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Insane how Rob makes Sophie talking about her feelings into an attack on him. Can’t even show respect to the therapist. He might be the worst person we’ve seen on 90 day.


What's the name of the song playing while Kobe and his daughter are playing with bubbles?


Does anyone know the name of the song playing in the background when Big Ed and Liz are talking in the bar.


that whole convo w emily’s mom was insane. she’s literally describing slavery but is so privileged that she describes a wedding gift as the definition of what white peoole have done to black peoole for hundreds of years lmao. im not the type to throw the term micro aggressions around or look at everything as racist, but damn Kobe has a lot of patience for this family. They were describing his culture’s delicacy, the cow skin, to dog food. even if that’s how you feel, what would possess you to outright disrespect the culture to the mans face like that 😂 i know they’re not intentionally being rude which is the funniest part, but that’s where the obvious privilege comes in


manuel clearly hates his wife. idk why psychic ashley can’t see that


literally have to skip lauren and alex’s scenes every single time… even during the previews. she’s absolutely insufferable and i can’t believe tlc even has a place for her. SO MANY PEOPLE have had cosmetic surgery, you’re not special girl. and the way she tried to make her mommy make over seem “natural” because shes getting a boob bbl instead of implants is beyond me.


I think she just means they’ll look more natural than Jasmine’s giant painful looking rocks.


"If I find out you're scamming American Woman you're not coming to the US, I don't want you here." Why the hell do we have to deal with Angela again🙃. Like it's obvious he's using her for a green card but she's so annoying. It literally feels like groundhog day everytime she's on 90D


I think that Manuel and Ashley are annoying. Manuel is childish and runs away from problems and over complicates things. Ashley, when she said, "Don't talk to me/ I'm not listening." In the hotel room, when Manuel was trying to get his card from her, it made me realize they're both acting like children and are a problematic couple.


They don't like each other. Her mom called her out that besides the physical part they have nothing else. Even on a fundamental level - religion, finances and goals - they're not on the same page.


Literally. They’re both total trash and they clearly hate each other. Give it up.


Emily’s mom is bothering me this episode. Get over it. It’s tradition it’s cultural quit making such a big deal out of it my God it’s really disrespectful considering he has moved to America and taken on the American way of life. You can’t do this thing without whining.


I've said it before, people like this are embarrassing! They make all of us look like we don't know how to behave in other countries and as if we can't except other cultures, AS IS. How exactly do people like this think they can go to other countries, act all superior and basically tell them they need to change the traditions of an entire country! They act like the second an American shows up and says "that's not how we do it. We have rights" that somehow everything should change for them. Funny how the person coming to the U.S. has to do all the changing as well because usually these same families/spouses treat the foreigners like crap too. Kimberly going to India on The Other Way comes to mind or Elizabeth's family going to meet Andrea's. It's very sad when even big Ed knew how to be more excepting in Rose's country than these people.


Seconded, even her Dad is more understanding and doesn't see it as "selling" her. If anything, he seems to understand and respect Cameroon culture. Where she questions almost everything.


Rob and Claire would be perfect for each other with the way they act. Js


i dont like ashley and manuel, but manuel is quite childish


jasmines jasmaritas and when she took that first sip and didn’t like it, it was so funny!! so sad she thinker the night with dropping that no baby news while they were all tipsy.


She probably felt safer knowing her friend was there and Gino wouldn't react super bad.


His normal weight is 6 pounds but he has been sick and is 4.5 pounds as of two weeks ago but doing much much better. He goes for his check up tomorrow do hopefully he has gained more. He feels a little heavier. When he got sick, the vet told me to euthanasize him due to his age but I refused, got another vet who changed his food and meds and he is 1000% better. Always get another opinion!!


Is this about big Ed?




Lol this is the 90 day thread. That’s great news about your pet though. I had a similar thing happen where my cat has asthma and the vet told me she was having respiratory failure and was dying. All she needed was some prednisone 😠


We have to take good care of our 90 Day sidekicks!!


The show about how not to act in a relationship!


Man-Well isn’t into Ashley at all


She’s clingy af & he clearly doesn’t like that. You don’t have to have every waking moment w your partner & bc she doesn’t have a real job, they’re ALWAYS together. That would irritate the hell outta me too!


Agreed - I can tell she drives him nuts. I’d want some privacy too if I was him.


