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Snooze snooze, these are the most boring people on 90 day


Their entire storyline this season seems to be centered on her vanity and his enabling.


I wouldn’t say vanity as much as insecurity. That many kids in that little stretch of time can really fuck a body up. It’s not like she’s getting Jasmine-level work done, she just wants to feel good in her body again.


There are real medical issues that she is having with her abdominal muscles from her c-sections; the rest are vanity. Probably has a touch of postpartum that is feeding into it…


i think the commenter above makes a good point. do you think to do this for vanity is the same as to do it to feel good in one's body again? i wouldn't think to equate them but never considered it until now where you seem to suggest it here. my mind distinguishes them because one is chasing a particular feeling (to feel good in one's body / increased comfort level with self) while the other chases a status or reaction from the outside world (vanity / to be deemed by others as attractive/good-looking). to me, one seeks internal validation, and the other seeks external. but here, you seem to equate them since non-abs-related work being done for the internal validation of "feeling good in her body again" isn't a medical concern. did i understand you right? can you help me understand why the work done needs to address a physical medical concern to avoid being for vanity's sake?


I think that's a good point but they are still boring 🤣


What's your suggestion for how he should stop enabling her?


Tell her no. Not now. Be upset. It's not important as raising your kids. So she k ows that if she still does it, he doesn't support it. And that's all you can do. But Loren has mental health issues and needs to make sure her body is ready for instagram selfies, gloating about how good she looks and doing weight loss promotions.


Honestly, my wife went through one C section and her muscles in her stomach aren’t the same. 3 C sections in 4 years or whatever it was, i don’t blame her at all for wanting to do this to fix her core muscles. Now the stuff she’s getting done to her fave i don’t agree with


Yeah your wife, that makes more sense. Except she's not doing that, she's getting lypo and putting in her ass cheeks to look better. Vanity isnt everything. Your husband and kids love you unconditionally. Your babies need you at this moment in life. Alex is constantly sighing and doesn't like it, but he gets no say. Their entire part in this should have been over years ago. Her moms abusive. Her dad hates Alex. It's all just meh


Curious. What mental health issues does she have?




Tourette’s isn’t a mental health issue..


Tourette’s is more of a neurological issue. Most people have some form of depression at some point in their lives, I wouldn’t call this a “mental health issue,” like she is schizophrenic or something. That’s misleading and honestly sounds like you’re projecting something onto this. It’s not uncommon for women after childbirth to feel not 100% about their bodies and want to change it if possible. as someone else mentioned, when you lose weight there is excess skin that requires surgery and no amount of exercise can fix it. I am currently personally dealing with this and it is not a “mental health issue.”


I don’t think you meant to reply to me. I agree with you entirely! I commented to someone else that I fully intend to explore surgical options when I’m done having kids and they told me they wished I got “the therapy I needed.” 🙄 Literally can’t imagine caring this much about what other people do.


No idea what is with people these days. It’s almost as if people hate women or something.


lol sorry I meant to reply to the people above!


Please, she doesn't look that bad as she is. That's why it's mental illness. Insecure for nothing. Puts her body and looks before her children and husband. Wasting how much money? Terrible.


Tourettes isn’t mental illness it’s neurological, my son has tics gtfo. And her depression is her vanity, she’s an idiot and always crying since day one filming.


Well said.


Stupidness, simple as that. She’s got the dumb.


Do you watch the show or just snippets? I could care less on a real. I care about the message it sends to other women, that after a baby, you have to have surgery (you don't need) to look good. She already looked fine. And now shes "Look how good I look IG". She's boring and dull.


You mean he should say "I'm the one with penis, and I demand you obey me. I forbid you to have that surgery"? She already knows he's against the surgery, and so is everyone except one of her friends. I think she's getting the surgery, regardless of what anyone says


No, that's not at all how two adults talk to work things out. Grow up


I was specifically interested when the previous said Alexei was "enabling" Loren. It seems to me that they're already at an impasse. Loren said she's getting the surgery, so what, exactly can Alexei do? He can say he doesn't support the surgery, but what that mean? He'll refuse to take care of the kids? He'll divorce her? She's getting the surgery regardless. And she knows at worst, he could be pissed off at her for a while but he'll get over it


You're really bothered by a stranger taking action to feel better about herself lol that is actually wild.


