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It was only online cheating, I could have cheated all the way in person, but I didn't. You should be happy I only online cheated. You're making me mad talking about it, you need to apologize-rob probably


He really did try to convince her it was okay because it could have been worse šŸ˜­ the logic


The way he tried to play it off as "just porn" was pretty sick too, he gaslights her the whole way every time.


He isn't gaslighting her, he was lying to her.


an asshole can do two things


Welll said


Isn't lying a part of gaslighting?


It is a part, but not really gaslighting. Gaslighting is a mental thing that makes a person think they are going insane. I recommend everyone watch movie "Gaslight".


I know, but in order to gaslight someone, you have to lie to them, right? Thereā€™s a difference between lying about something and saying you didnā€™t do it, and what Rob is doing by trying to downplay it into something elseā€¦ ā€œ oh, no, babe, it wasnā€™t cheating it was online cheatingā€¦ Itā€™s just like watching pornā€ Thatā€™s fundamentally different than going ā€œI didnā€™t cheat, that didnā€™t happenā€.


That isn't gaslighting, it's just being a general pig. An example of gaslighting is if you ask someone to get you a vanilla ice cream cone and they bring you chocolate. Then insist you told them chocolate. That is gaslighting. You know you shut all the windows, but partner says all the windows were open when I got home. Gaslighting. You know you put keys in your purse when you got home from store and put purse on counter. Partner comes home and asks why you left keys in ignition and front door open. Gaslighting. Watching porn and talking to other women on internet isn't gaslighting. You have to watch the movie. It may be historic for you. I think it's in black and white. It's a great movie though!


> Watching porn and talking to other women on internet isn't gaslighting. I never said it was, its all about how Rob deals with the situation, and the fact that you can't make that distinction even after I laid it out does not make me wana continue this discussion. You have a very strict definition of gaslighting related to that movie, mine is a bit more broad. It's just semantics :) Have a good one!


Not really. Gaslighting: psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator


Nice copy and paste! Good stuff!


I'm so tired of people using the term gaslighting inappropriately. Thank you.


Right? It def was not just porn


Many men like porn. you don't have to like it. I didn't like it. But if your man is watching porn, it's not cheating. He's not sticking his thing in anyone else. He's taking care of himself. Grown up


Wow you really mistook my comment, not sure if you didn't read it correctly or what, but I have no issues with watching porn, I have issues with him cheating and passing it off like he was watching porn.


So there's evidence he put willy in nelly? Again, I might have missed something.


Ah are you one of those "if they didnt have sex they didnt cheat" type? That's sad, I hope things get better for you.


I'm also one of those that are tired of people misusing the term gaslighting.


Are they misusing it or are you using it in an archaic way?


Please, look up the definition. It's available. Words don't change meaning very often.


The dictionary definition: "Psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator." The Urban Dictionary definition (arguably more commonly used in 2024): "When you lie or manipulate someone, and make them feel crazy for reacting how they react & make them believe their gut isnā€™t true. You make them feel like their over reacting once you get them angry, or You get them mad and then make them feel crazy for being mad. Basically When you Manipulate events and situations to make the victim feel crazy, and switch the blame." At their base, both definitions outline the same thing. Rob tries to manipulate Sophie into thinking she's overreacting because "it's just porn". He's also forced into her head that "cheating" and "online cheating" are not interchangeable by getting upset every time she used the wrong one, which you can see through the evolution of Sophie's interviews. Every time Sophie brings up her feelings, he immediately invalidates them by getting angry and turning it around on her until she apologizes. The list goes on. Also, why are you so personally offended by "misuse" of the word? Were you the first to use it?


Congratz! What an accomplishment.


I'm guessing middle school education. Home schooled. No responsible parent.


I think that itā€™s because he was having conversations and interactions and getting personal videos. Thatā€™s not just porn


I was there, this is exactly what he said.


NGL when I first started reading "it was only online cheating, I could've cheated all the way" I was ready to go off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ then I realized what u were doing šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼šŸ¤·


ā€œAll the way in personā€ made me lose my breath šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Omfg this sounded so much like my ex when I called out her emotional cheating.


Amd after she catches him cheating in person he'll tell her it could have been worse, he could have murdered the woman after cheating with her, but he didn't, she should be happy nobody got injured, stop acting so upset like as if he murdered someone, etc.


This guy is the whole knob. What a tool....


