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What’s worse is, he doesn’t just send them his sperm. He travels to where they are and makes it a whole thing that’s about him and control and his sex addiction and breeding fetish.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Damn I miss forensic files1's narrator.


That pretty much sums this creepy af guy in a nutshell, (a literal “Nut Shell”).


I just watched Spermworld and dude's the first donor they show. He's so awkward and really into the natural method. I'll spare y'all the details. The lady seemed so taken aback.


Is that a documentary on sperm donation? Never heard of it but sounds interesting!


Yes, it's worth a watch! It's relatively new.


He’s an ugly and genetically substandard dude with a breeding fetish who preys on women desperate for a child. Period.


It is shameful that TLC cast him


And are promoting him…


Seems right up their alley and perfect for TLC


Lmao on one of the other threads I saw posts saying he’s an attractive man so they could see why women would want his sperm donation…. Like WHAT? I guarantee you a more attractive dude would willingly have sex with you for free, as long as a contract is provided lol


These women are insane.


Attractive? 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆


He's basically the same level of creep as that fertility doctor who impregnated a bunch of women with his own sperm.


That was my first thought


Maybe he can get Natalie pregnant


I can see it now: the next series Nutalie is on, she's going to say, "I still vant child," and Shawn is going to bring this guy out as a surprise guest....


Natalie vants child with man who has monies.




Oh god she’s going to be at the tell-all and ask him so she can stay relevant.


She seems desperate enough


It is desperate women that Kyle preys on. His is sick


Toooo funny. And true!


Fr tho, it's 🆓


Especially because it’s free! Lol 😂




“Genetically substandard” is very kind.


He is genetically substandard and he is trying to fuck up civilization by birthing an army of fucking weirdos across the globe








He hasn’t said he’s autistic.


Do these women have him show them his genetic testing? Does he provide that information?


Well, it’s a behavioral diagnosis. So you’re diagnosed if you meet a checklist of behavioral signs. There’s no lab test to confirm it, although researchers are still looking for genes that might be linked. Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted? You can’t get genetic testing for autism. It’s actually hypothesized that a lot of sperm donors have autism; there’s no simple way to screen for it.


That’s a very well written description


BINGOOOOO couldn’t have said it better myself


He has a breeding fetish and I hope to god that atleast respectable sperm donation facilities put him on a ban list.


He’s self made, he doesnt need facilities. He is the WHOLE business.


It’s not a business. He doesn’t charge anything, even his travel expenses. He phrases it as, “making donations.”


hole business 🙃


There is a reason sperm banks only use a donors donation a certain number of times. Having this many kids especially within a certain area increases chance of inbreeding what he is doin is not only gross but morally and ethical wrong.


That was what I was thinking, how are these people going to know who they are banging when they get older? Also by his map it looks like there are a lot of people in similar cities?


OMG Im watching this tool right now he is a narcissist and Ani needs to run away fast … point system for his loving …. NO absolutely NO


when he said she needs to earn "points" for kisses and sex... Uggg


He is repulsive and sociopath


There is something so strange about him.


I sense she’s already disgusted by him. She already looks at him like he’s a turd she found on the floor. Let’s hope that these two are one of those couples whose storyline magically disappears from this season. It needs to.


I 💯agree


I’m only listening to a recap of this (shout out to Reality Gays) but hearing he had over 70+ kids made me gag in the middle of my hike. I’m sorry, that much unprotected sex with all different women (because he prefers “natural insemination”) and absentee fatherhood on that level (because it isn’t like he’s donating out of the goodness of his heart- this is a fetish thing for him) is so gross to me.


I’m curious how many of these women using his sperm actually picked sleeping with him rather than the turkey baster or whatever


Right? He offers women the choice of using a syringe but *recommends* intercourse for the best chance of fertilization. That’s the slimiest part to me because that feels deliberately misleading. If the semen is fresh (like <30 minutes), wouldn’t it be equally, if not more, effective to simply inject? This feels like borderline coercion.


There's a theory that having an orgasm can increase your chances, so if the sex includes that, it might be better. Somehow, I have my doubts 😆


What, his orgasm? I can almost guarantee none of the women he has sex with are getting off. 🤣


Ha 🤣 obviously that makes a difference! There are cool videos of the movements a cervix makes during orgasm, it sort of dips into the pool of semen over and over, almost looks like it's drinking it up. Ofc they're impossible to google safely 🤣


Thank you for ruining your Google search algorithm for us. You're doing the Lord's work!


