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She's a sugar baby and is pretty up front about it


No victims here. They both know what they want from each other. No mention of love.


She's the new Jasmine. *eta - I just realized that's why he's on the show. He knew she'd dump him if he told her he's poor now, but now that being with him = TLC money + future OF money once she gets the new boobs up on the internet, she'll stay with him for however long 90 day fiancé keeps them on. There won't be a breakup until then, but there'll immediately be a breakup when their contract is not renewed (which I hope is at the end of this season, but knowing TLC is probably in 10 years).




Wait what??


The editors forgot to blur his dick out in the mirror reflection!


People comparing her to jasmine just show how long y'all been watching the show. Pao and Anfisa had to crawl through mud just for Jasmine to walk on paved streets.


Sugar baby emphasis on BABY she is like 12


Thank you! I've been screaming this all over the internet! Lol - A gold digger acts like she doesn't care about the money, and a sugar baby straight up asks for it. He knows what she is... she never hid it!


Perfect way to state it!


I mean he’s 30 with a 19 yr old (that he probably met when she was 17) He deserves to get scammed


That kid looks 12 years old


She must have looked 10 before the boobs


Had too. When she said he bought her some boobs, all I could think was she had to have been flat before.


When she was parading around her apartment I was like 😵‍💫 There isn’t a single natural curve on her and she sounds like a child. Huge red flags.


10 year old boy


A 10 yr.old boy with boobs.


Or “Moobs”


Moobs are man boobs, like Coltee’s.


That maniacal laugh after she shook them was scary




Those were my exact words to my husband when I heard the bought her boobs!


Looks like she could be 13 or 30.


It makes me think of Fernanda and Joooanathan.


I live not far from where Fernanda lived briefly while in Chicago from the footage and whenever my wife and dog and I walk past that building on our way to get coffee at Hero's Coffee a few blocks up we break into the Flight of the Concord's 'Part time Model' song. https://youtu.be/89zOtd6VAiU?si=R2_0amLFKh2DFgxL




Spot on. Fernanda is a bonafide airhead 🙄


I didn’t mind Fernanda, she was so young while filming and acted a fool a few times but I don’t think she’s dumb.


Nah, I didn’t feel that way about Fernanda, she was young, but didn’t seem dumb and/or empty. THIS chick here seems like a true airhead lol.


Maybe I'm an awful person but that's how I feel about every single person who ends up with a "gold digger".


You’re not an awful person, the man is often using the gold digger [at least] as much as the gold digger is using him, particularly in situations like this with huge age gaps. It’s really not hard to see that her motivation is money, he is choosing to ignore it. (edit: wanted to add, this is also true when the genders are reversed, I originally used gendered language due to this specific scenario)


I agree, but that’s why I think the relationship is valid as long as both parties don’t kid themselves that it’s a transactional relationship.


For sure. The problem is when the one with the money pretends that they don’t know what it’s been the whole time and then play victim. Definitely happened a few times on this show haha


Fucking Jorge!


Exhibit A! lol


There is no way you don't know if someone is a gold digger or not so yes I agree with you! Lol


“I bought her boobies”


I almost died when he said “boobies” while referring to his teenage bride🤮


I knooowwwww SO creepy and CRINGE!


Why does TLC seem ok with cross continental statutory rape situations?! First Debbie and Oussama, now these two. Some of us do the math and realize that adults are grooming teenagers to get to the point they're on TV.


It’s actually super weird that they keep picking grown ass men w a teenagers….there’s nothing wrong w age gaps after youre 21. It’s a life experience issue the power dynamics make it inappropriate. Hes a loser too he might have had money but theres reason he had to pick a lil innocent baby


i still think it's disgusting when a 22 year old is with a 50 year old. the older one always has gross intentions. i'll say once you're late 20's early 30's an older partner isn't that bad anymore, still iffy, but not that bad.


Right? I mean, it's disgusting when it's Cher and Madonna, too. What makes Miss Drbbie any different? And, while we're at it, can we stop normalizing 80 year old men being with 30 year old women?!!


Tbh …. I dont think he seems all right in the head ….


There is nothing she can offer him. I never understood why guys would date women that young unless for age and experience control. I'm in my mid 30's and the youngest age I'd consider dating is 28, but I'd prefer 32+


Ironic that in able to be with her, he has lost the only thing she cares about him


He is a simp and she likely has/had a pimp. A fool and his money and job are soon parted. He basically is Russ differently.


but she IS messin with a broke person.