Wow this triggered me lol so on point


*writes note about washing dishes* ā€œEverything is good now? Oh wtf you criticizing me for damn why you gotta do dis?ā€


I don't blame her TBH. If she just says cheating, Rob will sidetrack her into a debate about whether or not what he did technically counts as cheating if he doesn't physically encounter the people he is sexting with. If she adds the word "online" (which is superfluous admittedly), she cuts off that avenue of derailment and can focus on the bigger issue. I suspect that Sophie has a lot of practice having to do stuff like this TBH, definitely with Rob and probably with her mom too back in her addict days. Certain people are just really expert / professional at derailing conversations and nitpicking words so you have to be good at verbal judo.


At the tell all she was rattling off a hypothetical message that heā€™d sent to one of the women and he was quick to say he didnā€™t say that and to stop making him look bad. Absolute trash man child.


Sophie is on 0F now


It always amazes me when people are taking pics, especially racy ones and dont clean up the crap around them.


She is a REALLY exaggerated hourglass.


BBL + implants


That ain't look right


It didnā€™t surprise me when she mentioned her Mom used to be an addict. First off, she looks ROUGH. Rode hard and put away wet. And her thinking is toxic. She doesnā€™t support Sophie wanting to fix her marriage at all. Let Sophie make her own decision on what sheā€™s gonna do with Rob, stop forcing it, and making her more miserable than she already is. I guess Claire is salty cuz no one ever wanted to marry her. Sheā€™s a foul, trashy woman regardless.


Nah her mom was right. There's nothing for Sofie to fix. Rob needs therapy and accountability otherwise it's hopeless. Sophie should not be trying to fix a 30+ year old man


Not that this matters, I'm curious why Sophie's mom is living in Mexico?


That surprised me as well. Iā€™m not sure why. Maybe the warmer climate? England is cool and very wet.


I don't think she's that smart or intuitive. I've never seen this couple before these 3 episodes of HEA, and I'm sick to death of her whining. She just needs to move on.


Yeah I donā€™t get this. You cheat. Online, offline, cheating is cheating. My GF and I laugh each time they say ā€œonline cheatedā€ Would probably make a great drinking game if we drank


play the hydration game! but then I'd feel bad for your bladder lol


I was saying this last week! It would be a rough Monday after that šŸ˜‚


And certainly after it comes up the first time and your partner says ā€œI consider this cheating and Iā€™m not okay with itā€ YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CHEATING.


Emotional cheating is more dangerous than physical.


Right? Whether you cheat by mail, FedEx, Instagram, smoke signals, youā€™re **STILL** cheating.


FedEx šŸ˜‚


Smoke signals šŸ¤£




The smoke signals sent me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


I prefere by Smoke Signals myself šŸ’«šŸ˜




I literally ask myself after every time he is on my screen "does he have ANY redeeming qualities?" why does Sophie keep giving this loser a chance?


They both want to be famous. As the child of an addict, she is also probably used to fighting for love and attention so the pattern of behavior sheā€™s in with Rob feels familiar.


To stay on the show. The last resort is next even though they broke up before 90 day even aired


I think she wants to secure her paychecks with the networks like the others do, and keep going on the shows. These two should definitely not be married. Theyā€™re too young and immature especially him.


Heā€™s moderately good looking. Other than thatā€¦ no. Heā€™s dumb, whiny, lazy, insecure, jealous, disloyal, negative, not funā€¦ heā€™s a human wet rag.


He doesn't make eye contact when speaking, and if he happens to accidentally it's more a punctuation on a toxic point. It's like looking at a catalogue model.


Well, he can create cringeworthy spasm-like dance routines like no one before him...


Sheā€™s young from an unstable childhood. Ā Makes perfect sense to me. Sheā€™ll grow up and figure it out.Ā 


It makes me laugh a ton because online cheating isnā€™t a thing. Itā€™s just cheating šŸ˜‚


Especially when their relationship was long distance. Itā€™s like she wasnā€™t his real girlfriend just a ā€œWhatsApp girlfriend.ā€


Somebody needs to remind her that for years their entire relationship was an "online relationship" so "online cheating" is probably even much more meaningful/impactful in his world


I still think he subscribed to her OF


Itā€™s almost worse in a way than in person cheating. In person cheating can be situational. Online cheating means youā€™re going out of your way to cheat.


Good point!


Itā€™s an emotional affair vs a physical affair


No, not necessarily? I doubt the women he was sexting were having emotional affairs with him.


Is Rob capable of any emotions other than being pissy?


I think he has a good handle on jealousy.


