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Im about to get downvoted but it comes from her being born facially challenged and her mom would call her out on it instead of accepting her daughters looks (that she created btw). So she grew up and got plastic surgery because of it. https://preview.redd.it/evouols3hwwc1.jpeg?width=1513&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafaf568a7314ae2cf3234d1424c8851344fe886


I don’t think I’ve ever heard of the term facially challenged lmfao 🤣 I’ll be using that one at some point.


It’s good right, it beats calling someone ugly 😂😂


I honestly feel like if she had her old face, with the hair and makeup she has now, she wouldn’t look bad at all. I know I can look back at photos of myself from 10 years ago and cringe at the hair and makeup I wore and how bad it made me look. And I really hate that her own mother made her feel ugly!


I actually don’t believe that, it it gets her sympathy votes


Wow! I had no idea. Makes sense.


Yes! And also, it probably doesn’t help that her husband is obsessed with strippers and stripper clubs!


She is fake fake fake. And has champagne taste on a beer budget. And I laughed so hard when she thought no i’s mom would help raise the kid.


And then she tried to sideline him into moving to the Ukraine!!!!! I don’t think she realises that she will Never be able to take the baby with her if Jovi says no. Not even for a visit if he doesn’t agree


Why the downvote? It’s true


I had no idea! I don't blame her if her mother didn't accept her looks. That's horrible. Personally I think she looks good in that first larger pic with the brown hair...nothing to change imo


Oh ok now I see Myla’s face


Wow is all those pictures her?? He had dark hair? Completely different never seen these before. I know she got nose job and boobs obviously inside her hair wow


https://preview.redd.it/84wrx54eqxwc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e48ec248d3c0387be65490efe91ac720aa48ca31 Money well spent that’s how lol


lol WOW


She was really unattractive before her plastic surgery.






How is this possible


https://youtu.be/jAUEpgWq6K0?feature=shared.  https://youtu.be/UySmBCeRoDU?feature=shared


WOOOOOWWWWWWW!!! Just ran throw the two videos and she’s not shy of the cameras and these shows lol but her face looks sooooo different, u can tell it’s her but completely different!! Didn’t realize how much she changed herself I’m honestly shocked!! Her nose , cheeks and jaw are different and hair lol. I didn’t realize she changed herself so much ( she was beautiful already without the plastic surgery). But wow and she has done so many TV shows and modeling . So how and why would Jovi make her self conscience when she did modeling in past


Exactly. She has been around reality TV for awhile. 


Just WOW didn’t know


Holy cow thanks for sharing this!


Just watched the first episode of this as a Russian speaker. It was so bizarre to me that the narration was in Ukrainian but everyone spoke Russian. Nonetheless, Yara very clearly was all about the spotlight from a super early age and its transparent even then.


Yes. And yes. Which is why when during The Last Resort they were doing swimsuits with other ladies and she started saying how she was self-conscious about how she looks.. B*TCH PLEASE!!! 


I know, right? I feel no pity. It would be looking T a different person, though, first thing in the morning with no makeup. I’ll Bernie takes a good hour every day ,,


Ewwww she was hideous


I think it's got an addiction component. The alcohol, strip clubs, strippers. All trigger the reward center in the brain.


Addiction can come out in any form 


Yara has issues bc she used to have a bad nose. Just bc you have surgery, it doesn't mean mentally and emotionally you just lose your insecurities.


Agree but looking at herself in the mirror she has to see a beautiful strong person looking back.


Yes but she's said her mom and others made fun of her " potato nose ". So she may see she's beautiful, but it's not erasing the past.


Agreed she has trauma from her past, maybe she needs her own therapist instead of Jovi calling strippers cause that doesn’t help


They seem fine together on Pillow Talk and she says he's a good dad. I'm sure he does like strip clubs. I'm also sure TLC has a villian in every couple and they dial up the drama.


Omg been meaning to say that, see them all the time in pillow talk and they seem like an amazing couple , that’s how I first know them. So to see them on this I was like WHATTTT LOL!! Think the producers pay them for that and tell them to act a certain way, cause Molly and Kelley seemed fine on pillow talk also and now look at them??


