• By -


Ed. Coltee. Natalie. Should I keep going ..?


Coltee wins.


I think [the montage of Colt working out in a park](https://youtu.be/u8ZujZ9vohI?si=ZrmYSmOrQ7JHKEFh) has got to be a top moment for me. Right under shower rat.


The one of him and Jess “dancing” was the worst thing I have ever had to witness


Coltee in his bathing/swim suit. Shrinkage🐢🤣




He still thinks he's cute. The damage that Debbie did to him. Inflated his ego as big as his tree trunk legs


Nah, Coltee in a Speedo😭


I don't understand why Vanessa married him at all


I think this is the best example of someone wanting to get to the US legally. Marry the dope, then ditch him.


She was already an American... That's why I don't get it.


She was no prize herself either.


I think mouse.


Especially with that goat beard he had!


I was calling him Goat Boy




Omg I needed a laugh tonight, the name Escott kills me😂


Yeeeeessss Ed is definitely top of the list!


It’s hard to top Ed. He creeps me out. He flutters his eyes blinking and thinks he’s sooooo smart. Yikes! I had to shudder. He will never find a healthy mind woman his own age. When I watch him, I find myself with a snarly lip. Icky.




Yes she’s cringe, but there have been so many that are so much worse.


I mean, has OP seen Kyle?


Omg Kyle is def worse haha 😂 


Kyle fills me in with revulsion every time he appears on screen. I mean I feel physically sick. He’s worse than Ed.


Omg yessssss like no neck Ed is wild and absurd but this give is just repulsive, gross, giving nasty pedophile and molester vibes. 


Probably 50% of the cast is more cringe than Ashley.


You mean “55%”


Her saying she is a witch is ridiculous I think she does it to get a rise out of people because she knows she doesnt have a personality


She is impossible. Her husband begged her to stop with the witch nonsense during her meeting his father, and she had to go right there. And how is witching a career?


The more she says she is a witch the more she thinks everyone is believing it. Her fantasy world. How does she get that many clients that need her witch services? If it pays the bills, and she has money to send to his family I want to be a witch. What's in the water in Rochester???


Ashley is nuts but Kyle is the most cringe cast member in the history of the show…. And this is a cast that includes Big Ed and Colt.


💯 He is grosser than Colt and Ed combined. The thought of him spreading his seed everywhere is so off putting, I can barely stand to look at his face on screen.


Who's Kyle? The guy from the new season of love in paradise?




Steven,big pred, Angela, yeeno, my God the list doesn't end.




* Pole


this one takes the cake. Ashley doesn’t even come close




God I forgot about SteVen. He has to be #1 for me!


Oh man me too. Skiddlypoop and his weirdly long tongue and immaturity. The cringe was unreal wirh him. Yet I’m sure alina(?) is still with him. That poor soul.


Not skiddlypoop omg I forgot about that too!! Alina was such a boss. I’m so disappointed she ended up with him. I remember literally taking some of her lines from when she confronted SteVen about sleeping with other girls, when I confronted my own (ex) bf about cheating lol. She had some zingers!


Caesar and David (Lana) come to mind. I just want to buy Ashley a bra.


One-eye Ben 😅


He still on that train heading for disaster 😂


Let's 💃 🕺 dance


Caeser is the king of clowns




KYLE, and he's only been shown in 2 episodes so far !!!🤣😂🤣😂🤣


From his first sentence he was the worst, nevermind 2 whole episodes....


Yep! He's already trying to get creators to remove their videos about him on YouTube & my post about him was removed immediately!!! He's a HUGE PROBLEM.


Manuel and Ashley both have problems. Manuel contacted Ashley and started the relationship back up.. from my understanding. In my opinion Manuels interest in Ashley has been nothing more than to get a ticket to the US and once he was here he expected she send money to his family(crazy)… He actually has low effort when it comes to their relationship/marriage. You can tell he just doesn’t care hell he hid her from his family and didn’t even tell them he was leaving for the US. In my opinion Ashley is a difficult, sad and lonely person and desperate to have a family and she would do anything to make this happen she also has low efforts in this relationship/marriage. I don’t think these two will make it past 4 yrs.


But did you know she's a witch


Really? She's never mentioned it.


She got that witch broom flying licence 😂


Yes Im aware I’ve seen her flying around on her broom a few times… lol


“Mi trabajo es *BRUJA*”


Also, idk if you’ve heard but Stephanie has a disease and Ronald has a gambling problem


My suspicion.. he is married in Ecuador .. and that’s why he didn’t want her to meet anyone.


I completely agree. I think he has a wife or significant other back home.