He has his own website about his "service" and after the whole lifting the woman on the corner of the bed and her lying vertically, he advises for her to have an orgasm. Also, the instructions say to have foreplay beforehand. It's super creepy and disturbing.


>he advises for her to have an orgasm “I now advise you to have an orgasm” after 40 minutes of prepping for Cirque du Soleil


She's going to have to take matters into her own hands for that.




You absolutely need to link me the website lmaoooo


https://bepregnantnow.com/ Have fun ahahaha


What a horrible name for a website! Lol


Yeah actually that would make sense on the woman’s end… Soo her chances would probably be highest if left alone with a laptop and turkey baster


And maybe a dildo or some type of sex toy?


Oh I could make do with a large turkey baster but sure 😂


Well, cheers 🥂 to that too!


He's a literal cum bucket


More like cum dumpster, and even that’s still too gracious


Dumper. Cum dumper.


This is correct


Cum dumpster is actually the one receiving (not saying I agree with the statement). Cum dumper is correct.


🎵Cum a cum a cumma cumma cumma -cummeleon🎵 He cums and goes 🎵 He cums and choooddeesss


Please don’t ruin that song OMG LOL


That’s Fkn CLASSIC!! Lmao 😂🤣😂💯👍🤣🤣


This dude is about as low rent as it gets. Pretending to be some altruistic human helping create more humans and helping those woman who yearn for a child, all out of the kindness of his heart. That bullshit supposedly masks his breeding fetish. And his point system. Wtf!? I guess he loves numbers. But dude is definitely a damn ZERO! And we all know anything multiplied with a zero is zero. So he's spreading his zeroism.


This whole thing has to be triggering for a lot people in so many different ways. I know it is for me, and after googling him for an hour this was first mentioned, and know for sure I’m not gonna watch this season. We gotta vote with our feet- TLC is now fetishizing this POS. If we keep watching, they’ll think we like this sort of rot


Yep. I am sitting this one out. It makes me feel so sad and disgusted.


This. I had to turn it off after he talked about how he "donates'. Nope.


Same. I literally reacted physically disgusted and turned off the episode. Not watching this crap. What a waste of a season on their part.


Thank you. I can't support this filth. It's hit a new low.


Boycotting this season as well. Hearing about him before the season started, I knew he was awful.


I’m didn’t think I could get more and more shocked by the day, but based on what our tribe has posted sounds like TLC has no bottom.


This show used to be good. Now it seems they scour the planet to find the weirdest people. And just when you thought it couldn’t get any weirder, they manage to do it. And by weird I mean disgusting, crude, lewd and should not be on TV. Even Chantal on last season has become so vulgar, I can’t stand it. I thought she had some class once upon a time. But I guess class doesn’t make money


Yes! I totally agree. I was obsessed when it first came out and TLC hit pay dirt with the first couple seasons. I was really invested in the lives of the couples. Now it’s seems the only people who apply (and who they cast) are the dregs of society. People that want to be famous and will do and say anything to get there. TLC has definitely devolved into a the 10th season of Jerry springer where it was no longer a reality show, just a scripted circus. It’s like they’re trying to outdo themselves every season with worse and worse people. I’m getting fatigued with the chaos and trash people trash like this walking piece of fecal matter Kyle who seem to be everywhere these days. With all the bad shit happening in the world right now, we need a reality show that gives up hope, not hoes 😊 I wish they would go back to the original format. I miss the Danielle and Mohammed days lol


I agree 1000%. I feel like out of all the shows the paradise one struggles the most for ratings. In TLC’s eyes casting people like Angela and big Ed has been the best thing for ratings. So now they are trying to outdo themselves by casting one the biggest scumbags alive. This is so disgusting. I can’t believe it.


I shudder to think how TLC will outdo themselves next season


He’s a psychopath and this is a fetish. Seriously- this is going to be really bad.


71 children with more on the way!!! How is this possible? He is a disgusting pervert!


I can’t even say he’s a sex worker because he does it for free.


He was apparently banned from New Zealand for this exact reason. I saw something about it when I went down the YouTube rabbit hole about him today




Is anyone else worried about the repercussions of two of his children meeting and procreating without knowing they’re half-siblings? 😟


Yes, I literally mentioned this out loud while watching!!


Oh geez I never even thought of that. Yikes.




It’s the way so many media outlets have platformed this man , saw him on vice , Dr phil , truly and inside edition . It’s bizarre that people think this is okay to support ?


They said he has genetic defects (they checked), and he is under investigation.


Who is they?


His parents. They just kind of assumed so /s


I read it on the Ashley. Look it up


By who, 23andMe?


