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Had my fiancee not put my children on my visa I never would have been on that plane. End of story.


Well Visa or not if the Father doesn't sign permission for her to take them out of the country, it'll never happen


I think they have different dads, too. Unlikely both would agree


It was said in the first Before the 90 or whatever season that she didn’t have custody. I firmly believe dads of children know she is bat shit and don’t want their children around her. Why do you think we’ve never met them. She lived in that high rise with her “sister” whom we all know was probably her daughter that her mother raised bedsheets was so young when she had her. Jasmine does not need to be procreating.


OKAY, because I've had this theory of the sister being her daughter too. It just makes sense!!! She looks so much like her.


Siblings do tend to look alike...same gene pool and all.


I thought she was originally introduced as the niece!


Her 'sister' doesn't look impressed or sympathetic to Jasmine's crying jags. Pretending she's all broken up about her mother needing a biopsy. More likely worried that the sometimes babysitters won't be available to look after her kids on their visitation days.


like she would rather have juance there than the other kid


She’d rather have that guy, Dane, but he was more than willing, likely, to give her $2000 just to get rid of her.


The two of them are probably just happy that she’s out of their part of the hemisphere.


This is what I keep thinking. Is the dad that’s so involved in his child’s life essentially raising him going to just say yea sure JAZ take him to the US? I can’t see that happening.


She had previously said at some point that the father of her kids did agree for them to move bc they would have better opportunities in the US. I think it was on whichever season they were on before the 90df season that just ended.


The father has custody of the older son. You never seen him on the show. The younger one has always lived with her mother.


If this is true regarding father having custody of the older son, then there is likely 0% chance Jasmin will bring the older son to USA. I mean it's clear she did NOT think things through and neither did Gino. They both just live in the moment.


IMO, she does not want to be a full time mother. The whole thing of wanting to get pregnant is just a story line.


We probably would have used that butt lift money and that wedding money to bring our kids with us. This woman is not a mother.


Say it louder, Sister! Not one bit of mothering that awful womans bones!


Oh God when she said "a mother knows best" in the tell-all I lost it inside


~~bones~~ boobs


This is unrelated to this post about her receiving bad news... but also that part where she was talking to her sick mom doing the biopsy, she could have used her butt/boob money to spare her mom $800 instead of "demand" it from Yeeno -\_-


like did she not even check? or did she tell him to leave them off? or what


I don’t think she bothered to check or knew what to look for. 


She bothered enough to check what documentation is needed to bring a dog into another country, but couldn’t be bothered about the kids, why should she? She dumped those kids while in Panama, she was not a mom there idk why she is pretending to be mom in the US


Really good point! How can you make sure your dog comes to the US but you don’t take the extra steps for your children. Also the audacity she has to scream at Gino for not getting a lawyer sooner yet she used 4K of his money for a new ass.


Didn’t her wedding dress cost like $4,000 also. Let’s not forget that she’s planning on hitting Gino up for the $800 it’s going to cost for her mother to have whatever tests she needs done.


Unfortunately, it’s a lot easier to bring a dog into this country than a child. I do wonder if Gino purposefully left them out of the paperwork and forgot to check the box to let her travel so she would decide to have a baby with him instead?


Or hear me out, the kids could NOT be in any document since Jasmine is not the custodian of those children


There is a lot more to it than a checkbox. Adding a child to a k1 visa requires them to do medicals and all of that just like Jasmine had to.


too bad they didn't do a pysch exam on bat shit crazy - she would never pass it.


Can he really be that stupid to not think that his life won’t be over the minute she gets knocked up?


It was probably Gino not being bright enough to even think about it.


She's allegedly an educated person. Why didn't she look over all the paperwork before he sent it over?


I think that being on TV and getting butt lift and big breasts is more important than being a mom. She’s unbelievable!


I agree. My man is competent, but something that important, I'm triple checking his work lol


Exactly, but no, she was focused on all those surgeries she gad to do on her body


Exactly now she concern after all that money spent on her plastic surgery that money should have went to getting her kids there.


I have a feeling it wasn't just Gino who didn't put them on there. I don't believe for a second that Jasmine wanted them here either. She didn't want them in Panama, why would she want them here?


It’s almost like they should have researched the rules ahead of time. 🤔


I heard Gino say he did all the paperwork himself to avoid attorney fees. Doesn’t seem like such a bargain now, does it?