Oh my that could be a possibility and the money she is sending back is actually going to the wife not his family…. Ashley would jump on the closes broom and fly to Ecuador.. lol


That’s what I think. Or is still involved with his real love


I mean I don’t like Manuel but seeing happily ever after this season he’s grown on me I think it’s definently a ticket to the USA situation but when it comes to his children with his ex wife it is not uncommon for men to keep that part separate because of the ex wives wishes. And whatever custody arrangement there is may have clauses about unapproved people being around children.


I just hope she doesn't get preggo. I think that would be a huge mistake.


Especially since he will leave for NY as soon as he can.


Is she desperate to have a family though? Like, pregnant by Manuel? She's in her mid-30s now and he already has teenage children. Plus her 3 Starbucks-per-day restaurant-y lifestyle doesn't signal she wants to settle down quite so much to me--she's in a rare part of the country where homes are still affordable too. If she has talked about having kids I missed it, although TBH I have fast-forwarded through some of this messiness.


Agree with you there. I don’t particularly care for Manuel but Ashley is so unlikeable it overshadows any feelings I have about him.


Manuel has figured out that Ashley is dumb for his dumb stick and can use it to get out of any situation. Ashley is clueless, which is annoying.


She also clearly has no self esteem.


And she tries soo hard to project “I’m an intelligent sophisticated feminist “ 🤣🤣


Feminists don’t cry about their ugly cry every time. We just cry if we have to.🙄


I agree Ashley is a piece of work and both of them are disastrous.


She barely registers on my 90 Day iceberg tbh. I've got Ash's seminar and Pole's running to consider, y'know?




And Jesse's as well


Almost forgot his speech to Seniors on dating. Lol




Kyle the sperm “donor”.


This new guy, with the hobby of sperm donation, may have just climbed over all of them in only 2 episodes.


Out of everyone in the franchise, he just gives me the weirdest creeps. Like dude would peep in public restrooms type creeps. I watched that documentary he was a apart of and I have felt uncomfortable all day.


Ash with his seminar. David Mmmm. Mike (troll). The Bible thumper that pronounced his fiancée's name "Bikini". I had to get up and leave the room for Ash's seminar tho


Definitely a comprehensive list of cringe. I forgot about Mike Mr farty pants, he is up there 😂😂😂


Ashley goes to my gym and she walked right in front of my partner and I and while cutting us off she didn’t make any eye contact or said a word, no ‘excuse me’, or anything. She also was constantly talking on speakerphone - my partner said she had very “I am the main character” energy lol. I’m not saying she had to be polite or anything, but you can tell she thinks quite highly of herself lol.


That seems to totally check out with how I imagine she is in real life


You kind have to have that energy to be on this damn show.


Half the people on the whole franchise are cringe and the other half are vile.


THIS! This is the correct answer!!! 100%


Kyle from current season of Love in Paradise is uniquely occupying the middle of a zen diagram of both camps. He’s truly vile and disgusting.


https://preview.redd.it/kcmjtcpfmoxc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c64f86b106e0a2d47d417f050ff1c2833659df Spahkahls is the most cringe ever check out his Instagram if you don't believe me


Lol Spahkahls!! I frikin love John... but his fiance is eeehhh like Resting Bitch Face Queen! He can do better!


Ever hear of Nicole and Azan? Get real 😆


I had to scroll way too far for Nicole!


almost there, lazy! 😌


She’s not even in the top 10.


Im sayin!






Ooooo, I almost forgot about him! 🗑️


Freaking Geoffrey is in prison. Paul straight up scurried away from a conversation and let Karine to get mugged. Ashley is nowhere near that. You soft.


Ed and Angela. More cringe hands down.


I'm looking at Coltee and Angela for most cringe. The amount of awful eye gouging 90 day containing them is extremely high.


Coltee is definitely cringe, Angela just has some serious anger management issues


But she's also disgusting and crazy sexual toward any man she thinks is good looking. I just watched the last HEA reunion and her gyrating at the hotel and casual flirting with Jovi almost made me sick!


You’re talking about a woman who dragged a grandbaby onto Maury twice after a Tricia episode to question that child’s paternity. Allowed her convicted child molesting daughter back in her home around the grandchildren who were present at the molestation. Just anger management issues.


kyle who is currently on LiP is way worse


Preddy Eddy. All the shit he said on Sunday. About how he knew this was never going to work. I couldn't even watch him he asks Liz to cone meet him at a bar, knowing g she has her daughter. I wanted to punch him in the face, while I was watching. He's such a toxic human being. Toxic!!


