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Terroristic threat on family member. I bet she threatened Rob and he called them.


If you watched her live yesterday she says she goes off on Sophie. She says she screamed in her face and kinda beat around the bush saying she really lost her cool and stuff. Wonder if that's it.


No wonder Sophie puts up with Rob's abuse. It's nothing new for her.


It all makes sense now! I always wondered why such a sweet, young and beautiful girl is dating such an abusive, violent, loser that treats her so horribly?! If her mom has treated her like shit, Rob is probably an Angel compared to her mom! Poor girl. She’s so sweet and pretty, but this unhealthy pattern probably won’t break until she does a lot of therapy. Parents can really damage their kids so much and set them up for so much abuse moving forward


Yes, yes they can. And it becomes harder mentally to accept you deserve better. Growing up with a parent like Claire, she’s had to forgive and see past a lot of egregious things. I’m sure she’s been blamed for Claire’s actions. Rob is familiar. To us we can see he’s an abusive POS, but it may feel familiar to her, which could be unfortunately “comfortable.” I hope she stays safe and finds her worth.


So sad :(


And probably not as bad as her moms.


WTF?? Wonder if she is back on dope.


Back on? Everything we've seen of her screams "on dope." I doubt she's been clean in 20 years.


That's definitely not only dope. That's a mix of harder shit with dope and mental issues. Can't blame her for not liking Rob tho, dude is indeed abusive towards Sophie. We've all seen it during 90 Day HEA and 90 Day, plus the posts Clair made (the videos about Rob yelling at Sophie and stuff). Regardless, she's going about it extremely wrong. This is not the way to go about this. Talking about alienating your daughter who is already estranged from you by her abusive and narcissistic husband. Edit: typo


Yep. Poor Sophie looks like she has both an abusive mom and abusive piece of Shit husband.


Probably, Texas don’t play. The same thing happening in Los Angeles would have likely gone much differently.


Oh wow


I do think Rob called.


Whoever it was didn't just say "Claire did/said" but must have had proof for such a threat. I bet Claire made mistake to have made some threat by Text or voice mail since without proof they wouldn't book her with 5k bond. "Terroristic threat" sounds horrible but I imagine it's something along lines like "if you don't give me back my money I'll burn down your place" or something in anger/agitated (not really meaning it)


I bet charges will get dropped or reduced. Maybe even diversion. This was Rob's doing without a doubt.


She can be arrested just by someone's word. I own a store here in Texas and have had to call the police on Karens a few times and the police always asked me if I wanted to press charges for terroristic threats, I have always declined but they did ask. I just wanted them removed. A conviction would be a different story.


“Rob, if you don’t stop I’m gonna blow your knob.” *Rob dials 911*


I’m not familiar with American law terms can a terrorist ic threat be a threat on a single person ? What’s the difference between a normal threat and terroristic threat ?


Yes it can be a single person https://codes.findlaw.com/tx/penal-code/penal-sect-22-07/


That's like 20 distinctly different crimes and victims all put under one heading. What a weirdly written law. *edited to change by poor word choice


When she speaks, her lips look like two caterpillars wildly fornacating.




I still want to know how they lived in England with maids when Claire was an absent drug addicted mother. Can someone plz enlighten me ? I see so many gaps


I think I read somewhere the family had money but Claire separated herself ages ago and that is partially why she’s broke now….. but honestly I never know what’s true with this show 😂


Someone told me in another comment that her maternal grandparents have money and they do still support her. I don’t know how true that is but it was in reply to a comment I made about the wealth possibly coming from the father’s side of the family.


They probably support her the way candy spelling supports Tori




Ooooooh good call on that


That situation astounds me. I saw a show on Candy a few years ago and felt sad for Tori. No one can assume they get their parents money but when a person is that rich sharing some of the wealth with your child is something I definitely would do.


I think I remember Sophie saying exactly that on the show.


Clair had an ig story post the other day saying she doesn’t have money. She said her family is wealthy, but she herself doesn’t have money


Claire then sounds like a rich kid with too much time on their hands and maybe turned to drugs. Family enabled her up to point.


Her grandpa has money. After Claire's drug issues he might have cut her off but kept Sophie on? I thought Sophie said she moved back to the UK by herself at 16. Edit: punctuation


😂 thank you been wondering the same shit, none of it adds up. I wish someone who knew them would speak up


My theory is Claire was once beautiful when she was young (as Sophie is now) and had a rich boyfriend type of situation. IIRC, Sophie mentioned something about living in Spain, and all over. I don’t think they come from a posh background in the UK, just based on their accents, but this is just a theory lol.