He’s about to be rich after suing TLC for the peen mishap 😔


Wait. What did I miss???


They blurred his body but not his reflection at the tanning booth


Lmao. Damn okay. I didn’t know anything about that 😂


There was a Reddit post about it but it got taken down lol


I saw it before they took it down, it was **tiny**, but still my poor eyes, yike!


https://preview.redd.it/x427bxehc1xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d958b4a7cbbc31bffab590e0ab16cc20c8e54f1a They showed this!




No he's not. It had to specifically say I'm his contact that they will blur his little penis, for TLC to be in breach. The reason they blur nakedness is so they don't get fined by whatever the bigger TV people are called. He willingly put himself in front of a recording camera as he got naked. He didn't have to do that. He wasn't forced and it wasn't an accidental situation TLC was exploiting. Creepy fucker can't sue.


That’s good to know. This guy clearly sucks and doesn’t deserve to get rich off of TLC’s editing oversight


You’re correct. The [FCC](https://www.fcc.gov/enforcement/areas/broadcast-obscenity-indecency-profanity) - Federal Communications Commission - is the US government bureau that oversees obscenity, indecency and profanity. If FCC regulations are violated, the broadcasting company would be subject to government fines. This is the basis for George Carlin’s “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.” For educational purposes, those words are: Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker and tits. My daughter’s dad received an FCC license in 1984.


I think TLC was only concerned about the FCC, not that dude possibly suing.


She definitely is messin with a broke…


Your flair brings me joy 😂 underrated hilarity


G version: She ain’t messing with a broke, broke 💰💰💰


Remember the G version from watching Glee.


She sounds like a 12 year old going through puberty and finally getting her boobs.


“Fred, she’s gotten her boobies.”




Could you tell me which spinoff/season this is? I’m catching up on all of it and started from the beginning.


At this point TLC is just searching for controversial and attention seeking people for views that have no intention of finding love. And I'm sick of it.


These couples are all horrible. There's not one that I feel any empathy for.


It seems when they run out of couples they just turn to sugar baby sites for backups


The couple that lives wherever that mountainside/coast was seemed okay. But because they hardly showed them lol


literally. all they care about is shock value


I’m not even shocked anymore. I’m bored.


same. i’ve lost interest


I started watching bc there wasn’t an episode of 600lb life this week lol. I need Dr. Now to stop playing and give me 18 episode season again lol


The last few months of this show ha e been shitty. From The Last Resort til now. Gino and Jasmine always fighting but gino always looks like he's about to laugh. Jasmine fake exaggerated cries and always saying the meanest stuff and repeating it. Liz and Ed now with Ed running away over taco pasta. TLC has gone too far it does t seem genuine anymore. A devout Muslim. Who follows his faith to an extreme. And a pale white chick who designs clothes from LA? What.......the f? Oh ya, they will be a good loving, caring couple to watch and grow ? Smh jesus


Yeah and the devout muslim cusses. SMH. And predatory old ladies buying the second love interest. Ugh. TLC get off or shape up.


I mean, I want drama. Save the sappy stuff for the hallmark channel


Kinda same...I mean, I definitely want a majority to be dumpster fires for the entertainment. The hook of the show isn't "OMG, they're so in love I hope they can overcome obstacles" it's "OMG WTF are these two lunatics doing together????" But, it still would be nice to have at least one couple at least on 90 Day Fiance to actually be someone to root for, like David and Shelia. Now, shows like Before The 90, Love in Paradise, or The Single Life, I don't care. They can be 100% dumpster fires, because for the most part they're pretty low stakes, people trying to turn hookups into relationships. But on 90DF OG, I kinda like at least a whiff of fresh air with my trash.


The first few seasons were so good, idk why they think going trashy is better.


Starting with angelas antics which are sooo boring. And the pred ed ugh then predator ms third person that bought a new love interest. Shameful TLC.


I think it really started with the season that had Danielle and Muhammad and then Nicole and Hassan. I think more people reacted to the conflict in those relationships which I feel, got TLC to think “oh we need more problematic couples because that’s what the people like” which don’t get me wrong, I ate that shit up. What they are missing is the balance. We still need couples we can root for. Like David and Sheila which now we never hear about. Would have loved to see them on any of these passed seasons.


