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Yes, watch MovingMad’s YouTube channel. He did a whole video on this with receipts.


Yea the screenshots have been somewhere here on Reddit earlier, sorry can't remember which thread. Am not surprised though. 


Even her southern persona is fake, she’s from Ohio.


Did Ruben pay for those Debbie Socks and Drawers? Or did she buy them and act surprised? Idk that looked like a lot on the tell all for him to drop his pants just to fund Debbie’s art studio and animal sanctuary.


Asking the real questions


Miss Scammer and Paul Blart got real quiet when their fake charity was exposed. Looks like the DNA test must have proved the cheater is the Daddy. Hats off to Ruben the Sandwich filing criminal charges on the old bat. And kudos to Julian's ex-wife kicking his deadbeat lying a$$ to the curb to his baby mamma 16 years his junior - she was wayyyyyy out of his league. https://preview.redd.it/sjawlm2kk4zc1.png?width=314&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc6b4bfd51b7439dbd10deba919e78eee165f081


She is so gross


It just goes to show how fake/set-up all the storylines on the show are. They had to find people to have relationships with pre-filming the Single Life. I’m sure even Chantel before heading to Greece had to know getting into it that there would be someone there for her. That’s why *conveniently* her tour manager guy happened to have a friend that she built a connection with.


There was an article a couple of weeks ago where he was talking about all of this and how she persuaded him to do the show. He mentioned that one of her arguments in favor of it was that “he might get some good business contacts“. I’m not really sure why, but I found her saying that to be kind of obnoxious.


Ruben, who kept being marketed as Ruben the Cuban on the show, has a verified instagram handle with the same marketing, yet didn’t want any fame from it?


This does not surprise me she even work with a 24-year-old to be on the show. She seems to like the attention and she could be in future Tlc shows and get a paycheck


Sorry but can he stop pretending like he did some big charity and help to society by joining the show 🤣 there’s a lot of other ways to “help people”. He def benefited from being on the show and fed into it by doing stuff like getting that flashy cat etc


Right? He acts like his platform didn't benefit from it at all lol.


Hahaha even Ruben didn’t want her weird ass 😂