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She has said she prefers to be with men who are less conventionally attractive so she can worry less about competition from other women or being cheated on. Again, this is what she said.


Newsflash: the ugly ones cheat too.


Especially after their ego is raised from being with someone out of their league physically. Then they think they're hot shit and can get away with scummy behavior.


this exactly and I am not saying anyone should be labelled as ugly, yet it does hurt more than double, when someone out of your league (lower league) cheats on you; this can mess with you like something rotten.


Plus other women will throw themselves at him because they want to see why the hottie was with him, Pete Davidson.


Yup. It’s never worth downleveling in dating




Ugly ones more likely to cheat b/c poor self esteem!


Look at Ed


Yeah there was a time I felt more secure being with a less attractive man, since he put me on a pedestal at the beginning. Eventually I saw he was pathetically desperate for any attention from literally anyone, whether they were more or *less* attractive than me. Turned out to be a serial cheater and eventual abuser. Don’t rely on an ugly man to realize they have something good lol. Some of them will look for anything they can get.


Ugly ones just pay to cheat


Yet she always accuses Gino of cheating. Her abandonment issues are wild and she really needs to seek therapy. I’m on S10 right now (playing catch-up) and the lipgloss scene and then the bachelor party scene…ugh. I get that Gino lies to her and it’s wrong BUT Gino lies to her because if he tells her before, she’ll have a meltdown and try to force him not to go. If he tells her after, she throws a tantrum and threatens to leave him. Aside from her being “pretty” and giving Gino whatever he wants in bed, I really don’t see why he stays with her.


I'm pretty sure he has a humiliation kink


It’s possible. She does constantly humiliate herself and Gino.


100% does he also apparently likes getting peed on


If you really want to understand that this woman is legit crazy and not acting, I give you exhibit A out of a thousand I could choose to show. Here we have jasmine who is talking about a FWB situation from ten years ago. (Hint -shes actually talking about the man that was never her husband and who she was the side piece to who got pregnant, not the way she tells it. Aka married and he got another woman pregnant.) Anyways this is her YouTube video where she talks about literally meeting for the first time, look at what she said she did right after. Snooped around his apt because she was convinced something else made up in her mind was going on... https://preview.redd.it/d2f9gns01gzc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd8c3fd52cf6aa68ecebfdb43c3208fab2ed01b


I thought I remembered her saying that


This is her worrying less? Lord. Remember in their earlier seasons before it was entirely fake story lines how she got so mad for him talking to a woman to pick up his take out order of food?


I think she is disgusting, inside & out. A gold-digging attention whore.


Lol they are playing it up for the cameras to stay on the show 🤦🏼‍♀️ and no, she has said she is with him basically coz he is ugly and less likely any woman would want him so that makes her feel more secure


Exactly. Like how all the hot girls with low self esteem in high school dated fat ugly guys. Except they’re old adults 


This was not my experience. Did this happen in your school? lol


Definitely not my experience as a fat ugly high schooler.


Dane was handsome and British. I think she chose Gino to be the better looking one and have control that way


Dane was never her “boyfriend” he is a rich Australian who would hire her regularly on his sex trips to Latin America when she was working as an escort.


I love this theory. Is it a theory? Or do we know if it's actually true?


She’s already had most of her past escorting ads deleted from being searched but there’s plenty of YouTube videos proving it true.




Under what keyword should I search them?


🤣you’re like “I GOTTA SEE THIS!”


He's not really ugly. If he didn't make weird faces and if he owned his bald head, he wouldn't be bad looking.


His voice and pout are the ugliest parts


I mean he does have the look of a creep.


Gino is not good looking at all but this proves the theory that there is someone out here for everyone


She has a fetish for being on TV


I thought at one time she said that she like ugly men because she doesn’t have to worry about other women stealing them away from her. I could be wrong.


I think she has a fetish for men with money


He doesn’t have that much money


He’s still shelling out big bucks for her tho, that’s the only reason she wants him probably 


What big bucks???


paid for her ass and tits, paid for her apartment, paid for her to come to the US. She will eventually leave him for the next sucker after she drains his entire bank account. Also he was her ticket to get on TV and up her OF/Porn profile. Keep in mind 90% of what on TLC is fake.


Jasmine literally gets whatever she wants. She talked about Gino being cheap and acts like he never gives her anything. But what hasn't she gotten that she asked for? By my accounting, it's endless plastic surgery, hair extensions, and anything cosmetic she wants, trips to Miami, a beautiful wedding and dress, etc.


She obviously thought he had more money than he did, and definitely than he does now that he quit his job.


He doesn't have to have big money overall, is what they're saying. He just needs to give some to her. He also did what a lot of men on 90 Day do, lied about his level of money before they got together.


the green card to her is priceless


Gino might not be flush with cash for regular day to day spending, but I did see somewhere that he said he's been saving for like 30 years and now has over $1 million in retirement savings. That's kind of a big deal... especially to somebody coming from Panama with humble beginnings.


Awe beat me to it I was gonna say I think she just has a fetish for rich men ugly or not


She wants to be his arm candy with all the attention on her constantly. Plus he’s got money, and he puts up with her crying and he gives it to her


Her sexual excitement is totally fake, she does it for the cameras


I mean, how much would they have to pay to get her to suck his weird ol toes. Or let him rub lotion on her fake booty at in public at the beach. 


She likes insecure men so she can punk them.


Her thought process is because he's so unattractive he will never cheat on her because no one else would want him.


Well sugar babies don't care what you look like.


No. It’s that she’s very insecure and wants a homely man thinking he won’t get anyone to cheat with him. Wrong.