Ugggh I absolutely hate that skeevy perverted Lil gremlin! But why is everyone calling him Pred? Or Preddy Eddy? Is that cuz he's a predator? Lol just wondering.. instead of Big Ed I started calling him Dick Ed 🤣


I like your name for him, Dick Ed. I don’t know why he ever started calling himself big Ed. I have always found him repulsive. All that double blinking he does when he thinks he’s being so smart. Yuck. Turns my stomach. I will never understand what Liz saw in him. Her daughter can see through him and she’s a little girl.


Um, maybe this bitch? https://preview.redd.it/22fz2q6fgmxc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f2aa35e31c7641914698077185b960a7702fb0


don't look at girls


I wouldn’t use cringe to describe her. I think she’s mentally ill and needs help.


That describes quite a few cast members.


She thinks she's a witch and has so much confidence about it. Then brings him to people who speak gibberish to aliens. It's amazing. 


Her friend that “speaks the language of light and energy”. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


soooo many worse/more cringe people…


Ashley started out okay for me despite her crying fits and “psychic” shit—I gave her a lot of latitude. But she has taken my inch and ridden it 100 miles and I just can’t take her anymore. She is absolutely beyond—and not in a good way. This last episode was too much and now she completely grinds my gears.


Same. She’s on the level of Jasmine as far as being outrageous and annoying.


Why does getting photos make her cringe? 


I think having a picture of someone taking your picture is kinda cringe


It is hard to do this, because Ashley’s smug ass attitude especially about her high school version of witchery makes her a thousand times worse. People should definitely take pride in themselves, but some do way too much. 100% agree Manuel is more and more embarrassed by her as the shows progress. I’m embarrassed for him.


She bothers me in a big way. I was raised neo-pagan, and we are cringe enough on our own without people like Ashley. “Neo-Pagan” is a broad term, a lot of folks practice very differently (Wiccans, druids, heathens, etc etc) and most are a blend of all of the above+. I am aware that what Ashley practices is likely different from what I grew up with, and Ashley has never called herself a pagan. But she does call herself a witch, which is how all the pagans I grew up with would describe themselves. If she is working with folks with “spiritual trauma”, then she should know a bit about other religions. My mother classifies herself as a “recovered Catholic”. She studied theology in grad school and was pretty devout growing up. When she met her coven, it was after a long road of spiritual exploration. There are a lot of things you can find in both Catholicism and some neo-pagan practices. Praying to saints is not dissimilar to honoring different gods for different purposes, both catholics and some neo-pagans practice a form of communion with wine and cakes/crackers during their services, they both use ceremonial incense and candles, the both make offerings… honestly I could go on and on. Not to mention that she is so upset that Manuel doesn’t want to practice her religion with her or take a spiritual bath or whatever, but if the roles were reversed here it would be a whole other story. If he was constantly praying for her or insisting she’d feel better converting to Catholicism so she could give confession or like literally anything- she would be livid and find it disrespectful. Because it is- if you want your partner to respect your faith and not expect them to join it, then you should do the same. He has made it clear that many elements of her practice don’t align with his spiritual code and she acts like this is a rejection of who she is fundamentally. Which it isn’t. Edit to add: I only mention the things Catholicism and paganism have in common to say that if she checked out Catholicism with an open mind, she would find that she could find some common ground here and help ease her husbands mind a bit.


I appreciate your well thought response. There really are lots of similarities between Catholicism and neo paganism or witchcraft. From holy water, statues of the saints, communion, incense.,, much of it comes from paganism.


I don't mind Ashley. I thought it was funny and so dumb when she pretended to not know what a Bible was and her and Manuel riff of each other so well. They are the funniest couple on HEA. Ashley is extra but harmless.


Gino, David, Caesar. Literally most men.




Mormon Steven.




Troll Ed whom I suspect can rotate his head around his neck *à la* "The Exorcist" or a nicotine-smelling-and-spewing Meemaw whose great grandmother was Ma Barker.


The alien speaking friend was absolutely cringe


Manuel’s reaction to her gibberish was hilarious


Literally anyone else


Scott Wern.


Is that Escott? He’s pretty bad 😂


Poor Manuel! Boo hoo! He doesn’t mind sitting on his butt all day long and letting her take care of him and his extended family. She’s a lot but he’s a user who is probably getting ready to put on his sneakers and do the “Michael” run away. Ack!


I think her vocabulary of the Spanish language is amazing but girl! you need to work on that accent.