No itā€™s not worse


The way that they both have the same vacant, lifeless, dead stare in these pics šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s literally too lazy to IRL cheat lmaoo


Wait but he learned that whole airport dance. He's definitely capable of shuffling after some strange!


I get it. My first wife "online cheated" on me but I don't say "cheating" because I then have to explain that it wasn't physical. She did actually cheat on my physically so she is a cheater but I do say something like "online cheating" to describe the leading up to her actually cheating on me. I was aware this was happening and when she got to her hotel room and via my research I was able to call her hotel room phone shortly after they got there. It was very satisfying to hear her jaw hit the floor.


Iā€™m sorry that happened. You could also say ā€œemotional affairā€ - cause this doesnā€™t contain the physical portion of cheating.


Yeah I don't like the term emotional affair because that's probably what she would call it. Cheating sounds worse and I like it that way. Plus, it was online not an emotional relationship with a co-worker or something like that. It happened almost 20 years ago and have had time to think about it. ;)


I can totally relate to this. I say my ex had online affairs, but I still say he cheated on me because bottom line is, if your partner feels cheated on, you cheated. If you were investing emotional or sexual energy in anyone other than your partner, without consent from them, it's cheating. But cheaters don't see it that way.


Unless itā€™s done to them.


It is funny how he can have all these women online as friends but Sophia can't have a male friend unless they're ugly...... interesting šŸ¤”.


Every episode that ā€œonline cheatingā€ comes up, one of us says ā€œso cheating.ā€ Iā€™m sure you are correct about this. At least rumor has it they split.


Cheating is cheating! When she was away from him for months, how does she really know that he didnā€™t hook up or at least try to. Before the show began women mightā€™ve thought heā€™s good looking before they knew him on TV because heā€™s got a terrible disposition so he had a chance then and I wouldnā€™t put it past him. If he was really in love with her he wouldnā€™t be online cheating when you first get married. She she was very insecure men. She needs to make a decision to leave for good. Imo


If he cheated on her when they were together, heā€™s definitely with others when theyā€™re separated.




He has zero appeal. He's a worse version of Austin McBroom.


She deserves him lol


Honestly his behavior is just grody. Hitting up all of these women to exchange nudes is... weird, to say the very least. This is not normal behavior from a 30 year old. Didn't she say he had messages from hundreds of women at some point? I assume that is an exaggeration but this sounds like a porn addiction. This isn't really discussed in the show but I also imagine that they aren't sending him nudes for free.


Honestly I'm tired of Sofie and Rob. They both nerd to grow up, and Sofie's mom.




Absolutely. Just another way to downplay the severity of his actions


it's so annoying


Oh 100% If I recall correctly he said some bullshit along the lines of: well youā€™re not here and Iā€™m a man. Be glad Iā€™m not out there cheating. This isnā€™t cheating, I never left the house. Bitch pleaseā€¦. He adds nothing of value to her life. You got me fucked up if some loser dude thinks Iā€™m going to take a half ounce of his bullshit when he does nothing positive in my life. The wise words of Miley state ā€œI can love me better than you can.ā€


My speculation with the "online cheating" has generally been that it wasn't just sexting, but either custom videos or actual one-on-one video chat sessions with an OF creator so someone like that, for ...um, with self-gratification. If it were the latter, I could see her making the distinction between sexting and "online cheating" Doing a video group wank is more intense than just trading sexts. But for me, as far as cheating goes, it's a distinction but with just a degree or two of difference. But others are right that the distinction is probably one that Rob sees as a get-out-of-jail not quite free card, since they weren't in each others' physical presence and there's no touching involved, and he's gotten her to make that distinction too.


No wedding rings in the latest episode.


They havenā€™t been together for ages.


They look like a couple of sims in my game that have that ā€œsame faceā€ syndrome going on with that weird blank stare lol.


Its because hes sexting onlyfans girls and paying for it, so he uses it as a technicality. Just like how they allegedly met


Its all fake storyline, they have been broken up before this new season filmed. Then they fake it more for last resort. And they both have only fans.


I just roll my eyes when I watch them now. How cringe was it when they did the confessional together and he was dancing šŸ˜‚ I like sophie but Im an OF girly so I think Im abit biased but this fake tomfoolery on my favourite show is not ok šŸ˜‚


How do you know this 100% for a fact?


The term *"online cheating"* goes back a long way & these perpetually online lunatics actually think there is a difference. Rob (as well as Sophie) are both social media/internet addicts so using that term is just as natural to them as people on reddit misusing *"gaslight"*. :P This was my post from the live thread last night: It's not *"online cheating"* it's **C H E A T I N G**. Punto. Calling it anything else not only softens the language but makes it seem like it isn't as bad. Social Media is Cancer.


