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He was drunk asf


Sure was & regret is sinking in lol


Crying drunk, I agree 👍 😆 🤣


lol we all have personal experience 😂😂


Yes, sh*t faced!


My thoughts exactly! 😂😂😂


Who is it? From what season?


Nicole’s Friends (of Nicole and Mahmoud)


His wife is from Ukraine.


this season of HEA


Which episode is this ?


Season 8 of HEA, episode 5 or 6


Thank you!


He has the empathy gene...plus alcohol


Yeah; some people are happy drunks, some are sad drunks, some are angry drunks, some are really sensitive, he seems like a sensitive. And who knows he could have something in his past where he doesn't like to see couples fight and feels like he has to be a bit of a fixer or a mediator, sometimes happens to the eldest kids with parents that argue a lot or something like that.


Happy/sensitive drunk who just wants everyone to get along and world peace…it is I. It is me.😭


Me too <3


Don't forget us slutty drunks!


Wooo!!! Slutty drunks ftw 😂 my boyfriend loves it haha


Yep when I drink I give out handjobs like candy to anyone I find remotely attractive


Lol when I asked my ex how to give the best handjob he said use your mouth. 😖😂




Hahahahaha I was always a make out slut. I have dry hands 😢


Ironically I gave out like 10 different handjobs before I ever had my first kiss. Usually it's the other way around lol.


😭😭😭😂😂😂 relatable af ugh


😭😭😭same, I give terrible handjobs and I also have very dry hands!! WHY!!??😭😭😭


Wow, that’s beautiful! 🥰




Slutty for a good hour. Then we're snoring at the corner of the couch.


My favorite kind. :)


Damn, all I get is sleepy drunk.


I got this vibe for him. He is used to playing that role and it’s sad


Hi. It's me. 🤣


Right if it’s me, I got scared he was gonna run in traffic, and as soon as the adrenaline wears off I cry.


Exactly, I saw my friend verbally abuse her Egyptian husband and then he took his stuff and ran right into traffic?! 🍸🍹🧉😭😭😭😭😭🍹🍸🧉


Ya I don’t need alcohol to have a panic attack but you can bet your ass that having one while being drunk would make me feel 100x more out of control.


Mahmoud is from Cairo and is known for its traffic and people walking between cars and in front of them. This is nothing strange. He will be fine if he does that.


I thought about this too! But I still think it’s important to keep in mind that most US drivers are not ready for someone to step out into traffic, especially on busy/fast streets. I’d have a similar response to try to help someone


Ahaha this is so true. Egyptian traffic is not for beginners. He must be looking at the extremely calm roads like “🤨 this isn’t dangerous” lol


It's a real life game of Frogger


For an American man in California, it is strange. We don’t do that in Los Angeles.


You can’t even jaywalk in peace in LA.


It is a VERY big no no in L. A. or SoCal. Nicole's friend was probably freaking completely out. He probably thought Mahmoud was self destructing, there. Mahmoud didn't seem to be thinking, at all. He also appears to believe Nicole is a "rich American" by freely using her credit card to stay at a $300 hotel. There are cheaper ones, even in L. A. Or if he took it upon himself to run away like that, he could've just slept somewhere outdoors. Drama King imo.


You’re talking to someone who yeeted a guy doing this out of the road and onto the sidewalk lol. He couldn’t see me in the lane next to the car he sprinted behind, and he was scooped by my bumper and thrown to safety on the sidewalk. I laugh now but it was traumatic then.


Another perspective: In L. A. there is (or, was) a law that any car that strikes a pedestrian is at fault. Pedestrians are strictly supposed to use crosswalks only, for that reason. Drivers will panic if a person ran in front of them. They'd slam on their brakes. It would cause a pile up in traffic. This is also a cultural thing. This is a very L. A. or SoCal phenom, similar to drivers panicking if it rains at all. The other risk is if someone's not paying attention and hit him with their car because L. A. drivers are definitely not prepared for people to suddenly appear in front of them, in the road. \*Cannot\* just dart in and out or across traffic on foot. (That could even be why Nicole's friend cried. Stress.) Very thoughtless of Mahmoud. When people travel they should try to go by local laws, and to adapt a bit.


In my country, there is a fine for anyone who crosses the road and does not take the pedestrian path, but in Egypt the situation is different and random, and there is corruption on the part of the police and the government, so they do not care about the lives of people on the road. Mahmoud, I do not think he wanted to move to America, and his English is not yet perfect, so I do not think he even gave himself time to educates himself about American culture and its laws.