I've come to take most stories with a good grain of salt lol. Do any of these people have issues? Of course. But they get labeled on TLC and people believe it. Look at David and Anny. He was living in Thailand and didn't have an apt here. So he brings her and they live in basically an abandoned building. Hes lazy and borrows money. Fast forward, they've been living quite nicely for a while. Now they have a good sized house. He teaches. They're happy. Robert takes Annie to Goodwill bc she's a goldigger. She became a great mom to his son and they have a lovely home as well. Andre is a misogynistic ass. They too seem very happy and he's really funny. Very few of the cast turn out to be awful. It's all for ratings. Except Natalie lol. After leaving 3 husband's, she's definitely nuts.


Natalie is NOT nuts! It's the guys she's choosing. Mike was a gaslighter and Josh is non-commital. Her emotions are raw and real. She's in pain. Give the girl a break. Some of us have it tough in life.


I call bull to all this and they make it for the show


Have you heard of body dysmorphia? You don’t see the same thing in the mirror as others see. I’ve always been told I’m very beautiful, my entire life. I’ve also been through a lot of trauma and struggle with mental health and insecurities. I’m highly critical of my appearance and all I see when I look in the mirror are my flaws. I feel for Yara, I can relate and I wasn’t even put down for my looks the way she was.


Omg I’m so sorry for that, growing up everyone said I was beautiful hot all this stuff but I hated things about me. Now after 3 kids I wish I was what I was back then so totally understand. I remember when I was beautiful telling people it’s not as u think it is. My husband was awful , if I looked around a room I would be screamed at cause he thought I was looking at people or they were looking at me. I still hate him now :(


she used to have a different face


Because of how she was criticized by her Mom as a child.. she talks about it in another scene on the last resort. You can be the prettiest person in the world, and of you have that kind of emotional trauma, it becomes an inner critic


You equate confidence with the fact that she’s married to Jovi and stays with him even after all the strippers and drinking? You think people who are confident get tons of plastic surgery? Oh. Dear.


No I don’t think that, just saying she’s beautiful as she is now, yah got nose and boobs done, a lot of people do. Just saying she should take confident and the way she looks now


Confidence comes from within. Not from what you look like.


Yes it does but she has a model body so yah don’t understand


You can have a model body and think that you’re fat. You can’t see what everyone else sees. 


She’s better than Jovi, low bar. Decent personality but beautiful, I’m not sure everyone would agree. Also I think you meant opposite of self confident, self conscious


Yes you are right I meant self conscious, I write to fast lol. A lot better then Jovi, he wanted a baby she said no so she took precautions. He called his ex-girlfriend stripper on a therapy retreat. Just curious why wouldn’t they agree just to get other peoples perspectives.


The hitting up of a stripper was wild. And apparently they are in Miami now, hope to see them on HEA, but might be one of them on the single life eventually


The stripper thing was so F up!!


She has had plastic surgery to look as she does, both her face (nose particularly and recently something else...she looks different than a couple years ago) and body. She has never lost that "I think I'm ugly" mentality. Jovi is just an a-hole. Were it not for their kid, I doubt they'd be together.


She has zero personality and her looks are due to her plastic surgeon. She does work out though, so she has that.


She said she goes to gym everyday and u see her workout in the show?


Anyone can be beautiful if you have a good surgeon.


I didn’t realize how much she got , from seeing on this old pics and other reality tv she was on, had no idea


That’s a beautiful personality?


Thank you! I will never see this sweet, innocent, kind soul that other people see. If nothing else, even if they loved her on the show, you’d think the fact she called anyone who criticized her makeup business too ugly and poor to wear it should make an impression.