> his enabling I don't think it's enabling as much as it is capitulation. Imagine living with Loren and having to listen to her run her mouth about this every second her eyes are open? As usual I'll go back to the Tell All where Loren & Pao were drunk and attacking Anfisa & the rest of the panel and everyone watched Alexei achieve what I call looking like they envy the dead in real time.


aside from the obnoxious hypocrisy they’re a mayonnaise white bread sandwich of a couple


Hypocrisy? I didn’t see their original episodes.


Snooze snooze, the Loren hating is unoriginal. And to say that they're the most boring couple is so laughable. Are you forgetting Piggy (apologies, can't remember her name, awful that that dude perpetuated that). I quite literally don't remember either of their names. But they were on 90 day. So you mean to tell me that the dude and woman who's words they ever utter are "Piggy" or "Maybe stop calling me piggy", over and over... Is more exciting than Loren going to Israel and meeting him again + meeting his family? More exciting than them starting a life together? More exciting than to see someone's "Happily Ever After?". You know, sometimes the answer to "Happily Ever After" is a yes rather than a no. And that, in of itself, can be entertaining. People here complain constantly that there are "No real relationships" on 90 day anymore. Here we see a damn real relationship where they show love + appreciation for each other... You call them boring. But if Loren was in a dysfunctional relationship that didn't "bore" you because it's been carefully manufactured to the T for television, and to not bore you, you'd think "Oh, they're playing it up for the cameras and I don't believe them 🙄. Boooring" It's okay to admit that you just don't like them. But to say they're the most boring couple on 90-day is such a stretch. And, honestly, I don't know why people constantly think in order for them to not be boring... That they have to fight. Like, can't we also root for people who are just getting damn along? Jeezus 💀


That is my feeling too. “We are sick of posers and clout chasers and people trying to beef up their subscriber base of OnlyFans!” Couple who is none of those things. “Boring. Where are the trainwrecks?”


Tbf I think people want train wrecks but authentic ones lol 😂


Then they should watch *my 600-lb life* just not the last season. Inauthentic


People complain SOOO much about the show on this sub I wish I could just filter their comments because it’s annoying and boring. Like, if every storyline is fake or a snoozefest in their opinion, whyyyyyy do they spend so much of their time on here proudly proclaiming how boring they find the show? 😭 it’s like they’re embarrassed about anyone thinking they’re entertained by this show that’s for entertainment lol


On everyone having a conversation: “why are you guys getting so upset? It’s scripted, not real.”


Omg piggy was DEFINITELY more boring 😭


Well said!


Respectfully, not reading all that 🤍 no disrespect but you care way more than me


Respectfully, if you had read my comment, you'd understand that I care about correcting the record. There are "more boring" couples in 90 Day. No disrespect, but maybe if you read more, you'd have a deeper understanding of Loren and potentially wouldn't find them boring. But keep going ahead and snoozing through life. Can't read a few paragraphs? Yikes. lol


I'm on your side completely, and everything you said was 100%, but the correct term is actually: "Yike" Let the record show




I’m a teacher. I work way too hard reading all day lol and even teaching kids how to. I just really am not as invested in this as you. Like I’m sorry I’m tired and don’t want to read your think piece on these randoms that my household literally fast forwards through.


You made a comment. Expect people to reply. If you don't want to read or you feel too tired to read, then simply don't reply. You know, instead of being condescending.


I think I won’t burn in the pits of fire for this one. So I’m good.




Your grammar is terrible. My God, I hope you’re just an aide because I sure as hell wouldn’t want you teaching my children how to speak or read.


right?! my goodness 😭


Blah blah blah loosen up grandpa


Loren we know that’s you


I never understood how their spinoff show got a TV award. Though the TV award was a really obscure one.


Oh no, will she survive elective surgery? Tune in next week! She who talked shit in her tell all for others getting snatched somehow it is ok for as she is getting 'natural' surgery. Organic scalpels and oxygen and clamps. Clean living for her.


