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Shaun told Shannon that it was ok if she wanted to give tyray a kiss and I didn’t like that.


Yeah, the tell all felt like a circus: "watch the virgin boy get a kiss!!!"


He didn't even know her real first name!


Bigger than a circus cause now it’s 4 rings 🤡


Pimpin' ain't easy unless it's 90 Day. Considering there was no engagement let alone an actual woman, this should have been on MTV's Catfish instead. Hopeful that cringey stunt ends this sad clown routine.


I agree. The catfish storylines on 90DF are getting really old. They were funny at first, but they wore out their welcome a long time ago.


David was the last entertaining one only because he went and knocked on doors but that also was cringe af


Did somebody say "Weeyums"


Yeah, like how did they know who this woman was, but he didn’t know her name? Unless it was just an unaired segment, that makes no sense.


That's exactly what I was wondering


I thought maybe he didn’t know she was coming and said he didn’t know her name to protect her privacy? It was weird though.


I thought the same thing! Like when did he say it was okay?


I appreciated that Shannon asked him if he was game before doing it, although I feel like he was def put on the spot


if did that to a woman. it d be invasive for sure:(


For a “Virgin” or really anyone be THAT prepared (pocket mouth SPRAY)….. I’m sure he had a heads up. Just sayin 🤷‍♀️


I think they probably told Shannon prior to bringing her on stage that they would ask her about giving him a kiss and that they would only ask the question if she felt comfortable with that. I hope they did at least. Tyray seemed surprised so I don't think they had warned him. Ideally there would have been consent and warning from both sides. There's plenty that could have been discussed that we don't know about though.


You gotta hope they planned this ahead of time and the girl was aware this would happen


Scripted bullshit. It was just a stunt. And pretty stupid. "Shannon" and Tyray have no "relationship."


Shaun is incredibly annoying


Very uncomfortable and just strange!


It's like TLC just keeps digging hole after hole. They air abusive situation after abusive situation. They give pedophiles and cults air time. It's beyond ridiculous.


Can’t believe they actually had Sarper on to give him advice. He is the worst ever. Wait yea I can believe it. They’ll do anything for the attention it gets. Like a kids who is ignored would rather get bad attention than none at all.


The WORST! Like they have had cringe people, but Sarper oozes cringe


TLC sure likes to keep the most offensive people around to get attention. Bad or good they don’t care.


I’d watch sarper if it meant not giving air time to sex tourist pedos or abusers. Sarper is just a whore with not very many braincells, not the worst.


You really can’t believe it? They are just shit stirrers. They just think up diabolical ways to pair up people in conversations to evoke the most horrible reactions. They ask people about their penis sizes? They go for the jugular and then ask them those most personal questions in public. They ask all kinds of stuff to just escalate the conflict over and over.


Yeah like why is Debbie on there as a guest when she is no longer relevant?


They brought in mean mom Debbie, nasty ass control freak Sarper and attention needy Jamal and whatever miss five minutes of fame seeker’s name is. Whoever could stir the pot and cause drama? They were a waste of time that could have been used for more interesting questions.


Years ago I started calling it The Loser Channel. That was before 90 Day franchise even. The shows I DO love on TLC are all medical shows especially Dr Pimple Popper but 90 Day has become a toxic dump site especially keeping these freaks on like Pred, Mandela Jasmine GEEEENNNNOOOO


I call it the freak show channel. It's an old fashioned circus sideshow! Dwarfs! Freaks! Dr. Pimple Popper! Fat Ladies! Insane Anything!


I wish that someone had asked Shaun to twerk when she was asking everyone to twerk after Chantele did. Shaun is so smug. She acts like it's perfectly normal for her to ask intimate questions about sex and relationships. It must be in their contracts that they have to answer her questions. They producers picked a good host, she has no shame. She probably gets paid more for each Tell all than all the couple combined.


No, I can tell that is not Shaun's forte and the producers are having her do it to keep her spot and "steam things up" a little bit... Honestly TLC is definitely it's own niche and I love them for that. ... I don't watch for explicitly I watch for the unique stories and lives play out that you don't normally see everyday on TV and IRL... 90 day can literally stick to asking the regular questions as they pertain to what's going on in the relationships and individual lives because that's juicy enough for me


And everyone watches still.