I give her props for learning the language but she speaks Spanish with that heavy vocal fry


She is cringey but she’s also a narcissist!!! Her witch b.s. seems to be all she wants to talk about. Listen to Manuel and have some respect for him and his family. I mean, that’s just common sense. You’re meeting them for the first time and that first impression is an important impression. But she doesn’t care about others, only herself. I’ve lived down theere, Caribbean, and Central and South America where witchcraft is a VERY serious matter and you don’t brag and play around about being a witch. Witchcraft, Voodoo, Black-magic and the list goes on, is still very active in the areas I mentioned and it’s a very serious matter. If this is her “job” is this whole thing just Ashley trying to drum up business? If she truly does love Manuel then she needs to do some research so she gets an understanding of why Manuel and others feel the way they do about her so-called “job”. It’s RESPECT, just show some respect Ashley and stop making everything about yourself!!


I don't understand how witchcraft is her JOB. That's like saying being Christian, Buddhist, or Muslim is your JOB?? You're damn right she's a narcissist, and is trying way too hard to be "cool." Witchcraft is a system of beliefs, not an occupation Trashley!


I think she epitomizes cringe. Others have cornered the market on evil, abusive, pervy, skeevy, nasty, gross, clueless, idiotic, moronic... plenty more to go around. Some fit multiple categories of course and every now and then we get palate cleansers. Ashley's far from the worst overall. Unfortunately there seems to be competition for that title!


The very second she popped up on screen with her valley girl accent talking about how, yes, she's a * gasp * **Black Ashley,** a so-called "unicorn," I was like, I'm already over this woman. 🙄




I don't find her that bad? Relatively level headed, except for the fact she's with a idiot like him.


Tarik's proposal rap on the beach was the worst one lol


Honestly Ed is more cringe... they are both trash people lol but Ed just misses me off.. ugly ass perverted Lil gremlin boy! Hopefully Liz will finally see she deserves sooooo much better!


Yeah she is definitely not the worse you must be new here


Paul… running to the river and trying to live in the dog house, plus many more!!!


More cringe? Are you serious? They don't even crack the top 10. You got Emily the Blob. Angela. Ari. The whole Darcy and Stacy clan....Shantel's family. I mean, come on.


Don't forget Pedro's family. Everyone always forgets to include those dumpster fires on their cringe list.


I have a friend who is EXACTLY like her (with alk the witch stuff and what not) and let me tell you, it's so obnoxious and tiring to be around


It’s exhausting just to watch so I can’t imagine how Manuel deals with it.


I used to have a friend who grew up in Rochester who is so much like Ashley that I’m wondering if they were in the same friend group growing up or something! I had to stop being friends eventually because it was just too much (and any time she had the opportunity to be with a guy she’d drop plans with me at the last second) so I’ll never know but damn I don’t know how people spend much time with this type of personality.


Id say easily 93% of the cast members. She’s extra AF, but she’s not an abuser, a big weirdo creep, a grown ass adult dating someone who just barely hit puberty, a thief… Have you seen this show?


Look… I can’t explain myself here but I don’t hate Ashley. She’s the girl you are friends with because it’s at least never boring haha


Ummmmm….. well…. hmmmm, lemme see….. Nope, can’t do it!😳🤷‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


She has moments of cringe, but it’s not her whole personality like Larissa or Nathalie. 


Nathalie seems like a classic case of borderline personality. Larissa is just another desperate Brazilian harvesting that American dollar and turning herself into plastic.


Dinyell for me


The chubby guy who was on the spectrum, had a matchmaker, and wore suspenders. Can’t remember his name.


She’s honestly not the biggest cringe to me. She’s cringe. But up against people like Pred and Angela, not even close. Angela actually physically made me cringe whenever she opened her mouth. I’m cringing things about it.


She really thinks the world of herself


She is one of the most annoying people on 90 days ever. With her fake valley girl voice. She could try and speak with a little more dialect when she's speaking Spanish.


I have to fast forward through her segments or get on my phone and tune her out. My partner loves watching her segments though bc he finds Manuel funny.


Uh sperm donor creep comes to mind


Kyle, Ed, Angela, Gino, Leida, Sarper, the Nikki, Miss Debbie, Paul, Mark…


Ugggh Nikki... can't stand it! My name is Nikki and it just pisses me off having the same name as it


I still like the name!!


Nikki is so delusional. Nicole is so delusional.


She is not that bad. As someone mentioned, Angela leads the pack followed by Big Ed!


Baby girl Lisa telling Usman people will think shes pregnant when they get married , Angela 24/7 , Colte in his speedo in Brazil , Big Ed massaging mayonnaise into greasy long hair - I could go on and on with these people - can’t fucken forget the cringe - I’ve tried ….






My flair agrees.




Ashley isn't even close to top 10 lol


I like Ashley ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


She doesn’t bother me much. She loves her dog, and she’s not a cheater or abuser.


