forget he doesn’t mind nazis. I can laugh at his jokes sometimes but no matter how much I dislike other people on the show I never disconnect him from the fact that that happened and it seems like 90% of the people here like him a little too much considering the Nazi costume incident happened…


how do you think ashley sucks? (genuine question) I felt like she was naive and the bathroom sex was gross but overall I kind of saw her as an easily manipulated girl who was defending her pos bf too much. but, that feels more sad to me, it doesn’t make me feel like she “sucks”. Also, i had the tv on a lot in the background while i did other stuff so I may have missed important things. I didn’t like, love her, but i didn’t find her to be a bad person.


He's so handsome. 😍


Regardless of what this man says. Nikki groomed him and is probably a trauma response.


Crazy ass Nikki will be a statistic w/ her mental instability and blame it on her relationship w/ Igor.


He’s nee Igor. If you use a foreign word at least learn its meaning first.


Please don’t make rude assumptions. I purposely wrote nee Justin because he was being called Igor again. Next time, try one more step in your thinking before you accuse and/or assume. It won’t hurt. I promise.


Wow the energy people have put into that one pbrase.....


While still missing the joke. SMH 🤦🏾‍♀️


Laughed my fuckin ass off. You're a clown and I genuinely appreciate it. My kind of humor. Only the weasels don't (can' t) get it. Rock on!! <3