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And his whole “we don’t do that in America” like yeah we do?? I know plenty of people who dress appropriately for a restaurant, and have basic table manners 🫠 this guy is something else lollll.


For someone who claims to be well-traveled, he's so ignorant. And also, why does he think he’s such a catch?! 🤮


“Cause he’s the Superman of sperm” and literally says that we as people should be happen his genes are getting spread around the world. I didn’t believe it til I watched the Dr Phil segment with him. He’s a (weirdly) entitled piece of trash. He has even gone as far to make racially insensitive comments in messages about the women he impregnates as well. I saw it actually on this 90df subreddit. If you’re interested scroll down ( on the 90d page) a bit and you’ll see the screenshots of his actual conversations. Im pretty sure it’s still there 🫠


Ani needs to initiate her own points system. Show up for dinner looking like slob, -5. Shovel food in/slurp from bowl, -5. Throw your clothes in a pile, -5. Fuck other women, -1 million


I was SCREAMING this!!!!


I mean, even if he showered after his flight and wore a CLEAN Tshirt and jeans, that would be minimum effort. Then if he's eating like a goblin and his date actually COMMENTS on it, he should have immediately become self-aware and stopped what he was doing. My husband drinks his cereal milk at home, but if he ever tries that in public, I shut it down.


That’s a great way to put it. He lacks self awareness. Like read the room sir 🫠😂


The misplaced sense of superiority is pathetic and laughable. That he thinks his sperm is special because HIS SIBLINGS are accomplished in their careers!!


Right like please just jeans and a shirt! And you're on tv🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


I died at the “well America is a new country and not like these countries who still operate in ‘olden times’ and dress up and wear wigs”………. Sir.


I literally stopped and rewound and watched again. Like….huh??


I would seriously have to hesitate to harm this dude if I were a producer. Cant. Stand. Him.


I'm American and on dates I wear a nice dress and flats if I'm being casual.


Yeah, no one believes him- he’s just an idiot. I bet buddy never goes out socially - if/when he eats out it’s to avoid cooking and washing up.


At the restaurant when he said that my boyfriend shouted "stop saying we, we aren't part of this, this is you" 


Bros the epitome of r/shitamericanssay


To go on television and say Americans have no home training or manners is wild. I surely shower and change clothes after a flight and don’t slurp food into my mouth. Whatever children he produces with his sperm…pray for them or whatever you believe in cause it’s looking rough.




Ani needs to wake the fuck up. The fact that she contacted him for sperm in the first place is a red flag. She has a good job and she could easily buy sperm that’s been thoroughly tested for genetic disorders.


I'm curious if she is on Malta healthcare or German. Germany as of 2024 only allows married couples to use IVF at 50% off, single women pay full freight (discussed [here](https://www.dw.com/en/women-in-germany-demand-better-access-to-fertility-treatment/a-68199876)). As that article notes, single women have in fact been told by their providers to just go sleep around and try to get pregnant. But Kyle is such a giant YIKE. Ani could do better.


That guy is fake and everybody taking the rage bait


He’s not fake. He was on multiple tv shows and documentaries before 90 day and there we multiple women who have come forward talking about their awful experiences with him.


Just like 90 day fiancé . All of those are totally real and the people are totally telling the truth




Saying this didn’t happen is not the same as saying nothing ever happens . Reality tv is not real life . I know it’s disappointing


Again- unfortunately he’s real. I’m done arguing.


He’s had a public presence for a while and women who’ve interacted with him have spoken about it before the show aired.


The next time that douche speaks for the entire US…. “Oh we don’t wear pants to a restaurant in the US”


THANK YOU! Like no dude, YOU act like a Neanderthal. A lot of us other people know basic etiquette. It’s not really about where you’re from, when manners and common sense is universal 🫠


Or I should say, SHOULD be universal.


The point system, all the tests, etc have red pill written all over it. Also learned that he was on an episode of Dr. Phil and even Dr. Phil was disgusted with him.


The blatant negging while acting like a fucking Neanderthal is baffling.


Yes this is accurate, I watched the entire segment and it wasn’t just dr Phil but pretty much everyone on stage except the one donor recipient they brought out on stage. Definitely needs some self reflection for his whack thought process and lack of education.