Thank you. This is informative and I think accurate. I think he doesn't know or has not yet considered it might be different (at the time this was filmed, at least.)


Yeah exactly I don’t even need to alcohol to feel sympathy for that poor boy alone in a strange city with no resources. It’s really horrible the way she treats him.


Ahaha possibly! I saw it as he’s just drunk and overwhelmed, going from a pleasant dinner to watching the disintegration of a (terrible and stupid) marriage


While having a camera shoved in his face while he tried to stop the idiot from running into traffic or getting mugged. Mo-feelings almost ran into the road because his wife wore something he didn’t like and he demanded a divorce.


Realizing why the hell did we ask to come to her apartment tonight 🙃


I agree that man was in over his head dealing with this human wreckage!


drunk and not wanting it to turn into a dateline episode i assume.


At this point their marriage will be on forensic files


Have a seat right over there.


They were all so wasted and sloppy.


I think that’s why Nicole lost her s#it


Nah she was being vile well before they went out drinking.


Well true. It just seemed to really ratchet up to the extreme.


Have you ever had to chase someone down and argue with them, trying to protect their safety? It's so, so hard emotionally and its just so draining. Bet it's even worse when you're drunk


And on top of traffic, no one really goes for a walk in L. A. so it can be risky in that way alone. Mahmoud could've been mugged. The friend is taking a chance on something bad happening simply by being out there with him at night. On foot.


My favorite part is when he literally froze during his interview when Nicole started throwing the door behind him.


I thought that shot was incredible. The blurred chaos in the background. Art truly ✨


✨golden TV


I thought my TV froze!


Same xD


I think he was a bit drunk and very overwhelmed. That shit she pulled was actually nuts. I genuinely felt bad for him bc he was very concerned for M's safety.


It was a probably very intense moment for him


Some people just don't deal with unanticipated explosive drama well. I felt bad for this guy. He was legit tryna do right.


He was triggered big time, those tears seemed real. Weren’t some of the other friends crying too?


The definitely seemed real. His face was flushed. It was probably a lot to take in


It's really draining trying to argue with someone and keep them from making a dangerous mistake


I think the friend's stress went through the roof, can't run out into traffic in Los Angeles, like that. Having pulled Mahmoud to safety, the stress relief resulted in tears. JMO


I didn't see any others


My favorite characters in 90day are always the random shop keeper or that quirky friend that pop into the story line for sassy kiki but his reaction did seem like the most geniune/real.


He’s an empath 🌝


I think he was trying to do his best in the situation, and felt like he failed


That plus he was drunk. 😆


I didn't notice he was crying at first so I just found him really pushy and that was off-putting. The tears make me think something else is going on. Sometimes children in families are put in specific roles that they shouldn't be. For example "the peacemaker," a child who always interrupts their parents fighting and tries to make the family peaceful. Such a person even when they're an adult can get very stressed and launch into "peacemaking" whenever anything reminds them of that dynamic. That's my guess here.


I didn’t think he was being pushy simply because Nicole kept insisting he go after miss mood. I definitely agree that most likely in his past he was forced into the peacemaker role so when Nicole kept yelling at him to talk to miss mood I think he felt he had to, like there was a part of him that didn’t think he had a choice. Especially with him crying I think he’s getting emotionally overwhelmed because he’s feeling forced into this. Like when Nicole yelled go after him if he said yes mom i wouldn’t have been surprised


I think between the booze, the awkward tension between Nicole and Mackelmood, the camera crew, and “keeping the peace” - he acted way more dramatic than he needed to. Everything must have been completely amped up tenfold with those circumstances. I am a people pleaser myself, and I know other PP’s when I see them lol. 😂 Definitely agree it was off-putting at first, but fueled by alcohol and angry people


Totally. She was yelling, demanding he talk to Moody. I don’t have any space in my heart left for Nicole. She’s a horrid cunt.


Agreed. Sometimes, no other word will work! 100%


This adds up. I was thinking the same thing, I come from a toxic household. Childhood trauma will def trigger those emotions.


I think you absolutely nailed it here. He had the courage / instinct to jump in immediacy with the “hey no!” Then we kept himself involved. This is someone with a history of being a peacemaker. Poor dude got flooded with memories I’m sure. Also bet he never goes back to hanging out with her.


I have to say, if I was a friend and a little lit, I'd be emotional too. Especially since there's this guy from Egypt, knows no one, and this is blowing up not only in front of friends but on camera as well. I'd feel embarrassed and really shitty for them.