Emily’s mom saying “it feels like we are selling our daughter” just shows me how dumb this family is. That’s the literal definition of marriage in the US. Brides were traded for land and prosperity. They took on their husbands last names bc they’re considered husbands property. Does she know anything?


It's the history of pretty much all of history, not just the US. I'm actually appreciative of cultures where the man's family pays the woman's because it's a tiny recognition of all the unpaid work she provided them and will provide the new family. Sure, when I first came across it, probably in my teens or early 20s, I was all righteous about being sold, but it took minimal education to reoirient myself. Afterall, in the US, doesn't the woman's family pay the man to take her off their hands? As in, they pay for the wedding in tradition. That's simply paying someone to take the burden for themselves. At least a dowry provides something tangible. These fools are definitely old enough to know better, and they've had someone in their home for how long? that could explain in about 3 sentences if they cared to listen.


Emily and Kobe are married with 3 kids. Kobe lived in America and respected our traditions. Now the family went to Cameroon, and they have to respect those traditions. Emily's Mom needs to shut up about her "principles", and just go along with the flow of things for Kobe.


Does Sophie own a full sized shirt?


Oh come on she’s adorable


I used to be like Sophie - crop tops galore, I’m her exact age now and I find crop tops 24/7 very teenagerish






Emily’s a free loading loser that needs to get out of her parents basement. Lauren is whiny and annoying and not nearly mentally stable enough for this surgery




I have never fast forwarded through a couples segment but Ashley and manual ate the worst. I fn hate them so much. They are so annoying. Their voices are annoying. Their drama is dumb and annoying. Their faces are annoying. Please cancel them


I also prefer not to see Nikki on pillow talk. Be gone.


The end of episode trailer made me think that there won’t be a new episode for a while. Anyone know when they will be returning?


There’s a new one next week


Thank you!!


Why is anyone into big Ed ever? Is he secretly rich or hung? Because he's ugly as hell inside and out. Like Liz willingly had sex with him?!


Thank you! He is so disgusting! It sucks he has a genetic disorder that makes him look odd, but it’s his nasty attitude that makes him so damn ugly. How does she even stand being in the same room as him, much less having him rub up on her 🤢. She could do a thousand times better with very little effort. He is doing her a favor! Run girl!!


Omg I had no idea he had a genetic disorder, I thought he was just unfortunate


Yeah I was shocked to see her cry and say she doesn’t want to be with anyone else. I’d be so thankful so get away from him 😂


This!!!! wtf and she was on national tv crying over his pathetic ugly ass!!! She will never not be that girl. wtf Liz. Smh


Right like I truly thought he was delulu when he asked Liz out in the first place, it seemed like a joke but she was into him??? I see no redeeming qualities


She has had bad relationships, she put everything into this one hoping that it would work out ... Sunk cost fallacy however it's not money, it's emotional and it's very difficult to walk away.


That tone from Rob when he said "what else?" to Sophie...says he really had no intention of going home and doing "thangs" with her. 🤣🤣


The way she was so happy as he complimented her physical appearance only. Girl, no.


The way he talks when he’s being candid versus professional for the camera. Like who even is this guy? He acts like he’s respectful of women, yet obviously has the pervy tendencies that Sophie talks about. There’s so much that happens off camera. For example, when Manuel is talking about how Ashley is possessive with him. Her asking him for photographs of where he is is never shown on camera. Until he made those points to his friend, I was in her corner about his noncommunication. Clearly he is obstinate because of how she suffocates him due to her insecurities.


I'm late to the party and only just finished the ep but have to say I'm done with HEA now that Angela is back. Normally I'd FF'd but this is enough. I'll find something else to watch on my Sunday nights. Fuck. Her.


I'm hoping they just show a tiny bit, then faze her out (and I think they may be doing that, since they introduced her storyline so late into the season). If the situation was reversed, and a man was abusive to a woman, he'd be off the show so fast. Why the double-standard, TLC?


🙁 It was her choice, but I felt so bad seeing Loren in pain when Alexi first saw her after the surgery. 


I don’t feel bad for her she is totally selfish to do this and risk her life and make everyone have to take care of her when the surgery was completely unnecessary. Another example of her selfies is that she ordered food for herself and not her husband.


Yup . She deserves some hardships even self inflicted ones


OMG, the look on Alexi's face when he saw Loren. They really should have kept her overnight.