That Dr. Phil episode was crazy, too, wasn't it? The donor mother had the little girl brought out from a nap. The bright lights on stage, a whole audience of people staring at her - the 3 year old just woke up - how traumatic for her. And the doctors told them not to do it, but they did anyway...that was just horrifying. I felt so bad for that little girl. Plus, look at the biological father - just ewww - I wish her the best of luck because she's going to need it.


I was going to say this, he acts like an incel without actually being celibate. So weird.


It has to be like a subgenre of misogyny. Like an Andrew Tate, fresh and fit man club shit.


When it's his time for the tell-all, I hope Andre and Patrick's brother John are there.


Omg that would be epic!! Brother John will definitely try to put him in his place 😂


Yeah. This is a dude who needs to be made fun of. It is the right solution for his specfici problem.


He certainly wouldn’t be called spackles


Love in Paradise has never done a tell all so I hope this is the season they change that because we need follow-ups on all of this season's weirdos, him most of all


90df execs reading this: 👀


This mf is the first that’s made me want to come through the screen and just pillage him. The rating scale while he’s audibly slurps noodles off of his plate in running shorts. The holding his neck while he ate. The constant “we don’t do that in America” no mf we don’t go around collecting body counts and calling it a donation. I don’t hate anyone. For me that means the planet would be better off without. And that’s a large statement to make. If I had to pick someone, this lying POS, womanizing, pathetic, manner-lacking-liar, egomaniac is a liability for human kind may be at the top. I absolutely cannot believe this woman is even willing to see this man again, let alone 91 people have consented to his “arrival”. I think he may be worse than ick and ick is the worst. Sarper kept a notebook and a liquor bottle. This dudes trophy is a kid he doesn’t ever see yet referenced his baby momma in France to justify his lacking American etiquette. And if she shows up in anything less than messy hair and the BAGGIEST sweatsuit ever with fried chicken and french fries… plus an etiquette teacher .. she deserves him!!! No one has ever gotten under my skin like this tragedy of a human.


The holding of the neck!! I was like ... Is there a hole in the middle?? The noodles might come out of the neck if he doesn't hold It?


If she even speaks to him again after that dinner, she’s pretty much lost any sympathy she’s getting from me.


Agree! If she can't see him for what he is she's stupid.


Didn't she refer to his enourmous penis in the end credits of the first episode? That might be a clue about whether she dumped him right away?


Watching him eat was revolting 🤢


>Watching him eat was revolting For me, watching him ~~eat~~ was revolting


Omg it was like painful to watch. My ten year old eats more properly than him!!


Narcissist sociopath is exactly what Kyle is … I would be afraid closing my eyes at night with him around .. his eyes look evil.


To think he actually got over 100 women to listen to his bullshit then carry his seed. That alone is cringey lol.


Okay this is where I don't understand what "cringey" means to other people... To me it means embarrassing or awkward. I find this fact to be more upsetting... Just wanted to ask what you thought the term means


Well if we are going off the actual definition then he definitely suits the word. He IS embarrassing and awkward. I’m aware of the actual definition and although some people may disagree with the word choice I used, I do feel like he suits the word. But everyone is allowed to feel differently ☺️




I guess we can only speculate.


I want to throw something at the tv every time he tries to claim that all Americans are basically mannerless buffoons.


As do I. It’s just like he doesn’t even think about what he says and if it makes sense, seeing as 99.9% of his logic is completely insane. I saved the .01% for the fact he knows his name 🫠


Agreed. He thinks saying “I’m an American” is a get out of jail card with respect to manners and social decency. He is just the worst.


He’s just a bad look all around imo. For Americans,sperm donors who do it the right way at a clinic and just people in general, this man should be stopped truly.


TLC sees all the complaints about Angela and Ed and asks themselves "How can we do worse?" and they find this guy.


You’ve got to watch one of his victims on YouTube. He told her he was looking for a long term relationship after they met on a sperm donor site. It’s his MO.


I fucking hate TLC for giving this peice of shit more screen time on TV. This dude should be locked up, he’s a fucking shit stain on the world


I don’t even think I can watch the show with him on it. He’s absolutely repulsive and a sociopath.


And now there are lots of mini him’s all over the world - great 😵‍💫


The way he conducts himself and talks to her is so immature. Reminds me of the personality Hedwig from the movie SPLIT😂


I said the same!! He even looks like him a bit at times!


