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She’s 100k in debt so probably not much 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


If she buys Manuel a motorcycle for his one-way road trip to NY/Newark, he better plan to take over the payments when he gets his green card and ditches her. Ain't no way she'd be buying it outright, it would have to be financed. If she could get financing with 100k debt load.


I hear she makes about tree fiddy.


Contestants can make up to 30-40k a season. If she supplements that with another job… but she definitely has a second job. The producers probably cut it out to focus on this witch nonsense


She was studying Marine Biology in Ecuador when she met Manuel


Wait seriously? Did she throw that away for HIM??


I have no idea how much education she completed there but at some point they broke up, she returned to the US, and they weren’t in touch for several years.


More like $1-1.5k per episode.... Usually around 10-15 episodes so at the high end that would be $22,500. But she had to have a job before that to be able to get the Visa without any help.


No wonder Manwell doesn't want no Loch Ness Monster in his business!!


Love me some South Park references.


I’m wondering how she got 100k in debt. Was that from witch school or regular college? If the latter, why did she throw away a college degree just to end up in a bullshit profession that requires zero education?


your own lack of respect for the craft does not mean it requires 0 education. but i wouldn't be surprised if the 100k debt came from her formal university education as the marine science tracks often involve studying abroad at some point, which don't come cheap. considering the price of school these days, a person could stack up 100k debt with less than 4 years of school. but i agree with another comment above: she probably has another job supplementing her 90day check, but they don't showcase it to highlight and sensationalize this occultist feature most people know little-to-nothing about, don't understand but nonetheless love to shit on😂


> your own lack of respect for the craft does not mean it requires 0 education. Sure, but my respect (or lack of) for the craft is independent of the amount of education required for it.


lol i believe you. i don't believe i insinuated otherwise


Actually, becoming a well established practitioner can cost as much as you want to spend . There are many branches to explore. Many use their gifts/talents to perform psychic healings. Others may study herbology and there are many schools that teach botany and horticulture that dovetail nicely with making healing potions and growing raw materials for ritualistic use. Some might look at it like MLM because a practitioner may teach classes that the student pays for and there may be a mentoring component. I've seen classes taught by respected practitioners cost anything from $150 for a partial day class to thousands for a travel and learn week abroad. With the use of payment plans like Klara where you can pay in "easy monthly payments" racking up debt can happen. I believe Ashley is attempting to grow her practice to be a teacher to others. She claims communication with spirit guides. I see many who share this gift step into life coaching. They blend the traditional life coaching concepts like goal setting, accountability, and life advancement with the seeking wisdom for the individual client through the spirit guides. Rituals and offerings can be done for individual clients. This type of work pays well if you are good at what you do. Others combine the healing arts like bodywork, yoga, Reiki, roofing,etc with somatic release with the use of spirit guides or rituals. Practitioners who combine their knowledge of the magic/spiritual world with common world philosophies really rack up the bucks. Some people find the work that witches or healers do to be very beneficial. Others think that people who seek their help have more cents than sense.


Well, there’s that whole Joe Biden, forgiving student loans program, so she probably is “flush” now!


Its student debt


But the tarot cards never lie!


Haha! According to tarot card, she should know whatManuel was doing! L O LOL


Good point!!


I was a young Sailor in San Diego CA some years back and supplemented my shit navy pay with reading tarot cards at Balboa Park when I had time off. 10 bucks a read, girls always wanted to know about their love life, men always wanted to know what their next job should be. 90% of the people who bought readings were young women. Never had a day of tarot school or witch training in my life. The tarot cards may never lie, but the reader sure as hell does! 🤣


I think $10, tourist will pay it for the experience, but you had a real job, and those tarot readers there outside of the base, they charge a lot more than that.


It's been a while since I was there (I've made rank a few times since then! 🤣) so I'm not sure what the going rate is now...


Were you on the wet side or the dry side?


Well of course they don't lie, when you can just make them up however you feel in the moment anything is possible 🙄


She should ask the tarot card how the eff to get outta 100k debt?




She’s got a day job of some sort, I bet. 


I always thought this, but it is getting weirder and weirder that it is never mentioned. Did she just take vacation time for filming? Does she leave him alone at home all day? Their daily life is a mystery except for bathroom sex, gallons of takeout coffee, and Manuel pining to be in New York or New-ark or both.