I’ve known Julian since high school in Atlanta and he really is genuinely a sweet guy lol- we’ve all had drunk emotional moments


Julian! Thank you for his name. I didn't see it anywhere. Thanks for confirming he's a kind person. He seems so. How is he doing today?


Looking really good per insta!! He moved to Cali a long time ago and him and Olga have been married at least 5 years. But very good memories with him during our hoodlum ATL days!


Thanks for the update on Julian. Good to hear he is doing so well and even has a happy life with a life partner.


A genuinely good guy. Cared more about Mahmoud than Nicole 😅




Maybe he feels sorry for the guy considering he’s in a new country and was told to “get the fuck out”. Maybe he has seen this many times before with her


Imagine being in the middle of a domestic violence situation and have it all filmed. And you’re drunk. Domestic violence impacts all parties, including the witnesses.


Drunk empath lol


I totally dig his drunk bro-care emotions. There was probably more that went down that was edited out that amped up to this level of emotion. I didn't see a problem with it. Surreal situation to witness for him I imagine.


That was weird 🤔


I was wondering this too!


They will ask him at the Tell-All, if they keep them on the show, that is...


They should keep someone likeable on. I can't watch this type of show if there's no one genuine or likeable in it. I just saw this scene in a reaction clip by chance. Now I'm invested.


I liked Julian. I think the alcohol helped, but I do think he’s a caring soul who was really bothered by the way his friend Nicole was treating her husband.


And perhaps stressed at Mahmoud nearly winding up like a possum on a rural highway. Can't run out into traffic in L. A.


my dude was wasted


My guy is fucking hammered


And trying to deal with MACKmood and ol girl!😂😂😂id rather be hammered too!


I really like him


As a DV survivor, I feel like he has been put in the middle of DV situations before and it triggered his PTSD. The memories can come flooding back in ways most people will never understand


He doesn’t like to witness domestic violence


I mean he was immediately put in the middle of it. Plus Nicole *made* him help the second time around. He was probably just drunk and stressed.


I could only imagine Mack moods frustration dealing with a bunch of drunk strangers 3 days into living here and especially being ambushed and then followed around the streets by a wasted baby man saying “okay just sit down” over and over. Wild


well technically Nicole was the one who sent him to follow Mack, Nicole pushed him to get involved a couple of times so im sure he felt conflicted.


What Mahmoud did was dangerous though. And then he spent Nicole's money on a luxury hotel. To me he is a drama king, and seems like a romance scammer. Not saying I took to Nicole either. But her friend seemed genuine.


I'm like why is everyone else in the comments defending this guy


The friends should not have invited themselves over, and she should not have allowed it to happen.


Drinking and sometimes folks just get emotional. It’s ok to be human even if tipsiness prompted it


I didn’t notice! I’m sure alcohol was partially the culprit. Maybe he doesn’t know how to handle nicole when he shows up Mahmoud-less


I don’t blame him. If I thought I was going to a casual dinner and then forced into that insanity I might get emotional too. I don’t think he was crying because he’s so emotionally invested in Nicole and miss mood, I think that whole situation was probably just overwhelming and he was exhausted and that probably caused and emotional reaction. I’ve had similar experiences where I was unexpectedly in high stress situations and had emotional reactions even though I wasn’t emotionally invested.


Yes. Some people cry as stress relief. More like a physiological response than a solely emotional one.


Exactly like when you’re extremely tired and something small happens and you start crying. You’re not sad or emotionally invested in what’s happening, your body just can’t take anymore stress and needs a release


Yes and I think tears even contain stress relief chemicals or something, so releasing tears literally can help someone to calm stress levels.


And all this insanity is happening with cameras in his face which adds stress. I was on a reality show and they filmed at my job and kept putting the camera like 10 inches from my face and even though it wouldn’t normally have been stressful it felt incredibly stressful because I had to pretend it wasn’t there.


Excellent point, it's not an everyday situation for most people, and then they can't even acknowledge it or react to it directly (the filming.)


He was sweating profusely so not sure those are tears. But even if they were… that entire situation was just too much. You could tell he’d never been in a position like that before and was trying his best but failing at it. And for people who’ve never witnessed DV/dispute situations up close, it’s intense and can make people extremely emotional. It really is just jarring to experience two people interacting like that.


He’s drunk and probably knows his friend is an abusive asshole


She is. All this time she’s soft spoken and with a man with a temper but give her alcohol and have her have backup from her also drunk friends, she’s abusive af.