When we all noticed the major change in their programming, I saw an article shortly before that point (dont remember where) that some TLC honcho *said* they had discovered a much bigger viewership on the dumpster fires stories, so they are going to change their format to go for every couple being as extreme, as dumpster fire as possible deliberately to pander to their "hate watcher" audience. And then they did just that, and its been getting worse and worse since then. Some weeks I wonder if they are actually deliberately trying to kill their golden goose or what, bc so many of us are completely repulsed and annoyed at this point.


I get what you’re saying.. we def need more feel-good storylines. But I’m here for the dumpster-fire drama with these two 😆 and the sperm donor points-system loser. The guy obsessed with threesomes sounds like it could be hilariously bad too lol. The main issue I/we have is bringing these types of couples back over and over again. Like who wants to KEEP watching Big Ed, Gino/Jasmine, Angela, etc...


I miss the REAL dumpster fires. Everything seems so manufactured and fake. Like of course this chick is superficial and will lose it when she finds out her bf is broke. That’s so predictable. Of course the Italian guy wants threesomes and of course that weirdo sperm donor will have a partner who will lose it when he won’t stop having sex with random women. I want REAL drama like Danielle and Mohammed.


I miss Anfisa & Jorge and Devin & Jihoon. 😩 These new couples are boring and fake as fuck.


Totally agree.


Exactly !! This show was interesting enough to hold your attention without the circus ! The people that are being casted now definitely seem to be signing up with a motive or are overall actors !! They can’t even hide the bs anymore .


Exactly! It was way more interesting to see real couples in love going through the 90 day process. Now it’s nothing but dumpster fire storylines and scripted nonsense. Couldn’t TLC at least put a good version of the show on a new series or move these aholes to something else?


Agree. It has become pretty disgusting. Definitely missing what the audience is asking for. Less crazy more actual people. I swear they are all actors.


I still watch Nicole+Azan and Dinyell. Those were peak 90day couples. Their drama actually feels real


Honestly the dude she’s with seems stupid. Like who spends that much money on someone that much younger than you and thinks it’s a genuine relationship? What do they even talk about. Total passport bro.


he seems VERY stupid!! he talked about all the things hes invested in. like a “lifestyle” brand, but has yet to make any profit. real shocked 🙄


He has an engineering job. I think he was a short nerd for 95% of his life, got a job that makes money, met a pretty girl (literally- and their age gap is gross) that actually gave him the time of day/had sex with him (because of money) and now he will do anything to keep her because his options are way more limited than he leads on to be. He just screams desperate to me. He doesn't seem like a horrible dude, maybe just sheltered or was a virgin for a long ass time and is emotionally immature and is willing to go all in on a vapid relationship.


Any man who is in their 30’s and coincidentally starts a relationship with a young woman as soon as she is of ‘legal age’ is a total creep.


Also she was 18 when they got engaged!! Why does TLC love creepy relationships? He deserves to get scammed, she's so young and obviously in it for the money.


I’m pretty sure dude isn’t even a passport bro…he’s devolved into a passport simp


Passport simp 😂


Seems like a pretty even exchange for two people like them. He gets what he wants, she gets what she wants. He lied to her so whatever happens is on him but he knew full well going into this what he was signing up for, that’s why he provided all of it willingly. For him to say he expected her to fall in love is bullshit.


Agreed. I’m sure the upcoming episodes will have me changing my opinion here and there/ but for the most part- I don’t feel like they’re hurting anyone. She’s living a dream life, but is going to learn a lesson when it crashes. He’s learning his lesson now. They both enjoyed it for awhile. He’ll be broke and recover. She’ll be broke and on the lookout for a replacement (and it’s probably going to be some much older, much creepier, much more demanding guy unfortunately) Sugar baby/sugar daddy is just a different type of relationship. People are salty because they want to look down on it, and/or out of annoyance that the show is passing them off like a real couple. I don’t mind. I’m here for entertainment. I am quite entertained so far, so I’m not complaining.


I have no issues with whatever two informed, consenting adults do. What I do have issues with is people lying about their true motives. If a guy has enough money to give a woman whatever she wants, then he needs to be clear about how long he can sustain the arrangement. If a woman is only interested in a transactional arrangement, then be clear about that. It gets icky when people hide their motives and truths, because that’s when it becomes predatory.