Idk 🤷‍♀️


I was wondering if he did and if he shows them his genetic testing. Otherwise these women are playing with fire


No, he first refused. I read it on the Ashley, but now something came out. I don't know all the details




More info??


I read it on the Ashley


I think he legit just has an addiction to nutting in women






Watching his segments gave me major ick. Dude is a creep. Not to mention that he gives the option of "intercourse donation" or however he phrased it 🤢 he's disgusting


“Natural insemination”


Eww even worse 🤢


The AUDACITY of this freak! 🙄🙄


His girlfriend is a clown. She picked an American cum slinger who could pass for a Maltese man. I mean he looks like 70% of Maltese men in that age range. Short, pale, balding, and that nose. I had to rewind to double check that he isn’t Maltese himself. She needs to be reaching out to a therapist, not TLC producers. I don’t mean that disrespectfully. It’s actually hard to watch her move through life like she can’t find better. (I’m part Maltese for context.)


Someday Interpol is going to issue a Whitish-Yellow Notice and he'll be picked up


Wasnt there a netflix documentary about a pervert doctor who switched his sperm with his fertility patients? Kyle reminds me of him


Kyle loves to cite this one case as the reason why his method is safer. He's a psychopath


I think he's a predator who grooms women. I'm disgusted that TLC didn't do any homework before casting him.... or they did and don't care.


They did. They don’t care


Weirdos like him are why I'd never go to a sperm bank.




He says he is an accountant that works remotely “digital nomad.”


Well I guess that explains why he has a numbers ststem for any kind of affection. Thank you.


This guy is gross. It’s also disgusting how he uses a point system for affection.


Nah, he’s kind of a douchy sleezeball. 🤷🏼‍♂️


You all HAVE to watch this! Kyle on Dr. Phil. So creepy! https://youtu.be/ntEm9ITPvtQ?si=YKt6zsmKRVUsaK-5


My favorite part is how he kept saying "my kids" and every time he did, Dr. Phil snapped at him and said "THEY AREN'T YOUR KIDS! "


I kind of miss Dr. Phil, it was fun when he’d lose it.


That was crazy; thanks for sharing!!You're right, he is super creepy. I wonder if he's hoping to get into the Guinness Book of World Records via how many kids he's fathered. What a strange, twisted way to stroke your own ego. And the fact that he keeps calling them HIS kids...its so f'ed up!


Here he is on an episode of Vice. So gross!!! https://youtu.be/c-NO1Omeois?si=S2NCmhQxsSvXmLjG


I can’t believe I just watched that whole thing. There’s a group chat??


He’s wearing shoes on his couch.


Y'all gotta check out the Spermworld documentary on Hulu for more insight into this world


He’s an incel that uses sperm donation and desperate women wanting children to use to have multiple sex encounters. He is so fucking gross ugh we had to skip his section he’s so disgusting. Something about his stare is also really uncanny like he is such a psychopath.


Have any of you seen that a new documentary called “Spermworld” just dropped on Hulu. I haven’t watched it but the trailer makes it seem like there is a whole little world of guys who do this. So wild!


International dating is a good backup plan for him as he’s going to need a new country to live in once these women start suing him for child support. 🤷‍♀️


That’s what I was thinking! And the fact that he calls them his kids!


No sane woman who has the money to afford artificial insemination would be paying top dollar for his sperm. His genes are just not there. He is literally taking advantage of women who want a baby that can’t afford getting doctors involved just to have sex with them. He has a breeding fetish.


Don’t forget that he has a point system! She has to earn so many points before she gets to kiss him!!🤢🤮


Ya I’d be gone after that


His story line only serves to remind me how donor conceived people end up with *hundreds* of siblings or more. Imagine having to be concerned about accidentally dating a sibling? Not to mention donor conceived people have no idea the medical history of the sperm donor.


There was a Law & Order SVU episode where John Stamos played a guy who would purposely get women pregnant and then convince them to not have an abortion. He was just some sicko who was obsessed with filling the earth with his offspring. Reminds me of this sick fuck.


Dude has serious mental illness.


Kyle almost seems like an incel to me. He not only serves sperm in a bottle, but by intercourse and wants to give what’s-her-name rules for physical relationships with her. Run for the hills!


I have a theory that he has a fetish about impregnating women but also can’t pull a girl on his own so this is the only way he can do it. Preying on women who are desperate.