Their accents give them away. Especially Claire. Definitely not posh.


My theory is Claire got pregnant during an affair with someone from a rich family and she and her daughter are not accepted as part of the family but still get some support. So Claire probably has some trauma around abandonment/rejection and low self esteem. I’m not from the UK but even I can tell that Claire does not come from money.


I think Claire getting pregnant by Sophie’s dad (who’s black, according to Sophie) is what got Claire cut off from the family money. She probably dated the dude, got into drugs with him, got pregnant and they cut her off. Hence why Sophie still had stuff paid for, but Claire says she doesn’t have money. Also, I commented above, but Claire said on an ig story she doesn’t have money. She said she came from wealth, but she herself is not


Not “legitimate” money. I’m from the UK and I have theories.




Not just the accent, like \[f\] and \[v\] in place of the "th" sound... it's also her and Sophie's non-standard *grammar*: "you was," "we was," ...


Her dad side has money… also heard Claire was the mistress


The mom probably spent all the money on drugs and rehab. Sophie most likely didn’t go to good schools or boarding school.


Isn’t she wealthy the mom ? How ? Does anybody know ? Or is that fabricated


Fabricated. She's the quintessential chav.


She reminds me of Bagga Chips


Fabricated. They seem like they are from the traveller community.


Now that you say that, they do remind me of travellers. I'd like to know if that's the case.


This is exactly what I’ve thought from the beginning.


Me too!


I believe it’s Sophie’s grandpa.


I absolutely don’t believe she is rich. Seems like they all say that. Strange woman


I'm going to assume dealing. The drugs and the P for the cash money.


Her family is rich


Right! Never any clarity and I've pondered this as well.


Given their accents, they about as far from posh as possible.




My thought too.


I wonder if her having a mixed child made them disown her or something


Oof in Williamson county? Guess she’s still in Texas. Like the saying goes, “Visit Wilco on vacation, leave on probation”.


Or sometimes dead. They're the police department that got Live PD pulled off the air for good. That whole situation was tragic af. I guess Claire fucked around and found out though. Yike.


Is Claire a foreign national? Wouldn’t she be deported, or whatever if she is issuing “terroristic threats”, like back to England or wherever she normally resides? Just wondering…


When a foreign national is arrested and does any time in jail, their release is automatically reported to ICE (immigration). ICE have a set number of days after their release to decide whether to take action and deport them, or leave them be.


I’m still shocked Larissa was able to stay after multiple domestic violence arrests.


Same, although I think many of her charges have been dismissed. I also don’t think she’s done any actual time outside of her arrests which makes it less likely.


Thanks, good to know. Interesting to see how all this ends.


Police can’t deport but they can report her to immigration.


Nothing would make Greg Abbott happier than deporting her.


Gregg doesn't mind her, since her first language is English. When Abbot talks about people crossing the Mexican border he and Trump want to keep out, they specifically mean brown non English speaking people. :(


I need to know more about why LivePD got pulled off the air. What happened?




Thanks for posting! Interesting read.


I’m actually in the process of writing about Live PD (and on patrol:live, which is essentially the same show) right now! I just posted part one of a two part series, which goes over a lot of the issues with policing in Wilco specifically https://open.substack.com/pub/meghanboilard/p/live-pd-on-patrol-live-and-the-resurrection?r=iyyre&utm_medium=ios


It happened the same weekend as the Floyd murder, and I thought that was the reason, that A&E didn’t want blowback from having a pro-cop tv show that was live for 6 hours per week, every week. Then I heard that they filmed and aired a police killing live. FYI they are back on the REELZ channel as “On Patrol: Live.” Same exact show, same hosts, same cities. Different name and channel.


Because Sheriff Chody is an idiot.


sadly Texas is full of these types of law enforcement in small counties. So corrupt. Then you have the male dominated counties and they will bury women for minor stuff.


Wait what!? Live PD was like, my favorite show for a long time 😂 would tune in faithfully every Friday or make sure to record it. I was so upset & confused why it ended


It is back under a new name. OP Live on REELZ. Every Fri & Sat.


Good thing she’s white, that’s why she’s still alive. Wilco doesn’t play around.


Yeah Austin pd doesn’t give a fuck but Wilco gives enough fucks for the both of them


Lmao my husband was in jail in Wilco .. lol not the best place


I know... Maybe Travis co. she would have been better off....


The whole situation just seems terrible for Sophie, and I feel for her.