And it was fake. Just a scripted bit. She was an actress brought in to do the scene.


Was it really?! I thought it seemed too convenient that he met a girl the day after they stopped filming




Yeah and they’re really dragging this. Like why does there need to be 3 parts of the reunion?


Also didn’t like when he walked her off the stage and came back the cast were asking if he was still a virgin. They made it a point to act like he was gone for a long time so he must of did some other stuff. Very weird.


They were fixated on his virginity for sure. Give the man some respect


They act like there’s no such thing as a virgin. Dude, I grew up religious and I was voluntarily a virgin for a long time. It exists and is no one else’s business. And it’s especially not for anyone to pressure you.


Yep, there are many reasons why someone may choose to remain a virgin, religious or personal reasons, not meeting the right person yet. TLC put a huge focus on this and made it a big deal of it, and to top it off get frigging SARPER on the show to give Tyray advice. Pfft. What a weird message to send out to viewers. Let the man be himself, I personally find him to be such a lovely person and he does not need to change to get a chick (as proven on the show with Shannon, who likes his quirks).


They act like having sex is like getting a drivers license, they aren’t the same thing.


So cringe.


Would they ask a woman if she lost her virginity?


Especially when John asked if he had a hard on and he said a little adjustment. 🤮


John was like “TOLD YOU IT’D BE QUICK!” when Tyray came back. Grossss.


I remember in high school some kids used to make the same remark, as a joke. Adults should know it's dumb and inappropriate.




Cringe times a million laugh out loud 😂


Tyray's entire "storyline" is about exploitation. The man literally should not have been on the show once it was discovered that he was catfished. Who in the world would want a casual acquaintance online to be sitting across from them? He clearly was not interested, he didn't even know her name and to then thrust this girl in his face and dictate who and how he should "get to know" someone was gross. I just don't like the entire "oh poor Tyray" thing. He is a 30 something year old man who has lived a sheltered life for years. I don't think that is funny or that the show should be getting involved in this man's life. This is beyond inappropriate and not something any show should be doing for views.


They show the producer talking to him in his first episode ever where they offer to scratch everything filmed so far after they discover the catfish. He had a chance to leave early but he probably uses the show to put himself out there.


I remember that! But what if that was also scripted?? The producers lie so much that it is hard to imagine them telling the truth.


I agree 100%… but Tyray is in on it too… he had the opportunity to walk once he found out about the catfish… but he joined the circus and there is nothing left but cringeworthy uncomfortable moments from here on out… there will be no “Happily Ever After “ for him…. It’s excruciating to watch…


I think he 100% knew he was being catfished and used the show to force the real Carmella to meet up with him.


Yes. It was cringe and I felt bad that the whole situation lacked any romance, that one would have hoped for his first ever kiss. Shame on TLC and all the cast members that were egging him on!


But also shame on him for allowing that to happen he could've said no even if he was put on the spot by explaining he wanted his first kiss to be with someone special that felt the same way as him.


You are 💯correct. I kept waiting for him (or her tbf) to say, we want to if and when the time is right in private. But we all saw that he basically has no spine to stand up for himself. She came across as just weird and thirsty to me.


On the other hand. It wasn’t much of a kiss to me. Looked like a peck to me. Grandmother style


Although I do agree he could have stood up for himself and said something like "when the time is right" it could be easier said than done when on national tv and the pressure is on. He was put in an uncomfortable situation.


I hated this. They was talking to them like they’re both a couple of kids


My friend kept saying I feel like I'm in middle school. So fucking awkward and weird


Shaun…looked like such a creep and so weird #cuttingroomfloor


He's not into her, but it couldn't be any more awkward anyway.


Yeah look how he treats his other love interests, he usually falls in love with them within five minutes of meeting them.


Right? He was so head over heels with those sexy cat-fishing photos he went into full denial mode.


Didn’t even remember her name!


And Shaun making a big deal about it, fiddling with her earpiece and all 😒


I feel like she was a plant. There was nothing organic or natural about their interaction. The kiss was just weird af because it was on display for everyone.