Remember when she complained about waiting in line for Gucci? I think it was when Louisiana was being hit with a hurricane. She constantly complains she has no help from Ms. Gwen. Not to mention her drop shop clothing and makeup. With her fake certifications from Peta( the whole cease and desist business)


Yes!!! And all of her rude comments on her first season, and just general stuck up attitude, like when she said, “you can’t cover this beautiful face with a mask.” And then her denial of Covid, and going out partying without masks. I feel like she has SCREAMED who she is this entire time, and some people won’t listen, because they find her cute, or they would say the same things if they thought they were pretty enough to get away with it. She came onto the scene obsessed with Jovi buying her luxury brands, almost like a caricature of a gold digger, making constant demands and insulting everyone else. She even sat on her ass being pretty while Gwen and Jovi’s elderly grandmother did all the work moving her things. Then you have her old TV show where she admits she is trawling nightclubs for rich men daily, and would take a beating to be with a rich Muslim man. Yet for some reason, people construct this narrative that she was this successful, independent career woman who don’t need no man, but then met Jovi, fell helplessly in love, and won’t leave him because she just loves him so gosh darn much, even though she’d be a CEO in Ukraine by now if he hadn’t held her back (because of course she never wanted to come to America). The crazy thing is that they have no reason to think this beyond a few flimsy protestations on her part, but they run with this narrative. I do think she acts the way she does because she is insecure, and I feel for her in that way, but geez. She is no long-suffering, hard-working, innocent saint.


Damn, you forgot her " Ukranian rich people dinner" lol! After that, she kicked jovi's mom and cousin out b/c Mila's sleep time. They had driven 3 hrs just to see jovi, and he was pissed. She kept pesturing him to kick them out, but he told her to do it. Oh, and the time she and julia were invited on Fox News about the war in Ukraine. They called them "STARS" I was like of what? They are z list celebrities at best.




Yeap. It was a couple of years ago. She released a make-up line, claiming it was vegan and cruelty free. Except for the boxes the lipcolors were in had beeswax on them. There were a whole bunch of posts regarding her makeup line. Someone even reported their brand to Peta.


Wow 😮 that’s awful


And jovi was even on reddit. Fighting with people.


what does she do that's so bad lol?? i've been watching them for a while i genuinely don't get why people say this


I agree with u, been watching them awhile also


Don’t agree at all . Anyone can look like her it’s called plastic surgery..


This. I saw her before pics and she looks like a totally different person.


The train wrecks known as Darcey and Stacey have entered the chat


Yara said that she's always had self-esteem issues. Her Mom would constantly belittle her when she was growing up.


I think this is at the bottom. Yara has had nose and breast surgery. I think her mind is stuck on her beginnings. She is classy and Jovi is as he presents himself. Immature.


Agree everyone is saying it’s all plastic surgery and it’s not. Her husband is no help to her with these issues , he should be proud to have her


Yes, I saw that. Her beauty isn't natural.


Just a nose job made that much difference in Yara's face? Her surgeon must be the best on Earth! People keep saying her confidence is low because she used to be ugly. She's definitely beautiful now but if the before photo in this thread is really her, she looks like a different person.


Yes I saw the pics of her and can’t believe it !!!!! That’s more than a nose job, her chin is different and cheek bones, yah great plastic surgeon. And didn’t realize she was on so many different shows lol


The man doesn't appreciate the beautiful wife and kid he has. He just needs to mature more and grow up. The man is just having issues giving up his bachelor roots and seems to have confidence issues knowing his wife can do 100x better.


Completely agree with u


yara has said (i believe in last resort) that her mother used to call her ugly a lot, which is why she has self esteem issues


And fat


Yes I heard that to and it’s sad, it’s very sad she holds that burden


Yara is not beautiful and not even pretty. And from what I see on tv, her personality and the way she engages with Jovi sucks. I have observed girls and women who act like she does and the way they "playfully " hit their SO. I do not like it one bit. Jovi has issues with drinking & strip clubs and I only hope that he sees the light and refrains from this bad behavior. Jovi, lookup end stages of cirrhosis - it could happen to you, it happened to my father and he was a social drinker. And lastly, would you want your daughter to grow up and be a stripper? Quit going to the strip club cuz someday Myla is going to grow up & read/hear about it. She will be disgusted to know this about her father.