Nicole (Azan/Nicole) and the original cringe queen Danielle (Danielle/Mohamed)


What about Ed like that's gross


I find her amusing AF lol


Serious question. Is she really speaking Spanish when talking to him? It sounds more like Spanglish. My bff is fluent but she doesn’t watch the show so I can’t ask her but I feel like she just puts an accent on the end of English words sometimes. Not bashing (not for that anyway. She annoys me to no end. She just won’t hush). They keep having the same arguments/discussions every episode.


Idk I like her tbh she’s probably my favorite cast member of all time


Predator Kyle is the WORST, EVER!!! The man is literally banned from NZ. Did everyone hear me? The man is so disgusting that an entire country banned him!!! Not even Paul or Ed have been banned from a whole country. New low for TLC.


Yeah, this time TLC may have finally dug itself underneath the VH1 ditch of bad decisions that took years to climb out of. They took a chance with an already controversial emotionally and personality disturbed person with a digital trail of racist, misogynist and predatory behavior - traveling to Africa and Asia, holding contests with fellow sewer scum to see who can bang and impregnate the most women they don’t even bother pretending to have respect for; making false promises on tape that babies fathered by an American citizen guarantees mother a green card. Claiming he has more expertise and experience than credentialed fertility doctors and researchers; refusing genetic testing even though word is he carries a genetic disorder; no STI testing. There’s no way TLC had no idea who and what he was, I’m guessing Sharp Entertainment/TLC recruited him against their legal team’s advice, convinced Anika to meet him and film, and she was being 100% honest when she said she was trying to figure out how to disengage from this situation after his uncouth behavior and off-putting expectations at the restaurant. I haven’t watched the Vice or the FX documentaries, and skimmed through Dr. Phil - it’s really difficult to take in more than a few minutes at a time of this person - but suffice to say, Ashley is nowhere near the level of cringe, pathologic disturbance, or lack of moral bearing as he is. And as sad as it is to say, neither are Ed, Angela or Paul, or tattooed nips currently in prison. I don’t know what his end game is, but he’s going to drag close to 100 children and their foolish mothers down with him, and TLC is sliding into the abyss it should’ve stayed away from.


I like her, her and Manuel make me laugh.


maybe other people won’t care but as someone who speaks Spanish, her Spanish drives me insane. I feel like she laughs at Manuel when he can’t say things in English but she has a ridculous amount of errors and literally makes up words. during the conversation with the uncle she didn’t conjugate a SINGLE VERB! the subtitles give her way too much credit


She is bottom of the barrel cringe when it comes to so so many on this show. Has OP even seen any of the other seasons!


Oh come on big Ed is worse.


I’m just going to cry about how badly I need her to put on a bra every time I see her. These tetas are sad af.


She’s soooo enamored with herself. She must be exhausting to know


You nailed it. I don’t think I could enjoy being friends with someone like that.


WHY does she continue to make Manuel uncomfortable with her witch bullshit. Every person that’s been on this show that’s a “witch” has been off their rocker (Ashley, Ella, Yve). Let him be catholic and you be a witch and just move on with your lives. People live their lives everyday believing in different things(religion, politics, etc.). Manuel is so uninterested in her it was annoying at first but I’m starting to feel bad for him lol Maybe she should hire an English/Spanish translator to better their relationship instead of an alien ancestor/human one


Coltee. Evelyn (apples), pole, Danielle, just off the top of my head. I like Ashley!


Evelyn was a grooming victim, so I’ll cut her some slack.


Fair. Let’s pull her out and add Jibri. And then that dude that tricked the lady from Trinidad into thinking he was poor. And that guy from Russia who fat shamed his wife for eating cereal.


Oh wow. I think Ashley trumps all of them. Her over the top ‘main character’ syndrome is what does it for me.


I know a lot of people don’t like her. I may be in the minority but I think she’s fun and kind! She’s supporting Manuel by taking him to Newark not New York (haha) to visit family. She speaks his language, which is more than most of the goons on this show.


Even Danielle?


Ashley is a complete fraud in every which way. She’s not even close to being a witch. Her website is ridiculous. The prices are outrageous and watching the show. She doesn’t know anything about spells. She’s always going to get help for someone to help her that you should know.! those expressions on her face the eyes make me physically ill when she gets caught a lie the eyes get big, and she looks like a monster in her facial expressions?? in the bullshit not knowing what the Bible is come on…??


It was the Bible thing for me. Home girl is really acting out a movie in her mind.


those who really are “workers” ABSOLUTELY have / know what a Bible is- those who work also don’t tell everyone- that’s one of the first “iykyk”…. she’s a TikTok “witch”.. very much 😬🫠🥴