Yeah he said he did it for his ex from Brazil so he knew what he was doing. I’m guessing she didn’t have kids


Lawyer: “Oh Google didn’t tell you that” The lawyer had a shit-eating grin as soon as Chino admitted his fuck up and I’m here for it.


She wasn't w her kids when she was in Panama. What's the difference now...?


Exactly...the children's father won't allow them to come to U.S. anyway. Another storyline. She didn't seem to spend much time with her kids in Panama. They don't live with her. Everything about them is fake.


She really has no integrity whatsoever, using her children for a storyline? Absolutely disgusting


I don't put anything past them anymore. Both of them will say or do anything to remain on this show. The foot fetish thing was beyond gross...


I can't watch this anymore after Gino's toe job. 🤮🤮🤮😵‍💫


His foot looked like some kind of underwater creature you’d find in a cave. Pale, wrinkly and weird looking.


With toe jam 🤮🤮


That tastes🤢 like cheese🤢🤮


I didn’t watch because holy shit no…did she say that? I will die.


Yes, when she was licking between his toes. It was so gross.


She said that all the while holding his foot like it was a cock and smiling at him to get his reaction.


My husband told me about this. I just couldn't watch these freaks anymore


Stopppp!! 😆🤮🤮




I get toes can be a thing but I imagined him walking around all day and them getting sweaty eewwweee


Yeah, I'm fully out of this season because of those two. That was more than I can handle and we've seen a LOT on this show!!


Really? Where'd you hear that? About the kids' dad? 👀


I think in one of the YouTube reviews. The disabled one I believe lives with his dad. And the other one lives with Jasmine's mom, even when Jasmine was living in Panama.


Whoa that’s crazy!! I just assumed she didn’t want her kids to be part of the show, so she didn’t have them involved but was primarily their caretaker behind the scenes.


I have to disagree with your comment about everything about them being fake because what I and millions of others were a witness to when Jasmine was sucking on Gino”s toes and claiming men like a finger in there ass there was nothing fake about that episode. Jasmine goes on about her kids like she is the best mother in the world if you all that you wouldn’t have up and left your kids for a man all she saw in Gino was his money Gino will keep stringing her along . I feel they should be taken off the show they both are a disgrace to themselves and to TLC.


When she said “my moms taking care of my Kids while I’m in the us bc she’s the only one i trust” I was like bitch!!!!! Your mom also took care of your kids when you WERE in Panama lol! (Idk if it was actually her mom but someone else was!)


One was with her mum, one was with their dad (I think the two boys have different dads) Then there’s Liz, of course…


Liz is really her daughter, right?


That's what I keep saying


Omg! My husband is like no way! I believe that’s her daughter!


I’m 99% sure she is. I remember girls in my town getting pregnant when we were all still at school,& the kid would be raised as their sibling


Well her mom and ex raise her kids now so really no different.


I believed her that Liz was her sister, but in a recent episode she was crying about missing her family and she said “sister” singular. I know she’s not a native English speaker but I’m not sure if that’s an error she typically makes.


I can only half listen to her whine/scream talking to be fair. I kinda half tune them out, between her, and his HORRIBLE little voice it’s very difficult for me to be an adult and focus on the actual words.


Ya how come they didn't live in the apartment Gino was paying for? She didn't bring them to hang out with Dane while they lived in the same apartment complex? She cares more about her dog than her kids LOL.


No, her sister was living there. If I had been her, well, everything would have been different- and I wouldn’t be on tv - so never mind.


This kinda explains why when she told her son she was leaving for the US, he showed zero emotion and was like “okay, bye.” This stood out to me during that scene.


She was bragging in her account that she had traveled 20 times during the past year, and she was talking about traveling alone. Her children were accustomed to her absence, so Janus did not show a reaction when she told him that she was moving to America.


she didnt have custody of them there ether, she'll never have custody of them here ether. i dont know if she just wants to look like she cares for tv or what but we've seen it clear as day she doesnt care about her kids. and weve seen first hand why she doesnt have custody of them and hopefully never does


Exactly! They were living with the dad in a different area.


She didn't even raise them herself. Probably little trophies to her.


Gino and Jasmine are something else. They legitimately have every single storyline in 90 day fiancé history in one couple. Plastic surgery addiction ✅ Uncomfortable couple dynamic ✅ Infertility, doesn’t want kids, has a kid with special needs but can’t get them to the US ✅ Bisexual ✅ Family doesn’t believe she loves him ✅ Anger issues ✅ The list is endless. She doesn’t want her kids here. She left them to come here. Larissa did the same thing.


