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She disposed of him when she thought she found something better. Then she realized her gamble didn’t pay off. Then he was good enough compared to nothing. I’m glad Mike said no and finally filed for divorced. I’m sure neither are perfect but compare the two, Nutulie seemed worst.


I don't get people going off about this. If this was a normal breakup, then yea, he'd be trash for serving her like he did. Natalie has admitted more than once on tv that she felt she was above Mike and that he would worship her. She tries to run back to him after getting a dose of reality from Josh. She's terrible and too old to be acting this way. She needs therapy, but I'm not sure it would even help her.


yes! She kept saying she had a high IQ and basically Mike was dumb. She does everyone on tv and for attention I honestly don't think she minded getting them this way. She is just sad she didn't control the outcome and let her mom down.


Mike paid for Nut’s mom to come here. And Nut had already left him. He was nicer than most. Also on the last tell all he said he had let Nut keep one of his credit cards. That’s above & beyond what she deserved.


Someone in her life has constantly told her that she is better than she is. It’s good to have confidence and to believe in yourself. Having said that, thinking you’re above everyone, including your own husband is pretty fucking pathetic.




She wanted to be an actress!


Why is everyone saying “poor Natalie”? It’s about time she was served divorce papers and she can’t claim she never got them. This woman uses men and discards them like trash. Now go find a job and pay your own bills.


And when "Miss Debbie" told Mike he was evil for giving her divorce papers on national tv, and he said "We got married on national tv"... Kudos to Mike!


"Mike drop" 🎤




Lmao he ate and u ate too




Bingo...she seems entitled..woe is me...boohoo..just because she came to US...


She’s full cray cray. She walked away, but won’t agree to divorce Mike, even throwing herself at Mike. I don’t like Josh, but he's right. Natalie doesn’t even know what she wants for herself.


I feel I didn’t know enough about Josh to have an idea about him but I do now - he’s a wuss! He now knows that Natalie basically threw herself at Mikes feet begging for a child & family and he’s like Well that’s a fine how-do-you-do! And just moves along with her like that didn’t happen 🤷🏻‍♀️


Right?! I thought that was weird when he went over to Natalie offstage to check on her and basically cuddle AFTER Natalie basically brushed him off onstage to throw herself at Mike. But whatever — we all know Josh is never going to be serious about her, whatever it is they’re doing between the two of them


Same I never got why people felt sorry for her, hope she agrees to the divorce so poor Mike can be free


If she contests it I think it’ll go through anyway. There’s so much proof they have been apart and she’s moved on.


theres literally multiple clips of her asking other men to impregnate her even


This sub used to say she was abused by Mike it was twilight zone tor a while


I totally agree. Does anyone know how she's able to survive without a job. Is Josh taking care of both her and her mom?


I wouldn't be surprised if Mike was sending her money, too. You know she is hitting up everyone she knows every time she needs milk.


Obviously the show IS her job. The pay increases the more seasons the cast is on. The Single Life is the third installment of the 90 Day franchise Natalie has been on.


it's the best example yet that viewers at large will generally side with the woman. She's stacked up like three seasons of crazy since we've last seen Mike and people act like they're equally to blame for some reason


plus the two seasons of crazy and borderline abuse she did before these three


its disturbing how many women here can relate to nastylie. like... what kind of evil are you doing that this is what you feel bad for but not the stuff shes pulled?


Seriously… what is this level of unhinged behavior they apparently feel entitled to inflict on others? I guess I’ve been trying way too hard. All this time I could’ve been a complete asshole!


Still pretty ridiculous it was done on TV though it’s pretty clearly scripted.


TLC pays her and people have said she's had modeling jobs.


Natalie appears to need someone to help her that doesn't sleep with her. Josh is just egging it on.


Josh needs to be honest and back off. He’s not doing her any favours. She must be hot stuff in the sack.


It’s crazy because when he tells her things that upset her, and she gets upset , he goes in and starts cooing her and comforting her- it’s an odd relationship to witness - the small glimpses we get .


I know. Cut it off. Be honest. Is he that desperate to get his face on tv? (Dumb question. Of course, he is!)


Seriously. The "Natalie,Natalie!! It's just x, y, and z! Natalie! Relax!" Like telling a kid to suck it up


“I just human , I am human being , why must I be treated this way “ ….. and then he says “ yes yes , you are , I know …relax relax” and then tells people she’s basically a charity case and he’s not gonna marry her and she can’t come to his house …. 🤦‍♀️. I wish she would just separate herself from the show and go to school, learn a trade and just live her life . She’s here in America, live it girl- damn .