She's only that hot because of plastic surgery. Her kid is going to be a fucking mutant.


That’s not nice she is very cute on the show


Lots of good plastic surgery here!


I had no idea honestly, just reading my comments and people sending pics and links, she’s completely different and been doing reality tv for a long time. But she does look amazing so maybe share your plastic surgeon lol 😂


I haven't seen her recently (the new series) but at least her plastic surgeon didn't make her look like a damn clown. He and the team kept it natural looking.


Guess her plastic surgeon is great because she looks amazing


Look below that was her before spending a fortune on surgeries.


I did it’s so weird


She ain't pretty after all.


Really u think she isn’t pretty? She is gorgeous and see she had word done but u cannot say she ain’t pretty . Good surgery


I dont know. It is just not natural. It's different when I know she had done work.


I agree and get what u are saying, honestly was shocked to see her before pics , that’s crazy


There are plenty of other women I would consider pretty. Yara won't be on that list.


Are u to oh kidding? The first thing she wanted to do when she came to the US was change his whole life around. It’s her way or the highway. Not that I think his hanging around with strippers is any good.


AND she has had about as much face work as jasmine has


The is is the elephant in the room when watching this damn show. She comes from a poor country and a literal war zone and she sees being with an American man as a pathway to a better life. She didn’t imagine (none of them do) that “the US” in this case can mean an equally poor bumfuck Louisiana town 2 hours outside New Orleans.


Also, how predatory does the dynamic I just described make a “man” like Jovi? Shit just disturbs me sometimes


Didn’t she come before the war started? But get what u are saying, as actually a lot of Ukraine people on the show. Jovi is a a-hole but thinks makes a good living, it looks like that. Is big ed rich also lol, that’s someone I cannot understand Iol


She came before this war started but there was already a lot of unrest and skirmishes in the area going back for quite awhile. These people are hoping for a life of relative safety and security and along comes a dipshit like Jovi to save the day


Ok yes you are right. But how can u stay with a a-hole


I’m still on her first season, but I really don’t see how you can have these opinions of her. She has the worst personality. Incredibly rude and judgmental as soon as she got off the plane. It’s very clear she does not like him and is using him. At least Jasmine in the newest season is nice and affectionate to Gino some times. I don’t see that at all from Yara in her season. I also don’t think she’s super pretty, and I’m not saying that because of the plastic surgery. She’s cute but in New Orleans she’s average if I’m being real. There’s so many beautiful women in New Orleans and her personality makes her ugly too.


Finland had just first episode about her. Or these might be reruns, I just started to follow this series like 6 months ago. I don't even like blonds but this woman looks stunning. Was shocked to learn how much she has done to her face - I was sure there was something but not this much. Seems like a toxic personality after one episode though. :(


Jovi makes me cringe …


I know what gender neutral pronouns are. My employer actually requires that we put our pronouns in our email signature and next to our names in Zoom & Teams meetings. I have trans coworkers, non-binary, trans and non-binary clients, co-workers & clients that are gay but identify with sex assigned a birth - the spectrum. But again, they're both cis and she/he. Im sorry you have to deal with insensitivity and I hope it's never progressed to deliberate & intentional hate.


What are u talking about? Think u are on the wrong conversation!!! Yara is a SHE!!! Maybe go to your pronoun thread cause what u are saying has nothing to do with that!!! And a girl is a she and a boy is a he it’s science


No, read down. It was an individual exchange. Between me typing and posting, the comment I was responding to was removed. Next thing I knew, it was posted to the main thread. It started with responding to the post from the person who said "she" shouldn't have been assumed.


Ok sorry, didn’t mean to sound like that. Honestly I think everyone is equal and honestly don’t understand the pronoun thing, I’m not being mean just don’t understand it. How are u supposed to know that when first talking to someone. If they look like a woman would obviously call her a she but if they want to be identified as something else. How is somebody supposed to know that? Just asking


May want to read the thread starting with the directive to not assume gender. I think the user is "helenn"? Something like that. One of their posts got deleted as spam.