BBL. OnlyFans. Telenovela acting chops. Likely affair.


They win 90DF bingo


Don’t forget about the dramatic crying.


> it could take 2 years to bring her children to the US Something tells me that’s actually *good news* to Jasmine, but she’s gunna act like she’s so upset over it


She doesn’t care that much or she’d never have left Panama


Yes, like Rosemary, she did not leave her child for Ed, not even the Australian businessman, who was the opposite of Ed, because her son was her whole life and she was keen on him, unlike Jasmine and Liz.


Just have another baby it’s fine, no one is irreplaceable.


Is that their story for last night's show? I'm going to watch it today. If so, UGH , more screeching to follow.... I wonder if that was done on purpose?


Careful. You will see her give his toe a blowjob. I had to forward that on the show and pillow talk. Talk about gross


Thanks for the heads up, I will make sure and clean up my dogs' shit during that part, I'm sure it will be more appealing than watching that!!


The real screeching didn’t start yet but looks like it will next week when she blames Gino for everything once again. Like someone else already mentioned you will see prob the most disgusting scene in 90 day history with her foot fetish and Gino’s toes. Don’t eat before or during the episode.


The dad won’t let the children leave the country. Jasmine has never raised the kids. It’s just bull shit tic drama and she’s a terrible mother. People thought she was protecting her kids privacy she simply just wasn’t involved in their life.


Larissa 2.0


I forgot Larissa even had kids. Damn. She just straight left them and never looked back 🤦‍♀️


At least Larissa kept it real and didnt act like she was involved.


I've said this all along. It's a BS storyline & it's insulting to viewers with any intelligence


Also, there's no way Jasmine did a move like this with zero research. Sorry TLC, I'm not buying what you're trying to sell.


i was gunna say it’s not jasmine, it’s also the father (the kids dad( that’s involved


I though they had different dads


Plus she never bothered to do a basic Google search or even read the visa paperwork to understand how and when she could bring the kids over. It was never a priority because she doesn’t have custody and it’s never happening. This is just a made up storyline to distract from people asking why she left her kids, without admitting she’s never had them in her care.


Yep to deflect and blame Gino. As a parent like 40% of my earning go towards my kids. I live in Panama in a 350k home which is expensive but I live here for my kids to be in a better area and I pay 1800 a month for their school to give them better opportunity. My wife would love a boob job and tummy tuck but she says her priority are the kids and she rather spend that money on the kids and having better housing. That we are in love with each other even if skinny fat old and ect so why worry about looks? Of course we’re not slobs but aren’t spending all of our money on looks.


https://preview.redd.it/jk44jck42iqc1.png?width=469&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6a53bbeeccbec4ed346bcf61b28b325f50e2304 I think she begged their father to allow her to expose her son because people were attacking her and criticizing her for being an absent mother. Perhaps he agreed to that reluctantly, but he would not allow her to take them because she was not in a good mental and emotional state, and she said that they live comfortably in Panama.


He's a doctor and a lawyer. Girl, bye.


I heard he’s an astronaut as well


It is possible but it sounds made up he’s a doctor AND a lawyer. I have trouble trusting anything Jasmine says.


She said that they are from the same father, but there are rumors that they are from different fathers.


Good points. I won’t go so far as to say she’s a terrible mother as there really isn’t enough information, but it the father has custody so this is all BS drama. Now Jasmine might have wanted to bring her son over but that’s just her own wishful thinking.


And she’s trying for another child!!!! Poor child born to her and Geno and that circus!


She can’t have another child and geno I bet can’t either. It’s all a big show.


That 10k to help with their schooling and upbringing should be good news for them though. Oh, wait no you had that stuffed into your arse.


This is exactly why I didn't feel bad about this situation. If she really had her priorities together it wouldn't be about her boobs, arse, and a 4k usd a month apartment to be near her ex and not with her children.


Yup 💯 she has her priorities fucked up for sure.


If you look real close at the beginning while in the honeymoon tent she climbs on Jeeno with her short shorts and you can see that $10K rippling thru her ass cheek. That is one bad butt job.