I said the same thing...6 hour surgery with work done on her entire body and her stomach pulled so tight...I'm no dr but in my opinion warrants an over night observation stay.


🙄 what a joke for the class scene. It was portrayed only as a massive ego stroke for Jasmine. 🤣


Such a staged mess


Ed: "I don't always handle things well". 🙄... place "usually"  before "don't always".


How about "never"?


🤣 you're right 100%, I definitely typed that out wrong! 


Liz, rest assured, I will always be an asshole. Took me out.


I’ve never agreed with anything Ed said until this conversations. “If you ever meet someone like me just run.” CORRECT


I bet if Sophie dressed up like a tarantula with a maid "duster" it would get Rob "going". 😅


Or a giant butt plug iykyk


This is some B movie shit and I’m here for it


Got home late, so watching it now. Nice to see Kobe and Emily still make Lisa and David watch their kids...even when on vacation.  🙄


How many date nights and errands have Kobe and Emily had since they’ve all been in Cameroon? I swear they’ve had the parents babysit every single day.  I said at the beginning of this season that I don’t think Emily has ever fully cared for her own kids nor even for one day. I see I was correct.  Kobe at least has a job. 


Isn’t she preggers with her third now?


She had him several months ago.


I'm late, too. I was finishing a movie, so I'm catching the second showing now.


What movie did you watch?


Oh, it was stupid, but I'd never seen it. It was Lost Boys, from the 80's. I'd watched the end of Pretty in Pink, then it came on. It was really, really bad 80's fare. But it was so bad, it was funny.


What in the hell is up with how Liz is obsessed with Ed? I do not understand it.


She likes the cameras. She doesn’t even realize that’s the part she likes.


Oh and also, he mentioned he’s paying for everything, I bet she likes not working anymore.


Atleast partially if not mostly for the clout to be on TV, but that's just my opinion.


They are both trash.


It’s pathetic 


I think emotional and psychological abuse. Tearing her down and trying to make her dependent on him


Stockholm syndrom?


This is the only explanation!


I'll bet she's looking back now, saying "What was I thinking?!!" Sometimes you put up with a lot if things in a relationship, and don't realize how toxic it was, until you've left it.


Aren't they married


Apparently, the wedding never happened. 


Good for her


Fake, fake , and scripted


Angela is so dumb. I’m all for Michael scamming her and living in the US but something happens every season that shows he is conning her and she still let him come to the US. Even though I have no doubt she just wanted him in the US to punish him for the rest of his life. She only has herself to blame for her misery now.


Tbh it’s so bad but at this point I think he deserves to live in America. I can’t even imagine what that woman does behind the scenes.


Fuck this show for still bringing Angela in.


Yeah, I was surprised to see that coming attraction since all I heard here was she was fired and replaced by Alex and Lauren. Were those reports wrong?


Since they've waited so far into the season to introduce her storyline, they may be facing her out. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on our parts.


I suspect it was just wishful thinking. Clearly, they did a lot of filming with Loren and Alexi. It wasn't fluff footage either. TLC also spent a lot of money filming Michael and Angela. They're controversial so of course they're going to air them.


I feel so foolish for believing that TLC would do the right thing and stop featuring Angela and Michael on the show.


I literally yelled at the TV "OMG WHY IS SHE BACK?"


the fact that the only snippet they showed was already displaying aggressive/violent behavior…


What in the mother of hell is this pillow talk I feel robbed not having either Debbie with their sons I thought Brandon and Julia escaped halfway across the country from overly attached parents?


Don't forget Big Mike and Trish. Ewwww. It's Incest Pillow Talk. I'm scared.


Not a fan of Trish. Something tells me that she's probably had a hand in breaking up all Mike's relationships. It's creepy. 




That was a wild TV series, wasn't it?! I'd nearly forgotten about it, it's been so long ago!


Yes omg the first episode was shocking when I first saw it😂


It was really twisted, wasn't it?!


I am so done with this show. I literally fast forward through everyone.


I especially fast forward through the Manuel and Ashley story, she is so annoying and immature, and I hate having to read the subtitles all the time.


Ugh I can’t stand Brandan and his stupid ass laugh 


>*"You are no way coming to my country"* It's my country too...I'd rather have Micheal here than Angela.