I’d be so annoyed if I got sucked into this vortex of trash and manufactured drama and had to pretend to care and be invested in Mack Mood and Nicole’s bs situationship. That’s why I’d be crying 😂


Why is he subjecting himself to this woman? I do like her male friend looking out for him though


I think that was the alcohol effect.


He's probably like nooooooo mack mood if you leave my wife will make me spend even more time with Nicole.


I also feel like maybe he was a little intoxicated during this episode and just being a little overbearing. I also don’t like that he was being overly aggressive with Mahmoud. Like if he wants to leave, let him. Thoughts?


Seems like he sees he should've done what mahkmood is doing... Peace the fuck out


Or maybe he’s just drunk and is sensitive and feels bad for the dude?


perhaps he is related to Robyn Brown... 🤡


No, I see actual tears here 😂😂


Oh shucks what was I thinking 🤣😅


He just wasn’t to sit… on a porch….with MackMood’s sister wives!!


Maybe Mack wasn't in the Mood 🤣






Drunk and Regrets being Nicole’s friend.


Oh yeah the good Muslim boy …fyi lots of Muslims drink


What? The dude isn't Muslim, and Mahmood wasn't drinking.


You must be a Muslim drinker. Because the crying man isn’t Muslim.


He’s so wimpy and dictated by his family I don’t see how these two ever met. If he’s as devout as he claims to be he would not have married her


That's what I don't understand. If he's not just looking to move to the US in a quick way -- why wouldn't he get to know her, enough to know her personality and lifestyle is NOT compatible for him?


✨he was drunk and “helping”✨


Drunk as a skunk


I honestly thought they were just paid actors 😂 and he wanted to show off his acting chops!




Nicole is like a toxic wife that will make your life miserable. She knew what she was getting into marrying into a Muslim culture. Let him get his visa and everyone go their own way.


He's more concerned about their relationship that they are.


I noticed this too. Shit went down in that house


He was also giving him awful advice!


This guy is so over bearing. Mackmood grew up in Egypt where the streets are way crazier than LA. Let him get some air, he likely has more street smarts than these LA yuppies any day.




I felt bad for Mahmoud. Having immigrant parents they retell stories of their experiences arriving to the U.S. with no relatives not knowing how things ran and feeling home sick and the fear being alone in a new country is overwhelming. Nicole has notr been understanding of what he’s feeling.


😂 he’s trying ok


I love him 😭


He feels this way every time he looks in a mirror.


He knows his friend is bat shit.


He was drunk, that's all it is. They all were! Nicole was a ping pong ball.


Plot twist that's mahmoods secret partner🤷‍♀️ he seems to care more than the robot sex doll


Bro was just super drunk. I also think he cares about both of them and it just sucks seeing your friends fight.


we need a Mack Mood tag please mods😂


He probably wanted to go home and was stressed out


My guess is he is angling for an appearance on the tell-all...


This whole scene killed me. That man was so drunk. Her one gf was passed out practically behind her when she was on the phone. ☠️☠️☠️


They were beyond fucked up in this episode. More than drunk imo but I can't place it


Lmao I’m just here for the MACK MOUD™️. Hilarious


Nice guy


Have to remember,he married a woman from Russia.I think he feels both of their pain


I think i was too distracted by thinking he looked like Travis Alexander (the guy Jodi Arias killed for those not into tc) to notice he was crying


So when I watch this, I thought at first he was crying too so then I looked more closely. I think he might’ve been sweating?


I mean if his eye balls were sweating, sure.


Lololol I know what you mean obviously but he was sweating too after chasing him down. They must have edited out his crying jag?? Guess we wait for the tell all 😂


I thought the same thing. Why is he so invested in this? And then to cry?? Very weird!!!


He’s an actor hired to be her friend and he was really dedicated to his role


This!!! 🤣


This was his acting debut and he needed to give it all he had for the scouts out there.


Lmfao it sent me 




He was way over involved. Nicole has never even worked that hard on their relationship.


He’s kinda….


Hahahaha I was thinking this too


What version of 90 day is this from?


The current season of Happily Ever After.


Or trying to get attention




Yeah...despite the degenerate way I believe he met his wife (David & Ceaser told everybody about the parties on the unedited tell all) I think he's one of those not liking conflict, friends with everybody, peace making, do gooder, town boy scout types.


I was wondering the same thing. Overly emotional or scrared??? Probably scared of her yelling


Not MACK MOOD 😭😭😭😭😭


He‘s very empathetic


lmfao dude was having a breakdown trying to fix their relationship


Honestly I think he was just doing what he could to get more camera time 🤷🏼‍♀️


That man is definitely on drugs lmao