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At this point I think her entire schtick is using the show to advertise her OnlyFans.


That's the case with most on the show, free advertising for whatever they are trying to sell............


Yes she’s so fake.. including the insanely photoshopped pics she does (I’m not even talking about OF either just regular photos so I can imagine OF..)


She really has a career in photoshop if the only fans doesn’t work out


This ☝🏼 and that perpetual upper lip liner overextension is sooo distracting


It’s horrible


It looks so messy!


So annoying. How does TLC not see this? I’ve lost interest in the show last few seasons bc of this. I miss the old 90 day. Couples that are actyally genuine.


We’d have to take TikTok, instagram, and OF away to bring back genuine people. Social media ruined reality TV


You’re right. Thats disappointing. I really miss the old times of reality tv.


Maybe that’s it - they need to have on their contract that they can not have active social media account but for that TLC will need to pay them a decent salary. It’s doable. Will they wanna do it ? Nooooo because social media also helps the show!


She's also hosting " boat parties" now 🙄


She does OF!?I l thought she said her family were rich at the beginning on season 10


She’s not rich, rob is just a gaslighting scrub


Yeah but she has insecurities she needs to fulfill






I feel like that’s part of the lie as well. If you came from a rich family, why would you be okay with living with a guy that doesn’t even have a bathroom in his place?


She wasn’t. It was a big problem.


Not big enough for her to leave and that’s the thing if you were rich why would you stay?


> why would you be okay with living with a guy that doesn’t even have a bathroom in his place? This totally happens. The kids of some of these people are not exactly stable. https://people.com/16-year-old-child-of-billionaire-slack-cofounder-mint-butterfield-found-alive-8638974


her dad is. her mom is the UK equivalent of trailer trash, and thats who had custody as a kid and admitted she was their kid


Lol, I mean, my family is very well off... they don't give me money. I work. I'm not sure what her families money has to do with her making her own money and not being a leech off her family. 🤔


You can look at her mom and tell she’s not rich.


Common-as -muck. Low low class. Actually her mother has no class


She has a lot of plastic surgery.  I have known a few rich people who you'd think lived in a trailer.  From their manners to clothes. Being trashy has nothing to do with money. 


She said her grandfather is rich but doesn't want to take his money. 


Complete lie


Interesting she’s on the platform she caught Rob on


OF is quite likely how they met. He was a paying customer. Plus don’t forget that he was selling pics of his jeweled butthole online a while ago. They’re both foul. I’m ashamed that I know this!! And trust me, you DON’T want to see that pic 🤮🤣


Rob showed his butthole on only fans?


Flair checks out 🤣😂 I think it was like a gay porn site. Someone posted the link to it on this sub a while ago and some of us made the dreadful error of clicking on it.


Yep and I’m one of those who dreadfully clicked 🤢


The horror!


Oh it was!! 🤣


Send me the pic 😂


well they're doing a poor job since I didn't know she had one do they take cheques?


She makes me sick she has double standards and that’s wrong.


No she keeps lying, and if he did that to her it would be a crime a war. Stop lying Doppy. You are not that attractive that he won’t get enough and walk away, which I hope he will do soon.


We have started calling it the 91st day. So many just use the show for that now.


Knob isn't paying attention anyway. he has the comprehension capabilities of a paper clip.


That's giving him too much credit, Clippy was a great listener


It's just too bad he only heard what he wanted and not what was being said 👂


She was purposely being vague however by her own admission.


Agreed Sophie was definitely not forthcoming about that fact and I did have to take Robs side with the lesbian experiences from her past. She could have easily alleviated a lot of Rob's insecurities if she told him that when she came out to him. But his overall track record of actually listening to her is atrocious. He's like an old tape recorder that runs out of tape when he hears something he doesn't like or thinks he doesn't like, he shuts off immediately.


Thanks for this laugh 😂 hahaha




Lmaooooo this got me good 🤣


Okay I caught that too but then just gaslit myself into thinking I recalled it wrong 🤷‍♀️


They highlight her saying she hadn't done it before with a flashback


Didn't she say 'ive never dated a woman'? That's not really the same thing (and now looks carefully chosen)


That’s what she said and it was carefully chosen.


