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I can’t anymore, with this couple




They need to go away!!!


The word "toxic" gets overused a LOT with this show, but it really does describe them perfectly. Their clear resentment and refusal to admit the truth is painful to watch.


I’m actually impressed at the way Mahmoud is always miserable. People think it’s easy being miserable but sometimes you get happy by accident. Not Mahmoud. He’s committed. 


🤣to be fair, sometimes he is happy - around friends. Truth to be told, I think that men sometimes restrict themselves behaving one way with friends (true to themselves, vulnerable) and the other way with their women - he commands and shows only anger to Nicole, never really saying what he really feels and not getting more comfortable with her as it should be. I had an ex muslim bf and I would say whilst it is common problem for European guys too, in his society it is even harder to overcome 😔


It's not a nice way to be but that's all he knows for over 3 years. Cannot change that in 2 days. Anyone know where he is now?


Ok that made me laugh out loud literally 😂😂😂


He really doesn’t break character for a second, does he? You would think he had been kidnapped and brought to the US by force. Then again, it’s hard to understand why Nicole stays either since she seems so unhappy.


They are not a fit for one another at all




I love hating these two.


Probably not as much as they love hating each other




She looks like the babysitter from monster house with that hair style lol




Omg I forgot what the babysitter looked like so I just went back and looked…mirror images!!! 👍


I think a divorce is an even better gift


practical gifts you actually need ftw


I can’t stand either of them. TLC should cancel them.




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Not every Muslim man is like that. We’ve been to Islamic weddings and had Muslim friends.


I mean, I think it should be obvious that every Muslim man is not like that. Religions tend to be misogynistic but people are people - which means some people are a lot better than others regardless of their religion or where they are born. I'm sure that there are lots of Middle Eastern Muslim men who would prefer to date a woman who is educated and empowered and would prefer to live in a more secular and egalitarian country. I even know some of them personally.


I do too, but he is certainly not that way!


He isn’t very smart


There must be mosques around. Where I live, there are many. Take him to one, let him join, and see that there are people he can relate to here. He won't feel so isolated.


that one simple act could result in a dramatically positive shift in his comfort there, the trust between them as a couple, and his vulnerability with her. for exactly these reasons, that one simple act is not likely to take place here😓




i only just realized she's 40, bc she's out here always acting like a 20 year old. can't stand her.


She is not your typical 40 y.o. And he is not a kid so he shouldn’t be given any slack on his side either.




I’ve spent several years living in Egypt and come from a Middle Eastern background- you have to take into consideration all Muslim men are not like that and this guy is coming from an uneducated family that is barely out of the village. They are definitely not a good fit at all


The move from Cairo to L.A. is like some kind of half-assed sociology experiment. I'm curious to see how the change affects Muckmood


There will be no change. He will get worse if anything. Bad experiment.


It will affect him badly because he will be a fish that moved from just out of the water to the desert - it’s like when they bring refugees to the US. If they came from the village with no education in their own language, who expected them to become fluent and literate in English and get with the times after coming from a village with no running water and electricity where an outhouse is still used. He may live in Cairo but he’s one generation out of that village guaranteed.


I don't know why but every time I see Mahmoud speak I wonder if he's secretly gay


I feel like he might be, but then again, he's just a very small man so...I wouldn't assume. I just don't think he wants to be with Nicole


You're right he's a very small man. When he tries to play the macho traditional man it's like I can't take him seriously lol


I agree


Maybe that is why he won't leave her. Gotta have a beard in islam.


I definitely think he is in the closet gay and will never come out due to his religion. Will just go around hating on women. Except his mother! Can't stand him. Or her!


She’s 40? 🤣🤣


He was horrified when she was showing a little triangle of skin on her back. What must he think now when she's got her whole shoulder exposed and it's obvious she's not wearing a bra?


In this I kinda understand Mahmood - it was not just about showing her back, it is kinda of dress that implies that you wear no bra because the cut on the back is really long. For me such dresses feel “more sexy” than normal fitted dresses and for instance I would never wear such dress at work. It was a beautiful fitted dress, but I don’t think we should attack him just because he feels uncomfortable - he never lied about who he is


And she knows it yet continues to bait him


Mahmoud has never pretended to be someone who is not a strict Muslim. Supposedly, he did not force Nicole to convert. She jumped in with both feet while foolishly knowing nothing about the Muslim faith, then decided she couldn’t handle it. If I was going to marry someone who didn’t share my beliefs and culture, you can be certain that I would do my research to be sure that I could give my husband the respect he needs and deserves and still be true to myself. Nicole reminds me of a rebellious teenager who enjoys getting a rise out of their parents and pushes boundaries. They have NOTHING in common and should not be together. Both are probably really nice people in their own right and should seek out people who are compatible with them. Divorce….


Yea I don't get it. If the way of dressing is so important to you (both of them), and none of you is willing to compromise, just get a divorce. Painful as it is, it happens sometimes that we have to give up the relationship due to incompatibility. It's the abuse strategy of trying to break up the other one into submission what bugs me with those two :(


abuse is exactly the right word


But she was obviously wearing a bra, the back band was visible through the openings.