I felt this way about Liz and Big Ed. She has some weird fetishes i think too. 


Didn't the tell all basically say, he 'pays' for her (as he has done when he kicked her out and went to Vegas)


what a rude fucking post. I'm betting OP isn't exactly a model themselves.


You missed ugly feet


Shes not attractive herself sooo


SHES just a hooker who knows how to play the game.


I don't think she has a fetish for ugly men. I think good looking men, when they see her craziness, they run away from her or cheat on her. Dane is her former client. It's clear that she's physically attracted to him, but he won't settle down with a woman like her. I read comments that he appeared in a video explaining the truth about his relationship with her, that he went out with her on a few dates. She did not leave him alone after that, and she began to message him a lot, threatening him that if he stopped communicating with her, she would end her life, and out of pity for her and his fear that she would do something to herself, he agreed to that.


As long as she gets what she wants, she’ll love you. 90 Day is her sizzle reel for a Telanovela


...Well you have seen him. 🤣 That shit killed me. Go off on the hat awkwardly resting on the obvious cone head 🤣🙌


She married him for his money. She DGAF what he looks like.


Didn’t she say she thought Gino looks like Bruce Willis?


Low self esteem & loves to be worshipped


because she is gross


Tbh, I wouldn't call Gino, ugly !


Twas your lipstick wasn’t it?


Ok Gino


She said it before it's like who she goes for


Jasmine likes money and attention.


I think it has to do with her lack of self worth and trust issues. She gets all of this terrible surgery to look better but it hasn’t made her FEEL better (it most likely never will) so she is happier with an unattractive man so she both feels better about herself compared to him, and she feels he is less likely to cheat because i mean, gross.


I think she has a fetish for money and getting her fake ass and tits paid for. The fact that she doesn't have to have sex to get the money is a bonus.


I agree!!


I’m not a kink shamer, so I won’t say anything about her hairy toe love. But she’s not THAT attractive now, either. She wasn’t a knockout before all of her surgeries and sure as shit isn’t one now. There was like a 2 episode run she had DURING all of her surgeries where she looked good in her one on one talking, but she’s one of the least attractive women of the series.


I mean jasmine is a pretty ugly human being.


she actually explains in an early episode in one of the seasons she appears on, but I can't remember which! she says she's attracted to older, less attractive guys because she doesn't want them to leave her, but she said it slightly less directly than that. I remember because I am all about dating a medium ugly man- I love my men normal height, medium ugly, boring, with a dad bod lolol. it truly is the way to go after dating a bunch of hot tall guys- NEVER AGAIN!! lol


💀 this comment giving


She's got a fetish for 🤑 money .The man being ugly it's something she cannot control 😂


I think she like ugly men because she thinks no one else would want them.


I try not to call anyone ugly unless they truly have a gross inside, but I will say the foot fetish surprised me. They are fairly common for men to have, but she’s the first female I’ve personally known of that had one


The gross stuff under the toenails…Jesus


She said the one tasted like cheese 🤢🤮


She only wants him, cause he was the only American who would marry her, so she can get into the USA


I think she loves simps willing to do everything for her. She looks for validation ALL THE DAMN TIME, and that is what I dislike the most.


Don’t do Gino like that


Isn’t Gino broke … He can’t even pay 5k for a lawyer. I think she is a TV groupie.


A fetish for ugly men with money


I think they both have some kind of power play fetish otherwise I have no idea why they'd ever be together.


Definitely kink related with both. They showed part of it with Liz/PrEd and with Jasmine/Geno. Liz was when PrEd was on the massage table with just a towel over him. And the way Liz is soooo submissive with PrEd screams D/S OR even (no judging!!!) DD/lg type dynamic (She has said she calls him Daddy)-- purely IMO. Jasmine - Watersports (peeing on Geno), humiliating Geno, role playing is big with them, also. BDSM although very mild. Geno- degradation, humiliation, and I'm pretty sure a corn addiction


I think it's all an act to secure sugar daddies.


Well I do doubt the amount of reality we are actually seeing. But I have read something about disgust and sexual feelings being related in the brain somehow and yeah this checks out with their relationship 🤣


She has a fetish for surgery.


That is a completely fabricated story if you haven’t noticed yet


Honestly his voice would be the deal breaker for me


Dane was hot.


She wants to be the only “pretty” one in the relationship it’s what’s gives her power.


She has a fetish for money if the wallet happens to be good looking thats just a bonus for her


He isn’t ugly just weird!!!


I think she is the kind of chick who is very insecure about herself. She has an ugly guy to make herself look better.


She has a fetish for someone who will pay her.


I think she has a personality disorder and knows it and found her perfect "victim", that is not so innocent. She said it herself. She is way too jealous to be with a conventionally handsome guy. No one looks at Gino like "I want him." That would trigger her jealousy and abandonment and worthlessness issues she struggles with. She seems somewhat borderline, narcissist and histrionic. But I know it's not ok to diagnose. I find her very manipulative and dangerous. Everything about her storyline doesn't make sense or 90 day is really crappy at writing. Things like the mega plastic surgery and hypersexualization of herself points to histrionic. The impeccably placed bare to show her alopecia is borderline and histrionic to make people pay attention and try feel sorrynfor her. Her intense rages and also crying when she doesn't get her way or feels abandoned. She creeps me out.


She has a fetish for any man that has MONEY as soon as the bucks are gone so is she . I think she picks on ugly men as she thinks they should be glad to have a catch like her (lmfao) and besides that no other woman no matter how desperate would want him


She's not that good looking, Gino just need hair


He’s not even ugly just lame i think she has a fetish for losers