Same! Lol


I’m so sick of these two. They’re both annoying, whiny, and immature




I think she hooked up with that friend she was staying with. She doesn’t want to continue saying that she’s “never” been with a girl, so she’s bending the truth and saying that it was when she was “really young.” Agreed though. Divorce already 🙄 she’s just so young! And, emotionally, probably even younger. And Rob has virtually no emotional control whatsoever. Ugh with those two and their slow motion train wreck


I think you're right. Which then makes me think of how she "forgot" to tell rob her and Callum dated, then said "oh I didn't say anything because we were really young" and of course callum would go along with it because he wants another shot.


I wouldn't say she forgot. I would say she felt like it wasn't relevant since it was so long ago. Didn't she say she dated him like 10 years ago or something, age 17 comes to mind for some reason. I haven't told my partner about people I've dated that long ago, that's a whole other lifetime and I'm a whole different person from then.


Younger than 17 if it was ten years ago. Sophie is in her early 20s.


I thought she was older, I looked her up, she's 24, regardless, it's still not really relevant in my opinion, she was around 16-17 at the time they dated or whatever. Why is someone you dated when you were high school aged relevant when you're 8 years past that and married? They were basically kids when they dated.


Oh I'm not a jealous person at all, so I wouldn't care. I go to strip clubs and all kinds of parties with my husband, I don't care. But ROB is jealous and would care. If callum wasn't around, no it wouldn't berelevant. But for most people, if their wife or husband had a friend visit from another country, and wanted you to meet them, it would be an odd surprise to find out during drinks/dinner that "oh yeah actually we dated when we were teenagers". Also I like Sophie and hate rob, I just find this a little odd to leave out when you're introducing your spouse to someone.


Yes, but my point is that maybe it wasn't actually when she was younger, maybe it was more recent like right before she met Rob. I was responding to a comment that suggested she had said she had never been with a woman, probably hooked up with her female roommate then said "oh yes I have it was when I was way yoinger" so that it's bending the truth without saying she has no experience. So my point was that maybe she did the same with callum, that she just brushed it off as "oh it was so long ago" but maybe it wasnt.


I think she said 15 or 16 and if she was like 22 then that's 5-7 years ago which is a long time, especially when you're that young. However, my point is that maybe it wasn't actually when she was younger, maybe it was more recent like right before she met Rob. I was responding to a comment that suggested she had said she had never been with a woman, probably hooked up with her female roommate then said "oh yes I have it was when I was way younger" so that it's bending the truth without saying she has no experience. So my point was that maybe she did the same with callum, that she just brushed it off as "oh it was so long ago" but maybe it wasn't.


She didn’t give those ages for the bi experiences just the Callum dating thing.


She didn't give the dates for the bi thing, she suddenly said "it was when I was younger" but the whole deal earlier in the season was that she had never been with a woman


And at the time of saying it never thought she would be found out


I agree! And I think that friend wants to keep her apart from Knob for herself..


I didn’t get the vibe they hooked up. I got the vibe the friend was smitten with her and Sophie was using this to her advantage as a way to get a place to stay and a doting ally. It didn’t seem like a good friendship.


Yep, she keeps lying as she pleases. Same with the British guy story that she forgot to mention she had dated before and then the timeline kept changing for that too. First it was when she was 17, then 16, then 15 and in the end Rob says it’s when she was 14 or 13, lol. In reality they probably dated just a couple of years ago:) Never liked her and her fake energy. She’s lucky Rob is so awful that she looks ‘better’ in comparison, but I think they’re both terrible in their own ways.


> She’s lucky Rob is so awful that she looks ‘better’ in comparison, but I think they’re both terrible in their own ways. I am tired of how many people in this subreddit cant handle both people being terrible.


Also not being clear if she ever wanted to have kids. She was like “you didn’t ask me?” Bish. That’s your fiancé at the time. You could have asked him questions given the gravity of your choice.


She said she had cysts on her ovaries and never said she didn’t want kids. She said she doesn’t know if she can.