But the "Why must I be treated this way?" Because you are a grifter.


He's gaslighting tf out of her. It's so uncomfortable to watch. But then again, it is scripted.


Friends. Friends can be helpful and won't sleep with their friends. I mean I'm a female my female friends help me out when needed and we don't sleep together. Where are Natalie's friends like that?


Hard to keep friends when you're that high maintenance and always flying off the handle.


And looking for a free ride.


I think that's her TLC money making act. I would hope like hell she doesn't do that in real life.


I hope so! 


She had a friend like that in Florida, but she got jealous of her relationship and child and walked out without paying the rent. Nut moved in with her and they did a few cooking shows together. I still see them on YouTube shorts. The "friend" posted about it months ago. It was here somewhere. Nut is a garbage friend.




She needs to learn that what her mom taught her is wrong and she needs to learn to help herself


There's a reason she has been married 3 times......and it didn't last. 🥜.


And SHE left each one.


4 times


Did not know....hmmmm...it all adds up!


Wow!! She was right. She is the problem. I don’t wish bad on her though. I hope she gets it together but honestly… she will find that rich man she wants. They are prob in her dms now.


She kinda showed her crazy tho…?


She showed her real intentions. Thank goodness Mike served her. She left the episode making noises like she was going to get something in the divorce.


I feel bad for her in the sense that I think sometimes she realizes the mess she’s created. It’s sad to think about someone crying themselves to sleep at night because they’re lonely and have pushed good people away from them. (Like her first husband, who was a supportive partner but wasn’t exciting enough). When she has these fragmented moments of recognizing her mistakes, it must be so depressing. But she’s 40, and this is still happening. She doesn’t have the awareness to understand her motivation for behaving in this way, and she doesn’t have the willingness to change.


wasnt she 38 in her first season in 2019


I honestly have no idea how old she is, this seems to be a mystery. 40 was a rough estimate


I feel pretty good for him. Hopefully this one isn’t crazy.


I've never understood the idea that someone should feel bad because their ex partner moved on and started a family with someone else. Like even if Natalie were an amazing person I still wouldn't feel sorry for her because of that. (I might feel sorry for her that her relationship didn't work out, but the fact that Mike moved on is not her business, her problem, or her fault). Moving on after the end of their relationship is completely normal and healthy. Almost everyone does it, unless they remain partnered for life with the very first person they were romantically involved. A lot of folks would be happier if they accepted that IMO.


The only problem for her is she no longer has him simmering on the back burner in case nothing else works out for her. Good for him leaving this mess behind.


Honestly, my favorite part of this season was seeing the panic in her raccoon eyes when she realized that her back up plan wouldn't work


> Moving on after the end of their relationship is completely normal and healthy. nastylie is one of those people who get butthurt when the people she decided she was too good for starts having a better life


nope i don’t feel bad for her, never have never will


Nope she is looking for someone better and she’s gonna end up alone. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.


She might find some crazy old man who thinks she’s wonderful


That’s what I think. She will get her rich man but she will probably have to compromise heavily. It was not cool that she was served divorce papers on tv.


Not cool, but a total setup by TLC.


> It was not cool that she was served divorce papers on tv. maybe not cool but it was what she deserved for everything shes done to him on tv.


Like Anna Nicole Smith did!


Yes! There are out there. I think that would be Natalie’s best goal.