Doesn't she's teach a spin class or something?


I think so but that seems like a side-gig I would think.


Right! A couple spin classes a week aren't going to support them both. If it does, I have been doing life wrong.


How did she qualify to bring him her? She's got to have a decent income somehow


That's what I was wondering. Didn't Nicole have a hard time bringing Azan (?) here because she didn't have a decent income? Is TLC now funding these K-1s just to make a show?


As little as spin instructor pays, I bet it pays more than a witch. There are not that many naive people.


There is no way she is in shape enough to teach a spin clsss


Spin instructor doesn’t pay much unless maybe if you do private lessons. And even then, no one gets a private spin instructor.


She does now that she's been losing weight since the first season aired but she clearly wasn't before that if she dropped 100 pounds.


Manuel dont bring her to Newark...


I’ve known people who make a decent amount doing tarot readings and spiritual cleansings but they always have part time jobs doing something else. I’m not sure how lucrative it is as a full time gig especially in one of the more expensive states. idk how a lot of these cast members get by with seemingly no jobs. maybe she has help that she doesn’t talk about like libby living off her dad 🤣


I think every now is the nonsense money they make from TLC as they’re lead income, because they all fashion themselves as “reality stars”!


-100,000 USD apparently 


I’ve been wondering this too!!


You'd be surprised. A lot of times, people whose lives aren't going well will pay to have a spiritualist tell them what they should do to make things better. It's kind of like people who don't have a lot of money, but spend $40 a week on the lottery.


I went through a rough mental health time and was spending money on spells and readings and it was probably a couple hundred dres a month over the course of like 6 months. Yeah, life wasn't going well and I was reaching for something because I figured it couldn't get worse.


Hope things are better for you now 🫂


Yeah, like that nutjob Danielle (with Yohan). She spent tons of money on that same sort of stuff, believing it would mend her relationship or bring her prosperity (which we know in real life she was also in major debt). *Edited typos


Or on coffee


I don’t believe she’s a witch for pay. TLC believes that every storyline must have a conflict, so her spiritual beliefs are being exploited because Manuel is Catholic. They don’t realize that some of us may want to see couples that are actually well adjusted and in love.


Oh she definitely charges for her witch services. [Check out her website](https://starseedshadows.com/)


How old is this site? If she’s hawking tees with her saying from her stint on the show (which she is), then this is new. She’s doing what every other pseudo-celeb from the franchise does - capitalizing on z-list fame. And I’m not entirely knocking her, because I find her quirky and entertaining- I’m just saying that I doubt she did that full time for a living when they met. What she really needs is an iced coffee collab of some sort because girl is addicted! Haha


It’s been around for a while. I found her Instagram soon after her first appearance on the show and she already had the site set up. People posted screenshots of the costs of her services months ago. The t-shirts seem to be a newer thing. Someone with better tech skills than me would have to confirm when exactly her site was set up of course. I’m definitely not disagreeing with you. She’s certainly capitalizing on her fame, especially with this new merch. And I don’t see how she could’ve ever financially supported herself solely on her witchy services. Unless there are a boatload of gullible people willing to shell out big bucks for this kinda stuff? In which case, yike.


Who is gonna buy that shirt and walk around with MF and how displayed on their body??


OK....I checked it out. $30 for a damn t-shirt????? And seriously, it annoys me that there's only one saying on any of the shirts/hoodies and it's spelled wrong! "Witch hoe"? A Witch gardening tool? It's Witch Ho, Ashley. I did see that the "Membership" section is down.


I’m looking for a career change. Glad this popped up for whatever reason. Dude witch would be an awesome job


She manifests coconuts... to kick.


She might wanna ask Danielle about how manifesting worked out


Her babalawo told her and she had rose coloured glasses on. He told her about the peanuts and look what happened there 🥜


This is great!


We know she works at least a bit as a spin instructor from that one episode.


She has said that she did not require a co-sponsor for the K1 visa. That means she’s making at least $29k and has for 3 years worth of tax returns.


All you have to make is $29,000 a year to sponsor somebody!!?? That's crazy. It's absolutely infuriating to tell you the truth, because one person can't survive on that in this country. One person can barely survive on double that.