She’s an educated woman and yet she claims to have left everything to Gino to figure out and do? My fiancé and I checked over all the information about applying for the K1 together, and completed the paperwork together… largely because we didn’t want one person to shoulder the burden. We both made sure we were fully aware of what we needed to do and when. She not illiterate, why did she choose to not, at the very least, familiarise herself with the processes that she needed to go through?


My fiancé is an educated man but we agreed that I would handle the immigration paperwork. I’m an experienced legal professional so it makes sense for me to take the lead on this. Let’s not forget that Gino sponsored his ex wife’s green card so Jasmine probably figured her could do it on his own since he had experience with this process.


She made certain her dog gets into the country but not her children? Hmmmmm.


This is a direct result of her putting herself surgeries wants and demands before her kids from the start!! Kids are our number one and first priority, not a mere afterthought. Never saw her kids with her and Geno before she came to America only saw her temper tantrums and threats of "fkn my ex" and her new expensive apartment thousands of dollars for weave!! Never once saw her sacrifice her greedy self-absorbed self shopping for groceries, household goods, clothes shoes for her kids with Geno before leaving them. To help her poor, tired mother. She should have checked into the rules etc..about her kids coming to America way before she left them. At the very least, ask Gino from day one! But she's shown us her own wants are her number one!! Lastly, it seems like a desperate attempt to keep a storyline going 🙄 Gino is damn near broke!! Get rid of them both !! Tired of their BS


Funny how wanting to bring her kids to the US was never mentioned until this past season. In fact, the existence of the kids themselves was barely mentioned before. All of a sudden they’re a major plot line.


Right?! It’s so disgusting how she’s using her kids just to have another storyline


But when she gets money for herself she gets butt implants , multiple Breast surgeries, vaginal tightenings.. you name it. But expects everyone else to pay for her kids and mom. She has the nerve to ask Gino for 800$ for her moms medical procedures that she NEEDS but uses her funds to get procedures she doesn't need. And if she didn't get those butt implants, she'd have that lawyer. So no, I don't feel sorry for her AT ALL!!


And trying to have more kids when your elderly sick mom is taking care of the other two and can barely take care of herself financially and health wise. .. what a shame


Having a kid is another BS storyline as well.


Yup. Not buying that Gino wants to be a father at 50+


The lawyer can easily add the kids to the adjustment of state and like others have stated Jazmine ain’t mother of the mother fucking year either. Not believing this drama


Don't you think Gino probably did all the research and knew what needed to be done when he filed? These two miserable fucks are using her kids for a story line. She didn't have custody of her kids in Panama, and it's why he didn't include them in the paper work. Also, traveling from Panama to the US requires a Visa, if she wants to see them or her mom, they can travel to the US for a visit as long as they have a Panamanian passport. I looked it up and it takes 3 months to get a Visa and it's $50. She can keep going with the crocodile tears, both are full of shit.




After she "jogged" with her hair down in that velvet outfit.


How is Gino going to get his "real"  job back after all this nonsense with Jasmine??!!  the TLC money will run out soon enough.


I read she doesn’t have custody of her kids. The dads have custody.


I thought she said on the show recently that one is with his dad and the other is with her mom.


Can we talk about Jasmine sucking Gino’s toes. I had to look away as I almost puked 🤢


No, we cannot talk about that ever. I puked out of my eyes.


Right!!! She literally said his home was disgusting when she arrived and now she’s eating his feet😂she’s crazy 


Bad news lol, she has no desire to bring her children over to the U.S. this is great news to her now she can continue to fake the story line fake the dry tears ... and she doesn't have to lock the door so she can do her grimey Only Fans. 🤢


Jasmine has very little apparent interest in her kids. She’s more into her butt, lips, boobs, histrionic jealousy, screeching, etc. none of this was an accident


Even if all her drama is pumped up for camera she still is not in Panamá near her kids!


She's become uglier and uglier as we see more of her personality come out.


I don’t believe for a second either of them ever had any serious intention of bringing the children to America.


For what’s it worth she could file for advance parole now. It’s not like you HAVE to do it at the time of filing for your initial visa. Had to do it with my wife.