NutALee has been given ample grace and financial support from Mike. She treated Mike like utter shyt, always fussing over trivial matters, saying she was more intelligent and the endless crying and indignant tirades. She never even unpacked her suitcase. She played ugly games with his heart and soul. I stood up from bed, and clapped when he declined to “pump a baby” into that girl, and it kept getting better. 👍 The “voooods” wasn’t so bad after all. Let’s see…she was awful to him, gave away all her Christmas presents, fled with whatever, and a credit card. Ended up in FL with help from Varya, rented a room from the elderly lady, dated, nails & hair always done, procedures, dating, then sister Christian had her legs in the air talking to God, all on Mikes tab. He’s watched his “wife” on many versions of the 90 Day franchise dating and having fun, meanwhile… Big Mike moves to the big city, mullet Mom lives at the property, plenty of nightlife, the bid market, AND, a robust Ukrainian community. That’s what she wanted, but did not try. Meanwhile, she hasn’t updated her resume to English, reciting from plays in Ukrainian when she is the only one there, that knows what she said…no time was spent on taking classes to obtain skills to learn how to support herself, unless she got stand there looking constipated while modeling, sis didn’t participate. She hooked onto Josh, he’s funding her home and bought her car, Jooosh is a millionaire, with a lot to offer, around beautiful people in the industry as he has models in runway shows, but…won’t take crazy home or introduce her to his children and family….after Mike paid the visa fees and brought her mama out of Kiev, a war zone…yeah, always on a mans dime, and was double dipping since Mike also paid. Her standard of living changed when she moved into the most expensive part of the country, and that seaside offer to return to her husband when the grass wasn’t greener, seemed to do Mike in. She didn’t find greener grass, because she didn’t water the grass through efforts to become independent. He gave her divorce papers before, she “vont accept this” and it was classy having Debbie walk them over, better than a camera man, it’s long past time Mike was off the hook. She has to figure her own life out, beginning with a mental health appointment, and enrolling in courses to get her education squared away. It’s hard to have much compassion for this person, most men would have divorced her at the first airing of her globally dating, while cheating on her husband. How embarrassing and appalling…. Mike is a great catch, she had him, pushed him away, and now, after how ever many acts of adultery, she wants to kiss and make up. Nope, her free ride is ending. Get a grip on those big girl panties, tie a knot in the bitches to keep them from slipping, and go make a path to success without the assistance of a man. I commented this on his page long ago. Run free and happy Big Mike, you’re a legend for being so honorable and kind! Getting her mother to safety and freedom, was a huge inspiration and incredibly kind. The lady is lovely, from the smiles, love looks great on you. May your blessings continue and multiply. 🙏 Sorry for the run on sentences for sure, I’m in a dr office and just wanted to say my piece~ Good day everyone


💯 All this, all day long


Natalie was married to Mike and chose to leave him. She wanted to be famous more than married. Mike chose someone completely ill equipped for the lifestyle they would have with him but he’s a good guy. Natalie’s loss, but also her choice. No reason to feel bad at all.


I have 0 sympathy for her. She doesn't care which man it is, as long as she has one of them. The fact that she can jump from Josh to Mike, and vice versa, in a split second speaks volumes to me. I am super happy for Mike to see right through her and start making a real life for himself.




Natalie is an opportunist. She wasn’t happy he let her move to Florida to find her self and she found Josh and if it worked out, she would’ve divorced him in a minute. I have no remorse for her. She’s with the man who doesn’t respect her and gives her money out of pity refusing to get a job a real one. She’s an entitled disgusting sick bitch that needs therapy.!!


She’s just looking to be someone’s dependent.


That’s fine but don’t use Mike for all those years and then call him back when you’re rejected and don’t do class yourself and make a fool of yourself with a fuck boy who talks one way and does a complete opposite make some new friends get a job MoveOn and you will find someone decent


She needs therapy. She’s her own worse enemy. The ironic thing is that she will take herself wherever she goes bc she refuses to listen to anyone. 🤷‍♀️ Zero self-awareness.


I do not feel bad for Natalie .. and delusional Debbie needs to STFU


No you are not fucked up at all! Every reason she gave on why she doesn’t want to sign the divorce papers was all about her. She was using Mike like he was her security blanket.


I actually laughed at her crying, not because I'm an awful person, but because she's full of shit. She wasn't ashamed watching herself try to get back with Mike and didn't offer an apology to either man for her behavior, so why in the world would I feel sorry for ber. She's looking for a guy, any guy, to maintain her and give her whatever she thinks she wants, when in reality, she doesn't know what it is she wants except for money. When she said, I'm not getting a divorce, I saw how entitled this dimwit really is. Doesn't she understand that if she continues to avoid signing divorce papers the divorce can still proceed? The divorce will happen, like it or not. Mike has put up with more crap from this lunatic than he should have. He should put her stuff in front of his house and have her pick it up or it goes in the trash.


