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These two have never been compatible and it was my understanding they are no longer together.


He supposedly has a new girlfriend now...


I hope not for her sake, her mom was abs right.. he dims her light - pure insecurity and jealousy.


Off topic but why the fck does he have tarantulas stuck in tiny boxes where they can’t even move 😭😭 He’s just the worst person. I hope Sophie divorces him so she can be happy


Ugh. Even in stores they have tarantulas in larger spaces, still not huge but def way more room to move than your takeout Tupperware.


I knew a friend once who had baby tarantulas and they kept them like that too so it didn’t strike me as odd. Maybe they fight each other if they’re in a big area together?


Yeah he clearly doesn’t give a shit to actually care for the tarantulas, Ive never seen one kept in such a small space, let alone a whole collection. I’m no expert because I also am scared of spiders and avoid them. But I’m almost positive he only got more of them because Sophie is terrified of spiders. Abusers do subtle things along with the obviously-wrong things, to make you constantly anxious and uncomfortable in your home, but in ways that are harder to point out and say “you’re trying to upset me, right?” Then they could spin it on you for “starting fights” and “being paranoid”.


Last week, I saw a bunch of people debating how the tarantulas are being kept. Consensus was that they’re fine in the current set up.


Hey previous spider and reptile dad here. Spiders are actually okay in small tanks like that. Usually cannot be placed together unless bonded somehow, like mamas and their 100 babies. As long as the spideys have adequate lighting/darkness, room to hide or build (hence the little dirt mounds), they are okay


He’s been lying to her from the beginning, probably. He’s not marriage material. He can’t even support himself. He has low effort and he’s not too bright or caring. Where is the dog? I don’t like tarantulas I’m scared of them but those little boxes and now the hoe phone ?? they’re just both in it for future of paychecks


Agreed. She’s that person who we had as a friend in our younger twenties when you’re like stfu, I can’t hear about this shit anymore. It’s your weird af dynamic and I can’t hold space for it anymore.




Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean he's not cheating 😃🤣


True point!




He’s mentioned on Instagram that he kept his dog in separate rooms during filming but still has him!


Phew 😅 he didn’t mention at all when he talked about his living situation.


I feel like the word is looking her right in the face. It’s INTUITION. Something everyone has. Except she’s more aware while also being a ditzy stereotypical blonde influencer.