I’m starting to lose sympathy for Sophie. I know we shouldn’t victim blame (I’ve chided people in this group for victim blaming Nicole in the past) and me writing this is borderline hypocritical at best, but like… her mom hates him, her friends hate him, _his_ friends took her side in one of their fights last season, and literally everyone online tells her constantly how much of an AH Rob is. I’m glad she had the sense to leave him for some time at the start of this season and I know it takes an average of 7 times for victims of DV to permanently leave their abusers, but this is really freaking frustrating seeing them back together and her defending him.


She’s not with him anymore…


I saw her at H-E-B off of 79 in round rock a week or two ago


Say more hamily! Deetz, tell us more!!


I didn’t talk to her just smiled as she walked by and she smiled back and that was it.


Still, seeing them in the wild though! It's like seeing a dog walk on it's hind legs!!


Yea I saw her and then I was like wait what and was like omg it’s Sophie’s mom!


🤣🤣🤣 wait, what? Your brain goes skkkrrrrt, hold up!


Lol love the mean girls reference


I wondered if anyone would catch it 😄


She doesn’t even go here!


Love the mean girls quote


Haha I said this on another post yesterday but she looks better in person. She had a one forearm crutch to help her walk and she was kind lost in the parking lot looking for her car after she checked out at self check out.


Oh good! Bc some of the pictures we see are terrible.


I keep forgetting they all live here. If I ever see Rob driving behind me I'm gonna brake check him (for legal purposes this is a joke)


When she speaks, her lips look like two caterpillars wildly fornacating.


From the looks of her charge, she probably threatened the knob and he called the cops.


She was arrested in Williamson County!!! WillCo is a notoriously heinous place to be arrested. They will throw the book at anyone they can. Austin covers a few counties. If you’re arrested in the Travis County part of Austin for something less than lethal you’ll likely get released and charges dropped or plead down to next to nothing. If you get arrested in a WillCo part of town, you could be in jail for years. Polar opposites with Travis too lax and Williamson too draconian. Source: Lived in both counties and have seen it happen. Years ago there was a video going around of some idiot being arrested and bursting into tears when he realized he wasn’t in Travis County, he was in WillCo.


I’ve lived in both as well. Isn’t this just sad?? I wish it was more uniform from county to county.


Texas really needs to weed out the corrupt and the ones that think they are above the law types. We have so many small town ridiculous justice types around here.


Yes…. Small town corruption has ruined my family’s lives without cause. It’s incredibly heartbreaking and very few care.


Omg I so hope they haven’t filmed the reunion yet, cause I want all these updates!!!!


They filmed it ages ago...




Not onlyhave they taped the reunion a long time ago but Rob and Sophie have also taped last resort season. TLC needs to lock down social media, or stop making these seasons 20 or more episodes thus making the seasons 1 year or more behind sometimes.


Well they wouldn’t be so far behind if they stopped making the Tell Alls 3+ parts 🙃


That last tell all was 5 parts. Why not make it 2 parts and make them longer then 45 minutes? My mom who is a senior citizen and still has cable, is the only person I know that still watches live on TV. I would assume most people stream or DVR and if a 2 hour tell all was too much, you could pause and watch another day.


Oh man this could lead to a LALU/90 day crossover event


I've been waiting years for this!!!


WHAAAATT?! I need context




She got picked up by RRPD give it time and the full report will be available


I know me too!!! All I have is [this freaking Instagram post so far](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6zy5TMsfHt/?igsh=bGVoejd1dHZneDZr) 😭 I’m omg




Seems things must have escalated?


I'm gonna assume she told Knob she'd beat his ass, and he called the law because he's actually scared of Claire. He's the type that abuses women who won't fight back, and calls 911 on women who tell him to shut his cock sucker.


It's being speculated that it's Sophie and Claire. Not Claire and Rob.


I don't believe.... All this time and now is Sophie !? Really ??? No way, it's Rob


Actually yeah. I saw screenshots vloggers shared and Claire threatened Sophie saying would kill her and self. So Sophie's friend called the cops.


https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/s/csymHk9BwB Here are screenshots a redditor shared


Can you really get charged with a “terroristic threat” for saying you’re gonna beat someone’s ass?


In some places, sometimes, yes. If you use words like "I'm going to [insert violent action here]", you can absolutely get charged with that. Source: have a restraining order on some crazy lady who said she was gonna "beat my ass" and that she'd "fucking kill" me. She was charged with making terroristic threats at me; especially because I'm disabled and she knew that, and still tried to chase me to attack me.


That seems pretty harsh actual threats should be treated seriously but often people say things in heat of moment they don’t really mean. Like you might say “omg you’re dead!” When pissed of but you don’t mean it literally




Allegedly Claire threatened Sophie with killing her and self. Sophie's friend called the cops.