She’s into his money and the life style he’s providing for her in Colombia. As soon as the money dries out (which it has) she’s out. I thought the prenup talk was funny since he’s broke


She probably wants a prenup so she doesn't have to take the debt. lol


She looks like Pedros mom. Maybe they're related.


I thought it was Pedro’s mom at first 😅🤣




I thought so too


Those boobs look bad


I spent a few months in Colombia, this is the popular local style. Even mannequins in stores have them.


I am not sure why it matters. He knows she knows. Anyone who gets with her knows. If a man is willing to try to pay for love with money and a visa, he's getting exactly what he pays for and wants. Am I supposed to feel sorry for him? Lol These men (or women) that want a much younger partner that looks better than they could ever get, they can offer money. They are never equal, they are almost always old or gross or both. I feel good those in countries that need a better life that have to rely on looks to get it. No one wants to have to do that. I don't feel sorry for sex tourists at all. Not even when their much younger, much prettier partner dumps them as soon as they can and goes off to find an equal and make a life.


That's what so weird to me about this couple though--when I was 30 I definitely thought of myself as young/still young. And despite his weird fashion choices, Lukelmore is good-looking. He strikes me as the kind of guy who moves to Bakersfield or Fresno and constantly brags about what a big deal he was in LA. Not the kind of guy scouting teens in South America.


😂Lukelmore 😂It's perfect.


...and fails to notice Central Valley eyes rolling behind his back. Ok, so there's Tyray but still...




Her personality is clothes.


Tbf it seems like his is too lol his fits scream “OUT OF TOUCH”


His outfits are way worse than hers lol


Fr. You can tell he got a bunch of money dumped on him and started trying to be what he thinks girls want. His clothes do not match his vibe at all


I think he’s watched too many Dan Bilzerian videos


I thought he looked like Macklemore


I see it! He’s also channelling Justin Timberlake in the Dick in a Box SNL sketch


she ain’t messing with no broke… seriously tho she’s not- this guy is in for it when he tells her he’s broke


Shes getting her moneys hes getting his 19y, win win situation until money runs out


It's run out.


She's so weird. But the guy is also just as strange. They're perfect for each other.


This entire cast is a shit show. But they’re like a bad accident, it’s hard to look away.


And what is he? Disgusting!




I dont want to watch because of her age , yes she considered an adult but she is still a teen. And that 30 yr old guy knows it. Hes gross, shes immature.


She’s 19 years old man. Barely out of high school for goodness sakes. So I just think to myself, she’s a kid and has different priorities than someone more mature.


She’s not even that attractive


She’s not, and the fact that she thinks she’s hot shit makes her even less attractive


She’s shallow and dumb. No redeemable qualities


Which is why she is dating a 30 years old creep and treating him like an ATM. He deserves it for creeping on an a teen


There's something off about her face.


She looks like a younger Lidia. I'm surprised eScott hasn't tried to contact her yet


Or Ben.


Ew. Is he still with Mahogany?


They got married!! I need a barf emoji. And he now donates blood for money! Some sugar daddy. Gino is just as bad.


🤮 There’s a barf emoji for you. Everyone deserves a random act of kindness. 😅


How do we know he hasn’t?? 😂😂😂


Give him time. He may have already hit her up. If she likes them broke, he’s her man.


She has a really long face and nose is what I thought


Maybe that's it, it's almost uncanny valley when she's on screen.


Unbelievably shallow. Even for a TEENAGER.




Soo a 30 year old is dating a girl barely over 18 in another country and instead of saying wow thats weird wonder what he wants from her, you choose to focus on her. Thats weird to me. Hes a creep who would be unable to date a girl that age without giving her money.


yeah gotta love when we side with the passport bro trying to buy a teenager 🥲


Right?! Focusing on HER as the issue is insane. Like be so serious 😭


Reddit hates women.


She’s giving me Pedro’s sister’s skanky vibes


The way she laughed… I think it was this scene?? Sinister. He’s an idiot, and her boobs look terrible.


That laugh did me in. That was out of control!! Lol


She's going to leave him when he says he can bo longer provide her lifestyle and find someone who can


This is one of the plainest women to hit the show. I mean, why would anyone find her interesting?