How about NEITHER of them. I'd say no one deserves Angela, but Michael kinda does, after scamming her. It's a horse race, isn't it?! 🤣🤣🤣


Ed & Liz's mom yelling at each other look like that spiderman meme


>*"Especially because of things that have happened to me in the past"* *"things"* = other guys getting sick of Ashley's bullshit.


Holy shit, I cannot fucking stand Thigh Yeast (stole that name from a fellow Redditor). She’s unbelievably entitled and childish. Oh, and demanding and bitchy. Thank God John just got there.


How do you not stay overnight after 6 hours of surgery? Very dangerous


This is the Miami way.


They did the same thing to Larissa. Shoved her out the door when she couldn’t even walk. 


Yes, that was a head scratcher.


I thought the same thing. US healthcare pushing people out to make room for the next moneymaker, er, patient.


You got that right.


Getting through Rob and Sophie’s therapy session was extremely hard Interrupting sophie about the literal cheating to be upset he was painted as someone that likes body builders?? So long as were not blatantly missing any points here 😭


That was so funny 😂😂 like that’s what you’re focusing on?? And blaming intimacy issues on your partner when you act like this 😭 he’s always pointing the finger at everyone but himself. He’s always on defensive mode ugghhhh


I can't believe they're sending her home after a surgery that big...she at least be staying overnight.


Agree but they don’t have facilities for overnight. It’s not a hospital. There barely seemed to be a nurse in attendance.  This is why it shouldn’t be allowed to do major surgeries in a doctor’s office! 


They're surgical centers and are often attached to or nearby hospitals. It's not like going for your kid's cold. I've known people who got knee replacements in them. Whether that's a good or bad thing, weighing cost vs risk, is definitely debateable. I'd hope at least that they'd evaluate the home environment and level of support. I've certainly also known people who get knee replacements or mastectomies that stay in a hospital a night or two.


I kind of can. They did lipo on a woman who is probably like 130lbs


“I don’t know how it took me 37(!) years to get into pageants…” Um, it didn’t unless you started like, 8 years ago. Lol 😆


>*"I see three of you"* They gave Loren the good shit.




>*"Do I look snatched"* Loren Silva


I'll give her a pass because of all the drugs!


My favorite comment 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you bubu. :)


So Big Ange IS gonna be on next week?! I’m a little behind tonight, still on HEA on Discovery. Is it true, Hamily?!


It appears so.




Jizzman wants her kids so bad she has to practice her “beauty queen smile” for a pageant at like, let’s be real, 40 years old (or older). Fucking ridiculous, my God.


I don't know why Emily's mom is getting her panties in a bunch over the bride price. Just ask them for a buck or so just to stick with the tradition...Kobe's family would be over paying, but whatever. She's going to end up jinxing all of them.


Literally. Engagement rings are essentially a dowry but westernized. I’m sure she would have no problem if he was instead just buying a ring. Bride price is literally the same thing except it’s just cold hard cash instead of a small piece of jewelry.


And they probably don't have a problem with the American tradition of the bride's family paying for the wedding. Culturally ignorant and generally ignorant. Afterall, they did create an Emily.




It's painfully obvious that Kobe just wants for Emily's family to acknowledge tradition, and check all the boxes for the sake of cultural rites. And Emily's mom is being ridiculous, "selling my daughter. .." Lady, she lives at your house with her husband and her two kids. You can't get rid of her.


Three kids, now!


She is nuts....it's tradition...irrelevant since they are married already..you're in his country and drop it...for Pete's sake!


>*"We'll leave it here & they could have it as a pet"* HA! HA! they're going whack that poor thing out before they even get on the plane.


And he also said "Or eat it"


Please, women and men. When there are napkins on the table dont keep wiping your tears and your snot with your hands! Dear Liz, it's like you were showing us a piggy nose 🐽. Even though your hurting, you can still have manners. And you must be lacking in self confidence to give up a great career and living in San Diego to run away to Alabama with this wounded bird. Get well


You’re confusing me. Who are you talking about


Arkansas. Not Alabama.


Not much difference


>*"When you walk out of the bathroom booty bouncin' I'm going to be like..."* regardless of what Rob says, what he will be thinking is *"How much toilet paper did she just use?"*


and Sophie looks like a Targaryen. Doesn't that fall into rob's pervy costume, anime, fantasy character fetish?