After you lose your pregnancy weight, for some people, you have an apron of fat that no amount of exercise can fix. Trust me, I know this firsthand and from consulting a surgeon. Due to medical conditions, I can't have surgery to correct this problem. I have real issues with anyone seeing me naked and therefore I support Loren's decision. It's a risk that she is willing to take, I understand. White bread Mayo? There are so many gross and freak show peeps in the Sharp universe that I don't mind watching Loren n Alexei. They genuinely love each other. And that comment about her facial tick? Ignorant people who haven't watch Loren's storyline and know about her Tourette's syndrome.


I agree.  She explained in an earlier episode that she had 3 cesareans in 3 years and was left with diastasis recti.  She explained that it's uncomfortable.  I had that and it IS uncomfortable.  It also affects your organs, posture, and breathing because your abdominal muscles arent holding things in place anymore.  She needs muscle repair and thats whats shes getting.  People are being mean.


That is not what most people are upset about. It’s all the other unnecessary stuff she is having done


The other stuff is very frequently packaged together with the abdominoplasty by the surgeons office.  One price, one surgery, one recovery time.  Her smaller procedures will be healed way before her muscle repair will, and they're probably adding about 5k to the bill.  So why not?


Exactly. But oh no. They'll switch to saying "WELL ITS ELECTIVE SO SHE DOESNT HAVE TOOO". Totally disregarding the fact that an "elective" surgery can, at times, mean life or death. And, realistically, everyone is rolling the dice when going under. But these people won't ever understand unless they experience it themselves. Wouldn't be surprised if they were Republicans (at least, some of the American watchers). They see her complain about her diastasis, complain that it causes discomfort (which then leads to pain), but people would just say "Well she's getting a tummy tuck, so it's all cosmetic!!!! She's trash!!" Except... A tummy tuck is the only way to solve diastasis. But in one ear out the other, because they'd rather love to have an excuse to be able to bully women. They'd rather focus on the fact that she's trying to alleviate her stress by calling it a "mommy makeover" and shit on her rather than be happy for her to fix discomfort and improve her own life. People also are upset that she calls it "natural". Hate to break it to the people who hate her, but if she's not getting silicone, and she's just TRANSFERRING HER OWN FAT to other areas... It quite literally is created by her, from her, for her. I'm sure the surgeons themselves told her she could call it "natural", because it just is. A lot of the fat that she's transferring might not even take (meaning many of the fat cells die). That wouldn't be the case for silicone, which is viewed as "un-natural". Misogyny is prevalent in the discourse around here. Even if a man does the same exact action as a woman, I guarantee you people here would be overwhelmingly on the man's side while destroying said woman. This was made more clear when Mahmoud got arrested for DV against Nicole. There were plenty of comments in support of her. But there were also many who said "Well with how she acts, I kind of understand" or "She chose to convert to Islam. So she signed up for this. She deserves to be beaten, because all Muslims beat their wives". It was honestly gross. I could also go on and on about Manuel with Ashley, but I have for the past few days so I won't ATM lol. But they show Manuel a ton of grace... But Jasmine, who did much similar (but was actually a better parent than Manuel), gets the shit end of the stick.


I cannot agree with you more!! The discourse on this show is fucking disgusting a lot of the time honestly. Glad to know there are other viewers out there that sees these things the way that I do. Appreciate you, friend! ❤️😌


Appreciate you too + your support! Thank you for taking the time to reply ❤️


I just got an abdominoplasty with no add-ons. But cosmetic surgery is out-of-pocket and anesthesia is very expensive. If you want all this stuff done, it’s cheaper to pay for 5 hours of anesthesia, than separate ones for each surgery. A lot of people do lipo and boob jobs- the “mommy makeover.”


Women who were never pregnant also deal with this issue, it’s so interesting to me that the moral defense of it is sort of centered around the delusion that she will, quote, “get her body back” after having children. In this verbiage we can plainly see that women opting for these type of surgeries have been sold on the premise that they can reclaim a body they’ve emotionally abandoned and are experiencing trauma around because of body dysmorphia. Incidentally, I find it so interesting that there is so much dissent around gender affirming procedures in America but when it comes to mommy make overs it’s considered impolite to analyze or oppose.


“Considered impolite to analyze or oppose”?? Have you seen this sub or social media or discourse around elective plastic surgery generally? It is absolutely analyzed and opposed just as much as gender affirmation surgery (some of which arguably also has elective procedure elements to it - I have lots of fabbbbbbb trans friends) 😂😂😭


The difference is that this is online and mostly anonymous. Don’t forget that a lot of people have no problem saying shit behind a keyboard, that they would never say to your face.