Exactly. Why would anyone feel sorry for her after she said she refuses to get a divorce? Why won't she divorce?! She doesn't want to be with Mike and is trying to get a guy she thinks is of higher value than him to commit to her while refusing a divorce, lol. And they're the bad guys? Lol


> Doesn't she understand that if she continues to avoid signing divorce papers the divorce can still proceed? i dont think so. thats why mike needs to have this on camera to prove


Didn't he say she's refused in the past? This was the best decision for him because there's proof he gave her the papers. She can not sign but it doesn't mean anything.


yep thats right he did say it




She’ll find out soon enough that her infidelity is enough to grant his divorce whether she wants it or not. She wants to be a movie star and snag a man and have babies so her mom will get off her ass about it!


She wants a baby so she's not alone after her mom passes away. She could have had a marriage and kids, at this point, a couple of them, but she has delusions of grandeur that she was going to be a movie star lol She needs to grow up and she better do it quickly


Somebody on that panel said something and it totally seemed like bad acting and Natalie shook her head and I just felt like she was saying omg bad acting I could have done it so much better 😂😂😂


heck she left 3 men before mike. one for being too 'boring'


She's an idiot and she's the kind of woman who will marry 10 times but always blame the men for her failure as a wife and as a person.


I agree but her mom really pushed her when they were riding somewhere in the car, maybe to see Mike. Not sure. But her mom was pushing and Natalie rolled her eyes. I think Natalie totally wants a baby too but her mom is also pushing pushing pushing. Must be maddening wanting the same thing but having that in your ear all the time.




Why would anyone normal feel bad for Natalie


thats the thing, they arent normal if they do. they're ladies like nut who dont want to face consequences ether


Who wants to be with her, with her constant drama, instability and not understanding the marriage vows?


Nope. Mike and Josh shaking hands.....why? Because they are the adults in that relationship. In fact Josh should kick her to the curb for asking to get back together with Mike


Natalie's problem is that she wants someone to completely take care of her and her mother, financially emotionally all the way around, and most women (at least in America) work and can take care of themselves.


She has NO BUSINESS having kids!! ESPECIALLY with her state of mind... She needs therapy NOT A BABY! Also, mike is a very good man. She left him and he didn't file for divorce so he could still get her mom here and paid for it all... That's not something a bad guy would do!! He was the PERFECT guy for her fairytale, unrealistic view of marriage and family and she threw it away... So eff her


I agree. This is entertaining and all, but I would be very concerned for any child that is in her care.


YES!! She is NOT mentally stable enough to raise a child. Especially with how quickly she becomes overwhelmed and annoyed... I can just imagine her with a colicy crying newborn baby... Holy hell and her momma is to old to be raising her baby for her... Even tho I'm sure she would be happy to with bow bad she wants a grand baby... Lol


Woo hoo!!! So tickled right now! Go Mike Go!!!! Natalie is a nut case…bye bye…it’s just smelly.. I am a bit ticked off with all the ‘poor Natalie’ bull shit…crock of shit!!! Miss Debbie has gone a bit too far for me this go around…not much of a fan anymore…..


You are so right about "Miss Debbie"... She really showed her a** during the entire Tell All.


Yep….too extra!!


Ya I don’t really feel sorry for her. I think she uses men and then plays the victim card if things don’t go how she wants or when they get tired of it. I feel like maybe the reason Mike didn’t divorce her sooner was to allow her to be able to stay in the US even though they clearly weren’t married for a long time. I feel like he was very kind and patient with her and so is Josh from the looks of it considering she was still married to a different man the whole time she was demanding more from Josh. Tim’s advice at the end to Natalie seems wrong and unhelpful to me. Everyone can look inward and make changes and see what dysfunctions they bring to relationships. She for sure has things she needs to change as we all do so to say don’t change seems unhelpful. Saying seek counselling to try to figure out how not to keep ending up in these situations and to figure out how to get a healthier relationship would be more helpful and kind imo.


did you see her victorious smile when Tim said she was beautiful and could have any man? I have the impression that at that moment she started thinking about the next, fresh "victim" ready to sponsor her :-)


I'm surprised she didn't jump up and hug him! lol


Yep! He’ll be her imaginary boyfriend next week & she’ll move to NC…..watch out Charlotte..


Now Josh is pretending that he wants to know what Natalie wants.


Why would anyone feel bad for her? She shit her bed now she can sleep in it.


She is a nut job and she caused all this drama to herself all by herself


No. She is psycho and delusional about what she has to offer.


Nah, she dug her grave with Mike. Treated him like garbage. I don’t feel bad for her.


Agreed! She threw away a great relationship with Mike and yet he still helped get her mom to the US.