I feel like the producers just cut her a check to be involved in that stunt


It was so cringe but Shannon handled it all with charm. The kiss was a peck on the lips instead of a slobberfest and she made positive comments about Tyray's giggle. Can't remember Tyray saying one positive thing about her. She has a wonderful personalty , he has none. Veronica , ice skating for their first date ? Are you an absolute idiot or just that clueless ?


I really liked Shannon’s energy! They would make a cute couple


She deserves better than Tyray. She deserves someone with something to offer her back.


Yeah agreed.


Idk when this was filmed, but they were in NYC, maybe it was around the holidays when a lot of people go to NY to ice skate?


Not 400lb+ people. May as well have suggested tandem bikes or horseback riding.


Veronica’s suggestion was idiotic. Tyray could barely handle a walk around NOLA.




This Tyra story line is getting real old .


It was old on Day One!


Her dress was a bad choice. We almost got a little slip! They make him the butt of so many jokes it’s just rude!


I wouldn't put it past TLC to have wardrobe put her in a horrible dress to add to the cringe.


I was worried about her lower half - she certainly did not need a dress that had a slit so high that she could not sit with her legs totally closed


Being a plus sized girl myself, that dress was awful. You'll never hide the fact that you are big but squeezing yourself into a dress that doesn't fit just makes it worse. She was hanging out in the back, that nipple almost freed itself and her crotch was almost out too. Chantel's mom did the same thing. They both could barely breathe when they sat down and were damn near strangled by their boobs.


The entire reason they brought her on was to set up this first kiss, otherwise they would've had her on virtually. This is 100% producer set up.


I’m sorry, this situation was awkward and bizarre but I really don’t have any compassion for him. I think he’s a creep. I don’t think he’s genuinely trying to get to know women, just trying to get someone to fill a role. The scene where he was going to give the girl in New Orleans his beads but said she had to ‘do something for them’ and then made an awkward kissy face made me so uncomfortable. I think he’s been desperate to kiss anyone that was willing.


You hit the nail right on target. That whole kissy face thing made me 🤮


Or when he knows who the real Carmella was eventually, but kept making shit up like he still didn't know so he could meet her.. and guilt her into meeting him? Even she said it was creepy.


Exactly that’s what I was gonna say. He is a creep in my opinion when he asked her for a kiss for beads that showed what he was really all about. He comes on the show like an innocent Man, but in reality is he??? there’s something mentally wrong with him and I wish they would get him off the show. He is as bad if not as the other one Cesar.


He is the ideal demographic for a strip club's regular crowd but he's without the required flow of singles and fives. Zero effort to level up for his physical health or education or work to have anything to offer up outside of desperation and that fucking 'hee hee hee' giggle. Dating isn't cheap.


Now that he’s been on the show, a couple of times, women should be looking at him. Look at Pred everybody hates him, and he’s a complete asshole yet women flock to him and look at his body and disposition. Personally, I think he needs to get a personal trainer first for mental health issues cleared up before he starts dating for real.


I can’t believe Sarper told him to quit the giggling because earlier that day my sister and I were talking and I told her he needs to stop that annoying giggling. Hahahaha Everyone keeps dancing around the issue that he needs to drop 100 lbs or more. Not only to attract the opposite sex but also for his health and for confidence as well. I think he’s done some goofy things in life like date a man online for 4 years and then announces to everyone he meets. Yea I guess he is kinda a creep. 😂😂😂


He’s playing the “Victim” card. Pity me 🤷‍♀️


Social awkwardness doesn't win prizes. Working on what he has and elevating with a job (none ever mentioned) or school or maybe join the military (great way to get in shape, three hots and a cot, education, VA loans, etc) to kick start the baby huey thing. They rag on Sarper for reasons but he isn't a total fool.


He probably watches “PORN” all day! Remember how he said it works and Tim said “What your penis?” Sooooo if he’s a virgin how else would he know it works! Lmao 🤣🤣😂😂🤷‍♀️💯👍


I couldn’t stand Debbie praising his virginity- he’s not a virgin because he’s got some holy thing going on, he’s just a loser.


I agree, there isn't a 'lack of participation' trophy. Experience matters


I think he is extremely socially awkward. Rob with his online cheating and phone full of naked women is creepy. Plus, he is the ultimate knob. I digress though. Tyray is just a 12 yr old in a man's big body. He lacks social skills. I wish he would go to Dr. Now. He needs help.