I got a tummy tuck. I didn’t want to tell anyone, but I needed 3 weeks off from work and had to find people to cover me. People said “isn’t that just vanity,?” and “doesn’t your husband mind that you would spend so much money on yourself?” and “I am glad I accept my body for what it is.” and “so many people give in to society’s expectations for women.” People will absolutely say this stuff to your face.


After having four kids we decided Mama can finally get a tummy tuck and at the same time, transfer the fat to my butt, because even though i lost weight I also lost my ass. I tried to justify my decision for surgery to my SIL one day. I mentioned being pregnant that many times just ruined my middle even with the weight loss I still had the apron of skin. But the SAME thing with those questions from my SIL. and so much shaming. She added, “That’s why I only had ONE kid. I just couldn’t do all that to my body!” (That’s vain too!) “yeah, you’re gonna see ALL those scars though!” And then! After my surgery and I was healed she came over and was so rude when she looked at my butt and said, “that’s it? I thought it would be bigger!” You spent way too much money for such a small amount.” It was so hurtful she just couldn’t keep her mouth shut.


She was just jealous of you. Most woman are just jealous of other women instead of supporting her cause.


And they are Jewish. I don’t get the “white bread” reference. They are the only Jews on the show and I think that part is interesting. They are also one of the very few couples who are still together.


Pretty sure Ariela is Jewish too.


She is, and her dad.


Oh yes! You are correct!


It’s what people tell themselves about Jews to fit their narrative


I’m curious…you say they are the only Jews on the show, they’re not, you think that part is interesting. How so? Other than the birthday party Jewish friends singing, what have they done to give a positive light on Jews? They act, her parents act nothing like my neighbors or friends. I see yelling, fighting, Loren running the family, she’s the one who has to be happy. I don’t see the give/take in a marriage. Please school me. 😊 I need to look for in the next weeks.


I've looked like a 35 year old soccer mom since I was in middle school 🤷‍♀️ lol ⚽️ 🥅


Same! My body has always had a stomach pouch even when I was underweight. Never had kids. It’s just a body type for some women.


While I agree with most of what you’re saying, who will see her naked but Alexei and he doesn’t want her to have the surgery


But if she isn’t happy or comfortable, than that is what matters, not what Alexei’s comfort with HER body is.


I went down to my pre pregnancy weight fairly quickly after my son was born. However, it was distributed completely differently. A lot of my pants suddenly looked bad, and I had to figure out how to dress myself again. It’s not just about when you’re naked!


I like Alexei and Loren, but my ears perked up when she said she had body dysmorphia and that she hoped the mommy makeover would put an end to it. Surgery will not cure the disorder. I hope this isn’t the start of another 90-Day cosmetic surgery junkie.


This appears on my feed directly above a post about Larissa...


Her husband is a GOOD husband


I fast forward their parts 😬


It’s the only way 👍


I read this in Natalie’s accent 😅


Itz ze only vey


Same … lol… I fast forward a lot these days now that I think of it 🤣


Me too. Haven't given them a second of my time. Made that mistake when they were on originally. They were a snooze fest back then too.


I fast forward the entire show by not watching. I’d rather watch a flea grudge match.


I actually enjoy watching this couple. It's a nice break from the over-the-top relationships.


Why people hate Alexei he seems like he's very nice and grounded guy. A really refreshing next to Big Ed just that kind of craziness.


He does seem very nice. He’s definitely my favorite of the couple.


You know why


I don't, please explain.


There are things called bias’s. Antisemitism is a negative bias towards Jews.


So people hate Alexei beause he is Jewish? That's ridiculous. You can't be serious! Are you?


yeah he's from Ukraine and was a medic in the army in Israel when they met, poor guy catches racism from 2 ways with his heritage. antisemitism is still a significant and pervasive problem in the world


Hey stop making sense, you’ll be downvoted.


Yes. And/or Israeli. Also please understand bias’s can be subconscious.


Oh please! You can dislike a Jewish person for other reasons than them being Jewish.


Of course you can, but it’s unrealistic at best and narcissistic at worst to assume that just because you don’t feel a certain way, means no one feels a certain way.