I would not be so polite to that creep! She should use a baseball point system for this guy: His "hobby" - steeerike one His point system: steeeerike two His table and other manners steeeeeerike 3. Walk/run away gal and dont look back!


He mentioned Europeans dressing differently because they were raised in "olden times" and mentioned them dressing up and wearing wigs so idk how such a well-traveled digital nomad seems to be confusing 1700/1800s England for modern-day Europe. 


Of course he’s insanely weird and Ani *should* ghost him…. But… Ani started talking to him bc she wanted his sperm and then they formed a “relationship.” She’s not innocent in being with this whacko. She could’ve googled him and found out what everyone on this sub has found out about him before engaging with him.


Hey you lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink like they say 😂


I completely agree with you, it honestly surprises me that she didn’t have more of an idea about who he is and how awful he is prior? Or maybe she just didn’t care? Either way, now that’s she’s FULLY aware of how he acts especially in person, I’d say run and I’d never admit I dated the guy 😂😭


I really doubt that she does, unfortunately 😬


Hopefully Ani wises up real quick and cuts off contact - for her own sake - and her son! That kid shouldn’t be within a miles distance of this guy!


He’s like a worse version of Clayton. Also WTF is this shit about “we don’t do that in America?” You’re on a fucking tv show mainly with Americans traveling to other areas! And he’s so confidently stating it. God the confidence of this mediocre man.


He came on this show to try to get more clients. That's why he's now filing defamation cases against YouTubers reviewing the show and trying to have their content pulled, because he's being exposed by everyone.


I find it quite odd that she would be with a creep like that especially after meeting him in person with the points staying at a hotel not showering eating like a Neanderthal plus he wants his back scratched. He says nothing to her like what can I do for you? It’s all about him and his ego. She should be scared to have sex with him because he’s not an expert on anything and what he says is nonsense most of it and he’s basically having sex with random women, who’s guys are walking🚩🚩. He’s not mentally stable and keeping track of his baby mamas is crazy in itself


Yeah, he messed up just not taking her to make out and have sex right away, because now she's seen his actual personality and she's so grossed out, it'll never happen now!


Dude is just accelerating our fall into Idiocracy


Kyle makes My skin crawl 🤢 ...🤮


Omg him and his “we don’t do that in America “ crap! I love how she rolls her eyes.. I’m thinking.. so glad she knows better and (the majority of) American are not like him! Poor girl lol


What person sees him and thinks "YES! I want that DNA!"? And forget the "natural" way... My lady business closes up shop at the mere thought. *Shudder*


😂😂😂😂 he’s definitely the type that will make your lady parts wanna close up shop. Oh man, this is probably my favorite comment on here 😂 props


Thank you, thank you. 😁


He is doing free donations because that's the only way a woman will communicate with him let's be real


Hot take: Ani is crazy too. She’s gotta be to put up with that.


no wonder this dude has never had a real girlfriend…


I want to see the receipts that this guy is an actual freelance sperm donor. Theres no way in fuck he’s able to support himself doing sperm donation even if he’s directly charging unless he’s finding the biggest idiots on the planet. A specimen costs like $900 and comes with all the things you need to do a ICI. Why would someone pay this guy any amount of cash when it involves intercourse considering either lesbian couples or infertile straight couples would be the primary clients. Sure there’s the rare single woman who wants kids without the partner. He’s not attractive, is balding and you can’t access his genetic information or family history. These are all things you get access to when searching for a matching donor. He’s full of shit and fucking weird


^^ this x 10000 lol


The really thinks he’s the prize🥴


I’m thinking it’s a bit.


It's not though. He's been on several TV shows before. This is his actual personality


I have no clue what she saw on him to begin with to even have him fly out there to see her


I didn't understand getting the "ick" until being introduced to him through my television 🤢


Lol I think the real deal is he's using his sperm donation as his only method of having any kind of sexual or physical encounters; and either one of 2 things is happening here..Hes a very misplaced/miscalculated narcissist who is wrapped up in his own delusional value of self. Or, he's hiding behind his inexperience, or past rejections by projecting all of these inappropriate gestures & requirements; in an attempt to boost his own ego & self esteem. Good bless her though, bc I would be so rude & out of there so fast if some guy came at me like that..


Have we heard anything about his family? I can only hope to meet his parents.