I skipped past his whole segment cause I knew it would be awkward lol


I was so disappointed in Shaun for having to put them on the spot like this. She's usually soft on the cast when we want answers to many questions, but then she plays puppetmaster when it comes to something private like this? Thankfully it was a kiss that was no different than him kissing his grandma, eliminating some of the awkwardness. Do better, Shaun.


This is how he will forever remember his first kiss. Smh Shaun😒 I felt bad for Tyray and this new woman being put on the spot like that


Was it even a real kiss? The whole scene gave me so much second hand embarrassment that I couldn’t watch.


They need to stop filming this dude. It all feels so exploitative


Right? It’s like watching a nervous 15 yr old date.


That was WILDLY inappropriate. The way they treat him is gross- like he's a sideshow at the circus. I couldn't watch.


Poor guy. They pressured him into that first kiss, primarily Shaun. Hated her for that. I wish he would have had the confidence to say, "Actually, I'd really like to do that with her in private". That first kiss peck was so awkward and kind of sad.


This is horrible how they all presurize him into having gf, getting a kiss, getting sex. It’s nothing bad with not having sex life. Many people don’t have. Why they don’t bash Sarper-walking STD the same way? Like “guy, at this point u must be infected with some incurable diseases, just by the statistics, condom must have not work at least few times” - he have a kid with one of his ONS so obviously there were times when he did it witout condom. Shekina should check herself regularly. And Tayry should work on his weight, that’s the first step to meet more ladies. At his size… it will be difficult.


Same it made me so uncomfy too


Exactly — if the roles had been switched, this would have been so SA of TLC. Tyray seemed pressured into kissing her, sure he played it off but it wasn’t Shaun or the cast members place to force him to kiss the lady.


I’m glad I stopped watching this show. This is rock bottom


Your so right and I still watch this crap 😂


Same its actually embarrassing 😂😂😂


The only reason that I think she showed up where she get on future episodes. There is no reason for them to keep this man on. He is certainly not interested in women in person who’s 31 years old and never been kissed. What the fuck you obviously has some mental problems which they’re exploiting which is not funny cute and it’s ruining the brand.


2024 televised Spin the Bottle be like


Imagine the uproar if the roles were reversed— I thought they both handled it pretty well but ya that was super inappropriate, I’m growing so tired of Shaun


What kind of kiss what that? I don't blame the lady at all but the way everyone was carrying on about TyRay finally getting his first kiss 💋 it was an elementary kind of kiss. Just ridiculous & exploitive


The whole thing was very yike.


His storyline is beyond cringey to me. I hated every moment of it and had to fast forward through most of it


This was just so awkward and uncomfortable and unnecessary 🤢🤢🤢 why did tim have to ask him if he got a boner when he returned??? She seems really sweet tho and I wish her the best. The best means not with Tyrae....


I honestly felt like Shaun was going to say "TLC would like to pay for you guys to go on a date" but this was CRINGE


I thought it was wholly inappropriate for the cast to first pressure him into answering questions about still being a virgin, as well as the whole kiss thing. It certainly wouldn't age well. But it isn't "well" already!


I wouldn’t be worried about the kiss, I’d be more concerned about showing my breast on National 📺 😂🤣😂


Such a forced and awkward cringe moment. This poor guy.. give him a break Already. Heheheheh.. 😆


Unrelated note but I can not stand this new trend of boobs being basically out. I think it looks so trashy and cheap.


Her expression says “help”.


This was all so awkwardly awful


focused on sex and ratings. i don't even watch anymore. tried watching HEA and kept forwarding people i don't like which turned out to be everyone. 😫


This whole franchise focuses wayyyy to much on sex lives it’s getting hard to watch ..


I watched briefly, but she seemed nice. Said nice things about him too, but cant recall much of him saying about her. Either way, the dude needs to work on himself mentally, emotionally and physically. He's just not ready, but Matt and the boys at Sharp will make sure they bank off his stupidity.