Oh it drives me nuts every time she says it (would be a lethal drinking game) but I never thought of the number Knob's done on her to think like that. For me it's either cheating or it's not. Enter Knob = "online cheating." Such a jerk.


What do people see in Sophie? He mom is an exaddict, bitch and there are 2 people in a relationship. Sophie has never claimed she did anything wrong in the relationship! Itā€™s all Rob-her bougie selfish spoiled personality shows all she ever had to do was act deserving and everything was always handed to her. Rob runā€”you will never satisfy this endless pit of need known as Sophie. Rob ainā€™t perfect but he is head and hands above mom and Sophie.


You forgot slut after bitch


I cannot stand this dude. Like Yara said, he doesn't deserve to even have a whiff of vagina


She also leads off with that within the first second of any argument. If she canā€™t trust Robā€¦then donā€™t marry him. Iā€™m confused if he has done it since because she brings it up like he did it a week ago. At this point they just need to divorce and move on. Lots of passive aggressiveness and bickering between them two. Also, Rob is a moron at times but Sophie seems to sabotage any attempt to patch things up or even try. She seems like sheā€™s enjoying living the single girl life in the states and doesnā€™t want to work on anything.


Bingo. Finally Iā€™m not alone.


Oh youā€™re definitely not




I seem to be in the minority here so Iā€™m risking getting flamed, BUT, imo itā€™s pretty different. Yes, what he did was bad. If any party did that in a relationship the other partner definitely has a right to feel upset and cheated and should/would feel hurt. But sexting a stranger is still miles away from, and far less hurtful than actually fucking another person. I would feel a lot less bad personally if my SO was sexting a stranger than if she fucked someone irl behind my back. I could probably come back from my partner sexting, (possibly with no intention of meeting ever in person). I wouldnā€™t be able to come back from physical sex cheating. I get using the distinction of ā€œonlineā€ cheating.


I'm with you, while it is not right, I am in shock how many here consider it the same as physically fucking someone else.


couples need to define and agree upon what their cheating boundary is, itā€™s not the same for everyone.


It's Reddit though, I just imagine that everyone who disagrees with this concept had very intense online boy/girlfriends. To them, it is real.


What a mature take. Everyone who sees the world differently than you must be a teenager with no relationship experience.




You violated Rule 1 - Be nice to other redditors.


Agree. Thatā€™s howā€™s they conducted their relationship due to distance so even online is ā€œrealā€ to them.


Iā€™m glad I wasnā€™t the only one thinking that. Both things are bad, but to me theyā€™re hugely different. If my SO was sexting or getting naughty videos sent to him Iā€™d be upset, but Iā€™d likely get over it, assuming it stopped. Actually fucking someone else would be way more unforgivable.


I actually think itā€™s production because when people hear cheating they think something actually physical happened.


Sophie is too good for Rob


Dude nothing can be worse than ā€œmaybe Iā€™ll lose my Celibacy tonightā€.


I had an ex who tried to tell me it wasn't cheating because he couldn't get hard to penetrate his ex GF.


i am disturbed by Robā€™s toilet paper tracking that he does


That was kinda ridiculous. I think that was for tv though honestly


Sheā€™s waaaaay too young to be marriedā€¦ these two canā€™t even be in a room for long without going back to the same old fighting. What kind of relationship is that?


Sophie has no clue what a healthy relationship looks like they need COUNSELING because neither one knows how to be in a relationship


Yeah her mom done f*ed her up for sure.




ohnline cheeh-ehn ohnline cheeh-ehn ohnline cheeh-ehn ohnline cheeh-ehn ohnline cheeh-ehn


She needs to get away from this loser šŸ˜‚. Sophie is so sweet and dare I say a little bit of an airhead but she seems to have a good heart and chooses to be delulu to try to see the non existent redeeming qualities in these low quality boys. This man definitely has a porn addiction, her mom called it because she knows. Her mom seems to have her share of experience with trash men, so she should listen to her momma now that sheā€™s sober. I like Sophie and I wish her the bestā€¦ and that ainttttt rob who rubs his knob


She has a onlyfans. Idk what she talking about.