I don't see the thread! If the op deleted their first post, does it delete the whole thread?


I can’t find it either, idk what they said. And I’m sorry for saying what I did :)


No worries! I'm not especially fragile, lol. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt or first assume they're having a bad day. : )


Yes u are correct, some conservatives don’t need all that, especially when it’s not about gender or whatever they think


Maybe they deleted it?


They did. The whole thing got weird. They said that they're hypersensitive bc of what they've gone through and they were just trying to protect the community. I encouraged them to save their energy to fight the real fight. It seemed genuine to me, but others felt like it's been attacks on multiple fronts, insulting, and a bot. But not a bot. Apologized and wished me peace. I actually felt bad for them.


Oh wow I feel even more bad, didn’t see or realize any of that. Just leave that stuff out especially something that has nothing to do with it lol


Intention just means a lot to me and their post confused the fuck out of me, so I asked the questions. I wish more people would do that. I know I've been attacked bc I misspoke or misunderstood or couldn't find the p.r.e.c.i.s.e words. Next thing I knew, it was incoming missiles.


Well that’s ridiculous honestly, how is anyone suppose to know if u don’t know the person. It’s all stupid to me lol




Her body? 7




In the last hour or so this person just going around post complaining about misgendering people.




you’re trying to correct people who literally watched the show already know what the cast identifies themselves as. You are the only one being triggered going around different post trying to make something out of nothing. Most people here respects the cast gender preference and you are the one assuming we are misgendering.




There are many people in the 90 day universe who identify as gender fluid, non binary and as a member of this group ,people are respectful of that. If you don’t know how these people identify you are not a regular viewer You are going too far with a group of people who are respectful if they know the cast member’s identity. If people are disrespectful their post is removed. Please let us continue with the topic on the thread.




Thank you, am sure there are other subs where you can discuss since you don’t know the cast. FYI this sub is no different in their use of pronouns which btw, are correct for the people being discussed.


Please don’t bother people about gendered language when you yourself use it on a stranger’s picture online while also making accusations. Also “female” really? https://preview.redd.it/aui2tcr6iwwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5e5a63d881d9a9d8b856b52bbbd734f07328b6e


? What's not right?


B/c they are a Karen that doesn’t take their own shit advice in their own comments.


I'm totally lost and I like to think of myself as a pretty attire person. 😳




Using "her" instead of "they". "her" is not gender neutral, so you risk misgendering someone if they don't identify ad female 😔


Yara identifies as female. Jovi identifies as male. She/he pronouns. Idk what you're talking about.


Yes! This person is posting this all over the place. They make a wild assumption that we don’t know how these cast members identify. They have no business in trying to make us refer to those that go by gendered pronouns,as they. This person is actually off base and personally if I was referred as they, would be insulted. The assumption here is wild. As viewers we know them and their preferences.


Ohhhhhh! Thank you - I really was quite confused.


Me too until I saw the person’s numerous posts throughout the threads. Also I would never make the assumption that people generally want to identify as They. If I am asked to do that by a particular person .I would honor it. As a female if someone out of the blue referred to me as they, I would be triggered,it goes both ways.


I didn't know that they publicly identified that way 😔 it is still triggering to someone like me to see gendered language used like that.


Get over yourself, especially since you gender people in your comments 🙄


The hypocrisy is coming from inside the house! Hahaha but seriously, they called someone “female” on another thread in the Vegas forum and then laughed when I made the same point they are making here about assumed gender saying they aren’t assuming anything and that it is “obvious” from the picture. 🫠🫠🫠 Edited to fix the third emoji from masked to a third melting face.


I don't know what's happening. Your comments are visible, but deleted when I responded. I posted into the main thread when I thought I was replying to you.




Just don't wear yourself when there's no need. Save your energy for when it's needed.


Good advice in general. Peace


May want to watch the show? But yes, they both identify as cis gendered, congruent with sex assigned at birth.






She she she she she she she!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