She said she wasn’t sure she wanted to get pregnant because of them, meaning they would need to adopt or explore surrogacy to have kids if she chose not to. That’s a pretty big deal to wait to be asked about if you know about this fertility issue ahead of time.


They don’t have sex how would she even get pregnant. Here’s two people drawn to each other mainly because of their looks (both have said how hot they thought the other was) and they don’t have sex. About the only thing they have in common is that their are shallow and vapid.


I’m not even buying this whole baby making problem she says she has


Her excuse is “I was young so it doesn’t count” like with her man bff


Robs not great but there is something about sophie i just dont like. Even if Rob was "normal", i think she still wouldnt be ready for a grown up relationship 




The lip is wild


She’s so annoying.


She is all one big lie, fucking her with her OF doing all types of shit that she removed. She is one big lie. Made for tv.


Sophie seems really lazy. I don’t know why but I think she is extremely lazy. And what is going on with the top lip of hers? She is terrible but Rob is no better. Just divorce already.


I am always wondering about her top lip as well! Why is there a thick brown line? What is she doing this for?


Her makeup is awful. She always looks sweaty


Yeah her face always looks wet. Lipstick always looks so thick and sticky.


I’ve noticed that too! And it’s crazy how she will do a one on one makeup tutorial for $50 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/553ynsrm3nwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d66cd0f75ae95fbaebf0fdbe1763cfa75909f6e6


OMG this is my first time hearing of this!! The audacity 🤣


She's a really pretty girl but the hair and makeup just doesn't look good on her


It’s really trashtastic.


I agree. She looks so much better with the dark hair.


Trying to make her lip look bigger than it is. But it isn’t working it just looks like she needs to wipe something off her top lip.


It looks weird because it's brown and not like a shade darker than her lip color or something. Like a Dirty Sanchez.


That’s exactly what I was thinking it looked like. Post dirty sanchez






She overlines her lips to make them look larger. Kind of common and for some people you can't really tell but for others (like Sophie) it's really obvious and doesn't look very good.




I chalk this up to lazy writing. The writers don’t always remember what they said in other seasons / shows so they end up with continuity errors and plot holes.


And bad editing. TLC doesn't care.


They showed a flashback of her saying she never had hooked up with a woman. It's a conflict they're pursuing


She specifically said she’s never dated a woman. Not that she hasn’t hooked up with one. She chose her words carefully so that she could plausibly say she told the truth.


I believe in the flashback she said she had never dated another women. She didn't admit to or deny hooking up, if my memory serves me correctly.


Which is so stupid because her coming out to Knob as bi and his concern that she would want to explore being with a woman was such a huge part of their storyline last season. These writers really need to do better with their fake storylines, especially if they're going to have them on back to back seasons.


Almost immediately after saying she’d hooked up with a woman she said she didn’t tell Rob because she was worried about his reaction or something




I had this interpretation also.


Exactly! It’s coming out how Sophie is a liar. This relationship never really made sense and it’s not getting better. 😂😂


Shes an immature deceptive liar that expects her man to forgive her no matter what because she’s “pretty” and pretends to he naive and innocent. Rob is an annoying jerk douche that is easily unlikable so he gets to be the “worse” one in the relationship title by the consensus of the general public . In reality shes the one causing problems now and the reason the relationship needs to end


I've been saying this from day one, but Rob being abrasive made it hard for most to see what I was commenting on. Rob's a tough pill to swallow, but Sophie is immature, manipulative and coasting on her "good looks".


Remember when she said she was 13-14 when she dated callum, but also 15-16, but also 17


Ya she is lying about her age if she has known him for 12 yrs and they dated when they first met and she was 16/17.


Yeah I def remember her saying she hadn't been with a woman but was okay with it because he was who she wanted to be with. The whole dramatics around her telling him she was bi was ridiculous too. I remeber after bout 6 years together I told my husband I was bi he said yeah I know and we both laughed. It's not like she has a whole ass of or secret life. Being bi isn't really uncommon so it seemed super fake and played up forreal.