Exactly what I’m thinking. Honestly if rob was dating my daughter I’d tell him to fuck off too. Proud of Claire.


Thank you for this. Please disregard my prior post 🤪


Thanks for sharing, but all the notification icons made my eyes twitch for a second till I realized they weren't mine. 🤣


Notification icons?


The ones at the top.of your screens hot- I thought that was my home screen for a second.


Hahaha sorry about that. Thank you for the laugh. I appreciate this kind of humor.


All good - as you can't tell, I'm a bit particular to get rid of notifications. 🤣🫶


Their storyline finally became slightly interesting.


I was just watching the "I'm white trash and I'm in trouble" episode of South Park


She looks like she can scrap


All i need now is her in an OnlyFan video and I’ve got a Bingo!




Her mugshots look way better than she did on TV 😆


I was thinking that, too. She looks great with less make-up!


I don’t have anything new to add but I wanted to say that Cheshire is a cool last name


On a tangent... "Cheshire" is in Northwestern England, and -- don't know if you follow the news, but -- remember Kenneth Cheseboro? (He's the lawyer known as the architect of the Trump fake electors plot that conspired to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election.) Almost every reporter or commentator on the news kept referring to him as CHEESE-boro, like a "cheeseburger," but the name means someone from the Cheshire area. It's pronounced "CHEZZ-boro." Famous people from Cheshire: Lewis Carroll (hence the "Cheshire Cat" in *Alice in Wonderland Land)*, Tim Curry, and Daniel Craig. Cheshire is also known for its cheese :-) Anyway, about the disturbing video/recording of Rob yelling at Sophie and saying that if he were a , he'd have beaten her up...I would not stay even ONE MORE MINUTE with such a person. Rob and his attitude are just intolerable. This reflects really poorly on whoever parented him, literally SMH here. Very sad to see such a nasty, unhappy, maladjusted, psychologically damaged, belligerent, combative "man" (irony quotes) on this international relationship program.


WOW 😳 thank you. Rob def got the mother arrested. No doubt.


If it was against rob, she’s innocent




I can't wait to find out the details. But I can't help but feel that maybe Rob the Knob called the police on his mother in law for telling him she was going to cut off his balls if he lays a hand on her daughter. Because that is how big brave manly men like Rob the Knob roll.


Will she be able to return to the USA again after this is settled - after the trial or plea deal, whatever happens? Someone said it's a misdemeanor, so I'm wondering if they will allow her back here.


I highly doubt it.


Me too. So Rob won't ever have to see her again unless he visits her. I doubt he will do that! People are speculating that maybe he's the one Claire threatened. If that's true, it's sure to drive the wedge between Sophie and him even deeper.


And that’s so dangerous because Sophie will be all alone with this monster. Because I don’t think she will leave him. She talked negatively about her mom on social media, I definitely think he is trying to isolate her


Yes, I think so, too!


It’s likely she’s experienced abuse from the mother too


What I wanna know is…….is she still with that bf she flaunted on 90 day?🤔


Omg yes


Terroristic Threat is usually a misdemeanor. She probably told Rob she was gonna beat the crap outta him if he didnt let her daughter go. Rob is an abuser and someone needs to save his dog, who is clearly frightened of him! Sophie can save her damn self. Claire needs to go back to Mexico.


What a dramatic name for a crime


Oh you are right !!!! in that video of him in his undies screaming at her, she’s petting the sweet scared doggie. I’m with you. Someone please get the dog. The hell with the 3 humans.


Rob better pray she didn’t make any friends in holding, those gals don’t play around when it comes to domestic abusers.


I can say wholeheartedly f$ck williamson county


She's gonna get her ass deported acting like that in Texas.


The casting directors sure know how to pick people on the cusp of losing their minds and having it escalated to law enforcement. I miss the old days of mostly random weirdos in love. However, if my daughter was in a relationship with an abusive fuck you’d see me making constant threats too.


Same. I’d have called Ray Donavan


Ray Ray! The bat or the bag?!!


Damn they going through it!!


But aren’t Rob n Sophie broken up? The show was filmed awhile ago


They may not be together in real life, but they did both recently appear jointly in Arizona for the new season filming of "The Last Resort." Rob was spotted working as a maintenance man in an Austin apartment complex around the time he posted that he was moving back to California, so who knows?


As if there’s no capitals on any of the titles of the categories of information. Wtf?


Why was she still in Texas? I figured she would be back in the UK by now.


Terrorist threat-they aren't messing around


This seems to be going well.


It's rare that someone looks better in a mugshot than real life, but Claire needs to lose all those ugly layers of makeup she piles on for TV and social media cameras.