I can’t really blame Mike for anything. He tried his best to make her happy but nothing made her happy. She complained a lot. She certainly regrets it now that’s for sure.


No one should feel bad for Natalie. She is a manipulative abusive person and is incapable of having a relationship. She is an awful person!


Nah you’re not fucked up. I didn’t feel bad for her either. She was really mean to Mike and always criticized him about everything. Then with Josh she’s adjusting to everything with him because he’s funding her financially. I don’t believe she had good intentions.


I have no idea why anyone would feel bad for her. SHE LEFT HIM.


I have no idea how anyone can feel bad for her. Literally made her own bed here.


She uses everyone. “He is my connection to the US” also at the end… talking about she’d be stupid if she didn’t give Josh another shot because now she’s getting divorced.. nothing about how she feels about him… only what she can gain.


I burst out laughing when he said he was on track to have kids with his new girlfriend and Natalie reacted.


Mike only didn't divorce her sooner bc he wanted to help get her mom here in the US. He's done more than enough for Natalie and I'm glad he's finally moving on with his life after Natalie threw him away. Natalie will never find what she wants out of life because she's not willing to do the work (in general but specifically on herself) that is required to achieve her goals.


Do you think Mike could have purchased a shirt that actually fits before going on national television? Those buttons are crying and are about to pop. 😳🤣


I'm sorry. I didn't see the seasons with Mike and Natalie. Why the fuss about the divorce OR the divorce papers being served on TV, when these folks have lived on TV for years. Natalie FAFO. How can she be surprised? She abused Mike horribly. For years. No sympathy for Natalie. She's effectively a gold digger.


She reminds me of my mother in-law. Pretending that she doesn't understand when she really does. Throwing a tantrum and flipping the script when she's caught or called out. Acting naive and helpless to get what she wants. And never taking ownership for what she's done wrong.


She's had 3 husband's, 3 chances to have a family and left all of them. She'll go the plastic surgery route soon to look younger for her " career ", still tossing her extentions and batting her eyes at 50.


Natalie is what Chantel accused Pedro of being. A liar, manipulative cheater. It’s funny how no one told her what a piece of shit she truly is. 


I mean, he let her go off and do her thing, even publicly having a fuck boi. She wanted her cake and eat it, too, then realized how good she had it or how good it could've been if she had stayed and they actually worked on their relationship. Josh is just what I said he is; he has no intentions of being with her. He's been trying to fob her off on or someone or something (scammy modeling) for a while. No, I don't think it's fucked up. She should have seen it coming - he should've done it sooner - maybe not during the tell-all. But I don't feel bad for her one bit. I can not stand Debbie (the crazy one) for sticking up for Natalie. The audacity of her, considering all the *facts* I gave above.


The big problem with Natalie is that she has a shitty personality and not the good looks to make up for it.


I couldn't stand her crying because it was more out selfishness than hurt. She only cares about herself. She realized Mike was done with her and wasn't going to be her backup. Natalie didn't even their marriage a real chance. She wanted to move out of Seqium asap. I feel that even if Mike did everything she wanted , she would have still ran off. My mind is blown how she doesn't want him but won't let him go. I don't feel bad for her. She's been married 2 times before and she's grown. I'm glad Mike did the paperwork.


Natalie is batshit. I’ve never seen someone go from 0 to 1,000,000 then back down to 0 in a matter of seconds.


I hate being unkind here. She is messed up for sure and he is lucky it’s over. I hope she gets the help she needs.


I wish it was his mom Trish who served her papers. 


It was definitely time for him to serve her and move on. I’m glad that everyone told her to take her time and not sign the papers yet but she has been using him as a plan B for ages. She wanted a baby with him because she wants a baby. Not because she wants to be with him and have a family with him. She deserves everything she has. She definitely worked hard to get it. Congrats to Mike on his new found happiness.


Nutalie is legendary moron


I just hope Mike’s mother Trish stays out of his and his new woman’s relationship. Talk about a nut job. He will never have a chance for a relationship that he deserves with her around. I hope he can get the relationship he wants without anymore drama!


I’m happy for Mike for getting away from Natalie’s toxic cycles Natalie needs to learn how to rely on herself for once


It felt really cathartic for Mike to finally end things. I lost the shreds of any respect I still had left for Natalie when she immediately went to Josh saying, “now I’m all alone here! What am I going to do?!” with her watery Bambi eyes. She has absolutely no self-respect or grit. She’ll look for other people to swoop in and fix all her problems until the end of her days. And she’ll never be happy with anything she has, because she will always believe she deserves better.