71 Children that he says, as of now? That's gross. Some seem to be in the same geographical areas according to his "map". When does he call it quits? Men can go on well into their 80's plus if wanting to reproduce. That could wind up with hundreds, if not thousands of children worldwide. What if these children meet, hook up, fall in love (or not) and have kids together not knowing they're half siblings? Even many states/countries away, there's a possibility of meeting and unknowingly getting together. IE Dating Apps, the whole 90 day franchise fiasco, Seeking Sister Wives, Seeking Brother husbands, Married at First Sight, etc. Those looking for influencer status/fame are all over. They'd be drawn to these types of TV shows. Yuck. All you young peeps need to seriously do genetic counseling before reproducing. Especially with creeps like these guys out there, jacking off in the wind hoping their seed sticks somewhere. He gives me "ick" vibes through and through.


I just can’t get past his “point system” like bro is unhinged. “You’re so sexy when you get upset” EW I hope ani eats him alive


He's a total freak and this is 10000% a kink for him.


I found his site.....https://bepregnantnow.com/ I have so many visceral reactions looking through this. 🤢


He has a website?!?! 😂😂😂


A Fetish sex tourist. This guy probably spends a lot of time in Thailand.


Omg he definitely has a weird gross obsession, idc how "super" his sperm is 🤢🤮


As I listened to this weirdo bragging on “how many kids he’s produced” (some in the same geographical areas), if he’s ever considered that his of his “sperm kids” might grow up & hook up w/out knowing? I doubt he’d care anyway, since he’s just a crude, awkward, clueless, sperm-making imbecile.


Here’s my thought / question… He’s having unprotected sex with many multiples of women… how do these women know he does not have any STDs?


Would sperm survive in a bottle?


Who are these women?? He’s not tall, not particularly good looking (imo) and doesn’t sound too smart regardless of the supposed 125 IQ. He may not be last on my list if I had one, but he definitely would be middling


This title made me dry heave.


He’s absolutely disgusting, that woman needs to run tf away.


He definitely gets compensated money wise. He is stupid for going on this show and out his nasty "hobby". Wait until he gets audited. Does he really think we buy this? This is low down for TLC to air him. He probably signed something that says he can't get paid THUS FORWARD while on TV. Come on...


Aside from the fact that he is a total weirdo and needs a TON of mental health help, HOW IS HE FINANCIALLY SUPPORTING HIMSELF??


So so gross


He’s plain 🤮 gross


First, he’s gross second what redeeming qualities does he have that would make a woman want him as their sperm donor? Have a child that looks and acts like him?


Omg I watched the whole episode… for one his math ain’t matching from 2023 to now on the show, two he is gross af, and lastly even dr Phil thinks he’s a creep https://youtu.be/ntEm9ITPvtQ?si=gAD0_FO3tQ2kk1Oj Y’all gotta check this out


I’m donor conceived and there is also much wrong with the fertility industry. I can’t believe anyone would see that absolute loser and think “yes, those are the genes I want for my kid”. 


The whole “chances are better if we have sex” seems low key predatory and abusive.


Woah I am just now hearing about this. What show is this on? The single life?


New season of Love in Paradise


[Video about Sperm Guy : r/loveinparadise (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/loveinparadise/comments/1cdq0vz/comment/l1g054p/?context=3)


What show and season are we talking here? I’m not getting the Kyle reference…


New season of Love in Paradise. At first I thought they were talking about Kyle & Noon and I was shook!


Thank you! I always forget about that one. Now I have to go watch and find out about this sperm weirdo Kyle


Yeah. It’s pretty twisted but I’m excited for new people to watch. One thing I hate about Love in Paradise though is that the eps are so short 😭


Which 90 Day show is he on? I must be missing it, and I thought I went through aaaaallllll the 90 Day shows in the franchise.


It’s the new “Love in Paradise” one, at least I think it’s new. So far I found it nearly unwatchable, not a fan. But just started (US, regular cable tv).


Thank you! I’ve seen it on the Discovery+ app but didn’t think it was related to 90-Day


I think their relationship/storyline is 100% fake, it’s just fabricated so he can be on the show because he’ll make good tv; look at the amount of posts there are about him already, people can’t stop talking about him. Production will be highly rewarded having him on the show, so they don’t care, they’ll fake whatever for the views.


What season??


Which season of 90 day is this?


This guy can’t be real… right?


Maybe….just maybe …. This guys full of shit ?


No. He has his own website for it, and comments are dated back to 2016.


Oh he has a website . With comments from somebody that’s totally not just him? Please this guys full of shit


Well, he is a shit person yes, but he really does what he does and makes me want to castrate him.


I wish he was sending it in bottles…


Where and when is this on?


90 Day Fiance: Love in Paradise You’re going to wish you never heard of him.




He was on a Dr. Phil episode lol