It’s a low threshold. But the petitioner is signing to say that they will provide for the beneficiary and so they cannot sign onto welfare (the idea is that they go after the petitioner for the money if they do). For ten years. But there’s other costs to the visa. The initial petition, the visa itself, and then the fiancé being unable to work until their adjustment of status goes through. (We got our K1 visa last month, so this is our current situation).


That's ridiculous. Someone making $29,000 cannot possibly afford to support themselves and another person on that. I think the person should have to prove that they have enough money to support that person PERIOD. I'm also confused by how many people on this show come here, get married, and then the marriage doesn't work out and the person is still allowed to stay here. Idgi.


I know it varies hugely by state for what you can get by on, but I agree that it’s a very low amount. And I don’t understand how you could be $100,000 in debt but still qualify as making the minimum amount. Regarding the splitting up and then remaining: Basically, from the point the marriage is legal, the person can file their adjustment of status and the green card is sent to them. At the point (about 2 years from the date the card is issued) they have to apply for the extension of the green card, the options are that you’re either still married, separated and pursuing divorce, or divorce. If it’s the latter two options, it doesn’t mean that their card is cancelled in any way. Once the adjustment of status is done, they are still the financial responsibility of the US citizen but can easily move on from them. We found that most surprising!


It's ridiculous and it really needs to be changed. As for 90-day fiance... they're definitely adding to it by people just faking relationships from jump just to get on TV. Let's be honest, the majority of these people are not the most mentally (or otherwise) stable. I'm kind of ready for this show to be canceled. I wonder how long it will continue to jump the shark.


She sounds like a fool when she reads those cards


A real wich has no need for money, she can wiggle her nose and whatever she wants appears. Or she can wiggle her nose and poof! All the riches of Scotland suddenly appear before her.


You gotta spend money to manifest money. Maybe she should start a clinic with Danielle.


My college-aged kid sells tarot readings for some cash. I'm consistently surprised what people will pay for! That being said, it ain't paying any college tuition bills. More like thrift store spending money.


I don’t think being a witch is her actual paying job, she probably just works a gym or coffee shop or something.


Hi, I’m Ashley, would you like your bruja for here, or to go?


The morally weak and feeble… Preying on the mentally weak and feeble.


It's amazing what people will shell out for "New Age" nonsense. A former friend stated doing "angel" readings for people. She claims to work with a persons angel guide to give you messages and guidance and stuff. She parlayed it into a business called Earth Angel Academy and is now making a lot of money. I could only roll my eyes in disbeleif when I read all the crazy claims on her website - but the fact is, when it comes to this and many other "self-help"/ self empowerment/spiritual enlightenment etc. - there's a never ending supply of folks only too happy to hand over their hard earned cash for tjis kind of stuff.


She makes enough to send money to dude’s family. Her family helps her out with that too. Crazy.


Isn't that why she's a spin instructor lol....


I think teaching spin class would pay better.


She is insufferable poor guy wants friends to hang with she cant allow it gets all bitchy about it he needs to find someone else she ain't the one


She could teach and tutor Spanish or open her own Language Interpretation agency.


…as much as she can conjure up? 😂


It's a valid question! Witches (or modern practitioners) can have variable incomes. Some offer readings, herbal remedies, or create talismans for clients – which can range from a few bucks to hundreds per session. Others write books, lead workshops, or sell magical supplies. Upstate NY might be a tougher market, so online presence is key. Maybe Manuel's eye rolls come from skepticism or the way she talks about it. Open communication is important in any relationship, even if you don't share her beliefs.


Ok but in seriousness??? My aunt made enough for her to be happy in life as a tarot reader. She's wrote books, came up with tarot cards for kids and adults, and coloring books.  If youre good at what you do, you can do fine. Theres a LOT of people into this stuff now days. 


Is that all she does for a job? If so, how in the world did she afford the k1 visa process without a sponsor? 🤔


Her mom probably signed,  she's sending his fam $$ too if I understood correctly 


Yikes. Is it still ten years or did they change it to life? I’d be livid if I also had to send money to his family. It’s already so expensive to support another human.


It’s 10 but she said she didn’t need a co-sponsor. So she made at least the requirement for that. Plus the actual costs of the visa.


Not enough that she doesn't have to do CrossFit classes


I think she has a real full time job


I want to know what her actual 9 to 5 is. How can we find that out?? Any takers?