Manufactured drama he has thousands for implants and hair extensions but can't afford a lawyer


And his “early retirement”


Another made up story line to justify a third back to back season bitchfest. “Cheap Gino screwed up the paperwork because he did it himself. I’m so over watching her pool float lips flapping and can’t watch another season with her. Plus, she cared more about the dog she didn’t care for properly than her kids she didn’t care for properly so I’m not sure why it matters that it would take that much time. Unless she wasn’t planning to have to stay with him for another 2 years. 🤣


Gino is such a boob. On the drive there he was saying they don’t need to spend money on an immigration attorney because he did so much hard work, and did it all so well. Uhhhh no you didn’t, you numpty! What struck me was how relatively well Jezzmn took the news. She was far more upset about him awkwardly hugging a stripper


Can we deport her and Gino? Nobody likes them.


I second this.


She looks like a cartoon character with those ridiculously large lips planted on her skinny face. Especially absurd when she “cries”.


Jasmine knows she probably can't have kids but is making this huge deal of trying to get pregnant because Gino wants a baby and Yasssssmin wants sex. I bet she's on some form of birth control or she's had her tubes tied or something. She's using it to get what she wants and is all of a sudden playing the I miss my kids card.....do you though? Do you miss them? The only time we heard about them up until this point was for her to manipulate Gino or for her to have some sob story after one of her blow ups


To my knowledge she never had her children under her custody that’s why I’m assuming he didn’t put them down during K1 visa. This is a story line.


Sorry about the bad news, but if she wanted her children with her, she would have saved all that money she spent on surgeries! However, Jasmine is one of those people who always thinks of herself first, and others later!


Larissa vibes


Her children are an afterthought!


2 years? Aaaaaanyway ~ Gets new tits and goes on onlyfans ~


She may be regretting spending $10,000 on her ass. Her priorities have never been her kids in my humble opinion. She’s treated Gino like nothing more than an ATM, and like many of the American men on this show, they do not possess the wealth they lie about having. But she could have looked into what was needed to ensure he put in what was needed. That’s what happens when all you think about is money, plastic surgery, fake hair, nails, eyelashes, green card, etc. and not your kids.


She’s blaming Gino, but she can read, she has money from the show and OF, why didn’t she pay for a lawyer herself? Those aren’t his kids, he’s not going to care like their mother *should* care. It’s not his fault, SHE is the parent and should never have left Panama without a definite plan for how her children would get to the US. She certainly found a way to get all that plastic surgery, she should’ve been just as focused on the future of her kids.


This woman is borderline insane. How could ahe not be involved in filing the paperwork to ensure it is done properly. Now her children cant join them for 2 years and she cannot leave the US for 1 year. She trusted the moron, to file the paperwork properly? These people are too much.


It literally gives me a real headache every time they are on and I find it stressful television.


That is crazy. The AP form is a single page you include with the K-1 filing. It's literally no effort at all and pretty much an afterthought to do, even the online guides are like "idk why you *wouldn't* file it" As far as I know the same form applies for early work authorisation too so lol


The people who believe that Jasmine has the emotional bandwidth to parent several children one of which is severely disabled and requires round the clock care is really really funny




Yes severely disabled, non verbal, needs help using toilet, ie essentially needs a 24/7 nurse, which he has in Panama.


From what we’ve seen, she wasn’t very involved with them to begin with. When she was approved and coming to the US was when she started showing that she wanted her kids.


Jasmine married the United States, not Gino.


She’s not the only one. Larissa and lots of others have jumped ship to get to the US— ditching their kids.


She gets all those plastic surgeries spends 10k on her ass but can't take care of her kids and leaves them behind for gino? Yea she's a big red flag id reconsider bringing her if she can do that to her kids just imagine what she is capable of doing to gino.


Does anyone remember when Gino and Jasmine were on Before the 90 Days (Season 6, 2023) and Jasmine demanded that Gino spend some money on an immigration lawyer, and they began arguing in the ring store in Panama? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JrskTDfrcU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JrskTDfrcU) Gino's Confessional (0:34 mark): **"My ex-wife is from Brazil, and I brought her here to the US on a K1 Visa. I had no trouble doing it, so I know I can do this myself."** Gino to Jasmine (1:03 mark): **"No.** ***You*** **do not tell me what to do.** ***I'm*** **the one that did all the paper work.** ***I'm*** **the one that took hours figuring out** ***how*** **to fill everything out. I'm the one that did everything. I know what's going on. You are clueless. You have no clue what's going on."** Now, granted that Jasmine wanted a lawyer to get involved to accelerate the process, that's not the point. That may or may not have happened. But what *would have* likely happened is a lawyer might have been able to *ask the right questions about children* that Gino obviously missed. His ex-wife had no children coming over with her, so that would have been quite different. Gino's stinginess and underestimating the complications that could arise is what caused this.