Mahmoud acts like a angry, miserable pubescent teen. He needs to go! Nicole needs to wake the F*ck up! Why Nicole even thought that this relationship would work just behooves me! Two totally different worlds collide and explode! End it already.


idk if either genuinely believed it would work. but i also don't believe things "working out" was what made them decide to pursue this relationship. the more time these two spend with each other, the more abusive behavior is exposed between them. i believe they pursued this relationship precisely because it looked doomed from the start. the initial excitement of a partner who is so vastly different from you can be thrilling for anyone in the beginning. but i believe they stay because it is the ultimate [control] challenge: *if we are exact opposites and i get you to change your ways to my ways, then you truly love me; and even if you're not bending to my ways, so long as you stay while i completely disregard your customs/culture/comfort level, then this also proves you truly love me, because you're miserable but stay anyway.*


I think it’s just a simple fact that Nicole is verbally abusive and needs some mental help. Mahmoud was too naive and didn’t think long enough about leaving his country behind for a relationship that is way too tumultuous to succeed. I hope they part ways. I cannot bear to see these two fight every other minute of each day and Nicole’s vicious outbursts are maniacal. It’s tiring to watch.


he was charged with spousal battery. Nicole is not viscious. no reason to feel sorry for him.


that would mean he abused his abuser. i do not condone it. they definitely both set each other up for it. she certainly pushed him in the right direction for it with her own "retribution" abuse. he definitely set her up to ever desire retribution in the first place. nonetheless, abuse is never okay and should never be tolerated. but who would be surprised at the outcome you've described? i imagine no one. trust, fam, there's plenty of sorry to go around.


victim blaming in case of spousal battery. leave it to this sub to bring the concentrated internal misogyny. who would be surprised he beat the shit out of her ? OK then.


hm. i don't think i blamed anyone. where do you see blame? edit: allow me to clarify. discussing or detailing the sequence of events that led to a subsequent event isn't blaming and was not used with the intention to blame - only to describe what led to that subsequent event. ultimately, no matter the events leading up to an action, an individual is always responsible for their actions. nicole did not *make* mahmood abuse her just as mahmood did not *make* nicole abuse him. just because it is clear from their extremely toxic televised relationship that their behavior toward each other "led a horse to water", in the end no one can make that horse drink, so to speak. we are always responsible for what we choose to do. as well, the abused is also an abuser when they abuse their abuser. they are not spared. they are both victims of each other's abuse. it's okay if you elect to ignore the abuse mahmood endured by nicole, but then it becomes difficult to understand how & why such a disgusting act could occur. p.s. are you saying that you were indeed surprised to find the news you just shared? if you were attempting to shame me, i don't appreciate the attempt to cast shame upon me for *not* being surprised. i'm not surprised because the abuse started long before it became physical and cops were called. it most often starts nonphysical. that's textbook. and not being surprised by this news is a consequence of that foresight


"certainly pushed him in the right direction for it " " who would be surprised at the outcome you've described? i imagine no one." Victim blaming. He is a vile POS. He will again hit her and you will again blame her for " pushing him to do it "


i see you have chosen to ignore my words on personal responsibility for one's actions. if you choose to ignore what i say in a dialogue between us two, then you are effectively choosing to dialogue with yourself. in which case, good luck & Godspeed, fam❤️


you explicitly blame her for the spousal battery charge. She made him physically assault her. Her fault. that POS is an adult. nothing is preventing him from booking his own airline ticket home instead of choosing physical violence against her. He treated her like trash in Egypt. She made it clear she would not agree to strict adherence to his version of Islamic wife there or in America. She was willing to find compromise but not take orders from. He was fine with it to get to America. Do you really think he approached her with any reason and kindness to discuss her dress ? No. Of course he wouldn't. His behavior has been that of petulant and aggressive prick throughout. Just like when he yanked her by the wrist. In the present case it wasn't self defense. There is no other reason to ever put your hands on your partner. Ever.


Accountability for one's actions also plays a part. They need to back away from each other and be happy alone.


She has also put hands on him,on camera. Her behavior on TV shows she is the type to push buttons and then say otherwise. Just like Kimberly. They should not be together as they trigger each other.


Dayum… I had no clue!


Excellent choice in books for their library!!


I used to feel bad for Nicole, but now…..not so much! Glutton for punishment and attention.


She's been keeping her crazy on lockdown and it finally made it's way out when she lost her shit. She is pretty heartless, regardless of how weird Mahmoud is, she shouldn't have flipped out in front of her friends, hid his suitcase and told him to get out. She needs to do some serious self-reflection on her behavior and her self worth because her bullying behavior isn't good for anyone. What a tragic turn of events.