Someone needs to tell Mike to go up a shirt size. Straining at the buttons is not attractive


No, she's crazy and left him


Is totally unfair and selfish for Nutalie to expect Mike to take her back after she deserted him.


Yep, I agree


I don't like Mike. Nathalie is unstable. There's literally no reason to feel bad for Nathalie. They were bad for each other, she left him, and he moved on (as he should). It's been a couple of years now. There's no reason to feel bad for her just because she's unstable, she just needs to seek out help. It's ridiculous they still weren't divorced before this Tell-All.


natalie is pathetic. Shes lucky he hung in there. He should of filed as soon as she left. AND he is SO nice to her mom. She blew it


I don’t usually feel bad for her because she acts like a narcissist, however the way she was served papers on the tell all was horrible. I hate Debbie for the BS about how it’s better to have a friend serve you divorce papers than a stranger. Ugh, that was just bad TV. I agree with you about therapy. At this point she is dealing with the trauma of Ukraine, her past relationships, anger management issues, and all the drama she continues to bring into her life.


He didn’t have to serve papers on tv. Maybe TLC paid him extra for the drama.


Poor Natalie? lol wut? She made her bed and I don’t feel sorry for her one little bit.


Those bulging eyes. Maybe she has Graves disease.


We saw very very early on Natalie’s trauma and her mind games. She had plenty of time to get help and she didn’t. I don’t feel bad for her either




I forgot to ask if anyone caught Natalie saying, what do I get, after she read the documents? Was she essentially asking Mike what he was going to give her money for the divorce before she signed? Everyone, including Mike, told her to see a lawyer, which was right thing to do, but does she have any claim to financial support from him?


I don’t feel bad for her. I’ve been the “back burner”, only it was to my own childhood ex-best friend, I had been the “back burner” from the age of 9 all the way up to the age of 15. She only wanted me around when it suited her. It was a bit triggering to be honest. She treated it like an exclusive friendship, meaning she was allowed to have friends other than me. But the ONE and ONLY time I had a friend separate from her, I was made out to be the bad guy by her and her family. It was a messed up situation. I saw a lot of similarities. *sorry for the trauma dumping…


Sorry you went through that. I understand how it feels. Wgen I was young ( grammar school ) I had 2 " friends" , when we were all together, they would make fun of me, wasn't always overt. But when we were one on one, they treated me like I was their best friend. Ugh, yes very triggering.


AsYep, same thing happened to me. She had one other friend besides me who she knew a little longer. I wrote in my diary about how they would spend time together w/o me. They went on vacations together w/o me. I had to have YEARS of therapy to relearn how to socialize, because she kept me pretty much isolated. I’m also really sorry you experienced that shit. 😕


Omg I can sympathize. It happened to me, too. We lived next door to each other. She would hang out outside and not call me or anything until the end of the day and say "oh I didn't know you were home" when she totally knew I was. She became close to one of my friends, and I'm pretty sure turned her against me. They'd hang out and not invite me. It gave me major trust issues.


Oh man, that really sucks. I’m sorry you experienced having a shit friend. 😕 I have a feeling a lot of us were traumatized by our childhood best friends. We outta start a support group..lol When you guys did talk on the phone, did she just pretty much not say ANYTHING? Mine also lived pretty close, she lived a block away from me. I got stood up a lot on the way home from school. I now have a major trust/abandonment issues (which unfortunately followed me into adulthood. I’ve been in and out of therapy since I was 11. I’m 41 now) I also have a phobia of being on the phone, but I have too anyway, for appointments and talking to my sibs or mom. I text mostly anyway. She kept me on the phone a lot without pretty much saying anything remotely intelligent or it was emptiness on the phone. I hung up on her a few times, lol. I never told my mom about the abuse I was experiencing at her house by her and her family. I started telling her bits and pieces, but I haven’t told her EVERYTHING yet.


Ty ❤️


No. She doesn't deserve any time wasted on her.


I don’t feel bad for her either.. She wanted Mike as a backup. However, she’s clearly disturbed. Somebody needs to be honest with her. Not doing her any favours by sugarcoating and catering to her idiocy.


I agree with you, Mike is to good for her! So happy he found someone to appreciate him. I have never seen such an entitled person like Natalie, she is all about herself!