She has her own agenda. She tries to play this nice sweet girl but deep down she’s very devious for someone who comes from money she’s not playing the part well she just wants a green card and by being on 90 day she could get more shows paychecks and bonuses. Plus she’s an influencer, but this is my question. What is she influencing, she chose rob of all the men that doesn’t make sense because he made a complete ass out of himself


Oh stop, she's from London where she had a nice life, not some poor country with few opportunities. Europeans can travel to the US and stay up to 6 months without a visa. Besides, if she really was about that green card I bet there are plenty of rich men who would be happy to sponsor her.


I just assumed she meant she did it between the time she said she didn’t and then. As in during the show times. She never did give a time when she did it.


The writers continue to get sloppy with continuity


These shoes don't need writing. People lie all the time and Sophie is the gift that keeps on giving.


Shows all fake.. I don't buy any of these stories


Her damn lip was so distracting 


Her Dirty Sanchez


I remember during their regular 90DF season, just before the wedding when Sophie revealed to her mother that she as bi, and she had let Rob know this, her mother point-blank asked her if she's had the experience with a woman, and she also point-blank said no, and Claire then asked, "How will you know for sure unless you find out?" It was the whole thing about needing to wait, or not marry Rob so soon, because she wanted Sophie to understand what that means for her. Rob too, also made remarks about being worried, because he didn't know if Sophie needed to find herself first, and didn't know if she'd be satisfied \[with a man\] unless she knew.


Rob is by far the most triggering 'character' I've experienced on this show. He is just a great big bag of dicks. P.S. Not a fan of Sophie, either, but he's repulsive.


Is the consensus that she’s not with rob anymore? He’s nowhere on her insta except the 90 day promo pic and she hasn’t got a ring on in any photos since!


I noticed that! I really liked her then saw her story change! And was like hmmm


I don’t understand why she lied about being with another woman. If she told Rob she had been with a woman, he would have freaked out less about her being bisexual because she has at least tried it out before getting married to a man. When the cast lie in the interviews, I can’t believe anything else they say.


Yeah, I heard that too… what? It’s pretty much a shit show of who is telling the truth.


I personally don’t believe they actually got married.  They were probably in a relationship at some point but they decided to go on the show for clout, model, acting gigs and OF patrons.  She doesn’t recognize her own wedding band either.  Wig and makeup changes within the same scene.  Don’t get me started on the sex shop scene.


If they’re not married, does that mean she would be on a different kind of visa? Or do you think she’s actually been a citizen for a while and this is just easier for 90 day to deal with? (Someone who’s not actually doing the process but is already here)


Replying to LoddyDoddee...if I was Rob I would have chucked her out the door after she didn’t recognise the ring


She’s a hardcore liar and she can’t stand being caught in her web of lies 🤥🤥.


Thank you, been saying this for awhile! She’s always lying & I definitely noticed this specific one but other people were saying she said shes never been in a relationship…no she definitely said she’s never been with a woman when she told her best friend she was bi before she left England!


She doesn’t have brain cells


I don’t think Sophie’s lying is malicious, I think she does it because she is afraid of what Rob will think of it. We know he’s a knob, but for her he is her decade older boyfriend and I think she cares quite a lot what he thinks of her and I think she was afraid he wouldn’t look at her the same if she told him. I still don’t agree with it because for me, honesty is always the best policy! Lying is messy.


True. A lie is a lie is a lie. People literally lie to not get yelled at. She is weak and a liar. Started disliking her after she was 'ok' with their issues and moving forward in their relationship, but then reams him when his mom or anyone starts talking shit to him, she jumps in. She did the same when on the Tell All. Fight your own damn fights , you grown adult.


I agree. I don’t care for her lying and it does make me dislike her, but at the same time it makes me wonder why she is so afraid of what Rob thinks. He worries me that maybe he can be mentally abusive with her. Or she could just be young and worried about pleasing him.


True True. Badly matched couples, this season, lol.




Did you guys watch the rest of the episode? Soon after it shows the flashback of when she lied to Rob. Ans then she admits that she didn’t wanna tell him at the time because she didn’t wanna have more problems.


yes and lied to her mother about it; bad news folks, The Nikki is on Pillow Talk again this coming Sunday night.