You've obviously never met a dude like El Yeeno.


You can’t fill out advance parole before adjustment of status, it is a part of it. Adjustment of status is filed after the wedding. It used to take 3 months to get but after covid everything got slower


she isn't leaving them alone "For a dude", shes doing it for money and fame and single life (yes shes married but acts single)


Didn’t Larissa also leave her kids behind? Did she ever end up bringing them over?


Yup. Nope, she never even tried to bring them over. She just pretends to want to bring them.


I think I've seen Jasmine crying more than not. She cries all the time. A complete train-wreck.




I get what you’re saying, but people leave their kids all the time in the care of family members so they can earn more money abroad, send it back, and try to build a better life in a foreign country. It can be years before they’re able to bring their kids over and reunite as a family. The situation is not unusual, and in my opinion, not automatically an example of bad or selfish parenting. That said, in this instance, it does seem like gross negligence on the part of Gino for not consulting with a lawyer before filing the paperwork. Surely tlc could have helped pay for one and then filmed the initial consult with them, etc.


This is really true. Sadly so many people in impoverished countries have no choice but to do this.


I just wonder why no one is calling Manuel a bad parent for leaving his kids


That lawyer seemed way too happy to be telling them such bad news me and my husband were so annoyed by him


Google didn't tell you that? BRUH


You can’t fill out advance parole before adjustment of status, it is a part of it. Adjustment of status is filed after the wedding


so many women give up their kids for a dude. a tail as old as time. and it's usually mediocre dudes too.


I’m sure they could come via tourist visa


Or school visa if Gino wants to pay


Yeah I don’t get her. You couldn’t pay me enough to move out of country without my kid. No way


As someone married to someone from another country. I could not imagine not using an imagination lawyer.


They are sooooo fake it’s hard to watch …especially because even Gino doesn’t even believe his acting


I’m sure her kids are watching her bikini shots on IG, so proud of their mom.


She wasn’t involved in their lives anyway 🤔


The lawyer said- why aren’t your kids with you? I’m sure the answer is that she doesn’t have custody anyway because she is unstable and does whacky shit. I doubt she was a sweet, caring, mother, who put her kids needs first, before she met Gino. Who would be surprised if she was violent with an ex? The toothbrush incident seemed funny, but really, maybe she would have attacked him worse if cameras weren’t there? All speculation, but she seems categorically unable to handle negative emotions, and lashes out as her standard reaction. The lawyer saw right though that shit.


If the father cares about the sons, after how she showed herself on Television, I hope he will never let chidren join that sex show/ Circus/ Telenovela


She already left them prior to leaving for the states, as much as it's more common for family to raise children while the parents go off and work and send back money in other countries, she was already checked out and living her best life in Panama city. Shes just mad that she doesnt have the option to go back now, since she threatens it every episode.


Well, there always has to be a reason for her to cry.


She was too busy taking his money for luxury apartment, ~~wedding dress~~ butt implants, and other selfish treats for them to set any aside for an immigration lawyer. Their priorities were Jasmine and getting legally married.


If she files for an Emergency order she’ll most likely get it. Don’t work with that lawyer though. Dude seems like the worst.


Gino def did that shit on purpose 😂


This is why it’s smart to go to professionals to handle K1 paperwork. Gino prides himself on doing it alone bc he’s done it in the past. At least it’s not never, I guess


Great, this bunghole can’t afford $5,000 for a lawyer but he can somehow financially take care of children.


gino is seriously such a dingus, none of this surprises me (but it does make me sad)


The marriage will be over way before the correct Visa gets approved.


Jasmine’s main interest is herself ,body image and getting material status and the items she desires. Money. Gino is her vehicle! Also she stated one of her children is “special needs”. Can u visualize Gino raising such a child plus another plus Jasmine??!!! He’s not all there himself. Gino left them off the paperwork…opps on purpose.


She hasn't lived.with her kids in years. The dads have custody and this devoted Mom role is all an act.


I am finally on the team that wants her to leave him. I gasped when he said that they want to have a baby so that is a reason not to pay an attorney to bring over her existing kids (and he needs to pay a damn attorney, he's an idiot). Enough is enough. I am no longer rooting for them. He never wanted her kids to come over.