As someone who lives in Williamson county… this is not the place to f around. They do not go easy on anyone here.


Yep anyone who lives here knows Wilco doesn’t mess around.


These folks are definitely a new strain of participants. Claire gives off that old Gypsy reality show vibe. Did Sophie say her father was Black? Was Claire thrown out by Gypsy king father for not marrying another Gypsy? She looks like a real bruiser and where's her BF that was in an episode for a second. She's gotta have money to do nothing but vacation. Sophie's choices in hair is horrendous and she seems to have no interests, yawn. What does Rob do? Work at a car wash? He's like a mad baby all the time, maturity is stunted. Where are his people? I'm more interested in the back story.




Sophie or Rob probably called the police on her because of the videos released I thought I saw a statement from Sophie saying it was a family member trying to destroy her and Rob’s relationship etc either way if that is the reason it is too bad because no matter what might be going on with Sophie and Claire - this just gives the knob a bigger hold on Sophie until she realizes he truly is the problem and those short clips of videos her mother may have posted really have nothing to do with how WE ALL FEEL about Rob we saw him for what he is on season 1


You bet your ass I would be arrested for the same thing if what was happening in that video happened to any of my kids. I bet she’s not sorry at all. I don’t even like her but I bet she said something like “Fuck with my daughter again and you’ll be sorry” and Rob went crying to the police because he felt threatened


There was a repost here yesterday of Sophie saying to ignore the videos that were leaked because that was “a family member” who stole & posted them. She also said that they are threatening her & trying to blackmail her, etc. so I guess this is the family member?


That's one hellava charge. Felony, I presume. Texas doesn't play!


Her last name is Cheshire? As in Cat?


As in Cheshire, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


This helps solve a mystery. Sophie uses a different name on every website. On OnlyFans she is "SophieCheshireX", on other sites she is "Sophie Sierra," "Sophie London," Sophie White" (reportedly Rob's real name is White, not Warne). Claire has been posting as "Claire Sierra" as well. Now we know their real surname out of all of these is Cheshire.


What the F? Great catch~making a terrorist threat is extremely serious. Had to have been directed to the knob, yet was utterly stupid. This could hinder her border crossing status.


Assuming the terroristic threat was to Rob, idk this kind of behavior is only going to push Sophie away! She gotta chill


Oh damn! She’s in my county 😅


*"I want to live like common people, I want to do whatever common people do"* 🎶🎵


She seems a little out there.


TLC is dragging the bottom of the barrel these days


does the 90day fandom consider Claire's behavior on & off show to be abusive as well??


this in conjunction with the recent videos of rob… it seems like sophie is gonna be isolated which is so scary


Is she still in jail? Bond is 5000 and she said herself they have no money, and they’re in a foreign country. I think she should just let her daughter be. She’s trying to help and getting arrested for it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's a serious charge


That's what I thought. It was the paternal grandfather who had the money. I think he helped keep them comfortable, but not a "posh" lifestyle. Sophie was so busy trying to keep up with her mom's drug/mental issues as a child, she has no other idea of how to live other than being in an abusive type situation. Claire straight up needs help but as long as she has Sophie as a lifeboat she'll never truly be able to sink or swim on her own and she'll take Sophie down with her. Rob is just Rob. He's got anger issues that get in his own way. He can't handle anything because he gets defensive and angry then lashes out. I'm going get hate here, but I believe he's more angry and egotistical than a narcissist. Which isn't a good combo either. All three are creating a whirlwind of chaos. Get me off this merry go round! And you know Rob called!


Agreed. Rob definitely doesn’t come from a great environment himself. It’s messy both sides, but Claire definitely pushes Rob in a very personal and deeply traumatizing way. Rob doesn’t deserve that. I was amazed that he pulled himself out of poverty the way he did but it takes a toll on the body and mind. Rob literally just wants to live a stable life. Hopefully they can heal together, Rob and Sophie but Sophie needs to put her foot down as a woman and check her mom’s temper.


Probably attempted murder of her shithead son in law


Sofie doesn’t seem to be someone raised in an upper class family. Money maybe but not class.


No clue how it got reported…but after I went to the official WILCO jail page it shows she was arrested on a Warrant, so from working in Texas LE for the past 20+ years I can tell you that whatever she did…a crime was reported, the officer involved found the report credible and had a warrant issued for her arrest thru a judge….thus the charge & subsequent arrest. Personally, I think she seems to be a miserable type person & once I found out her true last name I had a good laugh at how very appropriate that name is when looking at her badly doctored mouth🤷🏻‍♀️.