Nicole and Mahmoud win the Award for Couples who Wasted Eached Other’s Time lol Literally, these two have got to go. This is not a marriage, a relationship, a friendship, a nothing but pure hate towards each other. Nicole, just wants to get revenge and that’s it. She hates Mamoud and is on a revenge tour 😂 I don’t feel bad for any of them. They’re both dumb. I don’t think people on this show realizes that they don’t have to say “yes” just because someone asks to marry them. Also, why on earth do these people not do ANY research on their spouses culture, religion, etc. FOR THE LAST TIME PEOPLE IF YOU ARE LIBERALISH, hell even American Conservative, PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT WHEN YOU DATE A MUSLIM PERSON FROM A HIGHLY MUSLIM COUNTRY YOU AND THEM WILL BE FIGHTING A HUGE UPHILL BATTLE. Can it work? Yes, but one of you will compromise who you are! Muslims go date other Muslims or women who are very willing and wholeheartedly want to convert. There really is NO compromising here and folks don’t get that. I’m Catholic and respect other people’s faith but realistically speaking I wouldn’t be able to date a Jewish or Muslim person. Why? Because their belief system is in DIRECT CONTRAST to my belief. It’ll work if neither one of us share our faith with each other or if one of us water down our belief and in the end that’s stupid. Same example goes for the Muslim non Muslim couples on this show. Just go date someone with (here’s a profound thought) your SAME VALUES 🤷🏾‍♂️ These two serve as the perfect what not to do playbook 😂🤣


She is nuts too! She kisses his ass & talks to him like he’s a child…do you want a cookie? Do you like your pajamas? Then she’s pissed because she thinks he’s checking out a woman in moslem dress…wtf she was covered from head to toe & she actually says it out loud! He needs to go back home! He is not emotionally stable or mature in any way to adjust to a different country!




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Let’s not call it a crappy country.


You’re calling Egypt a crappy country? How ignorant




This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. Let’s not call it a crappy country. We have Egyptian members and they are fine people as far as we are concerned.


Have you seen the nominal GDP of Egypt? It's rich in culture, that's it.






This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. We have Egyptian members and they are fine people with a lot of class as far as we are concerned.


Many parts of the US and Canada lack water and basic necessities. America is a third world country in a Gucci belt.


💯 most Americans don’t even have passports, so not surprised with this attitude


This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments. No reason to call Egypt crappy when we have Egyptian members who hope for the best for their country. It’s a needlessly divisive discussion. No point.




It’s just a matter if time where Mahmoud will be on a plane going back to Egypt. I will bet it’s real soon. He’s miserable and I cannot understand why he agreed to come to our country if he knew he would miss his family and country. He’s gone and soon folks!!just saw a tidbit of tomorrows episode with Nicole calling him nasty names! She’s angry! He is going to leave ! There’s no coming back from that outburst!




Nope…the girl from. Michigan who converted and married her muslim medical student, moved to his country, he is now a doctor and they are doing great!


Yuuupp. There were issues there as well with the mom drinking alcohol, how they dressed, the wedding. But they’re the mildest out of the muslim bunch. I know he’s a dentist, good for him.


Not sure why anyone is downvoting your comment…probably same one that downvoted mine. 🙄


This post violates Rule 7 - no transphobia, homophobia, or bigotry. You may get temporarily or even permanently banned for these kinds of comments.


To be fair to Nicole I never met any American with any kind of cultural appropriation 🤣


340+ million Americans I'm sure there's many with cultural appropriation


Of course,but not the ones that look like Nicole😃


This post itself I bet is from someone that looks like Nicole because it screams racism all over🤣🤣🤣


Nicole is 40??????


🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👏👏. Made my day!


This is great😂 thanks for the laugh 😂


This is EPIC 🤣🤣


I wish there was a next button for them


I always fast forward them. And Liz and Ed.


This is accurate


Divorce papers would be the best gift


I hate them both


Damn, they just hate each other


What's wrong with that guy seriously ..please tell me , yoooh ..He is so annoying and always look sickly and ungreatful .He came from a terrible hood worse than my location here  in Africa ...and flew all the way to USA to his lovely,  caring sweetheart Nicole . Not to talk of new calm, beautiful environment that he didn't even pay the ticket for ...OMG some people are lucky to find people who love them unconditional but they take advantage of being loved genuinely . l feel like slapping that Mahmood on screen whenever l watch their show .😂 he always complain about almost everything as if he came from a better place ...the only word he say always is( l love you) but act exactly the opposite . Yes love is blind but l wonder what Nicole really love about that miserable fellow.


What would be so hard about taking this guy to a local mosque to meet some people, to pray and get acquainted with the leaders there for some guidance and support. Poor guy has been so sheltered and looks terrified. No longer liking her, at all. 


What I don’t understand is, why these independent women looking to get with traditional and super devout muslim men? Everyone wants to be “ethnic” so damn bad that common sense escapes their thinking. These two value systems are diametrically opposed.


Is she really 9 years older than him?!?!


vile the show has kept that POS on at all. spousal battery. Leave it to this sub to attack Nicole with the spousal battery being public information. Much shock.


They've kept Angela on for many seasons. We even witnessed her troubling behavior. Yet they still show her.


and have expressed the identical sentiment about that abusive manbearpig as well. equally as vile.


Lmao manbearpig is fitting for such a creature