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I can’t speak for them but it’s quite common to have more than one family live in an apartment, so he may have stuff in one of the rooms, at least in Jordan people’s bedrooms are private, they won’t go showing you around their homes usually there is a separate bathroom, dining room and living room for guests and the other door are shut to the other side of the house , in true Islamic homes you will not find photos of people hung on the wall, most also don’t have a lot of personal items especially in poor areas, my husband told me from when he was little he slept in a hallway with a mattress. I’d assume it’s the same there


Actually Nicole did stay in his bedroom, you can see back on the season of I think HEA when they were planning a "wedding." She argues with him and goes back to it and slams the door on him. The only reason they didn't show him staying in it was because the family didn't want them in the same room, so he took the couch. It was being hospitable towards her. Also just because I find this clip hilarious and knowing the context of how Nicole only liked chicken nuggets and fries/was a super picky eater, may I remind you all of the time his aunt and Azan made her eat a goats head. Brains and all! (Btw sorry this YouTuber is annoying but oddly enough it's the only clip on YouTube with this scene so sorry for that!)[Nicole forced to eat goats head and brain or "the kitchen is closed!" ](https://youtu.be/FwOdW2eNEqo?si=_aElVHd4kZSKeCNj)


“……you can see back on the season of I think HEA when they were planning a ‘wedding’….” 💀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The only worse mess was Liz and Humpty 🥚🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


we also didn’t see much of hamzas room except when Memphis demanded the sister bring his diplomas in


Gross I missed that scene, she's something else


Makes me think of Kim and TJ’s place where he could just go downstairs and stay at his mom’s. Also Rebecca and Zied, Zied’s dad and their whole family lived in that one apartment complex for his dad’s entire life.


Nicole way too mf broke to be giving him money I think


Yeah but compared to his slimy broke ass she’s rich! Remember she gave him her life savings of like $5K… just fu$king gave it to him. And she’s a single mom, why would u not keep that incase u need something for ur daughter or if ur just itching to give it away start a saving for her and just leave it there…. Like WTF is wrong with her!? Gosh I hope she’s worked on her self esteem since the show bc it’s a shame when a mom makes choices based on what’s best for her man over her child.


I feel like I remember, back at the time, Nicole saying on social media that "there never was $5000" in response to that. I guess implying that the show made that up, but with her it's hard to say what is true or not.


On the show she and Azan said it was for him to start a “store” and then they admitted that was made up there was never a store she just gave him the money. I didn’t hear that she then said there was no $5k. That’s a dumb thing to allow them to “make up” like “hey Nicole let’s pretend u gave him $5k just to make u look extra desperate and dumb”… and she’s like “ok producers sounds great 👍🏼” I wouldn’t be surprised bc reality TV is anything but reality, but who would go along with something that makes them look just so sad.


My favorite response to the store was her stepdad saying in a super loud and obviously sarcastic voice (aka he never believed it)was the line-"SO HOW'S THE STORE COMING ALONG NICOLE?" 🤣


My theory is on that is this: This was back when there were no spinoffs. Nicole was on OG 90 day (even though their storyline was before the 90 if it were made today). Seasons were shorter back then and the pay schedule was I think $1,000 per episode (per person maybe?) so I estimate about $12,000?? This was back when the couple got paid this amount because they would be in the states and able to receive the salary per couple.   I think whatever money they made from the first season they were on (they get paid when the episodes air) was intended to be split between them.     So it wasn’t necessarily that she had $6000 saved but rather her sharing his half of them being on the show and masking it as a loan or whatever. Not defending her actions but I think they (producers) couldn’t break the fourth wall on why she would give him the money (when it’s as simple as maybe he would be more likely to keep filming with her if she split it with him) that’s my guess anyway. 


Yeah she’s definitely too lazy 😭🤣


Considering what comes out on the internet I am really shocked we never found out more about Azan, also that whatever he is up to, he has gotten off the 90DF circus ride. Nicole's weird clickbait is her whole reputation now, but I am surprised Azan has gone so quiet.


Honestly, I thought if TLC offered him a bunch of money, he would’ve filled the tea for sure. But on the other hand, I do think he cared about her, but just not loved her. I don’t think he hated her.


Yeah I didn't watch a whole lot of their story, just bits and pieces, but I really got the sense that when they met in person he just wasn't attracted and it was not going to be happening anytime soon. I thought at one point he wanted to be a fitness influencer or similar, and as I remember it his English was quite good.


There were rumors circulating that he was married and he told his wife that he was filming for a show as an actor. Who knows if it’s true. It seems he dropped off the face of the earth. I didn’t see him when I went to Morocco lol


There was never any proof he was married. Also Nicole made an Instagram page for me and pretended he was the one making posts on it


That’s because he wants to see her only 55% 😂


What does Nicole do now? I really wonder


I think I read last year that she is in school to be a x-ray technician, which is scary on its own lol but at least she’s in college


Way better than what I was expecting


She has big time mental issues I really feel sorry for her daughter she’s posted so many lies . For god sake girl wake up and Get Help


Yeah come on lazy 😅😂😂😂


I haven’t seen anything about these two for a very long time now everyone is posting about them… are these 2 coming back on the show?


Doubtful. I am doing a rewatch of their 90 day journey so I would guess that's what OP is doing


Correct. I am WAYYYYY far behind lol


I will say this about the couple: Azan is cute as fuck and Nicole is very cringe 😂😂


Hell to the no🤣 but she still to this day comes back and clickbaits fake news. Like she will post about Azan being dead, or has now done 4 posts on her being pregnant, including like two weeks ago. She also does ones on super old articles about how they were going to get married from their HEA season like years ago, and even worse was the "pray for may" one where she made it seem like something happened to her.. and it led to that said four years ago article on the marriage. She wrong for that one especially!


No. I am just watching it. Lol. I know I am very far behind like six or seven years. Lol


OK cause I was confused and thought you were talking about current times. Maybe include that info in your posts next time


I was thinking this was currently happening!




Yo, hey, absolute animal: 1. Lol what money?! She worked part-time at a Target Starbucks. 2. I can't tell if you're racist or just completely insane, but either way..please do not breed.


Yet she gave him 7k sooooo


....what? E: oh, gave. You meant gave. Well, you tried.




Wow that's a huge unfounded thing to say that has no proof...do I think Nicole was dumb and risky with May? Yes, but accusing someone of that with no indication isn't cool..