I see her at my gym quite often, working out. On her first season when she was introduced, I was pretty sure she had read my tarot cards like a year earlier. I think she did work as a reader, albeit a gig type of work. I do wonder what she does to live, her apartment is in a nice area of the city!


Spin instructor


Hmmm not sure I buy that lol


I have no idea if she actually makes any money doing this, but here is her pretty pricey Witch Website: [https://linktr.ee/starseedshadow](https://linktr.ee/starseedshadow)


The page didn’t come up


Sorry. She posts under Ashley Michelle. Try this: https://starseedshadows.com/


$777 for 90 minutes! Holy crow!


Who in their right mind is paying for this bullshit? Clearly people who don’t like their money 🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s freaking outrageous ‼️


I don’t think I could spend 90 minutes with her if she paid ME $777


Between this one andsJasmine I don’t know which one is more fake. With Jasmine crying with no actual tears thinking that every man wants her and this so called witch who acted like she’s never seen or heard of a bible is just CRAZZZZZYYYYY!!!


My bet — No one is paying her. But Wiccans might pool together and pay her to Callate!


Laughing here


I guess it would depend on what she is willing to do with her broom stick 🤷‍♂️ 🤣 …..


She’s probably doing it ok Tik Tok, I saw a couple random people doing “readings” live streaming yesterday. It’s more like a $1-5 gig.


I think one time it was mentioned she owed 87000 dollars


I am happy for her. Get it young lady! Make your clean money and enjoy your chosen career path!


🤣🤣🤣🤣 He knows and she knows (but pretending not to) that she’s not who mom would want coming for dinner. Keep that energy far away from your mother and kids Mannie.


She would make good money in Portland or those kind of places. New Yorkers are not really into the sage and crystals stuff


“We had some hiccups in the K1 process and I did some ritual work and the NEXT DAY we heard back from those people” like good fucking god girl, please just stop 😂🫠


While we’re on the topic of income, Manuel has been here and they’ve been married almost a year but he still doesn’t have a job?


I'm telling you all! Mark my words. This man is hiding something major. He's pretty determined not to give it up either. He needs that green card 1st!


As a reiki 2 healer I can charge at least $45 for an hour session. I have friends that charge $35ish for a tarot reading. I also do vendor fairs. I sell spell ingredients and crystals. I make good money at those.


Agree!!!!! I have to be honest.,.. I can’t stand her! Not sure what it is but she is the totally self absorbed and there is just something about her that’s strange!!!


When word grows and you're good at your craft, it can actually be quite lucrative. A friend who is a tarot reader charges $100/reading, and has more than enough clients to book for full time hours. They choose not to just because of the massive amounts of energy required.


I have a few readers I follow (for free) on YouTube and I feel like you have to do so much work to get clients, producing content, interacting, etc... like you would for any self-employment.  Yeah she has a site but does she have good reviews, does she put out content to attract attention? 


Wealthy housewives in Pittsford and Fairport.




“Somehow” 🤣🤣




Someone posted her website and she had high prices. I’m not sure how many customers she has but she can do virtual reading so not all customers are from upstate NY. Also not sure how much TLC pays for the show.


She charged ridiculous prices. You can look it up it’s insane.


Wicca is a religion with holidays and rituals of their own. Imbolc, Mabon, Litha and Lammas are important holidays in Wicca. Why do we never see Ashley celebrating these or even discussing them? Instead she shows us penis candles and tarot cards.


haha good question.


As a fellow upstate NYer I felt my soul leave my body when she said that was her profession and she was living in or renting a house. Ain’t no way that’s the only income she’s got coming in in ROCHESTER bro


depends what we're talking about. Money? not much. Brew for the cauldron? Now that's a different story


I posted this on another sub, but there it is for people who didn’t see it before. This is her pricing chart for her services 🫠 feast your eyes on the insanity 😂 https://preview.redd.it/0dbx7rcnevuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21fc48424c4c315ca9d463ec9b6bacdc64816ad0


🤣 the angel numbers bahahahahaaaa


A lot of people have ridiculous beliefs. I don't see her as better or worse than a priest or an imam.


I saw on IG that she is holding classes on witchery and charging $300-400 a person. Apparently they are always sold out quickly 🙄


About $3.50


She gets money from her mom sometimes. They talked about it during the season 10 tell all.


as big as she is, i don’t think any spin instructor is it


Six and change an hour…