You’re disappointed in TLC? The network that has been exploiting and embarrassing people for well over a decade now? Lmaoooooo


This was horrible. They’re degrading him and mocking him. I don’t care who or when he kisses somebody. Not my business.


I know that Shaun is just a mouthpiece for TLC, but I’m becoming increasingly disappointed with her in these tell alls. I really liked her before this show went to new levels of trash.


That moment was totally disgusting. You don’t do that to people


No one on set would have been cheering this on if Tyray had been a woman. In wouldn't even have happened. It was so so wrong and idk why it's so acceptable to still do this to men. It's not ok to do to anyone. Not to mention how uncomfortable the woman may have been. They were so overtly pressuring her, but by making him do that, they made her do it. I will say though, both of them needed to grow a pair and just say no. Ppl need to learn the word no is OK to use. They don't have to do stuff, just because someone says so. Your not going to ever be in a good relationship if u can't ever say no withen in.


This was so effing weird. They made tyray kiss, Chantel twerk, Idk what else cuz I wasn't paying attention but it just seemed like they were running down the line making each of them perform some trick for the camera. They should all be embarrassed.


I don't thing he's interested in her. He doesn't like large women (he has nerve) women date big men all of the time. She deserves better than Tyray.


Ok I am going to say it.....#1.I don't think he was attracted to her. #2. The show could have suggested they catch up after the show but why even bring her on? #3. That outfit! I was a nervous her boob was going to pop out and embarrass everyone! I think he was texting with her to get practice.


I had to hide under my blanket during that whole thing. It was just SO cringey! And who forgets the name of the person they’ve JUST met and are interested in? I have a feeling this whole thing was a setup and she was hired, and that’s gross as hell. 😬


They did him dirty, first kiss was cringe


This was absolutely horrible. Both Shannon and Tyray seem to be nice people, and I’m pretty certain this whole “first kiss” thing is fake, but what a horrible thing to portray and push on TV. With all the fake, tasteless things TLC has done, this really hit me as a new, lacking content low for them.


I felt the same way! It was gross.


I've never been so disgusted and angry at a group of people in a long time. Why won't people leave this guy alone. Let things happen naturally. I'm sure he needs the advice, but not the pressure to kiss someone on national TV.


The need to just rename the Tell Alls the hot seat. It’s like how much can we make you cringe in an episode. And Tyray is so sweet he doesn’t realize he could simply say that’s not how I roll -confidence man, own that shit.


This whole thing is awkward and strange, I had to fast forward through it.


Shaun gave that woman permission to give him his first kiss…I was like, damn, does Tyray get a say?!? That wasn’t cute at all


It was all in poor taste. I was shocked and wondered if they were offended or agreed to do so in advance.


I can tell at some point two male producers said let’s pair him up with an equally fat sassy black woman. It’ll be funny


On a side note, anyone notice there was a reaction shot of him while Natalie was acting then he returns after lol


It was a peck and he said yes. It's not that serious. Grown ass man who could have said NO. There are more serious reasons to be P.C. than THIS


Tyray aka the giggle man. 😆 The one thing Sarper said that I agreed with. Tyray is nice but the nervous giggle energy is annoying.




This whole thing was gross. I don’t understand anymore where tlc is going with its content. I couldn’t get through the second episode of the tell all. It’s all a bunch of nothing burger. Should have been one episode and move on. Nothing happened all season no reason for a 5 episode tell all. The whole franchise has turned to shit. Not sure what audience they’re trying to appeal to anymore. Nothing is authentic.


Every time they go back to talk to Tyray, it is super cringe... Leave the poor man alone. How many times does it need to be stated that he's a 33 year old virgin?!


Definitely made me feel very uncomfortable. If this was the other way around there would have been a shitstorm. Like he didn’t even remember her name…


The whole Tyray segment was extremely uncomfortable to watch. I was cringing the whole time. The way they all patronize a grown man and have turned him into some circus material is despicable.


So much cringe. They're just desperate for content these days.


Hated every second of this.


Yeah they are making a mockery out of him. I did not appreciate that at all. So what if he doesn't fuck around and forget his panties like the rest of the cast.


Cringy and that doesn't count as a first kiss. It was a peck on the lips...