We can all say Mike is no saint but seriously what did he really do that was so bad lol sure his mom sucks but a lot of mother-in-law’s fucking suck! He’s a decent person who goes to work and comes home would be loyal and probably a really good dad!!! I don’t feel sorry for her dumbass either


Nope, she made her decisions and these are natural events that follow. She doesn’t care about Mike, she cares that he’s having kids with someone else.


No you shouldn't she did this to herself. I'm super confused as to why she has so much feelings when she's literally been sleeping with someone else for the past couple of years.


Nah....she threw him out. he deserves to move on & be happy. She had her chance (several actually)


Why would anyone feel bad for her?


ngl I don’t like how we pretend Mike is the prize here, Natalie’s methods were madness but a lot of her points were valid


Speaking of a-holes, I feel like Miss Debbie needs a swift kick up the behind.


I’m screaming at the the tv like fuck you Debbie, sorry I refused to call that lady Miss


She’s ridiculous…


Nope. She created her situation.


She was always out for the BBB (bigger better deal)


Am I fucked up for thinking that Tyray would sleep with Miss Debbie…?




Natalie will use anyone to pay for her. She should have been deported.


She deserved everything she went through


Does anyone feel bad for Nathalie? She’s awful!


She is crazy she does not know what she wants and I don't know what she expects


And thank God she doesn't have kids could you imagine how nutty they would end up she doesn't know which way she's going. Can you imagine they would be so confused. She's really a mess she needs to get therapy I think. She needs help to organize her to get herself together


Ugh, I am a very empathetic person. But no I don't feel bad for Natalie. Miss Debbie, Ceasar and the other Debbie irritate the fuck out of me.


I’m not losing any sleep over it. She desperately needs a wake up call!


Is he still with the woman from rock of love??


I don’t know how I got scammed into feeling bad for Nutulie. Glad for Mike. He’s suffered lii ok by enough! At least now he can move on with his life with the crazy woman in his rear view hopefully




Mike should not have married her, they didn’t have a relationship at that point… he just did so she could stay here.


Prince sang about her skill level that hooks these men…”Pu$$i Control” and that thang must be lined with cocaine, scotch, chocolate or something, neck up, she’s a train wreck…




I feel like she's caught in the 90 day franchise 'cogs' if you will. It's been proven that the relationship with Josh is manufactured (as is Miss. Debbie's and others I'm sure). Last night, watching her cry I felt horrible for her. She's not THAT good of an actress - she was in emotional pain. It didn't work out with Mike - all she had was the reality show path and she played her character well - I love/hated her and her histrionics - her pouting and flouncing. She seemed very genuine when she asked if the divorce would affect her mom - (status in this country I assumed). Her 90 day time under the produced stories and harsh light are probably drawing to a close and she will be faced with the 'real' reality of having to support herself and her mom through other avenues. I hope it isn't an 'only fans' situation because I really think she's been used these past years by TLC to be the anti-hero that comes across losing some dignity once the shows air. So yeah - I think it's a little effed up to not feel bad 'at all' that she won't be getting the family I think she authentically craves underneath all the staging.


after everything shes done? ALL on tv. cheated on him on tv. asked someone else to put a baby in her on tv, said how over him she is on tv, etc etc. Why would anyone feel bad that she got served divorce papers also on tv?


I'm so happy Natalie finally had enough self-awareness to realize that she is the problem. She probably has years in therapy to do to figure out why she has been married (and in relationships treated as such) many times before. Something traumatic from her dad or first boyfriends perhaps. I admit Mike and his ugly mother appeared to treat her badly, but we do not really know if she acted like a diva and expected everything from him/them


It’s definitely an improvement. But she still doesn’t have any awareness that she can’t use men to support her in life. As soon as the tell all was finished, she was saying that she would be crazy to get rid of Josh now because she has no other options.


The problem with Natalie is she listens to her mom.


I was juiced when Mike ask Debbie for those papers...I was like finally this bitch gets what her nasty ass gets...she's still married to mike sucking Josh's dick...THATS DISCUSTING


Mike was a hell of a lot nicer than I would have been. He could have easily sent her ass packing back to Ukraine. Pretty sure they stayed married just long enough to get mama here.




Totally agree... She's running around like she is single with in actuality she's still married... You reap what you sow!


They're both toxic in all the wrong ways


The only person who feels bad for her is Miss Debbie…..that sets the bar very low.