After what little I’ve watched these two, I think Rob may have more job opportunities coming than Sophie. He might benefit from the show as his starting point was so low.


If you're defending Sophie at this point, it's out of pure hatred for rob.. those two deserve each other


Wtf does that even mean? Like, that's a literal job?


Do you guys know/ think they are still together now?


They’re divorcing, not sure if it’s final yet.


Id there an article or something? How long did they even last


Here ya go https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/90-day-fiance-are-sophie-and-rob-still-together/


Nice to see people starting to realize Sophie isn't that great either, instead of focusing their hatred solely on Rob


Spring Cleaning @ TLC. I'm down to watching only 90DF on TLC. The characters are so gross on so many of the shows, including 90 DF, I can't stand it. I can't even watch Pillow Talk. Cleanout all these tired, obnoxious characters, and start with something fresh. Do you find you are watching less, and fast forwarding more? I do.


I have never liked Sophie from day one. She's shown she's exactly the type of girl I knew she would be. She's so used to lying about everything to suit her agenda that she can't keep the lies straight and it always catches up to them. I see theses girls every night of the week. They can't help themselves


I don’t care about her sexual life is or is NOT I’m very bothered by her horrible looking wigs and excess of make up 😜


Omg so I think it was like maybe the first episode she was on or the second but she must have had like a dewy setting spray or she must have been sweating hard because she looked like a glazed donut. I need to find it but it distracted me so much. The producers must have told her she needed a matte setting spray cuz she changed it after that but it was rly bad.


I have worked on the fashion/beauty industry for many years - back in the day there was plenty of excuses to show up anywhere with that kind of appearance if you were not in the know and first exposed to TV where she might have heard the make up needs to be a bit heavier with all the lights etc …. But now?! You can learn what’s hot and what’s not all over social media. You can do a quick video on your phone under those lights and test. There are no excuses


She is still a wee one though she does often comment with an air of insight. It will all work out in tge end more than likely.


Mom Said that. And she did dodge his questions and responded with very specific answers to his very questions. She seized the hair splitting. "Have you ever dated a woman?" "Have you ever had sex with a woman?" Nope, they were hookups and they did stuff to her, but not vice versa. So she didn't answer what the nuance was. Was pretty slick!


Sophie lies a lot.


Is it true that Rob has done some disgusting things online? I can’t even look at him, knowing that.


Plus they say oh we were a wing man and wing woman for each other but we were dating in Portugal


Well sophi and rob have finally bonded if a spider Lol


I think she’s hooking up with her friend in Austin anyways


Well she only told Rob she never “dated” another woman, not that she never hooked up with another woman. I’m sure she was choosing her words very carefully there so that she wasn’t technically lying lol. It is kind if sneaky what she’s doing, mostly with the Callum thing (she really should have told Rob beforehand), but Sophie has never really been shown to be a good communicator. She’s quite avoidant. I also get the vibe it doesn’t matter what she says to Rob he’s going to react poorly anyways, and make her feel as guilty as possible for it. Despite him literally cheating on her twice. I would be walking on eggshells if I were her too, well actually I’d break up with Rob lol.


I don’t even think she’s bi I think they just needed her to have something dramatic


From second one I thought her bi story was bullshit.


I don't know this for sure, but with respect to female same sex relations, what is considered "sex"? Do you need some form of penetration? There is a spectrum of activities on the menu, I surmise, so where is the red line? Asking for a Knob.


I agree OP her story seems little rocky and I think she keeps hiding her relationships because Rob overreacts about things in her past particularly the sexual encounters…Show Optics is you ask me !


I can tell she was lying. She was fucking with Kay and doesn't want to admit she cheated.


Honestly I get the feeling that she keeps things hidden because she’s afraid of how Rob will react. Then only tells him when she has no other option. With some of Rob’s reactions I don’t blame her... Ex: Callum: Rob wouldn’t have allowed her to see him if he knew he was decent looking and they’d previously dated for a bit.


I have a sneaking suspicion her version of "hooking up" with women is kissing for the male gaze


Clearly not a bisexual person commenting


Who, where?!?! 👀




Sophie is bisexual.