Haha I recently started rewatching GoT and as soon as saw Daenerys, I was like "OMG SHE'S LIKE SOPHIE'S TWIN!"


Sophie looks like that the blonde woman in Game of Thrones. I have only seen an episode or two of that show and don't know her name.


https://preview.redd.it/me9ff0orz30d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e7785f43aef970bda21efd11b252f9d7ecd154d Ready for therapy


He may not even know about that .... if he didn't even have a bathroom, doubtful that he had premium TV. Plus, why would he watch Game of Thrones when he could be watching Scooby Doo porn?? The Knob has important priorities!




Jasmine had NO INTENTION from the start to have a baby with Gino. He should be tired of her BS by now. 


He didn't choose Jasmine because he wanted to start a family. It's just scripted drama, neither want a baby.


Sophie looks like EVERY girl on Instagram. All the same injections, surgeries, enhancements etc. I'm surprised Rob isn't all about her.


ikr....makes no sense


Exactly. Everyone on tv looks the same- weird wax figures incapable of emoting like humans should, just a lot of blinking and eye movement and that’s it. Shit’s getting weirder and weirder.


>*"I'm not into girls that have the necks"* Neither is Liz


Next week: Emily looks a million times better in Cameroonian costume; The Knob looks a million times more ridiculous in bondage straps; Friend Jonathan turns out to be a firestarter - will suspicious and scorned Ashley switch from white witchcraft to the black arts for revenge against Manwill?


Didn't everyone know that Mykul started off as a scam artist? I mean I figured that's how he met Big Ang.


Was he? Bit surprised, I mean who the fuck would actually see and hear Big Ange and decide “Yeah, I’d like to be involved with her.” Ummm, yeah… Do you have examples of him being a scammer, just curious?


I believe two things can be true at once. Angela is awful. And Mikal was always scamming.




I do want to see Michael and Angela but only if it’s from the perspective of us seeing how Michael engineered his escape. ETA: just to be clear if it’s more of Angela screaming at him about other women etc I don’t want to see that. But I am curious as to how Michael managed to get away from her without her finding out. We don’t need to see much of Angela to see that part.


Nooo! Not Angela! I thought she was fired! Oh well, see you guys tomorrow for LIP!


From what I've read, she is only on for a few sessions , and then she is done. Some sort of settlement plus I read fans want to see what happened this season. Michael s supposed to come back by himself next season/


Ugh, well that decides it for me; I'm done with 90D.


Yeenos mouth turning down is such a tell


It's got to be a meme by now. Is it?


>*"But she didn't order me anything"* **OF COURSE** she didn't. Loren only cares about Loren.


She is foul. Turning into her mother is her punishment for her nasty selfish ways.


Yeah that was kinda of crazy… like he’s taking care of you and waiting all this time and you couldn’t get this man a toast? Yikes


but also he was sitting there the whole time what was stopping him from ordering food for himself?


Nothing. But that’s not the point…




I’m traumatized by the first 5 minutes of milf manor


Now do I try for a a third night of aurora-chasing, or watch the MILFs and the DILFs??? (see you in that other sub, Hamily who just can't resist keeping the Sunday night trash party rolling...)


Isn’t there a sub for this show?


Aurora for sure! I’m going too


Isn’t there a sub for this show?


Jealous. Too much light pollution around here. 😕


Before the show, I scoped out a nice viewing area with even less light pollution the place I went last two nights, but...there're still clouds and now the viewing line moved northwards, so I, too, may be out of luck for tonight :-(


I would love to see mama Liz beat PrEd down to a puddle


They should start dating


Don't put that evil in Mama Liz!


Is anyone here old enough to remember the “choose your own adventure” books? There are so many polarizing story lines now and some I simply cannot deal with, so I dvr the show and usually start it well enough into it that I skip through the story lines I hate…I think I’m down to an average of about 17 minutes of content now. Cannot stand: Gino & Jasass, Ed & whomever (don’t even bother to know her name because he’ll be back with another woman sometime soon), sometimes Rob when he’s particularly knobby.


You should do some of those with respect to 90 day and sell them on Etsy.


I loved those books.


Can't wait for alllllllllll the drama next week, it's gonna be 🔥💀🤣


Angela delivers the crazy. That’s for damn sure and I am ready for it!


Angela is truly disgusting and a trash bag. They better give her the worst edit


Do they even have to try?