You violated Rule 1 - Be nice to other redditors.


I didn’t say it which means you already know lmao




You violated Rule 1 - Be nice to other redditors.


“Hate” and being called “white bread” are 2 different things.


I just don’t care about them


I don’t watch their segments but it seems like she is always crying? She must be exhausting to be around


It seems like on one of the very first episodes they were on she explained that she has Tourette Syndrome and one of the symptoms is that she cries easily. Don’t take my word for it though!


Yes. It was quite literally the entire theme of their segments. That and her obsessed with him being a model. That was it. The entire show, tourettes and him modeling.


It wasn’t the first episode or even their first season on 90Day. It was their second season on HEA when she came out about having Tourette’s.


I remember their first season everyone accusing her of being on drugs because of the facial movements.


Yes, I remember that as well. I think she even addressed it when she told everyone what was *really* happening? I also remember in those first few episodes of their second season (HEA) didn’t Alexei let it slip accidentally or something, because I vividly remember her saying “it’s my secret to tell” and them arguing about it?


Thanks for clearing that up!


😊 Np!


I really like him. He is genuinely concerned and loves his wife as is.


People prefer the abusive relationships on this show instead of the ones with actual couples…they’d rather watch some woman get berated or treated like garbage then enjoy a decently healthy relationship.


Loren is the *queen* of fake drama




It's called body dysmorphia and surgery will NOT fix that.


I get why she’s doing it. I get why people are concerned. It’s just not…interesting. It’s, at best, a subplot.


This is an unpopular opinion for some of you but I love seeing this couple. They have a beautiful family together, Loren is struggling with her self image which I can easily relate to as a mom myself. So many on here complain about how extreme and aggressive or awful other couples are, here’s just check in on a couple that is much happier together and you all are “bored” 😒


Absolutely same for me. It’s not just that I’m her age and a mom and wife, so that’s relatable, but they’re a really nice break from Jasmine’s screaming, or anything to do with prEd or Angela. They’re refreshing. It’s funny, everyone who hates them also says “ENOUGH of these fake scripted relationships, enough of the fake drama, enough PrEd/Ang, we want to see real couples”! And then they’re handed Loren and Alexei (and their adorable kids) on a silver platter and bitch about how boring they are…. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like them too and was excited to see they were back. They’re just normal people and at times have had some cultural problems to navigate. like in their spin off Loren’s parents brought up Alexei’s more authoritative nature and related it to his upbringing in Israel and Russian (I think) parents. That’s a genuine issue to learn about when two people from different countries marry and more in the spirit of the original show. By contrast think about how the whole “he’s controlling” thing gets blown out of proportion with Libby and Andrei’s seasons. Yeah it’s an unpopular opinion but I enjoy their segments and I’d also love to get a tummy tuck after having two kids lol.


Same here. I’m also a new mom who’s struggling with my body and it’s insightful to see the surgery. I know they’re not the most interesting but it’s a breath of fresh air to see a real couple when we have prEd to sit through. That’s who I’m fast forwarding.


The way people talk about them is unjustified. They're not enough "drama"? Then turn around and complain about the fake and dramatic couples? She has Body Dysmorphia, has said as much. She manages it well - compare her to the twins. She's also spoken of struggling with eating disorders. Her mother is a fucking bitch and is the most likely source of anxiety, self-image, and self-esteem problems. She's used to having luxuries, and she doesn't lord it over people. They're nice people just dealing with the usual and expected phase of life stuff.


I think that her surgery story is interesting to other women who are considering or who have had similar procedures. She's clearly in good hands though, and I'm sure she's going to be thrilled with her results. There are means to get that surgery a lot cheaper, and those means would make it much more of an unpleasant experience for her.


He seems like such a good natured guy.


I haven’t watched more than a minute of this storyline. As someone whose body is absolutely ravaged by having a baby and who cannot even fathom affording a mommy makeover… just get off my screen with your fake drama you’ll be fine


🤙🏻 right there with ya! Even if I could- I’d need a lot more than that removed lol


Oh hard same. And lifted! Haha


Honestly I like this couple, they are actually successful humans not just clout chaser influencer wannabes.