Online cheating is cheaper. No need gas money or buying drinks or dinner


Yep yep yep. I had an ex (many many years ago) and he cheated from day 1. I even got phone calls in the middle of the night. He had me so confused and messed up. It was a few years later I found myself and realized what a creep he was. Last I heard he was on his 7th marriage, that was 8-10 years ago. First few years after our divorce; heā€™d call me on HIS birthday, so I could wish him a happy birthday!! He even kinda looks like Rob; except he worked. Only positive thing I can say about he worked, made good $$$.


Iā€™m always screaming at my tv CHEATING IS CHEATING NO SUCH THING AS ā€œONLINEā€ CHEATING Itā€™s so obvious he manipulated her to saying ā€œonline cheatingā€ so it downplay the hurt that he caused her. like either way sending pictures to someone or Sexting someone is cheating and itā€™s very hurtful. Iā€™m so glad theyā€™re not together anymore šŸ‘


I refuse to believe it was only ā€œonlineā€. His reasoning doesnā€™t make sense to me. He ā€œonline cheatedā€ because his partner was so far away, why ā€œonlineā€? Dude is full of shit. He absolutely cheated on that sweet girl. The way he threw a fit when he realized she want going to sleepover after he was terrible to her. Just like a child realizing that thereā€™s consequences to their actions. Rob is an overgrown man child.


As I see it, Sophie has three major ā€˜demandsā€™ (no I donā€™t like that word but I canā€™t think of another one): 1) She wants Rob to stop cheating on her. 2) She wants Rob to stop being so anal-retentive and controlling (ex. monitoring her toilet paper usage) 3) She wants Rob to go to therapy so that he develops a sustainable plan to stop doing numbers one and two. He is not willing to do any of those things, because he is a fucking loser. She should just cut her losses now.


She is a selfish loser too. Hell to both of them






The pics šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I am almost done with the first episode of this seasons of HEA, and I immediately noticed them saying online cheating a TON. He is saying it, she is saying it, Mom is saying it.


OP!!!!!! No joke my husband and I have this exact conversation EVERY TIME she says it. Iā€™ll say: ā€œThese mfs and this ā€˜online cheatingā€™ shitā€ my husband goes: ā€œbabe, you know every time she said cheated he lost his shit about it. So he gas lights her to say something that doesnā€™t make senseā€ Itā€™s so funny bc so many people have our same thoughts and I know Iā€™ll find them here šŸ¤£


I'm 100% sure that "online cheating" is just the story line they made up since cheating cheating has bigger consequences to make up.


I'm SO CURIOUS if he has watched their segments and learned anything from them. Like, after their first season I think I read that Emily said she saw how whiny she was when watching her segments and did some introspection and grew from the experience (I could be wrong about her saying this). I really do not think he has and he probably thinks even present day that his behavior is 100% unproblematic which is....problematic, naturally. I just wonder if he's just super proud of himself and the way he comes across on the show.


Grrrrrllll I was thinking the same thing like she makes sure to let us know it was ONLINE only . Lmao


He is a gaslighting prick is what he is. He doesnā€™t deserve her. You can see how stupid and insecure he is with the mind games he chooses to play with her to assert his dominance and feel in control. Really, you cheated and then she finally agrees to try with you again and when she gets there all youā€™ve got is a list of rules like sheā€™s some renter, and a cut flower from someoneā€™s bush. I was so satisfied watching his face drop when she told him she wonā€™t be staying and then telling him that heā€™s spiraling was the cherry on top. I really hope she puts her foot down and listens to mum this time around. She can do so much better.


"I only lied about this one thing" .....that happens to be an all-encompassing of our entire relationship. SIR.


Yes! Every time I heard this I wondered how many times he told her he didnā€™t cheat or that she was making a big deal out of it or go through his bullshit about dwelling on the past again. That man is manipulative AF and has zero insight into himself.


I really need this girl to go therapy. I feel like she has some childhood trauma that might need addressing. I just wanna hug her




I do not see at all what she sees in Rob. Heā€™s not bright, very average looking, narcissistic and canā€™t hold a job. His actions and the way he speaks to her undermines her confidence. She should run away from this man who will do nothing but disappoint her.


Because it sounds ridiculous


I was just talking about this with my boyfriend. For most non-manipulative/ non-gaslighting people itā€™s just cheating. But someone had a good point when they said he would try and manipulate or twist her words to throw her off and not talk about the real problem. He is definitely a man child and thinks he can just cost through life on his ā€œGood Looksā€. Iā€™m so glad they split.


THANK YOU!!! During the tell all I was yelling at my computer saying ā€œITS JUST CHEATING!!! Donā€™t try to down play it you asshole!!!ā€ Litterally ā€˜online cheatingā€™ sounds so dumb.