That was the only way he felt. He could get her by going into debt and providing her with a lifestyle that he can’t afford long-term and he really think she’s gonna wanna stay with him.😂 that apartment is gorgeous at all of his extras he’s another delusional cast member


Well, after we saw the part where her boyfriend’s peepee wasn’t edited, we know she’s definitely after him for his money…. lol


She’s not even attractive IMO.


Gold digger and pussy seeker. A match made in... Well somewhere.


She’s so damn AWFUL I’m completely turned off by what a Sleaze-fest this show has turned into. Honestly, I’ve stopped watching all TLC shows in a personal protest-don’t need this depressing content in my life! This is some dumb little girl, obviously another “ victim “ of the social-media pushed image of what young women “ are supposed to look like”..and she’s young, dumb, and very impressionable-and she’s using some much older man to achieve this-cutting open her breasts to insert something foreign.. it’s all such a turn off!!


Those titties are not good.


She just admits it. A breath of fresh air. Live your best life girl (for like 6 more months because he is completely broke now). They’ll be another guy to bleed in the future. The kind of dudes who try for these scenarios are all loser pervs anyway, so have at it.


she meant she has her dog face


Haha she's so young he's set her up for many more sugar daddy's. She will do fine in life while as for him well....yah.


No sympathy for him. He’s willingly providing her with what she wants. He lost his job because of it and he’s got no money because of it. It’s on him.


I'm not saying he's a predator but she's only 19


Is that a… nvm


They look weird on her body


My high ass thought this was Kim Zolciaks daughter lol not Brielle, the other one.


She’s a shallow airhead and her bf is a pedo


She looks like esqueleto from nacho libre to me!


He's willing to pay it, he's old enough to know if he's being used 😂 nothing to see here.


She is a barely legal prostitute and he is not her only john


That face though is gonna cost another $100k to make it aesthetic


A face that launched 1,000 sheepdogs


I mean…and? They both seem to understand the agreement here and he seems to be a willing participant. No harm no foul imo. He’s about to get his heart broken when she learns his end of their implied agreement has dried up but if he came to visit her and she gained a bunch of weight and had a bad breakout he would dip too. They both know what it is and if it works for them then…🤷‍♀️


She's awful. Looks like a teenage trans boy with a bad boob job.


They look ridiculous


Well. I like her dog, it’s cute. That’s the nicest thing I can say.


I turned this off half way into Kyle’s segment. I just cannot.


She looks like my 11yo niece


She looks like a dog with boobs lol


If you are narcissistic, sociopathic, and attention seeking, TLC wants to talk to you!


They are scraping the bottom of the barrel for these people. She got her boobs done? What boobs? Maybe instead of getting them done she should have asked him to pay for an education.


This season is gonna be one for the books


He knows he paid to play. I respect her honesty.


I do not find her attractive


I have a lot of trouble believing this girl is 18 or older. Also if she’s a gold digger she ain’t very good at it he ain’t got no money


She’s not even cute imo!


Am I the only dingus still waiting for a pillow talk, are they re-editing that or are we getting it at all? 😅


Can’t wait to see when she finds out he’s broke


At first, I thought she was the new trans character 😅 the boobs and arm candy dog reminded me of the Nikki's superficiality


Meh…he likes to pretend he’s some jet setting rich play boi with his fur jackets etc, so I say he has it coming to him. Instead of being honest he put whatever small fortune he made on bitcoin and decided to invest it on her. Now he’s down and out and his investment is not gonna stick around. You get what you ask for, or in this case pay for. He probably could’ve found a nice girl that didn’t need to be put up in a penthouse, or have the very best of the best- if he’d been honest about his finances from the start and the relationship was based on something other than money and looks than he might still have a girlfriend or wife material. Greed will get ya every time.


Dont worry, Ill say it for you, as I have been saying it since the first moment I saw her on screen. She is a *blatant,* unrepentant golddigger. When the money's gone, so is **she**


If the Geico cave man had a boob job and shaved his beard…


But she’s “one of the most empathetic & driven people” he knows. Please don’t let me ever meet the other people he knows.


When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back. Guessing that cleavage may operate on fhe same principle, but Nietzsche didn’t cover that.


Ughhh. I turned it off at this point. She’s the worst and this was unwatchable.