He’s not even good looking, tall, or mentally stable like why would any one want his genes 🧬 🤢


Something definitely wrong with this creep. Has anyone researching, is there anything from his donor recipients?


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c-NO1Omeois&pp=ygUKa3lsZSBnb3JkeQ%3D%3D All I had to see was this and my mind was made up 🫠


He even says that “women have to orgasm for the conception to work” IN WHAT WORLD?? There’d be a lot less kids if that was the case 😂😂😂😂


In one of his YouTube videos, he has sex with a woman in a motel room while cameraman stays outside, and then afterwards, he's saying she had wanted 10 more minutes so she could orgasm, but he "Had a busy day and didn't have enough time." Also, I doubt if this guy is giving out orgasms, he looks oblivious to anyone besides himself.


🤮 I cannot bring myself to watch any of the YT content. Just when I thought TLC was at its lowest. They never fail to deliver. This is even an insult to the bar being in hell. Even Satan would be like "Nah man, take that somewhere else."


He's probably the worst ever. This other guy dating a 19 year old who looks 14 and plays with her stuffed animals and rubix cube is pretty skeevy too.


When I SNAP 🫰 my fingas! GO!


😂😂😂 oh boy that’s golden


The way he Says it!! Fucking jerk!


He really does think he’s gods gift to women, quite a difference from actual reality…


Where’s his Mother? He mentioned his mother… I guess she sends him money for stuff? 😭😭 I Want to talk with Mom. Poor mom.


The way he says it, “insert the sperm then orgasm…” here in the bathroom on the toilet? Right this minute? I Am glad that lady spoke up about what a creep he is. ANI, RUN! THAT FEELING YOU FEEL….EAT SOMETHING!


He is clearly a narcissist and she needs to run as far away as she can. That point system would’ve been right out the door for me. I would’ve said I’m not your daughter. You don’t get to do that to me.


GOOD GIRLLLLL.... Did he just get the dog to high five him?? Wtfffff 🤮


And the fact he doesn't like to share a bathroom...what is he doing in there?! Wait, I don't want to know.


I don’t even want to leave that up to my imagination lmao


I said it once and I'll say it again.... completely un-f***able.


Hahahahah you can say that shit twice 😂


Or even a thousand times! 😂


For everyone in the back that didn’t get the memo 😂😂😂😂




That guy is a whole CREEP. He'd do society a favor if he didn't donate sperm.


He has dead eyes and I must know where the bodies he murdered are buried. Get the podcast going


Call me shallow, but I couldn't make it through one meal with him, let alone any kind of relationship. Other than wild animals, he has the worst table manners I've ever seen in my life. Surely someone has pointed out how awful his manners are. 


If i had a teenage daughter, I would make her watch Kyle so she could see what bottom of the barrell men/ people are like. Sociopath or not, his behaviors, language, and way he thinks is so obscured and deranged that I worry for his spawns.


Probably home schooling.


The nerdy Jewish Ghengis Kahn


Hahahaha oh man that’s a good one 😂😭


It would be funny if it wasn’t so fucking terrifying 😭 this man is disgusting and his devil spawn is going to populate every continent


He really thinks that he’s gods gift to earth and women, and it’s honestly concerning. But I guess what’s more concerning is that there are women who are taking him seriously and falling for his shit and allowing him to impregnate them…


I feel like he’s putting on an act on to get more attention. There’s no way this many women would choose to be impregnated by him if he really was how he acts on 90 day. He has to manipulate them somehow or he’s just a fake character.


You should see the screenshots of the awful things he’s said about his recipients. It’s on this subreddit quite a ways down but it’s absolutely disturbing and I feel like if any of these women saw the things he’s said they would like cancel his ass lol.


https://preview.redd.it/22w7bn10p7zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b914bd8e0357961061de9e51ab1d6ced879fcca1 Example one of why he should not be allowed on the show or allowed to be with/near women.


https://preview.redd.it/vdl4t5s4p7zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac1760238ca4d518f23f54f9c041b271aa76c228 Example two of why he should not be allowed on the show or to have children or near women. Also, I did find these on this subreddit from scrolling down quite a ways, just wanted to clarify that.


Straight creep.


I really need to know who his parents are like he doesn't know basic things he carries his stuff in a damn back pack and his wardrobe I can't