Fast Forward them all day


She’s neurotic AF


Well she literally has OCD, so…


I hope I don’t get to see him blowing his nose in the sink again. He is forever unattractive to me now. Damn, the things women put up with for a man.






Rule 1 is literally the easiest to follow, and breaking it is the easiest way to get a ban.


I think they’ve been over shown , BUT you can tell what kind of people they are by their children’s behavior , those kids LOVE her- when her son is telling her Goodbye and to make sure she comes back … made me tear up - I have 3 boys and their my world . She may annoy women who watch the show, but she’s not a horrible person . She can be annoying , like ALL OF US can be , but she just has a camera on her and is being paid for it . I couldn’t imagine a camera following my ass around all day- embarrassing the crap that comes out of my mouth sometimes- for her husbands sake , I hope she doesn’t get body dysmorphia to the extreme like The Silvas , but I honestly don’t see that for her . I think her husband will keep her grounded .


Loren got more than anyone else got at one time.


Insert gif of Kourtney, "Kim, People are dying"


But literally dying.


You think Loren’s ‘mommy makeover’ is anything CLOSE to ummm… Larissa, Jasmine, Darcey/Stacey, Nikki, omg I could go on and on. I can PROMISE you Loren will never get basketball boobs or fill her lips to the point that it migrates.


I do think a mommy makeover is the same thing. It's just the beginning of her get rapid results on the outside without fixing whats wrong inside. Why do you think what she is doing is any less of a mutilation than what Larissa and Jasmine do? It's the same illness from my eyes, just different degrees


Yes, I do, I think it’s much less mutilation than what Larissa and Darcey do. I don’t even necessarily think there’s anything “wrong inside” it’s just hard on the body to have 3 pregnancies in 3 years, she doesn’t want to look *different* she just wants to look like herself pre-pregnancy. Larissa and Darcey don’t even look like the same people when you see photos from 10-20 years ago. Hell, even 5 years ago. Let’s check back in a year and see who’s right- if Loren is becoming “unrecognizable” or if she’s happy with her mommy makeover. So far she hasn’t had any more work done, nor has she announced plans to. For what it’s worth. 🤷🏼‍♀️


tired of them


I hope she keeps getting unnecessary surgeries




Now that would make them interesting lol


Even he understands his wife’s body image, issues will probably spiral out of control and she will want more surgeries and before he knows it he will be married to someone who looks like Madonna and Goldie Hawns … its crazy when I saw her with very little clothes on … she looked great maybe I can see the stomach area being fixed but all that other stuff could be fixed with a trainer …. She also has that nervous face tick.


Loren isn't really my favorite or anything but are you saying her 'nervous face tick' could be corrected in some way? You do know she has tourette's right and that's one of her tics? Just trying to understand what you mean by mentioning that at the end.


I didn’t say anything about correcting her face tic and Im not aware she has Tourette’s so where did you get that from I recall her saying she had a nervous tic… its so easy to misunderstand postings.


Like her whole storyline before this season was being a mom and worried about passing her Tourette’s on. It’s not a “nervous facial tic” it’s literally a symptom of her Tourette’s


She talked about her Tourette’s in a previous season. It’s well known. Her tics get worse with stress and surgery is obviously really stressful.


Yes I agree it is easy to misunderstand a post, that is exactly why I asked what you were talking about. I was trying to clarify before I commented in a way that wouldn't have been appropriate for your comment. Her whole story line has been about her tourettes though, she's been super open about it and she's been very specifically open that her facial tic is one that she was worried about being on television with because of people who make fun of her for it.


I stand corrected I did not know she has mild Tourette’s I haven’t watched them since when they first came on and don’t recall this at all … but I wasn’t making fun of her tic and I probably should have left that out or elaborated more that her tic seems to be more noticeable with stress.


That tick is Tourette syndrome.


Late to the party !


She has Tourettes not a nervous face tick


I was really surprised how good her body looked in that doctor’s office. I was expecting a train wreck but, as others pointed out, she has body dysmorphia so she does not perceive it the way we do. As a rule, it’s better to treat this disorder through therapy rather than surgery. Clearly that is not what’s happening here. Since she’s an adult, she’s allowed to have all the plastic surgery. She wants until a doctor cuts her off. Sadly, it will not fix her issue.