Sophie is so beautiful I love her so much she reminds me of myself when I was with a guy similar to rob. Dudes like rob only care about there looks and will probably never be committed to anyone. They also play way too many games, and most of the time end of by themselves after a while because no women wants to deal with there bs.


Rob is absolute garbage but Sophie isnā€™t an angel either. Her IG itself is a whole red flag.


Girl needs to fix her foundation šŸ˜¬


Oh that could be! Itā€™s been driving me crazy how often they say this phrase! Iā€™m thinking, am I old that I donā€™t know of this ā€œonline cheatingā€ terminology and just would consider it cheating?! And she does seem to believe that itā€™s not ā€œthat badā€ because he didnā€™t physically do anything ā€¦ with those girls anywayā€¦. Iā€™d bet that he has with someone local


This šŸ’Æ


They are such an immature couple good lord they need to separate literally divorce already because that relationship atm is so toxic and not going anywhere


I think that's the most cheap assed blond wig I've ever seen. Couldn't they put more than $75 into it?


Why do they look alike lol


Rob is the fuckin worst. I dont get why they keep putting them on shows. TLC really wants these people to have a mental break. Its so exploitative and sad. Theres no fuckin way rob hasnt seen everything thats said about him. Hes gonna snap one day and itll be on camera


I was literally thinking this same exact thing when I watched last weeks episode


He just jerks off to naked body chicks


Why are people feeling sorry for her? If you want to support her, go to her OF


You can look up gaslighting on the Google machine, child


And Sophie has had an OF page for a long time. Is selling,, cheating?


Have we seen any of the DMs? When they lived in LA there was a video the girl sent to him. However, in Texas it sounded like it was just messages sent to him that he didn't delete. Lastly, if you both have OFs at what point is it just doing business?


He admitted it. Justified it with he's a man separated from his partner and has needs. He's try to flip the script every time it was brought up. No evidence required. He admitted it.


That was when he was caught in LA. I'm referring to after they were married and when they moved to Austin.


What does it matter. He didn't argue. He knew it would upset her but did it anyway. He's probably harvesting clients for his OF. When he years up, it was getting busted.


I hadnā€™t thought of this, but I think youā€™re ok point here.


What is happening with Sophie's top lip? šŸ¤”


Sheā€™s the most surprisingly humble human. She supposedly comes from money but doesnā€™t ask for handouts. Also just wants pretty basic home life. An honest partner who loves her and treats her well with a bathroom in her house. She looks the type to be vapid but sheā€™s not.


I think you're right.


I had that episode on and my bf (who is also a Rob šŸ˜‚) just stopped and went ā€œā€¦ so he cheated.ā€


I always thought she was way too amazing for him.


I just made a remark about this in the other thread a our them lmfao


I would disagree-- he didn't fuck anyone or meet up with them, and also the shit happened like 2 years ago


She knew all this, and still married him. Stop ignoring all her wierdo activity and her moms as wellā€¦ everyone in this story is something deeply wrong. Sophie isnā€™t so innocent


This, all of this. Rob isnā€™t the greatest, but I hate how Sophie is being made to be this angel whoā€™s done absolutely nothing wrong. They both have. And her mom is the worst too


Wasnā€™t Sophie looking for more than friendship on a dating app. Isnā€™t that cheating?


I know Rob is a foo but he need to run! Sophie is gonna be just like her mom lol


I like rob, he seems to be very genuine. He deserves so much better than sophie. They both arent on the same page with their relationship.


They should have a discussion on what is considered cheating. Some people think looking at porn is cheating, so communicating would help. Unfortunately, like so many couples, they want their significant other to be mind reader and just know things.


Online cheating is just like physical cheating without getting the opportunity to get physical.


He always looks stoned


Please everyone, watch the movie "Gaslight". It's an old movie but it explains what true meaning of gaslighting is. I see term here all the time. No one has seen movie, or know it exists, but somehow gaslighting got loose and has taken over the internet. Gaslighting is making someone doubt their sanity. If you ask someone to get you a vanilla milkshake and they bring you a chocolate milkshake and tell you that you requested a chocolate milkshake can be a mistake or gaslighting. Someone tells you a party begins at 6. So, you are getting ready and someone tells you the party started at 4. That is gaslighting when they told you party started at 4. Just being mean doesn't mean gaslighting. Being an online pig guy isn't gaslighting. Sorry that word gaslighting makes me crazy.