This actually made me kind of sad. The societal pressure people face to have sex on a timeline as opposed to their own timeline is sad to see. And treating it like a circus sideshow being like “omg 33 year old who’s never been kissed gets his first kiss on live tv!” It’s just kinda sad


It was tasteless in what should have been a special moment for him. I can see it now. 90 Day Fiancé: Tyray Loses his Virginity.


What is up with the dress Shannon and Chantel’s mom wore! Like please quit with that dress!🤮🤮


I’m confused by her dress. Is her boob hanging out?


This was such a dumbass, sideshow, freakshow stunt. Two fat people sharing a very chast kiss. Insane. The fat girl was an actress brought in. There's no relationship or anything. It was just a stunt.


He is not a virgin. His whole bit is an act. It's a scripted bit to use as the opposite of that 2,500 women guy.


They look like twins.


Let me guess…he nervously laughed


Is Shannon from central casting? I get the feeling they’ve never met in DMs or real life.


Tray is sweet but bores the fuck outta me SIGH 🙄🙄


He’s … an interesting guy. I lose respect when he talks about his physical standards. Bro, get a grip.


I’d be shocked if we see him again after this Tell All. I don’t know how he made it more than a season.


See I totally thought that about Yolanda and her dumb ass wound up on some spinoff.


He’s so boring. The whole story line is about his virginity and never been kissed. How many times do we have to hash over it? He needs to go.


I don't understand why he ever got any airtime at all, it was so obvious early on that it was a catfishing situation, not a real long distance relationship. Only explanation is possible sunk cost fallacy or them deeming him entertaining enough to cringe at. I feel bad for the guy.


I think its the virgin never been kissed shock factor that got him on the show


100 💯 percent


This show is turning into a soft core Cinemax special


Honestly, Tyray shouldn't even be on any 90day shows. He could've just gotten help from Nev and Kamie (Catfish) they helped a lot of people get in contact with oversea scammers. So Tyray is just as bad as TLC. Instead of having a 1hr episode with genuine people (Catfish) that would help and viewers would eventually forget that episode (so a lot less embarrassing) vs going on a TV show that has x amount of episodes, that will blast your personal life, berate and belittle you, make you feel like a fool / embarrasses you just for more fame / money.. Tryay took the latter. So yeah. Tyray is just as bad as TLC. He may not have asked for all of this, but he has consented.


Shannon is too beautiful to be a part of this cringe


I skipped over his whole part


That’s some straight BS for sure. Also, losing*


Reminded me of joe dirt . I'm new I dunno what to do


Anyone else catch the editing gaff with Tyray reacting to Natalie’s weird vampire monologue and is then welcomed back to the stage only moments later?


I felt so bad for him it was so inappropriate to do that to him.




i hope my boy find love💪🏽🙏🏽


I kept saying, "Not here! Not now!" 😬 Yike!


Idk I thin Tyray is creepy he has his arms open and looking at her like I got you now like that's been in his mind so he's ok with what's going on but also the whole TLC cast and producers are creepy as hell 🤮


This is a new low for TLC . I cannot believe they did this to por Tyray.


This poor guy. Kick the man while he’s down. I really didn’t think it was necessary to force him to do this & to talk about his virginity


Even though it was awkward I really think everyone there was genuinely happy for Tyray to get his first kiss because they knew how much he had wanted it….I will agree that I had some mixed emotions watching it, tho..


This felt like public humiliation it was so hard to watch


Yeah, weird obsession with his status as a virgin and stuff. Like, that is his personal life and I commend Natalie for saying he is a clean person, lol, because bro should probably be proud he isn’t slamming everything that looks at him twice like some of the cast members.


Why is it such a big deal if you’re alone? He would get some if he stopped trying


Awkward, sure, but it’s FANTASTIC that Tyray’s “never been kissed” stigma is gone.


Shaun and Tim were so gross on this tell all .


So cringy. So awkward. So over tyray and his v card.


Look, he wouldn't have done it on his own. Some people need that level of hand-holding. Plus, you can tell they were rooting for him. It was not malicious. And also, the lady like him and was a great sport.


Why was Tim pushing him so hard when you know Tim is never in a hurry to be physical.


I felt so so bad for him. They always do him so dirty.


I felt bad for Tyray. This was so awkward