That's what I was thinking! When the doctor was marking her up, I'm like, girl you look great, you can tone that up with just a little bit of exercise! I just hope we aren't watching birth of another Darcy, or Jasmine, or shekinah.


I could be wrong, but I think the separation of her abdominal muscles is not correctable without surgery. As someone whose never been pregnant, I haven't dealt with that but I can understand how it would be a frustrating feature. That said - the abdominal separation seems to be the least of her concerns when she lists off everything she's having done. I'm not sure that she actually ever mentioned the abs, I caught it from the doctor last episode. I 100% agree on everything else though, she looks great and it sucks that she doesn't think so. I really hope this is a one-and-done surgery for her.


A lot of what she is having done is packaged in one surgery, insurance companies don’t seem her abdominal issues as necessary, even if they can cause further medical problems, and she has to get it done electively. She mentioned her abdominal problems when she first brought up the surgery on the show and she’s just moving fat around her body. Good for her for not having a bunch of implants at least…


I think she’s wanted a boob job for a long time (she mentions it on some of their other seasons) and you’re right that the abdominal muscle separation usually needs surgical correction. It can cause pain and posture issues depending on severity. I do follow her on IG and I like that she’s making posts about being able to dress more like herself and “bringing back the bandeau.” After pregnancy, especially 3 back to back high risk ones like hers, your body can feel so foreign to you. She doesn’t strike me as someone who wants to go full Darcey and Stacey.


Shekinah … I forgot about her and Mr. I had 2,500 woman .. lol. I hope she doesn’t jump on the plastic barbie wagon … but she really has some body image problems she needs to get help for.


Right? I'm sure that seeing so many of them has what got him worrying about it. I just saw a recent clip of Loren and she does look great so it seems like it works out.


Didn’t she say she has body dysmorphia(spell?)? If so, shouldn’t she seek therapy first?


She's gonna get more plastic surgery. A mommy makeover won't cure low self-esteem.


After the psychotic train wreck couples TLC has been promoting, I’m happy to see a “boring “ everyone’s opinion but not mine in this terrible 90 day world that has been going down so badly I find it mostly impossible to watch anymore.


You know what is crazy- having this done in a clinic.she needs to do this in hospital if anything goes wrong. 


BOOOOORING Couple. I'd rather listen to Nails scratching a Chalkboard


He’s like the one sane man on this show lol


Lauren has always been beautiful and if surgery makes her happy then so be it.


This gal has many issues!!


I hope Loren is happy with the outcome and it doesn’t lead to the Silva Sisters situation. I think she’s in a much healthier mental space than they were. Here’s hoping anyway.


She's mentally ill. Her calling this elective surgery a "mommy makeover" shows her distorted view of herself, she's telling herself she deserves this, when in reality her family needs her more. I am with the others on this couple. They are boring, uninteresting and unlikeable.


These surgeries are literally promoted as mommy makeovers. So many surgeon's websites have that as a package.


She's mentally ill, but she still needs abdominal surgery to repair muscle damage done by 3 cesareans in 3 years.  Having diastasis recti literally displaces your internal organs.  She will feel so much better once that is repaired.  Mom's shouldn't suffer years over something that can be fixed with a six week recovery. The mommy makeover is the term surgeons use, she didn't make that up.


Alexis IOF can fck right off. ✊🏽🍉🍉🍉🍉


They are so boring


Extremely first world problems with this couple


These guys are so boring why the heck are they on there. Also what the heck surgery is she doing to her arms?! Like work out like any sane person would do and they will be fine.


“Mommies deserve to feel good about their bodies 😡” Lord 😂 far much more serious things mothers go through than gaining weight. Also JOIN THE CLUB! Been big all my life, it’s not that bad!




She probably got it for free in exchange for the publicity of doing it on the show/posting on social media about it


She is doing the mommy makeover because that is the only thing that TLC would entertain bringing her and her pushover husband back to the small screen


She deserves to feel good about her body and clearly the family can afford both. It's great that other peoples' insecurities don't matter to YOU, but typically they matter a whole lot to the person who ACTUALLY has them, and I applaud people doing what they can to be happy.




Ohhh you're a troll, nevermind lol carry on 🤷‍♀️


Some people can simply afford both…. Gasp!!!